A. General Information
1. Authors : Diah Meta Arofah, S.Pd.
Fitriyani, S.Pd.
Shofiyah, S.Pd.
Syahregina Alyuvany, S.Pd.
2. Subject : English
3. Phase/Year : D/9
4. Elements : Writing-Presenting
By the end of Phase D, students communicate their ideas and experience
through simple, organized paragraphs, demonstrating a developing use of
specific vocabulary and simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan,
create and present informative, imaginative and persuasive texts in simple
and compound sentences to structure arguments and to explain or justify a
position. They include basic information and detail, and also vary their
sentence construction in their writing. Students express ideas in the present,
future, and past tenses. They use time markers, adverbs of frequency and
common conjunctions to link ideas. Their attempts to spell new words are
based on known English letter-sound relationships and they use punctuation
and capitalization with consistency.
5. Material : Procedure Text (Recipe)
6. Time Allocation : 8 x 45' (4 meetings)
7. Prerequisite Learning : Simple present tense, vocabulary related to
food and beverages
8. Pancasila Values : Critical thinking, creative thinking, and
9. Infrastructure and Facilities : Classroom, LCD projector, internet access,
and laptop
10. ICT Tools : Google Classroom, LearningApps.org,
Mentimeter, Padlet, Canva (Infographic),
Blooket, and Ms. PowerPoint
11. Target Learners : Reguler students
12. Learning Model : Genre-Based Approach
B. Main Components
1. Meaningful Understanding
After learning the materials, students are able to tell how to make a
particular food chronologically and develop a healthy lifestyle.
2. Learning Goal
Students will be able to write a procedure text related to healthy food recipes.
3. Learning Objectives
a. Students are able to analyze social function, the structure of the text, and
language features of procedure text related to recipes of healthy food.
b. Students are able to evaluate social function, the structure of the text, and
language features of procedure text related to the recipe of healthy food.
c. Students are able to utilize action verbs (cut, pour, boil, slice, mix, etc.).
d. Students are able to apply adverbial phrases (for five minutes, two hours,
e. Students are able to implement temporal conjunctions (first, second, third,
before, after that, finally, etc.).
f. Students are able to arrange imperative sentences.
g. Students are able to organize an outline related to the procedure text.
h. Students are able to develop the outline into a good procedure text.
i. Students are able to present their works in the form of infographics.
4. Assessment
a. Formative Assessment
1) Attitude (Observation Check List)
2) Knowledge (Reading Comprehension)
b. Summative Assessment
Skill (Scoring Rubric)
5. Stimulating Questions
a. What kind of food do you usually eat?
b. What are the ingredients?
c. What is your opinion about healthy food? (Is it okay if we consume food
most of the time?
d. In your opinion, what to consider as a healthy food?
e. Now, what’s your favorite healthy food?
f. How do you make it?
6. Integration of ICT
The implementation of digital learning tools in this learning assists
and facilitates the exchange of information between teachers and
students, particularly in procedure text.
Meeting 1
1. The teacher shows some pictures of food in the
PowerPoint Slide.
Activity 1
Aim: To 2. Students are to observe the pictures and answer the
activate questions asked by the teacher.
students’ prior a. What are the main ingredients of food in Group A?
knowledge on How about in group B?
the topic b. Which one do you prefer to consume on a daily
basis? Why?
c. What will happen if you consume the food in group
B frequently? Why?
3. The teacher gives comment to students’ response and
emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrients for
human’s health.
4. The teacher relates the pictures with the topic that the
students will learn.
5. The teacher tells the students that at the end of the
lesson students are expected to be able to produce a
healthy food recipe and present it in the form of an
infographic and show some samples briefly to create the
first students’ big picture about the final product.
Main Activity
1.The teacher shows some examples of procedure texts
in PPT.
2. Students are to skim the texts to answer the teacher’s
questions orally.
a. What do the texts tell us about?
b. Why does the writer write the text?
c. What are the similarities between the texts?
d. What are the differences between the texts?
e. If we want to share a recipe, which text is suitable?
3. The teacher explains that there are various types of
procedure text, one of them is recipe.
4. The teacher explains that a procedure is aimed at telling
the reader how to do something
5. The teacher shares a link to access Padlet to the
Activity 2 students.
Aim: To
identify the
social functions
of procedure
1. The teacher asks the students what they have learnt in
the meeting.
2. The teacher asks the students the usefulness of what
they have learned in their own real situation.
Modelling of the Text (MOT)
Meeting 2
1. The teacher asks students what they have learned in
the previous meeting.
2. The teacher appreciates the students.
3. The teacher tells the students what they are going to
learn in this meeting.
Main Activity
1. The teacher shows various genre of texts in PPT slides.
2. Students are to identify what are the texts about and
how the texts are organized.
Activity 3 3. Students are to examine the procedure texts and
Aim : To determine the purpose of each text and its structure in
identify the Mentimeter.
structure of the
text and check 4. The teacher explains to the students that there is a text
students’ that involves telling the reader how to do something.
comprehension 5. The teacher tells the students that procedure contains
of the text step-by step instructions for a specific tasks.
(Assessment) 6. The teacher discusses the importance of the sequence
when following a procedure.
7. The teacher divides the class into small groups (3-4
8. The teacher asks the students to re-assemble parts of a
procedure texts in LearningApps.org -with the following
headings: Purpose, List of Ingredients, Steps, and Image.
9. The teacher assigns the students to work together to
rearrange jumbled sentences into a good sequence in
12. The teacher gives feedback to students’ response.
13. Students are to work individually to answer comprehension
questions in Blooket.
1. The teacher appreciates students’ participation in the
2. Students are to sum up what they have learned in this
3. The teacher tells the students what they are going to learn
in the next meeting.
Meeting 3
1. The teacher asks the students what they have learned
Activity 4 in the previous meeting.
Aim : To check 2. The teacher plays a vide of making a healthy food to
students’ attract students’ attention.
comprehension 3. The teacher directs students attention by telling the
of the text students that in real-life situation sometimes they need
to give instructions to do or make something (e.g: giving
instructions to siblings).
4. The teacher tells the students that they are going to
learn to tell how to make something, especially food, to
Main Activity
1. The teacher divides the class into small groups of 3-4
2. In groups, the teacher asks the students to brainstorm
individually the menu that they are going to make
3. Students are to work in groups of three and write their recipe
individually in Google Docs.
4. The teacher reminds the students the structure of procedure
5. After creating the procedure text, the teacher tells the
students that they are going to have intragroup and
intergroup review and revision.
6. The teacher shares a guideline to review their work.
7. Students get their work back and revise it. If students have
not finished revising their work, they can take it as homework.
8. The teacher monitors students’ work.
9. Students are to submit their works after they have done the
revision by sending their Google Docs link in Google
1. The teacher thanks and appreciates the students for doing
the task seriously.
2. The teacher asks the students what they have learned in
this meeting.
3. The teacher asks the students the usefulness of what they
have learned in their real-life situation.
4. The teacher tells the students that the feedback will be
given in the next meeting.
Independent Construction of the Text (ICOT)
Meeting 4
1. The teacher asks the students what they have learned
in the previous meeting.
2. The teacher tells the students what they are going to
do in this meeting.
3. The teacher tells the students that what they have
learned previously will help them to have a better
Main Activity
1. Students are to create their own recipe in Google
Docs, either real or fictional, using what they have
learned about procedural texts.
Activity 5 2. The teacher encourages students to check the
Aim : To write a coherence of the text whether the steps are in
procedure text chronological order (self-review).
individually and 3. The teacher encourages students to do self-review to
present the check the structures and mechanic (spelling,
work into an punctuation).
infographic. 4. Students are to revise the text based on their self-
5. Students are to exchange the text to others to get
review and feedback.
6. Students are to revise the procedure text based on the
feedback that they got.
7. Students are to present their texts into a poster by
using Canva.
8. Students are to submit their posters in Google
9. Students are to publish their poster in their social
B. Formative Assessment
1. Knowledge
a. Cloze Passage
b. Jumbled Paragraph
c. Jumbled Sentences
d. Jumbled Words
e. Comprehension Questions
2. Attitude
C. Summative Assessment
Scoring Rubric for Writing and Presenting
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