Q2 DLL-MAPEH 9 - Music
Q2 DLL-MAPEH 9 - Music
Q2 DLL-MAPEH 9 - Music
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of Classical period music demonstrates understanding of
Standards: characteristic features of Classical period music.
B. Performance The learner sings and performs themes of symphonies and other instrumental forms sings and performs themes of symphonies
Standards: and other instrumental forms.
The learners….
C. Learning describes musical elements of given Classical period pieces; (MU9CLIIa-f-1)
Competencies explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of composers/performers, and audience) during Classical
(MELCs) Period (MU9CLIIa-f-3)
relates Classical music to other art forms and its history within the era; (MU9CLIIa-f-2)
(5 MINS)
B. Establishing a Guess the Title! Paint Me A Picture! Learning Task 1: Learning Task 1:
purpose for Watch and listen to the Group the class Identify the following Identify the art form
the lesson recordings. Guess the into 2. composers by each statement below
(ENGAGE) tittle by choosing answer Each group will supplying the missing refers to. Choose the
from the box. imitate the letters. answer from the words
Hints: picture flashed in the box.
1. Mozart Piano on screen in 10 (see attachement
Sonata No. 16 C seconds every SLM page 13) Theatre
major K 545 picture. Literature
Barenboim The group with Painting
the same act Architecture
will be the Sculpture
2. Ludwig van
Beethoven - Piano winner and gain
Concerto No. 5 in points. 1. It is an artwork that
MAPEH DLL School Year: 2023-2024
E-flat major, Op. (The teacher show uses paint, pigment,
73 'Emperor' pictures of selected color or other medium
v=p3qfJQGngQc scenes from Idemenou to a solid surface.
3. Mozart - and Marriage of Figaro 2. It is an artistic form in
Symphony No. 40 Opera.) which hard or plastic
in G minor, K. 550 materials are worked
[complete] (10 mins) into three-dimensional
https://www.youtube.com/watc art objects.
4. Excerpt from 3. It is a stage
Mozart's "The entertainment.
Magic Flute" 4. It is a written work. 5.
https://www.youtube.com/watc It refers to the physical
structures or building.
(5 mins) (5 mins)
C. Presenting Familiarization of the Based from the activity Ask them the Answer the given
examples/ songs! earlier, what are the following: question.
instances of Ask them the following: moods have you 1. Wo among
the new 1. What is the portrayed/act out? these What do you think is the
lesson tempo? composers are importance of these
(EXPLORE) 2. What dynamics (5 mins) you most artworks during the
were used? familiar? Can Classical era?
3. What is the you share
texture? something (5 mins)
4. Describe the about them?
melody. 2. What are their
5. Is this music important
familiar to you? contributions
Where did you first to Classical
hear it? music?
(5 mins) (5 mins)
D. Discussing The teacher will lead the The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will briefly
new concepts discussion about the discuss Vocal Music of discuss the Great discuss about the Facts
and Instrumental Music of the the Classical Period composers of the from Classical period.
practicing Classical period. Classical Opera Classical period.
new skills #1 Refer to SLM page 6-11 Refer to SLM page 20
Refer to LMs page 51 Refer to SLM page (10 mins)
(15 mins) 15-16
(30 mins) (20 mins)
E. Developing Make a graphic organizer CONCEPT MAP! Answer the given Answer the questions
mastery that shows the difference Let the students questions. below based on what
MAPEH DLL School Year: 2023-2024
(leads to among Sonata, Concerto, create a A. What are the you have read in this
formative Symphony. Your graphic concept map. performance practices lesson.
assessment) organizer must be On the concept that you’ve noticed in 1. How will you relate
(EXPLAIN) comprehensive and neat. map, briefly the article? the changes of music in
(5 mins) discuss the B. Who are the three the Classical period in
distinct features great composers its history?
of the two types during the Classical 2. What is the
of classical period? connection of Classical
opera. C. Which composer music with other art
(5 mins) do you like most? forms?
D. Who supported the (5 mins)
composers during the
Classical period?
(10 mins)
F. Making Ask The students to Live/Lip Sync! “GRAFITTI” Draw a symbol that will
generalizatio discuss briefly the With the same In a short bond paper, represent the relation of
ns and characteristics of Classical groupings. make a colorful graffiti Classical era and
abstractness music. that will show the Classical music. Write a
to the lesson Watch and observe the performance practices short explanation about
(ELABORATE) (5 mins) excerpt from the Magic during the classical it.
Flute ‘Queen of the period.
Night” Criteria for rating Criteria:
v=YuBeBjqKSGQ 1. Creativity (Use Creativity (use of art
of colors and elements) 10 pts
Let the group imitate neatness) 20% Originality 10 pts
and do lip sync of the 2. Originality 30% Content 15pts Neatness
scene. For group who 3. Content (must 5 pts
has good voice can do be connected Clarity of explanation 10
live singing. in the pts
(use rubric for this (15 mins)
(15 mins)
G. Evaluating Match column A with (use the rubric for (use the rubric Fill in the blanks with
learning column B. Write the letter evaluating group presented earlier to the correct words. Write
(EVALUATION of your performance) evaluate students your answer in your
) answer in your notebook. output. notebook. 1. The
Classical period is also
called as “____”.
MAPEH DLL School Year: 2023-2024
COLUMN A 2. The musical forms
1. Sonare . during the Classical
2. Sinfonia period are __.
3. Concerto 3. The Classical period
4. Allegro is called as ____
5. Opera
4. During the Classical
period, the musicians
A. It means slow movement moved from the __of
B. It means to make sound. the Baroque period.
C. It means fast movement. 5. The __ and __of this
D. It is multi-movement work ancient art motivated
designed for an orchestra. artists, architects and
instrumental soloist and musicians to move
E. It means a harmonious away from the
sounding together. excessively decorated
(5 MINS) standards of the
Baroque period.
(5 mins)
H. Additional Complete the statements On your notebook, Remediation:
activities for below. Write your answers Cite the values you Explain the quotation
application in your notebook. can derived from the below in relation to the
and 1. In this lesson, I stories or lives of the content of the lesson.
remediation learned that____ three composers in Write your answer in
(EXTEND) 2. In this lesson, I the Classical era. your notebook. “To
discovered that Write your answer in improve is to change; to
_____ your notebook. 1. be perfect is to change
Franz Joseph Haydn often.” -Winston
2.Wolfgang Amadeus Churchill
3.Ludwig Van (Remind them also for
Beethoven the Weekly Test)
A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________
B. Number of learners
MAPEH DLL School Year: 2023-2024
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________
D. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation:
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did this
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?