Ijsred V6i2p99
Ijsred V6i2p99
Ijsred V6i2p99
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The automotive industry is swiftly changing from an Internal Combustion age to the new one to an electric vehicle
from an engine vehicle. The demand for electric vehicles is rising, which also causes a rise in the number of charging
stations. The wireless charging system proposed in this project, used to charge the vehicles wirelessly using inductive
coupling. The automobile only needs to be parked on the charging location for picking the charge. Wireless Power
Transmission is the term used to describe the transmission of electrical energy from a source to a load at a distance
without the use of conducting wires or cables. There is no need for any human contact with this device. One of the
technologies that may be used in the future is wireless power transmission possibly to overcome the problems that
encountered using the conventional charging system
Keywords— Wireless charger Module transmitter & Receiver , Arduino Uno(Microcontroller), RFID, Battery, Liquid
Crystal Display, Node MCU.
I.INTRODUCTION would otherwise be difficult or impractical to access
We exist in a highly developed technological world. thanks to the invention of WPT technology. Utilizing
New tools are created daily to make our lives easier. inductive coupling to power the batteries of electric
Despite this, we still charge our daily electronic vehicles may be the next big thing.
gadgets with traditional wires. The conventional The objective of this piece is to design an electric
wiring system gets muddled when several electric cars vehicle wireless charging station and charging
are being charged simultaneously. Additionally, it platform that can wirelessly transmit electricity
consumes many of the charging port's receptacles. through space and charge an electric vehicle's battery.
What if there was a method to charge all of these Inductive coupling is used in the system to transmit
electric vehicles simultaneously without using cables electricity from a transmitter to a resistive load or the
and without creating a mess? is a possible question at battery of an electric car.
this time. We gave it some thought and came up with
an idea. The solution to this problem is inductive If effective, recharging the battery of an electric car
coupling, a rapid and effective technique for wireless made more straightforward and uncomplicated by
power transmission.. eliminating the need for cords. Additionally, it would
ensure the security of the battery because there would be
Wireless power transmission (WPT) is the efficient no possibility of harm.
transmission of electric power from one place to
another across a hoover or an environment without the
use of wire or any other substance. When
instantaneous or continuous energy transfer is needed
but conventional cables are excessively expensive, this
can be used. difficult, dangerous, unwanted, or
impossible. Power can be transferred over short,
middle, and long distances using electromagnetic
wave power transfer, resonant induction, and inductive
coupling. Power can now be delivered to locations that
Proposed System
VI. RFID Technology
Radio frequency is used in RFID. In general, radio
frequency identity (RFID) tags use one of two types Fig 1:Transmitter section connected to power
of data transmission based on how electromagnetic
fields behave at the chosen frequency. Active, The power supply is given to the kit then the module
inactive, and semi-passive RFID tags are looks as shown in Fig 1. the aurduino uno,RFID
distinguished. Here, we've used passive RFID, which reader,Relay are showing indications as shown in below
works without an internal power source by using a Fig we can say that the relay is not triggered here.In this
tiny electric current generated in the antenna. The case LCD is also turned ON as shown
RFID reader and Arduino Mega are connected in this
document. By simply scanning the RFID tag that is
affixed to the car's windshield, one can pay at the
charging station. Depending on how long an electric
car takes to charge, the payment is subtracted.
The official programme called Arduino.cc's Fig 2: we can see the LCD Fig 3: Working mode with
Integrated Development Environment, or Arduino power supply
IDE, is primarily used for writing, compiling, and project main objective wireless vehicle charging. Before
uploading code to Arduino devices. With this open we are swiping the RFID tag against the reader LCD will
source software, which is simple to setup and use to show this message means it is ready for providing
begin compiling code while on the go, nearly all charging whenever we swipe tag against the reader.
Arduino modules are compatible.
Introduction to Arduino IDE:
Open-source software called Arduino IDE is
primarily used for creating and compiling code into
Arduino Modules.
Because it is official Arduino software, code
compilation is so simple that even the average
[1] Akhil A. G. , Harisankar S. , Jishnu K. ,
Sreenand S. , Vivek Vijay, Asha C. A., Dr.
Preetha P.(I2021). Coupled Wireless Charging
system for Electric Vehicles: 2021 Third
International Conference on Intelligent
Communication Technologies and Virtual
Mobile Networks (ICICV)
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