Gmail Email Template
Gmail Email Template
Gmail Email Template
2. Select Settings
4. In the search for a lab field, type the keyword “canned responses” then press <ENTER> key
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GMAIL : Creating an email template / stationery
6. The next time you compose your message, you will now see the Canned Responses option to
create your template. At lower right part of your New Message screen is an arrow down button
for “More options” (adjacent to the trash bin icon). Please click that downward arrow key to
view the options.
8. Click New canned response. It will then require you to enter the response name
10. You may now compose or enter the contents of your template.
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GMAIL : Creating an email template / stationery
11. After completing the contents, try to click the downward arrow again, then select Canned
responses. The Upon Your Permanency template has been automatically saved and is now
available for use.
12. You just need to choose Insert to use the selected template in your succeeding email.
(Compose New Message).
Here’s screenshot of the sample template I have created named Upon your Permanency
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