PGDIT-SAD-2-System Analyst and Analyst Roles

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Lecture 2:

System Analyst and Analyst Roles

System Analyst:
A system analyst is a person responsible for the development of software and hardware
solution to the efficient working of the organization. Analysts study the environment
and problems of an organization to determine whether a new information method can
provide solution to the problem.
The main job of system analyst is to provide right type of information, in right quantity
at the right time in post effective manner to the management or the end user.

Roles of System Analyst:

· Defining IT requirements of organization

· Gathering Data/Facts
· Analyzing the problem
· Setting priority amongst requirements
· Problem solving
· Drawing Specification
· Designing System
· Evaluating System

1. Defining IT requirements of organization:

The most imp and difficult task of an analyst is to understand the organization’s
requirement’s information. It includes interviewing users finding out what
information is they are using in the current system.

2. Gathering Data/Facts:
For gathering data or facts, written documents are important because these
documents represent the formal information flow in the system. The analyst
studies documents such as input forms, output records, invoices etc to
understand how data are passed and used in the present system.

3. Analyzing the problem:

After gathering data or facts the analyst analyses the working of current system
and find out to what extent it meet the user’s needs.

4. Setting priority amongst requirements:

In the organization there are many types of users, each user has different types
of information needs. It may not e possible to satisfy the requirements of
everyone due to limited availability of resources so it is necessary to give
priority. The priorities are set on the basis of urgency and importance of user’s
5. Problem solving:
The system analyst helps IT users to solve their information problems. In that
role he must understand the problem and suggest solutions.

6. Drawing specification:
The analyst obtains the input and output specification for optimal functioning of
the system to be developed.

7. Designing system:
Once the specifications are accepted by the management the analyst gets on to
the design of the system. The analyst must be aware of the latest design tools
for the system design so analyst also knows as architect.

8. Evaluating system:
An analyst must critically test the performance of the designed system with
specifications after it has been in use for a reasonable period of time.

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