Method of Productivity
Method of Productivity
Method of Productivity
to compute efficiency of energy transfer ly, we are barely in a position to list some
within the system. In this kind of analysis, of the factors which may be significant.
some value derived from the measured pri- Among these factors are those relative to
mary productivity is used to express the the immediate history of the organisms, the
input of energy into the herbivore level. past and present condition of the environ-
Lindeman (1942) developed a model in ment, and the trend of growth in both
which he introduced the concept of energy populations. Not only do the primary pro-
flow, illustrating it with data collected in ducers themselves have rather different
natural ecosystems. It was consistent with abilities to utilize the available light en-
his purpose to express the data as energy ergy, but the consumers of this trophic level
ated by the use of modern instruments, method is of limited use because changes
radioactive isotopes, and computers for in standing crop of phytoplankton reflect
analysis of data. only the net effect of many biological and
physical events. For example, standing
Standing Crop and Yield crop may be greatly diminished by preda-
The standing-crop method has been used tion and water movements, while at the
by aquatic biologists for the longest time same time photosynthetic rates may remain
and is still used for estimating the produc- high. The measurement of plant pigments,
tivity of rooted plants (Westlake, 1965), also a standing-crop measurement, is fre-
quently used (Richards, 1952). Some prob-
tions can be made for the diffusion of oxy- enough for measurable changes to occur,
gen across the air-water interface this meth- but not long enough for depletion of nu-
od can be used to estimate the net rate at trients or bacterial growth on the bottle
which the community is incorporating CO2, surface. Respiration can be estimated by
without enclosing it in a bottle (Odum, pairing each "light bottle" sample with a
1956). If measurements are made at regu- "dark bottle" from which light is excluded.
lar intervals over a 24-hr period, the aver- Putter (1924) and Gaarder and Gran
age hourly decrease in oxygen during (1927) were apparently the first to use this
hours of darkness can be determined. It is method. They recorded the oxygen in the
then assumed that respiration removes this initial sample and then, after incubation,
and rapid, it has been widely used. One ities will be less than the actual rates.
outcome of its popularity has been a great These comments on methods have been
deal of scrutiny of the method itself. After presented as a caution to those ecologists
15 years of use, however, it is still not clear who might be tempted to rely too heavily
whether the C14 method estimates gross on published values of primary productiv-
productivity, net productivity, or some- ity in generalizing about the transfer of
thing in between. One of the latest papers energy through aquatic food-webs. In this
on the subject (Bunt, 1965) concludes that regard, it is significant that those of us who
the results most closely estimate net pro- are measuring primary productivity are
ductivity, but also suggests that the prob- still spending a disproportionate amount
evidence that under certain conditions FIG. 1. Profiles of the change in photosynthesis
with depth in five lakes during summer. The gen-
phytoplankton cells are damaged during eral trophic state of these lakes is also indicated in
the filtration, and if steps are not taken to relation to their relative carbon assimilation per
circumvent this loss, calculated productiv- unit of surface area.
be kept in mind that the general progres- world (Fig. 2). The lake is permanently
sion from an oligotrophic to eutrophic and sealed under 3 to 4 m of very clear ice,
finally to a dystrophic lake is as much a which transmits 14 to 20% of the incident
result of the original basin shape, climate, radiation to the water below. This pro-
and edaphic factors, as it is of geologic age. vides enough light to power the photosyn-
It is unlikely that some shallow lakes ever thesis of a sparse phytoplankton popula-
passed through a stage that could be con- tion to a depth of 60 m (Goldman, et ah,
sidered oligotrophic, and it is just as un- 1967). Lake Vanda can be classified as
likely that the first lake to be considered ultraoligotrophic, since its mean produc-
here (Vanda) will ever become eutrophic. tivity is only about 1 mgC/m 2 /hr (Fig. 1).
Lake Vanda, located in "dry" Wright Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Xevada of
Valley near McMurdo Sound in Antarctica, California and Xevada is an alpine lake
is one of the least productive lakes in the long esteemed for its remarkable clarity.
trace element, molybdenum, were found to FIG. 8. Variation in the percentage of light trans-
be the most limiting. In Lake Tahoe, iron mission with depth in Clear Lake, California. Val-
and nitrogen gave greatest photosynthetic ues computed for each successive depth interval.
edly reduced near streams which drain dis- Beyers, R. J. 1965. The pattern of photosynthesis
turbed watersheds. In July, 1962, the pro- and respiration in laboratory microecosystems, p.
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