DLL Senior High Week 1 2
DLL Senior High Week 1 2
DLL Senior High Week 1 2
A. References Reference: Sandagan, Luzviminda D. http://www.slideshare.net/ChenWeiJiang/I- Teachers Guide, Lualhati Fernando- Reference: Sandagan, Luzviminda D. and Teachers Guide, Lualhati Fernando-
and Sayseng, Ayesha H., chaoter-Iintroduction?from- Callo, Peter Fermin Dajime Sayseng, Ayesha H., Callo, Peter Fermin Dajime
Contemporary Philippine Art from the _m_app=android Contemporary Philippine Art from the
Regions, JFSPublishing Services, https://www.slideshare.net/ Regions, JFSPublishing Services, Manila. https://www.slideshare.net/
Manila. pp. 2–6. MarvinBronoso1/physical-education-11- pp. 2–6. MarvinBronoso1/physical-education-11-
https://www.slideshare.net/markiehmz/ physical-activity?from_action=save physical-activity?from_action=save
1. Teacher’s Guide N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
2. Learner’s Mat/ Module material Module material Module material Module material Module material
3. Materials pages
4. Textbook pages N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
5. Additional Materials Whiteboard marker, laptop, book and Whiteboard marker, laptop and white Whiteboard marker, laptop and white Whiteboard marker, laptop and white Whiteboard marker, laptop (PPT) and
from Learning white board board board board white board
Resource (LR) portal
A. Other Learning You Tube Youtube, laptop and internet connection Google and youtube
Ask students to name at least The teacher asks individually the students The teacher asks students about their Ask students to name at least The teacher asks students about their
one of the indigenous arts of why do we need to study the society and favorite sports? What are the rules of their one of the indigenous arts of our favorite sports? What are the rules of their
our ancestors either from how people can involve in the society in favorite sports? Why they wanted to play ancestors either from favorite sports? Why they wanted to play
A.Establishing a purpose for Prehistoric Period, Historic their daily lives. that kind of sports? Prehistoric Period, Historic that kind of sports?
the lesson Period, or Ethnic Tradition that Period, or Ethnic Tradition that
Motivate them to learn the new they already know. they already know.
The teacher will let the The teacher will let the students
lesson. Encourage them to ask
students discover the words discover the words behind the
questions about the new topic.
behind the jumbled letters. jumbled letters.
This will help establish areas 1.TAR = ART 1.TAR = ART
4. TOYSHIR = HISTORY What can be the topic from the words
What can be the topic from the words revealed in the challenge?
revealed in the challenge?
B.Reviewing yesterday’s
lesson or Presenting the N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
new lesson
C.Presenting examples/ The teacher presents the picture under The teacher will post a word puzzle on the The teacher presents a Zumba video The teacher presents the picture under The teacher presents a Zumba video
instances of the new the Contemporary Arts and let them ask board and let the students find the hidden dance to the students and instructs the the Contemporary Arts and let them ask dance to the students and instructs the
lesson what they have observed. words that will reveal the topic for one day. learner to stand up and follow the steps in what they have observed. learner to stand up and follow the steps in
the video. the video.
The teacher asks a question to the
1. What do you think is our lesson
for today.
Teacher connects the various -The teacher grouped the students into 2 The teacher asks the students to define Teacher connects the various The teacher asks the students to define
contemporary arts to the life of the and each group is expected to use any the following: contemporary arts to the life of the the following:
students. creative graphic organizer in presenting 1. Sports students. 1. Sports
their topic. 2. Individual Sports 2. Individual Sports
-They will give 15 minutes to finish the 3. Team Sports 3. Team Sports
E. Discussingnew Teacher asks the students on the Teacher asks the students on the various
conceptsandpracticingnew various arts that belongs to the 3 major arts that belongs to the 3 major traditions
skills#2 traditions in the Philippine arts. in the Philippine arts.
F. Developing mastery Teacher asks the students about what do Going back to the KWL Chart. Answer the Teacher asks the students about Some of Teacher asks the students about what do Teacher asks the students about Some of
(Leads to Formative they think about the artist’s work and questions what you want to know about the important aspects to consider in they think about the artist’s work and how the important aspects to consider in
Assessment 3) how does it make a realization in their Social Science? learning a sport and skill related fitness does it make a realization in their live. learning a sport and skill related fitness
live. component. component.
knowledge and competencies. Guide questions:
1. What is social science?
2. Why does social science is
different from natural science?
G. Finding practical Teacher asks students about what do Teacher asks the students about how Teacher asks students about what do they Teacher asks the students about how
applications of they think about the artist’s work and Give at least 10 examples of Social does a sport help them in their lives and in think about the artist’s work and how does does a sport help them in their lives and in
concepts and skills in how does it make a realization in their Problems and explain how it relates to what way they can developed it? it make a realization in their lives. what way they can developed it?
lives. your daily lives.
daily living
Develop appreciation and
valuing for their learning by
bridging the lesson to daily
living. This will establish
relevance in the lesson.
H. Making generalizations Teacher asks the students about what Social Science – is a study of historical, Sports- is an activity that requires physical Teacher asks the students about what Sports- is an activity that requires physical
and abstractions aboutthe are the importance of the 3 major cultural, sociological, psychological and actions and skills where individuals or are the importance of the 3 major actions and skills where individuals or
lesson traditions in the Philippine arts? How the political forces that shape the actions teams compete under a set of rules. traditions in the Philippine arts? How teams compete under a set of rules.
does the major art forms have of individuals and its impact in the society. does the major art forms have
Conclude the lesson by asking developed? In what ways do you think Sports are classified into: developed? In what ways do you think Sports are classified into:
children good questions that the artist’s work stand out? Natural science – aims to predict all the artist’s work stand out?
will help them crystallize their natural phenomena and its studies are 1. Individual sports- are played by 10. Individual sports- are played by
learning so they can declare based on experimentally controlled one participant on each one participant on each
the knowledge and condition. competing side. competing side.
demonstrate their skills. 2. Dual Sports- are played by two 11. Dual Sports- are played by two
Humanities seeks to human reaction to competing pairs. competing pairs.
events and the meaning created by 3. Team Sports- are played by 12. Team Sports- are played by
experience. three or more players. three or more players.
Some of the important aspects to consider Some of the important aspects to consider
in learning a sport: in learning a sport:
4. History 13. History
5. Court Dimensions/ Venue 14. Court Dimensions/ Venue
6. Equipment and Gear 15. Equipment and Gear
7. Technical and Tactical Skills 16. Technical and Tactical Skills
8. Rules of the Game 17. Rules of the Game
9. Officiating 18. Officiating
Some of the considerations that will guide Some of the considerations that will guide
an individual in their choice of sports an individual in their choice of sports
include: include:
1. Weather extremities (hot or 5. Weather extremities (hot or
cold) for am activity. cold) for am activity.
2. Enjoyment derived from the 6. Enjoyment derived from the
activity. activity.
3. Previous activities tried and 7. Previous activities tried and
enjoyed. enjoyed.
4. Financial capacity or budget. 8. Financial capacity or budget.
Activities like skating, Activities like skating,
golf, and scuba diving require golf, and scuba diving require
financial investment on financial investment on
equipment and actual equipment and actual
activity. activity.
I. Evaluating learning Direction: answer the following: Answer briefly. Answer briefly.
Define social science as the 1. Differentiate individual, dual 1. Differentiate individual, dual
study of society. and team sports. and team sports.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other