Mark Scheme (Results) Summer 2014

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2014

Pearson International GCSE

in French (4FR0)
Pearson Edexcel Certificate
in French (KFR0)
Paper 2: Reading and Writing in
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2014
Publications Code UG038832
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Pearson Education Ltd 2014
General Marking Guidance

All candidates must receive the same treatment.

Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the
same way as they mark the last.
Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates
must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do
rather than penalised for omissions.
Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade
boundaries may lie.
There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark scheme.
Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if
the candidates response is not worthy of credit according
to the mark scheme.
Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of
the mark scheme to a candidates response, the team
leader must be consulted.
Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate
has replaced it with an alternative response.
Question Answer Mark
1(i) D (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(ii) C (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(iii) E (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(iv) G (1)

Question Answer Mark

1(v) A (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(i) B (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(ii) B (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(iii) A (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(iv) C (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(v) A (1)

Question Answer Mark

3(a) Theo: B, E (5)

Sadek: A

Fatou: D, G
Question Indicative content Mark
3(b) This question will be assessed according to the (10)
standard assessment criteria for writing given
below. Please refer to Q3a, as this may inform
your Q3b marking.

A range of tenses and timeframes is not required

to attain full marks.

Length has no automatic penalty or credit

The ideas are suggestions only (cf Q6)

Accept wide interpretations of relevant freetime


C5 can include some ambiguity

L5 only requires a good range and general

accuracy in the context of Q3b. There could be

C0 = L0 and vice versa. Send to Review if you

intend to award this to a response e.g. apparently
wholly irrelevant response

Work well above C5 L5 may be seen

No particular register needed

Marks Communication and Content

0 No rewardable material.
Little meaningful communication; only occasionally
Most of the response may have been copied from the
supporting passgage without any attempt to adapt it.
Limited communication; frequently lacking clarity.
Some of the response may have been copied from the
supporting passage but with some attempt to adapt it.
Mostly clear communication with some ambiguity.
The candidates response is mostly independent; minimal
reliance on the supporting passage.
Marks Knowledge and Application of Language
0 No rewardable material.
Narrow range of basic vocabulary and structures.
Minimal accuracy in spelling and grammar
Adequate range of vocabulary and structures, with some
Some accuracy in spelling and grammar with errors.
Good range of vocabulary and structures.
General accuracy in spelling and grammar, although there
may be errors.

Question Answer Mark

4 (i) mdias (5)
(ii) loin
(iii beaucoup
(iv) tristes
(v) jouet
Question 5 10 marks

ORDER OF ELEMENTS Mark the first element only in a 1 mark part,

or the first 2 elements of a 2 mark part.
Incorrect gender and number tolerated if comprehensible esp il(s)
and elle(s)

Targeted lifts are allowed

t.c. = tout court, if nothing else is offered
h.a. = harmless addition
n.f.p. = no further penalty
b.o.d. = benefit of doubt

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(a) (au) Canada incorrect hors du FOR au (1)
prepositions e.g.
Canada dans le Canada, first person
Canada responses then
au Canada et au
Danemark (order
of elements)

au Canada et
jamais au Canada
(order of

Canadien OR

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5 (b) (il tait) sans san(s) for sans son domicile
domicile (1)
homeless plausible abode untargeted
OR (il navait) e.g. pas partial lift : son
pas de maison dapartement pays et se
retrouve sans
OR domicile (no
il navait de targeted, sense)
chez lui manipulation : (il)
se retrouve sans lift of whole
domicile sentence
(untargeted lift)
il navait pas un
chez lui il ne savait pas
o habiter (en
Question Answer Accept Reject Mark
5 (c) il rit (beaucoup il ri(s)e il riz (no (1)
avec lui) ils risent sense)
OR recognisable forms rire (vague)
ils rient (beaucoup of il rit
il rire


ils deviennent amis

OR il trouve la vie
drle (inference)

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(d) les personnages fumer (t.c.) un mauvais (1)
fumaient exemple (t.c.)
smoking fum(e) (vague)
OR (recognisable
on fumait attempt) conjugated
verb without
OR caractre FOR pronoun e.g.
tout le monde personnage fumaient
fumait (qui est un
mauvais exemple) les OR femmes
OR jeunes OR
fumaient (not

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(e) (il ny avait) pas il ny avait une handicapped (1)
une seule seule personne (English)
no personne handicape (pas
handicapped handicape omitted but in
people context)
OR pas un (seul)
handicap personne ntait
(formulated as a

person FOR
personne (in
Question Answer Accept Reject Mark
5(f) 1. (impossible assess first au deuxime tage (2)
dutiliser) lescalier two elements (t.c.) but could be
1. mcanique whether h.a.
escalator presented in
2. portes lourdes Qf(i) and/or refs to first row
2. heavy OR grandes portes Qf(ii)
OR big
doors mechanic FOR

ports FOR

verb lifts e.g.
on a d

montrer FOR
monter in

b.o.d. with

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(g) (trop) prs de inaccessible au premier rang (1)
lcran (t.c. inference) (t.c.) but could be
near h.a.

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(h) (dans une salle) au recognisable (1)
rez-de-chausse forms of rez-
on the (du cinma) de-chausse
floor monter FOR
montrer in
Question Answer Accept Reject Mark
5(i) se plaindre inference : dire FOR parler (1)
demander que le au responsable
to OR film soit projet (Anglicism, no
complain (crire) une lettre dans une salle sense)
de plainte OR au accessible
OR write responsable
to e.g. OR elle fait
manager projeter le film
dans une salle
accessible (+
formulations see

forms of se
plaindre e.g. il
stre plait

complaints :
parler au

crire (t.c.)

recipients e.g. le

reflexive notion
required with
Question Number Indicative content Mark

6 Question 6: see the grids (20)


Best fit grid

No word count penalty or credit per se

Register is disregarded
Bullet points may be treated in any order

Mark globally free responses, not reading comprehension

If offered saultations and valedictions are not considered detrimentally
Incorrect timeframe limits the bullet to partial. NB timeframe NOT tense
No development needed where a detail is sought for full bullet e.g. one
interesting past event needs no embellishment for full credit
In the third bullet of each task, at least two details are needed. In Q6b and
Q6c disadvantages cannot score

Marks Communication and Content

0 No rewardable material.
Little meaningful communication; only occasionally
1-2 comprehensible.
The response is barely relevant to the task.
Limited communication; frequently lacking clarity.
3-4 The response is partially relevant to the task but
there may be major omissions.
Mostly clear communication with some ambiguity.
5-6 The response is mostly relevant and addresses
some aspects of the task
Clear communication with occasional ambiguity.
7-8 The response is relevant and addresses most
aspects of the task.
Clear communication with no ambiguity.
9-10 The response is relevant and fully addresses all
aspects of the task.

Marks Knowledge and Application of Language

0 No rewardable material.
Narrow range of basic vocabulary and structures.
1-2 Very little use of tenses to vary sentences

Adequate range of vocabulary and structures, with some

3-4 repetition.
Some use of tenses to vary sentences.
Uses wide range of vocabulary and structures, including some
5 complex lexical items.
Use of a range of tenses to vary sentences
Marks Accuracy
0 No rewardable material.
Very little evidence of correct verb formation, gender and
Correct spelling is limited.
Some evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement.
Spelling is accurate for some of the response.
Strong evidence of correct verb formation, gender and
Spelling is generally accurate although there may be occasional

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