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Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud.

2023; 3(4):103-121

Received: 16-05-2023
Accepted: 26-06-2023

Effects of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial Development of Pupils

Nepthalie Salvado Con-El
Master of Arts in Education, Major in Administration and Supervision, Quezon City, Philippines

Corresponding Author: Nepthalie Salvado Con-El

Mobile gaming, linked to the effects of student behavior is from being a child to becoming an adult, which underlines
currently the subject of increasing interest and concern. This the need to adjust to psychosocial development and would
is especially true of teachers, parents and the Pacifico O. make a lot of changes and negatively affect them.
Aquino elementary school community in Noveleta, Cavite. As the industry has changed, the picture of mobile gaming
This poses problems with the effects of mobile gaming on has also changed. Games are already on mobile phones, the
the psychosocial development of pupils. Apparently, they internet, commercials, not to mention television
face a crisis in their own development of life, and it is commercials on the latest software and hardware on mobile
important that they perform well in their studies in order to games, which are even supported by celebrities (Redmond,
have a good and positive outlook on life and become better 2017).
individuals someday. According to Sutton (2020), mobile gaming at the stage of
Teachers have observed that students playing mobile games psychosocial development creates conflict and crisis that an
are most likely to forget that they are in the real world. They individual needs to overcome in order to move successfully
put themselves on the characters they were playing, making to the next stage of life.
them the hero they wanted. Virtually they win battles, and Conflict is a turning point where each person faces a
these give new and challenging experiences that may cause struggle to achieve a specific crisis, sometimes referred to as
some struggles to balance things because they are so a psychosocial crisis, which can be a time of vulnerability,
engrossed with the characters they are in. For example, but also a time of strength as people work towards success
some of the games are online electronic betting games using or failure (Kendra, 2020).
a mobile app that puts students at risk (Mercado, 2020). As The aim of this study is to determine the effects of mobile
signed by the President of the Philippines, the Executive gaming on the psychosocial development of pupils at
Order No. 13 stated that these online mobile games are Pacifico O. Aquino Elementary School during the academic
illegal. Parents are concerned about their children moving year 2019-2020.

Keywords: Mobile Gaming, Psychosocial, Pupils, Philippines

Research Design
This research uses a descriptive method of research which aims to describe and discuss the effects of mobile games on the
psychosocial development of pupils. This study involves observing behavior to describe attributes, both objectively and
systematically (Bhat, 2020).
The study used the descriptive survey instrument and techniques to collect data from identified respondents to this study. Burns
(2019) [6] defined descriptive survey research as involving the collection of data to test the hypothesis or answer questions
about the current status of the study. This method is used to examine the relationship between variables to determine the cause
and effect of interactions between variables.
The study describes the profile of the respondents in terms of their demography. The study also determine the effects of mobile
gaming as indicated by their psychosocial development in terms of home environment, love and affection of family, socio-
economic status, participation in an organization and school programs by the pupils, elementary teachers, and parents in a
selected school in District of Noveleta, Division of Cavite during the Academic Year 2019-2020.

The study utilized three-hundred-forty-two (342) respondents from Pacifico O. Aquino Elementary School(POAES) in District
of Noveleta, Division of Cavite during the Academic Year 2019-2020. The respondents were composed of one- hundred-sixty
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

(160) pupils playing mobile games, twenty-two (22) 1. Profile of the Respondents
teachers, and one-hundred-sixty (160) parents. 1.1 Students
1.1.1 Eighty-six (86) out of one hundred sixty (160) or 54%
Sampling Technique are between 11 and 12 years old, followed by 50 or 31%
The researcher utilized Quota Sampling to pupil and parent whose age are 9 to 10 years old, and 24 or 15 % whose age
respondents. Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling is 13 years old and above.
method that divides the survey population into mutually 1.1.2 Eighty (80) or 50% of the respondents are male, and
exclusive subgroups. These subgroups are selected with eighty (80) or 50% are male.
respect to certain known (and thus non-random) features, 1.1.3 Seventy-eight (78) or 49% of the respondents are in
traits, or interests. People in each subgroup are selected by Grade 5, sixty-two (62) or 39% in Grade 6, and twenty (20)
the researcher is conducting the survey (Aprameya, 2016) [4]. or 13 % in Grade 4.
Purposive Sampling technique for the teacher-respondents 1.1.4 Sixty-eight (68) out of 160 or 43% of the students
was used. According to Foley (2019) it is known as consumed less than an hour per day, thirty-eight (38) or 24%
judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. It is a form of consumed two hours, and twenty-eight (28) or 18%
non-probability sampling in which the researcher rely on his consumed three hours per day. There are twenty-six (26) or
own judgment when choosing respondents of the population 16% of the students who consumed more than four hours a
to participate in his study. All the faculty of Pacifico O. day playing mobile games.
Aquino Elementary School (POAES) with exception of the
principal were utilized as respondents. 1.2 Teachers
1.2.1 Nine (9) teachers out of twenty-two (22) or 41% are
Statement of the Problem between 26 to 35 years old, six (6) or 27% are 25 years old
This study aimed to determine the effects of mobile gaming and below, four (4) or 18% are 36 to 45 years old.
on the psychosocial development of pupils in Pacifico O. 1.2.2 Nineteen (19) out of 22 or 86% are female teachers
Aquino Elementary School in the Division of Cavite during and three (3) or 14% are male.
the Academic Year 2019-2020. 1.2.3 Twelve (12) or 50% of the teachers handle Grades 4,
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following 5, and 6. The other 50% handle Kindergarten to Grade 3.
1. How may the respondents be described as to: 1.3 Parents
1.1 Student’s 1.3.1 Thirty-eight (38) out of 160 parents or 43% are 46
1.1.1 Age, years old and above, thirty-two (32) or 20% are 36 to 45
1.1.2 Sex, years old, and thirty-one (31) or 19% are 26 to 35 years old.
1.1.3 Grade level, and 1.3.2 Eighty-one (81) or 51% are male and seventy-nine
1.1.4 Number of hours spent playing mobile games; (79) or 49% are female; and
1.3.3. Forty-eight (48) or 30% have reached college level,
1.2 Teacher’s forty-five (45) or 28% finished secondary, thirty-seven (37)
1.2.1 Age, or 23% are elementary graduate and the rest finished
1.2.2 Sex, and vocational courses.
1.2.3 Grade level handled; and
2. Effects of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
1.3 Parent’s Development of Pupils
1.3.1 Age, 2.1 Home Environment, the first three in ranks are:
1.3.2 Sex, and a. Mobile gaming creates a calm and predictable home
1.3.3 Highest educational attainment? atmosphere that provides a sense of security with a
weighted mean of 2.59 or High Extent;
2. How does mobile gaming affect the psychosocial b. Mobile gaming foster children’s achievement and
development of pupils as assessed by the three groups of respond to their needs immediately with a weighted mean
respondents in terms of: of 2.58 or High Extent; and
2.1 Home environment, c. Mobile gaming provides and encourages models of
2.2 Love and affection of the family, behavior for children’s self-esteem with a weighted mean
2.3 Socio-economic status, of 2.50 or High Extent.
2.4 Participation in organization, and
2.5 School programs? 2.2 Love and Affection of the Family, the first three in
ranks are
3. Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the a. Mobile gaming provides praises and rewards for
three groups of respondents on the effects of mobile gaming achievements and doing right with a weighted mean of
on the psychosocial development of pupils? 2.42 or Low Extent;
b. Mobile gaming spends quality time together with the
4. How may the findings be utilized in crafting an whole family with a weighted mean of 2.37 or Low Extent;
orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on the and
psychosocial development of pupils? c. Mobile gaming provides unconditional help without
asking with a weighted mean of 2.35 or Low Extent.
Summary of Findings
Based on the gathered data, the researcher came up with the 2.3 Socio-economic Status, the first three in ranks are
following findings: a. Mobile gaming creates socio-economic growth as an
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

important force in psychosocial development and Conclusions

improving child outcomes with a weighted mean of 2.60 or Based on the foregoing findings, the researcher came up
High Extent; with the following conclusions:
b. Mobile gaming develops child well-being dependent 1. The respondents have varied demographic profile. The
on the socio-economic structural context of their family pupils are in their early teens, are male and female, and
with a weighted mean of 2.50 or Low Extent; and in the Elementary Level; they are engaged in mobile
c. Mobile gaming engages children as the future human gaming. The majority of the teachers are female,
capital with a weighted mean of 2.43 or Low Extent. handling intermediate-level and young. Furthermore, all
other parents are in their middle adulthood and are
2.4 Participation in Organization, the first three ranks are: literate.
a. Mobile gaming promotes having a freedom of choice 2. Mobile gaming affects the psychosocial development of
of decision that opens more suggestions with a weighted pupils in terms of home environment, love and affection
mean of 2.66 or High Extent; of family, socio-economic status, participation in
b. Mobile gaming encourages learning by boosting self- organization, and participation in school programs.
expression and building up confidence with a weighted 3. There is a significant difference in the assessment of the
mean of 2.62 or High Extent; and three groups of respondents on the psychosocial
c. Mobile gaming establishes participation in an development of students, home environment, love and
activities that may affect their lives and voice out their affection of the family, and in participation in school
own opinions with a weighted mean of 2.61 or High Extent. programs. On the other hand, socio-economic status and
participation in organization has no significant
2.5 School Programs, the first three ranks are: difference on assessment of the three groups of
a. Mobile gaming brews participation in school respondents.
programs that benefits interrelated outcomes in areas of 4. The findings of the study are vital in crafting an
academic performance and social skills that encourage orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on
brighter future with a weighted mean of 2.48 or Low the psychosocial development of pupils.
b. Mobile gaming strengthens pupils to become a good Recommendations
citizen in the future with a weighted mean of 2.35 or Low From the summary of findings and conclusions given, the
Extent; and following recommendations were formulated:
c. Mobile gaming initiates participation in plans that is
flexible and focus on the children’s future with a Students
weighted mean of 2.31 or Low Extent. 1. Students may divert themselves from mobile gaming by
doing other active activities like arts, dance, music, and
3. Extent of difference in the assessment of the three other skills.
groups of respondents in the effect of mobile gaming on 2. Students may do family chores and take care of the
the psychosocial development of students, on the family members; these opportunities can practice
responses in terms of five (5) variables, three (3) signifies pleasant behavior in school and home.
that there is a significant difference on the responses of the 3. Students may actively join community clean-up and
three groups of respondents namely: other extra-curricular activities in school programs.
1. Home environment. The computed F value which is 8.54 Being active in participation in scouting and
is greater than F critical value of 3.89, hence, the hypothesis volunteering can improve school effectiveness.
is rejected. This is confirmed by the p – value of 0.00 which
is less than 0.05 level of significance. Teachers
2. Love and affection of the family. The computed F value 1. Teachers may upgrade their skills through mobile
which is 6.34 is greater than the F critical value 3.89, hence, phones to monitor the behavior of their students and in
the hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p – value order to develop their pupil’s awareness of spending
of 0.01 which is less than 0.05 level of significance. hours using mobile phones.
3. Participation in school programs. The computed F 2. Teachers may continue to improve their skills in
value 21.88 is greater than the F critical value of 3.89, application of mobile phones, programs, and other
hence, the hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p technologies to pace up with the fast changing
– value of 0.00 which is less than 0.05 level of significance. technology nowadays, in favor of the technology savvy
4. As to socio-economic status and participation in students.
organization. The computed F values which are 1.30 and 3. Teachers may practice strictness in implementing rules
0.60 are less than 3.89 critical value, hence hypothesis are and regulations in classroom, including the time of
rejected. usage of pupil’s mobile phones.
The over-all extent of difference, the computed F value
which is 8.61 is greater than 3.12. Therefore the hypothesis Parents
that there is no significant difference on the assessment of 1. Parents must be aware of the effects of mobile gaming
the three groups of respondents is rejected. on their children, in order to give them proper guidance.
4. The findings of the study were utilized in crafting an They have the right to control what is permitted and not
orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on the in their mobile phones.
psychosocial development of pupils. 2. Parents must decide well whether to buy phone or not to

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

the child. They are aware that their children are capable playing mobile games and even choose unhealthy foods
of discovering many things out of curiosities. convenient while playing. Despite the concern for the
3. Parents can remove games from their mobile phone deteriorating performances of the pupils, their health is also
home screen and can take the entire family outside for a at risk (Peracchia & Curcio, 2019).
walk, games, picnic and participate in church services. For some instances some mobile games are betting games
“The family that prays together, stay together”. that are illegal and not appropriate for the pupils. These
games may cause failing in their psychosocial development
School Administrators that deals with a conflict and that will serve them for the rest
1. School administrators may involve the parents in of their lives. If they fail to deal effectively with these
initiating participations in plans that focus on the conflicts, they may not develop the essential skills needed
children’s future. for a strong sense of self. If stages of development as these
2. School administrators must develop programs for is managed poorly, the child emerges as a person with a
students to participate in organization that promotes sense of inadequacy in that aspect of development.
taking a stance in decision making and involves them to The critical dimension of mobile gaming on the
do more good activities in the society. psychosocial development of pupils seems to determine
3. School administrators have to create an action plan for negative effect on behavior practices in health, physical,
training needs of teachers to deal with challenging mental, social, and education given enthralled children and
pupils involved mobile games. adolescent (Granic et al., 2019) [28].
Based on the aforementioned, the researcher was challenged
Future Researchers from previous studies that led him to conduct the study
Researchers may conduct further studies on other variables entitled, Effects of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
that are not mentioned in the study. Development of Pupils.

Introduction Review of Related Literature and Studies

A game is a form of play or sport, especially a competitive The review of related literature and studies presents the
one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, summary of the salient features of related literature and
or luck. Before the 21st century, a game includes tiredness, studies previously done related to psychosocial
sweat and commonly a lot of social communication with development. The readings and articles were helpful to the
friends and peers. But nowadays, a lot of changes happened. researcher in improving the concepts of the study.
Games which are played before involved a lot of physical
activities compared to the games now, like mobile games Mobile Gaming as Social Skills for Children and Teens
played using cellphones, tablets, and other gadgets. The Mobile games contribute greatly to the high growth rate of
games are normally played online via internet. Many players mobile media use. This industry was worth billions and
are commonly using mobile phones or cellphones to access further growth was expected. By far the largest mobile
these games. gaming region worldwide is Asia. Mobile media is taking
Problematic behavior in gaming has been shown to lives by storm. The daily time mobile phone users spent
contribute to psychological and health issues, including using their devices grew. This trend can also be seen on a
exhaustion, sleep disturbance, signs of depression and global scale as more internet users are using their phones to
anxiety. It showed that increased problem in gaming browse the web, rather than the traditional means of PC or
symptoms were predicted by the amount of weekly gaming, laptop. Indeed, half of the time spent by internet users online
depression and a preference for online social interaction or was on mobile, a significant increase from the past years
in other words symptoms of anxiety and depression (Gough, 2019) [17].
(Mannikko, Billieux, & Kaariainen, 2015) [23]. According to Bringula et al. (2018) [5], a mobile game is a
On the other hand, Q. Ni and Y. Yu (2015) [29] mentioned game that runs on any handheld portable device and can be
that educational mobile games only stimulate a child's utilized to channel information and learning. Games with
interest in learning but also can promote and increase educational content may engage people to play and learn at
language development, critical thinking, emotional the same time. Studies have documented the positive results
development, intelligence, and imagination. Therefore, of mobile games as educational tools. It showed that
educational games could be seen as having an important role students who used educational games had a positive learning
to play in a child's development. experience. Mobile educational games also improve the
Psychosocial development of a child has been increased by motivation of students to learn and to have positive attitudes
motivation using games as well on the study build up the towards learning. It also revealed that the use of mobile
complex, diverse, realistic and social in nature (Lobel et al., educational games improved students’ retention, critical
2019). thinking skills, and understanding of the content of an
The researcher as a teacher observes some pupils who are introductory statistics course. Moreover, it was proven that
not focused on their studies. Pupils cannot maximize their these educational materials can improve learners’ problem-
time acquiring lessons to learn. Majority of them prefer to solving skills and can promote collaboration among them.
play mobile games rather that collaborating with other Recently, there are impacts and outcomes of serious games
pupils to do school activities. Even reading books were no on learning and students’ classroom engagement. The
sense at all. For them these activities bore them. As a result, researchers consistently found that playing serious games
they ignore deadlines, assignments, and homeworks were associated to knowledge acquisition, content
(Adelantado et al., 2019) [1]. Further, he was interested with understanding, and affective and motivational outcomes.
the topic chosen because he witnessed some pupils Until recently, Richardson (2015) [30] defined mobile gaming
experienced lack of sleep due the hours spent at night as a game played on a mobile device. Mobile phone gaming
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

has been largely dismissed as ‘casual’ – typically defined in This only explains that mobile games did not seem to pose
terms of non-immersive shallow gameplay that is brief, harm for most domains of children’s psychosocial
interruptible and non-narrative. Yet just as the constitution development. Parents should be particularly attentive to
of mobile gaming has evolved, expanded, and deepened, so potential increases in children’s internalizing problems as a
too has the notion of casual play. Most notably, the result of mobile game playing. The deleterious effects of
proliferation of app-based ecologies across devices has violent mobile game play remains a highly debated topic,
extended the dimension of play, to include playful and with this study not lending support for the influence of
creative activities, games across multiple genres, contexts violent gaming on externalizing problems or on prosocial
and levels of haptic and temporal investment. behavior. While cooperative gaming seems unrelated to
The unparalleled popularity of a digitally-based game, more prosocial behavior in sample, frequent gamers who also tend
often than not, played on a mobile device (e.g., cell phone, to play competitively may be at risk for behaving less
PDA, smartphone, tablet), in part, has helped pave the way prosocially. Finally, this field would benefit greatly from
for a variety of research interests, to include how mobile validated measures that quantify or categorize the types of
games can be effectively used in today’s digital age to social and emotional processes being activated by different
support not only social development, but intellectual games and game types, and that accurately measure the
activities and general learning. This should not come as a social environment of mobile game sessions (Lobel et al.,
surprise. Experts have long endeavored to understand the 2017) [22].
draw of video games on youth and how this entertainment The study on psychosocial development adds to the
medium can be used in the context of learning within an knowledge on mobile gaming by uncovering the specific
educational setting, such as a classroom, to the extent that relations between video gaming and distinct measures of
game-based learning has become a major vein of study psychological functioning. Potentially problematic mobile
among researchers and educators alike (DaCosta, 2015) [11]. gaming was found to be associated with positive affect and
In contrast, Dewar (2018) [12] stated that social skills social relationships while playing but also with
activities that help kids forge positive relationships are psychological symptoms, maladaptive coping strategies,
evidence-based games and exercises. Children learns when negative affectivity, low self-esteem, a preference for
act as good role models. They benefited from what people solitude, and poor school performance. Including gamers’
created environments that reward self-control and there is reasons for playing video games and their preferred game
nothing quite like practicing it in real life. genres helped deepen the understanding of the specific and
To develop and grow, kids need first-hand experience with differential associations between video gaming and
turn-taking, self-regulation, teamwork, and perspective- psychological health. This knowledge might help
taking. Social skills intervention is really a big help to the developing adequate interventions that are applied prior to
continuous rise of mobile gamers. In brief, online the occurrence of psychological impairments that may go
smartphone games have become popular, and many children along with potentially problematic video gaming (Von Der
spend a lot of time playing it as mobile games. This greatly Heiden et al., 2019).
affects the competence and emotional stability of the pupils Specifically, according to the need-motive-value paradigm,
in relation to their learning situations. The effectiveness of individuals would seek external conditions or tools to satisfy
mobiles games in the field of their learning led to the their innate needs. For example, mobile games are found to
involvement to teach multiple concepts across different fulfill one's need for sociability by generating social space
domains such as code debugging, computer architecture and with flexible communication and small chance of social
social awareness that have been considered entertaining and rejection. Similarly, given the efficiency and cost, mobile
engaging. device has become a useful tool for training and knowledge
sharing. Interestingly, adolescent online gamers report
Influence of Mobile Gaming on Psychosocial higher life satisfaction than those that do not play online.
Development This finding that was attributed to the social value likely
The children nowadays play mobile games. Since this added, due to being a member of an online gaming
leisure activity has become ubiquitous in today’s society, it community. Online gaming has been supported to provide
is imperative to understand the effects it may have on youth. positive experiences by facilitating opportunities to develop
The field has mostly been exploring traditional media issues, and maintain peer connections. Games allow players to
such as the relation between gaming and aggression or engage socially with others in a myriad ways, resulting in
addictive, pathological gaming behavior. Mobile games can varying associations with adjustment. For example,
lead to a myriad of social experiences for children, such as compared with offline play, online play has been shown to
providing a topic of conversation or a focus for hanging out bolster life satisfaction among adolescents but also predicts
among peers (Verheijen, 2019) [40]. a smaller offline social circle. Furthermore, expected that
Futhermore, Siitonen (2015) said that online multiplayer social motivations for playing games is associated with
games typically encourage interaction between players: loneliness, need to belong, and fear of negative evaluation,
some go even as far as demanding it. Collaboration with but did not specify a direction. Social motivations might
other players may be a prerequisite for making progress in a illustrate a person's opportunities to play with friends, but
game, or a game may be based on competition between also indicate an unmet need for sociability. Girls preferred
players. Typical online games can be played fairly social simulation and brain or skill games with fewer social
independently, without seeking closer contact with other and exciting components than other genres like action-
gamers. However, social interaction is a strong motive not shooter or sport games, which are mainly preferred by boys.
only for playing multiplayer games, but also for forming Playing these games constitutes a solitary leisure activity,
lasting social relationships with other gamers. and girls with few social skills (Kowert et al., 2015) and

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

introverted characteristics (Garcia-Oliva & Piqueras, 2016) devices and the influences in their academic performance is
would be at increased risk of disordered gaming. Although in high degree.
these suggestive findings require replication, they imply that Pujol (2019) also examined how the games impacts kids. He
future research should pay more attention to gender- excluded kids described as “extreme gamers” who played at
dependent differences in risk and protective variables least 18 hours a week. The study did include 428 children
involved in gaming-related behaviors. In contrast, who were described by their parents as non-gamers. On the
introverted adolescents tend to prefer RPG, adventure, and average, the gamers played about four hours a week. Boys
social simulation games. These data suggest that introverted typically spent about 1.7 hours more per week playing video
players would prefer to spend their time playing more games than girls, the study also found. Overall, video
solitary games, some of them to cope with their social gamers did not exhibit more behavior problems than non-
necessities by simulating social interactions in a virtual gamers. But the more time kids spent playing, the more
world (Kowert et al., 2015). Low agreeable players tend to likely parents were to report behavior and conduct problems,
choose fighting and strategy games, probably because of the study found. Children who played at least nine hours a
their competitive tendencies and the violent gratification of week were significantly more likely to have poor conduct
in-game fighting (Greitemey & Sagioglou, 2017). than kids who spent less time with video games.
There exist a lot of variety between different mobile games Researchers checked children’s motor response speed,
and the way they are played and making this rather a attention and working memory. An hour a week of gaming
complex behaviour. The aim of this study is to pinpoint the was enough for children to have significantly faster motor
elements in mobile games that promote adolescents’ well- response speed than non-gamers, though the improvement
being, while careful consideration is put into examining the leveled off after two hours of gaming. They did not find a
complexity of mobile game play behavior. There can be difference in attention or memory skills between gamers and
potential beneficial effects of mobile games contrasting with non-gamers, however. One limitation of the study is its
the negative consequences. However, the idea in general is reliance on parents to accurately report how much time their
there is either good or bad effects in mobile gaming. children spend playing video games and its use of a single
point in time for assessing how much kids played.
Mobile Gaming Consumes Pupils’ Time On the other hand, Gazzaley (2019) said like many others
Children who limit gaming time to an hour or two a week, similar to it, is provocative in suggesting both positive and
however, may experience cognitive benefits such as faster negative impacts of video game playing and how this is
responses to visual cues. It is a fact that children expend a impacted by the amount of time devoted to game play. It
relevant proportion of their time in front of a screen, which does not tell us whether video games directly influence kids’
may be good and even necessary (Pujol, 2019). skills or behaviors. The study is observational, and does not
Nevertheless, a time limit is arguably recommendable, as is prove video games directly cause improvements in motor
the combination of gaming with physical or outdoor activity skills or increased conduct problems. The wide variety of
and the supervision of video gaming’s potential effects on games kids played also might make it hard to draw broad
children’s socialization. conclusions about potential benefits or harms of certain
Next, Hygen (2019) investigated whether the quantity of types of gaming.
time children spend on gaming is related to the social Meanwhile in the present study, the researcher wanted to
development and examining its relationship in children. He explore the effects of mobile games whether it can harm or
examine prospective relations between time spent in gaming it can help the pupil’s time to develop their psychosocial
and social competence in a community. development. He wanted to see that mobile games can have
In connection to the study, the researcher was tasked to the positive impacts on the psychosocial behavior of pupils.
estimate how much time his pupils spent playing mobile
games on an average day. According to Comedia (2015), Computer Games are more fun than World Learning
like common children, pupil athletes are described in Since an important part of social skills is acquired through
ordinary ways as to their age, gender, sports, favorite online playing games in childhood, nowadays, despite improving
game, and number of hours spent online games. In a study technology, can observe the advent of modern phenomenon
conducted in Rene Cayetano Elementary School, online in the children's new game world which is a milestone in the
games influence the pupil athletes’ in sports competition to a structure and content of the children's games. Children and
very high extent as to attendance in practice, performance adolescents in the current world are extremely affected by
during the practice or in actual game, and achievement. the mentioned games. And considering the importance of
Coaches and their assistants encountered problems with mobile games in the social life of this age range, computer
their pupil athletes playing online games and these are games have inevitably allocated the major part of
addressed. The findings were utilized in crafting a guide to socialization of children and adolescents to itself. The
minimize pupil athletes’ interest in online games and attractiveness of mobile games for children and adolescents
improve performance in sports completion. have caused them to be more acceptable among other
Another study proved that there are video games mostly playing instruments. Further to explain the advantage and
played by the grade six learners. The video games affect disadvantage of computer games. Individuals described their
learners academic performance to a moderate extent and eagerness to computer games as having fun, excitement and
intervention activities can be done to minimize learner’s challenges. A few percentages of the players mentioned the
engagement on video games (Cauba, 2015) [7]. Veri (2016) benefits of computer games as improving mental-dynamic
also concluded that there are common electronic devices skills. One third of the subjects believed that the
that pupils play for two to three hours a day. There are disadvantage of these games was due to game addiction
different reasons why the respondents used electronics (Zamani et al., 2019).

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Therefore, computer games represent the first digital media allowing the pupils to bring out their mobile phones now. At
technology which is applied for socialization of a generation this point they are not glued to their phones when they arrive
in a large scale and often most of the teenagers in other at school, they have to engage in social communication and
countries are using these games. But on the other hand, when they go to the library they are looking at books instead
excessiveness in playing these games has caused some of their phones or they are discussing things with their peers.
concerns about the possible side-effects they have on the It is also made a difference to engagement in lessons
players. Major concerns about these games are due to two because the phones are not available as a distraction (Webb,
main factors; first, the amount of time children spend and 2019).
second, the nature of these games, particularly, when For instance, Selwyn (2019) said that students will have to
children spend their time playing to compensate for ignoring switch off their phones and store them in lockers from the
other educational-social activities and leisure time. They are start of the school day until the final bell. In case of an
potentially harmful, because computer games may be emergency, parents or guardians can reach their child by
replaced by other activities such as homework, free reading calling the school. Any pupil caught using a mobile phone
or exercising. It has been observed that children addicted to anywhere on the campus it was confiscated until the end of
computer games tend to play more and avoid social the school day. Their parent or caretaker is contacted if this
relationships. As mentioned, these needs are mentioned as keeps happening and the phone will not be returned until
need for fun, entertainment and recreation, overcoming they come in to pick it up. The “black and white rule” is
psychological mechanisms, running away from reality, strictly enforced.
mutual social interactions, need for arousal and competition Merlino (2019) said that mobile phones will be removed due
and need for feeling powerful expressions, like those who to a major distraction from classrooms, so that teachers can
seek computer games in order to satisfy their social teach, and students can learn in a more focused, positive and
interaction because they would experience anxiety and supported environment. Half of all young people have
distress facing the real world’s social situations (Wan & experienced cyberbullying. By banning mobiles can stop it
Chiou, 2015). at the school gate. The only exceptions to the ban will be
As an escape from real life situations games offers running where students use phones to monitor health conditions, or
away to a place to have fun, Colwell and Payne (2015) where teachers instruct students to bring their phone for a
showed that there is no direct relationship between social particular classroom activity. Binnion (2019), said, students
isolation and computer games. It can be said that most are more focused learners in the classroom without this
research carried out on the role of computer games in the distraction and have observed improved social connections,
social development of adolescents has been conducted on relationships and interactions in the school during
the role of computer games clubs that are a place for young lunchtime. A team of staff outside the entrance, to the
people to come together and finally meet and interact with school in the morning, all very visible and all children are
each other thus meaning there is little effect on social required to switch their phones off and put it into their bags,
development. Computer games clubs are social places and the rest of our staff are out on corridors in the morning
centers to develop friendships. Besides, going to game clubs talking to students, talking to each other and just making
represents an important aspect of the social life of sure that rule is enforced. To be fair once got this rule
adolescents. These cubs are a place to meet others, learn established it is just not an issue during the school day at all.
their behavior and how to behave toward them. It will not see a student with a mobile phone.
As a result, more is that excessive use of computer games to Finally, Ball (2020) wrote that mobile phones have changed
negative impact on health, negative moods, depressive the way communication does, but people disagree on
syndrome and weak social interactions. The players may whether the devices are useful tools for education. The
practically prefer all the social interactions and relations pupils can welcome the break from social media and,
occurring in the virtual environment to the real world, and because the situation is clear cut, everybody complies. It is a
they provide the need for stabilizing the social situation and black and white rule that is applied consistently
sense of belonging through interaction with other playmates Forfar (2019) also said, it is probably no accident that had
in the game. Summing up, the researcher in the present some cracking results. This is all about raising the standards
study thinks in contrast that interacting with others gives of the school universally and there is research out there that
children the opportunity to learn and to get new or fresh suggests that schools that do ban mobile phones have an
perspectives for looking at things. Other people serve as uplift in performance because students are more engaged
source of emotional support, encouragement, and inspiration and concentrating in lessons and learning.
which should motivate them to keep going. In relation to the present study, the researcher thought that
mobile phones banning runs rampant at every level of the
Banning of Mobile Phones in Schools school society, and there is not much support for it affects
A school said its total ban on pupils using mobile phones pupils’ psychosocial development. Whether they are school
has improved exam results and behavior. The ban, which or at home, yet they are the only ones who can see if they
has been running for a year, has “made a massive are really affected by their social media accounts and games
difference”. The strict rule applies at any time during the in their mobile phones. Pupils can refuse to acknowledge
school day, even during breaks or at lunchtime. Staff are their perceptions and lie about it. The choice to deceive is
also asked not to use mobile phones in front of pupils theirs and not whether there is mobile phone banning or not.
(Wightwik, 2019).
In fact, pupils are now more sociable and concentrate better Consequences of Mobile Games
in lessons. Wightwik claimed that the ban, which was Hygen (2019) studied that playing mobile games around the
introduced in 2018, helped pupils get better and A level age of ten had greater adverse effects on developing social
results. She did not envisage them ever going back to skills for girls than it did for boys. Gaming does not harm
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

social development in boys but girls who struggle to make decision-making and social development of students.
friends. The youngsters involved only reported an average In fact, Henson (2020) [18] reported that Mobile Gaming is
amount of time gaming over a limited time frame. However, already a sport and even the mobile service provider Smart
all kids aged eight to ten who find it hard to make friends Communications, Inc. reinforcing its support for the
are more likely to game more than two years later. The country’s mobile gaming scene. Together with Siklab Saya,
children were checked in on kids every two years, the biggest nationwide gathering for gamers and fans of
questioning their parents and teachers about the time spent Mobile Legends: Bang Bang trooped across the country to
gaming and collecting data about their development. It show and celebrate their love for the popular mobile game
found that, overall, gaming did not impact social and to test their skills with other aspiring gamers to compete
development with one key outlier. The time boys spent for the biggest tournament.
playing games has no harmful effect on their social In general, there was a significant difference between social
development. And so forth It was found out that 10-year-old skills and addiction to mobile games. In addition, they
girls who played games frequently had lower social skills at showed that the individuals who were addicted to these
12 than girls who played less. But 10-year-old girls who games had lower social skills than those who were normal.
spent more time playing video games developed weaker Mobile games are one of the most exciting activities of the
social skills two years later than girls who spent less time 21st century. These types of games started from three
playing. Female gamers’ relatively poorer social skills could decades ago and have persuaded many adolescents and
be down to them being more isolated from other girls. children to spend a great amount of their time playing them.
Hence overweight girls are more likely to be gamers and Mobile games may satisfy the natural needs met in social
children tend to have problems developing social skills. The interactions and will lead to social isolation. This isolation
factors that might lead a child to be socially inept might also and loneliness may cause reduction in individual social
drive them to higher levels of gaming, putting the onus on interactions with others and will finally reduce the
problems outside of gaming rather than the mobile games individual's social skills (Zamani et al., 2019).
themselves. Selnow (2015) showed that the players have realized that
According to Wichstrom (2019), it might be the that poor mobile games were more enjoyable than companionship
social competence drives youth’s tendency to play games with others. These games can only give some information
for extended periods of time, that is, youth who struggle about others and their behavioral methods used against
socially might be more inclined to play games to fulfill their others. These games can create feelings like companionship
need to belong and their desire for mastery because gaming with friends and help some of the children fill their solitude.
is easily accessible and may be less complicated for them These games let the player participate and involve in the
than face-to-face interactions. The children aged 10 and 12 game directly. These games also provide a get away from
reported on how much they played video games using problems in life. On the other hands as mentioned above,
tablets, PCs, game consoles and mobile phones while their concerns about computer games are that may create more
parents did for those aged 6 and 8. The youth also reported aggressive and shocking tendencies in most players. These
how often they played games with their friends. These could games have violent and anti-social topics; therefore, they
help clear away some of the negative ideas around children played these games caused some concerns about possible
playing mobile games. side-effects they may have on the players. Major concerns
On the other hand, the researcher stated that their study may regarding these games are due to two main factors; first, the
mitigate some concerns about adverse effects of gaming on amount of time children spend on playing these games and
children’s psychosocial development. It might not be second, the nature of these games particularly when children
gaming itself that warrants attention, but the reasons some spend their time playing to compensate the price of ignoring
children and adolescents spend a lot of their spare time other educational-social activities and leisure time.
playing the games. The consequences of dependency on kids approaching
Sami et al., (2015) [34] suggested that the physical activity adolescents according to the researcher were spent on a
group has a higher social development than computer games large amount of time on mobile playing, they will get
group. They compare the participation in sports activities involved in an addiction that needs to spend lots of money
and the playing of computer games with regard to the social and time. Addiction to mobile games not only leads to
development of students. The results showed that the financial problems, but also takes the place of more healthy
students that take part in physical activities have a higher leisure activities, reduces the educational and academic
social development than the students that play computer performance of students due to lack of effort to do
games. The exercise helps the increase of social skills and homework and also reduces the necessary opportunities for
the prevention of social conflicts. In sport and group developing social skills due to playing computer games
activities, people learn to help others, consistency with the which are basically individual activities.
group, cooperation, forgiveness, dedication, independence, The previous readings results showed that the students who
self-confidence, respecting the law, and friendship with preferred mobile games had more behavioral problems on
others. In general, individuals' social growth will be other issues in comparison with other students. Another
developed through group activities including team sports. point was the increase in playing computer games which
Exercise by communicating, modelling, reinforcing consequently leads to decrease in contact and interaction
feedback, social and communication skills, preparation and with others that can stop the individual from learning
motivation, emotional development, enhancing adaptability, opportunities for developing their psychosocial skills
and self-esteem effect the reinforcement of social effectively and efficiently. In other words, they may caught
development. Participation in sports and group activities up in crises. A dilemma on the development. This can also
causes an increase to social skills such as accountability, remove the previous learned skills, because psychosocial
problem solving skills, improved interpersonal relationships, development are typically overcome and in order to
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

continue needs to receive correction and feedback. It seems In Psychosocial Stage 4- From approximately age 6 until
that the researcher mobile games' topic is, the more decisive approximately age 12, or the onset of puberty, children often
matter in anticipating psychosocial development, in addition focus on school academic achievements. Persons encourage
to time spending for the games, is the way they are played at the child to develop new skills and praise him or her for his
home or at school and their type of associating it with their or her accomplishments, he or she will often develop a
lives. healthy sense of industriousness but if parents do not help
their children develop confidence in their abilities, they will
Theoretical Framework feel inferior to their peers, which can lead to both emotional
Psychosocial Theory by Erik Erikson expanded Freud’s and academic problems.
theory that recognizes the importance of early experiences Syed and McLean (2018) presented that persons are entirely
in childhood. It is connected to the topic that involves reliant on our caregivers for warmth, love, stability, and
psychosocial which takes into account the role of social nurturing. If reliable and predictable, we gain confidence, a
factors to influence development. The socialization process sense of security, and a feeling of safety in the world.
is important concept created by and extended the stages of On every success of students within stage one leads to the
development throughout the life span (McLeod, 2018) [25]. virtue of hope, the sense that whatever crisis arise there will
This theory is centered on either developing a psychological be parents and teachers around to provide support. It
quality and the potential for personal growth. It is also becomes essential to learn how to handle the many social
believed that a sense of competence motivates behaviors and and academic expectations.
actions. Each stage is concerned with becoming competent
in an area of life. If the stage is handled well, the person will Conceptual Framework
feel a sense of mastery, which is sometimes referred to as This present study is further concerned on psychosocial
ego strength or ego quality. development of the pupils, their effects from the actual
According to Sutton (2020), mobile gaming on the mobile gaming interaction on the foregoing concepts to the
psychosocial development of pupils effects each stages study which is related to the research.
influenced by biological, psychological social factors, from According to Swaen (2020) a conceptual framework should
birth to old age. Personality transform infancy, early be constructed before beginning or collecting data to
childhood, preschool, school age, adolescence, young illustrate what is expected to find in a research, the relevant
adulthood, middle adulthood and maturity. In his eight (8) variables for study, and maps out how they might relate to
psychosocial stages of development (Fig 1), Erickson shows each other. It is frequently represented visually.
that these science-based exercises explore fundamental The conceptual framework represents the researcher’s
aspects of positive home environment, love and affection of synthesis of literature on how to explain a phenomenon. It is
the family, socio-economic status, participation in the researcher’s understanding on how the particular
organization and school programs it allows to determine variables in his study connect with each other. It serves as a
both the extent to improve the psychosocial development of map that will guide towards realizing the objectives. It is a
students, teachers and parents. primarily a conception or model of what is out there that the
researcher planned to study.
This shows the relationship between the independent
variables (Demographic Profile of the Respondents) and
dependent variable (Effects of Psychosocial Development
the Student-Respondents). The success of these effects
depends on the independent variables which are
demographic profile of the respondents. That is, intervening
The foregoing conceptual framework is presented in the
flow that follows using INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT

Fig 1: Eight Psychosocial Stages of Development Theory of Erik


Childhood psychosocial development is a multistep process

in which children learn to trust others, communicate their
needs and develop distinct identities. Five of Erikson's
stages of development take place during childhood. Under
Erikson’s model, if the child does not progress through one
stage successfully, he or she will have difficulty with the Fig 2: Flow of the Study
next phase.
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Fig 2. Shows the flow of the study may affect students in with a background or an overview of the effects of mobile
five factors such as home environment, love and affection of games on their psychosocial development.
the family, socio-economic status, participation in an Teachers may be able to use the information provided in
organization and in school programs. The effect in each this research to motivate and encourage better teaching-
aspects, will follow to have an orientation program. learning.
Effects of Psychosocial Development can be used to identify Master Teachers and Head Teachers may be aware of the
the mobile games related crisis among the student- teacher’s problems and would guide them on what proper
respondents. Such crisis differentiated different points of action to be done to resolve the challenges that affect
view of the three respondents from; home environment, love teachers teaching.
and affection of the family, socio-economic status, Parents may utilize the findings of this study to guide their
participation in organization and school programs. children to behave according to the morals and beliefs of the
Statement of the Problem School Administrators may gain knowledge from this
This study aimed to determine the effects of mobile gaming study that would help them facilitate understanding within
on the psychosocial development of pupils in Pacifico O. their respected positions to find necessary implementation
Aquino Elementary School in the Division of Cavite during needed to craft an intervention program to help students.
the Academic Year 2019-2020. Future Researchers may make similar studies since there is
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following excessive usage of mobile phones to students which greatly
questions: affects them.
1. How may the respondents be described as to:
1.1 Student’s Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study was delimited to the pupils, teachers, and parents
1.1.1 Age, of Pacifico O. Aquino Elementary School (POAES) in
1.1.2 Sex, District of Noveleta, Division of Cavite during the
1.1.3 Grade level, and Academic Year 2019-2020. It covers the four (4) stages of
1.1.4 Number of hours spent playing mobile games; the psychosocial development of pupils. It aims to determine
effects of mobile gaming on the intermediate students from
1.2 Teacher’s grades 4, 5, and 6.
1.2.1 Age,
1.2.2 Sex, and Definition of Terms
1.2.3 Grade level handled; and In order for the intended readers to fully understand the
study, the researcher provided both the conceptual and
1.3 Parent’s operational definition of the following terms:
1.3.1 Age, Inferiority is the condition of being lower in status or
1.3.2 Sex, and quality than another or others
1.3.3 Highest educational attainment? Mobile Gaming is a game activity that is played on gadgets
such as mobile phones or smartphones, whether online or
2. How does mobile gaming affect the psychosocial not.
development of pupils as assessed by the three groups of Mobile Legends are the most popular mobile games
respondents in terms of: currently played by anyone from the developer Moonton.
2.1 home environment, PLAYERS refer to active gamers who are playing mobile
2.2 Love and affection of the family, games.
2.3 Socio-economic status, Psychosocial Development defines each stage of human
2.4 Participation in organization, and development with a crisis or a conflict. Each crisis or
2.5 School programs conflict either resolved or may be left unresolved, resulting
in favorable or unfavorable outcomes. The eight stages of
3. Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the psychosocial development are infancy, early childhood, late
three groups of respondents on the effects of mobile gaming childhood, school age, adolescence, young adulthood,
on the psychosocial development of pupils? adulthood, and maturity.
Socialization is a process in which the individual's norms,
4. How may the findings be utilized in crafting an skills, motivations, attitudes and behaviors are formed so
orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on the that the individual recognizes his or her current or future
psychosocial development of pupils? role in the desired society.
Social Skills are activities for boosting teamwork, self-
Hypothesis control, and emotional.
There is no significant difference in the assessment of the
three groups of respondents on the effects of mobile gaming Methods
on the psychosocial development of pupils. This chapter covered the research methods and procedures
utilized by the researcher to gather the needed data. It
Significance of the Study includes the research design, respondents, sampling
The researcher believes that the findings of this study are techniques, instruments, and statistical treatment of data
deemed significant to the following: applied to come up with the detailed presentation of the
Students/Learners may realize that this research paper result of the study.
would be able to help them in their study by providing them
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Research Design of mobile gaming on the psychosocial development of

This research uses a descriptive method of research which pupils in the following aspects: home environment, love and
aims to describe and discuss the effects of mobile games on affection of the family, socio-economic status, participation
the psychosocial development of pupils. This study involves in organization and school programs.
observing behavior to describe attributes, both objectively
and systematically (Bhat, 2020). Construction and Validation of the Instrument
The study used the descriptive survey instrument and To acquire ideas about the study, the researcher read books,
techniques to collect data from identified respondents to this journals, articles, unpublished theses and dissertation. The
study. Burns (2019) [6] defined descriptive survey research as researcher formulated the questions and items on the draft of
involving the collection of data to test the hypothesis or the questionnaire. He also solicited the help of other
answer questions about the current status of the study. This experienced, the panel of experts during pre-oral; necessary
method is used to examine the relationship between corrections from the panel improved the draft and MAED
variables to determine the cause and effect of interactions students; who are experienced and knowledgeable on the
between variables. subjects of mobile games. He presented this draft to his
The study describes the profile of the respondents in terms Thesis Adviser who in turn, suggested some changes and
of their demography. The study also determine the effects of additional ideas or information and concepts, which he
mobile gaming as indicated by their psychosocial considered and incorporated and the final instrument was
development in terms of home environment, love and produced. The researcher considered all these suggestions
affection of family, socio-economic status, participation in when he revised the final draft.
an organization and school programs by the pupils, The final draft of the instrument was tried out to the pupils
elementary teachers, and parents in a selected school in and from other public elementary school. The purpose of the
District of Noveleta, Division of Cavite during the dry run was to find out if there are unclear items in the
Academic Year 2019-2020. questionnaire. Items which are found difficult were revised
and modified. The result was examined for the improvement
Respondents of the instrument. The questionnaire was written based on
The study utilized three-hundred-forty-two (342) the feedback. The pre-test has proven that the questionnaire
respondents from different groups in Pacifico O. Aquino is valid and reliable and was reproduced for distribution to
Elementary School (POAES) in District of Noveleta, the target respondents. These tried-out respondents were not
Division of Cavite during the Academic Year 2019-2020. included in the composition of sample respondents.
The respondents were composed of one-hundred-sixty (160)
pupils playing mobile games, twenty-two (22) teachers, and Administration and Retrieval of the Instruments
one-hundred-sixty (160) parents. The researcher first secured a written permit to conduct the
study from the Superintendent of City Schools, Division of
Sampling Technique Cavite. The permit was then presented to the principal of the
The researcher utilized Quota Sampling to pupil and parent selected school in District of Noveleta, Division of Cavite.
respondents. Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling Once permitted, the researcher personally administered the
method that divides the survey population into mutually questionnaires to the target respondents and retrieved the
exclusive subgroups. These subgroups are selected with instrument personally to ensure its return and to assure them
respect to certain known (and thus non-random) features, that their responses were treated with confidentiality.
traits, or interests. People in each subgroup are selected by
the researcher is conducting the survey (Aprameya, 2016) [4]. Statistical Treatment of Data
Purposive Sampling technique for the teacher-respondents The data that were yielded by the questionnaire were tallied,
was used. According to Foley (2019) it is known as tabulated, and subjected to statistical treatment in order to
judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. It is a form of ensure validity, reliability, and interpretation.
non-probability sampling in which the researcher rely on his
own judgment when choosing respondents of the population 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution
to participate in his study. All the faculty of Pacifico O. To determine the personal profile of the respondents, the
Aquino Elementary School (POAES) with exception of the researcher used frequency and percentage distribution.
principal were utilized as respondents.

The researcher used a questionnaire. This tool was
formulated based on related literatures and studies related to Where:
the study. P = percentage
It contains a set of specific questions used to gather specific F = frequency
responses from the respondents to answer the problems N = no. of respondents
stated in Chapter 1. The questionnaire has the following
parts: Part 1 is on the student-respondents’ personal profile 2. Ranking
as to their age, sex, grade level, number of hours spent This method reinforce the description by percentage and
playing mobile games, highest educational attainment, and decide the positional importance of the items and it will be
dwelling; on the teacher-respondents’ personal profile as to used to rank each items from 1, 2, 3, etc.
their age, sex, and grade level handled; and on the parent-
respondents’ personal profile as to their age, sex, and 3. Weighted Mean
highest educational attainment. Part 2 deals with the effects Weighted mean is an average computed by giving different
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

weights to some of individual values. Grade 6 62 39 2

Total 160 100
Number of hours spend per day in playing mobile games
less than 1 hour 68 43 1
2 hours 38 24 2
3 hours 28 18 3
Where: More than 4 hours 26 16 4
∑fw = sum of the product of the frequency Total 160 100
N = no. of respondents
Table 1 describes the profile of the student-respondents as to
The equivalent part was assigned to each indicated item to their age, sex, grade level, and number of hours spent per
show the extent of existence of the conditions as perceived day in playing mobile games. As to their age, there were 86
by the respondent. This was determined by checking each out of 160 or 54% whose age are between 11 and 12 years
weighted average against numerical rating to obtain the old, followed by 50 or 31% whose age are 9 to 10 years old,
equivalent verbal description and interpretation. and 24 or 15 percent whose age is 13 years old and above.
The researcher used to the respondents a choice of four The researcher’s data show that majority of the student
responses which will be enumerate below. respondents involved in mobile gaming are between 11 to
12 years old.
Numerical Rating Range Verbal Interpretation There were 80 or 50% female and 50% male students. The
4- Very often 3.26 – 4.00 Very High Extent (VHE)
respondents’ sex halves between male and female in general
3- Often 2.51 – 3.25 High Extent (HE)
number and most of the student-respondents come from
2- Sometimes 1.76 – 2.50 Low Extent (LE)
1- Never 1.00 - 1.75 Very Low Extent (VLE) Grade 5.
There were 78 or 49% of the respondents who are in Grade
4. Analysis of Variance 5, 62 or 39% Grade 6, and 20 or 13% Grade 4.
ANOVA As to the number of hours consumed per day in playing
This was an analysis of variance, a statistical method in mobile games, there were 68 out of 160 or 43% of the
which the variation in a set of observations is divided into students who consume less than an hour per day, 38 or 24%
distinct components. consume two hours, and 28 or 18% who consume three
Acording to Kenton (2019) it is an analysis tool used in hours per day. There are 26 or 16% of the students who
statistics that splits an observed aggregate variability found consume more than four hours a day playing mobile games.
inside a data set into two parts: systematic factors and As revealed by the respondents, all age groups are less than
random factors. The systematic factors have a statistical one (1) hour spent per day in playing mobile games, yet they
influence on the given data set, while the random factors do have radically increased the amount that they played each
not. Analysts use the ANOVA test to determine the week in Forbes statistics report more males are playing than
influence that independent variables have on the dependent females because mobile games is easy anywhere, according
variable in a regression study. to Anderson (2019). It was also discovered that most of
these students consumed less than an hour playing mobile
games as already proven by the Forbes statistics.

Table 2: Profile of the Teachers

Age f % Rank
25 and below 6 27 2
26 - 35 9 41 1
36 – 45 4 18 3
46 and above 2 9 4
Total 22 100
Male 3 14
Results Female 19 86
This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data based Total 22 100
on the order on the problems presented in Chapter 1. Grade Level Taught
1. Profile of the Respondents Kindergarten 2 9 6.5
Grade 1 3 14 4
Table 1: Profile of the Students Grade 2 2 9 6.5
Grade 3 3 14 4
Age f % Rank Grade 4 3 14 4
9 - 10 below 50 31 2 Grade 5 4 18 2
11 to 12 86 54 1 Grade 6 5 23 1
13 and above 24 15 3 Total 22 100
Total 160 100
Male 80 50 Table 2 describes the profile of the teacher respondents as to
female 80 50 their age, sex, and grade level handled. There were nine (9)
Total 160 100 teachers out of 22 or 41% whose age is between 26 to 35
Grade Level years old, 6 or 27% are 25 years old and below, 4 or 18%
Grade 4 20 13 3 are 36 to 45 years old. It shows that the teachers are still
Grade 5 78 49 1 young, hence, most of them are considered millennials.
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

Further, there were 19 out of 22 or 86% female teachers and 2. Effects of mobile gaming on the psychosocial
3 or 14% male. The teaching profession is known to be a development of pupils as assessed by the three groups of
female dominated profession, hence, the data gathered respondents in terms of: home environment, love and
proved such claim. affection of the family, socio-economic status,
The findings show the young, dominated by females and participation in organization, and school programs
mostly handling the grade six (6). They nurture children and
expect that their knowledge, trainings and strategies uplift Table 4: Effect of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
the students. Development of Students in Terms of Home Environment
The teacher respondents are teaching from Kindergarten to Students Teachers Parents Overall
Grade 6. There are 12 or 50% teachers handling Grades 4, 5, Indicators VI Rank
and 6. The other 50% are handling Kindergarten to Grade 3. a. Mobile gaming
Epstein (2018) [13] said that most of the teachers are fresh creates a calm and
and, in their youths, and stand out with more females. On predictable home
2.93 HE 2.36 LE 2.47 LE 2.59 HE 1
the other hand, it was described that the teacher atmosphere that
respondent’s number splits in handling between primary and provides a sense of
b. Mobile gaming
foster children’s
Table 3: Profile of the Parents achievement and 2.73 HE 2.59 HE 2.43 LE 2.58 HE 2
Age f % Rank respond to their needs
25 and below 29 18 4 immediately
26 to 35 31 19 3 c. Mobile gaming
36 to 45 32 20 2 provides and
46 and above 38 43 1 encourages models of 2.66 HE 2.41 LE 2.43 LE 2.50 HE 3
Total 160 100 behavior for
Sex children’s self-esteem
Male 81 51 d. Mobile gaming
Female 79 49 provides structured
Total 160 100 opportunities to
Highest Educational Attainment practice good
2.54 HE 2.32 LE 2.46 LE 2.44 LE 5
Elementary 37 23 3 behavior and guide
Secondary 45 28 2 children in the choice
College Level 48 30 1 of learning from
school or at home
TechVoc 30 19 4
e. Mobile gaming
Total 160 100
establish the norm of
cooperation and
Table 3 presents the profile of the parent respondents as to 2.56 HE 2.36 LE 2.49 LE 2.47 LE 4
mutual respect and
their age, sex, and highest educational attainment. As enlist everyone’s
shown, 38 out of 160 parents or 43% are 46 years old and support
above, 32 or 20% are 36 to 45 years old, and 31 or 19% are Over-all Weighted
2.68 HE 2.41 LE 2.46 LE 2.52 HE
26 to 35 years old. Mean
As to the sex of the parents, 81 or 51% are male and 79 or
49% are female. The data is unique in such a way that there Table 4 presents the effects of mobile gaming on the
are more male parents who participated in the study. Most of Psychosocial Development of students in terms of Home
the time, there are more female parents who participate in Environment. The over-all weighted mean of 2.68, 2.46, and
school related activities as observed by the researcher 2.41 for students, parents, and teachers respectively show
himself. that they differ. The students having the highest overall
In terms of the educational attainment of the parents, 48 or weighted mean consider mobile gaming affect their
30% have reached college level, 45 or 28% finished Psychosocial Development to a High Extent. On the
secondary, 37 or 23% are elementary graduate, and the rest contrary, the teachers and parents consider that mobile
finished vocational courses. gaming affect the students’ psychosocial development to a
According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) 2020, the Low Extent.
educational attainment of the population in the country had The three groups of respondents have the following
improved since 2000. College level increased from four- indicators as the first three in ranks:
point three percent (4.3 %) in 2000 to ten point one percent 1. Creates a calm and predictable home atmosphere that
(10.1 %) in 2010. provides a sense of security with a weighted mean of 2.59
The data revealed that the majority of parent-respondents or High Extent;
who participated are older than the other participants, and 2. Foster children’s achievement and respond to their
many of them are males who have clearly reached and needs immediately with a weighted mean of 2.58 or High
studied in college. The PSA survey did, in fact, persuade the Extent; and
researcher that the country’s educational attainment has 3. Provides and encourages models of behavior for
improved. children’s self-esteem with a weighted mean of 2.50 or

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

High Extent. factors according to the Association for Consumer Research

More positive home environments, parental warmth, (2020).
learning materials, and responsiveness education influence The data discussed that mobile gaming affects less to the
parenting knowledge, beliefs, affects parenting practices, psychological development of students in terms of love and
and the quality of the environment (UNICEF, 2020) [38]. affection. There are some pupils who gain rewards, spend
According to UNICEF (2020) [38], the psychosocial time with family more, and develop cooperation in mobile
development of students in terms of home environment gaming. For parents and teachers consider mobile gaming
promotes healthy reactions for social relationships, and not beneficial.
contributes to later academic and employment success.
The data bring up that there are diverse effects of mobile Table 6: Effect of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
gaming on the Psychosocial Development in terms of Home Development of Students in Terms of Socio-economic Status
Environment. The main positive effects of playing mobile Over
games in terms of home environment is a place for security, Indicators StudentsTeachers Parents
all VI Rank
it respond to their needs, and boost high self-esteem. In Mobile gaming WM VI WM VI WM VI WM
contrary, most parents and teachers opposed to this. a. creates socio-
economic growth as an
Table 5: Effect of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial important force in
Development of Students in Terms of Love and Affection psychosocial 2.65 HE 2.23 LE 2.92 HE 2.60 HE 1
development and
Over improving child
Indicators StudentsTeachers Parents outcomes
all VI Rank
b. develops child well-
Mobile gaming WM VI WM VI WM VI WM being dependent on the
socio-economic 2.28 LE 2.50 LE 2.73 HE 2.50 LE 2
a. provides praises and structural context of
rewards for their family
2.32 LE 2.48 LE 2.46 LE 2.42 LE 1 c. shows socio-economic
achievements and doing
aspects of child well-
right 2.06 LE 2.41 LE 2.67 HE 2.38 LE 5
being to relate each
b. spends quality time other
together with the whole 2.23 LE 2.44 LE 2.44 LE 2.37 LE 2 d. engages children as
2.46 LE 2.27 LE 2.55 HE 2.43 LE 3
family the future human capital
e. makes investment of
c. builds strong children contributes 2.53 HE 2.14 LE 2.56 LE 2.41 LE 4
foundations of growth economic growth
2.23 LE 2.06 LE 2.48 LE 2.25 LE 4 Over-all Weighted
and development within 2.40 LE 2.31 LE 2.69 HE 2.46 LE
the family

d. develops trust, love, Table 6 shows the effects of mobile gaming on the
and comfort among 1.95 LE 2.25 LE 2.45 LE 2.22 LE 5 Psychosocial Development of students in terms of socio –
family members economic status. The three groups of respondents
unanimously considered that mobile gaming has a low
e.provides unconditional extent of effect on the Psychosocial Development of the
2.09 HE 2.51 HE 2.46 LE 2.35 LE 3
help without asking students in terms of socio – economic status. This is
Over-all Weighted confirmed by the over-all weighted mean of 2.46.
2.16 LE 2.35 LE 2.46 LE 2.32 LE
Mean All the indicators are Low Extent and the first three in ranks
Table 5 shows the effects of mobile gaming on the 1. Creates socio-economic growth as an important force
Psychosocial Development of students in terms of love and in psychosocial development and improving child
affection of the family. As shown by the over-all weighted outcomes with a weighted mean of 2.60 or High Extent;
mean of 2.32, the three groups of respondents consider that 2. Develops child well-being dependent on the socio-
mobile gaming has a low extent of effect as to the economic structural context of their family with a
Psychological Development of students in terms of love and weighted mean of 2.50 or Low Extent;
affection. All the indicators mentioned were evaluated to 3. Engages children as the future human capital with a
have Low Extent effect. weighted mean of 2.43 or Low Extent.
Among the indicators, the first three in ranks are: American Psychological Association (2020) [3] stated that
1. Provides praises and rewards for achievements and Psychosocial Development of students in term of socio-
doing right with a weighted mean of 2.42 or Low Extent; economic status encompasses not just income but also
2. Spends quality time together with the whole family educational, occupational prestige, social status, social class,
with a weighted mean of 2.37 or Low Extent; privileges as well as the opportunities within society.
3. Provides unconditional help without asking with a Socio-economic status is a robust predictor of variations in
weighted mean of 2.35 or Low Extent. parenting and child outcomes. Parents with high economic
Psychological Development of students in terms of love and capital are able to invest in enriching materials and
affection of family are basic human emotions. The inclusion stimulating learning experiences for the children (Kurchirko
of this dimension in the family decision-making process to et al., 2019).
help establish these emotional components as important
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

The data tell that mobile gaming affects fewer on the (2020).
psychosocial development of the students in terms of socio – The data show that the respondents mutually refer mobile
economic status. There are some pupils who can afford gaming to affect the Psychosocial Development of learners
gadgets to experience mobile gaming due to their socio- in terms of participation in organization than the parent
economic status. APA considered higher socio-economic respondents. Overall, Psychosocial Development of students
status can offer privileges for better future which is very in terms of participation in organizations is visible and
considerate that most students are dependent to their parents present in the situation, as is the growth of relationships with
in general. peers and the acquisition of valuable skills.

Table 7: Effect of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial Table 8: Effect of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
Development of Students in Terms of Participation in Organization Development of Students in Terms of Participation in School
Indicators StudentsTeachers Parents Overall
VI Rank
Mobile gaming WM VI WM VI WM VI WM Over
Indicators Students Teachers Parents
a. establishes all VI Rank
participation in an Mobile gaming WM VI WM VI WM VI WM
activities that may a. brews participation in
2.58 HE 2.68 HE 2.58 HE 2.61 HE 3
affect their lives and school programs that
voice out their own benefits interrelated
opinions outcomes in areas of
2.54 HE 2.36 LE 2.54 HE 2.48 LE 1
b. encourages academic performance
learning by boosting and social skills that
self-expression and 2.71 HE 2.45 LE 2.71 HE 2.62 HE 2 encourage brighter
building up future
confidence b. prepares participation
c. promotes having a in school programs that
freedom of choice of prevent risky behaviors
2.70 HE 2.64 HE 2.64 HE 2.66 HE 1 2.38 LE 2.14 LE 2.40 LE 2.30 LE 4
decision that opens and promotes healthy
more suggestions hobbies for happy
d. generates taking a children
stand to a firm 2.35 LE 2.41 LE 2.67 HE 2.48 LE 4 c. initiates participation
decision had made in plans that is flexible
2.38 LE 2.14 LE 2.42 LE 2.31 LE 3
e. begets involvement and focus on the
in any activities 2.41 LE 2.45 LE 2.46 LE 2.44 LE 5 children’s future
within the society d. helps builds school
Over-all Weighted programs that build
2.55 HE 2.53 HE 2.61 HE 2.56 HE
Mean strong relationship 2.41 LE 2.05 LE 2.42 LE 2.29 LE 5
between pupils that
Table 7 shows the effects of mobile gaming on the market the school
Psychosocial Development of students in terms of e. strengthens pupils to
become a good citizen in 2.41 LE 2.14 LE 2.49 LE 2.35 LE 2
participation in organization. As shown, the respondents
the future
considered that mobile gaming affect the Psychosocial Over-all Weighted
Development of learners in terms of participation in 2.42 LE 2.16 LE 2.45 LE 2.35 LE
organization to a High Extent based on the over-all weighted
mean of 2.61, 2.55, and 2.53 respectively. The over-all Table 8 describes the extent of effects of mobile gaming on
weighted mean of the three groups of respondents which is the Psychosocial Development of students in terms of
2.56 shows that they agree to a High Extent that mobile participation in school programs. The over-all weighted
gaming affect the psychosocial development of the students mean of 2.35 indicates that the three groups of respondents
in terms of participation in organization. confirmed that mobile gaming has a Low Extent of effect on
Among the indicators, the first three in ranks are: the psychosocial development of the students in terms of
1. Promotes having a freedom of choice of decision that participation in school programs.
opens more suggestions with a weighted mean of 2.66 or Among the indicators, the first three in ranks are:
High Extent; 1. Brews participation in school programs that benefits
2. Encourages learning by boosting self-expression and interrelated outcomes in areas of academic performance
building up confidence with a weighted mean of 2.62 or and social skills that encourage brighter future with a
High Extent; weighted mean of 2.48 or Low Extent;
3. Establishes participation in activities that may affect 2. Strengthens pupils to become a good citizen in the
their lives and voice out their own opinions with a future with a weighted mean of 2.35 or Low Extent;
weighted mean of 2.61 or High Extent; 3. Initiates participation in plans that is flexible and
The benefit of Psychosocial Development of students in focus on the children’s future with a weighted mean of
terms of participation in organization are the relationship 2.31 or Low Extent.
growth toward peers and learn valuable skills. The activities Participation in school programs of students develops
help the students to extend and elaborate on the more formal psychosocial development according to Cross (2017) [10]. It
knowledge learned in school. It also gives opportunity to creates more effectively approaches to teaching, learning,
participate in new roles and leadership skills that provide and enhances their giftedness to one that emphasizes talent
valuable experiences. It provides social skills from positive development that has created opportunity in psychosocial
interactions with peers according to Education Encylopedia development among gifted and potential students. The
International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

application of this psychosocial development creates an hypothesis is rejected. This signifies that there is a
opportunity to fully understand the complete teaching and significant difference on the assessment of students,
learning and maximizing student potential. teachers, and parents.
The data show that mobile gaming has subdued effect on the
Psychosocial Development of the students in terms of 5. The findings were utilized in crafting an orientation
participation in school programs. It may benefited the program on the effects of mobile gaming on the
students in areas of academic performances and social skills, psychosocial development of pupils
reinforces in becoming a good citizen or prevent unsafe Discussion
activities. After a careful presentation, analysis, and interpretation of
Further, mobile gaming has a high extent of effect in the data, this chapter deals with the summary of findings,
psychosocial development of the students in terms of home conclusion and recommendation that give answers to the
environment and participation in organization. problems that are posited in chapter 1.

4. Extent of difference in the assessment of the three Summary of Findings

groups of respondents in the effect of mobile gaming on Based on the gathered data, the researcher came up with the
the psychosocial development of students following findings:
1. Profile of the Respondents
Table 9: Extent of Difference in the Assessment of the Three 1.1 Students
Groups of Respondents on the Psychosocial Development of 1.1.1 Eighty-six (86) out of one hundred sixty (160) or 54%
Students are between 11 and 12 years old, followed by 50 or 31%
Variables F P-value F crit Decision whose age are 9 to 10 years old, and 24 or 15 % whose age
Hom is 13 years old and above.
8.54 0.00 3.89 Reject
e environment 1.1.2 Eighty (80) or 50% of the respondents are male, and
Love and affection of the family 6.34 0.01 3.89 Reject eighty (80) or 50% are male.
Socio-economic status 1.30 0.31 3.89 Accept 1.1.3 Seventy-eight (78) or 49% of the respondents are in
Participation in organization 0.60 0.57 3.89 Accept Grade 5, sixty-two (62) or 39% in Grade 6, and twenty (20)
Participation in school programs 21.88 0.00 3.89 Reject or 13 % in Grade 4.
Over-all 8.61 0.00 3.12 Reject
1.1.4 Sixty-eight (68) out of 160 or 43% of the students
consumed less than an hour per day, thirty-eight (38) or 24%
Table 9 presents the extent of difference in the assessment consumed two hours, and twenty-eight (28) or 18%
of the students, teachers, and parents on the psychosocial consumed three hours per day. There are twenty-six (26) or
development of learners. The Analysis of Variance was used 16% of the students who consumed more than four hours a
to determine the extent of difference of the three groups of day playing mobile games.
respondents using 0.05 level of significance. On the
responses in terms of the five variables, three (3) signifies 1.2 Teachers
that there is a significant difference on the responses of the 1.2.1 Nine (9) teachers out of twenty-two (22) or 41% are
three groups of respondents; namely: between 26 to 35 years old, six (6) or 27% are 25 years old
1. Home environment. The computed F value 8.54 is greater and below, four (4) or 18% are 36 to 45 years old.
than the F critical value of 3.89, hence, the hypothesis is 1.2.2 Nineteen (19) out of 22 or 86% are female teachers
rejected. This is confirmed by the p - value of 0.01 which is and three (3) or 14% are male.
less than 0.05 level of significance. 1.2.3 Twelve (12) or 50% of the teachers handle Grades 4,
2. Love and affection of the family. The computed F value 5, and 6. The other 50% handle Kindergarten to Grade 3.
6.34 is greater than the F critical value of 3.89, hence, the
hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p - value of 1.3 Parents
0.01 which is less than 0.05 level of significance. 1.3.1 Thirty-eight (38) out of 160 parents or 43% are 46
3. Participation in school programs. The computed F value years old and above, thirty-two (32) or 20% are 36 to 45
21.88 is greater than the F critical value of 3.89, hence, the years old, and thirty-one (31) or 19% are 26 to 35 years old.
hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p - value of 1.3.2 Eighty-one (81) or 51% are male and seventy-nine
0.00 which is less than 0.05 level of significance. (79) or 49% are female; and
This implies that there is a significant difference on the 1.3.3. Forty-eight (48) or 30% have reached college level,
assessment of the three groups of respondents on the forty-five (45) or 28% finished secondary, thirty-seven (37)
psychosocial development of the students in terms of home or 23% are elementary graduate and the rest finished
environment, love and affection of the family, and vocational courses.
participation in school activities.
On the other hand, in terms of socio – economic status and 2. Effects of Mobile Gaming on the Psychosocial
participation in organization, the computed F value which Development of Pupils
are 1.30 and 0.60 respectively are less than the critical F 2.1 Home Environment, the first three in ranks are:
value of 3.89. Hence, the hypothesis that there is no a. Mobile gaming creates a calm and predictable home
significant difference on the responses of the three groups of atmosphere that provides a sense of security with a
respondents is accepted. weighted mean of 2.59 or High Extent;
Further, the over-all assessment of the three groups of b. Mobile gaming foster children’s achievement and
respondents on the effect of mobile gaming on the respond to their needs immediately with a weighted mean
psychosocial development learners, computed F value of of 2.58 or High Extent; and
8.61 is greater than the critical F value of 3.12. Hence, the

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies

c. Mobile gaming provides and encourages models of 3. Participation in school programs. The computed F
behavior for children’s self-esteem with a weighted mean value 21.88 is greater than the F critical value of 3.89,
of 2.50 or High Extent. hence, the hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p
– value of 0.00 which is less than 0.05 level of significance.
2.2 Love and Affection of the Family, the first three in 4. As to socio-economic status and participation in
ranks are: organization. The computed F values which are 1.30 and
a. Mobile gaming provides praises and rewards for 0.60 are less than 3.89 critical value, hence hypothesis are
achievements and doing right with a weighted mean of rejected.
2.42 or Low Extent; The over-all extent of difference, the computed F value
b. Mobile gaming spends quality time together with the which is 8.61 is greater than 3.12. Therefore the hypothesis
whole family with a weighted mean of 2.37 or Low Extent; that there is no significant difference on the assessment of
and the three groups of respondents is rejected.
c. Mobile gaming provides unconditional help without 4. The findings of the study were utilized in crafting an
asking with a weighted mean of 2.35 or Low Extent. orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on the
psychosocial development of pupils.
2.3 Socio-economic Status, the first three in ranks are:
a. Mobile gaming creates socio-economic growth as an Conclusions
important force in psychosocial development and Based on the foregoing findings, the researcher came up
improving child outcomes with a weighted mean of 2.60 or with the following conclusions:
High Extent; 1. The respondents have varied demographic profile. The
b. Mobile gaming develops child well-being dependent pupils are in their early teens, are male and female, and
on the socio-economic structural context of their family in the Elementary Level; they are engaged in mobile
with a weighted mean of 2.50 or Low Extent; and gaming. The majority of the teachers are female,
c. Mobile gaming engages children as the future human handling intermediate-level and young. Furthermore, all
capital with a weighted mean of 2.43 or Low Extent. other parents are in their middle adulthood and are
2.4 Participation in Organization, the first three ranks are: 2. Mobile gaming affects the psychosocial development of
a. Mobile gaming promotes having a freedom of choice pupils in terms of home environment, love and affection
of decision that opens more suggestions with a weighted of family, socio-economic status, participation in
mean of 2.66 or High Extent; organization, and participation in school programs.
b. Mobile gaming encourages learning by boosting self- 3. There is a significant difference in the assessment of the
expression and building up confidence with a weighted three groups of respondents on the psychosocial
mean of 2.62 or High Extent; and development of students, home environment, love and
c. Mobile gaming establishes participation in an affection of the family, and in participation in school
activities that may affect their lives and voice out their programs. On the other hand, socio-economic status and
own opinions with a weighted mean of 2.61 or High Extent. participation in organization has no significant
difference on assessment of the three groups of
2.5 School Programs, the first three ranks are: respondents.
a. Mobile gaming brews participation in school 4. The findings of the study are vital in crafting an
programs that benefits interrelated outcomes in areas of orientation program on the effects of mobile gaming on
academic performance and social skills that encourage the psychosocial development of pupils.
brighter future with a weighted mean of 2.48 or Low
Extent; Recommendation
b. Mobile gaming strengthens pupils to become a good From the summary of findings and conclusions given, the
citizen in the future with a weighted mean of 2.35 or Low following recommendations were formulated:
Extent; and
c. Mobile gaming initiates participation in plans that is Students
flexible and focus on the children’s future with a 1. Students may divert themselves from mobile gaming by
weighted mean of 2.31 or Low Extent. doing other active activities like arts, dance, music, and
other skills.
3. Extent of difference in the assessment of the three 2. Students may do family chores and take care of the
groups of respondents in the effect of mobile gaming on family members; these opportunities can practice
the psychosocial development of students, on the pleasant behavior in school and home.
responses in terms of five (5) variables, three (3) signifies 3. Students may actively join community clean-up and
that there is a significant difference on the responses of the other extra-curricular activities in school programs.
three groups of respondents namely: Being active in participation in scouting and
1. Home environment. The computed F value which is 8.54 volunteering can improve school effectiveness.
is greater than F critical value of 3.89, hence, the hypothesis
is rejected. This is confirmed by the p – value of 0.00 which Teachers
is less than 0.05 level of significance. 1. Teachers may upgrade their skills through mobile
2. Love and affection of the family. The computed F value phones to monitor the behavior of their students and in
which is 6.34 is greater than the F critical value 3.89, hence, order to develop their pupil’s awareness of spending
the hypothesis is rejected. This is confirmed by the p – value hours using mobile phones.
of 0.01 which is less than 0.05 level of significance.
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