Technical Programme - RMSI International Conference 2023

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Range Management Society of India, Jhansi, India

ICAR- Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi, India

University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India

International Conference on
Feeding the Future through Sustainable Eco-friendly
Innovations in Rangeland, Forages and Animal Sciences


Saturday, 02-12-2023 to Monday, 04-12-2023 North Block Auditorium

University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore
Day 1: Dec 2, 2023
Breakfast: 8-00 to 9-00 AM at Botanical Garden

Registration 9-00 to 10-00 AM

Facilitators EventUp/IGFRI/UASB

Inaugural session: Coordinators: Dr SuheelAhmad and Dr MohanKumar R

Time Inaugural Program
ICAR song
Invocation song
Lighting of lamp
Inaugural welcome speech and history of RMSI

Guests of Honor
10 am -12.00 noon
Chief Guest speech
Remarks by VC, UASB
Remarks by VC, KVAFSU
Presidential remarks
RMSI award ceremony
Publication release
Vote of thanks
High Tea: 12 to 12:30 pm
Convener: Dr Vinod Kumar
Dr Dabadghao Memorial Award Lecture
12.30-1.15 pm Floral offerings
Introduction of the awardee Dr D R Palsaniya
Award Lecture Dr Amaresh Chandra
Vote of thanks Dr Mukesh Chowdhary

Plenary Session on Feeding the Future 1.15 to 2.15 pm

Convener Dr. Vinod Kumar
Chairman Dr. KC Narayanaswamy, Director of Education, UAS, Bangalore
Co-Chairman Dr. Ephrem, ICRISAT, Hyderabad
Dr.Yamanura, Breeder &Head, AICRP Castor, UAS, Bangalore
Dr NazimHamid Mir, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Srinagar Centre
Speakers Topic
Dr Abi
TamimVanak , Conserving open natural ecosystems in India for people, climate and
ATREE, biodiversity
Shri. P Dinesh,
CGM,NABARD, Role of Finance in Climate Action in India
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations
Lunch: 2.15-3.15 pm
Concurrent technical sessions (3.15-5.30 pm)
Technical Session-ITrends in Rangeland/Grassland Science
Venue: Conference room, Directorate of Post Graduate Studies
Convener Dr KK Dwivedi, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Chairman Dr T Thirumalesh, Professor and Head, Veterinary college, Shimogga
Co-Chairman Dr BG Shekhar, Professor and Head, AICRP on forage crops, UASB
Dr SSManjanagouda, Scientist,ICAR-IISS, Bangalore
Dr Kamini, Scientist,ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Speakers Topic
Dr Raju
From data to harvest-digital phenotyping-role in agriculture
Saskatoon Research
and Development
Centre, Canada
Dr AK Roy
Indian grasslands/rangelands and pastoralism interdependence with
Former PC, AICRP-
special reference to Himalayas
FC, IGFRI Jhansi
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations

Technical Session -I: Oral Presentations

Influence of harvesting season on germination requirements and seed
Archana Sanyal
vigor of Lasiurus sindicus (Henr.) in arid climate of Thar desert
Silvipasture systems for enhancing forage biomass production and
RV Kumar climate change mitigation potential on degraded lands in the semiarid
zones of India
Soil microbial autotrophy and hydrolytic enzyme activities regulating
Sudeshna soil C dynamics in various land use systems of semiarid-sub humid
central India
Propagation of Sesbania grandiflora by optimizing the nursery
R Jayashree
RP Nagar Is defluffing boon or curse in pasture grasses?
Legume integration and zinc fortification for yield and quality
Nazim Hamid Mir
enhancement of maize-based forage systems
Orans: ideal sites for in situ conservation of forage genetic resources
Jai Prakash Singh
in the Indian thar desert
Grassland development and degraded land restoration using drone
Amit Kumar Singh
Livestock dominant integrated farming system for improved
Gaurendra Gupta productivity, income, employment and energy-carbon use under
Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh
Evaluating seasonal variations in feed carbon footprint of semi-
Anjumoni Mech
intensive sheep farms
Preliminary screening of Morus alba germplasm to improve fodder
security in semi-arid India
Rajesh Kumar Characterizing diverse oat lines for saline-alkaline stress tolerance in
Singhal semi-arid regions of India

Enhancement of milk production through mass adoption of dry fodder

Technical Session-I: Poster Presentations

Forage quality and yield of hybrid Napier and fodder cowpea
HA Sushma
intercropping under different planting patterns
Deepak Use and benefits of fly ash in modern agriculture era, in fodder crops
Growth, productivity, nutritional quality and economics of different
Ganesha perennial fodder trees grown under alley cropping system in eastern
dry zone of Karnataka
Performance of different fodder under various planting densities of
teak (Tectona grandis linn. f.) plantation
Evaluation of different deep water rice (Oryza sativa) varieties for dual
Pranjit Bharali
purpose use in rainfed situation under low land condition in Assam
Agroforestry interventions for fodder production management in
Ram Prakash Yadav
central Himalaya
Salinity tolerance mechanisms in guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus
K Anusree Jacq) genotypes; ex-situ tissue tolerance, Na+ partitioning, cell
membrane stability and Double bond index.
Neem based silvipastoral system, a model for sustainable fodder
Hari Singh Meena
production in rainfed regions of Rajasthan
Physio-biochemical markers for characterization and selection of
drought tolerant fodder sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes
Studies on tillage and weed management practices in maize (Zea mays
Priyanka Kantwa
l.) for higher productivity and better soil health
II Forage Sustainability, innovations and initiatives
Technical Session-
Venue: North Block Auditori um
Convener Dr HS Mahesha
Chairman Dr SK Pradhan, ADG FFC, ICAR, New Delhi
Co Chairman Dr K Murali, Professor and Head, Dept of Agronomy, UASB
Dr Tejveer Singh, Sr Scientist , ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Rapporteurs Dr MH Atheekur Rehaman, Associate Professor (Agron), AICRP on
Pigeon Pea, UASB
Keynote Speaker Topic
Dr VK Yadav
Project Coordinator
Recent innovations in forage seed research for enhancing and
AICRP on Forage
sustaining forage production: opportunities and challenges
Crops, ICAR-
IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr D Vijay,
Principal Scientist
Forage seed prospects: where does India stand and what can be done
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations
Technical Session -II: Oral Presentations
Weed management in Egyptian clover for quality green fodder and
Vinod Kumar
seed production

Sustainable intensification of smallholder agro-ecosystems through
DR Palsaniya
integrated farming systems
Studies on impact of sewage water irrigation on fodder yield and
Mahendra Prasad
heavy metal accumulation under cowpea-oat sequence
Management of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) in
Narendra Kulkarni
fodder maize using eco-friendly approaches
Sanjay Kumar
Mechanization in post-production forage and grass seed processing
Effect of different cropping systems and moisture conservation
Sita Ram Kantwa practices on productivity and net returns of food-fodder crops in
rainfed areas of Central India
Partial substitution of nano urea and PGPR to conventional nitrogen
RT Chethan Babu
fertilizers for sustainable fodder production in oats
Vinod Kumar Identification of suitable propagules for rapid multiplication of Bajra
Dhoni Napier Hybrids through single bud technique
Assessment of yield and quality parameters of perennial fodder grasses
BL Mahesh Naik
as influenced by various organic nutrient sources
Impact of fall armyworm infestation on grain yield of maize: an
KN Prakash
economic insight
Growth and physiological characters of fodder grasses under
Usha C Thomas
differential shade levels
An elucidation on productivity, energetics, and carbon footprint of
R Mohan Kumar
forage land-use systems of semi-arid tropics
Recent innovations in forage seed research for enhancing and
Vijay Kumar Yadav
sustaining forage production: Challenges and opportunities
Nutrient status and economic efficiency of legume intercropping in
SR Sharu
palisade grass (Brachiariabrizantha)
K Premalatha Impact of insect pests on yield loss of fodder sorghum
Efficacy of Sulfentrazone for weed control in fodder maize seed
production (Zea mays L.)
Rajiv Kumar Organic nutrient management in Rice bean-oat system under irrigated
Agrawal situation

Technical Session -II: Poster Presentations

Effect of foliar application of nano urea and urea under varied

MR Arun Kumar nitrogen levels on productivity and quality of fodder Maize
(Zeamays L.)
The best agronomic management practices for fodder hedge lucerne
Roopa K
[Desmanthusvirgatus(L.) Willd.] under irrigated ecosystem of
Effect of different weed control methods on stover yield and nutrient
content in Clusterbean
Constraints in sustainability of coastal fodder to meet the demand
and supply chain
Quantitative effect of sources of irrigation and fertilizer levels on
Hardev Ram
forage and seed yields of berseem
Effect of nitrogen levels on forage yield of promising entries of
SRShri Rangasami
single cut oat in southern zone of India
Yield maximization in irrigated fodder maize through micro
SRShri Rangasami
nutrients and bio-fertilizers in southern zone of India

Seedling attributes of important vegetables and field crops as
B Basavaraja
influenced by algal extract
Efficacy of plant growth regulators on forage yield and quality of
Rahul Kale
maize-oat cropping system
Legume: The futures of sustainable plant-based food systems in
SY Mukartal
Assessing the performance of Hybrid Napier varieties at
MK Shruthi
Chamarajanagara District
Performance of different forage pearl millet genotypes under various
SR Shri Rangasami
nitrogen levels in Southern Zone of India
Enhancing the yield, water and nutrient use efficiency in maize
HM Honnappa
through drip fertigation
Studies on performance of Top feeds under varied Planting Geometry
SRShri Rangasami
with and without intercrop in Southern Zone of India
Effect of tree based fodder production systems and planting
P Mubeena geometry on fodder yield, quality and carbon sequestration potential
of the system
Biopriming: a sustainable way to increase seed quality and yield of
Sumayya Mullal
berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)
Seasonal Sensitivity Analysis of Sorghum Genotypes to Changes in
SS Manjanagouda
Rainfall and Temperature
Bukke Sathish Kumar Performance of multi cut fodder sorghum (CoFS-31) under varying
Naik nutrient and planting density levels in Kerala.
Vishakha Rajendra
Pigeon pea based fodder systems for Kharif under dryland condition
Fodder initiatives of ICAR-KVK Ramanagara increased the adoption
MS Dinesha of improved fodder crops in farmer’s fields at Ramanagara district of
Evaluation of the ideal propagates for expeditious multiplication of
Seema S Doddamani
Bajra Napier Hybrids
Kavya Utilization of paddy and wheat straw as animal feed
Jakkampudi Performance of fodder cowpea intercropped in coconut garden under
Sowjanya varying levels of spacing and nutrients.
Evaluation of the effect of sorghum-legume inter cropping and on
S Kavya
yield of sorghum
Supplementing zinc as foliar spray augments the yield and quality of
Ancy G. Martin
fodder cowpea in Onattukara sandy loam soil of Kerala
An impact study of front line demonstrations on shade loving guinea
BT Naveen Kumar
grass (var: hamil) under coconut orchard of coastal karnataka
Performance of top feeds under varied planting geometry with and
BG Shekara
without intercrop
Nitrogen management in Bajra Napier hybrid for enhancing green
BG Shekara
biomass yield and quality
Roopa K Performance of hedge lucerne [Desmanthusvirgatus (L.) Willd.] as
Muttappanavar intercrop in different perennial fodder crops
Yield and nutrient dynamics of hybrid napier under magnesium
MV Navya

Technical Session-III Innovations and Opportunities in Forage Crop Improvement
Venue: Dr Dwarakinath Hall, Department of Ag Extension
Convener Dr Sheeraz Salim Bhat
Chairman Dr Venkatesh, D irector of Research, UAS, Bangalore
Co Chairman Dr BP Kushwah, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Deepak Upadhyay, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr RK Singhal, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Speakers Topic
Dr Pankaj Kaushal,
Principal Scientist, Novel approaches to utilize apomixis for de novo domestication of
ICAR- NIBSM, agamic crop wild relatives (CWRs)
Dr. HC
Scientist & Head, Identification of QTLs for resistance to sorghum downy mildew and
AICRP on transfer of resistance to popular forage variety African Tall in Maize
Pigeonpea, ZARS,
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations

Technical Session -III :Oral Presentations

Phenology, pollination biology and breeding behaviour of Lasiurus
Reena Rani sindicus: an important forage species in the arid climate of Thar
Exploring tree fodder diversity for mega herbivore (Elephas
maximus) in the foothills of Western Ghats
Transcriptomic profiling of abiotic responses to drought and
P Shashikumara
salinity stresses in grasses
Perspectives of salinity tolerance mechanisms in perennial fodder
Edna Antony
Characterizing Indian landraces of maize from
Brijesh Kumar Mehta northeasternhimalayas for morphological traits, forage quality and
micronutrient content
Identification of resistance sources against multiple foliar diseases
HS Mahesha
in fodder sorghum
Genetic variability in sainfoin (Onobrychisviciifolia) for seed and
Sheeraz Saleem Bhat
biomass traits
Studies on Multicut Performance of Fodder Cowpea [Vigna
Kalakunta Sridhar
unguiculata L. Walp] Genoypes
Assessment of Pearl millet germplasm for genetic diversity and
multi-cut forage potential during the summer season
Evaluating performance of single cut fodder oat genotypes for
Swarnalata Das green forage yield and nutritional quality under the coastal plain
zone of Odisha
Assessing the Avena germplasm variation for nitrogen use
Shahid Ahmed
efficiency based on root traits
Development and evaluation of mutant resource for Egyptian
Tejveer Singh clover (Trifoliumalexandrinum) improvement

Assessment of stability in Desmanthus genotypes using AMMI and
GGE-Biplot analysis
Disease screening and performance of dual-purpose barley in food-
Ajay Kumar Singh
feed crop improvement
Molecular mapping of QTLs for agro-morphological and biomass
Maneet Rana related traits in immortalised F2 population of Bajra Napier Hybrid
using SSR markers
Unravelling variability in root traits of fodder cowpea genotypes
Swarnalata Das
under low phosphorus regime
Genetic analysis of floral traits favouring outcrossing in core
K Bhojaraja Naik germplasm and wild relatives of finger millet [Eleusine coracana
(L.) Gaertn]
Assessing the severity of tar leaf spot in perennial sorghum forage:
GS Ramyashree Devi
a comprehensive study
Technical Session-III:Poster presentations
Multi trait genotype ideotype distance index (MGIDI) and multi trait
S Palaniyappan stability index (MTSI) - A newer selection tool for identification of
superior and stable fodder maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids
Culturable microbial diversity analysis of varied forages rhizosphere
Surinder Paul
soil samples of North-Western Himalayas.
Screening of Avena species against moisture stress for greater growth
HC Pandey
and productivity
Identification of dual-purpose fodder cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)
Arya S Nair
Walp] through induced mutagenesis
Utilization of morphometric marker based genetic diversity in
Mahendra Singh
multicut fodder sorghum
Influence of cutting management and phosphorus levels on forage
Kiran Varnekar yield, seed yield and economics of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum
Effect of cutting management and phosphorus levels on growth and
Kiran Varnekar
yield of berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.)
Tissue tolerance, fatty acid profiling and Sodium partitioning for
salinity tolerance in Pearl Millet Napier (PMN) hybrid genotypes
M Amulya
[Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] x [Pennisetum purpureum (K.)
Ameliorating the effects of waterlogging stress using nutrient sprays
Akshay Badore in Pearl millet napier (PMN) hybrids[Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.
Br.] x [Pennisetum purpureum (K.) Schum]
Combining ability studies in bajra napier hybrid under water limited
K Keerthana
Evaluation and characterization of Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)
Sagar Jade
under water stress conditions
Principal Component Analysis of 146 Fodder Cowpea
Amritha Varanya
[Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp] Germplasm Accessions
Understanding Heterosis, Combining ability and Genetic Effects for
MS Aswini Forage quantity and quality traits in Pearl millet (Pennisetum
glaucum L.)
Correlation and path coefficient analysis studies in fodder oats
G Gayathri
(Avena sativaL.)
Correlation and Path Coefficient Studies in Fodder Bajra (Pennisetum
G Gayathri glaucm L.) for yield ands its component traits

Surendra Kumar Identifying donors for high phosphorus use efficiency in cowpea for
Meena low input based fodder farming
Correlation analysis for yield and nutritional characters in napier
Jadhav Haripriya
grass (Pennisetum purpureumschumach.)
Rekha Performance of Multi-cut fodder sorghum CoFS-31 in Mandya
Badalingappanavar District
Rekha Assessment of performance of hybrid Napier varieties under Mandya
Badalingappanavar District
Pioneering the utilization of wild relatives in the development of
Priya Garkoti
fodder maize cultivars

Cultural Program at North Block Auditorium : 7-8 pm

followed by Dinner at Botanical Garden

Day 2: Dec 3, 2023
Breakfast: 8.00 – 9.00 am at Botanical Garden
Plenary session on Grassland and Livestock science (9-10.30 am)
Venue: North Block auditorium
Convener: Dr Narendra Kulkarni, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Chairman Dr Amaresh Chandra, Director, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr AK Roy, Ex- Project Coordinator ICAR- AICRP on Forage Crops
Co Chairman
and Utilization, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Edna Antony, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr HS Meena, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Keynote Speakers Topic
Dr Chandrashekhar
Biradar, Country
Agroforestry, grasslands and livestock role in carbon sequestration
Director, India, Asia
and environmental sustainability
Continental Program,
Dr DR Malaviya, Ex-
Managing multifunctional grasslands: inter disciplinary approach to
mitigate climate change
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations
Tea break: 10.30 -10.45 am
Concurrent technical sessions (10.45-1.15 pm)
Technical Session-IVRecent Advances in Veterinary and Dairy Sciences for enhanced
milk and meat production
Venue: Dr Dwarakinath Hall, Department of Ag Extension
Convener: Dr Prakashkumar Rathod,
Associate Professor, Directorate of Extension, KVAFSU, Bidar
Chairman Prof. KC Veeranna, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, KVAFSU, Bidar
Co- Chairman Dr. M Narayanswamy, Dean, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru
Dr Vivek Patil, Associate Professor, Department of LPM, Veterinary
College, Hebbal, Bengaluru
Dr L Manjunath, Associate Professor and Head, Department of
VAHEE, Veterinary College, Hebb al, Bengaluru
Key Note Speakers Topic
Dr T Thirumalesh,
Professor and Head,
Revisiting the animal nutrition technologies for efficient utilisation of
Department of LFC,
feed resources for enhancing milk and meat production
Veterinary College,
Dr. BH Manjunatha
Principal Scientist
Ingestive behaviour and its uses in routine farm management
Southern Region,

Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations

Technical Session-IV: Oral Presentations

Management of parasitic gastrointestinal helminths in livestock in the
Joken Bam
natural pastures of Arunachal Pradesh: practices of the Brokpas
Deepak Upadhyay Production and reproduction performance of native Bundelkhandi goat
Assessment of grazing behaviour of small ruminants during the winter
Pooja Tamboli
season in the natural pasture of the Bundelkhand region
Mounir Louhaichi It is not the cow, it is how
Performance of goats fed with green moringa (Moringa olifera) under
Ravindra Srivastava
stall-fed condition
Diagnosis, treatment and management of Fusobacterium
Susitha Rajkumar necrophorumassociated foot- rot in a herd of Four-horned antelope in
Goa, India
Prakash Kumar Scientific goat management practices for improved productive and
Rathod reproductive performance under semi-intensive rearing systems
Rajesh Kumar Browsing behaviour of Bactrian camel on Sea buckthorn
Sawal (Hipphophaerhamnoides)
Vinay Kumar Singh Backyard Poultry – Livelihoods source of resource-poor woman
Priyanka Foot-mouth disease-induced hyperglycaemia is likely due to the
Mahadappa downregulation of glucose transporters in HF heifer calves
Tsarila Z.T. The impact of body condition score on dam body weight and calf
Sangtam growth rate during the transition period in Mithun

Technical Session-IV :Poster presentations

Management of Sarcoptic Mange infestation in a goat herd in North
Susitha Rajkumar
Priyanka Surrogate indices of insulin resistance in naturally occurring cases of
Mahadappa foot and mouth disease
Assessment of combination of leguminous and non-leguminous silage
Jayashree Pattar feeding in dairy cattle during summer to mitigate the green fodder
Biradar Satish Impact of supplementary feeding of concentrates on growth rate of
Chandra goats at field conditions
Study on the effect of lucerne (Medicago sativa) hay quality on milk
SY Mukartal
production and composition of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows
Evaluation of different mycotoxin binders on roughage and
Yamini Khatri
concentrate mixture intake and milk production in dairy cows
Effect of fortification of energy source to the mixed forage-based diet
SJ Sreeja
on intake and energy partitioning in crossbred cows during puerperium
Amina Fatima Exploring organic poultry production: a review
Evaluation of antagonistic activities and growth promotion activities of
B Sowmya bacterial endophytes isolated from Coleus aromaticusunder in-vitro
Dietary supplementation of nano-selenium and nano-curcumin effect
SY Mukartal
on lipid profile and growth performance in broiler chickens
Effect of feeding prilled fat on production, plasma hormones and
SY Mukartal
reproductive performance in buffaloes(Bubalus bubalis)

Technical Session -VNew Vistas and technologies in forages and animal sciences
Venue: Conference room Directorate of Post Graduate Studies
Convener: Dr K Sridhar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Chairman Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru
Co Chairman Dr R K Agarwal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr H S Mahesha, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr R MohanKumar, Assistant Professor, UASB
Speaker Topic
Department of Crop
Physiology, UAS,
Dr Naveen
Kumar,Director of
Herbage production and soil carbon restoration through improved
Extension, CSK HP
silvi-pastoral system of mid-hill sub-temperate degraded grassland
ecosystem of North Western Himalayas
Palampur, HP
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Fel icitations

Technical Session -V:Oral presentations

Rahul Deb
Low-cost hydroponic fodder production using non seed grain of maize
Prabhu Plant, insect and microbial diversity influenced by different forage
Govindasamy production systems
Deficit saline irrigation, tillage and mulch improve forage yield and
Arvind Kumar Rai nutritive value of rainfed sorghum in wheat-sorghum cropping systems
in salt–affected soil
Ravindra Srivastava Methane mitigation using strategic supplementation in browsing goats
Precise nutrient management in BN hybrid through fertigation under
Anoop Kumar Dixit
semi arid tropics of India
Chlorophyll meter-based site-specific fertilizer nitrogen management
Mukesh Choudhary
in fodder oats (Avena sativa L.)
Krishna Kumar Embryological characterization and expression studies in ploidy series
Dwivedi of Guinea grass
Evaluation of apple (malus domestica) leaves nutritive value for
Sultan Singh
ruminants feeding
Improvement of growth, yield and economics of forage sorghum
Magan Singh
cultivars with different nutrient management practices
Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) Foliage as alternate feed for Jalauni
SS Manjanagouda
Enhancing productivity and quality of fodder cowpea- fodder maize
SRShri Rangasami cropping system through organic nutrient sources in southern zone of
Blue-green algae diversity of in paddy field of Hassan district,
B Basavaraja
Integration of sheep/goat cum poultry farming in raised stall-fed
Jayashree Pattar
housing system : An innovative module for livelihood security
Effect of different nutrient sources on the growth and nutritional
Iqbal Singh
composition of Azolla
OZPINION mining and user satisfaction analysis of TNAU cattle
SR Shri Rangasami
expert system: insights for mobile agricultural applications
BR Mohammed Nutrient omission: Its effects on yield, water productivity and nutrient
Azharuddin use efficiency of rabi sorghum under rainfed and irrigated conditions
Evaluation of seed quality and impact of dormancy breaking
Vinod Kumar treatments on seed germinability of siratro
(Macroptiliumatropurpureum )
A low-costIoT-based system for monitoring ambient conditions in
B Gopalakrishnan
livestock sheds
Efficacy of bio-agents in the management of root rot and wilt in
Arabinda Dhal

Technical Session-V: Poster Presentations

Effect of varied levels of nitrogen on production potential of multi cut
fodder sorghum genotypes
Igniting a digital revolution by executing ai policy for livestock farms: a
Amina Fatima
Jeetendra Kumar Selection of best performing Job’s tear genotype for the hilly region of
Soni Mizoram
SRShri Optimizing the feedstuffs for air evacuating method of silage production
Rangasami in polybags
Amit Kumar
Design and development of forage seed coating machine

Special Session (Concurrent): Young Innovators for advancing science for the future
Venue: North Block Auditorium
Convener:Dr Sheeraz Salim Bhat, Senior Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, New Delhi
committee Dr. Amaresh Chandra, Director, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr C R Kole, President, Genome India International, Kolkata
Dr Mudalagiriappa, Chief Scientist, AICRP Dryland UASB
Dr Mukesh Choudhary, Senior Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Amit Singh, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Speaker Title of Speech
Effect of tree and pasture based land use systems on phosphorus dynamics
Jyotirmay Roy
in semi-arid degraded ecosystems
Praveen Kumar
Mapping of genes for foliar blast resistance in pearl millet
Exploring the allure of 'stay green' in maize - teosinte introgression lines
V Senthilkumar
for futuristic forage innovation
Poonam Singh Estrogenic impact of endosulfan on ovine granulosa cell function
Effect of feeding partially and completely decorticated tamarind seed-
MS Shilpa based diet on intake, nutrient digestibility and growth performance in
Mandya sheep
Alapati Revanth Development of first-ever frame work linkage map in Bajra Napier Hybrid

Satya Sai using SSR markers in immortalised F2 population
Hanuman Gupta
Lunch: 1.15-2.15 pm
Concurrent technical sessions Concurrent technical sessions
(2.15-5.15 pm with Tea Break:4.30-4.40 pm)
Special session (Concurrent): Harnessing the untapped potential of millets for food
security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture(Hosted by Genome India International)
Venue: North Block Auditorium

Dr Milind Ratnaparkhe, PS, ICAR-IISR, Indore& Vice-President,

Convener GII; Dr Prashanth NSuravajhala, PS, Amrita University, Kerala &
Vice-President, GII
Chairman Dr Chittaranjan Kole, President, Genome India International
Co Chairman Dr Amaresh Chandra, Director, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Ganapati Mukri, Senior Scientist, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi
Dr Maneet Rana, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Key Note
Dr Tara
Nutri-cereals for food and fodder security
IIMR, Hyderabad
Speakers Topic
Dr M
Millet genome sequencing: Progress and prospects
Professor, The
Millet Lab,
University of
Dr Saikat Datta
Millets for nutrition and health (from farmer field to consumer plate
Dr Manzoor Dar,
Seed System Scaling the adoption of millets through innovative and efficient seed
Specialist, systems
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations
Technical Session-VI Revisiting the roots in rangelands, forages and animal
Venue: Dr Dwarakinath Hall, Department of Ag Extension
Convener:Dr Shashi Kumar, Scie ntist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Chairman Dr V Venkatasubramanian, Director, ATARI
Co-Chairman Dr KP Raghuprasad, Professor, UASB
Dr Gaurendra Gupta, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr SSManjanagouda, Scientist, ICAR-IISS, Jhansi
Top ic
DrTKKunhamu Tropical homegardens: Potential agro-silvo-pastoral systems for

Professor& Head humid tropics
(Silviculture and
College Forestry,
KAU, Kerala

P Vivekanandan, Documentation and Dissemination of Traditional Knowledge and

Director, SEVA, grassroots Innovations for Natural Livestock Production
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations

Technical Session-VI :Oral Presentations

Lura: An indigenous traditional method for biodiversity conservation by
Doni Jini temporary confinement of Mithun (Bos frontalis) in Leparada district of
Arunachal Pradesh
Dovetailing regenerative agriculture and livestock sector for
Suheel Ahmad diversification and ecosystem services: a case study of hortipastoral
Cactus pear (opuntia ficus-indica): a versatile and sustainable crop for
Sawsan Hassan
food, fuel, fodder, and fertilizer
Exploring wild tree fodder diversity for the mega herbivore (Elephas
maximus) in the foothills of the Western Ghats
Roopa K
Quality contents of perennial fodder intercropping systems
Evaluation of potential varieties/breeding lines/germplasm accessions of
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L) stover as roughage source
Badri Prasad Milk production and milk composition traits of bhadawari buffaloes
Mounir Louhaichi A roadmap for sustainable silvopastoral system restoration
Arunasri Yadav
Mulberry – cheap and chief forage to herbivores

Technical Session-VI :Poster presentations

Evaluation of the preferred vegetation and the relationship between
Pooja Tamboli
various foraging patterns with climatic factors in the winter
Effect of pruning intensities on forage productivity of Hardwickiabinata
SN Ram
based silvipasture systems
Changes in Amrit Mahal grasslands as perceived by grassland-
Nagaratna Biradar
dependent communities
Amina Fatima Management of the Livestock Manure: A Review
Evaluation of different fodder crops under coconut-basedhorti-pastoral
AR Uthappa
systems in west coast region of India
Underutilized and/or under-exploited plant species of forage
Binayak Dash
significance in the state of Odisha

Technical Session-VII: Socio-economic issues and policy perspectives in rangelands,
forages and animal sciences
Venue: Conference room Directorate of Post Graduate Studies

Convener: Mrs.Ramyashree Devi, ICAR-IGFRI, SRRS Dharwar

Chairman Dr Siddayya, Professor & Head, IABM, UAS, Bangalore
Co-Chairman Dr SK Singh, Head, FMPHT, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Gaurendra Gupta, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr G Ranganath Assistant Professor, IABM, UAS, Bangalore
Speakers Topic
Dr Javid M Dad
Alpine pastures and Himalayan pastoralism:An ecological appraisal
University of
Kashmir, Srinagar
ManjunathScientist, Historical changes affecting pastoralism in Banni grasslands and
ICAR-CAZRI, contemporary priorities of pastoralists
Remarks by Chairman & Co-Chairman
Vote of thanks & Felicitations

Technical Session -VII:Oral Presentations

A study on feed and fodder management systems of livestock owners of
P Pushpa
Belgaum district of Karnataka state.
Nagaraj Green fodder production practices in the KalyanaKarnataka region
Roopika T Sajjan Study on Grassland dependent communities of Amrit Mahal Kaval
Implications of changing land utilization pattern on livestock population
and production
Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for assessing the economic impacts of
Kadli Veeresh
urbanization across the rural-urban interface of Bengaluru
Enhancing forage resources availability and needs for their IPR
Tejveer Singh
Initiatives of KVKs in reducing the location-specific challenges faced by
Sadhna Pandey
livestock farmers in Uttar Pradesh
Enhancement of milk production through mass adoption of dry fodder
Vinay Kumar Profitable enterprise of B N Hybrid cultivation to dairy farmers in Uttar
Singh Pradesh
Socio economic empowerment of farm women through improved goat
Biswanath Sahoo
farming in forage basedagroecosystem in coastal belt of Odisha
Frontline demonstration on popularization of fodder sorghum variety
M Ashok
Assessing the impact of fodder cultivation on soil health and sustainable
PR Veena
agriculture practices

Technical Session-VII: Poster presentations

Shaik Reshma
Technology adoption and impact in dairy farming
Shivalika ICT initiatives for Sustainable livestock farming in Karnataka: A Review

Emergence of alarming livestock diseases in Coastal belt of Uttara
Impact of Natural Calamities on socio-economic status and coping
KC Vismaya
strategies: A case of dairy farmers in North Karnataka
Dairy technology, ASMM (Area specific mineral mixture), Dairy
farmers and Extension education
A step towards market led extension from production led extension for
empowerment of farmers: A Review
Dairy information need assessment of multistake holders in Karnataka
state, India
Prakash Kumar Information need assessment of multi-stakeholders about scientific goat-
Rathod rearing practices in Karnataka state, India
Constraints faced by the farmers in major green fodder crops in northeast
Ruqsar Khanum
transition zone of Karnataka

RMSI General Body Meeting: 6.15-7.00 pm

Dinner: 7-9.30 pm at Botanical Garden

Day 3: Dec 4, 2023
Plenary session: Pastoralism and the future (9-9.30 am)
Venue: North Block Auditorium
Coordinator:Dr Kamini, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Speaker Topic
Dr Pankaj Joshi,
Director and
Program Director,
Pastoralism and traditional practices to conserve and restore the
Sahjeevan and
Ramble Research
Station, Banni-

Vote of thanks and Felicitations

Special Session: Scientist-Industry meeting(9.30-10.30 am)
Venue: North Block Auditorium
Convener: Dr A K Dixit, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Chairman: Dr Sushil Kumar, Director,ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru
Dr Sadhna Pandey, Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science,
Ms GS RamyashreeDevi, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, SRRS, Dharwad
Ms Pooja Tamboli, Scientist, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Krishi Vikas Sahakari Samiti Limited, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur
Mr ND Goyal
Rajasthan, India
Mr Shahsikanth
Advanta Seeds,Khail Street, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Mr Zahid Husain
Alamdar SeedsPvt. Ltd. Nagalpur, Kutch, Gujarat, India
Mr Prabhakar Foragen Seeds Pvt. Ltd,Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Mr Nagesh Karnataka Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Limited
Gowda Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Mr Gopinath
Aerosight Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India
Mr Raju Varsha Associates , Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Mr Vikram Patil Sysmex India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India

Special Session: Functional Food-Fodder systems for green economic transactions

(Hosted by ICRAF-CIFOR) (Time: 10:30 am-1:30 pm)
Venue: North Block Auditorium
Session convener: Dr Suheel Ahmad and Dr Prakash Kumar Rathod
Session Chair: Dr Chandrashekhar Biradar
Session Co-Chair: Dr Amaresh Chandra
Rapporteurs: Dr Maneet
Dr Indu

Time Agenda/topic Speaker
10:30-10:40 Setting the context and introduction All participants
10:40-10:55 Livestock productivity and income gaps in Dr Thanammal Ravichandran,
dairy ecosystems: feed aspects Kumaraguru Institute of
10:55-11:10 Nutritional gaps for dairy productivity in Dr. Anandan, NIANP,
India: role of right feedstock policies Bangalore
10:50-11:05 Climate resilient livestock production and Dr Abhinav, EDF
11:10-11:25 carbon sequestration potential
11:25-11:45 Tea break
11:05-11:20 Learning from WADI (Agri-Horti-Forestry) Dr Shiva Durgappa, BAIF
11:45-12:00 model for functional productivity
11:20-11:35 Digital ecosystem for result-based Ravi Kumar, TCS
12:00-12:15 management of production systems and
carbon sequestration
11:35-11:50 Gender and social inclusion in inclusive TBD
12:15:12:30 food and nutrition interventions
12:30-13:30 Round table discussion “Functional All panellists (4-5)
food/fodder systems to address the myth of
methane and carbon emissions”

Lunch: 1.30-2.30 pm

Valedictory and award ceremony 2.30 to 4.30 pm

Venue: North Block Auditorium
Chief guest: Dr Dheer Singh, Director, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal
Guest of honour: Dr Pradhan ADG FFC
Dr Amaresh Chandra, Director, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi
Dr Vijay Yadav , PC ICAR- AICRP on Forage Crops and Utilization ICAR- IGFRI, Jhansi

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