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An Anthology of Agricultural Research

Book · January 2023


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7 authors, including:

Krishnakumare Baladhandapani Niranjan Sivalingam

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute


N. Kowshika Venkatesa PALANICHAMY Narasimabhrathi

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Tamil Nadu Agricultural University


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An Anthology of
Agricultural Research

Dr. B. Krishnakumare
Dr. S. Niranjan
Dr. N. Kowshika
Dr. N. Venkatesa Palanichamy
Dr. R. Suresh
Dr. R. Rajesh
Mr. A. Agilan
An Anthology of Agricultural Research

Edited Book


Dr. B. Krishnakumare
Dr. S. Niranjan
Dr. N. Kowshika
Dr. N. Venkatesa Palanichamy
Dr. R. Suresh
Dr. R. Rajesh
Mr. A. Agilan

Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-
commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write
to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the
address below.

ISBN: 978-93-5680-148-6

The publisher and editors are not responsible for content/ideas/views
expressed in the chapter.

Sree Kumaran Computers
TNAU, Coimbatore – 641 003

First printing edition 2023.

Dr. B. Krishnakumare
Senior Research Fellow (ICAR-NAHEP-TNAU-IDP)
Directorate of Agribusiness Development
TNAU, Coimbatore.

Agriculture is the most dominant culture in the Indian Sub-continent. It is a

source of livelihood for more than half of Indian population, particularly in
the rural India. Besides, it plays a vital role in boosting Indian economy.
Indian agriculture is a diverse and extensive sector involving different
stakeholders viz., farmers, farm women, rural youth, agricultural researchers,
extension workers etc. Imperial (now Indian) Council of Agricultural
Research (ICAR), established on the recommendation of the Royal
commission in 1929 marked the genesis of agricultural research and
development in India. National Agricultural Research System (NARS) acts as
a brain for the developments that we have witnessed in the past, particularly
post-independence. Since then, agricultural research has played a
phenomenal role in improving the socio-economic standards of the farming
community as a whole. The most notable being green revolution, which has
contributed to Indian economy by providing food self-sufficiency and
improved rural welfare.

Present day youth are the pillars for future Indian farming, and young
researchers have an immense role to play in agricultural development. As
researchers, we have the responsibility to connect science and society by
acting as a bridge between the scientific community and the farming society.
The role of suggesting the researchers about what is needed, educating the
farmers about what is invented, and analysing the impact of what is
introduced rests with us. The book, An Anthology of Agricultural Research,
is such an attempt to contribute to the vast source of literature available in the
fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Remote sensing, Artificial Intelligence,
Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics etc. Primarily, it was aimed to
encourage budding research scholars in the field of agriculture to publish
their work. We hope that, it would be a small contribution from the young
researchers to our desired field.

S.No Title Page No.
Blockchain Technology: Advantages, Concerns and
1. Applications in Agribusiness. Kavithambika S., Senthil 1-7
Nathan T.S., Vivek G. and N. Venkatesa Palanichamy

Resource Use Efficiency and Technical Efficiency of

2. Cotton Production in Tamil Nadu. Nandhini S. and 8-17
Kalaiarasi D.

Biodegradable Polymer Coated Urea Fertilizers to

3. Enhance the Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Maize. B. 18-27
Balaganesh, S. Murali and M. Sinduja

Intensification of Pollution and its Impact on Avian

Communities and Migratory Birds. M. Sinduja, V.
4. 28-39
Sathya, P. Kalpana, B. Balaganesh, M. Maheswari, K.
Boomiraj, M. Shankar, S. Ragul

Horticultural approaches for climate smart cities. N.

5. Kowshika, T. Sankar, and G. Rajthilak 40-49

Effect of Growth Regulators on Rooting in

6. Horticultural Crops. Suresh R, Senthamizh Selvi B, Rajesh 50-57
R, Prithiva J.N. and N. Jagathjothi

Ion Channels as Target Site of Insecticides. J.N. Prithiva

7. and R. Rajesh 58-67

Recapitulation of Agriculture Emission and Carbon

8. Market in India. 68-76
D Kalaiarasi, and A Rohini

Application of Drone in Agriculture. Karthik Kumar A.

9. and D. Pandiya Kumar 77-85

Breeding for Low Temperature Tolerance in Vegetable

10. Crops. Naveena E, Rameshkumar D, Shankari and Rakesh 86-95
Crop Yield Estimation using Remote Sensing
11. 96-103
Techniques. Tamil Mounika. R, Janarth. S

Entomopathogenic Nematodes – A Potential Warfare

12. Candidates Against Insects. Vyamasani Shravani and 104-113
Shandeep .S.G

Symptoms and Their Management of Physiological

13. Disorders in Vegetable Crops. Naveena E., Rameshkumar 114-125
D., Sankari R. and Selvi P.

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture. T. S. Senthil

14. Nathan, S. Kavithambika and Dr. N. Venkatesa 126-134

Weather Influence on Fusarium wilt tr4 in Banana

15. (Musa paradisiaca l.) Production. Sankar. T, Kowshika. N 135-147
and Gopi. V
Dr. B. Krishnakumare
Department of Agricultural and Rural Management
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Dr. S. Niranjan
Division of Agricultural Economics
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi

Dr. N. Kowshika
Agrometeorology Consultant
Elixir Consultancy Services

Dr. N. Venkatesa Palanichamy

Agricultural College and Research Institute
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Dr. R. Suresh
Department of Spices, Plantation, Medicinal & Aromatic
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore

Dr. R. Rajesh
Department of Agricultural Microbiology
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Mr. A. Agilan
Department of Agricultural and Rural Management
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

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