Modelgauge m5 Host Side Software Implementation Guide

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ModelGauge m5 Host Side Software Implementation

UG6595; Rev 4; 12/21

The ModelGauge m5 Host Side Software Implementation Guide describes the startup sequence to
configure and use the MAX17260/1/2/3, MAX20355/7, MAX77658 fuel-gauge functions for EZ config
and custom models.

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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Register LSBs ................................................................................................................................................. 4

2-Wire/I2C Functions .................................................................................................................................... 5

WriteRegister ............................................................................................................................................ 5
ReadRegister ............................................................................................................................................. 5
WriteAndVerifyRegister ............................................................................................................................ 5
Initialize Registers to Recommended Configuration .................................................................................... 6
Step 0: Check for POR ............................................................................................................................... 6
Step 1. Delay until FSTAT.DNR bit == 0 ..................................................................................................... 6
Step 2: Initialize Configuration .................................................................................................................. 7
Step 3: Initialization Complete ................................................................................................................ 10
Monitor the Battery .................................................................................................................................... 11
Step 3.1: Check for IC Reset .................................................................................................................... 11
Read the Fuel-Gauge Results ...................................................................................................................... 11
Step 3.2: Read the RepCap and RepSOC Registers ................................................................................. 11
Step 3.3: Read the Remaining TTE Register ............................................................................................ 11
Step 3.4: Save Learned Parameters ........................................................................................................ 12
Quick Start................................................................................................................................................... 13
Step T1: Set the Quick-Start Bits ............................................................................................................. 13
Step T2: Wait for Quick Start to Complete ............................................................................................. 13
MAX1726x INI File Format .......................................................................................................................... 14
Option 2: Short Format ........................................................................................................................... 14
Option 3: Long Format ............................................................................................................................ 14
Trademarks ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Revision History .......................................................................................................................................... 16

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List of Figures
Figure 1. MAX1726x fuel-gauge model loading sequence. .......................................................................... 6

List of Tables
Table 1. Register LSBs for MAX1726x ........................................................................................................... 4

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This document describes the startup sequence to configure and use the host side ModelGauge m5 fuel-
gauge functions. The host side fuel-gauge should be initialized and loaded with a customized model and
parameters at power-up. Then the reported state of charge (SOC) and other useful information can be
easily read by the host system over the 2-wire bus system and displayed to the user. Figure 1 is a
flowchart of the power-up sequence that a host controller should implement.

Register LSBs
Similar register types in the ModelGauge™ m5 devices share similar formats, i.e., all the SOC registers
share the same format, all the capacity registers share the same format, etc.

Table 1. Register LSBs


Or 0.5mAh with 10m. For internal RSense parts, refer to the IC datasheet for
Capacity 5.0Vh/RSENSE
Capacity LSB.
SOC 1/256% Or 1% at bit D8.
Voltage 0.078125mV Or 1.25mV at bit D4.
Or 156.25µA with 10m, signed two's complement number. For internal RSense
Current 1.5625V/RSENSE
parts, refer to the IC datasheet for Current LSB.
Temperature 1/256°C Or 1°C at bit D8, signed two's complement number.

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2-Wire/I2C Functions
The following I2C functions are needed in the load model process. They are described in pseudocode


int WriteRegister (u8 reg, u16 value)

int ret = i2c_smbus_write_word_data(client, reg, value);
if (ret < 0)
dev_err(&client->dev, "%s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;


int ReadRegister (u8 reg)

int ret = i2c_smbus_read_word_data(client, reg);
if (ret < 0)
dev_err(&client->dev, "%s: err %d\n", __func__, ret);
return ret;


void WriteAndVerifyRegister (char RegisterAddress, int RegisterValueToWrite){

int Attempt=0;
do {
WriteRegister (RegisterAddress, RegisterValueToWrite);
Wait(1); //1ms
RegisterValueRead = ReadRegister (RegisterAddress) ;
while (RegisterValueToWrite != RegisterValueRead && attempt++<3);

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Initialize Registers to Recommended Configuration
The IC should be initialized prior to being used. The registers described in this guide should be written to
the correct values for the IC to perform at its best. These values are written to RAM, so they must be
written to the device any time power is applied or restored to the device. Some registers are updated
internally, so it is necessary to verify that the register was written correctly to prevent data collisions.
During the whole initialization process, it is important to keep the system consumption to minimum and
disable any charging. Ideally, the battery is in the relaxed state during initialization. This helps to get
better initial SOC estimation.







Figure 1. ModelGauge m5 host side fuel-gauge model loading sequence.

Step 0: Check for POR

The POR bit is bit 1 of the Status register.

StatusPOR = ReadRegister(0x00) & 0x0002;

if (StatusPOR=0){goto Step 3.2;} //then go to Step 3.2.
else { //then do Steps 1-2.}

Step 1. Delay until FSTAT.DNR bit == 0

After power-up, wait for the IC to complete its startup operations.

while(ReadRegister(0x3D)&1) Wait(10);
//10ms Wait Loop. Do not continue until FSTAT.DNR==0

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Step 2: Initialize Configuration
Any battery is supported by one of three types of configuration data. According to the configuration
data, only one of the following sections 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3 needs execution.

HibCFG = ReadRegister(0xBA) ; //Store original HibCFG value

WriteRegister (0x60 , 0x90) ; // Exit Hibernate Mode step 1
WriteRegister (0xBA , 0x0) ; // Exit Hibernate Mode step 2
WriteRegister (0x60 , 0x0) ; // Exit Hibernate Mode step 3

2.1 OPTION 1 EZ Config (No INI file is needed):

WriteRegister (0x18 , DesignCap) ; // Write DesignCap
WriteRegister (0x1E , IchgTerm) ; // Write IchgTerm
WriteRegister (0x3A , VEmpty) ; // Write VEmpty

if (ChargeVoltage>4.275)
WriteRegister (0xDB , 0x8400) ; // Write ModelCFG
WriteRegister (0xDB , 0x8000) ; // Write ModelCFG

//Poll ModelCFG.Refresh(highest bit),

//proceed to Step 3 when ModelCFG.Refresh=0.
while (ReadRegister(0xDB)&0x8000) Wait(10);
//do not continue until ModelCFG.Refresh==0

WriteRegister (0xBA , HibCFG) ; // Restore Original HibCFG value

Proceed to Step 3.

2.2 OPTION 2 Custom Short INI without OCV Table:

WriteRegister (0x18 , DesignCap) ; // Write DesignCap
WriteRegister (0x1E , IchgTerm) ; // Write IchgTerm
WriteRegister (0x3A , VEmpty) ; // Write VEmpty
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x28 , LearnCFG) ;// (Optional in the INI)
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x13 , FullSOCThr) ; // (Optional in the INI)

WriteRegister (0xDB , ModelCfg) ; // Write ModelCFG

//Poll ModelCFG.Refresh(highest bit)

//until it becomes 0 to confirm IC completes model loading
while (ReadRegister(0xDB)&0x8000) Wait(10);
//do not continue until ModelCFG.Refresh==0

WriteRegister (0x38 , RCOMP0) ; // Write RCOMP0

WriteRegister (0x39 , TempCo) ; // Write TempCo
WriteRegister (0x12 , QRTable00) ; // Write QRTable00
WriteRegister (0x22 , QRTable10) ; // Write QRTable10
WriteRegister (0x32 , QRTable20) ; //(Optional in the INI) Write QRTable20
WriteRegister (0x42 , QRTable30) ; //(Optional in the INI) Write QRTable30
WriteRegister (0xBA , HibCFG) ; // Restore Original HibCFG value

Proceed to Step 3.

©2021 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 7 of 16

2.3 OPTION 3 Custom Full INI with OCV Table:
2.3.1 Unlock Model Access
WriteRegister (0x62, 0x0059) ; //Unlock Model Access step 1
WriteRegister (0x63, 0x00C4) ; //Unlock Model Access step 2

2.3.2 Write/Read/Verify the Custom Model

Once the model is unlocked, the host software must write the 32-word model to
the IC. The model is located between memory locations 0x80h and 0x9Fh.

//Actual bytes to transmit will be provided by Analog Devices after cell


//See INI file at the end of this document for an example of the data to be
Write16Registers (0x80, Table [0]) ; Table [0] is 16 words described data
described in INI file format
Write16Registers (0x90, Table [1]) ; Table [1] is 16 words described data
described in INI file format
WriteRegister (0xAF, RCompSeg); // RCompSeg value is described in INI file

The model can be read directly back from the IC. So simply read the 48 words
of the model back from the device to verify if it was written correctly. If
any of the values do not match, return to step 2.3.1.
Read16Registers (0x80) ;
Read16Registers (0x90) ;
ReadRegister (0xAF) ;

2.3.3 Lock Model Access

WriteRegister (0x62, 0x0000) ; //Lock Model Access
WriteRegister (0x63, 0x0000) ;

2.3.4. Verify that Model Access is locked

If the model remains unlocked, the IC will not be able to monitor the
capacity of the battery. Therefore it is very critical that the Model Access
is locked. To verify it is locked, simply read back the model. However, this
time, all values should be read as 0x00h. If any values are non-zero, repeat
Step 2.3.3 to make sure the Model Access is locked.

2.3.5. Write Custom Parameters

Wait 100ms
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x05,0x0000); // Clear RepCap
WriteRegister (0x18, DesignCap); // Write DesignCap
if (saved parameters history exists) {
LoadFullCapRep = Saved_FullCapRep;
LoadFullCapNom = Saved_FullCapNom;
LoadRCOMP0 = Saved_RCOMP0;
LoadTempCo = Saved_TempCo;
LoadCycles = Saved_Cycles;
} else {
LoadFullCapRep = DesignCap;

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LoadFullCapNom = DesignCap;
LoadTempCo = TempCo;
LoadCycles = 0;
WriteRegister (0x10,LoadFullCapRep); // Write FullCapRep
intAttempt = 0;
do {
WriteRegister (0x45, LoadFullCapNom/2); // Write dQAcc
WriteRegister (0x46, 0x0C80; // Write dPAcc
Wait 10ms
WriteRegister (0x23, LoadFullCapNom); // Write FullCapNom
While (((ReadRegister (0x23) ! = LoadFullCapNom) |
(ReadRegister (0x45) ! = LoadFullCapNom/2) |
(ReadRegister (0x46) ! = 0xC80)) && attempt++<3) ;
Update_Capacity = Integer (ReadRegister (0xFF)/ 25600.00 * LoadFullCapNom);
WriteRegister (0x0F, Update_Capacity); // Write MixCap
WriteRegister (0x1F, Update_Capacity); // Write AvCap
Wait 200ms
WriteRegister (0x1E, IchgTerm); // Write IchgTerm
WriteRegister (0x3A, VEmpty); // Write VEmpty
WriteRegister (0x38, LoadRCOMP0); // Write RCOMP0
WriteRegister (0x39, LoadTempCo); // Write TempCo
WriteRegister (0x12, QRTable00); // Write QRTable00
WriteRegister (0x22, QRTable10); // Write QRTable10
WriteRegister (0x32, QRTable20); // Write QRTable20 (optional)
WriteRegister (0x42, QRTable30); // Write QRTable30 (optional)

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2.3.6 Updating optional registers. Some or all of the registers listed below
could be optional and may not be included in the INI.
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x28 , LearnCFG); // Write LearnCFG
WriteRegister (0x2A, RelaxCFG) ; //Write RelaxCFG
WriteRegister (0x1D, Config) ; //Write Config
WriteRegister (0xBB, Config2) ; //Write Config2
WriteRegister (0x13, FullSOCthr) ; //Write FullSOCthr
WriteRegister (0x2C, TGAIN) ; //Write TGAIN for the selected Thermistor
WriteRegister (0x2D, TOFF) ; //Write TOFF for the selected Thermistor
WriteRegister (0xB9, Curve) ; //Write Curve for the selected Thermistor
WriteRegister (0x2B, MiscCfg) ; //Write MiscCfg

2.3.7 Initiate Model Loading

Config2value = ReadRegister(0xBB)
; //read the Config2 register (0xBB)
WriteRegister(0xBB,((Config2value) | (0x0020))) ; // Setting the LdMdl bit
in the Config2 register

Poll the LdMdl bit in the Config2 register, proceed to step 2.3.8 when LdMdl
bit becomes 0.

//Poll Config2.LdMdl(0x0020)
//until it becomes 0 to confirm IC completes model loading
while (ReadRegister (0xBB)&0x0020){
WriteRegister (0x0A, 0x0000);
WriteRegister (0x0B, 0x0000);
Wait 10ms ; }

2.3.8 Update QRTable20, QRTable30 and Cycles

WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x32, QRTable20); //Write QRTable20
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x42, QRTable30); //Write QRTable30
WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x17, LoadCycles); //Write Cycles

2.3.9 Restore HibCFG

WriteRegister (0xBA ,HibCFG) ; // Restore Original HibCFG value

Proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Initialization Complete

Clear the POR bit to indicate that the custom model and parameters are successfully loaded.

Status = ReadRegister(0x00) ; //Read Status

WriteAndVerifyRegister (0x00, Status AND 0xFFFD) ; //Write and Verify
Status with POR bit Cleared

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Monitor the Battery
Once the IC is initialized and customized, the host can simply read the required information from the IC
and display that information to the user.

Step 3.1: Check for IC Reset

Periodically the host should check if the fuel gauge has been reset and initialize it if needed.

StatusPOR = ReadRegister(0x00) & 0x0002; //Read POR bit in Status Register

If StatusPOR = 0, then go to Step 3.2.
If StatusPOR = 1, then go to Step 0.

Read the Fuel-Gauge Results

Step 3.2: Read the RepCap and RepSOC Registers
The IC automatically calculates and reports the cell’s state of charge in terms of a percentage and the
mAhrs remaining. The RepSOC (as a percent) is read from memory location 0x06 and the RepCap (in
mAHrs) is read from memory location 0x05.

RepCap = ReadRegister(0x05) ; //Read RepCap

RepSOC = ReadRegister(0x06) ; //Read RepSOC

The RepSOC has a LSB of 1/256%. Round the RepSOC to the nearest integer value.

Step 3.3: Read the Remaining TTE Register

The IC also calculates the Time-to-Empty register (TTE). TTE is in memory location 0x11h. The LSB of the
TTE register is 5.625 seconds.

TTE = ReadRegister(0x11) ; //Read TTE

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Step 3.4: Save Learned Parameters
It is recommended saving the learned capacity parameters every time bit 6 of the Cycles register toggles
(so that it is saved every 64% change in the battery) so that if power is lost, the values can easily be

Saved_RCOMP0 = ReadRegister(0x38) ; //Read RCOMP0

Saved_TempCo = ReadRegister(0x39) ; //Read TempCo
Saved_FullCapRep = ReadRegister(0x10) ; //Read FullCapRep
Saved_Cycles = ReadRegister(0x17) ; //Read Cycles
Saved_FullCapNom = ReadRegister(0x23) ; //Read FullCapNom

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Quick Start
This section is not needed in most applications. In some cases, if the battery protection is triggered or
voltage transient appears during IC initialization, the initial OCV detection is off from the real OCV. This
results in bad initial SOC estimation. In this case, the quick start command helps the device to get the
correct initial SOC after the supply voltage is stable.

Step T1: Set the Quick-Start Bits

Data= ReadRegister(0x2B) ; //Read MiscCFG

Data |= 0x0400 ; //Set bits 10
WriteRegister (0x2B, Data) ; //Write MiscCFG

Step T2: Wait for Quick Start to Complete

//Poll MiscCFG.QS(0x0400) and FSTAT.DNR until they becomes 0 to

confirm Quickstart is finished
While (ReadRegister(0x2B)&0x0400 and ReadRegister(0x3D)&1) Wait(10);
//do not continue until quickstart is complete

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MAX1726x INI File Format
When high accuracy is needed and when Analog Devices generates a custom INI file, the INI is in one of
the formats mentioned below. The examples below can be used to structure the software to read the
custom INI for the battery. Option 1 (not shown) is the EZ mode, which does not have a custom INI.
Option 2: Short Format

ModelVersion=8745 //This keeps track of the version of the INI generator


Option 3: Long Format

Title= C:/xxxx/1234_1_111111.csv


;;; Begin binary data

;;; This is formatted as 16-bit words, each on a new line.
;;; Numbers are formatted in hex, for example: 0x0000
; Ignore the first 16 words. These are used by EVKit software only
; 16 words. Data starts here for Address 0x80 for use in Step 2.3.2
; 16 words. Data starts here for Address 0x90 for use in Step 2.3.2
; 16 words. They are the same value for RCompSeg register. The value is for
loading register 0xAF in Step 2.3.2
; Ignore the remaining 32 words

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ModelGauge is a trademark of Analog Devices Products, Inc.

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Revision History

0 3/18 Initial release —

Added WriteRegister (0x10, FullCapRep) and WriteRegister (0x45, DesignCap/2)

1 4/18 8
lines of code to 2.3.5 Write Custom Parameters

2 6/18 Updated 2.3.5 Write Custom Parameters 8

3 5/21 Updated Section 2.3.2, 2.3.5, 2.3.7. Quick Start, INI file format —

Updated the Title and Abstract, and section’s “Introduction”, “Register LSBs”,
“Initialize Registers to Recommended Configuration”, “2.2”, “2.3”, “Monitor the
4 12/21 1, 4, 6-10, 12-14
Battery”, “Read the Fuel-Gauge Results”, “Quick Start”, “Table 1” and title of the
Figure 1

Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be

accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by
Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents
or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.
Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is
granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent
rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks
are the property of their respective owners.

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