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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

The Effect of Using Profile Picture of Facebook Strategy In Teaching Writing

Descriptive Text Of Eleventh Grade Students At SMA SINGOSARI
Kammer Tuahman Sipayung1, Harpen Silitonga2*, Marnala Pangaribuan3
Laura Thresia Manalu4, Laura Rizky Adelina5
English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan
*e-mail: laura.manalu@student.uhn.ac.id

Article Info English is one of the most important international languages for communication. In
Indonesia, English is a second language as well as a foreign language. Every
Received: 12/07/2022 school in Indonesia is always given education about a second language, namely
Revised: 30/07/2022 English. By learning English, students will be taught four important skills, namely
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Many students in Indonesia have
Accepted: 15/08/2022
difficulty and feel bored in learning English, especially in learning descriptive text.
Therefore, the media used by the teacher must be appropriate and enjoyable for
them. By using facebook profile picture helps students in learning descriptive text.
In addition, students will get new experiences in writing descriptive texts and they
will not feel bored. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the
Facebook profile picture media was effective or not in learning descriptive texts in
class XI SMA Singosari Delitua. In this study the researchers took 20 students as a
sample. As an experimental group, the researcher used class XI IPA which
consisted of 10 students, while as a control group, the researcher took 10 students
from class XI IPS. Then the researcher gave pre-test and post-test for both
assessments. The researcher taught descriptive text using facebook profile picture
media to the experimental group and general material from textbooks to the control
group. The mean score of the pre-test in the perimental class was 51.7 and the
post-test was 84.9. The mean pre-test score in the une control group was 63 and the
post-test was 70. This was done so that the average score of the experimental
group was higher than the control group. The results of t-count t-table as a
significance level of p-0.05 (9.93 > 1.734). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is
accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. So, it can be stated that the
hypothesis "the use of facebook profile pictures for learning to write descriptive
texts in class XI students of SMA Singosari Delitua for the academic year
2022/2023 is effective" is accepted.
Keywords: Descriptive text, Students, Facebook, Writing

Writing is the skill of making letters, numbers, names and sentences by using spelling and
becoming an essay and reading on a page addressed to readers. Writing is productive skill that
students have to master. It is more complicated than other skills (speaking, reading and listening) in
English. Writing relates with coherence, cohesion, diction, and grammar. To write well, students must
have a large vocabulary and must also master grammar, without understanding grammar well, little
meaning can be conveyed, without words nothing can be conveyed because Word is an important
aspect of writing and the one of important skill on language. Teaching Writing students to a variety of
genres and registers, writing instruction aims to help them become better writers. Learning to write
involves gathering and organizing thoughts, putting them on paper, and then revising and refining
them. Gaining the ability to write effectively is considered to be a key goal for students.
Descriptive text is used to describe something, for example, people, objects, animals and
events. Students who learn to write descriptive texts must convey and describe their thoughts in the
form of descriptive texts. This type of text is used to explain something to someone in the form of text
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

by describing a thing, person, place, or event. To motivate students to learn English, teachers must
develop new media, especially those that can help them write more evocative texts. According to the
researcher students to write descriptive texts using Facebook profile pictures will make it easier for
them to learn English, especially in terms of composing the text. Facebook profile pictures can be
used as a strategy and medium for students to write better and encourage them to accurately
understand the features of text schemes during descriptive text writing lessons. In this study, the
researcher aims to offer a simple method to teach students how to make descriptive texts using
Facebook profiles as a medium instead of asking them to use their own profile picture in facebook can
affect students' interest in what students describe into text, it greatly affects the results of the depiction
because their profile photo has its own moment for them, the researcher believes that when we
describe something we know and we like, we can definitely describe it in depth rather than just a
picture which is only seen without any special moment in the picture.
Facebook is the number one friendship site in this world. This is based on the number of
visitors like reported by ComScore (Official Online Site Ranking Standard) (August, 2008), the
numbers of Facebook visitors on June 2008 reached 132.1 million people in Indonesia, Facebook
ranks first for friendship sites, this can be seen from the number of Indonesian people who visit
Facebook. The growth of Facebook members from Indonesia reached 64.5% during 2008 beating the
growth of Facebook members in other countries in Southeast Asia. Currently, it is estimated that the
number of Facebook members from Indonesia reaches more than 1 million people. Reported by
KompasTekno, Thursday (9/4/2015) from Recode, the research institute Paw Research revealed that
Facebook is still a mainstay for teenagers. At least 71 percent of teenagers with an age range of 13 to
17 years still use the social network. In fact, 41 percent of them admit that Facebook is the site they
visit the most. The number of users that Facebook gets is more than the number of netizens combined
by Google+ and Twitter. The reason is that there are only 33 percent of teenage users perched on
The Population in this study are students of class XI SMA Singosari Delitua. In profile picture
of facebook, pictures in which user uploaded as their profile are picture that has emotional connection
to the user. The user of facebook know in detail about the picture they uploaded, when they are asked
to describe the picture, it will be easier when they are to describe pictures that they are not familiar
with that, especially in writing skills and the researcher wants to see whether learning to use Facebook
profile pictures in schools has an effect or not as a medium for learning writing skill in Descriptive

According to Brown (2004), Teaching is an activity that involves showing or assisting
someone in learning how to do something, giving directions, guiding someone in learning something,
imparting knowledge, causing to know, understanding knowledge, and providing new knowledge.
Thus, teaching writing can be characterized as an activity that assists students in achieving their
writing goals by leading, directing, and providing them with a thorough understanding of how to
write. According to Crawford (2005:10), Teaching is more than a set of procedures, Teaching
properly involves targeting a set of goals for a specific group of students, at a specific moment in the
school year, with specific resources, within a specific time period, and in a specific school and
community setting. Based on the explanations above, they can be concluded important that English in
the world as the common, and teaching English in Indonesia needed some basic skills listening,
reading, speaking and writing
Writing is a complex skill to learn because it requires us to select words, organize them into
paragraphs in our heads, and then write them with our hands. Make a note of it. "Writing is a skill in
which we convey ideas, feelings, and thoughts by combining the eyes, brain, and hands to arrange

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

them in words, phrases, and paragraphs," Raimes added. As a result, writing is used to express one's
feelings or ideas. To do that, a person uses his brain to form ideas, his hands to write, and his eyes to
read the written results.
According to Miller, the purpose of writing is:
1. Describe what a writer hopes to achieve.
2. Entertain the reader.
3. To persuade the readers (like in hortatory exposition)
While Carol A. Binder and Susan LopezNerney, stated the purpose of writing as follows. "
1. Inform. This means that writing can help readers know what they don't know before reading the
text. Writing provides information in various forms, such as newspapers, articles, books,
magazines, v.v.
2. To express an opinion. This means that the writing can express what the writer of feelings or
thohiks and express their ideas or answers about something.
3. To convince. To convince is to convince. Writers can persuade readers through their writing to
discuss an issue. Today, there are writers, journalists on the cover. people who write their articles
to convince a lot of people in the form of articles on the Internet, magazines and books
4. Debate. In addition to persuasion, writing is also arguing about an issue that some people are
talking about.
5. Entertainment. It is meant to entertain the reader from the written text. Examples of entertaining
writing are short stories, novels, entertainment news, etc.
Concept of Writing Process
The writing process is the stage that a writer goes through to create something in written form.
This process will certainly work at the writing stage. As Harmer says there are certain writing
processes, they :
1. Planning
Experienced writers plan what they will write. Before they start to write or type, they try to decide
what they are going to say. For some writers, this can mean detailed notes. When planning, the
writer should Think about three main issues. They first need to consider the purpose of their
writing as this will affect (among other things) not only the type of writing they want to produce,
but also the language they use and the information they choose to create.
2. Drafting
We can treat the first version of a document as a draft. As writing progresses during publication,
several drafts may be produced en route to the final release.
3. Editing (reflecting and revising)
Once writers come up with a draft, they usually read what they've written to see where it works
and where it doesn't. Maybe the way something is written is ambiguous and confusing. They can
then move paragraphs or write a new introduction. They may use a different word form for a
particular sentence.
4. Final version
Once writers have edited their draft, making any changes they deem necessary to , they produce
their final version Based on the explanation, the researcher concludes that writing is a multi-stage
activity, because in order to have good handwriting there are certain processes that we need to
follow. called the writing process. The writing process includes planning, writing, editing, and
final drafting.
Components of Writing
Writing isn't just about developing words into sentences, it's also about how they do it.
Communicating ideas through written text. when the writer wants to do a good job while writing, he
must pay attention to certain components of the letter According to Boardman (2002: 3144), They:
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

1. Topic Sentences
A topic sentence is the most important sentence in paragraph because it contains the main idea of
a paragraph. A good topic has two parts: the topic and the controlling idea.
2. Supporting sentences
Steps of Writing
They are generally six steps of writing that we need to reach a good product of writing which is
stated by Meyers (2004:3-12) as follows:
1. Explore ideas
A writer should look for as many ideas as possible before beginning to write since writing entails
finding as many ideas as possible, which he then records in order to save those thoughts. A writer
must also focus his ideas in this step by thinking about three questions: first, the subject, which
refers to the material to be produced. The researcher's goal to write to the reader is the second
point to consider. The third is the reader is the viewer in this scenario. The language used to
convey the subject of writing and the intent to be conveyed by a researcher is influenced by the
audience reach.
2. Pre-Writing
Pre-Writing is the process prior to writing, namely developing ideas on paper or computer. This
activity helps writers think about a topic, determine goals, analyze the audience or readers and
prepare themselves to write, prepare to write with the aim of finding out what the writer knows
and what else. What the writer needs to know is by preparing through pre-writing the writer can
describe or organize ideas. There are three steps in pre-writing:
a. Brain Storming : The writer listing thought as they come in mind.
b. Clustering
Writer should also begin to outline the writing. This outline usually contains a broad or
complex subject made easier by breaking it into several parts that can determine the flow of
writing from one idea to another. In this step, a writer may write the subject in the middle of
the page, circle it, and then write related ideas around the main circle.
c. Free-Writing
In this step, a writer simply writes about the subject without worrying about the sentence
structure, spelling, logic, and grammar.
d. Organize
In this step, a writer begins to organize ideas after putting his/her ideas into words. This
process involves selecting, subtracting, and adding ideas, and then outlining them.
e. Write a first draft
Writers can take or choose a development method and create an outline of writing, so that
writing drafts or writing sentence by sentence in their writings is easier and more efficient. In
these writing steps, the writing process is only a process of expanding the outline of the
writing into main sentences. After carrying out the writing steps, namely determining the
outline to be the main sentence, the next writing steps are expanding the sentence into
paragraph by paragraph. Develop the outline of the writing that has been made and don't
worry about the introduction that is made, whether it is good or not, because if you do this,
your writing will take longer to complete and not meet the specified target. Furthermore, also
concentrate on the various ideas that will be poured.
f. Revisi the draft
Read and evaluate the draft from the reader's point of view when it is finished. This is done so
that the researcher is able to find errors and provide corrections for errors. Be honest when
making revisions, when you have to change your frame of mind or make changes, do it. The
draft that is used as a guide then must provide what the reader needs, not to be a burden when

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

writing or to the reader regarding various information that strays or goes too far from the
subject or object. This will also make the writing has a good quality.
g. Produce the final copy
Finally a writer can edit it and carefully check the correction after he/she had revised the
draft. All of its content develops the main point. Its sentences are clear and it has plenty of

Research Design
In this study the researcher will be use experimental quantitative research. Experimental
research will be used by researcher to evaluate the effect of independent variables on different
variables or the casual relationship between variables. The researcher goal in this study is to peer how
effect of the profile facebook as media in teaching writing descriptive text to eleventh grade at SMA
Singosari Delitua.
Experimental research, According to Ary (2010:26), Test is a scientific research in which writer
manipulates one or more independent variables and observes the effect of the manipulation at the
dependent variable (s) with the aid of using experimental study, the sample devided into two
companies, they’re the experimental and control class. The students will be taught by using profile
facebook as their media and in control class without using profile facebook both of the groups will get
pre-test and post-test.
The Population and Sample
According Arikunto (2010 : 173), Population is the whole of observe research, if researcher
want to find out all of the factors inside the study area, her research called population research. The
population on this study is eleventh grade of students SMA Singosari Delitua. The total number of
population are about 20 students.
According to Arikunto (2006:131), sample is a portion of the research population that is
representatitive. A sample is a limited number of cases (Corbetta, 2003:211) The sample will be
chosen by using clustering sample technique . The number of the sample is 10 students. They will be
divided into two groups namely: the experimental group and control group. Experimental group
consist of 10 students and Control group consist of 10 students.
Data and Source Data
The data from this study are the students' scores, the scores are obtained from the students'
writings regarding the descriptive text of the pre-test and post-test.
The Instrument of Collecting Data
Pre – Test
Pre-test will give to both of the class control and experimental before treatment is conduct. The
researcher will give an initial test to the students, namely a test to find out their basic abilities before
being given treatment, namely a test about describing people The purpose of pre-test is to know the
mean scores of experimental class and control class
The researcher gives a treatment to the students. That treatment is about how they learn
descriptive text using profile picture of Facebook. Group A as experimental group B as control group
both group will give same material, but different treatment in experimental class using profil picture
of Facebook and in control class using explanation technique. The teaching will be taught the
experimental group with profile picture Facebook and control group without profile picture of
Post – Test
Post-test will give to both of the class control and experimental after giving treatment to the
students and will give test about describing people The purpose of this test is to find out whether the
profile picture of Facebook is effectively used by students after carrying out the treatment and also to

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

see the comparison of scores between the experimental class and the control class.
The Scoring of Writing
In this study, the researcher used a rating scale to assess or evaluate students' writing abilities.
There are five components in the assessment of writing According to Jacobs et al, scale
(Weigle,2002:116) consist of Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Language Use and Mechanics.
The Validity of the Test
The validity of a test determines how accurate it is if a test is valid and dependable, it is
considered to be good. The validity of the test should be established clearly and in accordance with
the points of the exam to ensure that it is already good. The next sections go over how to set up and
operate each aspect. Validity is the most crucial consideration in constructing and evaluating
measuring devices, According to (Ary 2010: 225), Validity refers to how well a test measures the
subject matter and learning outcomes over the course of an instructional time.
Technique of Analyzing Data
This study will be Apply the quantitative data. The quantitative data will be used to analyze the
score of students. The step in analyzing data, the researcher gives a pre-test to the control group and
the experimental group after conducting the pre-test, the researcher conducted the treatment. In
conducting the treatment, the researcher used profile picture of Facebook to teaching writing
descriptive text for experimental group and a general material of descriptive text for control group.
The research will use test to measure the writing ability covering content, organization, vocabulary,
language use and mechanics. In giving score of writing test. There are some steps that the researcher
to do analyze the data, they are:
1. Tabulating of data for the control group and the experimental group.
2. Compare the scores of the experimental class and the control class.
3. Calculate the average/mean of the experimental and control groups.
4. Calculate the data range of the data by using the following formula.
5. Calculating standard deviation of each other.
6. Analyzing the data by using t-test
T-test would be used in this research in order to prove the hypothesis that stated “there is a
significant effect of profile picture facebook in student’s writing ability”. The formula of the test is

= Defferentation of two mean score
= The Standart Error of differecNe between two means


Tabel 1:The Data of the Students in Experimental Group (XI-1)
NO Student’s Initial Name Pre-Test Post-Test
1 JS 65 90
2 CS 60 85
3 AH 60 90
4 NH 70 82
5 T 65 80
6 DS 65 85
7 R 60 85
8 V 62 82
9 OS 70 90
10 ES 60 80
Total 517 849

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

Mean 51.7 84.9

Table 2:The Data of Students in Control Group (XI-2)

NO Students InitialName Pre-Test Post Test
1 AS 67 75
2 RC 58 72
3 QS 67 75
4 NR 67 75
5 MS 60 65
6 AA 60 65
7 BS 62 65
8 IH 62 70
9 GK 67 72
10 SP 60 65
Total 630 700
Mean 63 70

Table 3: The Score of Pre-test in Experimental Group

NO Student Component in Scoring Writing Total
Initial Name CO OR VO LU ME Score
1 JS 19 14 14 15 3 65
2 CS 16 13 12 16 3 60
3 AH 15 13 15 14 3 60
4 NH 20 14 15 17 4 70
5 T 20 12 15 15 3 65
6 DS 18 13 16 15 3 65
7 R 17 14 13 12 4 60
8 V 19 13 14 13 3 62
9 OS 20 13 16 17 3 70
10 ES 18 13 13 13 3 60
Total 517
Mean 51.7

Table 4: The Score of Post-test in Experimental Group

NO Student Component in Scoring Writing Total
Initial Name CO OR VO LU ME Score
1 JS 27 18 19 22 4 90
2 CS 24 17 17 23 4 85
3 AH 27 19 18 21 5 90
4 NH 25 18 17 18 4 82
5 T 24 18 18 16 4 80
6 DS 25 17 17 22 4 85
7 R 25 19 18 20 3 85
8 V 26 16 18 18 4 82
9 OS 28 19 17 23 3 90
10 ES 23 15 17 20 5 80
Total 849
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

Mean 84.9

Table 5: The Score of Pre-test in Control Group

NO Student Component in Scoring Writing Total
Initial Name CO OR VO LU ME Score
1 AS 18 14 17 14 4 67
2 RC 18 13 12 12 3 58
3 QS 19 15 15 14 4 67
4 NR 17 17 15 15 3 67
5 MS 17 14 13 12 4 60
6 AA 18 12 13 13 4 60
7 BS 19 13 14 13 3 62
8 IH 18 14 14 13 3 62
9 GK 20 11 16 17 3 67
10 SP 20 12 13 12 3 60
Total 630
Mean 63

Table 6: The Score of Post-test in Control Group

NO Student Component in Scoring Writing Total
Initial Name CO OR VO LU ME Score
1 AS 22 15 18 16 4 75
2 RC 21 14 15 18 3 72
3 QS 20 16 17 18 4 75
4 NR 19 18 17 18 3 75
5 MS 19 14 13 15 4 65
6 AA 18 14 14 15 4 65
7 BS 19 15 14 15 3 65
8 IH 20 16 14 17 3 70
9 GK 20 14 17 18 3 72
10 SP 20 13 14 15 3 65
Total 700
Mean 70

Table 7: The Distribution of Student’s Score of Pre-test in Experimental Group

X F FX X x² Fx²
60 4 240 8,3 68,89 275,56
62 1 62 10.3 106,09 106,09
65 3 195 13.3 176,89 530,67
70 2 140 18,3 334,89 669,78
N=10 ∑FX=637 ∑Fx²= 1582,1

Table 8: The Distribution of Student’s Score of Pre-test in Control Group

X F FX X x² Fx²
58 1 58 -5 25 25
60 3 180 -3 9 27
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 11 No 1, 2022 ISSN 2302-0059

62 2 124 -1 1 2
67 4 268 4 16 64
N=10 ∑FX=630 ∑Fx²= 118

Table 9: The Distribution of Student’s Score of Post-test in Experimental Group

X F FX X x² Fx²
80 2 160 -4,9 24,01 48,02
82 2 164 -2,9 8,41 16,82
85 3 255 0,1 0,01 0,03
90 3 270 5,1 26,01 78,03
N=10 ∑FX=849 ∑Fx²= 142,9

Table 10: The Distribution of Student’s Score of Post-test in Control Group

X F FX X x² Fx²
65 4 260 -5 25 100
70 1 70 0 0 0
72 1 72 2 4 4
75 4 300 5 25 100
N=10 ∑FX=702 ∑Fx²= 204

The experimental group was group applied the technique. In experimental group got a score in
pre-test and post-test for content, organization, vocabulary,language use, mechanics were 195 to 260,
124 to 176, 112 to 168, 124 to 204, and35 to 48. For the result the experimental group was higher than
control group. The result of the study proved that Profile picture Facebook could help the students to
improve their writing ability and Profile picture Facebook can effect the students’ writing descriptive
in experimental group. Profile picture of facebook can help students actively write descriptive text.

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