Fsy 2025 International Staff Handbook

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2025 For the Strength

of Youth Conference
Staff Handbook
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Version: 5/24. PD80035508
Welcome to
FSY Conference
You have been called and set apart for the Lord’s “marvelous work” (Doctrine
and Covenants 4:1) in an exciting time. As a youth leader at a For the Strength
of Youth (FSY) conference, you are the heart of this program, and the effects
of your efforts are eternal.
Everything you do—your words, actions, and attitude—should reflect your
conversion to the gospel. With a “pure heart” (Alma 5:19), you will be able to
enthusiastically teach and testify of the blessings of the gospel from personal
experience, and you will feel the great joy of being a worthy instrument in the
hands of God.

“My dear young brothers and sisters, these surely are the latter days, and the Lord is
hastening His work to gather Israel. That gathering is the most important thing taking
place on earth today. Nothing else compares in magnitude, nothing else compares in
importance, nothing else compares in majesty. And if you choose to, if you want to,
you can be a big part of it. You can be a big part of something big, something grand,
something majestic!”
Russell M. Nelson, “Hope of Israel” (worldwide youth devotional, June 3, 2018),

This handbook details your duties at your FSY conference. It is a resource

to help you lead the youth that Heavenly Father has entrusted to you. Study
it carefully, follow the guidelines, and seek the companionship of the Holy
Ghost to know how you can bless the youth. Parents, Church leaders, and the
Savior are counting on you—your goodness and faithfulness—to provide a
life-changing experience for the youth you serve.
Table of Contents
FSY Conference Objective 1
Purpose of the Staff Handbook 1
Conduct at Church Activities 2
Presession Preparation and Planning 4
Recommended Staff Agenda 5

Counselor Instructions 12
Counselor Assigned Program Duties 13
Counselor Schedule 18


Assistant Coordinator Instructions 79
Assistant Coordinator Assigned Program Duties 82
Assistant Coordinator Schedule 110

Coordinator Instructions 136
Coordinator Presession Planning 138
Coordinator Schedule 144


Session Directing Couple Instructions 181
Session Directing Couple Presession Planning 182
Session Directing Couple Schedule 184

Journal 201
Music and Hymns 213
Games 226
For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices 228
iv He Leadeth Me, by Yongsung Kim. Image courtesy of Havenlight
FSY Conference Objective
To strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, feel an in-
creased sense of belonging, and be empowered to continue having spiri-
tual experiences at home.
My name:
Session directing couple:
Session dates:
Session location:

Purpose of the
Staff Handbook
This handbook provides teaching skills and operational instructions to guide
you in providing an effective FSY conference. Write your name and session
information in the lines provided, and keep your handbook with you through-
out the conference. Use it as a reference to help you fulfill your duties and to
remember what you learned and taught at FSY.

Suggestions for Using Your Handbook

• Record important things you learn from other FSY staff members and,
of greatest importance, what you learn from the Spirit.
• Write down your goals, thoughts, impressions, and testimony of the
gospel of Jesus Christ.
• Take notes during classes to help you remember principles and questions
you would like to discuss with the youth during gospel study, Reflect
and Review, Taking It Home, or other times.
• Many lessons and activities will be based on the information in your
handbook. With your recorded notes, your handbook can become an
important teaching and learning resource that you can refer to.

“The First Presidency and the Twelve are united in endorsing these efforts to
strengthen our youth. Oh, how we love them and pray for them! They are the ‘hope
of Israel, Zion’s army, children of the promised day’ [“Hope of Israel,” Hymns, no.
259]. We express our complete confidence in our youth and our gratitude for them.”
Russell M. Nelson, “Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood Quorums, and Young Women
Classes,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2019, 39

Conduct at
Church Activities
Church events and activities can be fun, uplifting, and spiritually strengthen-
ing for everyone who attends. To reach these aims, all participants are invited
to commit to follow the principles taught in For the Strength of Youth: A Guide
for Making Choices. When you do, the experience will be better for everyone.
Please note that Church activities are not the time or place for romantic
behavior or for conversations and actions that distract from the purpose of the
event or activity.
If you participate in any of the following prohibited activities, leaders at
the event or activity will speak with you, your parents, and your bishop,
branch president, or stake president. These leaders may decide to send
you home immediately.

Prohibited Activities
• Participating in or encouraging immoral behavior of any kind, which
includes breaking the law of chastity or viewing or distributing
pornography in any form.
• Shoplifting, theft, or vandalism of any kind.
• Breaking the Word of Wisdom, including vaping or possessing illegal or
harmful substances.
• Possessing weapons or dangerous items of any kind. (If specifically
authorized, certain items may be provided and used in supervised
• Harming or threatening to harm yourself or others physically, spiritually,
or emotionally, including bullying in any form or disrupting another’s
• Leaving without following proper procedures, skipping scheduled
activities without permission, or breaking curfew.
Crimes and harmful or destructive incidents or pranks may be reported to
local authorities, who will respond according to local law. Leaders follow the
direction of these authorities.

Additional Conduct While at FSY Conferences
To uphold FSY’s commitment to promote and maintain a safe and respectful
environment, weapons and dangerous or banned items are prohibited for all
youth, volunteers, and staff.
Illegal or harmful substances include but are not limited to prescription medi-
cation not prescribed to the individual, alcohol, tobacco products, and so on.
Weapons include any device designed or intended to inflict serious bodily
injury or death. In addition, FSY, at its sole discretion, may from time to time
prohibit additional dangerous items.
Weapons or other banned items brought to FSY will be confiscated. The par-
ents of the youth possessing the item will be contacted, and the youth may be
sent home immediately, at the family’s expense, and with no refund. If a crime
is involved, local authorities may be alerted. Confiscated weapons or other
banned items that FSY staff, at their sole discretion, determine to be too dan-
gerous will not be returned directly to youth. Where lawful, FSY may arrange
with bishops, branch presidents, or parents for the return of these items at the
family’s expense through secure methods.
FSY conferences are held in various jurisdictions with unique laws related to
weapons or other banned items. Many of the partner institutions that host
FSY also have related policies banning certain items. In addition to posing
obvious danger to people or property, bringing a weapon or other banned
item to FSY jeopardizes FSY’s partnerships and future scheduling with these
host venues.

Presession Preparation
and Planning
Note: Instructions for each activity are included on the day the activity
occurs. However, in most cases advance preparation is best. Please carefully
read your responsibilities and be familiar with them before the session begins.

FSY Conference Training

Complete all training provided by your Area Seventy, in-area advisory couple,
session directing couple, and coordinators. All adults who will be at an FSY
session interacting with youth must complete the Protecting Children and Youth
training found on ChurchofJesusChrist.org.

FSY Conference Staff Handbook

All FSY staff are expected to read and be familiar with the information and
instruction in this FSY Staff Handbook. Specific instructions for routine or re-
peated duties are given only once; as needed, refer to a previous day or section
for details on repeated activities.

FSY Conference Staff Time Off

Taking breaks during the session will help you stay healthy and energized to
be the best youth leader you can be. Make sure to work with your leaders to
arrange the best time to take a break. Use your time off to do something im-
portant to you: take a nap, read your scriptures, talk to your family, exercise,
and so on.

Important Time Off Reminders

• Remove yourself from the sight and sound of the youth.
• Change out of your FSY shirt.
• Don’t eat, sleep, or hang out in areas where FSY activities are
taking place.
• Remember that you are still an FSY representative during your time off;
please act appropriately.

Staff Agenda
The following pages contain a recommended staff agenda. It may be modified
to accommodate local needs. This is not a comprehensive list of things that
need to be attended. Each position may attend other activities if desired.

Day Zero (Day before FSY Conference Begins)

Sunday Dress

Time to Be Determined at Attend,

Session Attend Attend Lead if desired
Facility/Venue Tour

Time to Be Determined at Attend,

Session Attend Attend Conduct if desired
Counselor Orientation

7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

Session Directing Couple Attend Attend Conduct Teach

8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m.

Assistant Coordinator/ Attend Conduct — —
Counselor Breakout

8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m.

Session Directing Couple/ — — Conduct Attend
Coordinator Meeting

8:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Attend,

Co-Counselor Interviews Conduct Attend Attend if desired
and Planning

Day One
FSY Staff Shirt
7:30 a.m.–8:20 a.m. Attend Attend Attend Attend
Staff Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–8:25 a.m.
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct —
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Attend Attend Conduct 5-minute
Staff Meeting message
9:15 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Conduct — — —
Co-Counselor Planning
9:15 a.m.–10:50 a.m. Attend, if
Materials Distribution and Assist Conduct, if assigned Oversee desired
Orientation Practice
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Assist Conduct, if assigned Oversee Attend
1:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Conduct Assist, if needed — —
Room Checks (if applicable)
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired —
Meet Your Counselor desired
2:30 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired —
Meet Your Company desired
3:05 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Conduct Attend, if desired — —
Company Name and Chant
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Attend Assist Conduct Assist
4:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired
4:45 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
5:45 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Attend Attend Conduct Teach
Home Evening Lesson
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend Attend
Home Evening Games desired
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired —
Home Evening Goal Setting desired
9:00 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Oversee — — —
Quiet Time
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Reflect and Review desired
10:30 p.m. Oversee Assist Assist —
Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired

Day Two
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Attend Conduct — —
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Conduct Attend, if desired — —
Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Gospel Study desired
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m. — — — Conduct
Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Session Directing Couple Morning Attend Attend Conduct Teach
10:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Rehearsal desired
1:30 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Classes or Session-Specific Activities
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if able —
Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Variety Show Tryouts desired
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Rehearsal desired
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend Conduct Attend, if able —
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Oversee, if assigned Attend, if able
Banner and Cheer Prep desired
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Conduct — — —
FSY Dance Guidelines
6:45 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Assist, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Assist, if assigned
Dance assigned
9:00 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Meet with Company | Head Count
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Oversee — — —
Quiet Time
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Reflect and Review desired
10:30 p.m. Oversee Assist Assist —
Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired

Day Three
FSY Staff Shirt

7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m.
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Attend Conduct — —
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Conduct Attend, if desired — —
Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Gospel Study desired
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Session Directing Couple Morning Attend Attend Conduct Teach
10:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Classes or Session-Specific Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Rehearsal desired
1:30 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Classes or Session-Specific Activities
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct
Meeting desired
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if able
Participant Free Time desired
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Variety Show Tryouts desired
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Rehearsal desired
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Attend Conduct Attend, if able —
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Conduct Oversee, if assigned Assist, if assigned —
Games Night Prep
6:45 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Games Night and Cheer-Off
8:15 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Meet with Company | Head Count
8:15 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Favorite Food Night desired
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Oversee — — —
Quiet Time
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Reflect and Review desired
10:30 p.m. Oversee Assist Assist —
Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired

Day Four
Sunday Dress

7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m.
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Attend Conduct — —
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Conduct Attend, if desired — —
Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Gospel Study desired
9:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
Young Men and Young Women Attend Attend Conduct Teach
9:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Attend, if
Young Men and Young Women Conduct Oversee, if assigned Attend
Activities desired
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Assist, if assigned —
Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Rehearsal desired
1:30 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Conduct — — —
Variety Show Guidelines
2:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Variety Show
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if able
Participant Free Time desired
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Musical Program Dress Rehearsal desired
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct
Meeting desired
4:30 p.m.–5:50 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
5:50 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Conduct — — —
Reverence and Testimony Discussion
6:20 p.m.–7:40 p.m.
Musical Program and Evening Attend Oversee, if assigned Conduct Teach
7:50 p.m.–8:50 p.m. Conduct Attend, if able Attend, if able Attend, if able
Testimony Meetings
9:00 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Meet with Company | Head Count
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Oversee — — —
Quiet Time
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Reflect and Review desired
10:30 p.m. Oversee Assist Assist —
Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired

Day Five
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m.
Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Attend Conduct — —
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Conduct Attend, if desired — —
Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Gospel Study desired
9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Goal Setting Review desired
10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Session Directing Couple Morning Attend Attend Conduct Teach
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Attend, if
For the Strength of Youth Guide Teach Conduct Attend, if desired
Activity desired
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
1:30 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Attend, if
Teach Oversee, if assigned Attend, if desired
Living the Gospel Activity desired
3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
Slide Show
3:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Attend, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Attend, if able
Participant Free Time desired
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Attend Oversee, if assigned Attend Attend
6:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Conduct — — —
Picture Taking
6:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Assist, if
Assist, if assigned Oversee, if assigned Assist, if assigned
Dance assigned
8:15 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Attend Attend Conduct Teach
Taking It Home Message
9:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Attend, if
Conduct Attend, if desired Attend, if desired
Company Taking It Home desired
9:45 p.m. Conduct Receive Receive —
Meet with Company | Head Count
9:45 p.m.–10:25 p.m. Oversee — — —
Quiet Time
10:25 p.m. Conduct — — —
10:30 p.m. Oversee Assist Assist —
Lights Out/Night Watch
10:30 p.m. Attend, if
Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator — Attend Conduct desired

Day Six
FSY Staff Shirt

6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Conduct Assist, if needed Oversee —

Prepare to Leave

7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m.

Post-Session Room Conduct Assist, if needed Oversee —

7:30 a.m.–8:00 a.m.

Staff Wrap-Up Attend Attend Conduct Teach

Counselor Instructions
As a counselor, you have the greatest effect on the quality of the youth’s FSY
conference experience. It is critical that you set an example and develop mean-
ingful relationships with the youth. Get to know and pay attention to each
of the youth in your group. Teach, inspire, interact with, and have fun with
them. Be an example of obedience and help keep them safe.
Before FSY, your dedicated study and preparation will allow you to be an
effective counselor, which includes being both a good learner and teacher.
Build relationships with your leaders and accept their direction with a teach-
able attitude, knowing that they want you to succeed. By drawing inspiration
from and implementing the wisdom and counsel of inspired leaders, you can
become an effective mentor to your youth.
At FSY conference, you will oversee a “counselor group” of about 10–12 par-
ticipants of your same sex. You will also be assigned at least one co-counselor
of the opposite sex. Together, your counselor groups will form a “company.”
You will conduct various activities with your counselor group alone, while
other activities will be conducted in companies, overseen by both you and
your co-counselor or co-counselors.
An assistant coordinator of your same sex will be assigned to oversee you and
a few other counselors. Get to know your assistant coordinator, and feel free
to ask questions and request help as needed.
Although you are assigned to a specific group of youth, all FSY staff are re-
sponsible for watching over and caring for all youth. If you see any participant
doing something that jeopardizes anyone’s health or safety, act responsibly to
resolve the situation. Be particularly conscientious of youth who have special
needs. Keep your assistant coordinator well informed of youth who are strug-
gling or of any situations that call for discipline. Ask for help with youth who
need more individual attention.

“Now, I cannot tell . . . every leader of youth the details of what is best for you to do.
But I can promise you that you will bless them to help them recognize the spiritual gifts
with which they were born. Every person is different and has a different contribution
to make. No one is destined to fail. . . . God knows our gifts. My challenge to you and
to me is to pray to know the gifts we have been given, to know how to develop them,
and to recognize the opportunities to serve others that God provides us. But most of
all, I pray that you will be inspired to help others discover their special gifts from God
to serve. I promise you that if you ask, you will be blessed to help and lift others to
their full potential in the service of those they lead and love.”
Henry B. Eyring, “Help Them Aim High,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 60, 67


Counselor Assigned
Program Duties
Throughout the conference, you may be assigned specific program duties.
Instructions for each of those duties can be found on the following pages.
Refer to this section throughout the session.

Class Duty
If you are on morning class duty, remember to promptly report for duty to the
assistant coordinator over morning classes. If you are on afternoon class duty,
you will meet the assistant coordinator assigned to class duty toward the end
of lunch.

Conducting Assignment
Before Youth Arrive
• Introduce yourself to the teacher. If the teacher is late for class, send a
counselor to talk to the assistant coordinator in charge. Do not cancel
the class.
• Ask the teacher about any preference for an opening hymn.
• Promise to give a five-minute warning before the class ends.
• Ask the teacher how they would like to be introduced, or ask for specific
information to help you give a brief introduction.
• If available, make sure the classrooms are properly set up with applicable
materials, like audiovisual equipment, piano, and so on. Report any
concerns to the assistant coordinator assigned to class duty.

As Youth Are Arriving
• Instruct the youth to fill all the seats in the front of the classroom before
sitting toward the back and sides. Once the class is full, have a counselor
redirect youth to other classes.
• Invite four participants to help with the following:
◦ Lead the opening hymn
◦ Play the piano (if applicable)
◦ Offer the opening prayer (going to the front of the class for the
opening prayer immediately after the hymn)
◦ Offer the closing prayer (going to the front of the class for the closing
prayer immediately after the lesson)
Beginning of Class
• Welcome the youth. Invite them to open their scriptures and handbooks
to take notes.
• Make announcements as needed (for example, gather your belongings
after the closing prayer, where to meet your company after lunch, and
so on).
• Introduce the teacher, announce the hymn number and title for
opening hymn, announce the participants offering the opening and
closing prayers.
• During class, sit among the youth to help them focus their attention.
• Do not stand up or add anything after the teacher finishes.
• If the class finishes early, have the youth visit quietly until class time
has ended.

Rovers/Hall Assignment
• Be at your assigned location before the youth arrive. You may be
assigned to remain at a specific “post,” or you may be assigned as a rover
to walk around hallways to monitor the youth. Help youth get to class on
time or choose another class if a class is full.
• Be alert and attentive to your surroundings throughout your assigned
area. Ensure that youth are not wandering around unsupervised.
• When youth are in classes, take the opportunity to join a class so that you
can be uplifted and edified while on duty. Listen and learn so you will
be better prepared to discuss the classes with your youth in an informal
setting or during Reflect and Review.
• During class, sit among the youth to help them focus their attention.
• Go back to your assigned location after the teacher is finished and before
the closing prayer begins.


Lunch Duty—As Needed

Arrive 30 minutes early to check in with the assistant coordinator in charge
and to eat lunch (if able at that time). Go to your assigned position at least
10 minutes before classes are dismissed. Stay throughout the entire lunch
time, unless otherwise specified by the staff member assigned to lunch duty.

Participant Free Time Duty

Check in with the assistant coordinator over participant free time duty to
receive your assigned location.
Counselors with participant free time duty are to remain in their assigned lo-
cations. Counselors will make sure youth are safe, behaving appropriately and
respectfully, and not crossing outside designated FSY property boundaries.

Dance Duty
Check in with the assistant coordinator in charge before your assigned time to
receive your specific duty (entrance, chaperone, water table, or other stations).

Counselors helping with dance admission should stand at the entrance and
check all wristbands or ID badges carefully (if applicable). This will ensure
that only FSY participants join the dance. Do not allow people who are not
part of the conference on the dance floor. Remain at the entrance and con-
tinue to monitor it throughout the dance.

Help maintain the Spirit by patrolling the dance floor and enforcing all FSY
dance guidelines (see p. 48). Kindly ask people who are not keeping the
guidelines to do so. Alleviate any disturbances. Encourage youth to involve
other youth who are alone and need a friend. Report any problems to an assis-
tant coordinator.

Water Table
Maintain the water supply at all times. Ask the assistant coordinator in charge
how to respond if water containers are empty or if more cups or water bottles

are needed. Keep the water area clean. Make sure spouts do not drip; ensure
you have towels, paper towels, or a mop in case of spills.

By assignment, watch over a station or area (for example, restrooms, entrances
and exits, hallways, and so on). Discourage youth from congregating near re-
strooms or other areas. Monitor entrances and exits; prevent youth from leav-
ing the dance unless approved by a counselor or entering the dance without a
wristband or ID badge (if applicable), unless accompanied by a counselor.

Variety Show Duty

An assistant coordinator and additional FSY staff members (possibly counsel-
ors) will be responsible for organizing and running the Variety Show. When
you are assigned this duty, meet with the assistant coordinator in charge to
start planning.
Help advertise the Variety Show throughout the session, especially at check-in.
Encourage participants to share a variety of acts or talents. Spend free time
and occasionally dinner time auditioning acts. At the dress rehearsal and
during the show, assist performers and support other counselors assigned
to Variety Show duty as directed by the assistant coordinator in charge.
Additional counselors will be assigned to help with stage crew, props, audiovi-
sual, and performer assistance during the show.

Variety Show Stage Crew Duty

Be at the dress rehearsal held just before the Variety Show. The assistant
coordinator in charge will give you a list telling you what props go where and
when and what acts have audiovisual needs. Assist performers with needed
props, equipment, or moral support as they enter and exit the stage. Be orga-
nized and efficient for smooth transitions between acts.

Musical Program Duty

An assistant coordinator and additional FSY staff members (possibly counsel-
ors) will hold rehearsals for, set up, and conduct the Musical Program. When
assigned this duty, meet with the assistant coordinator in charge to start
planning and be assigned specific duties, such as preparing for rehearsals,
helping soloists and readers, and conducting the music. You will also help to


advertise and promote participation in the Musical Program at check-in and

during the week if needed, supporting and helping the assistant coordinator
any way you can.
On the day of the performance, youth participating in the Musical Program
should eat dinner quickly. (Go to the front of the dinner line if needed; do
not cut in front of non-FSY participants, if applicable). Meet at the Musical
Program performance location for reverence and testimony discussion (see p.
60), which will be conducted by the counselors on Musical Program duty.

Testimony Meeting Duty

Counselor Assigned to Conduct

• Choose an opening hymn and ask two participants to say opening and
closing prayers.
• Save seats near the front for those who are waiting to bear their
• Begin with a hymn and prayer. Open by welcoming all participants and
announcing the hymn and prayer.
• Invite all who wish to bear testimony to do so, and remind them when
testimony meeting will end.
• Tell the youth that those who do not get to bear their testimonies may
share them with their counselor group during Reflect and Review.
• Ask the youth to stay reverent if there are long periods between
testimonies. They may wish to read their scriptures, continue to write
their testimonies, or record feelings and impressions in their FSY
Participant Handbook.
• Do not extend testimony meeting time. Watch the number of youth
waiting to bear their testimonies and the time. You will need to
determine if and when to make a kind announcement that there will not
be time for any more youth than those who have already come to the
front to bear their testimonies.
• End with a closing prayer and dismiss the companies, encouraging
everyone to maintain reverence as they exit.

Counselor—Day Zero
Sunday Dress
Time to Be Determined at Session Facility/Venue Tour
Time to Be Determined at Session Counselor Orientation
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Session Directing Couple Message
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Session Directing Couple/Coordinator Meeting
8:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Co-Counselor Interviews and Planning

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Facility/Venue Tour
Become familiar with the facility or venue so you will know where to direct
participants during the session. All FSY staff serving at any location for the
first time should become familiar with the facility by touring the areas where
activities will take place. This should include reserved facilities, housing, cafe-
teria, fields, and free-time areas.

Counselor Orientation
Learn more about your role and responsibilities as an FSY conference coun-
selor. Be on time and take notes.

Session Directing Couple Message

Receive spiritual enrichment in preparation for the FSY session. This is a
mandatory meeting for all FSY conference staff. Please wear Sunday dress, be
on time, and take notes.


Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout

Build connections and relationships with other counselors and your as-
signed assistant coordinators. Assistant coordinators will meet with the
counselors they supervise throughout the week. Assistant coordinators will
define FSY conference expectations, help counselors set goals for the week,
and answer questions.

Counselor Interviews and Planning

Receive counselor group and company assignments, get to know your
co-counselor or co-counselors, determine the location of your company
spot, and set goals for the week. The following points may help guide
your planning:
• Introduce yourselves and exchange phone numbers, if applicable. Try
one of the following or similar activities to become better acquainted:
◦ Share What You Love in 60—List things you love for 60 seconds
◦ Show and Tell—Take turns sharing three photos on your phone that
help to describe you.
◦ Same/Different—Find three things that are similar and three things
that are different between you and your co-counselor or
• Set a few co-counselor goals.
• Discuss how to ensure you are on time to all activities.
• Discuss your individual teaching styles and how you can effectively
teach together.
• Discuss how you can best support each other. Discuss communication
styles and how you best receive feedback.
• Discuss how you can uplift and edify the youth.
• Determine who will lead the following activities, discussions, and
◦ Company name and scripture during Meet Your Company
◦ Goal setting during home evening
◦ Gospel study each day
◦ Reverence and testimony discussion
◦ Company Taking It Home on Day Five

• Determine a company meeting spot that all youth in your company can
access and find. This spot will be used for certain activities such as Meet
Your Company, gospel study, Company Taking It Home, and more.
Discuss whether your group needs a second company spot to meet for
activities, meals, or dances.


Counselor—Day 1
FSY Staff Shirt
7:30 a.m.–8:20 a.m. Staff Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–8:25 a.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting
9:15 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Co-Counselor Planning
9:15 a.m.–10:50 a.m. Materials Distribution | Singer Assignments Dancer
Practice (as time allows)
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Check-In
1:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Participant Room Checks (if applicable)
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. Meet Your Counselor
2:30 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Meet Your Company
3:05 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Company Name and Chant
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Orientation
4:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
4:45 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Dinner
5:45 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Home Evening Lesson
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Home Evening Games
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Home Evening Goal Setting
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Staff Meeting
At this last staff meeting before the session begins, be on time, and pay atten-
tion to any agenda changes, session-specific information, and other announce-
ments. We hope you will feel encouraged and excited for the conference!

Co-Counselor Planning
Plan and discuss how you will carry out the following activities and
• Daily—Lunchtime head count
• Day One—Meet Your Company
◦ Get-to-know-you games
◦ Company name and scripture application
◦ Company chant—A simple chant to unify your company and help
them remember their name. For example, if your company name were
“Joy in the Journey,” the chant could be “Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy in the
• Day One—Home Evening
◦ Games and debriefing
◦ Goal setting
• Day Two through Day Five—Gospel study
• Day Two—FSY Dance Guidelines
• Day Four—Reverence and testimony discussion
• Day Five
◦ Goal setting review
◦ For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
◦ Living the Gospel Activity
◦ Company Taking It Home


“Besides showing youth the way by example, we lead them by understanding their
hearts and walking alongside them on the gospel path. To truly understand their
hearts, we must do more than just be in the same room. . . . We must plan and take
advantage of teaching moments that make a deep and lasting impression upon their
minds and hearts. . . .

“For our interactions with youth to truly touch their hearts, we have to pay attention
to them. . . . Most important is asking them questions, letting them talk, and then
being willing to listen—yes, listen and listen some more—even hearken with spiritual
Robert D. Hales, “Our Duty to God: The Mission of Parents and Leaders to the
Rising Generation,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 95, 96

Materials Distribution
Prepare for check-in to run smoothly and effectively.
• At the direction of the assistant coordinator in charge, help transport
check-in materials to the check-in location.
• Organize name tags and wristbands, if available, on tables.
• Organize shirts by shirt size. (If needed, a few T-shirts can be laid out
on a table to serve as a reference for those who do not know what size
they are.)

Singer Auditions and Assignments (Optional)

You can help invite the Spirit through music during conference devotionals
and other meetings. If you are interested in singing a solo at one of these
meetings, you are welcome to audition. The assistant coordinator assigned as
singer supervisor will give details of this process.
• To sing during the session, you must audition by singing a few bars of a
song from one of the youth theme albums.
• Tell the assistant coordinator assigned as singer supervisor which of
the youth theme album songs you’re comfortable singing and if you’re
comfortable singing a solo, duet, or in a small group.
• You will be notified by the afternoon of Day One whether you have been
selected to sing, which song you will sing, and when you will sing.

Dancer Practice (Optional)
FSY conference staff are encouraged to help build unity and bring excitement
to the youth by dancing during orientation, check-in, and throughout the
week. All counselors who have learned line dances, or who wish to learn line
dances, may participate in dancer practice. The assistant coordinator over
dancers will provide more information.

Welcome, prepare, and excite all youth for their FSY conference experience.
Throughout check-in, be professional and welcoming. Give a positive first im-
pression by being outgoing and friendly. Remain alert and helpful through-
out check-in.
• Always start on time.
• Excite the youth, but refrain from boisterous behavior.
• Correctly answer questions from participants, parents, and leaders.
Questions about on-site registration or room changes must be referred
to the coordinators, session directing couple, or logistics team at the
solutions table. For any doubt about answering a question, send or
accompany participants to the solutions table.
• As you hand out materials, be friendly and kind to the youth. Tell each
participant where to go or guide them through the check-in line, quickly
explaining what each item is.
• Do not give a wristband or other materials to anyone not registered for
the FSY conference. When handing out participant name cards, double-
check the name and verify with the participant that all listed information
is correct.
• After giving participants their name card and lanyard, place a wristband
(if available) on their wrist and explain the importance of keeping it on.
• Remind participants to label their handbooks and have them accessible
throughout the session.
• Weather conditions or special circumstances may affect check-in.
Alternative instructions will be given by an assistant coordinator if
• Be flexible and willing to give extra help and support.


Participant Room Checks (if applicable)

Help the youth get acquainted as you check their rooms or sleeping quarters
for damage that occurred prior to the youth entering the facility. Encourage
the youth to leave their sleeping quarters and all areas of use in better condi-
tion than when they arrived.
• During room checks, assess participants’ sleeping quarters for prior
• Immediately inform your assistant coordinator when room checks have
been completed, and report any damage you found.
◦ Report damage that must be addressed immediately (for example, a
broken shower head, broken faucet, faulty electrical outlets, and so
on) to your assistant coordinator.
◦ Instruct the youth to immediately report any damage that occurs
during the session.

Meet Your Counselor

Meet your youth, build connections, and set expectations. Meet Your
Counselor is the first time you will meet and interact with your youth; this
is an opportunity to help them catch the vision of the FSY conference with
all its opportunities and experiences. Clearly discuss standards, rules, and
ways you will handle concerns so that they know what is expected of them.
Remember, the youth need you to be a leader and mentor first, a teacher
second, and a friend third. Consider the following instructions as you conduct
Meet Your Counselor.

A Tone of Love and Kindness to Invite the Spirit
• Introduce yourself and express your appreciation and excitement for
being an FSY counselor.
• Have the youth introduce themselves and share something fun or unique
about themselves.
• Help your youth understand the purpose of the FSY conference: to
strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, feel an
increased sense of belonging, and be empowered to continue having
spiritual experiences at home.
• Emphasize making and accomplishing personal and company goals
by participating spiritually and socially, obeying rules, and making
good choices.
• Encourage your youth to talk with you about concerns that arise
during FSY.

Checklist Explanations
After introductions, ask youth to turn to “Meet Your Counselor” (participant
handbook, p. 10). Explain each item on the checklist (see instructions below).
When you are sure they understand the expectations, ask them to sign and
date the bottom of the page in their handbook.
Accept and commit to honor “Conduct at Church Activities”
Explain each of the six rules provided in the “Conduct at Church
Activities” section (participant handbook, p. 4), and make sure the
youth understand them all. Involvement in any conduct listed may result
in youth being sent home immediately. Advise them that crimes and
harmful or destructive incidents may be reported to local authorities. The
consequences of actions taken by local authorities are out of the control of
FSY conference staff.
Wristband (if applicable)
Youth must wear their FSY wristband at all times! These indicate which
individuals are part of the session and give participants entrance into every
activity, including meals and dances.
Handbook and For the Strength of Youth Guide
Participants must write their name and their counselor’s name in their FSY
Participant Handbook. Participants should always have their handbook acces-
sible. Show them where the daily schedules are. If a youth is assigned to a par-
ticipant morning devotional, point out what day and page they will reference.


These devotionals will be centered on principles found in For the Strength of

Youth: A Guide for Making Choices at the end of the FSY Participant Handbook.
Respect and Responsibility
Youth should show respect for themselves, other youth, staff, and their
surroundings. Bullying will not be tolerated. Be polite, kind, and respectful
to everyone. Treat property and all facilities respectfully, leaving everything
better than when you arrived.
• Youth are responsible for all their personal belongings and are not to ask
FSY staff to keep their phones or watch over any other personal items.
FSY conferences are not responsible for any participant’s lost, broken, or
damaged belongings.
• Review the guidelines in “Taking Charge of Technology” (participant
handbook, p. 6). Each participant is old enough to take charge of
their own technology. All youth should set personal guidelines to keep
them safe while using the internet. Cell phones must be used only in
appropriate ways and at appropriate times. Phones may be used to access
scriptures and gospel study resources. (Note to counselors: Keep your
phone on vibrate at all times so you can be reached by other staff as
• Dress and grooming standards—Invite the youth to ponder on and
commit to follow the principles taught in the section “Your Body Is
Sacred” in For the Strength of Youth guide (participant handbook,
pp. 162–69).
• Classroom courtesy—Maintain reverence and show respect to presenters.
During classes and devotionals, please wait until after the closing prayer
to gather your belongings.
• Venue and facility courtesy—Be respectful of all facilities and sleeping
quarters. Participants are not allowed in the sleeping quarters of the
opposite sex.
Health and Safety Standards
Participants’ health and safety are very important. Ask them to do nothing
potentially harmful to themselves or others, such as sharing medications,
climbing trees, doing flips, jumping out of windows or down stairwells, and
so on.
• Counselor chaperoning. For participants’ safety, youth who need to
leave an activity to use the bathroom, get a drink of water, or take care
of a personal need must inform their counselor. The youth may then
take care of their needs and check back in with their counselor upon
their return. If the youth must leave the immediate vicinity, either two
staff members should accompany the youth or one staff member should

accompany two to four youth. Counselors cannot be alone with a
participant. The youth may find this inconvenient, but emphasize that
their safety is a top priority.
• Lights out. Every night at 10:30, participants must be in their room with
the lights off. Make sure your youth know where your sleeping quarters
are located so they know where to find you in case of emergency.
• Head count. Head counts are scheduled regularly throughout the
day. Help participants understand how important it is for staff to know
where they are at all times. As a counselor, understand and follow head
count procedures:
◦ Have the youth write down the location and times for head count in
the space provided in their handbook.
◦ Take head count and report to your assistant coordinator each
night after your participants return to their rooms, with the
following requirements:
a. Participants are not allowed to leave their floor or sleeping
quarters except with the permission of their counselor and
accompanied by a staff member and at least one other person.
b. Participants’ windows must be covered (if applicable).
• Do not leave the FSY conference. FSY is generally contained within
the facility or venue where it is held. Ask your assistant coordinator what
the boundaries are for your session. Disciplinary action may result from
leaving conference boundaries. FSY conferences may be liable for any
harm that comes to youth. Participants cannot leave without following
the established policy and checkout procedures of your specific session.
• Obligation to Report. Explain to the youth that when an FSY
conference staff member has reason to believe that a youth (even if the
youth is 18) has been subjected to abuse or learns that a youth is being
subjected to conditions or circumstances which would reasonably result
in abuse, the staff member must report the situation to a coordinator,
local authorities, or both, according to local law.
• Emergency Protocol. In case of emergency, direct your youth to
report to the closest FSY conference staff member. Staff should follow
emergency procedures set by local law and the area legal counsel.

Be Engaged in the FSY Conference!

• Participant devotionals. Explain participant devotionals, and assign
youth to be in charge of devotionals for Day Two through Day Five.
Participants are encouraged to teach in pairs but may teach alone if
necessary. The best time to prepare is during free time and quiet time.


• Reflect and Review. Briefly explain Reflect and Review so the youth can
come prepared to share their experiences and thoughts.
• Variety Show. Invite youth to try out for the Variety Show. Have them
write down the location for tryouts in their handbook.
• Musical Program. Invite youth to participate in the Musical Program.
Have them write down the location of rehearsals in their handbook.

Meet Your Company

• Create an atmosphere of unity and caring among the youth as they get
to know each other.
• Help youth look for and respond to opportunities during the conference
to reach out to others in friendship, kindness, and love—doing so will
invite the Spirit and strengthen their company.

Read Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “Be With and Strengthen Them” (Ensign or
Liahona, May 2018, 101–3). In outlining the invitation to minister, he taught:

“We all need to feel the warm hand of friendship. . . . May we labor side by side with
the Lord of the vineyard, giving the God and Father of us all a helping hand with
His staggering task of answering the prayers, providing comfort, drying tears, and
strengthening feeble knees. If we will do that, we will be more like the true disciples of
Christ we are meant to be.”
Jeffrey R. Holland, “Be With and Strengthen Them,” Ensign, May 2018, 102, 103

Plan with your co-counselor or co-counselors how you will facilitate a discus-
sion with your youth that emphasizes principles from Elder Holland’s talk.
The discussion should help them recognize opportunities to serve and meet
the needs of those around them. Include in your discussion the scripture, quo-
tation, and ideas provided in the participant handbook, p. 12.
Gather at your company spot so the participants in your company can meet
each other.
• As they mingle and meet each other, you should meet the youth in your
co-counselors’ groups.
• If this activity feels awkward at first, stay positive and encouraging. Be
willing to step out of your comfort zone so that your youth will feel more
comfortable participating and being themselves.

• Be proactive, involved, and inclusive of all youth. Help them to meet,
mingle, and talk with each other.
• Observe the needs of the youth and their interactions so you can
effectively facilitate this activity.

Get-to-Know-You Games (30 Minutes)

Play some get-to-know-you games, splitting the company into smaller groups
and rearranging them periodically for variety and manageability.
The Common Denominator
Divide your company into groups of three. Have each group find something
that they have in common and something that makes each person unique.
For example, everyone in the group has a dog at home but they each have a
different favorite dessert.
You, Me, Left, Right
Have the company form a circle, with one participant in the middle. This
participant will be the “caller.”
Ask the participants to introduce themselves to the participants directly on
their left and right sides.
Explain to the company that the “caller” in the middle will point to someone
in the circle and say either “you,” “me,” “left,” or “right” and then count to
five at a reasonable pace. “You” indicates the person being pointed at; “me”
indicates the caller; “left” indicates the person to the left of the one being
pointed at; and “right” indicates the person to the right of the one being
pointed at. The person being pointed at must correctly name the person indi-
cated before the caller counts to five.
If the person being pointed at succeeds, the caller points to a different partici-
pant and repeats the process. If the person does not succeed, they become the
new caller.
As the counselor, feel free to shout “shuffle” every few rounds to indicate that
the participants should shuffle and form a new circle. You can also add multi-
ple callers as the game moves on.
Human Knot
Have all participants in your company stand in a close circle. Each partici-
pant should put both hands out and randomly grab hold of two other hands,
which will create a massive human knot. Encourage the youth to work to-
gether to untangle the knot without anyone letting go. Counselors should not
participate in the knot but should stand to the side and encourage the youth.


Company Name and Scripture (10 Minutes)

Your company name and scripture will be assigned to you or selected by you
on Day Zero of the session. It serves an important purpose, so incorporate it
into your session as much as possible. It will unify your company and help
them learn more about their Savior.
Read your company scripture together, and then announce your company
name. Discuss what the company name means to the youth, using the com-
pany scripture to guide the discussion. Ask them how understanding this
name will impact their experience.

Company Chant (5 Minutes)

• Teach the youth your company chant. This should have been created
with your co-counselor in the morning on Day One (see instructions on
p. 22).
• Explain that this chant can be used throughout the conference as your
company is released from different activities.

Orientation is meant to excite the youth about the coming week. They will be
introduced to the session directing couple, coordinators, assistant coordina-
tors, and wellness coordinators, and they will receive crucial information for
the upcoming activities. Orientation should build company and session unity.
• Counselors should stay on their feet and be dancing to promote
excitement, keeping an eye on the youth until the coordinators stand up
to get orientation started.
• It is a good idea to sit on an aisle seat so you can be aware of youth that
need to leave for any reason, such as using the restroom.
• Help the youth become excited about FSY. Don’t underestimate the
power of your example! Cheer for everyone and everything, and the
youth will begin to follow your example.
• The counselors may learn a line dance and perform it at orientation.
Note: When seating for orientation (or any large group activity), some youth
may need to use the restroom. Have them be seated first before going to
the restroom, or make sure you save them a seat so they can still sit with
their company.

Mealtime is a great opportunity to get to know your youth and help them feel
comfortable. During all meals, all staff should help youth behave appropri-
ately and stay in approved areas. Set a good example. Do not encourage or be
a part of inappropriate behavior such as food pranks, eating contests, and so
on. Remind youth to be respectful to other groups in the cafeteria. Leave the
dining area clean.
• Encourage your company to eat together to build unity. If a
participant wants to eat with a friend or relative in another company,
respect their choice.
• Remind your youth that you will be traveling to home evening as a

Home Evening Lesson

Home evening can teach the importance of following prophetic counsel,
reinforce the application of gospel principles, and model a traditional home
evening format. Home evening is where the yearly youth theme is introduced
to the conference.
Arrive early enough to be seated before home evening begins. Ask your youth
to get out their scriptures, FSY Participant Handbook, and a pen before the
opening prayer. Remind them to keep their materials out until after the clos-
ing prayer. To promote reverence, stay standing and keep an eye on the youth
until the coordinators stand to get the meeting started. Sit with your company
and learn from the session directing couple. Take notes and prepare possible
questions to ask during Reflect and Review.

Home Evening Games and Debriefing

Choose some of the following games to play with your company. Take 5–10
minutes after each game to debrief, which enables youth to connect the game
to gospel principles and make applications to daily life. Do not rush through a
debriefing, as these discussions prepare the youth to make gospel connections
throughout the conference. One game may be sufficient.


Debriefing an Activity
Debriefing can help youth connect principles of the activity to principles of
the gospel.
• Games can create a safe environment to help youth understand gospel
applications in all aspects of their lives and make connections afterward.
Tell youth that debriefing will follow the game.
• Successful debriefing skills are similar to effective questioning skills,
with some additional principles. Bridge the game-application gap
with questions.
◦ What aspect of the game did you like or dislike?
◦ What emotions did you feel during the game?
◦ What challenges did you experience?
• Ask the group to apply ideas to the gospel, calling on specific people
who seemed affected.
◦ How did this game apply to the gospel?
• Use follow-up questions to lead to deeper thinking.
• Develop questions purposefully, and listen closely to answers.
• Validate all responses to increase participants’ confidence. Thank
individuals by name, and then emphasize a point they made or
summarize their comment.
Invite the youth to sit close together in a semicircle a few rows deep; being
close keeps them engaged. Encourage speaking in loud, clear voices. Be
sure all can see everyone and hear all comments. Help all feel seen, heard,
and appreciated.

Game Options
Caterpillar Race
Form teams of equal size, with five, seven, or nine players on each team (de-
pending on how big your company is). Line up the separate teams parallel to
each other behind a starting line. Instruct youth to place their hands on the
shoulders of the team member in front of them to form a “caterpillar.” The
teams then race to a finish line according to the following rules of movement:
The first person in line hops forward once; the next person then hops; this
continues down the line until the last person in line hops forward. After the
last person hops, he or she must shout your company name. Then the whole
team may hop forward once at the same time. Repeat this process to move
the caterpillar along. Youth must keep their hands on the shoulder of the
team member in front of them at all times during the race. Players may move

forward only by hopping forward once with both feet. If a team breaks any of
the rules of movement, they must return to the starting line and begin again.
Animal Sounds
Ahead of time, calculate how many groups would be formed by separating
your company into small groups of three to four participants each. Next, think
of several animals—enough for one animal for each small group. (Animals
might include wolf, cat, pig, snake, lion, crow, monkey, frog, elephant, and
others. Feel free to be creative.) Do all of this privately before the game starts.
To start the game, invite participants to close their eyes and mill about as a
counselor moves among them, whispering the name of one of the animals to
each person. Participants then make the sound of their assigned animal and
walk around, listening for others making the same sound.
The challenge is to find all the other animals of one’s own kind, and the first
group to find all members wins. No one can talk; participants can only make
animal sounds. Loud chaos is likely to ensue, and gradually order and unity
emerge as animals find one another.
Be prepared to shepherd people away from dangerous areas if needed.
Bandage Tag
Select five to ten participants to be taggers and about five to be doctors; the
rest of the players are patients. One team consists of the taggers, and the sec-
ond team consists of the doctors and patients together.
To begin, the taggers begin chasing and “tagging” (lightly touching) as many
patients and doctors as possible. When a participant is tagged, they must
“apply a bandage” by holding their hand directly on the spot where they were
touched. Each participant has two bandages (both hands). Once a participant
is tagged a third time, they must freeze and sit down until a doctor “heals”
them by touching them.
Doctors cannot heal themselves but may heal others, even if the doctor has
two bandages on. Doctors may only heal frozen players who are sitting. After
three to five minutes, stop the game and count all the patients and doctors.
For each player who is frozen or has two bandages on, the taggers get a point;
for each player who has zero or one bandage on, the doctor-patient team gets
a point. The team with the most points wins. If the taggers have frozen every-
one, choose new taggers and start a new round.
You can also play a version where everyone is a tagger (last person stand-
ing wins) or change the game dynamic by varying the number of taggers
and doctors.


Poison Stump
All participants stand in a circle and grasp the forearms of the people on their
left and right. Choose one participant to be the “poison stump,” and have
them stand stationary in the middle of the circle. Participants then attempt
to “poison” other players by pulling the other side of the circle toward the
“stump” in the middle. If any participant in the circle touches the stump,
they’re poisoned and must leave the circle. The circle will gradually get
smaller, and the last four or five players not poisoned are the winners. If the
players in the circle break their link, re-form the circle and start over.

Home Evening Goal Setting

Goal setting unifies a company, providing motivation and direction to help
each youth make wise choices during the FSY session.
Follow up on company and personal goals each day, encouraging and praising
participants as they make progress. On Day Five, during goal setting review,
you will review the youths’ progress and encourage them to set goals for tak-
ing their FSY experiences home.

• Help the youth recognize that the choices they make every day help
them stay on the covenant path toward eternal life.
• Set goals to promote unity, service, and spiritual growth during the week.

• Prayerfully prepare and discuss with your co-counselor how to facilitate
this activity. You will simply guide the discussion—the youth themselves
will determine company goals.
• Study the following resources, and prepare yourself spiritually for
teaching effectively:
◦ Jeffrey R. Holland, “Be Ye Therefore Perfect—Eventually,” Ensign or
Liahona, Nov. 2017.
◦ M. Russell Ballard, “Return and Receive,” Ensign or Liahona,
May 2017.
◦ Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Can Do It Now!,” Ensign or Liahona,
Nov. 2013.
◦ Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “On Being Genuine,” Ensign or Liahona,
May 2015.

Goal setting introduction 8:00 p.m.–8:10 p.m.
Company goal setting 8:10 p.m.–8:25 p.m.
Personal goal setting 8:25 p.m.–8:40 p.m.
Wrap-up 8:40 p.m.–8:45 p.m.

Goal Setting Introduction (10 Minutes)

Teach the youth how to record personal and company goals in their partici-
pant handbook. Encourage them to write down impressions during the week.
Use “A Pattern for Growth” as an outline for your discussion.

A Pattern for Growth

• Discover your needs, gifts, and talents—how you can
improve and grow.
• Plan to improve, including actions you can take to do this.
• Act to grow in faith, following your plan.
• Reflect on what you have learned and how you feel.
• Celebrate what you have accomplished.
How did the steps of discover, plan, act,
reflect, and celebrate help you with your
goal? Next to each line on pages 16–17 of
the participant handbook, write down how
you completed these actions in relation to
your goal.


Company Goal Setting (15 Minutes)

• Help the youth brainstorm, discuss, and set goals using the pattern
of discover, plan, and act. Set goals that will unify and inspire your
company. You may split the company into small groups to have each
think of an idea before coming together to decide on company goals,
giving help as needed. Use this activity to provide an example for the
youth when setting their personal goals.
• Remind the youth of the importance of setting righteous goals that will
positively affect their lives.
• Write down the goals your company sets so you can remind them of their
goals throughout the session.

Personal Goal Setting (15 Minutes)

• The youth will follow the pattern they used in setting company goals to
set their own personal goals for the week, aligning with their Heavenly
Father’s plan for them.
• Encourage them to pray for guidance and inspiration before they begin,
as goal setting can be a sacred experience when we involve the Savior.
• Invite the youth to spread out and take time to set their personal goals
without disturbing other participants.

Wrap-Up (5 Minutes)
• Bring your company back together and ask for a few volunteers, without
pressure, to share a personal goal.
• If you feel prompted, you may share the following quote to encourage
those who may be worried about falling short of their goals:

“Even those who set their hearts upon divine goals may still occasionally
stumble, but they will not be defeated. They trust and rely upon the promises
of God. They will rise up again with a bright hope in a righteous God and the
inspiring vision of a great future. They know they can do it now.”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “You Can Do It Now!,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2013, 57

Nightly Head Count

As soon as you return to the sleeping quarters at night, make sure all your
youth are accounted for, and then report this to your assistant coordinator.
Remind your youth to:

• Prepare for bed before nightly Reflect and Review.
• Prepare the participant morning devotional, if assigned.
• Close all window blinds or ensure that windows are covered so that
people cannot see into the room (if applicable).
• Not leave the sleeping quarters after head count.

Quiet Time
• Allow youth to relax and visit as they prepare for bed (including
showering, brushing teeth, or other hygiene-related needs). Discourage
rambunctious behavior.
• Be patient with unexpected delays, and give participants adequate time
to get ready for bed.
• Encourage youth to prepare for participant devotionals during quiet
• Do not go to your own sleeping quarters during this time. Instead, stay
in a location where you can monitor the participants’ rooms and make
sure they don’t leave their sleeping quarters. Do not use this time to
shower, make phone calls, and so on.

Reflect and Review

Counselors should remain in their FSY conference attire during Reflect
and Review.

Reflect and Review is a time each evening for the youth to ponder and process
the information and experiences of their day and ultimately to recognize what
Heavenly Father is trying to teach them individually. To help them internalize
what they’ve learned, they are invited to record their thoughts and share their
experiences and testimonies with each other. This helps solidify what they’ve
learned and prepares them to receive further revelation.
An effective Reflect and Review requires the guidance of the Holy Ghost, who
carries truth into the hearts of the youth and inspires them to change. Your
primary responsibility is to create an environment where the Spirit can have
the most impact. Study the following scriptures as you strive to be prepared
and guided by the Holy Ghost during your nightly Reflect and Review.
• Doctrine and Covenants 84:85
• Doctrine and Covenants 100:5–6
• 2 Nephi 33:1


In 3 Nephi 17:2–3, Christ teaches guiding principles that can lead to a suc-
cessful Reflect and Review. Encourage youth to prayerfully study these verses
to discover doctrine and principles related to reflecting on the things they’ve
learned. Invite them to understand these principles more deeply and be pre-
pared to learn more tomorrow.

Reflect and Review Format

Preparation for Reflect and Review begins each morning by reminding the
youth to be looking for and recording insights to share that night, beginning
with the participant morning devotional on For the Strength of Youth: A Guide
for Making Choices. Encourage them to take notes in their handbook.
Reflect and Review will be based on what the youth want to talk about that
day, but if your youth are interested in a specific topic, you might ask them to
reflect on a certain question or aspect of that topic throughout the day, invit-
ing them to be ready to discuss it that night.
Although the youth generate much of the content for Reflect and Review, you
should pray, ponder, and prepare throughout the day to be ready to direct the
discussion according to the Spirit and the needs of the participants. You will
want to familiarize yourself with For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making
Choices (at the back of this handbook) and any other topics that the youth
have studied that day to help the youth make connections between their dis-
cussion and the things they have learned.
Reflect (5 Minutes)
It is best to begin each Reflect and Review with a time of quiet reflection
while the youth write their impressions from the day on the handbook page
dedicated to this purpose. This is the “reflect” part of Reflect and Review.
Counselors should strive to create a setting of reverence at this time by doing
things such as playing reverent music, quieting and redirecting distracted or
noisy youth, and so forth.
Review (15 Minutes)
During “review,” the youth may share what they have written. You are respon-
sible for asking follow-up questions that will help them dig deeper and involve
the rest of the group in the discussion. They will spend much of the day hear-
ing and feeling important truths. Enabling them to verbalize their feelings
with each other can powerfully cement what they have learned and prepare
them to apply it at home.
Sometimes the youth will be so prepared for Reflect and Review that they
will naturally discuss their feelings without much help from the counselor.
Encourage this if they stay on task and the discussion is inspiring. The success

of Reflect and Reviews depends on follow-up questions that help youth under-
stand and apply the principles being discussed.
Taking It Home (5 Minutes)
After youth have shared their thoughts with each other, Reflect and Review
ends with the counselor inviting them to record specific actions they can take
both at the FSY conference and at home to apply what they’ve learned that
day. Do not skip this. A separate Reflect and Review page has been included
in the handbook for each night, entitled “Taking It Home: An Invitation to
Act.” Throughout the Reflect and Review, try to direct participants’ comments
to turning what they’ve felt into actions so they can be prepared for this final
activity. This is a time to ponder how they can have experiences that will help
them become more like Jesus Christ by making and keeping sacred covenants
and preparing to attain celestial glory. The Taking It Home portion of Reflect
and Review should focus on lasting changes the youth intend to keep long
after they have returned home from their FSY session.
Announcements and Prayer (5 Minutes)
Before praying together, give necessary last-minute announcements or remind-
ers. Praying together builds unity and strength. Afterward encourage youth
to return to their rooms and offer personal prayers before going to bed.
Suggested Announcements
• Youth who have been assigned to Day Two participant devotional
should prepare.
• Be completely ready for the day before going to participant devotional.
• Begin thinking of ideas for a company banner and cheer.

Lights Out
Lights go out at 10:30 p.m. Teach your youth that they need a good night’s
sleep to fully feel the Spirit and have a good experience during the confer-
ence. If any youth are uncooperative, counselors and assistant coordinators
should teach them principles and allow them to act for themselves. Be sensi-
tive and tactful. Roommates are permitted to talk after lights out if they do so
quietly and do not disturb others.
Inform your assistant coordinator when all lights are out. Remain on patrol
near your youth’s sleeping quarters for 15 minutes after your last participant’s
light is off, unless otherwise directed. Coordinators and assistant coordinators
can extend the nightly patrol length if needed.


Counselor—Day 2
FSY Staff Shirt

7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting

7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Banner and Cheer Prep
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m. FSY Dance Guidelines
6:45 p.m.–8:45 pm. Dance
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
Come dressed and ready to go, as you will not have time to finish getting
ready later. Start the day by praying together. Listen carefully to announce-
ments and instructions.

Participant Morning Devotional

During the devotional, participants are given a chance to teach and learn from
their group members. Assignments for all participant devotionals should have
been made during Meet Your Counselor.
After the devotional, make announcements as needed. Briefly review the day’s
activities and make sure participants know where to be and when.
Suggested Announcements
• Tell your youth where to meet after lunch for head count.
• Invite your youth to be looking for and recording insights to share
during Reflect and Review.

Mealtime is a great opportunity to get to know your youth and help them feel
comfortable. During all meals, all staff should help youth behave appropri-
ately and stay in approved areas. Set a good example. Do not encourage or be
a part of inappropriate behavior such as food pranks, eating contests, and so
on. Remind youth to be respectful to other groups in the cafeteria. Leave the
dining area clean.
Encourage your company to eat together to build unity. If participants want to
eat with a friend or relative in another company, respect their choice.

Gospel Study Overview

Gospel study enables the youth to increase their love of the scriptures, to learn
how the scriptures can bless their lives, and to develop a habit of daily study.
Regular effective gospel study brings us closer to Jesus Christ and gives us
power to resist temptation, avoid deception, and stay on the covenant path.
Reading the scriptures invites the Spirit to be with us, helping us receive


revelation, gain a testimony, and receive comfort. As we study, we learn doc-

trine that changes our actions and behavior.
Your goal when leading gospel study should be to help the youth learn as you
teach in the Savior’s way. As you do, the youth will give place in their hearts
for the seed of the gospel to be planted, to swell, and to grow.

• Gospel study provides each counselor with a formal teaching
opportunity. Prepare well. Your personal daily spiritual preparation is
vital. Pray, study the scriptures, and be obedient. Your example will be
more impressive than your words, so practice what you teach.
• During co-counselor planning on the morning of Day One, divide the
daily teaching responsibilities and plan the scriptures you will be using
during the conference.

Gospel Study Format

Each morning in your company spot, after singing and praying together,
you and your co-counselor should lead a short gospel study lesson to help
the youth apply study skills. One counselor teaches, and the other counselor
supports with thoughtful comments and ideas. Both counselors should be in
front of the group showing unity while leading the discussion. Help the youth
gain an overall vision of how the gospel study lessons from the whole week tie
together. Each day quickly review things that have been taught previously.
The best way for participants to apply these lessons is within their personal
scripture study. Practice what you are teaching; study your scriptures during
gospel study, and do not chat with your co-counselor or co-counselors or
do other things. Be observant and available to your youth during this time.
Assist those who need help, have questions, or are distracted or sleeping.
Be sensitive to the spiritual needs of your youth. Maintain a reverent envi-
ronment. After about 30 minutes, invite the youth to come back together to
share thoughts and feelings with one another. Remind them to share what
gospel principles they learned, what they felt, and what study skill they ap-
plied, rather than just what they read.

Gospel Study
Follow Day Two gospel study as outlined below. Remember that being flexi-
ble in your teaching will enable you to follow the Spirit and teach effectively.

Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion 8:30 a.m.–8:50 a.m.
Personal Study Time 8:50 a.m.–9:20 a.m.
Sharing Time 9:20 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Each day at the beginning of gospel study, remind your company of their
company goals, check their progress, and continue to encourage them.

Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion (20 Minutes)

• Gospel Study Tips: Search, Ponder, and Apply (5 Minutes)
Review the gospel study tips found in the FSY Participant Handbook,
p. 26. Discuss ways to consistently create an environment for
constructive, successful scripture study.
• Personal Revelation (15 Minutes)
To help youth understand how to prepare themselves to receive
revelation and learn how promptings sometimes feel, read through the
scripture references below, adding any that you would like to use, and
prepare to lead a discussion based on these ideas concerning revelation.
◦ 2 Nephi 4:15–16
◦ Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3
◦ 1 Kings 19:11–12
◦ Matthew 7:7–8
◦ John 14:26

Personal Study Time (30 Minutes)

Sharing Time (10 Minutes)

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional

Each morning the session directing couple presents an uplifting lesson that
focuses on and further develops the theme. Have your youth get out their
scriptures, FSY Participant Handbook, and a pen before the opening prayer.
Remind them not to put their materials away until after the closing prayer.
To promote reverence, stay standing and keep an eye on the youth until the


coordinator stands up to get the meeting started. Sit with your company
and learn from the session directing couple. Encourage youth to be reverent
and pay attention. Take notes and prepare possible questions to ask during
Reflect and Reflect.

As you attend classes, sit among the youth rather than with other counselors.
Be an example to the youth and help them be respectful and focused.

Mealtime is a great opportunity to get to know your youth and help them feel
comfortable. During all meals, all staff should help youth behave appropri-
ately and stay in approved areas. Set a good example. Do not encourage or be
a part of inappropriate behavior such as food pranks, eating contests, and so
on. Remind youth to be respectful to other groups in the cafeteria. Leave the
dining area clean.
Encourage your company to eat together to build unity. If participants want
to eat with a friend or relative in another company, respect their choice.

Musical Program Rehearsal

Encourage your youth to participate in the Musical Program. Youth parti-
cipating in the Musical Program should eat lunch quickly (go to the front of
the line if needed; do not cut in front of non-FSY conference participants) and
then proceed to the Musical Program rehearsal location.

Lunchtime Head Count (Meet with Company)

Conduct head count after lunch at your predetermined company spot. Give
announcements and instructions for the rest of the day’s activities. Make
sure the youth know to check in with you even if they are involved with the
Musical Program or Variety Show. Report head count to your assistant coordi-
nator, and note any missing youth.

Suggested Announcements
• Remind the youth of Musical Program rehearsal and Variety
Show tryouts.
• Tell them where and when to meet after dinner for banner and
cheer prep.

Variety Show Tryouts

Encourage your youth to try out for the Variety Show. Review with them
the Variety Show guidelines on p. 78 in their FSY Participant Handbook so
they understand what is acceptable and appropriate. Remind them to sign
up early. Help those not selected for the Variety Show to understand that
the choice isn’t always based on skill or talent, but on the need for a large
variety of acts in the show. Consider setting aside time later in the session
for those not selected to perform in the Variety Show to perform their acts
just for your company.

Participant Free Time

Participant free time is an opportunity to spend time with your participants
and learn more about them. As a counselor, you are not required to assist
during free time unless otherwise noted by your session leaders.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting

During this time, your assistant coordinator will provide you with supple-
mental training and answer your questions. This meeting is required for all
counselors except for those assigned to Musical Program or Variety Show.

Meet with Company (Informal Head Count)

Make sure youth are prepared and appropriately dressed for the
evening’s activities.


Banner and Cheer Prep

Your company will prepare a banner and cheer for the Cheer-Off.
• You or your co-counselor will receive a banner and supplies during your
afternoon assistant coordinator meeting.
• The banner will be used in other activities during the conference.

Rules for the Banner

• The banner must be appropriate and reflect the character of the
company name.
• Only participants should draw or write on the banner; counselors should
not contribute.
• The banner should not use names or titles of Deity.

Rules for the Cheer

Your company will prepare a cheer to present to the judges (usually the ses-
sion directing couple and coordinators). The judges’ selections will perform
at the Cheer-Off finals. The rules below will ensure appropriateness, safety,
and fairness.
• Keep the cheer to around one minute.
• Remember that judges look for enthusiasm, creativity, group unity, and
overall performance.
• Counselors may not participate in the cheer but may encourage and
help with ideas. The purpose is for the youth to work as a group and
become more unified. Counselors are responsible for making sure the
youth understand and comply with the expectations below:
◦ Flips and lifts are not permitted.
◦ Except for your banner, no props may be used.
◦ Do not use the names of Deity.
◦ If song lyrics or tunes are used, make sure tunes come from
appropriate songs and that all cheer lyrics are appropriate.
◦ Profanity, vulgarity, and demeaning language or actions of any kind
are not permitted.

FSY Conference Dance Guidelines
Dances at FSY conferences provide a wholesome social experience where the
Spirit may be present. Youth are encouraged to learn new dances and practice
dance etiquette.
After banner and cheer prep, and before the dance begins, regroup with your
company and review the FSY Conference Dance Guidelines (see participant
handbook, p. 38).
If you have extra time, you may want to teach your youth a line dance or some
fun dance moves.

When you arrive at the dance location with your company, decide on a place
to meet after the dance to eliminate confusion and allow groups to dismiss in
an orderly and timely manner.
All counselors are to help maintain dance standards. Dance with the youth
in groups and get to know them, and encourage your participants to dance.
However, do not force youth to dance. Do not prohibit them from using the
restroom and getting water at any time during the dance.
Counselors should enjoy the dance but remember that their priority is to
attend to the needs of the youth.
Note: If you have youth who are sensitive to loud music, you may want to
prepare them ahead of time for the environment and energy of the dance. Plan
for them to participate in ways that can stretch their comfort zone while still
allowing them to feel safe. If you have any youth with physical disabilities, plan
with them ahead of time for ways they can participate.

Announcements and Prayer

Suggested Announcements
• Confirm Day Three participant devotional assignments.
• If applicable: wear your participant T-shirt tomorrow or make plans to
change into it at free time to prepare for Games Night.


Counselor—Day 3
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Games Night Prep
6:45 p.m.–8:00 pm. Games Night and Cheer-Off
8:15 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
8:15 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Favorite Food Night
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Participant Morning Devotional
Suggested Announcements
• Remind youth where to meet after lunch for head count.
• Invite your youth to be looking for and recording insights to share
during Reflect and Review.

Gospel Study
Follow Day Three gospel study as outlined below. Remember that being flexi-
ble in your teaching will enable you to follow the Spirit and teach effectively.


Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion 8:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m.
Personal Study Time 8:45 a.m.–9:20 a.m.
Sharing Time 9:20 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Each day at the beginning of gospel study, remind your company of their
company goals, check their progress, and continue to encourage them.

Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion (15 Minutes)

• Talk to your group about a time when you had a real feast, like on a
holiday or at a special family event. Have the youth keep this imagery in
mind as they participate in this discussion.
• Read 2 Nephi 32:3 to begin the gospel study group discussion
◦ 2 Nephi 4:15–16
◦ Alma 17:2
◦ Alma 37:44–45

Personal Study Time (35 Minutes)

Sharing Time (10 Minutes)


Lunchtime Head Count (Meet with Company)

Conduct head count after lunch at your predetermined company spot. Give
Suggested Announcements
• Ask participants to change into their participant T-shirt during free time
so they are ready for Games Night.
• Remind participants when and where to meet after dinner for head
count and Games Night prep.

Meet with Company (Informal Head Count)

Make sure youth are prepared and appropriately dressed for the evening’s
activities. All participants should be wearing their participant T-shirt.

Games Night Prep

Be prepared to teach all games during this time. You can teach a game by calling
forward a couple of participants, demonstrating how it is played, and then
answering any questions.
After demonstrating each game, practice your cheer one last time, and allow
plenty of time to get to the Games Night field. Everyone must be on time for
Games Night to go smoothly and for Favorite Food Night to begin on time.

Games Night
Help the youth become united as a company, feel the Spirit while having fun,
and become comfortable interacting with others.

Promote an atmosphere of encouragement and teamwork. Games Night is
about building unity within your company, not competition. Participants
must wear their participant T-shirt. They should be strongly encouraged to
bring a full water bottle. After arriving at the game field, check in with the
assistant coordinator in charge, who will tell you which assistant coordinator
will be with you for Games Night and direct you to your assigned location on
the field.

Your group will remain with the assistant coordinator throughout the night as
they rotate through the different games. Unless otherwise directed, the judges
will come to your location to see your company cheer. During the short gaps
between games while the assistant coordinator sets up the next game, keep
your company together, active, and excited. The first break might be a time to
take a company photo. Send the photos to the assistant coordinator in charge
of the slide show so your company can be included.
When leaving your Games Night location, make sure participants have col-
lected all their belongings.
Note: If you have youth who are sensitive to loud noises, yelling, seeing others
run past them, and so on, you may want to prepare them ahead of time for the
environment and energy of Games Night. Plan for them to participate in ways
that can stretch their comfort zone while still allowing them to feel safe. If you
have any youth with physical disabilities, plan with them ahead of time for ways
they can participate.

Games (see pp. 90–93)

• Tree, Log, Bridge
• Animal Sounds
• In and Out
• A House of Order (alternate)

After watching all the cheers during Games Night, the judges will choose
a few cheers to be performed for the whole session in the final Cheer-Off.
Encourage your youth to be positive and supportive. Competition should be
exciting and friendly, not intense or divisive.
If Games Night is running late, coordinators are encouraged to postpone the
Cheer-Off to Day Five to avoid delaying Favorite Food Night.

Favorite Food Night

Create a wholesome environment where the youth can connect with their
counselor and counselor group while enjoying a favorite food. As a counselor
leading this activity, you can help them feel loved and validated through
shared experiences.


Remember, the way you end Day Three will set the tone for Day Four. Favorite
Food Night should be a small gathering within your counselor group, held in
or near your youth’s sleeping quarters, if possible.
• Keep the atmosphere uplifting; don’t let the youth gossip or talk
• Calm your group down by the end of the activity to invite the Spirit for
Reflect and Review.

• Dispose of any trash after the activity. Take trash to outside dumpsters if
possible, ensuring that at least one counselor for each hallway or sleeping
area is available to the youth during quiet time.

Announcements and Prayer

Suggested Announcements
• Announce which of your youth have been chosen to perform in the
Variety Show (see the Variety Show guidelines on p. 104). Tell them
they are to attend Variety Show dress rehearsal on Day Four and
follow these guidelines:
◦ Bring your lunch to rehearsal or eat quickly and arrive as soon as
◦ Dress as you will for the actual show.
◦ Tune your instruments and make other preparations as needed.
• Confirm Day Four participant devotional assignments, and remind youth
that Day Four is Sunday dress.

Counselor—Day 4
Sunday Dress
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Men Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Women Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Men Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Women Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
Musical Program Rehearsal
1:45 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Variety Show Guidelines
2:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Variety Show
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Dress Rehearsal
4:30 p.m.–5:50 p.m. Dinner
5:50 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
5:50 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Reverence and Testimony Discussion
6:20 p.m.–6:55 pm. Musical Program
6:55 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Session Directing Couple Evening Devotional
7:30 p.m.–7:40 p.m. Testimony Writing | FSY Medley
7:50 p.m.–8:50 p.m. Testimony Meetings
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.


Suggested Announcements
• Remind Variety Show participants to bring all props and costumes with
them to dress rehearsal.
• Give any additional Variety Show dress rehearsal instructions.

Gospel Study
Follow Day Four gospel study as outlined below. Remember that being flexi-
ble in your teaching will enable you to follow the Spirit and teach effectively.


Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion 8:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m.
Personal Study Time 8:45 a.m.–9:20 a.m.
Sharing Time 9:20 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Each day at the beginning of gospel study, remind your company of their
company goals, check their progress, and continue to encourage them.

Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion (15 Minutes)

• Tell your group about someone from the scriptures that you identify
with (for example, Nephi because he was persecuted for keeping the
• Read 1 Nephi 4:1–3 with your youth to begin the group discussion.
◦ Matthew 7:24–27
◦ 1 Nephi 19:22–23
◦ 2 Nephi 6:5
◦ 2 Nephi 11:2, 8

Personal Study Time (35 Minutes)

Sharing Time (10 Minutes)

Young Men and Young Women Activity

The Book of Mormon:

Another Testament of Jesus Christ

56 American Prophet, by Del Parson


Your role is to guide the youth as they complete the activity on pages 66–77
of the participant handbook. Facilitate a discussion about the spiritual and
physical witnesses of the Book of Mormon. Teach the following principles
about personal revelation so the youth will understand how the Spirit testifies
of truth:

“Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which
shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. Now, behold, this is the
spirit of revelation.”

Doctrine and Covenants 8:2–3

Emphasize that a personal spiritual witness (in the heart) brings about a
deeper, more meaningful testimony than can physical evidence alone (in the
mind). Physical evidence is important, but it is just one piece of the framework
for testimony building. Focus on achieving the activity objectives and helping
the youth understand the importance of having a personal testimony of the
Book of Mormon.
With the Book of Mormon as the focus of this activity, help the youth to:
• Increase their testimony of the Book of Mormon.
• Become familiar with the evidence and witnesses of the Book of Mormon
and understand their importance.
• Strengthen their testimony of Joseph Smith as a prophet, seer, and
• Commit to living the eternal truths found in the Book of Mormon to
become closer to Jesus Christ.
Your preparation for this activity is crucial to its success. Although this activity
has a detailed outline, you may need to adapt your lesson to meet the unique
needs of your group. You should:
• Know and understand the Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Read the entire activity in the participant handbook, and understand all
topics so you can effectively lead a meaningful discussion.
• Prayerfully read and study resource materials if possible.
• Resources:
◦ Neil L. Andersen, “Joseph Smith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014.

◦ Tad R. Callister, “God’s Compelling Witness: The Book of Mormon,”
Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017.
◦ Shayne M. Bowen, “The Role of the Book of Mormon in
Conversion,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018.
Time Frame
The young women will participate in the Young Men and Young Women
Activity during the first rotation while the young men attend the morning
devotional. The young men will then rotate with the young women and
participate in the activity while the young women meet with the session
directing couple for the morning devotional.

Assistant coordinator conducts.

9:45 a.m.–10:05 a.m. 11:15 a.m.–11:35 a.m.
Song, prayer, introduction to activity.

10:05 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Move to counselor breakout groups. 11:35 a.m.–11:45 a.m.

Counselor discussion and participant handbook

10:15 a.m.–10:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

10:45 a.m.–10:55 a.m. Application activity. 12:15 p.m.–12:25 p.m.

Counselor and/or participant

10:55 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 12:25 p.m.–12:30 p.m.
testimony, prayer.

Young Men and Young Women Activity Format

Song, Prayer, Assistant Coordinator Introduction to Activity
(20 minutes)
Meet in the assigned location.
Move to Counselor Breakout Groups (10 minutes)
Find an appropriate outdoor space, unless otherwise noted, that doesn’t
block sidewalks or stairs or disrupt other activities and is away from other
groups or distractions.
Counselor Discussion (30 minutes)
Teach the material found in the participant handbook. There are several topics
of discussion for this activity, so you should consider having each youth in
your group take a topic, read the material, and teach the group what they
learned. This will help involve and engage your youth and will make the ac-
tivity run more smoothly. Proceed through the topics one by one, giving time
to discuss the questions provided in search of new insights. Invite the youth to
write down impressions they have during the discussion. Depending on your


group, you may spend varying amounts of time on the different topics and
may not have sufficient time to discuss them all. Remember to keep the focus
on reaching the activity’s objectives.
Application Activity (10 minutes)
Invite the youth to take this time to ponder, pray, and finish the final part of
the Young Men and Young Women Activity (see participant handbook,
pp. 76–77).
Counselor/Participant Testimony, Prayer (5 minutes)
• Invite the youth to share a brief testimony of what they learned.
• Conclude with your own brief testimony of the truths discussed,
emphasizing how they bless your life. Your testimony will set a good
example for the youth who will bear their testimonies later during
testimony meeting.
• Ask someone to say the closing prayer.
Note: Before going to lunch, make sure you know which of your youth are
participating in the Variety Show or the Musical Program. Confirm that they
understand where they need to be and when.

Suggested Announcements
• Remind the youth when and where to meet after lunch for the
Variety Show.

Lunchtime Headcount (Meet with Company)

Conduct head count after lunch at your predetermined company spot. Give
any announcements.

Variety Show Guidelines

Review audience guidelines in the participant handbook, p. 79.

Variety Show
Sit with your youth. Remind them to be supportive and respectful.

Some of your youth will need to get dinner quickly so they can participate in
the Musical Program. The assistant coordinator over Musical Program will
lead the reverence and testimony discussion for those youth. Be aware of your
participants singing in the Musical Program so you can proceed to the next
activity with the other youth. Make sure they know when and where to meet.

Reverence and Testimony Discussion

After dinner, meet at your company spot. Begin with a hymn and read
Doctrine and Covenants 88:67–68 as a company. Briefly discuss the doctrine
and purpose of reverence. Teach the youth that reverence isn’t just being
quiet but is a state of being. Help them understand how reverence will help
them receive revelation.
Ask your youth to turn to “A Testimony of the Gospel” in their participant
handbooks, p. 81. Using the references on this page, lead a discussion to help
the youth understand what a testimony is and is not. Invite the youth to think
about what they have learned throughout the day and how they can continue
to prepare for the evening’s activities and for testimony meeting.

Testimony Meeting
After the Musical Program and evening devotional, a coordinator will dismiss
everyone for testimony meeting. Your assistant coordinator will inform you
where your company will have testimony meeting and who will conduct (see
testimony meeting duty on p. 17). Help your youth stay reverent and focused
on feeling the Spirit.

Announcements and Prayer

Suggested Announcements
• Confirm Day Five participant devotional assignments.


Counselor—Day 5
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Goal Setting Review
10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Living the Gospel Activity
3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Slide Show
3:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Picture Taking
6:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Dance
8:15 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Taking It Home Message
9:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Company Taking It Home
9:45 p.m.–10:25 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed | Prayer
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Gospel Study
Follow Day Five gospel study as outlined below. Remember that being flexible
in your teaching will enable you to follow the Spirit and teach effectively.


Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion 8:30 a.m.–8:45 a.m.
Personal Study Time 8:45 a.m.–9:20 a.m.
Sharing Time 9:20 a.m.–9:30 a.m.

Formal Teaching Time/Group Discussion (15 Minutes)

• Discuss with the youth that everyone feels the Holy Spirit in their own
way. In the Bible, it is often described as a “still small voice” (see 1 Kings
19:11–12) that almost seems to whisper to the mind.
• You may discuss the concepts of preparing for revelation and recognizing
promptings of the Holy Ghost.
◦ Amos 3:7
◦ Matthew 16:13–18
◦ Alma 17:2–3
◦ Doctrine and Covenants 76:5–10

Personal Study Time (35 Minutes)

Sharing Time (10 Minutes)

Goal Setting Review

Object Lesson 9:30 a.m.–9:40 a.m.
Debrief 9:40 a.m.–9:55 a.m.
Wrap Up 9:55 a.m.–10:00 a.m.


The objectives of this activity are to help the youth:
• Recognize the impact that goal setting can have in their lives.
• Reflect on what they learned as they set personal and company goals.
• Celebrate their growth and help them have positive feelings about their
• Empower them to continue setting goals as they go home.

Immediately following gospel study, have the youth stay at their company spot
and begin the goal setting review activity.

Use the object lesson to begin the activity. Starting with an object lesson has a
threefold purpose: (1) create separation from gospel study, (2) provide an en-
gaging teaching opportunity, and (3) help the youth re-energize and refocus.

Object Lesson (10 minutes)

Have participants form two lines of equal length by standing next to one an-
other, shoulder to shoulder. The lines should face each other and be separated
by about an arm’s length. Each participant should then be looking at another
participant directly across from them. If there is an odd number of partici-
pants, a counselor should step in to even out the numbers.
Have the youth in line A take 30 seconds to observe everything about their
partner in line B (how their hair is done, if they are wearing socks with shoes,
if their pant legs are rolled up, and so on). Then have line A turn around so
that they are facing away from line B.
While they are turned around, give line B 30 seconds to change something
about their appearance (untuck a pocket, take off one sock, take off an ear-
ring, tuck their hair behind an ear, put their shoes on different feet—let them
be creative). After 30 seconds have passed, have line A turn and face their
partner again.
Participants then try to identify the alteration made by their partner. Feel free
to give a time limit if needed—between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Switch the
role of each line and do the activity again. Once both lines have had a chance
to be observers, take time to debrief.

Debrief (15 minutes)
Discuss the object lesson in terms of the goal-setting process. The debriefing
should naturally lead to discussion about the desired outcomes of goal setting
and ways the process can be applied in their daily lives.
Use the questions in the participant handbook, p. 96, and the goal setting
review activity objectives to guide your discussion. Remember, the discussion
should not evolve into goal sharing but stay focused on the process and ulti-
mate outcomes of goal setting.
• Teach the youth that the things they learn at FSY conferences will
impact their lives only if they put them into practice.
• Help them identify principles they have been living at the FSY session,
such as scripture study, prayer, obeying rules, surrounding themselves
with good friends and good people, having gospel discussions, and so
• Help youth understand the meaning of progressing on the covenant path.

“Keep on the covenant path. Your commitment to follow the Savior by making
covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every
spiritual blessing and privilege available to men, women, and children everywhere.
. . . I invite you with all the hope in my heart to please come back. Whatever your
concerns, whatever your challenges, there is a place for you in this, the Lord’s
Church. You and generations yet unborn will be blessed by your actions now to return
to the covenant path.”
Russell M. Nelson, “A Message from the First Presidency,” Jan. 16, 2018, 3,

Wrap Up (5 minutes)
Help the youth see how the process of goal setting, coupled with living the
gospel every day, will help them draw closer to the Savior. Encourage them to
prepare for this evening’s company Taking It Home activity by thinking about
the goals they would like to focus on as they return home. Invite them to use
the FSY conference to guide them toward their future. Share with them the
happiness, strength, and power that come from living the gospel, working to
accomplish goals, and becoming more like the Savior.


For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity

An assistant coordinator will introduce this activity, and the counselors
will conduct the breakout portion.

Help participants be excited about For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making
Choices (found at the back of both FSY handbooks), help them understand its
purpose and the inspiration behind it, and give them an experience with the
guide that can strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.
While many participants will have prior knowledge of the For the Strength of
Youth guide, not all will. Be sensitive to each learner’s level of familiarity with
youth standards.
Rather than focusing on specific standards that are no longer mentioned in
the updated guide, use this time to build confidence in the new resource as
well as faith in Jesus Christ. Do not pass judgments about previous versions
of For the Strength of Youth or draw specific attention to how the booklet has
been updated. Jesus Christ is the “strength of youth,” and this guide is meant
to point youth to Him (see Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of
Youth,” Liahona, Nov. 2022).

Company Breakout (40 minutes)

Help youth experience the joy of learning with their peers. You will lead them
in playing a game and brainstorming how they can apply For the Strength of
Youth to their lives. You will promote thoughtful study and discussion about
the For the Strength of Youth guide.

Game (20 Minutes)

Ships and Sailors
Object of the game: Safely guide your ship from one side of the room to the
other without running into obstacles.
Instructions: Assign four or five youth to be “obstacles,” and ask them to
stand near the center of the room. Have the rest of the company pair up in
twos. One youth in each pair will be a “ship” and the other will be a “sailor.”
The ship closes their eyes, and the sailor uses their voice to guide the ship
around the obstacles from one side of the room to the other. The sailors
cannot touch the ships as they guide them. The youth acting as obstacles must

stay in place without talking; they can spread out their arms and legs but
cannot reach out to tag the ships.
You can play the game multiple times, adding in variations like these:
• The obstacles can talk, trying to distract the ships so they cannot hear
their sailors.
• The obstacles can move their arms and reach out for ships.
• The ships can look at where the obstacles are before closing their eyes.
• The sailors can only whisper.
• The obstacles stand to the side, and the sailors guide their ships through
an empty room without the ships knowing it’s empty.

Discuss with the youth how this game might apply to the For the Strength
of Youth guide. For example, the sailors are the guidelines in the For the
Strength of Youth guide, and we are the ships. The obstacles are influences
from the world. This is just an example of how this game can be applied.
The youth will come up with many different scenarios and connections.
How might this game apply to our lives today?

Transition (5 Minutes)
Finish the game and gather with your company. Make sure everyone has
access to the For the Strength of Youth guide or is partnered with someone
who does.

Familiarize Youth with the For the Strength of Youth

Guide (15 Minutes)
Have the youth take a few minutes to familiarize themselves with For the
Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices. Look through the guide and
answer the questions below:
• What are your initial thoughts and impressions?
• What questions do you have?
• Which principles (“eternal truths, invitations, and promised blessings”)
have you seen in your own life or in the life of someone you know?
• Which principles would you like to work on?How will you apply these
principles at your FSY conference and when you go home?
• How can growing closer to the Savior help you?


For the Strength of Youth Guide Stories and Discussion

(15 Minutes)
Help the youth brainstorm different choices that young people might be
faced with today. Help them to talk among each other to come up with a list
of choices. Remember it doesn’t have to specifically be choices that they have
made. Speaking generically will help them keep an open mind as they discuss.
Take a few minutes to list some choices (big or small) that youth are
faced with today:

Select a couple of the choices from your list above. How might someone apply
the principles in the For the Strength of Youth guide to help them make their
choice? How can this help them be an example to others and grow closer to
the Savior?
This activity is meant to help youth come up with scenarios that are relevant
to their lives, wherever you are in the world. Encourage the youth to think
openly about how to use the For the Strength of Youth guide to make choices
and to seek heaven’s aid as they do so. If they are having a hard time coming
up with scenarios, consider using one of the following:
Example Story 1
“Recently my 17-year-old daughter had plans to go to a school dance. The
friends she was going with were coordinating their outfits. Most of the girls in
her group wanted to wear a style that was immodest. My daughter came to me
and asked, ‘What should I do?’
“Before October 2022 general conference and the new For the Strength of Youth
guide, I probably would have been tempted to give her a lecture, including
the words ‘You are absolutely not wearing that dress!’ However, with Elder
Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk in mind, I asked, ‘Well, what do you think?’ She
sighed audibly and gave me a look that communicated ‘You mean I have to do
the work to find this answer on my own?’
“In the past we have had many conversations on the topic of modesty, and so
it has been on her mind for a long time. I followed up with more questions:

‘What do you know about the principles in the guide? What does it mean
that your body is sacred? What does it mean that Heavenly Father wants us
to see each other for who we really are and not just physical bodies? What
can we learn from the scriptures and temple recommend questions listed in
the guide? Where else can you go to find out what God wants you to do?’
“The next day I asked her if she had decided one way or another, and she said
she felt like she was making a big deal out of a little thing. She said, ‘I wonder
if such a little thing even matters to Him.’ I assured her that it does and asked,
‘Have you prayed about it?’”
Example Story 2
“My son came home from school in early October and said his friends told
him that Elder Uchtdorf announced in conference that now tattoos are OK.
He said, ‘Dad, I want to get one.’ My first response was to say, ‘Over my dead
body.’ Instead, I asked, ‘Have you even heard Elder Uchtdorf’s talk?’ I knew
he hadn’t because he only listened to the Sunday sessions. I asked, ‘Have you
read the new For the Strength of Youth guide?’ Again, I knew he hadn’t. I told
him that once he did, we could talk about it again.
“A few days later he came to me and said he had read the talk and the guide.
I asked, ‘Did Elder Uchtdorf announce that tattoos are OK?’ He said, ‘No.
In fact, he said that the Lord is not saying, “Do whatever you want.”‘ I asked,
‘Does the guide say tattoos are OK?’ He said, ‘It says we are supposed to
honor the sacredness of our bodies, even when that means being different
from the world. It says that we must make wise decisions—especially when
they can have lasting effects on our bodies. But, Dad, it doesn’t say we can’t.’
“I responded, ‘It doesn’t say we can’t rob a bank, either, but that doesn’t
make it a smart choice. What does your discipleship call on you to do? You
know how I feel about it. Maybe it is time to ask how Heavenly Father feels
about it.’”

Close (5 Minutes)
Wrap up your discussion, and then proceed as a company to lunch.

Lunchtime Head Count (Meet with Company)

Conduct head count after lunch at your predetermined company spot. Give
any announcements.


Living the Gospel Activity

Lead an engaging activity in which the youth choose and complete tasks
that are meaningful to them. Help the youth understand how these activities
relate to ministering and how ministering relates to the call to gather Israel.
Help the youth get excited about ministering and understand that it can be
fun and fulfilling.
Gathering Israel through Family History Work
In President Nelson’s worldwide youth devotional titled “Hope of Israel”
( June 2018), he invited every young woman and young man in the Church to
“enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel.” It was a pure
and earnest admonition to join the Lord in His work.
The objective of this activity is to help the youth feel inspired to respond to the
invitation to gather Israel as they:
• Share Christ’s love with people they encounter daily.
• Become more mindful of the needs of others.
• Make plans to improve the way they minister.
• Prayerfully study Russell M. Nelson’s worldwide devotional for youth,
“Hope of Israel” ( June 2018).
• Bring your company banner from Games Night—you will need it.
• Familiarize yourself with the game used in this activity (“Blob Tag”), and
be prepared to lead a meaningful debrief.
• Discuss with your co-counselor or co-counselors how to help your youth
get the most out of this activity.
◦ Discuss how to divide your company for rotations beforehand (one
group with each counselor). Groups should include a random mix of
genders and youth from each counselor group.Become familiar with
the time frame and follow it.
◦ Be sure to rotate at the times indicated in the time frame provided.
Always leave at least one to two minutes for wrap-up.

Living the Gospel Activity Format
Introduction/Divide into Rotations 11:15 a.m.–11:25 a.m.
Discovery Part One: Team Activity 11:25 a.m.–11:45 a.m.
Game: Blob Tag 11:45 a.m.–12:05 p.m.
Discovery Part Two: Individual Activity 12:05 p.m.–12:25 p.m.
Personal Development Plan
Wrap Up 12:25 p.m.–12:30 p.m.

Introduction (10 minutes)

Counselors should briefly explain to their company that the purpose of this ac-
tivity is to discover new ways to follow President Nelson’s call to gather Israel
through family history work. Briefly introduce the activity by reading the first
quote in the participant handbook and going over the objective listed in the
participant handbook. Give the youth a few minutes to fill out the provided
family tree as much as they are able. When they are finished, lead a one- to
two-minute discussion based on the following questions:
• How much do you know about your own family history?
• How do you feel about how much you do or don’t know about your
family history?
• Why would it be important to know about your family history, and how
does that apply to gathering Israel?
Briefly go over the activity instructions listed in the participant handbook and
answer any questions the youth may have about the activity.
Divide your company into groups as previously planned (one group per
counselor). Each counselor teaches Part One and Two in order. The company
comes together between Part One and Part Two to play the game, and after
the game, groups rotate to the counselor they were not with during Part One.

Discovery Part One: Share Your History

Group Activity (15 minutes)
Each counselor divides their group into teams of four or five. Each team
chooses activities from the list in their handbook that are meaningful to one
or more members of the team. Whenever a team finishes an activity, they send
a representative to the counselor to get it signed off. The teams have 15 min-
utes to complete as many meaningful activities as possible.


If there are individual activities that don’t work for some participants (for
example, a participant doesn’t have a phone, has family members who are
unavailable, and so on), invite them to choose another activity that will work
for them during this time.
Note: If there is a question about whether something qualifies for an
activity, you may be liberal in signing off activities if you feel the youth are
accomplishing the activity’s purpose. Please remember that the priority is to
encourage youth to engage and feel a sense of connection and accomplishment
rather than to focus on the number of activities completed.

Discovery Part One Wrap Up (5 minutes)

Have a representative from each team share with the entire company their
team’s favorite activity and why.

Bring the company back together to play the following game.
Blob Tag (15 minutes)
Set reasonable boundaries for the game. Consider standing on the boundaries
so they are clearly indicated. Assign one or two people to be “it”; they each
have the goal of forming their own group or “blob” by tagging (gently touch-
ing) other players. Each person tagged by someone joins that person’s blob
by linking arms or joining hands, and together they attempt to tag others.
Players must join the blob if they are tagged by any member of it. Once a blob
has six people, the blob splits in half, making two new blobs. As soon as all
players have been tagged, the blobs run to link arms with a designated coun-
selor to form a mega-blob. Two members of the last blob to join a mega-blob
will be “it” for the next round.
Play a few rounds of this game with the variations below:
• Change the number of people who are “it.”
• Change the number that can be in a blob before splitting.
• Choosing to not split into smaller blobs. In this version, players will
eventually form one or two large blobs and must speed walk (not run)
after their blob has four members to avoid trampling.
Remind youth to be aware of their surroundings to avoid colliding.
Note: Be sure to allow a few minutes to debrief this game. Ask questions that
help the youth make connections between the game and family history work.

Wrap Up and Rotate (5 minutes)
Have the youth share with a partner what they accomplished during this seg-
ment of the activity. Remind them that any time they lift another person and
bring them closer to Christ, they are helping to gather Israel.

Discovery Part Two: Discover and Record Your History

Each counselor should work with a different group of youth for Part Two
than they worked with during Part One.
Individual Activity (10 minutes)
Before beginning, place your company banner in a central location between
the groups. Give the following instructions:
• The youth will have 10 minutes to individually complete one or more of
the activities listed in their handbook that will be the most meaningful
to them personally.
• While the options for the activity are broad, the purpose is for each
youth to genuinely connect with their heritage. Invite them to think
beyond things they would normally do (for example, write a letter of
gratitude to a family member they don’t thank very often).
• Each time a participant completes an activity, they may draw a heart on
the back of the banner to represent a life touched by the company. As
each person adds their first heart, they should also sign their name to
serve as a reminder that the company is joining together to enlist in the
youth battalion.
If there are individual activities that don’t work for some participants (for
example, a participant doesn’t have a phone, has family members who are un-
available, and so on), invite them to choose a different activity that will work
for them during this time.
Note: If there is a question about whether something qualifies for an
activity, you may be liberal in signing off activities if you feel the youth are
accomplishing the activity’s purpose. Please remember that the priority is to
encourage youth to engage and feel a sense of connection and accomplishment
rather than to focus on the number of activities completed.

Personal Development Plan (5 minutes)

Briefly announce that it’s time for the youth to begin working on their per-
sonal plan. Give the youth five minutes to answer the questions in their hand-
books and create a personal plan to continue their family history work when
they return home. Help them understand that the first question is asking for
an overarching goal while the second question is asking for specific steps to
reach that goal.


Discovery Part Two Wrap Up (5 minutes)

Have the youth share with a partner what they accomplished during this seg-
ment of the activity or what they have planned to do when they return home.
Remind them that any time they do something to help someone on either side
of the veil come closer to Christ, they are helping to gather Israel.
Company Wrap Up (5 minutes)
Bring your company back together to have a brief discussion. Hold up your
banner to display the youth’s signatures, and remind the youth what it means
to join together to gather Israel. Counselors may share brief testimonies about
following the prophet’s invitation to gather Israel. End with a prayer.

Slide Show

Preparation During the Week

Take pictures of your youth throughout the conference’s activities and send
the pictures to the assistant coordinator assigned to the slide show. The youth
may be disappointed if they do not see themselves or other members of their
company in the slide show.
Note: some sessions may have an assigned media team who will take the
necessary photos, so you do not have to.

Picture Taking
Meet with your company to allow participants to take pictures with one an-
other and with the group. Those who want to keep in contact with each other
can exchange contact information.

Taking It Home Message

The session directing couple facilitates this activity. Sit with your youth and
encourage them to take notes and participate. Prepare to help the youth create
goals at company Taking It Home by reviewing “Do and Become Invitation”
and “A Pattern For Growth” in the participant handbook, p. 16.

Company Taking It Home
Help the youth do the following:
• Understand that the “it” in “taking it home” refers to the gospel
principles they have learned and lived during the FSY conference.
• Set personal goals to live the gospel using the FSY “Do and Become
Invitation” and focus on “A Pattern For Growth.”

• Discuss what the “it” means in “taking it home.”
• Review the “Do and Become Invitation” extended by the session
directing couple.
• Teach the youth that as they consistently apply what they have learned
at FSY, their goals will become more meaningful and have greater
• Reinforce the goal setting principles taught in “A Pattern for Growth.”
• Facilitate a discussion that allows the youth to set and share goals.
Company Taking It Home discussion 9:00 p.m.–9:10 a.m.
Goal Setting 9:10 p.m.–9:15 p.m.
Goal Sharing 9:15 p.m.–9:25 p.m.
Wrap Up 9:25 p.m.–9:30 p.m.

Company Taking It Home Format

Discussion (10 minutes)
• Discuss the principles shared by the session directing couple in their
Taking It Home message, along with the “Do and Become Invitation.”
Help the youth see how they can apply these principles at home. Help
them understand that applying gospel principles throughout their lives
will help them become more like the Savior.
• Review “A Pattern for Growth” with the participants. Help them realize
that setting and achieving goals will help them find balance in their
life. This pattern of living will anchor them to the gospel and help them
continue to make and keep sacred covenants and attain celestial glory.


Goal Setting (5 minutes)

• Emphasize the importance of using “A Pattern for Growth” to set goals:
◦ Discover what you need to work on.
◦ Plan how you will do it.
◦ Act on your plan in faith.
◦ Reflect on what you have learned.
◦ Celebrate what you have accomplished.
• Give youth time to ponder and write personal goals they would like
to accomplish when they return home. Encourage them to review
their daily notes from Reflect and Review to help them think of
goals. They can also consider the invitations offered in the “Do and
Become Invitation.”
Goal Sharing (10 Minutes)
Give your youth the opportunity to share their goals and let them explain how
they will accomplish them. The youth can have a powerful influence on each
other as they learn together and strengthen their determination to achieve
their goals. Remind the youth of the following do’s and don’ts:
• Share goals that uplift one another.
• Keep your comments brief so you give others time to share.
• Show support for others as they share their goals.
• Use this time to focus on what you will do when you return home.
• Share goals that are too personal or that involve serious sins.
• Be critical of others’ goals.
• Use this time to talk about friends or family.
Wrap Up (5 minutes)
Conclude this activity by joining your co-counselors in briefly sharing
your testimonies with the youth. Set an example by following the princi-
ples you taught during the reverence and testimony discussion. Be sure to
finish on time.

Announcements and Prayer

Remind your youth of the timeline and procedures for checkout in the

Lights Out
Do all you can to help your youth end the week on a positive note. Lights out
on Day Five is strictly enforced.

Night Watch
During night watch, assigned FSY staff will enforce lights out to ensure
that all youth remain in their sleeping quarters. Staff should understand the
importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment. Follow instructions
and be flexible and willing to help.


Counselor—Day 6
FSY Staff Shirt
6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Prepare to Leave
7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Post-Session Room Checks | Participant Checkout
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Staff Wrap-Up Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day.

Post-Session Room Checks/

Participant Checkout
All staff are expected to be on duty for participant checkout and the wrap-up
meeting. Make sure checkout procedures are followed and the youth are
reunited safely with their parents, guardians, or unit leaders.
• Check out each participant as you are instructed by your coordinator or
assistant coordinator.
◦ Inspect each area and room with your youth.
◦ Collect all keys from your youth as directed (if applicable).
◦ Ensure that all lost keys (if applicable) and any damage caused by
participants are documented (if applicable).
◦ Be sure your youth and all their belongings are out of the room after
inspection. Check closets, drawers, space under the bed, outlets, and
so on. Close and lock the door behind you. Youth should not remain
in their rooms or return to them once they are checked out.
◦ Return keys and submit damage reports as directed (if applicable).
• If a youth has to check out early, counselors are expected to be up with
them to complete the room check and checkout procedures. Following
policy, you (accompanied by another counselor) need to stay with the
participant to ensure their safety until they are picked up by a parent,
guardian, or shuttle service or leave in their own vehicle.

Wrap-Up Meeting/Key Return
This meeting is mandatory for all counselors.

Coordinators will conduct, make necessary announcements, and lead a discus-

sion to review the conference.

During this meeting

• Be sure keys have been turned in and damage reports have been
submitted (if applicable).
• Coordinate logistical needs for leaving the session.

78 I Have Prayed for Thee, by Del Parson


Assistant Coordinator
As an assistant coordinator, you will act as a liaison between counselors and
coordinators. You will oversee a group of counselors while tending to various
day-to-day responsibilities. As you strive to humbly support and build up the
counselors in your session, they will in turn be better able to bless the lives of
their youth.
Support the session directing couple, coordinators, wellness coordinators,
and fellow assistant coordinators by following FSY conference policies and
guidelines. Be proactive. If you see something that needs to be done, address
the situation.
You must continually study, learn, and prepare to be effective. Build relation-
ships with your peers and accept direction with a teachable attitude, knowing
with certainty that they want you to succeed. By drawing inspiration from
and implementing the wisdom and counsel of inspired leaders, your personal
leadership skills will strengthen.

Building Relationships with

FSY Conference Staff
Creating meaningful relationships with all staff, but particularly with the
counselors you supervise, requires diligent effort and is key to your effective-
ness as an assistant coordinator. You will build trusting relationships as you
organize and prioritize your time to include the following actions in your
daily routine:
• Establish a pattern of open and honest communication. Be a friend
and mentor.
• Pray, ponder, listen, and plan ways to meet others’ needs.
• Be aware of others’ emotional and physical health; encourage them to eat
well and get as much sleep as possible.
• Strengthen others when they are overwhelmed spiritually, emotionally,
and physically.

Focusing on Strengths
Everyone working with the youth at FSY has unique talents and attributes
that make them a powerful asset to the program. Many may not recognize

their own strengths or may not have learned how to use them to their full
potential. You can boost their confidence and increase the impact they have
on others by recognizing and complimenting their strengths and by helping
them develop and learn to use those strengths.

Giving Constructive Feedback

You may wonder how to address a staff member’s desire to improve.
Remember that everyone can benefit from an outside perspective when
seeking to improve in their responsibilities. Set an expectation of two-way
communication in the early stages of your relationships. Invite suggestions
and respond openly when you are given constructive feedback. By building a
collaborative relationship, you will be more comfortable and effective in ful-
filling your responsibilities to observe, discuss positive and negative behaviors,
and set clear expectations.

Counselor Development
Assistant coordinators are responsible to mentor and strengthen counselors
by consistently helping them improve in their responsibilities while working
with the youth. Your efforts should focus on encouraging the counselors you
supervise to do their best to enhance the FSY conference experience of the
youth. The following meetings and activities are part of a united effort to help
counselors meet their FSY responsibilities and expectations:
• Assistant coordinator/counselor breakout (Day Zero)
• Counselor interviews (Day Zero and Day One)
• Observations
• Assistant coordinator/counselor morning meeting (Day Two–Day Five)
• Assistant coordinator/counselor afternoon meeting (Day Two–Day Three)
These interactions give you a chance to both compliment counselors’ positive
performance and motivate them to improve. This feedback will strengthen
counselors’ abilities as they work with the youth. Be kind and loving as you
provide uplifting feedback. Focus on helping counselors to understand the
schedule and to work with difficult youth. Be familiar with the instructions
and agendas in this handbook relating to FSY conference activities.

Coordinator Interview
During the week, your coordinator will meet with you individually to review
your goals and discuss expectations and concerns. In preparation for this


interview, review assistant coordinator roles, responsibilities, and expectations

to set and record your goals.

Relationships with Participants

Be conscientious regarding youth who have special needs. Keep the coordi-
nators well informed about struggling youth. Teach, interact with, and have
fun with the youth. Remember that you may be asked to assist with disci-
plinary situations.

Assistant Coordinator
Assigned Program Duties
Throughout the week you may be assigned specific program duties.
Instructions for each of those duties can be found on the following pages.
Refer here throughout the conference.

One of your main responsibilities as an assistant coordinator is to supervise

and perform administrative duties. Know your duties and successfully com-
plete them. Always arrive early to activities so counselors can check in with
you and become aware of where you will be. Be familiar with the counselor
duties. Help the counselors fulfill their responsibilities.

Class Duty
Ensure smooth, efficient class management; adequate teacher technical sup-
port; and a positive learning environment.

Managing Classrooms (where applicable)

• Classrooms should be evenly filled, with adequate seating to allow
assigned counselors to attend as well.
• Each conducting counselor should report classroom numbers to the
assistant coordinator on class duty, who will make sure none are overfull
while others are sparse.

Day Zero
An assigned assistant coordinator over class duty creates a map of designated
“post” locations. Counselors on class duty will be assigned to a post during
class time. Posts should be designated near bathrooms, in hallways or paths
among classes and sleeping quarters, and so on. These posts ensure the safety
and supervision of the youth, enforce facility boundaries, and prevent youth
from returning to sleeping quarters during class time. Review your map with
the coordinators to receive feedback and approval. Once approved, pass the
map on to all other assistant coordinators.

Day Two and Day Three

• Assign a counselor to each post location on the map and one counselor
to each class to conduct. Once all posts are filled, assign any extra


counselors as “rovers”—they will walk around the hallways until class

starts and then attend a class to help youth stay focused.
• Know and understand class duty instructions for counselors on
pp. 13–14. Make sure all staff on class duty communicate with one
another to assist the youth (for example, redirecting youth to less-full
classes, following wandering youth, and so on).
• Counselors assigned to morning class duty will check in with you five
minutes before morning devotional begins on Day Two and Day Three
(if classes are held). Counselors assigned to afternoon class duty will
check in with you at the time and place you determine.
◦ Before counselors check in, know how many classes need to be
conducted and how many rovers are needed.
◦ Give counselors their assignments and answer any questions.
◦ Instruct morning class duty counselors to wait until after the session
directing couple finishes their message before quietly leaving to their
assigned class duty locations.
• If a teacher is late for class, remind counselors not to cancel class but to
contact you for instructions. Contact the coordinators if this happens.

Counselor Orientation Dance (Optional)

Day One
During staff meeting, announce the time and location for dancer practice for
counselors who have learned the dance and would like to perform. This is a
time to determine spacing and, if time allows, do a run-through.
• You are responsible for supervising the dancers.
• You should know the dance at least well enough to provide instruction
on places and spacing. Instruction videos for the line dance can be found
on the FSY conference website Resources page.
• Decide at orientation how the dancers will be staged, and direct
counselors to those areas. (Consider using the stage, the area in front of
the stage, and the aisles.)
• Make sure lines are straight, moves are together, and dancers are smiling!

Damage Report Duty (If Applicable)

Day Zero
The assistant coordinator with damage report duty should ensure that all
counselors have a baggie or envelope for collecting room keys (if applicable).

Day One
All assistant coordinators should collect presession damage reports from each
of their counselors on Day One.
Notify the coordinators of any damage that will negatively affect a partici-
pant’s experience (such as a broken toilet or shower, broken key, or broken
window). The coordinators will then communicate with the facility contact to
ensure the damage is fixed promptly.

Day Six
• Assistant coordinators will make sure their counselors turn in all keys as
instructed (if applicable).
• The coordinator should discuss lost keys and damage with the facility
contact to verify any charges that will be billed to the FSY session.

Dance Duty
Provide a wholesome and enjoyable social experience for the youth. Keep
the dance lively by dancing among the youth and helping them be involved.
Encourage each youth to participate in various activities. Help enforce
dance guidelines.

Day Zero
The assistant coordinator with dance duty creates a map of designated “post”
locations and then assigns each counselor on dance duty to a post. Post loca-
tions should include water stations, exits and entrances to the dance area, and
bathrooms. These posts ensure the safety and supervision of the youth and
enforce facility boundaries. Review the map with the coordinators to receive
feedback and approval. Once approved, pass the map on to all others with
this duty.


Day Two and Day Five

• Oversee all preparations so the dance can start on time. Arrive at least
30 minutes early. If the dance location has not already been set up, make
sure it is secure and ready for the youth.
• Make sure water is available. Prepare a way to refill water containers if
needed. Have towels, paper towels, or a mop available in case of a spill.
• Most sessions identify approved FSY conference participants through
the use of wristbands or lanyards. Depending on what your session does,
bring a few wristbands or lanyards in case youth need a new one. Do
not let individuals without a wristband or lanyard enter the dance (if
• Check counselors in when they report for dance duty. Assign each
counselor to a post location from the established map. Instruct
counselors assigned to entrances and exits to check that all participants
are wearing an FSY session wristband or lanyard (if applicable). Once
all posts are filled, instruct any extra counselors to roam the area and
encourage youth to participate in the dance.
DJ Duty (different staff member than the one over dance duty)
• Have a playlist ready in advance to avoid choosing songs at the last
minute. You can always alter the song order depending on the mood of
the dance. Look in the For the Strength of Youth guide on pp. 244–48 of
this handbook for guidance when putting together a playlist.
• Arrive at least one hour before the dance starts to set up and test the
sound system. All equipment should be in place and functioning at least
30 minutes before the youth arrive.
• Avoid playing too many of the same songs on both Day Two and
Day Five.
Dance Activities (Optional)
After every three or four songs throughout the dance, consider doing one of
the following dance activities to provide variety for the youth.
Line dances. Teach the youth the FSY line dances.
Dance competition. About halfway through the dance, have a dance com-
petition. At least three staff members are required to run this activity. One
will be on the microphone explaining the activity, one will be on the dance
floor organizing it, and one will be gathering the names and information
for finalists. Consider doing culture-specific dance styles for this competi-
tion, if applicable.

Have the youth sit in a large semicircle facing the front of the dance floor,
leaving plenty of open space. Invite youth who would like to compete to stand
up and dance in the semicircle. Invite other staff members to be judges.
The judges will select approximately eight dancers to advance to the final
round. Select the youth while they’re dancing and send them to one of the
staff members in charge, who will write down their names and their com-
pany names. When eight finalists are chosen, invite all remaining dancers to
sit down.
Invite each of the eight finalists, one at a time, to the front to showcase their
dance moves for about 10 seconds.
Next, select three finalists from the eight to compete in a final dance-off. Have
the three finalists dance at the same time for about 10 seconds. The winner
can then be chosen by (1) having the judges select the winner or (2) having all
the finalists stand side by side and close their eyes while a judge points to each
finalist and have everyone cheer for their favorite—the winner is the one who
receives the loudest cheers. To reduce embarrassment, ensure the competitors
don’t see which youth you’re pointing to.
Fast dance challenge. Play three fast songs in a row, challenging the youth to
dance to all three songs without stopping.
Interpretive dance-off. Separate the youth into two teams (for example, boys
versus girls, young teens versus older teens). Have the two teams face each
other with an empty space between them. Ask a counselor who is good at
interpretive dance to stand in the empty space and lead an interpretive dance.
Participants should mimic the counselor’s dance moves. If you like, have the
session directing couple choose a winning team.

Favorite Food Night (If Applicable)

• Record and report any dietary restrictions (for both youth and staff) that
were not noted during registration to the food administrator.
• Remind counselors to clearly explain when and where the favorite food
will be delivered and how it will be distributed.

Day Three
If needed, arrange for other assistant coordinators to help with the distribu-
tion of food.


For The Strength Of Youth Guide Activity Duty

An assistant coordinator will introduce this activity, and the counselors
will conduct the breakout portion.

Purpose. Help participants be excited about For the Strength of Youth: A

Guide for Making Choices (found at the back of both FSY conference hand-
books), help them understand its purpose and the inspiration behind it,
and give them an experience with the guide that can strengthen their faith
in Jesus Christ.
While many participants will have prior knowledge of the For the Strength of
Youth guide, not all will. Be sensitive to each learner’s level of familiarity with
youth standards.
Rather than focusing on specific standards that are no longer mentioned in
the updated guide, use this time to build confidence in the new resource as
well as faith in Jesus Christ. Do not pass judgments about previous versions of
For the Strength of Youth or draw specific attention to how the guide has been
updated. Jesus Christ is the “strength of youth,” and this guide is meant to
point youth to Him (see Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of
Youth,” Liahona, Nov. 2022).

Assistant Coordinator Introduction

(20–25 minutes)—Main Venue
Instructions. Help participants understand the origins of the For the Strength
of Youth guide before diving into it with their company. This should not look
and feel like just another lesson or devotional. Feel free to play fun music as
they are coming in and have generic FSY conference or session-specific pic-
tures in the background as you are waiting to start.
Consider beginning with an activity to get them excited about the For the
Strength of Youth guide. For example, split the room into three groups and
have each group shout a letter (“F,” “S,” or “Y”) as you point to that group.
They can all yell “guide” when you point in the air.
Below are some suggestions of what you may teach to introduce the For
the Strength of Youth guide. Because the group may be very large, you
might want to be careful about opening questions up to the whole group.
Be careful not to dwell too long on one part.
• Following are three of the headings from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s
message “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth” from October 2022
general conference. Invite participants to search one or more of these

sections of his talk, and then ask questions for each section as listed
◦ “The Savior’s Message to You”
▪ What do you learn from Elder Uchtdorf about how the Savior
feels about His youth of the latter days?
▪ Which of the messages from Elder Uchtdorf do you feel like youth
most need to hear in today’s world?
◦ “Truth and Choices” (you may also invite them to read the section
“Make inspired choices” in the updated For the Strength of Youth
▪ What do you learn from Elder Uchtdorf about our agency to
▪ According to the talk, how does knowing eternal truth help us
make correct choices?
◦ “For the Strength of Youth”
▪ What do you learn from Elder Uchtdorf about the purpose behind
the updated For the Strength of Youth guide?
• Help the youth see how For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making
Choices is structured. Each topic includes three parts (youth will be
discussing this more with their counselors):
1. Eternal truths, or doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Invitations to act on those truths.
3. Promised blessings that the Lord offers to those who live by His
Invite youth to choose a topic in the For the Strength of Youth guide, and
read the three parts listed above. Discuss the following questions:
• Why do you think the guide was structured with these three parts in
each topic?
• Why would they have chosen unchanging, eternal truths to emphasize in
each topic?
• Who is the one extending these invitations to youth? Why is that
important to know?
• How does knowing the promised blessings increase our desire to act on
the invitations given?
To help participants become acquainted with the “What about . . . ?” section,
give them four or five minutes to scan through and look at any topic they’re
interested in. Invite them to share with someone sitting next to them some-
thing new they learned.


Scripture Resources
• Helaman 5:12. How does this updated guide help us to build our
foundation on Jesus Christ?
• Doctrine and Covenants 45:57. Why is it so crucial to have the Holy
Spirit as our guide as we make decisions?

Games Night
All assistant coordinators should read and be familiar with the
instructions, logistics, and assignments related to this activity.

Banner and Cheer Prep

As part of the presession prep, inventory banner supplies to ensure there are
enough for each company.
Day Two
During the Day Two coordinator/assistant coordinator afternoon meeting,
distribute banner materials to each assistant coordinator team, determined
by the number of companies in their assistant coordinator group. During
the afternoon meeting with counselors, assistant coordinators distribute the
banner supplies to all counselor teams, including one piece of fabric and
crayons or paint.

Games Night and Cheer-Off

• Help the youth become united as a company.
• Help them feel the Spirit while having fun.
• Help them step outside their comfort zones.
• Make sure all counselors know the games well enough to teach them to
the youth.
• Check out the Games Night field or area, and plan locations to assign
the assistant coordinators. Also determine locations for water stations
and the final Cheer-Off. It’s helpful to make a map for assistant
coordinators and counselors so they can find game locations, water
stations, and restrooms. If you make a map, consider sending it to other
staff members via text.
• Using a company list and Games Night location sheet, split the
session into enough groups so that every station will have three to five

companies of similar size and the same age group where possible. Assign
one or two assistant coordinators to each station. When possible, assign
counselors to the station with their assistant coordinators. Since the
assistant coordinator assigned to Favorite Food Night might not be
available, some companies may be assigned to an assistant coordinator
different from their usual one.
• Check with the coordinators to make sure water will be supplied, and
confirm where it will be delivered.
Weather Alternatives
Work with your coordinator to arrange a backup location in case of rain or
extreme heat on Games Night. If the alternate location is spacious enough for
companies to continue playing games, you may carry on with Games Night as
normal—with adjustments as needed.
Games Night Instructions
• Arrive at least 30 minutes early to help set up (if applicable).
• Be aware of the plan for doing cheers, taking photos, and getting water.
• Greet the companies and direct them to their Games Night station.
• Be enthusiastic and promote teamwork and energy while maintaining
Be prepared with:
• Game flags (if applicable)
• Sound system or microphones (if applicable)
• Games Night location sheets
• Banner and cheer score sheet
• Be familiar with the game setup instructions shown below.
• Since the companies should have practiced the games before
Games Night, briefly introduce each game and share any specific
instructions. After each round, you may implement variations to the
game to keep it interesting.Plan ahead what you might have companies
do between games while you are setting up the next game.
• During the first break, if the staff member over the slide show doesn’t
have other plans for getting company photos, have all the counselors
help each other take photos of each company, and remind them to send
the photos to the staff member over the slide show.


Game Instructions

Tree, Log, Bridge

Setup. Establish a starting line and a finish line. Line up your company single
file at the start. Have one counselor stand at the front of the line to tell the
participants when to go, and have another counselor place the participants as
they run. Establish a finish line.
Instructions. The counselor at the front of the line signals the first participant
to start. The participant runs out about two meters (this can be adjusted) and
stands still with hands by their side to form a “tree.” When the tree is in place,
the counselor sends out the next participant, who runs in a complete circle
around the tree, runs two meters beyond the tree, and then lays down to form
a “log” (if the ground is wet, have them squat down low). Once the log is in
place, the next two participants run around the tree, jump over the log, run
two meters beyond the log, and then join hands to form a “bridge.” The next
player runs around the tree, jumps over the log, passes under the bridge, and
then becomes a tree. Next comes another log, another bridge, and so forth un-
til all participants are out. Once the last participant is set, the first participant
(who is a tree) goes over the log, under the bridge, and so on until they reach
the end. The second participant follows, then the third, until all the players
have gone through the course. Once everyone is through, the team sits down
to show they are done.
Counselor Instructions. One counselor stands at the front of the line send-
ing out players, while a second counselor sets the players in the right place to
eliminate confusion.
Assistant Coordinator Instructions. Have the counselors line up their com-
panies in a single-file line, with one counselor at the front to tell the partici-
pants when to go and another counselor placing the participants as they run.
Place participants about two meters apart; distances can be changed if you
want the participants to run for different rounds. You could also do a round
with a short playing field and another round with a very long playing field to
change it up.
In and Out
Setup. Place a flag in the middle of the playing area, and make a triangle,
diamond, or pentagon of flags around that center flag, each flag being the
starting point for one company.
Instructions. Each company forms a tunnel radiating out from the center
flag. Tunnels are formed by having the company form two parallel lines facing
each other, and then each player reaches their arms up and out to touch the
hands of the person across from them. Each tunnel should lead to the center
flag. Each company selects a runner, who will begin by standing at the center

flag. When the assistant coordinator signals players to go, all the runners run
out through their tunnel and continue to run in a clockwise circle around the
perimeter of all the tunnels until they come back to their company’s tunnel.
They run back through their tunnel and try to be the first one to grab the cen-
ter flag. The assistant coordinator in charge will add new twists to each round.
No one can run twice.
Assistant Coordinator Instructions. For each variation round, make sure
boys compete against boys and girls against girls. An individual can run
only once for their company. If one company is considerably larger than
the others, smaller companies’ tunnels can be placed slightly farther from
the starting flag; you may put a flag down where the starting point for their
tunnel should be.
Possible variations:
• Have runners run around the perimeter two or three times before they
can reenter their tunnel.
• Have participants kneel to form the tunnels so runners have to crawl in
and out.
• Instead of having runners run around the perimeter once, tell them to
keep moving clockwise around the circle until the assistant coordinator
gives the signal to return to their tunnel (like musical chairs).
• Have a relay with two runners (male and female) for each company. The
first runner runs out, around, and back and then tags the second runner
upon returning through the tunnel. The second runner then runs out,
around, and back.
• Play additional rounds in which the tunnels can expand and contract.
Participants forming the tunnel can contract toward their flag to create a
shorter running distance for their teammate or expand out from the flag
to create a longer distance for runners from other companies. Encourage
participants to create their own strategy and play a few more rounds to
allow them to improve their plan.
Animal Sounds
Instructions. To start the game, invite participants to close their eyes and mill
about as a counselor moves among them, whispering the name of one of the
animals to each person. Participants then make the sound of their assigned
animal and walk around, listening for others making the same sound. The
challenge is to find all the other animals of one’s own kind, and the first group
to find all members wins. No one can talk; participants can only make animal
sounds. Loud chaos is likely to ensue, and gradually order and unity emerge
as animals find one another. Be prepared to shepherd people away from dan-
gerous areas if needed.


A House Of Order (Alternate Game)

Setup. Have each company line up shoulder to shoulder. Then place a flag
at each end of their line so they know how much to spread out when they re-
form the line.
Instructions. With each company forming a line, their objective is to work
together to reorder themselves and re-form the line according to a category
given by the assistant coordinator in charge. The assistant coordinator in
charge will yell out a characteristic (for example, age, shoe size, height), and
then each company reorders their line according to that characteristic (for
example, lining up from tallest to shortest or oldest to youngest). Once a com-
pany is in order, they should sit down. Assistant coordinators can check the
group to make sure they are in the right order.
Assistant Coordinator Instructions. Give handicaps like “no talking,” or
have players crabwalk or hop on one foot (for safety, do not have players close
their eyes). Make sure to indicate which side is the beginning and which side
is the end. Avoid characteristics that may embarrass anyone. Additional sug-
gested characteristics: names in alphabetical order, number of children in your
family, hair length, or alphabetical order of the color of their shoes.

Lost and Found (Optional)

Day Zero
Establish the location for a lost-and-found box.

Day One
During staff meetings, notify counselors that you are in charge of lost and
found so they know to turn items in to you.
• At the end or beginning of large group events, announce any lost items.
• If you can determine the lost item’s owner, deliver it to them or their

Day Six
FSY conference does not return or store unclaimed items from completed
sessions. Turn in any unclaimed items from the session to the facility lost and
found. Talk with session directors, coordinators, and logistics administrators
for session-specific procedures.

Lunch Duty (If Needed)

Day Zero
The assistant coordinator assigned to Day Two lunch duty will make a map
of the facility, indicating counselor placement approved by a coordinator so it
can be shared with the other assistant coordinators assigned to lunch duty.

Day Two through Day Five

Counselors on lunch duty should come to lunch 30 minutes early and re-
port to you. Assign them one of the duties below (as needed for the facility),
answer any questions, and have them get their lunch. Send them to their loca-
tions 10 minutes before classes are dismissed. If the facility requires additional
duties, you may add to this list.
• Food servers. Help pass out food and water (if not already done by
facility staff).
• Greeters. Greet youth, distribute hand sanitizer, provide direction,
answer questions, help youth with dietary needs, and so on.
• Rovers. Keep the youth in a controlled area during lunchtime; they
should not return to sleeping quarters.
• Teacher lunches. Deliver lunch to teachers, or escort them to the
front of the lunch line (work with the assistant coordinator assigned to
morning class duty).
• Food delivery. As needed, deliver lunch to the assistant coordinator and
counselors assigned to Musical Program and Variety Show.

Materials Distribution Duty

Day One
• Supervise counselors.
• Set up loudspeakers and FSY conference signs near entrances (if
• Post signs to direct traffic and organize lines.
• Set up tents, chairs, and tables for solutions tables, onsite registration,
and so on.
• Open boxed materials and distribute them to tables.


• Organize name tags and other items provided by the session, such as
wristbands, cinch packs, water bottles, and so on.
• Organize shirts by size.
• Work with the assistant coordinator assigned to check-in to make sure
everything is ready for participants.

Musical Program
An assistant coordinator and two or three other staff members are assigned to
be in charge of the Musical Program. If you are not musically skilled, have a
staff member with musical skills assigned to help you.
The Musical Program is performed on Day Four and allows youth to share
their musical talents and testimony through song and spoken word. The pro-
gram sets the tone for the rest of the evening, including evening devotional
and testimony meeting.
Follow the program as outlined, without any alteration (found on the FSY
conference website Resources page).

• Be spiritually prepared—each rehearsal presents a teaching opportunity.
• Be physically prepared—have rehearsal rooms set up and supplies
• Determine the setup needed so you can begin on time.
• Consider seating arrangements, and locate electrical outlets, pianos, and
so on.Be prepared with music folders and a laptop or iPad (if applicable).
• Arrange for someone to bring dinner to you and your counselors.

Musical Program Promotion Prep

Before Check-In
Meet with the staff members assigned to Musical Program to do the following:
• Make sure the staff members feel needed, appreciated, and responsible
for their specific assignments.
• Help them understand the importance of making the Musical Program a
meaningful and worthwhile experience for the youth.
• Remind them that the youth sacrifice their free time and possibly
lunchtime to come to rehearsals.

• Discuss how they can each help with preparations, and delegate
responsibilities (for example, making a sign for check-in with rehearsal
times and locations, assisting with solos or reader parts). One should be
assigned to readers and those bearing testimony, one assigned to solos
and small groups, and one assigned to the choir.
• Have a complete plan in place before the first audition and rehearsal.
During Check-In
Mention the Musical Program to youth and encourage them to participate.
During Orientation
Briefly explain the Musical Program, announce rehearsal times and locations,
and inform participants of auditions for narration and solo parts (held on Day
Two and Day Three during lunchtime). Mention that youth participating in
the Musical Program are invited to go to the front of the lunch line each day
in order to get to rehearsals on time, but they should not cut in front of other
camps or conferences. Youth who are participating in the Musical Program
need to let their counselors know they may be late for head count after lunch.


Day Two and Day Three

• Prepare spiritually so you can carefully select youth for the reading and
solo singing parts.
• Create a relaxed atmosphere; help nervous and anxious youth feel
• Smile, applaud, and offer thanks to each youth who auditions.
• Select singers and readers who can help invite the Spirit into the
Musical Program.
• Select strong readers and take time to rehearse with them. The
readers are just as important as the solo singers to the overall power
of the program.

Musical Program Rehearsal

Day Two
Always begin rehearsals and auditions with a prayer.
• Briefly introduce the Musical Program, and describe the different aspects
(solos, readers, testimonies, and songs).


• Run through the Musical Program (found on the FSY conference

website Resources page) from start to finish so the youth can see the
video and get a feel for the message and the music. Afterward, conduct a
brief discussion on what the Musical Program teaches. Begin rehearsing
some of the choir songs.
• Hold auditions for solo and reader parts.
• Encourage youth to invite additional participants to future rehearsals.
• You will not be available to attend the afternoon meeting with the
counselors. If the staff members assigned to assist you are counselors,
they will also miss this meeting. Counselors are responsible for finding
out what information they missed.

Day Three
Continue to audition or announce the soloists and readers who have been
selected. Work with Musical Program soloists and readers on their parts.

Day Four
• If the Musical Program is held in the same location as the Variety
Show, ask for help in clearing the venue as quickly as possible when
the show ends.
• Make sure all audiovisual equipment is ready for the Musical
Program performance.
• Do a complete run through with the video production, including all
parts. Practice exiting the stage in an orderly manner.
• Ensure the choir has seats toward the front for the evening devotional.
• Help the participating youth understand that they can bring the Spirit
to touch the lives of the youth attending. Pray with the youth for help in
performing the Musical Program.

Musical Program Performance

Day Four
• Arrange to have reverent music playing as the youth come in and are
seated. The choir might hum along to keep engaged and reverent.
• Encourage the youth to do their best and let them know you are grateful
for their efforts.

Orientation Tech (If Needed)

Day One
• Assist coordinators with audiovisual needs for the orientation
• Be prepared to run through the presentation with coordinators
beforehand to be familiar with audiovisual needs and cues.
• Take cues from coordinators throughout the presentation to change
slides and play music.

Participant Check-In Duty

Day One
Before Check-In
• Work with the assistant coordinator assigned to materials distribution to
make sure everything is set up and ready to go before check-in (refer to
the materials distribution duty).
• Post signs guiding participants to the check-in area and to the correct
lines. Post any additional signs (solutions table, wellness coordinators,
and so on).
• Create a positive atmosphere. Set up sound equipment and play
energetic and uplifting music (if applicable).
• Counselors should check in with you 30 minutes early. Be prepared to
assign them to different stations:
◦ Materials distribution (participant ID card, wristbands, shirts, and
so on).
◦ Directing participants or parents as needed.
• Check-in should always start on time. Help the coordinators with their
preparations if necessary.
• Participant check-in duty may change depending on weather conditions
or special circumstances at individual locations. Work with coordinators
to make any needed adjustments.


During Check-In
Remind counselors of the following:
• Maintain a professional and welcoming atmosphere by being alert
and helpful.
• Refer any questions about room or group changes to the coordinators
at the solutions table. If you are unsure of the answer to a question, send
participants to the solutions table.
• Leave when excused to be on time for Meet Your Counselor.
After Check-In
• Express appreciation to the staff who helped during check-in.
• Pack all extra materials and return them to the site office or storage area.
◦ Extra materials should not be given to staff who have already
received them but should be kept in case the youth damage or lose
the originals.
• Recycle or throw away boxes.

Participant Free Time Duty

Ensure that youth stay in approved areas during their free time.

Day Zero
The assistant coordinator with the first assigned shift for free time duty (Day
Two afternoon) creates a map of ideal post locations to be assigned to coun-
selors with free time duty. Review the map with the coordinators to receive
feedback and approval. Once approved, pass the map on to all staff with this

Day Two through Day Five

• Check in counselors as they report for participant free time duty.
• Assign counselors with free time duty to remain at established posts
(as shown in the pre-approved free time duty map) to make sure youth
are safe and not crossing outside designated boundaries. Counselors
assigned to activity areas should make sure that youth in those spaces are
behaving appropriately and respectfully.

Scribe Duty
The scribe is responsible for taking notes in meetings and distributing them to
other staff members. Consider distributing notes via text message.
• Take notes during the morning of Day One staff meeting and daily
coordinator/assistant coordinator meetings.
• Distribute the notes to all assistant coordinators before their assistant
coordinator/counselor meetings.
Make sure all assistant coordinators and counselors who miss meetings
because of Musical Program and Variety Show duties receive the necessary

Seating Duty (Optional)

Coordinate seating assignments for your assigned activity. Delegate other
assistant coordinators to guide companies to their seats according to capacity
(directing companies to the left or right, monitoring available seats along an
aisle, and so on).
Instruct assistant coordinators to do the following:
• Have youth save seats on the ends of the aisles for each of their
• Alternate which side of the row counselors are sitting on to simplify
youth supervision and assistance.
• Have each youth sit in a seat before they leave to get water or go to the
bathroom to ensure that each youth has a place to sit for the activity.

Service Activity (If Applicable)

The Area Seventy, logistical administrators, and session directing couple may
decide to incorporate a service activity. Be in touch with the logistical adminis-
trators and session directing couple to find out your responsibilities.


Singer Duty (Optional)

Invite the Spirit through music during FSY conference devotionals and other
meetings. Any staff member who would like to sing a musical solo at one of
these meetings is welcome to audition. The assistant coordinator assigned as
singer supervisor will give details of this process.
• To be a singer during the session, staff members must audition by
singing a few bars of a song from one of the youth theme albums.
• Auditioners should tell the assistant coordinator over singers which
youth theme album songs they are comfortable singing and if they are
comfortable singing a solo, duet, or in a small group.
• The assistant coordinator over singers will notify all those who
auditioned by the afternoon on Day One whether they have been
selected to sing, which song they will sing, and when they will sing.

Day Zero
On the evening of Day Zero, talk to the session directing couple about
which songs they would like to have sung during the session-wide morning

Day One
Singer Selection
• When selecting singers, prioritize counselors before other staff members.
• If there are not enough acceptable singer options, you can play a
recorded track during meetings instead of having live singers.
Singer Placement
• Place singers according to session needs. Select soloists or groups as you
see fit to help bring the Spirit to the session.
• Notify singers by the afternoon of Day One and thank them for sharing
their talents and testimony.
• Schedule a time with each singer to do a sound check before
performing, and let them run through the song with the mics in the
venue, if applicable.
• Give kind feedback and encouragement.
• Find a time to pray with singers before they perform and be available to
help run the tech during the performance, if applicable.

Slide Show (May Be Done by a Logistics
Team Member)
The slide show allows youth to remember the spiritual experiences, friends,
and activities they participated in during the FSY conference. Slide show
duty requires consistent effort throughout the session and can be technically
challenging. Carefully review the following instructions to help make this
responsibility more manageable and enjoyable.
We promise FSY participants that we will protect their personal information
in accordance with the Church and data privacy policies.

Responsibilities and Need-to-Know Items

• Take pictures every day of the week, focusing on each day’s activities.
• Ensure that participant name tags are not visibly shown in pictures.
• Use discretion and good judgment regarding privacy. Do not highlight
any one person too much, show embarrassing situations, or disclose
personal information about any participant.
• Be tactful with all images used.
• Discourage youth from using hand signs or gestures; encourage
appropriate behavior and modesty in all pictures. These photos may be
seen throughout the world, and some gestures that are innocent in your
country may be offensive in another country.
• For the slide show, use background music that meets For the Strength of
Youth guide standards.
• Create and present an engaging 10- to 15-minute slide show for


Testimony Meeting Room Duty

Day Two
• Ask a coordinator for a list of the rooms or areas reserved for testimony
meetings and a company count list.
• Assign the companies to available rooms and locations, accounting for
both youth and counselors when considering room capacity, and assign
one counselor to conduct in each.

Day Four
• Before the Day Four coordinator/assistant coordinator afternoon
meeting, give the testimony meeting location assignments, including
the name of the counselor conducting, to the coordinators so they are
prepared to announce them after the FSY medley.
• Assign assistant coordinators to help direct counselors to their
assigned rooms.

Before the Evening Devotional (On Day Four)

If using rooms, check them to make sure they are unlocked, clean, and set up,
with the air conditioning on if available.

Thank-You Notes (Optional)

Expressing thanks to those who help make FSY conferences happen is an
important part of the FSY program. It helps give those who are unfamiliar
with the organization and the Church a positive impression, and it helps us
to remain grateful and attentive to the many individuals who assist in this
important work. If you are assigned to thank-you notes duty, please make this
a priority.
• Make and distribute thank-you notes to the session directing couple
and teachers along with the following facility contacts (if applicable):
cafeteria, custodial, audiovisual, and housing staff.
• On Day One, begin making a list of those you should thank. Keep
this list available for other staff members to add to. Begin writing and
distributing thank-you notes when appropriate.

Variety Show
The Variety Show features talents, skills, and group presentations. An assistant
coordinator and two or three other staff members are assigned responsibility
for the Variety Show. Emphasize the “variety” aspect of the show to youth
who try out so that those who are not selected will understand the need for a
wide variety of talents and acts.

Variety Show Guidelines

• Acts that mock or tease, degrade religious principles, or make fun of
others are not permitted.
• All aspects of the acts—music, lyrics, costumes, language, gestures, and
so on—must be in keeping with Church guidelines.
◦ The music used should not have any reference to Word of Wisdom
issues, immorality, gangs, violence, anything suggestive, or other
inappropriate language. Even if the songs are edited, the original
lyrics must be appropriate. Avoid anything questionable! If you feel
uneasy about it in any way, choose another option.
◦ Youth are encouraged to choose costumes for their performance that
show respect for their bodies, as encouraged in the For the Strength of
Youth guide.
• To protect the venue, no food or liquid of any kind is to be used on stage.
• No staff members are permitted to perform. Youth only!
• Respect the reverence of Church music. No hymns, Church-related
musical numbers, or scriptures.

Variety Show Promotion

Before Check-In
Meet with the staff members assigned to help with Variety Show.
• Review the Variety Show purpose, standards, tryout guidelines, and
times and locations.
• Discuss how each staff member can help with the preparations, and
delegate responsibilities (for example, making a sign to use at check-
in that includes tryout sign-up sheets and tryout locations, being the
timekeeper, monitoring the appropriateness of lyrics, and so on).
• Post tryout sign-up sheets and guidelines in a place where they are
easily seen.


During Check-In
• Advertise the Variety Show and encourage participants to sign up.
• Ask youth to bring props, costumes, music, and anything else they need
to try out.
During Orientation
• Encourage youth to try out for the Variety Show, and get them excited
about it. Emphasize the “variety” aspect of the show. Announce the
locations of tryout sign-up sheets and tryout locations.
• Remind youth as they sign up that they need to be on time and bring
whatever props or musical instruments they will need for their tryout.

Show Necessities
• Choose emcees from the youth who try out but whose acts are either
very short or aren’t selected. They can still perform their acts in the show
if they are short, but their primary responsibility is to announce the acts.
• Keep the show to 75 minutes (typically around 15 acts). Include the
emcees’ introductions in this time limit.
• Keep transition times as short as possible between acts.

Variety Show Tryouts

Tryout Process—Day Two and Day Three
• Hold tryouts on Day Two and Day Three during participant free time.
• Remember that this is a variety show; choose a diversity of acts and
consider all talent levels.
• Make sure you have a piano (if applicable), a way to time the acts, and a
way to look up lyrics.
• Assign a staff member to review the lyrics for each song to make sure
they are appropriate, even if lyrics have been changed or eliminated.
• Assign a staff member to be the timekeeper. Time each act and record its
length so you’ll know how many acts can be included (typically around
15 acts).
• Create a relaxed atmosphere. Do your best to help youth feel
• Smile and clap after each act and thank the youth for trying out.
Day Three
• After the last tryout, select acts and finalize the list.

• Post the list of acts selected by the evening of Day Three. Give a copy to
each assistant coordinator.
• Immediately text a picture of the final list to all counselors so they can
inform their youth who will be participating.
• Prepare the list of acts for the emcee by the assistant coordinator/
counselor meeting.
• Prepare the list for the audiovisual crew and prop crew.
• Make sure that the counselors follow their Day Three evening
announcements with directions to the youth performing in the
Variety Show.

Variety Show Dress Rehearsal

• Meet with your counselors and stage crew to assign duties, and make
sure you are ready for the dress rehearsal.
• Tell stage crew to go to the front of the lunch line and eat quickly or
bring a meal, depending on the facility. Do not cut in front of anyone
from other programs.
• Arrange to have energetic music playing as participants arrive.
Variety Show Staff Member Responsibilities
• Organize the youth in the order they will be performing.
• Collect and organize music tracks. Check sound levels during each act.
• If you’ll be using others’ phones to play music, make sure they disable
the lock screen.
• Prepare and distribute a list for each emcee with the acts they’ll be
Stage Crew Responsibilities
• Set up props, microphones, stands, chairs, and so on.
• Bring pens or pencils and the audiovisual needs sheet to write down
what each act needs.
• Organize all details to allow for quick transitions between acts.
• Assist the assistant coordinator to have fun music playing as
participants arrive.
Dress Rehearsal Instructions
• Dress rehearsal is held during lunch. Arrange for someone to bring
lunch to you and other staff members assisting.


• Encourage the stage crew and performers to learn the performance order
for the show.
• Go through 30 seconds of each act to check audiovisual equipment
and props.
◦ Stage crew should write down all audiovisual equipment and props
needed. If more audiovisual equipment is needed, speak with your
coordinator to see if more can be provided.
◦ The staff member assigned to music should write down when to play
each song and make sure the sound levels are correct.
• The emcees should write down an introduction for each act to be
approved by the assistant coordinator in charge.

Variety Show Performance

• The Variety Show is about showcasing the youth and their acts.
Ensure the decorations and logistical items (setting up microphones,
transitioning to new acts, and so on) don’t outshine the youth’s acts or
take too much time from other responsibilities.
• The staff members assisting you and the performing youth should be
prepared to run the show by themselves. Be ready to jump in whenever a
need arises.
• You will open the show and be the first person to use the microphone,
but after that, only youth emcees and performers should need to use
the microphone until the final act is over. Assign another assistant
coordinator, counselor, or sound technician to run the music between
acts, or you may choose to do it yourself.
• Afterward, thank all participants and congratulate them on an excellent
Variety Show. Immediately return all equipment and props to youth.

Young Men and Young Women Activity

Before Day Zero, work with the coordinators to decide where this activity will
be held. Choose from these suggested setups:
• A large, open room or space for a single assistant coordinator
introduction, and smaller areas for counselor-group activities and
• Several smaller breakout rooms or spaces for multiple assistant
coordinators’ introductions, and additional areas for counselor-group
activities and discussion.

Provide opportunities for the youth to continue to feel the Spirit of the activ-
ity when moving to counselor groups. The tone you set for the activity will be
important in how the youth learn.
The assistant coordinators conducting and giving the introduction should
prepare their thoughts in advance. Share with the counselors the information
you plan to cover and the resources you will be using. Sharing this informa-
tion early in the session will help motivate them to begin preparing for the
activity. You may choose from the resources provided for this activity or use
other appropriate resources.

An assistant coordinator will conduct, set the proper tone, and give guid-
ance and support to counselors as they help the youth complete the Young
Men and Young Women Activity as outlined in the participant handbook.
They will be responsible for introducing the theme, “The Book of Mormon:
Another Testament of Jesus Christ.”

With the Book of Mormon as the focus of this activity, help the youth to:
• Increase their testimony of the Book of Mormon.
• Become familiar with the evidence and witnesses of the Book of Mormon
and understand their importance.
• Strengthen their testimony of Joseph Smith as a prophet, seer, and
• Commit to living the eternal truths found in the Book of Mormon to
become closer to Jesus Christ.

Your preparation for this activity is crucial to its success.
• Know and understand the Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Read the entire activity (pp. 56–59) and understand all topics so you can
be aware of what your counselors are teaching.
• Prayerfully read and study resource materials if possible.
◦ Neil L. Andersen, “Joseph Smith,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2014
◦ Tad R. Callister, “God’s Compelling Witness: The Book of Mormon,”
Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2017


◦ Shayne M. Bowen, “The Role of the Book of Mormon in

Conversion,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2018

Time Frame
Young women will participate in this activity during the first rotation while
the young men attend morning devotional. The young men will then rotate
with the young women and participate in the Young Men and Young Women
Activity while the young women attend morning devotional.


Assistant coordinator conducts.

9:45 a.m.–10:05 a.m. Song, prayer, introduction to activity. 11:15 a.m.–11:35 a.m. 20 min.

10:05 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Move to counselor breakout groups. 11:35 a.m.–11:45 a.m. 10 min.

Counselor discussion and

10:15 a.m.–10:45 a.m. participant handbook activity. 11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. 30 min.

10:45 a.m.–10:55 a.m. Application activity. 12:15 p.m.–12:25 p.m. 10 min.

Counselor and/or participant

10:55 a.m.–11:00 a.m. testimony, prayer. 12:25 p.m.–12:30 p.m. 5 min.

Young Men and Young Women Activity Format

Song, Prayer (5 minutes)
Meet in the assigned location.
Assistant Coordinator Introduces Young Men and Young Women
Activity (15 minutes)
The assistant coordinator conducting introduces the theme for this year’s
Young Men and Young Women Activity and teaches the origin and purposes
of the Book of Mormon from the title page.
Bear testimony of the Book of Mormon and then dismiss the youth to break
out into the counselor group portion of the activity.
Move to Counselor Breakout Groups (10 minutes)
Counselor Discussion and Participant Handbook Activity (30 minutes)
• Walk around the counselor groups during this activity (if possible) and
listen to the different group discussions.
• Make sure the activity runs effectively and stays on time.
• Assist counselors as needed.
Counselor Application Activity Wrap-Up and Prayer (15 minutes)

Assistant Coordinator—
Day Zero
Sunday Dress
Time to Be Determined at Session Facility/Venue Tour
Time to Be Determined at Session Counselor Orientation
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Session Directing Couple Message
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Session Directing Couple/Coordinator Meeting
8:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Co-Counselor Interviews and Planning

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Facility/Venue Tour
Become familiar with the facility or venue so you will know where to direct
participants during the session. All FSY conference staff serving at any loca-
tion for the first time should become familiar with the facility by touring the
areas where activities will take place. This should include reserved facilities,
housing, cafeteria, fields, and free-time areas.

Counselor Orientation
Coordinators will conduct this training, while assistant coordinators are en-
couraged to attend. FSY conference staff will be introduced to all counselors
during this orientation. In preparation of supporting your counselors in their
duties, you may find it helpful to take notes.


Session Directing Couple Message

Receive spiritual enrichment in preparation for the FSY session. This is a
mandatory meeting for all FSY staff. Please wear Sunday dress, be on time,
and take notes.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout

Build connections and relationships with your assigned counselors. Assistant
coordinators will meet with the counselors they supervise throughout the
week. Assistant coordinators will define FSY conference expectations, help
counselors set goals for the week, and answer questions.

Suggested Agenda
Introductions (5 minutes)
Get to know each other. Give counselors your phone number. Tell them
where your morning meetings will be held. Write down counselors’ cell phone
numbers and give the list to the coordinators for emergency use. You should
save their numbers in your phone as well.

Expectations (10 minutes)

• Hand out duty assignments and any other paperwork.
• The assistant coordinator on damage report duty may hand out bags or
envelopes for collecting keys.
• Discuss FSY conference counselor expectations, and address concerns or
• Ask counselors if they have any questions about the items listed in the
counselor instructions for Meet Your Counselor on pages 25–29.
Help counselors understand the importance of being on time to all activities.
Share relevant logistical information specific to the session. Remind them
that walking distance and seating time need to be considered for each activity.
Encourage them to plan ahead and strive to have walking to and from activi-
ties be an enjoyable time when the youth get to know each other better.

Counselor Interviews
On the evening of Day Zero or during co-counselor planning on the morn-
ing of Day One, you and your co-assistant coordinator will individually
interview your assigned counselors. These interviews should be no longer
than 10 minutes so co-counselors have optimal time to get to know each
other and discuss how they can best work together to provide a beneficial
experience for their youth.
• Begin and end the interview with prayer.
• Get to know each of your counselors individually.
• Discuss the importance of loving the youth and being a good example
for them.
• Discuss expectations, concerns, and goals for the week, and assure them
that you are there to help and support them as they work with the youth.
• Provide support and let them know you’ll be checking in with them
throughout the session.
After counselor interviews, help the coordinators with any needs, and address
any concerns you became aware of during assistant coordinator/counselor
breakout or counselor interviews.

Observing Gospel Study and Reflect and Review

You should observe different counselor groups’ gospel study and Reflect and
Review. Kindly provide feedback to counselors to help them become better
teachers. Focus your feedback primarily on loving the youth and adhering to
the schedule. Do not participate with the youth; carefully observe and discuss
the experience with your counselor afterward.
• Use guided questions to help the counselors reflect on their impact.
◦ How do you think things went?
◦ How did the youth respond?
◦ What do you think went well?
◦ What do you think you could have done better?
◦ What do you think you could have done differently to engage the
youth more?
• Point out things your counselor did well. Give suggestions on engaging
youth in discussions and helping all to feel included. Ask what you can
do to help them in their role as a counselor.
• Follow up to give encouragement and see that suggested changes are
being implemented.


• Report any significant concerns with a particular counselor to the

• Plan to observe during the first two days and again at the end of the
session, if possible.
Your responsibility to mentor and nurture counselors should be
taken seriously.

The Hand of God, by Yongsung Kim. Image courtesy of Havenlight 113

Assistant Coordinator—
Day 1
FSY Staff Shirt
7:30 a.m.–8:20 a.m. Staff Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–8:25 a.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting
9:15 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Co-Counselor Planning
9:15 a.m.–10:50 a.m. Materials Distribution | Singer Assignments Dancer
Practice (as time allows)
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Check-In
1:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Participant Room Checks (if applicable)
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. Meet Your Counselor
2:30 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Meet Your Company
3:05 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Company Name and Chant
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Orientation
4:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
4:45 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Dinner
5:45 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Home Evening Lesson
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Home Evening Games
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Home Evening Goal Setting
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.


Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Ask coordinators about concerns with assignments or preparations.

Staff Meeting
• Be on time; you will be introduced to the staff.
• Make sure each counselor feels welcome and included.
• Be prepared to tell the counselors what they need to know about specific
• The assistant coordinators assigned to materials distribution and check-in
should remind counselors when and where to meet.
• Announce the location for singer auditions.
• Announce the location for dancer practice. (Check-in must be set up and
ready to go before counselors can attend dancer practice.)

Assistant Coordinator Assigned to Musical Program

• Tell counselors where the rehearsals will be held throughout the session.
• Meet with staff members assigned to the Musical Program.

Assistant Coordinator Assigned to Variety Show

• Tell counselors where tryouts will be held throughout the session.
• Meet with staff members assigned to the Variety Show.
• Take the tryout sign-up and standard sheets to orientation and
home evening, then post them in a place where they are easily
visible and accessible.

Assistant Coordinator Assigned to Young Men and

Young Women Activity
Tell counselors where they will be meeting for the Young Men and Young
Women Activity as decided with the coordinators.

Participant Check-In
• Monitor check-in lines.
• Get to know the youth and get them excited for their FSY conference
• Look for ways to help ensure that check-in goes quickly and smoothly.

Room Checks (If Applicable)

Damage Reports
All assistant coordinators should collect damage information from each of
their counselors before Meet Your Counselor.
• Follow up with counselors who have not reported damage information
by the time orientation begins.
• Notify the assistant coordinator on damage report duty of any damage
that will negatively affect a participant’s experience (such as a broken
toilet or shower, broken key, or broken window).

Assistant Coordinator Assigned to Damage Report Duty

Compile all damage reports by the evening of Day One and notify the coordi-
nators as soon as possible of any damage that negatively affects a participant’s
experience. The coordinators will then communicate with the facility contact
to make sure the damage is quickly fixed.

Meet Your Counselor

• Quickly walk through the check-in area to be sure all youth are finding
their way to their counselor locations.
• Help with late check-ins and cleanup of check-in materials.
• Under the direction of the coordinators, call participants who did not
check in to see if they plan to come.
• Inform counselors if participants will be late or are not coming.

Meet Your Company

Be available to help coordinators and counselors as needed.


Head Count
Ensure that all counselors have reported head count.

This meeting is to excite the youth about their FSY conference, introduce
the session directing couple and staff, and share crucial information for the
upcoming activities. It is also a time to begin building unity as a session and
as companies.
• Be at orientation at least 30 minutes early to help as needed. Begin
seating youth 10–15 minutes before orientation begins.
• Assistant coordinators oversee the seating of youth at all large events.
Create a plan that allows companies to funnel in as many aisles as
possible so seating moves quickly. Have one assistant coordinator on
the outside of the meeting space “splitting” the companies and advising
which companies to go down which aisle or entrance. The rest of the
assistant coordinators will be in the aisles making sure the youth fill in
every seat and leave a place on the end for their counselors.
• After seating the youth, be attentive and available to help throughout
orientation. You will be introduced during this meeting. Those
assigned to the Variety Show, Musical Program, slide show, and
singers will be given time to make announcements later in the
program about their activities.
Note: Wellness coordinators should also be available to help. Wellness
coordinators will be given time to introduce themselves and make some general
health announcements during orientation.

Home Evening Games and Debriefing

Observe companies as they participate in the games and debriefing. Give help
as needed. You can bond with your counselors’ youth as you participate with
them. If other special needs arise for the planning and execution of home
evening, coordinators will delegate them to you.

Home Evening Goal Setting
Observe counselors teaching.

Nightly Head Count

Each night, make sure your counselors report their head count in a timely
and accurate manner. In addition to accounting for each youth, head count
means that all youth are in their sleeping quarters and their blinds are closed,
if applicable. Youth should not leave their sleeping quarters after head count.
You are responsible for reporting head count to coordinators before attending
a counselor Reflect and Review.

Reflect and Review

Observe a counselor teaching and facilitating. If possible, meet with the
counselor after the discussion and share positive feedback and constructive
ways to improve.

Lights Out
Be kind when enforcing lights out. Patrol outside the sleeping quarters to
see which lights are still on, find the counselors of those youth, and invite the
counselors to take care of it. You should be in communication with your coun-
selors from 10:30 until lights are out. Text your coordinators when all your
counselors have their lights out. Nightly meetings should not begin until all
lights are out (except extreme circumstances at the coordinator’s discretion).

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting
This meeting allows the team to come together for brief counsel, clarification,
and prayer.


Assistant Coordinator—
Day 2
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Banner and Cheer Prep
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m. FSY Dance Guidelines
6:45 p.m.–8:45 pm. Dance
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
Morning meetings are opportunities to strengthen your counselors. Use this
time wisely. Give them a positive start to their day by preparing messages that
are encouraging, inspiring, and relevant to their needs.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening song and prayer:
• Spiritual thought
• Discuss counselor needs and answer questions
• Session-specific announcements
◦ Observations
◦ Banner and cheer prep
◦ Dance: Leave participant belongings in the sleeping quarters unless
there’s a personal need
• Closing prayer:

Gospel Study
Observe counselors teaching. Study your scriptures with the youth.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional

• Always arrive 30 minutes early to help set up and seat the youth.
• When seating the youth, make sure that counselors have all youth
accounted for and that the youth enter the meeting quietly. Seat them in
an orderly manner as quickly as possible so that the meeting can begin
on time. Ask counselors to sit with their group once the youth are seated.
• You may be asked to conduct various meetings. If so, prepare all details
before the activity begins (announcements, prayers, hymn, pianist,
sound system, and so on). Be professional, clear, and direct. Make
announcements at the end of the meeting after the closing prayer.

Lunch/Musical Program Rehearsal

All staff not on lunch duty should help keep the youth in a controlled area.


Lunchtime Head Count

After lunch, make sure your counselors report their head count in a timely
and accurate manner. Head count means that all youth are accounted for
and have received announcements and instructions for the rest of the day’s

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Afternoon Meeting
Come ready to report on your duties for the week and to request the help of
other assistant coordinators for your assigned activities. Take notes and com-
municate session-specific items to counselors (and counselors to participants).

Assistant Coordinator Assigned to Games Night

Distribute enough banner materials to the assistant coordinators, depending
on the number of companies in their assistant coordinator group.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor
Afternoon Meeting
This meeting should last no longer than 30 minutes; begin and end on time.
You will not present a formal lesson but facilitate a discussion.
Distribute the banner materials to the counselors, making sure that each com-
pany has received their banner materials.

A coordinator may observe your afternoon meeting and share positive feed-
back and constructive ideas for improvement.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Session-specific announcements
• Discussion: Share and counsel together
◦ Share successes and challenges.
◦ Offer suggestions, encouragement, and support to each other.

• Learn together: Choose a principle or topic and do a brief training (see
examples listed below)
• Practice and invite: Facilitate a discussion as to how the principle or
topic can apply to their youth, and discuss ways the counselors can
implement it.
• Closing prayer:
Note: Training should focus on the needs of your counselors. The following
topics are suggestions, not a comprehensive list. Choose other topics to meet
the needs of your counselors, or ask them for suggestions.

Training Topic Suggestions

• Effective Reflect and Review: asking inspired questions
• Crucial conversations
◦ Handling difficult youth
◦ Communicating with other staff
• Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Building company, co-assistant coordinator, and co-counselor unity
• Line dances
• Games Night: counselor involvement
• How to have an effective Favorite Food Night
• Effective debriefing in formal and casual situations
• Goal setting review
• Company Taking It Home
• Using Church resources to help in planning and teaching lessons
• Ways to get to know the youth
• Living the Gospel Activity
• Using counselor responsibilities and expectations to set meaningful goals
• Correcting and disciplining appropriately and effectively
• Managing stress


Assistant Coordinator—
Day 3
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Games Night Prep
6:45 p.m.–8:00 pm. Games Night and Cheer-Off
8:15 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
8:15 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Favorite Food Night
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening song and prayer:
• Spiritual thought
• Discuss counselor needs and answer questions
• Session-specific announcements
◦ Games Night: participants bring water bottles
◦ Favorite Food Night: logistics, making it effective
• Closing prayer:

Gospel Study
Observe counselors teaching. Study your scriptures with the youth.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor
Afternoon Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Session-specific announcements
• Discussion: Share and counsel together
◦ Share successes and challenges.
◦ Offer suggestions, encouragement, and support to each other.
• Learn together: Choose a principle or topic and do a brief training.
• Practice and invite: Facilitate a discussion as to how the principle or
topic can apply to their youth, and discuss ways the counselors can
implement it.
• Closing prayer:


Games Night and Cheer-Off

The coordinators and session directing couple will walk around to view each
group’s cheers. When they arrive at your location, finish the round of the
game you’re playing and then turn it over to the coordinators. This may be a
good time for you to set up the next game. If you just started a game, feel free
to leave it set up and come back to it after cheers.
The coordinators will conduct the final part of the night where all the com-
panies gather back together for the Cheer-Off, but they may delegate this
to the assistant coordinator in charge of Games Night. A final Cheer-Off is
not required, but consider doing one. If time does not permit doing the final
Cheer-Off, consider doing it another time in the session—such as Day Four
or Day Five before participant free time or after the Day Five morning devo-
tional. If the session is getting too competitive or time does not allow, you may
consider omitting the final Cheer-Off.

Assistant Coordinator—
Day 4
Sunday Dress
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Men Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Women Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Men Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Women Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
Musical Program Rehearsal
1:45 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Variety Show Guidelines
2:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Variety Show
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Dress Rehearsal
4:30 p.m.–5:50 p.m. Dinner
5:50 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
5:50 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Reverence and Testimony Discussion
6:20 p.m.–6:55 pm. Musical Program
6:55 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Session Directing Couple Evening Devotional
7:30 p.m.–7:40 p.m. Testimony Writing | FSY Medley
7:50 p.m.–8:50 p.m. Testimony Meetings
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening song and prayer:
• Spiritual thought
• Discuss counselor needs and answer questions
• Session-specific announcements
◦ Observations
◦ Young Men and Young Women Activity breakout locations
◦ Reverence and testimony discussion
◦ Variety Show instructions
◦ Musical Program instructions
• Closing prayer:

Morning Devotional with Young Men

You may be assigned to conduct the FSY medley.

Young Women Activity

• Know and understand the Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Read the Young Men and Young Women Activity in the participant
• Read the assistant coordinator and counselor instructions for this activity.
• Be available to answer questions and offer solutions to problems that
may arise.
• Join a breakout group and observe the activity.

Morning Devotional with Young Women

You may be assigned to conduct the FSY medley.

Young Men Activity
• Know and understand the Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Read the Young Men and Young Women Activity in the participant
• Read the assistant coordinator and counselor instructions for this activity.
• Be available to answer questions and offer solutions to problems that
may arise.
• Join a breakout group and observe the activity.

Time Frame
Young women will participate in this activity during the first rotation while
the young men attend morning devotional. The young men will then rotate
with the young women and participate in the Young Men and Young Women
Activity while the young women attend morning devotional.


Assistant coordinator conducts.

9:45 a.m.–10:05 a.m. 11:15 a.m.–11:35 a.m.
Song, prayer, introduction to activity.

10:05 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Move to counselor breakout groups. 11:35 a.m.–11:45 a.m.

Counselor discussion and participant handbook

10:15 a.m.–10:45 a.m. 11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

10:45 a.m.–10:55 a.m. Application activity. 12:15 p.m.–12:25 p.m.

Counselor and/or participant

10:55 a.m.–11:00 a.m. 12:25 p.m.–12:30 p.m.
testimony, prayer.

Reverence and Testimony Discussion

Refer counselors to p. 80 of the participant handbook to prepare for this dis-
cussion. Walk around and observe each company if possible. Help with this
activity by filling in for counselors assigned to the Musical Program.


Testimony Writing/FSY Medley

The assistant coordinators who conducted the FSY medley during the young
men and young women morning devotionals will conduct it again at the end
of the evening devotional.

He Is Risen, by Del Parson 129

Assistant Coordinator—
Day 5
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Goal Setting Review
10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Living the Gospel Activity
3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Slide Show
3:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Picture Taking
6:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Dance
8:15 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Taking It Home Message
9:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Company Taking It Home
9:45 p.m.–10:25 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed | Prayer
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.


Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening song and prayer:
• Spiritual thought
• Discuss counselor needs and answer questions
• Session-specific announcements
◦ Observations
◦ Company Taking It Home instructions
◦ Night watch instructions
• Closing prayer:

For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity

If you are assigned to this activity, refer to the duties section for the activity. If
you are not assigned to this duty, choose a counselor to observe and support as
they facilitate the counselor breakout portion.

Living the Gospel Activity

The objective of this activity is to help the youth feel inspired to respond to the
invitation to gather Israel as they:
• Share Christ’s love with people they encounter daily.
• Become more mindful of the needs of others.
• Make plans to improve the way they minister.
As an assistant coordinator, you do not have a designated role in the activity
itself, but you are responsible to:
• Know and understand the objectives of this activity and communicate
the logistics.
• Make sure your counselors have read and understand their instructions.
Support them throughout the week as they prepare.
• Communicate with your coordinators and ask them to help give
assistance to specific counselors and youth.
• Attend the activity to lend support; observe and help counselors and
youth who are struggling.

While it is important for you to attend as much of the activity as possible, it is
especially important that you attend the individual activity portion (Part Two)
and assist youth who may be struggling to focus.

If the session is relocating for the Taking It Home message, a few assistant
coordinators should leave the dance early to get ready for seating.

Lights Out
• Remind counselors of key-collection procedures (if applicable).
• Do not collect participant keys on the evening of Day Five unless
directed by coordinators.
• Be especially vigilant after lights out.

Night Watch
The lights-out procedure is altered on Day Five to provide increased supervi-
sion and ensure a safe environment for all youth participants. Typically, youth
have a greater tendency to sneak out, stay up, or pull pranks toward the end
of FSY. For the safety of all youth and to promote a spiritually impactful con-
clusion to the session, FSY conference staff provide increased supervision on
Day Five. This increased supervision is called “night watch.”
Coordinators will work with other FSY staff to create and enact a night
watch plan. Night watch will involve staff being stationed at strategic points
to monitor youth sleeping quarters. The details of night watch will depend
on FSY location, sleeping quarters layout, youth behavior, and other factors.
Certain session locations may require significant adaptations to the structure
of night watch. Below are general guidelines to assist in making a night
watch plan.
• A counselor should be stationed at every exit, stairwell, and building
to maintain visual supervision of youth rooms. If there are more
counselors than required to supervise a particular floorplan, create
night watch shifts to allow counselors time to prepare for bed or
pack their belongings.
• In addition to the counselors assigned to night watch duty, if needed you
may ask additional counselors to assist based on facility layout and the
behavior of the youth throughout the session.


• A coordinator or assistant coordinator should regularly check in with

stationed counselors to ensure youth are safely in their rooms. If an
area has been quiet and all youth have gone to bed, counselors may be
relieved of night watch duty in that area at the coordinator’s discretion.
• Please do not keep the counselors or staff awake any longer than is
necessary to ensure youth have gone to bed. While ensuring all youth are
safe and accounted for is paramount, it is also important that FSY staff
get adequate rest.

Assistant Coordinator—
Day 6
FSY Staff Shirt
6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Prepare to Leave
7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Post-Session Room Checks/Participant Checkout
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Staff Wrap-Up Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day.

Prepare to Leave
All staff are expected to be on duty for participant checkout and the
wrap-up meeting.

Post-Session Room Checks/Participant Checkout

Damage Reports and Key Return

• Assistant coordinators will make sure their counselors turn in all keys
as instructed.
• The coordinator or assistant coordinator on damage report duty
discusses lost keys and damage with the facility contact to verify any
charges that will be billed to the FSY session.

Participant Checkout
Follow facility checkout procedures and check out of your sleeping quarters
on time.
Supervise and help counselors make sure checkout procedures are followed
and all damages and lost keys have been reported. Be sure all session damages
are reported and that counselor key baggies are turned in.
Assistant coordinators should not go to the wrap-up meeting until all their
counselors’ youth have been checked out.


Wrap-Up Meeting/Key Return

Make sure your counselors’ keys have been turned in to the facility or to you
before the counselors leave the wrap-up meeting.

Holy One of Israel, by Simon Dewey 135

Coordinator Instructions
As a coordinator, you will train, teach, and inspire the assistant coordinators
and counselors you oversee. You will also have the chance to work with vari-
ous venue staff, administrators, and the session directing couple to ensure your
FSY session’s logistical success. As you strive to humbly support and build
up the people you serve and work with, they can in turn bless the lives of the
people they work with.
Build relationships with your peers and accept direction with a teachable
attitude, knowing with certainty that they want you to succeed. By drawing
inspiration from and implementing the wisdom and counsel of inspired lead-
ers, your personal leadership skills will be strengthened.

Building Relationships with FSY Staff

Create meaningful relationships with all staff, but particularly with those you
supervise. This requires diligent effort and is key to your effectiveness as a
coordinator. You will build positive and trusting relationships as you organize
and prioritize your time to include the following actions in your daily routine:
• Establish a pattern of open and honest communication. Be a friend
and mentor.
• Pray, ponder, listen, and plan ways to meet others’ needs.
• Be aware of others’ emotional and physical health; encourage them to eat
well and get as much sleep as possible.
• Strengthen them when they are overwhelmed spiritually, emotionally,
and physically.

Focusing on Strengths
Everyone working with the youth at the FSY conference has unique talents
and attributes that make them a powerful asset to the program. Many may
not recognize their own strengths or may not have learned how to use them
to their full potential. You can boost their confidence and increase the impact
they have on others by recognizing and complimenting their strengths and by
helping them develop and learn to use those strengths.


Giving Constructive Feedback

You may wonder how to address a staff member’s desire to improve.
Remember that everyone can benefit from an outside perspective when
seeking to improve in their responsibilities. Set an expectation of two-way
communication in the early stages of your relationships. Invite suggestions
and respond openly when you are given constructive feedback. By building a
collaborative relationship, you will be more comfortable and effective in ful-
filling your responsibilities to observe, discuss positive and negative behaviors,
and set clear expectations.

Coordinator Presession
Preparation and Planning
Assistant Coordinator Training
As most assistant coordinator teams cannot get together in person for pre-
session training, you may choose to train your assistant coordinators via a
conference call, video conference, or other means. As part of this training, you
may want to invite assistant coordinators to come prepared with questions and
thoughts regarding their role and duties.
Where possible, you may also try to arrange for your assistant coordinator
team to arrive early to your session to hold additional in-person training.

Facilitate Staff Communication

It is your responsibility to inform the assistant coordinators, wellness coordi-
nators, and counselors of specific information regarding your session. This
can be done by email or text; the messages may first be sent to your session
directing couple for authorization.
You will need to discuss with your co-coordinators which of you will be
responsible for emailing or texting information to your team. Remember that
communication is the key to your success.

Meet with the Logistical Administrators

and Committees
If you are responsible for session setup, you may desire to arrive a day or two
before the session starts. Work with the session directing couple and the logis-
tical team to determine when you should arrive. This should give you time to
meet with the logistical administrators and committee to prepare all other jobs
for which you are responsible. Discuss in detail the agenda and the various
activities as well as the supplies and materials you will need to effectively run
the session. Discuss alternate plans in case of inclement weather.
Review participant check-in and checkout procedures and go over housing
concerns if needed. As applicable, discuss housing rules and how keys will be


distributed and returned (if applicable). Review rules and regulations estab-
lished by the facility. Obtain information about local grocery stores, hospitals,
chapels (if attending Sunday meetings locally), and so on. Plan a tour of the
facility and familiarize yourself with the surrounding area.
A logistical administrator should give you the materials you will need for the
week (such as keys). Materials will vary depending on your location.
Make sure your logistical administrators and your venue contact have your
contact information, and make sure you have theirs. Be organized when work-
ing with your contact. Write down any questions or concerns prior to the start
of your session. If your contact needs more information from you, provide it
promptly. Remember, organization is key to your success.

Facility Contact Regulations

If there is not a logistical team member assigned to work with the facility
contact, it is your responsibility to get to know your facility contact well ahead
of the session. Go out of your way to let them know how grateful you are for
their help. As a representative of FSY conference and the Church, be profes-
sional, respectful, and flexible. Remember that you are a guest, even if you are
at a Church-owned facility.
Generally, coordinators are the only FSY staff who should communicate with
the facility contact. Make sure the assistant coordinators and counselors are
aware of this guidance. You will communicate problems involving housing,
scheduling, audiovisual equipment, and so forth to the facility contact. Make
sure audiovisual support for the session directing couple and teachers is
arranged with the facility contact in advance. Communicate with your facility
contact daily during the session.
At the end of your session, meet with your contact to return any materials and
briefly evaluate the week. Take notes. This information will be beneficial if
FSY conference returns to the facility.
Take time to get to know other facility staff members who are helping run the
session, such as cafeteria, front desk, audiovisual, and housing staff. Take time
to express gratitude to them.

Session Setup
Use the checklist below to guide your preparations before the session.

Session Directing Couple

Make sure you and the session directing couple are in constant
communication. Work together as a team to help the session run smoothly
and successfully.

Site Office (optional, but encouraged)

□ Prepare a room or space that will serve as the site office. It should be
easily accessible to FSY staff throughout the session. The site office helps
the staff organize and run a successful program. It may be used to keep
supplies and hold staff meetings.
□ Set up a table or area for organized meetings with your team (if possible).
□ Organize participant check-in materials and confirm you have all
resources needed for check-in.

Companies and Assistant Coordinator Groups

□ If not already done, assign counselor groups to companies according to
age-group (14–15 and 16–18 years old).
□ Assign a scripture and number to each company. Companies will use the
scripture to help them create a company name.
□ List the number of youth in each company.
□ Map out an area for company spots and assign each company a spot for
the conference. Company spots are the areas in which each company will
meet for company activities. Company spots should be far enough apart
from other company spots as to not distract or disrupt one another.
□ If not already done, assign assistant coordinator groups.
□ Include all this information on one or two documents that will serve as a
reference throughout the session.


Assistant Coordinator Folders

□ Participant list for each counselor
□ Day-One head-count sheet (if applicable)
□ Assistant coordinator duty assignment sheet
□ Company list with company counts
□ Company spot map
□ Supervising counselor group list with counselor room numbers (if

Coordinator Folder
□ List of companies
□ Company spot map
□ Assistant coordinator group list
□ Duty assignment list
□ Detailed agenda listing scheduled rooms, audiovisual equipment, and so
on (this information is usually provided by the facility contact)
□ Outlines for conducting meetings and devotionals (optional)
□ Coordinator orientation outline

Session Directing Couple Folder

□ List of companies
□ Company spot map
□ Assistant coordinator group list
□ Agenda for orientation
□ Orientation outline with names of all those to be introduced
□ Duty assignment list
□ Parking passes (if applicable)

Session Equipment and Supplies

Work with the logistical administrators to verify that all necessary supplies are
in place before the FSY conference begins.
Session Materials
□ Sound equipment
□ Activity materials
□ Banner supplies

□ Games Night supplies
□ Musical Program scripts and sheet music
□ Service activity materials (if applicable)
FSY Staff Materials
□ FSY staff shirts
□ Name tags
□ Staff handbooks
Participant Check-In Materials
□ Name cards
□ Participant handbooks
□ FSY T-shirts
□ Other FSY materials such as wristbands, lanyards, water bottles (specifics
will vary for each session)


Assistant Coordinator Duty Assignments

Assign and record program duties for each assistant coordinator or FSY staff
member. Make sure all assistant coordinators know and understand their
assigned duty. Answer any questions and be a support to them throughout
the conference.


Classes (Day Two and Three, if applicable)

Counselor Orientation Dance (optional)

Damage Reports (if applicable)

Dance (Day Two and Five)

Favorite Food Night (if needed)

For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity

Games Night

Lost and Found (optional)

Lunch (if needed)

Materials Distribution

Musical Program

Orientation Tech (if needed)

Participant Check-In

Participant Free Time


Seating (optional)

Service Activity (if applicable)

Singer Supervisor (optional)

Slide Show (if applicable)

Testimony Meeting Rooms

Thank-You Notes (optional)

Variety Show

Young Men Activity

Young Women Activity

Coordinator—Day Zero
Sunday Dress
Time to Be Determined at Session Facility/Venue Tour
Time to Be Determined at Session Counselor Orientation
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Session Directing Couple Message
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Session Directing Couple/Coordinator Meeting
8:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Co-Counselor Interviews and Planning

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Facility/Venue Tour
Coordinators will arrange for all FSY staff to receive a tour and become famil-
iar with the facility and the areas where activities will take place. This should
include reserved facilities, housing, cafeteria, fields, and free-time areas. Point
out the location of the bathrooms closest to the company spots.

Counselor Orientation
Coordinators will conduct this training, generally held the day before the FSY
conference begins. Prepare well for this meeting.

Counselor Orientation Agenda

As counselors arrive, give them their staff handbooks and name tags if
they do not already have them.
1. Welcome
Opening hymn:
Opening prayer:


2. Introductions
◦ Introduce coordinators, assistant coordinators, wellness coordinators,
the session directing couple, and any other leaders or visitors in
◦ Invite counselors to introduce themselves.
3. Program Introduction
◦ Introduce the purpose and objective of FSY conferences.
◦ Introduce the youth theme for the year.
4. Role and Responsibilities
◦ Teach counselors about their roles and assigned duties.
◦ Review the conference schedule.
◦ Train on how to be effective teachers. Review specific teaching
▪ Gospel study
▪ Meet Your Counselor
▪ Home evening games debriefing
▪ Reflect and Review
▪ For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
▪ Living the Gospel Activity
5. Address Other Items
◦ How to enforce dress and appearance standards and principles using
the For the Strength of Youth guide.
◦ How to address other potential problems and concerns.
◦ Answer any remaining questions.
6. Closing Prayer:

Session Directing Couple Message

Coordinators will conduct this meeting. Help the session directing couple pro-
vide spiritual enrichment to FSY staff in preparation for the session. All staff
are strongly encouraged to attend. Please wear Sunday dress, be on time, and
take notes. Make sure the room, including audiovisual equipment (if applica-
ble), is set up and ready 30 minutes before the meeting.

Session Directing Couple Message Agenda
1. Welcome
Opening hymn:
Opening prayer:
2. Introduce session directing couple
3. Turn the time over to the session directing couple
4. Closing
Closing hymn:
Closing prayer:
5. Announcements
◦ Location for breakfast
◦ Location for coordinator/assistant coordinator meetings
◦ Location for staff meetings

Coordinator/Session Directing Couple Meeting

During assistant coordinator/counselor breakout, meet with the session direct-
ing couple.
• Review the materials you compiled in the session directing couple folder.
• Review the conference schedule.
• Review orientation assignments.
• Review or discuss the Taking It Home activity location, audiovisual
needs, and time constraints for each activity (consider walking distance
to and from).
• Address any other questions or concerns.


Coordinator—Day 1
FSY Staff Shirt
7:30 a.m.–8:20 a.m. Staff Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–8:25 a.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting
9:15 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Co-Counselor Planning
9:15 a.m.–10:50 a.m. Materials Distribution | Singer Assignments Dancer
Practice (as time allows)
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Check-In
1:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Participant Room Checks (if applicable)
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. Meet Your Counselor
2:30 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Meet Your Company
3:05 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Company Name and Chant
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Orientation
4:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
4:45 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Dinner
5:45 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Home Evening Lesson
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Home Evening Games
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Home Evening Goal Setting
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
Begin and end this meeting with a prayer.
• Discuss with the assistant coordinators any final preparation for check-in
and orientation or assignments for the staff meeting.
• Ask assistant coordinators about concerns regarding their assignments
or preparations.
• Review materials distribution, singer assignments, dancer practice,
and check-in assignments. Make sure all coordinators and assistant
coordinators participate.
• Invite the session directing couple to attend this meeting (optional).

Staff Meeting
Conduct this meeting. Bring equipment and loudspeakers to play the theme
song for the staff to sing, if possible.

Suggested Agenda
1. Welcome staff and present an overview of the meeting’s purpose.
2. Express your excitement and anticipation for the conference.
3. Opening prayer:
4. Introductions
◦ Introduce logistics team or facility staff who are attending.
◦ Welcome the assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators,
and have them announce each of their duties and any necessary
instruction counselors may need (such as where Variety Show tryouts
and Musical Program rehearsals will be held, how to submit pictures
for the slide show, and so on).
5. Have the wellness coordinators discuss procedures and give their
contact information.
6. Invite counselor teams to quickly introduce themselves.
7. Announce schedule or duty assignment changes.
◦ Go over adjustments to the agenda.
◦ Explain session-specific changes to counselor duties and duty
◦ Answer questions applicable to all staff members, as time permits.
◦ Announce that further questions can be addressed in the afternoon
assistant coordinator/counselor meeting.


8. Other announcements
◦ Review session-specific emergency procedures, including alternate
emergency meeting locations.
◦ Explain any session- or facility-specific instructions.
9. Check-in briefing
◦ Remind assistant coordinators and counselors of responsibilities and
procedures for check-in. Be sure everyone fully understands check-in.
◦ Give training and suggestions on how to handle check-in issues
◦ Review dress and appearance principles and procedures for
communicating and handling concerns.
10. Ask if the session directing couple would like to briefly address the
staff (optional).
11. Sing youth theme song.
12. Closing prayer:

Participant Check-In
Support the assistant coordinator responsible for participant check-in by offer-
ing suggestions and help.

Solutions Table
• At least one coordinator should be at the solutions table to help
participants and parents with questions or concerns. Preferably both
coordinators will sit at the solutions table to support each other in case
frustrated participants are problematic.
• To be prepared to offer help and have the information necessary to
solve problems, remember any resources needed for the solutions table
(housing list, laptop, and so on).
Consider having the following materials and supplies at the solutions table,
depending on the needs of the session:
• On-site registration forms
• Pens
• Sticky notes
• Counselor contact list
• Permanent markers
• Blank name cards
• Paper clips

Processing On-Site Registrations
(if desired by Area Presidency)
Before check-in begins, work with the session directing couple and logistical
administrators to determine whether on-site registrations should be allowed
and who will process them. If you are assigned to do so, please ensure you
know what actions need to be taken. Consider the following:
• Ensure registration forms (provided by the area or found on
fsy.churchofJesusChrist.org under your country and session) are signed
by the parent or guardian; if a parent or guardian is present, ask them
not to leave until their child’s on-site registration is fully processed. This
must include Terms and Conditions.
• Ensure the bishop or branch president has approved the youth’s
• Verify payment information.
• Ensure the youth is assigned to a counselor group.
• Ensure housing is assigned to the youth; inform all necessary parties of
the housing assignment.
• If the youth has dietary restrictions, ensure staff over meals and Favorite
Food Night are aware; inform the youth that dietary restrictions may not
be honored due to the late registration, but staff will do their best.
• If the youth has accommodation needs, such as wheelchair access to the
venue, ensure all necessary staff members are informed; inform the youth
that their needs may not be met due to the late registration, but staff will
do their best.
• Ensure all necessary staff members are informed of the new youth,
including the counselor, assistant coordinator, and wellness coordinator
over that youth.

Potential Problems at Check-In

Roommate requests that were not honored
• Help youth if you feel they made a reasonable request (make sure both
roommates requested each other).
• Do not move someone who has already checked in, but honor the
request if you can.
• Once the change has been made, do the following:
◦ Tell your co-coordinator.
◦ Update the housing list.


◦ Inform the assistant coordinators and counselors affected.

◦ Inform the appropriate logistical committee members.
Roommates who no longer wish to be together
• If participants have a reasonable explanation, and if it’s possible, honor
the request.
• There are times when it will not be possible to separate assigned
roommates. Try to discover the root issue, and see if it can be worked
out. You may need to assign an assistant coordinator to monitor the
• Once the change has been made, do the following:
◦ Tell your co-coordinator.
◦ Update the housing list.
◦ Inform the assistant coordinators and counselors affected.
◦ Inform the appropriate logistical committee members.
A youth did not get housing even though they were registered
• Place unassigned youth in one of the open rooms.
• Check to see if they had a roommate request; if so, try to accommodate it.
• Notify the counselors affected and all staff who need to know.
Also keep the following in mind
• Keep the housing list updated with all the housing changes made.
• If needed, coordinators or logistical administrators should be the ones to
communicate housing problems or concerns to the facility contact.
• If housing changes need to be made, communicate with the staff right
away so they can work with you.

Room Checks and Damage Reports

Immediately notify the facility contact of any significant damage (such as a
broken toilet or shower, broken key, or broken window).

Note: To avoid technical difficulties as much as possible, go early to orientation.
Run through the whole program with the session directing couple. Test the
audiovisual equipment during this run-through.

Orientation is one of your biggest opportunities to interact with and influence
the youth. Make sure all aspects of orientation run smoothly.
• As a coordinator, you are responsible for ensuring that the logistics are
in place. Communicate with the session directing couple to ensure that
they understand their role and know when they should be on stage.
Make sure the session directing couple arrives 30 minutes early for
• Meet the audiovisual staff at least an hour before orientation. Run
through the agenda with them so they know what to expect. If you are
running the audiovisual on your own, give yourself enough time to set
up and make sure everything functions. Do a complete orientation run-
through as far in advance as possible. If something is not working, you
will want as much time as possible to fix it.
• Make sure assistant coordinators are prepared to begin seating 10–15
minutes early, if applicable.
• Orientation can be stressful, but remember to be flexible, have fun, and
help the youth get excited.
• Consider a back-up plan in case technology is not working. These
activities have been useful in the past:
◦ Relative finder: invite youth to open the Family Tree app and search
for relatives around them.
◦ Sound of a smile: Ask everyone to be completely silent and then all
smile at the exact same time.
◦ Scavenger hunt: a random item is named, and the first person to
bring it forward wins.
◦ Suggestions of questions they can ask their neighbors.
• Before you dismiss, make sure to give all instructions the youth need
to proceed to dinner and reunite with their group for home evening.
Dismiss for dinner by inviting companies to share their company
chant (optional).


Orientation Agenda
FSY staff are invited to dance line dances as the participants arrive (about
10 minutes).
1. Introductions
◦ Coordinators
◦ Assistant Coordinators
◦ Wellness coordinators
◦ Counselors
◦ Session directing couple
2. Get to know the participants
◦ Who traveled the farthest to get to the FSY conference?
◦ Who traveled the shortest distance?
◦ Other questions (for example: Who has the largest family? Who has
the most siblings here at FSY?)
3. Show “Week in Preview” video if possible (found on FSY
conference website Resources page)
4. Introduce general FSY guidelines and standards
◦ Dress and appearance standards as taught in the For the Strength of
Youth guide
◦ Others
5. Session directing couple introduces “Conduct at Church Activities”
6. Show promotional videos for the following activities, and introduce
the FSY staff members in charge of them:
◦ Musical Program
◦ Variety Show
7. Invite the session directing couple to share some thoughts
8. Closing prayer

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Begin and end this meeting with a prayer.
• Begin with a spiritual thought, if desired.
• Discuss assistant coordinator duties:
◦ Home evening: location, singers (if applicable), setup, games, and
so on.

◦ Details for staff members who will be singing in devotionals.
◦ Classes: location where counselors will check in.
◦ Dance instruction and dance contest (if applicable).
• Address any comments or questions the assistant coordinators may have.

Home Evening Lesson

Conduct this meeting. Be early and start on time. Sit on the stage with the
session directing couple.

Home Evening Agenda

1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Invite participants to get out their scriptures, handbooks, and pens to
take notes.
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

◦ Announce closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
4. Closing prayer
5. Announcements
◦ Invite companies to go to their company spots for home evening

Home Evening Games and Debriefing

Observe companies as they play games and debrief. Give help as needed. This
is an ideal time to bond with staff and youth as you participate with them.
Have a backup plan in case of inclement weather. Coordinate as soon as possi-
ble with your facility contact if needed.


Home Evening Goal Setting

Observe counselors teaching, if desired.

Nightly Head Count

Each night assistant coordinators under your supervision will report partici-
pant head count to you. This is imperative so that all youth are accounted for.
If it’s taking an assistant coordinator too long to report, politely ask if there is
anything you can do to help. If a youth is missing, contact the session direct-
ing couple immediately.

Reflect and Review

Observe a Reflect and Review, if desired.

Lights Out
Encourage the assistant coordinators to enforce lights out by speaking with
the counselors instead of directly to the youth. Be available to help the assis-
tant coordinators or counselors as needed. Each night you should receive a
text from every assistant coordinator that all youth lights are out. (Assistant
coordinators should have in turn received texts from their counselors.)
Nightly meetings should not begin until all lights are out (except in extreme
circumstances at the coordinator’s discretion). Unless needed elsewhere, use
this time to meet with your co-coordinator to prepare for the nightly meeting.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting
This meeting, which should be no longer than 10 to 15 minutes, should be
held when coordinators and all assistant coordinators can attend. Hold this
meeting after lights out and keep it brief so all attending staff can get to sleep.
Ask wellness coordinators to attend whenever possible to give their input.
Discuss items relevant to all staff members in the first part of the meeting so
wellness coordinators may be dismissed early if they need to take care of other
responsibilities before going to bed.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Team building
◦ Give compliments, spotlight someone, share successes from the day.
◦ Highlight assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators.
• Counselors’ performance
◦ Compliment counselors.
◦ Deal with general concerns.
• Coordinator announcements
◦ Address immediate concerns.
◦ Give session-specific information.
• Review of day’s activities
◦ Breakfast
◦ Morning devotional seating
◦ Classes
◦ Lunch duty
◦ Participant free time
• Preview tomorrow’s activities and assignments.
• Receive reports from each assistant coordinator on their duties,
highlighting needs and questions.
• Give final thoughts and counsel.
• Closing prayer:


Coordinator—Day 2
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Banner and Cheer Prep
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m. FSY Dance Guidelines
6:45 p.m.–8:45 pm. Dance
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Damage Reports
Follow up with the facility contact on any significant damage that needs im-
mediate attention.

Gospel Study
Attend gospel study with a company, if desired. Be sure to have effective per-
sonal gospel study daily.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional

Arrive 45 minutes early to make sure the setup is complete. You will conduct,
or you can ask an assistant coordinator to conduct. Sit on the stand with the
session directing couple.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional Agenda

1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

◦ Welcome
◦ Invite participants to get out their scriptures, handbooks, and pens to
take notes.
◦ Announce check-in location for FSY staff on class duty.
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

2. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
3. Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

4. Announcements
◦ Musical Program rehearsal
◦ Variety Show tryouts


• Supervise the classes and make sure things are running smoothly.
• Communicate with the assistant coordinator assigned to class duty to be
sure the teachers have everything they need.
• Be available to answer questions or help find solutions as needed.
Remember that you are the only one who should communicate with
facility staff regarding classroom problems or audiovisual needs.
• If a teacher does not arrive or is late, the assistant coordinator in charge
will contact you. Call the session directing couple for instructions. Do
not cancel class unless instructed to do so.

Lunch, Musical Program Rehearsal

Following protocol, communicate with the cafeteria staff as needed to make
sure FSY is following procedures as they would like. Communicate with the
FSY staff member assigned to lunch duty as needed.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Address any session-specific items that need to be communicated through you
to the counselors and participants. Have assistant coordinators report on their
duties and assigned activities.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Announcements, including session-specific information.
• Review morning duties.
• Finalize evening activities:
◦ Hand out banner materials.
◦ Review dance duties.
◦ Check on dance DJ.
◦ Announce meeting time for setup.
• Closing prayer:

Assistant Coordinator/Counselor
Afternoon Meeting

On Day Two or Day Three, observe one of your assistant coordinator’s meet-
ings and participate as if you were a counselor in the meeting, but do not
take over.
Meet with the assistant coordinator after the meeting and share positive feed-
back and constructive ideas for improvement. Ask them how they are doing
on their observations, and discuss any concerns they have with their counsel-
ors. Remind them that you can assist if a counselor needs to be observed more
than once.

Banner and Cheer Prep

Supervise and assist the assistant coordinator assigned to Games Night, mak-
ing sure all companies have the materials and supplies needed for the banners.
Be available to help as needed.

Supervise all aspects of the dance, especially lighting level and music volume.
As a test for lighting, make sure you can see the face of a person across the
dance floor. Help the FSY staff member assigned as DJ and those over dance
duty with any questions; especially make sure the DJ has a playlist set before-
hand. Dance with the youth and have fun.
Ask counselors to set a meeting place for their company after they arrive at the
dance. This will allow companies to regroup after the dance and dismiss in an
orderly manner.

Reflect and Review

Observe a Reflect and Review, if desired.


Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting
This meeting, which should be no longer than 10 to 15 minutes, should be
held when coordinators and all assistant coordinators can attend. Hold this
meeting after lights out and keep it brief so all attending staff can get to sleep.
Ask wellness coordinators to attend whenever possible to give their input.
Discuss items relevant to all staff members in the first part of the meeting so
wellness coordinators may be dismissed early if they need to take care of other
responsibilities before going to bed.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Team building
◦ Give compliments, spotlight someone, share successes from the day.
◦ Highlight assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators.
• Counselors’ performance
◦ Compliment counselors.
◦ Deal with general concerns.
• Coordinator announcements
◦ Address immediate concerns.
◦ Give session-specific information.
• Review of day’s activities
◦ Breakfast
◦ Morning devotional seating
◦ Classes
◦ Lunch duty
◦ Participant free time
• Preview tomorrow’s activities and assignments, including Favorite
Food Night.
• Receive reports from each assistant coordinator on their duties,
highlighting needs and questions.
• Give final thoughts and counsel.
• Closing prayer:

Coordinator—Day 3
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Games Night Prep
6:45 p.m.–8:00 pm. Games Night and Cheer-Off
8:15 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
8:15 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Favorite Food Night
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.


Damage Reports
Address midweek damage as necessary.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional

Arrive 45 minutes early to make sure the setup is complete. You will conduct,
or you can ask an assistant coordinator to conduct. Sit on the stage with the
session directing couple.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional Agenda

1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Invite participants to get out their scriptures, handbooks, and pens to
take notes.
◦ Announce check-in location for FSY staff on class duty (if applicable).
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
4. Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

5. Announcements
◦ Musical Program rehearsal
◦ Variety Show tryouts
◦ Participants should wear their FSY participant T-shirt to Games

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Afternoon Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Give announcements, including session-specific information.
• Lead discussion, including team building. Focus on needs. Give a
spiritual thought.
• Review morning duties.
• Finalize evening activities:
◦ Games Night setup time
◦ Games Night session-specific instructions
◦ Games Night assignments
◦ Favorite Food Night assignments
• Closing prayer:

Games Night
Supervise and assist the assistant coordinator responsible for Games Night.
Communicate often, and offer help as needed. Make sure everything is pre-
pared by the afternoon of Day Three. Check with the logistical administrators
to make sure water will be provided for the youth during this activity.
Be prepared with a backup plan in case of inclement weather. Know how to
get in touch with your facility contact if needed. If Games Night needs to be
moved, communicate with the facility contact and help the assistant coordina-
tor in charge to make any necessary adaptations. Support the assistant coordi-
nator in charge of Games Night to figure out what resources are available.

The coordinators and session directing couple rotate through all the game
stations, viewing and judging the cheers. Move quickly from one group to the
next to ensure Games Night ends on time. When you arrive at a station, in-
form the assistant coordinator in charge, who will finish the current round of
their game and turn the time over to you. When a group is performing their


cheer, have the other groups sit on either side of you, forming a semicircle so
that all the companies can see the cheers.
The final Cheer-Off is optional, depending on timing, the tone of Games
Night, and the needs of the session. Hold the final Cheer-Off after watching
all of the company cheers, when there are about 20 minutes left of Games
Night. Then gather all the companies together. Have one youth from each
company come to the front with the company’s banner. Announce the win-
ners of the banner competition for both age groups and have them show their
Then announce the companies who won the cheer competition for both age
groups, and have those companies come up one at a time to perform their
cheers (you can have two companies from each age group if time permits).
If Games Night runs late, gather all the companies together and announce
the winners of banners and cheers, but inform them that the companies will
be doing their cheers on Day Five. Games Night should not run into Favorite
Food Night if possible.

Favorite Food Night

• Assist the assistant coordinator assigned to Favorite Food Night, as
• Ensure the assistant coordinator or staff member in charge of Favorite
Food Night has communicated any dietary restrictions not noted during
registration to those providing the food.
• Be on hand to help the assistant coordinators distribute food to the
• Enjoy Favorite Food Night with counselors and their youth.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Team building
◦ Give compliments, spotlight someone, share successes from the day.
◦ Highlight assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators.

• Counselors’ performance
◦ Compliment counselors.
◦ Deal with general concerns.
• Coordinator announcements
◦ Address immediate concerns.
◦ Give session-specific information.
• Review of day’s activities
◦ Breakfast
◦ Morning devotional seating
◦ Classes
◦ Lunch duty
◦ Participant free time
◦ Games Night
◦ Favorite Food Night
• Preview of tomorrow’s activities and assignments
◦ Young Men and Young Women Activity
◦ Variety Show
◦ Participant free time
◦ Testimony meeting rooms
▪ Make sure that testimony meeting area or room assignments are
▪ If using rooms, make arrangements to check that all rooms are
accessible and ready to go. Ask additional assistant coordinators to
help the assistant coordinator in charge, if needed.
• Receive reports from each assistant coordinator on their duties,
highlighting needs and questions.
• Give final thoughts and counsel.
• Closing prayer:


Coordinator—Day 4
Sunday Dress
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Men Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Women Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Men Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Women Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
Musical Program Rehearsal
1:45 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Variety Show Guidelines
2:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Variety Show
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Dress Rehearsal
4:30 p.m.–5:50 p.m. Dinner
5:50 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
5:50 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Reverence and Testimony Discussion
6:20 p.m.–6:55 pm. Musical Program
6:55 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Session Directing Couple Evening Devotional
7:30 p.m.–7:40 p.m. Testimony Writing | FSY Medley
7:50 p.m.–8:50 p.m. Testimony Meetings
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
This devotional will be held twice—first for the young men and then for
the young women.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional Agenda

1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Recite the Young Women Theme or Young Men Theme, if desired.

4. Sing the FSY medley.
5. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
6. Closing hymn:
Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

7. Announcements
◦ Variety Show dress rehearsal time and location
◦ Musical Program dress rehearsal time and location

Young Men and Young Women Activity

• Know and understand the Young Men and Young Women Activity
• Read the Young Men and Young Women Activity in the participant
• Read the assistant coordinator and counselor instructions for this
• At least one coordinator should be available to answer questions and
offer solutions to problems that may arise.


Variety Show
Attend the Variety Show unless there are extenuating circumstances. Be famil-
iar with the responsibilities of the staff member in charge, and be available to
help and answer questions as needed.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Afternoon Meeting
One coordinator may decide to attend Musical Program dress rehearsal
instead of this meeting.

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Give announcements, including session-specific information.
• Lead discussion, including team building. Focus on needs. Give a
spiritual thought.
• Review of morning duties
• Finalize evening activities
◦ Testimony meeting rooms
◦ Musical Program and evening devotional setup
◦ Discuss any other session needs or concerns
• Closing prayer:

Musical Program Dress Rehearsal

Be a support to the staff member responsible for the Musical Program. Be
available to answer questions and give assistance as requested.

Musical Program/Evening Devotional

• Be at the auditorium one hour before the Musical Program and evening
devotional to review audiovisual needs. Run through the medley to
make sure everything will go as planned. If the session directing couple
has audiovisual needs, plan for their needs as well.

• Review and discuss the following items with the session directing couple:
◦ The order of the agenda (Musical Program, evening devotional,
testimony writing, FSY medley).
◦ Time frame for the session directing couple’s message.
◦ Use of recorded or piano music during testimony writing and
dismissal to testimony meeting locations.
• Conduct this meeting. Sit on the stage with the session directing couple
during the evening devotional.

Session Directing Couple Evening Devotional Agenda

1. Prelude and Postlude music (if applicable) (name, hometown,
2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Announce the events of the entire evening so that you do not

need to give more announcements until it’s time to dismiss for
testimony meeting.
◦ Musical Program
◦ Session directing couple devotional
◦ Theme video (if desired)
◦ Sing the FSY medley
◦ Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

4. Begin the Musical Program.

5. After the closing prayer, dismiss companies to go to testimony

Announce Testimony Meeting Rooms or Areas

• After the closing prayer, play postlude music (piano or reverent minus
tracks) and announce testimony room or area assignments and the name
of the counselor who will be conducting in each meeting.
• Remind counselors to end testimony meetings on time.
• Dismiss by companies, inviting the participants to remain reverent as
they walk to the testimony rooms or areas.


Testimony Meetings
If attending testimony meetings, find one testimony meeting to attend. Do not
wander from group to group.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Team building
◦ Give compliments, spotlight someone, share successes from the day.
◦ Highlight assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators.
• Counselors’ performance
◦ Compliment counselors.
◦ Deal with general concerns.
• Coordinator announcements
◦ Address immediate concerns.
◦ Give session-specific information.
• Review of day’s activities
◦ Breakfast
◦ Morning devotional seating
◦ Young Men and Young Women Activity
◦ Variety Show
◦ Musical Program
◦ Testimony meetings
◦ Lunch duty
◦ Participant free time
• Preview of tomorrow’s activities and assignments
◦ For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
◦ Living the Gospel Activity
◦ Slide show
◦ Taking It Home message and seating
◦ Night watch

• Receive reports from each assistant coordinator on their duties,
highlighting needs and questions.
• Give final thoughts and counsel.
• Closing prayer:


Coordinator—Day 5
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Goal Setting Review
10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Living the Gospel Activity
3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Slide Show
3:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Picture Taking
6:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Dance
8:15 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Taking It Home Message
9:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Company Taking It Home
9:45 p.m.–10:25 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed | Prayer
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
Arrive 45 minutes early to make sure the setup is complete. You will conduct,
or you can ask an assistant coordinator to conduct. Sit on the stage with the
session directing couple.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional Agenda

1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Invite participants to get out their scriptures, handbooks, and pens to
take notes.
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
4. Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

5. Announcements
◦ Give the location and instructions for the For the Strength of Youth
Guide Activity.

For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity

An assistant coordinator will introduce this activity, and the counselors
will conduct the breakout portion.

This activity is meant to help participants be excited about For the Strength of
Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (found at the back of both FSY conference
handbooks), help them understand its purpose and the inspiration behind it,
and give them an experience with the guide that can strengthen their faith in
Jesus Christ.


Living the Gospel Activity

The objective of this activity is to help the youth feel inspired to respond to the
invitation to gather Israel as they do the following:
• Share Christ’s love with people they encounter daily.
• Become more mindful of the needs of others.
• Make plans to improve the way they minister.
As a coordinator, you do not have a designated role in the activity itself, but
you are responsible to do the following:
• Know and understand the objectives of this activity and communicate
the logistics.
• Communicate with your assistant coordinators to determine which
counselors or youth need support during this activity.
• Attend the activity to lend support; observe and help counselors and
youth who are struggling.
While it is important for you to attend as much of the activity as possible, it is
especially important that you attend the individual activity portion (Part Two)
and assist youth who may be struggling to focus.

Slide Show
One coordinator should assist the assistant coordinator or staff member
assigned to the slide show as needed to ensure that it is ready to go before Day
Five at 2:00 p.m.

Participant Free Time

Have youth begin packing.

One coordinator should be at the dance to supervise. Your responsibilities
after the dance are to:
• Help keep the youth calm.
• Direct the youth to collect their belongings, find their counselor, and
stay together as a company.
• Have all counselors account for their youth.

When all youth are accounted for, either release them from the dance in an
orderly manner by companies (if changing venues) or ask them to sit together
during the Taking It Home message. A few assistant coordinators should be
assigned to seat the companies as they arrive for the Taking It Home message.

Taking It Home Message

After the dance, help the session directing couple prepare for the Taking It
Home message.
• Invite youth to give the opening and closing prayers.
• Have the General Authority video from the FSY conference website
Resources page ready to show using a projector.
• Have the FSY medley music from the FSY conference website Resources
page ready to use for the closing song.
• Hand the microphone to the session directing couple to conduct this
• After the closing prayer, dismiss companies to their company spots.

Company Taking It Home

Help youth return to their sleeping quarters; help counselors with lights out.

Lights Out
• Remind counselors of key collection procedures (if applicable).
• Do not collect participant keys on the evening of Day Five unless
otherwise directed.
• Be especially vigilant after lights out.

Night Watch
On Day Five, there is a different procedure for lights out: night watch. Youth
are more likely to sneak out, stay up, or pull pranks on Day Five because it is
the last night of the session. For the safety of the youth and to end the con-
ference on a good note with plenty of rest, it’s important to make sure the
youth stay in bed on the last night. To ensure this, coordinators should work
with other FSY staff to create and enact a night watch plan. Night watch


requires that counselors be stationed at strategic points, and assistant coor-

dinators should regularly monitor outside. The details of night watch will
depend on your session location, sleeping quarters layout, youth behavior, and
other factors. Here are some general guidelines to assist you in making those
• A counselor should be stationed at every exit, stairwell, and building as
needed to allow all youth rooms to be within eyesight of a counselor if
possible. If there are more counselors than needed for your floorplan,
instruct them to take turns on watch to allow counselors time to get
ready for bed or pack up their belongings in shifts.
• In addition to the counselors assigned to night watch duty, if needed you
may ask additional counselors to assist based on facility layout and the
behavior of the youth throughout the session.
• A coordinator or assistant coordinator should regularly ask for reports
from counselors to ensure that the youth in their designated areas are
quiet and in their rooms. If one area has been quiet for a while, the
counselors in the quiet area may go to bed at the discretion and guidance
of the coordinators.
• Please do not keep the counselors or staff awake for any longer than is
necessary. All youth must be safe and accounted for, but staff members
also need rest.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Nightly Meeting

Suggested Agenda
• Opening prayer:
• Team building
◦ Give compliments, spotlight someone, share successes from the day.
◦ Highlight assistant coordinators and wellness coordinators.
• Counselors’ performance
◦ Compliment counselors.
◦ Deal with general concerns.
• Coordinator announcements
◦ Address immediate concerns.
◦ Give session-specific information.
• Review of day’s activities

◦ Breakfast/lunch duty
◦ Morning devotional seating
◦ For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
◦ Living the Gospel Activity
◦ Dance
◦ Taking It Home/Company Taking It Home
◦ Participant free time
• Preview of tomorrow’s activities and assignments
◦ Participant checkout
◦ Staff checkout
◦ Wrap-up meeting
◦ Staff breakfast
• Receive reports from each assistant coordinator on their duties,
highlighting needs and questions.
• Give final thoughts and counsel.
• Closing prayer:

Lost and Found Items

FSY conference is unable to return or store lost and found items left un-
claimed at session locations. Every effort is made to return lost items to par-
ticipants during a session, but youth are encouraged to carefully check for all
belongings, especially scriptures and electronics, before leaving.


Coordinator—Day 6
FSY Staff Shirt
6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Prepare to Leave
7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Post-Session Room Checks/Participant Checkout
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Staff Wrap-Up Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day.

Prepare to Leave
All staff are expected to be on duty for participant checkout and the
wrap-up meeting.

Post-Session Room Checks/Participant Checkout

Coordinators should help counselors follow FSY checkout procedures and
make sure to check out on time.
• Make sure key-collection processes are followed and all keys are returned
to the facility.
• Review lost keys and damage with the facility contact to determine if any
charges will be billed to the FSY session.

Staff Wrap-Up Meeting/Key Return

Conduct this meeting. Following this meeting, provide any reports to the Area
Seventy and in-area advisory couple.

Staff Wrap-Up Meeting Agenda

1. Opening prayer:
2. Coordinator observations
◦ Share positive feedback for all staff members.
◦ Express appreciation to all staff members.

◦ Invite assistant coordinators, wellness coordinators, and counselors to
share positive feedback.
3. Session directing couple observations
◦ Invite session directing couple to share closing remarks.
4. Logistical administrator observations
◦ Invite logistical administrators to share closing remarks.
5. Closing prayer:

Session History
It is your responsibility to compose a history of your session to provide import-
ant information for Church headquarters records. Communicate with your
co-coordinator and the session directing couple to decide how the history will
be completed.
Your session history should include information about the following:
• What did and did not work well at your session.
• Facilities, including sleeping quarters, food, main space, classrooms, and
so on.
• Suggestions or helpful hints for future session committees.
Please send your session history to the session directing couple to share with
the in-area advisory couple.


Session Directing
Couple Instructions
As a session directing couple, you will train, teach, and inspire the coordina-
tors, assistant coordinators, and counselors you oversee. You will also have
the chance to work with various venue staff and administrators to ensure your
FSY session’s logistical success. As you strive to humbly support and build up
those you serve and work with, they can in turn bless the lives of those they
work with.

Building Relationships
Creating meaningful relationships with staff and youth requires diligent effort
and is key to your effectiveness as a session directing couple. You will build
positive and trusting relationships as you teach session-wide activities and as
you participate in one-on-one interactions.

Focusing on Strengths
Everyone working with the youth at the FSY conference has unique talents
and attributes that make them a powerful asset to the program. Many may
not recognize their own strengths or may not have learned how to use them
to their full potential. You can boost their confidence and increase the impact
they have on others by recognizing and complimenting their strengths and by
helping them develop and learn to use those strengths.

Giving Constructive Feedback

You may wonder how to address a staff member’s desire to improve.
Remember that everyone can benefit from an outside perspective when
seeking to improve in their responsibilities. Set an expectation of two-way
communication in the early stages of your relationships. Invite suggestions
and respond openly when you are given constructive feedback. By building
a collaborative relationship, you will be more comfortable and effective in
fulfilling your responsibilities to observe, discuss positive and negative behav-
iors, and set clear expectations.

Session Directing Couple
Presession Preparation
and Planning
FSY Staff Training
As most FSY staff members cannot get together in person for presession train-
ing, you may choose to train your staff members via a conference call, video
conference, or other means. As part of this training, you may want to invite
staff members to come prepared with questions and thoughts regarding their
roles and duties.
Where possible, you may also try to arrange for your session staff team to
arrive early to your session to hold additional in-person training.

Meet with the Logistical Administrators and

If you are responsible for session setup with the coordinators, you may desire
to arrive a day or two before the session starts. Work with the coordinators
and logistical team to determine when you should arrive. This should give you
time to meet with the logistical administrators and committee and to prepare
all other jobs for which you may be responsible. Discuss in detail the agenda
and the various activities, as well as the supplies and materials you will need
to effectively run the session. Discuss alternate plans in case of inclement
Make sure your logistical administrators and your venue contact have your
contact information, and make sure you have their information. Be organized
when working with your contact. Write down any questions or concerns prior
to the start of your session. If your contact needs more information from you,
provide it promptly. Remember, organization is key to your success.


Prepare for Teaching Assignments

Develop a plan for how to teach the theme throughout the session.
Decide which songs from the music on youth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org you
would like to use in your teaching. Contact the coordinators if you would like
a musical number for the presession devotional. If you would like staff mem-
bers to sing musical numbers at devotionals, tell the coordinators which songs
you would like to be sung and at which meetings.
During every teaching opportunity, encourage the youth to “take the message
home” by writing down their thoughts and feelings in their handbooks and
committing to do something or share something with others during nightly
Reflect and Review.

Contact Teachers
Tell teachers the dates, times, and locations of their classes. Learn about
their travel plans and when they will arrive at the session (if applicable).
Answer any questions and tell them of any special requests or circumstances
for the session.

General Suggestions
• Some session directing couples like to stay together as much as
possible during session activities. Other couples like to split up to
cover more activities.
• Sit on the stage together, and share speaking assignments equally as
a couple.
• Eat meals with the youth and counselors.
• Visit the housing areas and check on the youth.
• Participate in the activities. The more involved you are, the better. Take
these opportunities to get to know the youth and the counselors.
• Remember that whatever your talents are, you will never regret getting
out of your comfort zone.

Session Directing Couple—
Day Zero
Sunday Dress
Time to Be Determined at Session Facility/Venue Tour
Time to Be Determined at Session Counselor Orientation
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Session Directing Couple Message
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Breakout
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Session Directing Couple/Coordinator Meeting
8:45 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Co-Counselor Interviews and Planning

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.

Facility/Venue Tour
Coordinators will arrange for all FSY staff to receive a tour and become famil-
iar with the facility and the areas where activities will take place. This should
include reserved facilities, housing, cafeteria, fields, and free-time areas.

Counselor Orientation
Coordinators will conduct this training, generally held the day before the FSY
conference begins. All FSY staff will be introduced to the counselors. Please
attend to know how to best support the counselors of this session.

Session Directing Couple Message

Teach a message specifically for the enrichment and edification of the staff
to help them in their FSY roles and in their lives after FSY. You will have ap-
proximately 50 minutes. The staff are looking to be uplifted and edified. Give
a clear, straightforward objective.


Coordinator/Session Directing Couple Meeting

After the session directing couple message, the counselors will meet with their
assistant coordinators. This is a suitable time for you to meet with the coordi-
nators about the session’s remaining details.
• Review the materials compiled in the session directing couple folder.
• Review the FSY conference agenda.
• Review orientation assignments.
• Review or discuss the Taking It Home activity location, audiovisual
needs, and time constraints for each activity (consider walking distance
to and from).
• Address any other questions or concerns.
Take time to talk with the staff member over singers. Discuss special musical
numbers from the current youth album that you would like to have performed
at morning devotionals and during the Day Four evening devotional. This is
an optional way to invite the Spirit into these meetings.

Session Directing Couple—
Day 1
FSY Staff Shirt
7:30 a.m.–8:20 a.m. Staff Breakfast
8:00 a.m.–8:25 a.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
8:30 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Staff Meeting
9:15 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Co-Counselor Planning
9:15 a.m.–10:50 a.m. Materials Distribution | Singer Assignments Dancer
Practice (as time allows)
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Check-In
1:15 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Participant Room Checks (if applicable)
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. Meet Your Counselor
2:30 p.m.–3:05 p.m. Meet Your Company
3:05 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Company Name and Chant
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Orientation
4:45 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
4:45 p.m.–5:45 p.m. Dinner
5:45 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m. Home Evening Lesson
7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Home Evening Games
8:00 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Home Evening Goal Setting
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.


Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

The coordinators and assistant coordinators will meet to discuss items for the
staff meeting. You are welcome to attend.

Staff Meeting
Be prepared to share a five-minute message of encouragement for the staff.

Materials Distribution
Counselors will be setting up for check-in and practicing for orientation. You
may help if you wish.

Participant Check-In
Be at check-in to greet participants as they arrive. This is an opportunity to
meet participants informally. Help coordinators with more delicate situations,
specifically with dress and appearance questions.

Meet Your Counselor and Meet Your Company

You are welcome to participate in Meet Your Counselor and Meet Your
Company activities. Introduce yourself and get to know the youth, but rec-
ognize that this is the first opportunity for counselors and youth to build a
connection, and the counselors have a lot of material to cover in a short time.

This meeting is to help the youth get excited about the conference as they
meet FSY staff members and begin building unity. Please arrive 30 minutes
early to go over orientation procedures with the coordinators. You will have
two opportunities to participate during orientation: (1) give a 30-second intro-
duction of yourself and your spouse and (2) introduce “Conduct at Church
Activities.” The challenge in introducing these topics is to avoid losing the
upbeat energy and enthusiasm of orientation, while still giving these topics
the seriousness they deserve. Generally the best way to find the balance is

to approach both topics from a standpoint of deep love. We need youth to
understand the “Conduct at Church Activities.” You can find this section on
pp. 2–3.
Note: “Conduct at Church Activities” now includes a warning that we may report
criminal activity or harassment that occurs at FSY conferences.

Home Evening Lesson

The 45 minutes allotted for the home evening lesson should focus on the
youth theme for the year. Close the lesson by 6:45 p.m. Home evening activi-
ties will immediately follow.

Home Evening Games and

Debriefing/Goal Setting
Meet the youth and participate with them during home evening activities.
Attend a company goal-setting lesson.

Reflect and Review

Attend a Reflect and Review. While you are always welcome to participate,
remember that this is a time for the counselor to teach and lead the discus-
sion, and emphasis should be placed on allowing the youth plenty of time
to participate.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

This meeting is a brief overview of the day’s activities and discussion of what is
happening the following day. Your presence at that meeting builds team unity
and can be of great value to everyone.


Session Directing Couple—

Day 2
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
8:45 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Banner and Cheer Prep
6:30 p.m.–6:45 p.m. FSY Dance Guidelines
6:45 p.m.–8:45 pm. Dance
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Session Directing Couple/Teacher Meeting
This meeting’s purpose is to get to know the teachers and discuss the venue,
their classrooms, and where lunch will be served. Invite them to attend the
devotional if they would like. After discussing the above items, share a brief
spiritual thought and have a prayer.

Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional

Arrive 30 minutes early to make sure the setup is complete. The coordinators
will conduct and you will share a devotional message. The message you share
should build upon the Church’s youth theme of the year.

You and your spouse should attend the dance with the youth and have fun.
The assistant coordinator over the dance contest may ask you to be a judge.


Session Directing Couple—

Day 3
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
10:45 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch | Musical Program Rehearsal
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
1:50 p.m.–2:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
2:45 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Classes or Session-Specific Activity
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Rehearsal | Variety Show Tryouts
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Games Night Prep
6:45 p.m.–8:00 pm. Games Night and Cheer-Off
8:15 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
8:15 p.m.–9:00 p.m. Favorite Food Night
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Service Activity (If applicable)
If it is decided to hold a service activity, you will introduce this service activity
to the session. The Area Seventy, logistical administrators, and you will decide
on any service projects.

Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Afternoon Meeting
The coordinators will conduct this meeting, but they may ask you to share a
thought or give some feedback. This meeting is to discuss Games Night and
Favorite Food Night.

Games Night and Cheer-Off

Observe and help where needed. If able, you will be rotating with the coordi-
nators through all the Games Night stations, judging the cheers.

Favorite Food Night

Attend Favorite Food Night with one of the counselor groups, if you wish.


Session Directing Couple—

Day 4
Sunday Dress
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Men Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
9:45 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Young Women Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Men Activity
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Young Women Morning Devotional | FSY Medley Practice
12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Lunch | Variety Show Dress Rehearsal
Musical Program Rehearsal
1:45 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Variety Show Guidelines
2:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Variety Show
3:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting
3:30 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
3:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Musical Program Dress Rehearsal
4:30 p.m.–5:50 p.m. Dinner
5:50 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
5:50 p.m.–6:05 p.m. Reverence and Testimony Discussion
6:20 p.m.–6:55 pm. Musical Program
6:55 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Session Directing Couple Evening Devotional
7:30 p.m.–7:40 p.m. Testimony Writing | FSY Medley
7:50 p.m.–8:50 p.m. Testimony Meetings
9:00 p.m.–9:45 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed
Participant Devotional Prep
9:45 p.m.–10:15 p.m. Reflect and Review
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the
program duties section for details.

Young Men and Young Women
Morning Devotional
This devotional will be held twice—first for the young men and then for
the young women. A coordinator will conduct the meeting using the
following agenda.

Young Men and Young Women Morning

Devotional Agenda
1. Pianist (if applicable) (name, hometown, company):

Chorister (name, hometown, company):

2. Opening
◦ Welcome
◦ Opening hymn:
◦ Opening prayer (name, hometown, company):

3. Young women recite the “Young Women Theme,” and young men
recite the “Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme,” if desired.
4. Sing the FSY medley.
5. Turn the time over to the session directing couple for their message.
6. Closing hymn:
Closing prayer (name, hometown, company):

7. Announcements
◦ Give the Variety Show dress rehearsal time and location.
◦ Give the Musical Program dress rehearsal time and location.

Variety Show
Attend the Variety Show to support the youth.


Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator
Afternoon Meeting
The coordinators will conduct this meeting, but they may ask you to share a
thought or give some feedback. This meeting is to discuss testimony rooms,
Musical Program, and evening devotional setup.

Musical Program
A 30-minute Musical Program will be presented before the evening devo-
tional. It will be a powerful introduction to the evening. You may want to
carefully consider how much media you use in your evening devotional mes-
sage because the Musical Program includes considerable media. The coordina-
tors will then conduct the session directing couple evening devotional.
• Be at the auditorium one hour before the Musical Program and evening
devotional to review audiovisual needs.
• Review and discuss the following items with the coordinators:
◦ The order of the agenda (Musical Program, evening devotional,
testimony writing, FSY medley).
◦ Time frame for the session directing couple’s message.
◦ Use of recorded or piano music during testimony writing and
dismissal to testimony meeting areas.

Evening Devotional

The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Following the Musical Program, you will present a 35-minute lesson focused
on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Leave 10 minutes after your lesson for jour-
nal and testimony writing.

Testimony Meetings
Attend a testimony meeting. Select a group and stay for the duration; do not
go from group to group.

Session Directing Couple—
Day 5
FSY Staff Shirt
7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m. Assistant Coordinator/Counselor Meeting
7:15 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Participant Morning Devotional
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:30 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Gospel Study
9:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Goal Setting Review
10:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. Session Directing Couple Morning Devotional
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Head Count | Meet with Company
1:45 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Living the Gospel Activity
3:00 p.m.–3:15 p.m. Slide Show
3:15 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Participant Free Time
4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:00 p.m. Meet with Company | Head Count
6:00 p.m.–6:15 p.m. Picture Taking
6:15 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Dance
8:15 p.m.–8:45 p.m. Taking It Home Message
9:00 p.m.–9:30 p.m. Company Taking It Home
9:45 p.m.–10:25 p.m. Head Count | Quiet Time and Get Ready for Bed | Prayer
10:30 p.m. Lights Out
10:30 p.m. Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator Meeting

Refer to the above schedule throughout the day. Instructions for repeated
activities will not be duplicated each day; refer to a previous day or the program
duties section for details.


For the Strength of Youth Guide Activity

An assistant coordinator will introduce this activity, and the counselors
will conduct the breakout portion.

This activity is meant to help participants be excited about For the Strength of
Youth: A Guide for Making Choices (found at the back of both FSY conference
handbooks), help them understand its purpose and the inspiration behind it,
and give them an experience with the guide that can strengthen their faith in
Jesus Christ.

Living the Gospel Activity

The youth will come together as a company for an activity led by their coun-
selors. While you have no formal assignment in this activity, your attendance
and support are greatly appreciated.
Become familiar with the activities on pp. 69–73. Feel free to participate
with the youth in this activity. The youth will benefit from your example and

Slide Show
The session slide show will be shown at the close of the Living the
Gospel Activity.

After the dance, the coordinators will help calm the youth and seat them in
companies in preparation for the Taking It Home message.

Taking It Home Message

Encourage the youth in a Taking It Home message.
• Invite them to apply in their lives what they learned at the FSY
conference, strengthening themselves and their families, friends, wards,
stakes, schools, and communities.
• Return home with a greater resolve to set and keep personal goals and
strive to become more like the Savior.

Taking It Home Message Agenda
1. Opening song: FSY theme song—to be played with video, if possible
(5 mins.)
2. Session directing couple introduce General Authority Taking It
Home video (3–5 mins.)
3. Session directing couple Taking It Home message (10 mins.)
Review the morning devotional topics and help the youth connect
them to the youth theme.
a. Encourage the youth to act on the FSY theme. “Our invitation to
each of you is to [insert FSY theme].” For example, “Trust in the
Lord” or “Go and Do.”
b. Introduce the “Do and Become Invitation.” Help participants
understand that the cumulative goal of everything they have done
here is to help them create lasting change in their lives that will
stay with them well beyond FSY. Invite the youth to deepen their
commitment to “do and become” more like the Savior and to act on
President Nelson’s invitation to hear Him in the following ways:
▪ Daily scripture study and prayer.
▪ Temple recommend worthiness, including living the law of
▪ Sabbath meetings and seminary participation.
▪ Commitment to love and serve others in meaningful ways.
4. Session directing couple personal testimony (5 mins.)
5. Session directing couple explain company Taking It Home (5 mins.)
◦ Companies will be dismissed to their company spots, where
counselors will lead a brief discussion to help the youth understand
that the gospel is the “it” they are taking home.
◦ Youth will have the following opportunities:
▪ Review their experience at FSY conference.
▪ Write down their personal goals, with encouragement to use the
Youth Guidebook: A Pattern for Growth.
▪ Share their personal goals.
▪ Reflect on how they can take home the principles they learned.
▪ Apply the “Do and Become Invitation” in accomplishing their
6. Closing song: FSY medley
7. Closing prayer:


Session Directing Couple—

Day 6
FSY Staff Shirt
6:30 a.m.–7:00 a.m. Prepare to Leave
7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m. Post-Session Room Checks/Participant Checkout
7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Staff Wrap-Up Meeting

Prepare to Leave
All staff are expected to be on duty for participant checkout and the
wrap-up meeting.

Staff Wrap-Up Meeting

Coordinators will conduct this meeting. Following this meeting, provide any
reports to the Area Seventy and in-area advisory couple.

Staff Wrap-Up Meeting Agenda

1. Opening prayer:
2. Coordinator observations
◦ Share positive feedback for all staff members.
◦ Express appreciation to all staff members.
◦ Invite assistant coordinators, wellness coordinators, and counselors to
share positive feedback.
3. Session directing couple observations
◦ Session directing couple share closing remarks.
4. Logistical administrator observations
◦ Invite logistical administrators to share closing remarks.
5. Closing prayer:

Session History
It is your responsibility, along with the coordinators, to compose a his-
tory of your session to provide important information for Church head-
quarters records. Communicate with your coordinators to decide how the
history will be completed.
Your session history should include information about the following:
• What did and did not work well at your session.
• Facilities, including sleeping quarters, food, main space, classrooms, and
so on.
• Suggestions or helpful hints for future session committees.
Please share your session history with the in-area advisory couple.

200 Portrait of Christ the Savior, by Heinrich Hofmann

Journal 1


Journal 1


Journal 1


Journal 1


Journal 1


Journal 1


The Spirit of God

Hymns, no. 2

The Spirit of God like a fire is burning! CHORUS

The latter-day glory begins to come forth;
The visions and blessings of old are returning, We’ll call in our solemn assemblies in spirit,
And angels are coming to visit the earth. To spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
That we through our faith may begin to inherit
CHORUS: The visions and blessings and glories of God.
We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies
of heaven, CHORUS
Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given, How blessed the day when the lamb and
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen! the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire,
The Lord is extending the Saints’ And Ephraim be crowned with his blessing
understanding, in Zion,
Restoring their judges and all as at first. As Jesus descends with his chariot of fire!
The knowledge and power of God are
expanding; CHORUS
The veil o’er the earth is beginning to burst.

Redeemer of Israel
Hymns, no. 6

Redeemer of Israel, As children of Zion,

Our only delight, Good tidings for us.
On whom for a blessing we call, The tokens already appear.
Our shadow by day Fear not, and be just,
And our pillar by night, For the kingdom is ours.
Our King, our Deliv’rer, our all! The hour of redemption is near.

We know he is coming Restore, my dear Savior,

To gather his sheep The light of thy face;
And lead them to Zion in love, Thy soul-cheering comfort impart;
For why in the valley And let the sweet longing
Of death should they weep For thy holy place
Or in the lone wilderness rove? Bring hope to my desolate heart.

How long we have wandered He looks! and ten thousands

As strangers in sin Of angels rejoice,
And cried in the desert for thee! And myriads wait for his word;
Our foes have rejoiced He speaks! and eternity,
When our sorrows they’ve seen, Filled with his voice,
But Israel will shortly be free. Re-echoes the praise of the Lord.


We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet

Hymns, no. 19

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet We doubt not the Lord nor his goodness.
To guide us in these latter days. We’ve proved him in days that are past.
We thank thee for sending the gospel The wicked who fight against Zion
To lighten our minds with its rays. Will surely be smitten at last.
We thank thee for every blessing
Bestowed by thy bounteous hand. We’ll sing of his goodness and mercy.
We feel it a pleasure to serve thee We’ll praise him by day and by night,
And love to obey thy command. Rejoice in his glorious gospel,
And bask in its life-giving light.
When dark clouds of trouble hang o’er us Thus on to eternal perfection
And threaten our peace to destroy, The honest and faithful will go,
There is hope smiling brightly before us, While they who reject this glad message
And we know that deliv’rance is nigh. Shall never such happiness know.

Joseph Smith’s First Prayer

Hymns, no. 26

Oh, how lovely was the morning! Suddenly a light descended,

Radiant beamed the sun above. Brighter far than noonday sun,
Bees were humming, sweet birds singing, And a shining, glorious pillar
Music ringing thru the grove, O’er him fell, around him shone,
When within the shady woodland While appeared two heav’nly beings,
Joseph sought the God of love, God the Father and the Son,
When within the shady woodland While appeared two heav’nly beings,
Joseph sought the God of love. God the Father and the Son.

Humbly kneeling, sweet appealing— “Joseph, this is my Beloved;

’Twas the boy’s first uttered prayer— Hear him!” Oh, how sweet the word!
When the pow’rs of sin assailing Joseph’s humble prayer was answered,
Filled his soul with deep despair; And he listened to the Lord.
But undaunted, still he trusted Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
In his Heav’nly Father’s care, For he saw the living God,
But undaunted, still he trusted Oh, what rapture filled his bosom,
In his Heav’nly Father’s care. For he saw the living God.


Praise to the Man

Hymns, no. 27

Praise to the man who communed with fame.

Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. CHORUS
Blessed to open the last dispensation,
Kings shall extol him, and nations revere. Great is his glory and endless his priesthood.
Ever and ever the keys he will hold.
CHORUS: Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom,
Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old.
Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.
Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his CHORUS
Death cannot conquer the hero again. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven;
Earth must atone for the blood of that man.
Praise to his mem’ry, he died as a martyr; Wake up the world for the conflict of justice.
Honored and blest be his ever great name! Millions shall know “Brother Joseph” again.
Long shall his blood, which was shed by
assassins, CHORUS
Plead unto heav’n while the earth lauds his

Come, Come, Ye Saints

Hymns, no. 30

Come, come, ye Saints, no toil nor labor fear; We’ll find the place which God for us prepared,
But with joy wend your way. Far away in the West,
Though hard to you this journey may appear, Where none shall come to hurt or make afraid;
Grace shall be as your day. There the Saints will be blessed.
’Tis better far for us to strive We’ll make the air with music ring,
Our useless cares from us to drive; Shout praises to our God and King;
Do this, and joy your hearts will swell— Above the rest these words we’ll tell—
All is well! All is well! All is well! All is well!

Why should we mourn or think our lot is hard? And should we die before our journey’s
’Tis not so; all is right. through,
Why should we think to earn a great reward Happy day! All is well!
If we now shun the fight? We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
Gird up your loins; fresh courage take. With the just we shall dwell!
Our God will never us forsake; But if our lives are spared again
And soon we’ll have this tale to tell— To see the Saints their rest obtain,
All is well! All is well! Oh, how we’ll make this chorus swell—
All is well! All is well!


How Firm a Foundation

Hymns, no. 85

How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord, And sanctify to thee, and sanctify to thee,
Is laid for your faith in his excellent word! And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
What more can he say than to you he hath said,
Who unto the Savior, who unto the Savior, When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
Who unto the Savior for refuge have fled? My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
In ev’ry condition—in sickness, in health, Thy dross to consume, thy dross to consume,
In poverty’s vale or abounding in wealth, Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.
At home or abroad, on the land or the sea—
As thy days may demand, as thy days may E’en down to old age, all my people shall prove
demand, My sov’reign, eternal, unchangeable love;
As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be. And then, when gray hair shall their temples
Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed, Like lambs shall they still, like lambs shall they
For I am thy God and will still give thee aid. still,
I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee Like lambs shall they still in my bosom be
to stand, borne.
Upheld by my righteous, upheld by my
righteous, The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to
When through the deep waters I call thee to go, shake,
The rivers of sorrow shall not thee o’erflow, I’ll never, no never, I’ll never, no never,
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake!

I Need Thee Every Hour

Hymns, no. 98

I need thee ev’ry hour, CHORUS

Most gracious Lord.
No tender voice like thine I need thee ev’ry hour,
Can peace afford. In joy or pain.
Come quickly and abide,
CHORUS: Or life is vain.
I need thee, oh, I need thee;
Ev’ry hour I need thee! CHORUS
Oh, bless me now, my Savior;
I come to thee! I need thee ev’ry hour,
Most holy One.
I need thee ev’ry hour; Oh, make me thine indeed,
Stay thou nearby. Thou blessed Son!
Temptations lose their pow’r
When thou art nigh. CHORUS


Our Savior’s Love

Hymns, no. 113

Our Savior’s love Loud may the sound

Shines like the sun with perfect light, Of hope ring till all doubt departs,
As from above And we are bound
It breaks thru clouds of strife. To him by loving ties.
Lighting our way,
It leads us back into his sight, Our Father, God
Where we may stay Of all creation, hear us pray
To share eternal life. In rev’rence, awed
By thy Son’s sacrifice.
The Spirit, voice Praises we sing.
Of goodness, whispers to our hearts We love thy law; we will obey.
A better choice Our heav’nly King,
Than evil’s anguished cries. In thee our hearts rejoice.

Come, Follow Me
Hymns, no. 116

“Come, follow me,” the Savior said. Not only shall we emulate
Then let us in his footsteps tread, His course while in this earthly state,
For thus alone can we be one But when we’re freed from present cares,
With God’s own loved, begotten Son. If with our Lord we would be heirs.

“Come, follow me,” a simple phrase, We must the onward path pursue
Yet truth’s sublime, effulgent rays As wider fields expand to view,
Are in these simple words combined And follow him unceasingly,
To urge, inspire the human mind. Whate’er our lot or sphere may be.

Is it enough alone to know For thrones, dominions, kingdoms, pow’rs,

That we must follow him below, And glory great and bliss are ours,
While trav’ling thru this vale of tears? If we, throughout eternity,
No, this extends to holier spheres. Obey his words, “Come, follow me.”


Where Can I Turn for Peace?

Hymns, no. 129

Where can I turn for peace? Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Where is my solace Who, who can understand?
When other sources cease to make me whole? He, only One.
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart, He answers privately,
Searching my soul? Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Where, when my aching grows, Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Where, when I languish, Constant he is and kind,
Where, in my need to know, where can I run? Love without end.

More Holiness Give Me

Hymns, no. 131

More holiness give me, More purity give me,

More strivings within, More strength to o’ercome,
More patience in suff’ring, More freedom from earth-stains,
More sorrow for sin, More longing for home.
More faith in my Savior, More fit for the kingdom,
More sense of his care, More used would I be,
More joy in his service, More blessed and holy—
More purpose in prayer. More, Savior, like thee.

More gratitude give me,

More trust in the Lord,
More pride in his glory,
More hope in his word,
More tears for his sorrows,
More pain at his grief,
More meekness in trial,
More praise for relief.


I Know That My Redeemer Lives

Hymns, no. 136

I know that my Redeemer lives. He lives, my kind, wise heav’nly Friend.

What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, he lives, who once was dead. He lives, and while he lives, I’ll sing.
He lives, my ever-living Head. He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King.
He lives to bless me with his love. He lives and grants me daily breath.
He lives to plead for me above. He lives, and I shall conquer death.
He lives my hungry soul to feed. He lives my mansion to prepare.
He lives to bless in time of need. He lives to bring me safely there.

He lives to grant me rich supply. He lives! All glory to his name!

He lives to guide me with his eye. He lives, my Savior, still the same.
He lives to comfort me when faint. Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint. “I know that my Redeemer lives!”
He lives to silence all my fears. He lives! All glory to his name!
He lives to wipe away my tears. He lives, my Savior, still the same.
He lives to calm my troubled heart. Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives:
He lives all blessings to impart. “I know that my Redeemer lives!”

Did You Think to Pray?

Hymns, no. 140

Ere you left your room this morning, CHORUS

Did you think to pray?
In the name of Christ, our Savior, When sore trials came upon you,
Did you sue for loving favor Did you think to pray?
As a shield today? When your soul was full of sorrow,
Balm of Gilead did you borrow
CHORUS: At the gates of day?
Oh, how praying rests the weary!
Prayer will change the night to day. CHORUS
So, when life gets dark and dreary,
Don’t forget to pray.

When your heart was filled with anger,

Did you think to pray?
Did you plead for grace, my brother,
That you might forgive another
Who had crossed your way?


I Stand All Amazed

Hymns, no. 193

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, That he should extend his great love unto such
Confused at the grace that so fully he as I,
proffers me. Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify.
I tremble to know that for me he was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled CHORUS
and died.
I think of his hands pierced and bleeding to
CHORUS: pay the debt!
Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me Such mercy, such love and devotion can I
Enough to die for me! forget?
Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me! No, no, I will praise and adore at the mercy seat,
Until at the glorified throne I kneel at his feet.
I marvel that he would descend from his
throne divine CHORUS
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine,

Lord, I Would Follow Thee

Hymns, no. 220

Savior, may I learn to love thee, I would be my brother’s keeper;

Walk the path that thou hast shown, I would learn the healer’s art.
Pause to help and lift another, To the wounded and the weary
Finding strength beyond my own. I would show a gentle heart.
Savior, may I learn to love thee— I would be my brother’s keeper—
Lord, I would follow thee. Lord, I would follow thee.

Who am I to judge another Savior, may I love my brother

When I walk imperfectly? As I know thou lovest me,
In the quiet heart is hidden Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
Sorrow that the eye can’t see. For thy servant I would be.
Who am I to judge another? Savior, may I love my brother—
Lord, I would follow thee. Lord, I would follow thee.


Have I Done Any Good

Hymns, no. 223

Have I done any good in the world today? measure,

Have I helped anyone in need? A blessing of duty and love.
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone
feel glad? There are chances for work all around just now,
If not, I have failed indeed. Opportunities right in our way.
Has anyone’s burden been lighter today Do not let them pass by, saying, “Sometime
Because I was willing to share? I’ll try,”
Have the sick and the weary been helped on But go and do something today.
their way? ’Tis noble of man to work and to give;
When they needed my help was I there? Love’s labor has merit alone.
Only he who does something helps others
CHORUS: to live.
Then wake up and do something more To God each good work will be known.
Than dream of your mansion above.
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond CHORUS

Do What Is Right
Hymns, no. 237

Do what is right; the day-dawn is breaking, CHORUS

Hailing a future of freedom and light.
Angels above us are silent notes taking Do what is right; be faithful and fearless.
Of ev’ry action; then do what is right! Onward, press onward, the goal is in sight.
Eyes that are wet now, ere long will be tearless.
CHORUS: Blessings await you in doing what’s right!
Do what is right; let the consequence follow.
Battle for freedom in spirit and might; CHORUS
And with stout hearts look ye forth till
God will protect you; then do what is right!

Do what is right; the shackles are falling.

Chains of the bondsmen no longer are bright;
Lightened by hope, soon they’ll cease to be
Truth goeth onward; then do what is right!


As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days

Hymns, no. 256

As Zion’s youth in latter days, The evils that would weaken us,
We stand with valiant heart, The sin that would destroy.
With promise shining in our eyes, With faith, we hold the iron rod
Resolved to do our part. And find in this our joy.
Upon a noble past we build;
The future fills our view. Thru test and trial we’ll have our fears,
We face the challenge of our day But we will not despair.
And pledge we will be true. We’re here to serve a righteous cause;
Truth gives us strength to dare.
The truths and values we embrace We’ll love, and learn, and overcome;
Are mocked on ev’ry hand. We’ll sing a joyful song,
Yet as we listen and obey As Zion’s youth in latter days,
We know we can withstand Triumphant, pure, and strong.

I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go

Hymns, no. 270

It may not be on the mountain height CHORUS

Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle’s front There’s surely somewhere a lowly place
My Lord will have need of me. In earth’s harvest fields so wide
But if, by a still, small voice he calls Where I may labor through life’s short day
To paths that I do not know, For Jesus, the Crucified.
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: So trusting my all to thy tender care,
I’ll go where you want me to go. And knowing thou lovest me,
I’ll do thy will with a heart sincere:
CHORUS: I’ll be what you want me to be.
I’ll go where you want me to go, dear Lord,
Over mountain or plain or sea; CHORUS
I’ll say what you want me to say, dear Lord;
I’ll be what you want me to be.

Perhaps today there are loving words

Which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand’rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide,
Tho dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet:
I’ll say what you want me to say.


As I Search the Holy Scriptures

Hymns, no. 277

As I search the holy scriptures, As I search the holy scriptures,

Loving Father of mankind, May thy mercy be revealed.
May my heart be blessed with wisdom, Soothe my troubled heart and spirit;
And may knowledge fill my mind. May my unseen wounds be healed.

As I search the holy scriptures, As I search the holy scriptures,

Touch my spirit, Lord, I pray. Help me ponder and obey.
May life’s myst’ries be unfolded In thy word is life eternal;
As I study day by day. May thy light show me the way.

Families Can Be Together Forever

Hymns, no. 300

I have a fam’ly here on earth. And the Lord has shown me how I can.
They are so good to me. The Lord has shown me how I can.
I want to share my life with them through all
eternity. While I am in my early years,
I’ll prepare most carefully,
CHORUS: So I can marry in God’s temple for eternity.
Fam’lies can be together forever
Through Heav’nly Father’s plan. CHORUS
I always want to be with my own family,

I Am a Child of God
Hymns, no. 301

I am a child of God, CHORUS

And he has sent me here,
Has given me an earthly home I am a child of God.
With parents kind and dear. Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will
CHORUS: I’ll live with him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way. CHORU
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.

I am a child of God,
And so my needs are great;
Help me to understand his words
Before it grows too late.


I Know My Father Lives

Hymns, no. 302

I know my Father lives and loves me too. He sent me here to earth, by faith to live
The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me it his plan.
is true, The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me that
And tells me it is true. I can,
And tells me that I can.

Teach Me to Walk in the Light

Hymns, no. 304

Teach me to walk in the light of his love; Home to his presence, to live in his sight—
Teach me to pray to my Father above; Always, always to walk in the light.
Teach me to know of the things that are right;
Teach me, teach me to walk in the light. Father in Heaven, we thank thee this day
For loving guidance to show us the way.
Come, little child, and together we’ll learn Grateful, we praise thee with songs of delight!
Of his commandments, that we may return Gladly, gladly we’ll walk in the light.

Love One Another

Hymns, no. 308

As I have loved you,

Love one another.
This new commandment:
Love one another.
By this shall men know
Ye are my disciples,
If ye have love
One to another.

FSY Conference Medley

As Sisters in Zion
Hymns, no. 309

As sisters in Zion, we’ll all work together; To do whatsoever is gentle and human,
The blessings of God on our labors we’ll seek. To cheer and to bless in humanity’s name.
We’ll build up his kingdom with earnest
endeavor; How vast is our purpose, how broad is our
We’ll comfort the weary and strengthen the mission,
weak. If we but fulfill it in spirit and deed.
Oh, naught but the Spirit’s divinest tuition
The errand of angels is given to women; Can give us the wisdom to truly succeed.
And this is a gift that, as sisters, we claim:

We’ll Bring the World His Truth (Army of Helaman)

Children’s Songbook, 172

We have been born, as Nephi of old, CHORUS

To goodly parents who love the Lord.
We have been taught, and we understand, We know his plan, and we will prepare,
That we must do as the Lord commands. Increase our knowledge through study and
CHORUS: Daily we’ll learn until we are called
We are as the army of Helaman. To take the gospel to all the world.
We have been taught in our youth.
And we will be the Lord’s missionaries CHORUS
To bring the world his truth.

We have been saved for these latter days

To build the kingdom in righteous ways.
We hear the words our prophet declares:
“Let each who’s worthy go forth and share.”

Additional Games
Zap (Name Game)
Players stand in a circle with one participant in the middle. The participant in
the middle points to someone in the circle and says, “Zap!” The person they
pointed to ducks, and the players on either side of that person face each other
and say each other’s name as fast as possible. The last one to say the other’s
name is out.

Tap Around
Players form a circle lying on their stomachs with their heads inward. All
participants put their elbows and hands on the ground, crossing their right
arms over the left arm of the person to their right. This should create a circle
of hands in the middle. Choose someone to start, and this person will tap the
ground once with one of their hands. The next hand then taps the ground,
and play continues around the circle. One tap means play moves in the same
direction, but two taps reverses the direction. If someone forgets to tap or
they tap when it is not their turn, they remove a hand from the circle. When
a player loses both hands, they’re out. The last person with a hand in the
circle wins.

Form a standing circle, choose someone to be the guesser, and have them
stand in the middle of the circle with their eyes closed. The rest of the group
silently choose someone to be the copycat. The copycat begins doing any
simple action ( jumping, waving, patting their head, and so on) and everyone
in the circle joins in, repeating the action. When everyone is following the
copycat, the guesser opens their eyes and tries to discover who the copycat is.
The copycat continuously changes the action, and everyone else immediately
follows. The guesser only has three guesses to discover who the copycat is.
Once the guesser finds the copycat or is out of guesses, start a new game by
picking different people to be the next guesser and copycat.

Water Bottle Pass

Players form a circle with one person holding a full disposable water bottle.
The person with the water bottle tosses it (underhand) to another person in
the circle. The person intended to catch the water bottle must clap their hands
once before catching it. If someone claps without catching the water bottle or

catches the water bottle without clapping, they are out. The last person to get
out wins. Variation: the person tossing the water bottle says the name of the
person they intend to catch the water bottle.

Players stand in two lines parallel to each other and choose one person to
stand at the end of the lines, officiating the game. When the officiator shouts
“Go,” the lines “pass electricity” down the line by squeezing the hand of
the person next to them, starting at the end opposite of the officiator. Once
the person at the of each line has their hand squeezed, they “high-five” the
officiator or grab a water bottle from the officiator. The line that high-fives the
officiator first wins.

Missionary Tag
Players form a large circle and choose someone to be the chaser and someone
to run. They both stand in the middle of the circle and everyone else part-
ners up and links arms, leaving some space in between each set of partners.
Whoever is getting chased runs to a partnership and links up on one side,
forming a new partnership and bumping the extra person off. The now
lone person becomes the new target of the chaser and must run around or
through the circle to link up with another partnership. If someone is in a
partnership, they are safe from being tagged. Once someone is tagged by the
chaser, they become the new chaser and must try to tag the old chaser, who
runs to link up with a partnership.

Players form a circle and choose someone to stand in the middle as the
guesser. Each person in the circle chooses a simple sign (such as an ear tug,
wink, raising arms above the head, and so on). The guesser closes their eyes,
and someone in the circle is designated to be the first Sender. The first Sender
does their own sign and then passes the sign to another person by doing their
sign. The recipient does their own sign to receive it and continues to send it to
someone else in the circle. When the sign has been passed a couple of times,
the guesser opens their eyes and tries to find and tag whoever has the sign
before they send it off and it is received. However, if the sign is sent but not
received, the Sender still has the sign. When the guesser tags the person with
the sign, they switch places and another round begins. This game can also be
played by saying names along with doing their signs.

For the
of Youth
A Guide for Making Choices

Message from the First Presidency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Make inspired choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Jesus Christ will help you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Love God, love your neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Walk in God’s light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Your body is sacred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Truth will make you free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Find joy in Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

What about . . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Message from the
First Presidency
Our dear young brothers and sisters,
We love you and we have confidence in you. You are truly among
Heavenly Father’s choice spirits, sent to earth at this time to do
important things.
There may be times when you don’t feel strong or capable. That’s
normal. Especially in those moments, turn to the Savior. He is the
“strength of youth.”
This guide will help you build a solid foundation for making
choices to stay on the covenant path. It will help you prepare to
make sacred covenants in the temple, prepare to serve a mission,
and find joy in following Jesus Christ throughout your life. We
hope you feel that you belong in the Savior’s Church and have
power from Him to fulfill His purposes for you.
We know God lives. It is our prayer that you will stay firmly on the
covenant path that leads back to your Father in Heaven. As you
do, you will be an influence for good, sharing the gospel joyfully
and preparing the world for the Second Coming of the Savior.

The First Presidency

Make inspired choices
In For the Strength of Youth, you will find the teachings of
Jesus Christ and His prophets. With these truths as your guide,
you can make inspired choices that will bless you now and
throughout eternity.
Jesus Christ is the way to eternal joy. As you use your freedom
to choose to follow Jesus Christ, you are on the path that leads to
eternal happiness. Make Jesus Christ your standard, your rock-
solid foundation. Build your life on His teachings, and measure
your choices by them. The covenants you make at baptism,
during the sacrament, and in the temple are the building blocks
of your firm foundation in Christ. You’ll still face struggles and
temptations, but Heavenly Father and the Savior will help you
through them all.
You are a beloved spirit child of God. His great plan of happiness
makes it possible for you to grow spiritually and develop your
divine potential. This is why He sent Jesus Christ to be your Savior.
Your Father in Heaven trusts you. He has given you great
blessings, including the fulness of the gospel and sacred
ordinances and covenants that bind you to Him and bring
His power into your life. With those blessings comes added
responsibility. He knows you can make a difference in the world,
and that requires, in many cases, being different from the world.
Seek your Heavenly Father’s guidance as you make choices. He
will bless you with inspiration through the Holy Ghost.
The purpose of For the Strength of Youth is not to give you a “yes”
or “no” about every possible choice you might face. Instead, the

Lord is inviting you to live in a higher and holier way—His way.
This guide will teach you about His way. It explains truths He has
revealed. Make these truths your guide for making choices—
big choices, like making covenants in the temple and serving a
mission, as well as daily choices, like how to treat people or how
to spend your time.
While others can help you, your spiritual growth is personal. It’s
between you and the Lord. He knows your heart, and only He
can be the ultimate Judge. Do your best to improve each day,
keep God’s commandments and honor your covenants, and help
others come closer to the Savior.
See Mosiah 4:29–30 (the ways to sin are numberless, so we must
watch ourselves); Helaman 5:12 (build your foundation on Christ);
Doctrine and Covenants 45:57 (take the Holy Spirit for your guide);
82:15 (bind yourself to the Lord through covenants).

How this guide is organized

Each topic has three parts:
1. Eternal truths, or doctrine of
the restored gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Invitations to act on those truths
3. Promised blessings that the Lord
offers those who live by His teachings

Jesus Christ
will help you
Psalm 147:3

Jesus Christ is your strength. He has done
everything necessary for you to have joy in
this life and forever. By choosing Him and His
gospel, you are choosing eternal joy.
Even when you try to do your best to make good
choices, sometimes you will make mistakes. You’ll do
things you wish you hadn’t. Everyone does. When that happens,
it is easy to feel discouraged or wonder if you will ever be good
enough. But there is good news—wonderful, hopeful news!
Because God loves you, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who took
upon Himself your sins so you can repent and keep progressing.


Jesus Christ can strengthen you. He can help you change your
desires, your thoughts, and your actions. When you are worried,
afraid, or struggling in any way, He will comfort you. He will help
you in all aspects of your life.
Repentance isn’t punishment for sin; it is the way the Savior
frees us from sin. To repent means to change—to turn away from
sin and toward God. It means to improve and receive forgiveness.
This kind of change is not a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process.


Repent. Turn to the Lord with the desire to improve. When you’ve
done something wrong, honestly admit it before God and, as
needed, to your bishop and anyone you may have harmed. Do
your best to make things right.

Rejoice in the gift to do better and be better. Even when it is
not easy and takes longer than you’d like, never stop trying. Keep
working and trusting in the Lord. The Savior will help you every
step of the way.


Jesus Christ will forgive and heal you as you repent. He will
replace your guilt with peace and joy. He will remember your sins
no more. In His strength, your desire to keep His commandments
will increase.
He will change your heart and your life. Little by little, you will
grow and become more like Him. Your covenant connection with
Him will bring you greater access to His power.


How do I know if God has forgiven me? God
promises He will forgive those who repent. When
you feel comfort from the Spirit, you can know that
the Savior’s atoning power is working in your life.

When do I need the help of the bishop to repent? Your bishop

holds priesthood keys and spiritual gifts to help you repent. You
can seek his help and counsel at any time. If you have made
serious mistakes, such as breaking the law of chastity, meet
with your bishop. He won’t condemn you. He is a representative
of Jesus Christ and will help you know how to fully repent and
receive the Savior’s healing and strengthening power.

I’m trying to repent, but I keep making the
same mistakes. What should I do now? It
takes time to develop good habits and break
bad ones, so don’t give up. Turn toward
Christ. His grace is sufficient. Try again. You
are never alone in your efforts to progress.
Jesus Christ is always with you.

See Enos 1:6 (guilt can be swept away); Mosiah 4:3 (through the
Holy Ghost, God lets you know you are forgiven); 26:30 (the Savior
forgives as often as we repent); Ether 12:27 (the Savior’s grace
can make weak things strong); Moroni 6:8 (those who repent are
forgiven); 10:32 (be perfected in Christ); Doctrine and Covenants
1:32 (the Lord forgives those who repent); 58:42–43 (repentance
includes confessing and forsaking sin).


Do you have faith in and a testimony of God,
the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the
Holy Ghost?
Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and
of His role as your Savior and Redeemer?

Love God, love
your neighbor
Matthew 22:37–40

To help you make good
choices, God gives
commandments. He does
this because He loves you.
And the best reason to obey
God’s commandments is because
you love Him. Love is at the heart of
God’s commandments.


God loves you. He is your Father. His perfect love can inspire
you to love Him. When your love for Heavenly Father is the most
important influence in your life, many decisions become easier.
The two greatest of all commandments, Jesus taught, are to love
God and love your neighbor. And who is your neighbor? Everyone!
Everything else taught in the scriptures and by the prophets is
connected to these two commandments.
All people are your brothers and sisters—including, of course,
people who are different from you or disagree with you. Heavenly
Father wants His children to love each other. When you serve His
children, you are serving Him.


Show love for God by keeping His commandments.

For example, by keeping the Sabbath day holy, including by
faithfully preparing for and partaking of the sacrament, you show
God that you are willing to dedicate one day a week to Him. As
you fast and pay tithes and offerings, you show God that His work


is more important to you than material things. When you use the
names of God and Christ with reverence, never in a vain or casual
way, you show you are grateful for all They have done for you.
Treat everyone as a child of God.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you can lead
out in treating people of all races, religions,
and any other groups with love, respect,
and inclusion—especially those who are
sometimes victims of hurtful words and
actions. Reach out to those who feel lonely,
isolated, or helpless. Help them feel Heavenly
Father’s love through you.
Make sure your language reflects love of God and others—
whether you’re communicating in person or virtually. Say things
that uplift—nothing that might be divisive, hurtful, or offensive,
even as a joke. Your words can be powerful. Let them be powerful
for good.
Loving all of God’s children starts at home. Do your part to make
your home a place where everyone can feel the Savior’s love.


Your relationship with God will deepen as you express your

love by obeying His commandments and keeping your covenants
with Him.
Your relationship with others will deepen as you express your
love through Christlike service. You will find joy in making the
world a more loving place.


How can I feel God’s love? Heavenly Father’s
love is always available. Talk to Him often through
prayer. Share your feelings with Him, and listen
for impressions from Him. Read His words in the
scriptures. Think about all that He has done for you. Spend time
in places and activities where His Spirit is present.

Does the Lord expect me to love everyone, even those who

treat me badly? The Lord expects you to love your enemies and
pray for those who mistreat you. However, that does not mean
you should stay in a situation that causes you emotional, physical,
or spiritual harm. Set healthy boundaries to keep yourself safe. If
you are being bullied or abused—or if you know this is happening
to someone else—talk to a trustworthy adult.

When and how should I get to know members of the

opposite sex? The best way to get to know others is through
genuine friendship. While you are young, build good friendships
with many people. In some cultures, youth get to know members
of the opposite sex through wholesome group activities. For your
emotional and spiritual development and safety, one-on-one
activities should be postponed until you are mature—age 16 is
a good guideline. Counsel with your parents and leaders. Save
exclusive relationships for when you are older. Spend time with
those who help you keep your commitments to Jesus Christ.

What can I do if my home is not a place of love? Your Savior

knows your situation, and He loves you. Be patient, continue
to keep God’s commandments, and be a good example to your


family. Build relationships within your ward family. Prepare now to
build your own family founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

See Isaiah 58:3–11 (purposes of fasting); 58:13–14 (blessings of

honoring the Sabbath); Malachi 3:8–10 (blessings of paying tithing);
Luke 6:27–28 (love your enemies); 10:25–37 (who is my neighbor?);
John 3:16–17 (God loved us, so He sent His Son); 14:15 (we keep the
commandments because we love God); 1 John 4:19 (we love God
because He loves us); Mosiah 2:17 (when we serve others, we are
serving God).


Do you follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus
Christ in your private and public behavior with
members of your family and others?
Do you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy, both at home and at
church; attend your meetings; prepare for and worthily partake
of the sacrament; and live your life in harmony with the laws and
commandments of the gospel?
Are you a full-tithe payer?


Walk in
God’s light
Galatians 5:25

You make better choices when you can see
things clearly. That’s why light is so important;
light makes it easier to see the right path.
Heavenly Father has given you access to
heavenly light—the gift of the Holy Ghost—to
help you see clearly what is good and bad, right and wrong.


At baptism you enter a joyful covenant

relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ. In the temple, you will make additional
covenants that can strengthen that relationship.
Each week during the sacrament, you renew your
covenants. You express your willingness to keep the
commandments, and the Lord blesses you with the
opportunity to have the Holy Spirit as your constant companion.
It is one of His greatest gifts to you.
Making good choices improves your ability to feel the Spirit.
There are many good and wholesome things in this world. Just as
your body is affected by what you eat and drink, your mind and
spirit are profoundly affected by what you read, watch, and listen to.


Make time for the Lord every day. Learn of Him. Always
remember Him. Pray to your Heavenly Father. Study the holy
scriptures and the words of living prophets. Then strive to live
by what you learn.


Seek that which uplifts, inspires, and invites the Spirit.
As you make choices about what to watch, read, listen to, or
participate in, think about how it makes you feel. Does it invite
good thoughts? Stay away from anything that mocks sacred things
or that is immoral. Don’t participate in anything that dulls your
judgment or sensitivity to the Spirit, such as violence, alcohol, and
harmful drugs. Have the courage to turn off a video or game, walk
out of a movie or a dance, change your music, or turn away from
anything that is not consistent with the Spirit.
Use social media to uplift. Social media can be a
powerful communication tool. If you use it, focus
on light, faith, and truth. Don’t compare your life
to what other people seem to be experiencing.
Remember that your worth comes from being a
child of heavenly parents, not from social media.


Seek wholesome experiences and real and lasting relationships.
Be careful that your use of technology and media does not replace
spending in-person time with family and friends. Social media and
other technology can take much of your time without giving a lot
of value in return. Take a break from the virtual world and connect
with people in real life.


You can have the Spirit with you always. The Holy Ghost will
bear witness to you of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He will
comfort, guide, warn, and sanctify you. He will help you recognize
truth and see the good in the world.


How can I know if I’m feeling the Holy Ghost?
Learning to be aware of the Spirit takes time,
practice, and patience. He speaks to different people
in different ways. Don’t overlook simple
things—the peaceful feeling you get hearing
someone’s testimony or the unsettled feeling
you get after making a wrong choice. Search
the scriptures for different ways the Spirit
communicates, pray about it, and keep looking
for opportunities to feel the Spirit.

What is pornography? Why should I avoid it? Pornography is a

representation, in pictures or words, that is designed to arouse
sexual feelings. Pornography comes in many forms, including
videos, pictures, books, and music. It can also be messages or


images sent between friends. Pornography treats things that are
sacred—our physical bodies and sexual feelings—with disrespect.
You may come across pornography without meaning to. Whether
you come across pornography intentionally or not, turn away
immediately. You may also want to talk with a parent or other
trusted adult. Intentionally viewing pornography is sinful and
harms your ability to feel the Spirit. It weakens your self-control
and distorts the way you see yourself and others. Jesus Christ
has the power to help you resist pornography and repent. Turn
toward Him; turn away from darkness. Your bishop can help you
receive strength and forgiveness through the Savior.

See Amos 5:14 (seek good); Galatians 5:22–23 (the fruits

of the Spirit); Moroni 7:18–19 (the light of Christ); Doctrine
and Covenants 6:23 (the Lord speaks peace); 20:77, 79 (the
sacrament prayers).


The Lord has said that all things are to be
“done in cleanliness” before Him (Doctrine
and Covenants 42:41). Do you strive for moral
cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior?
Do you obey the law of chastity?
Do you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy, both at home and at
church; attend your meetings; prepare for and worthily partake
of the sacrament; and live your life in harmony with the laws and
commandments of the gospel?


What to do in the moment
When you find yourself tempted to
use media or technology in unhealthy
ways—whether it’s driving away the
Spirit or even just wasting your time—
try the following:
1. Call it what it is. Acknowledge what you
are tempted to do. You might even say it aloud—for example,
“This image is pornography,” “This doesn’t feel right,” or “This
could hurt someone’s feelings.”
2. Replace what you are doing with a better choice.
Get away; move to another room or go outside. Focus on
something good.
3. Connect with someone or something you love and respect—
maybe a family member, a supportive friend, or your favorite
scripture. Most of all, connect with your Heavenly Father, and
pray for strength.
For more help, see “Media Safety” in the Gospel Library.


Your body
is sacred
1 Corinthians 6:18–20

Your body is an amazing gift from your
Heavenly Father. He gave it to you to help
you become more like Him. Having a body
gives you increased power to exercise your
freedom to choose. The restored gospel of
Jesus Christ can help you see your body from
God’s perspective. And that makes a big difference in your choices
about what to do with your body and how to care for it.


Your body is in the image of God—the most glorious, majestic

Being in the universe. The scriptures compare our bodies to a
holy temple, a place where the Spirit can dwell. Of course, your
body is not perfect now. But the experiences you’re having with
your body can help you prepare to receive one day a perfect,
resurrected, glorified body.
Your soul is made up of your body and your spirit. For this reason,
physical health and spiritual health are closely connected. The
Savior revealed the Word of Wisdom to teach principles of caring for
your body—and to promise physical and spiritual blessings.
Sexual feelings are an important part of God’s plan to create
happy marriages and eternal families. These feelings are not
sinful—they are sacred. Because sexual feelings are so sacred and
so powerful, God has given you His law of chastity to prepare you
to use these feelings as He intends. The law of chastity states that
God approves of sexual activity only between a man and a woman
who are married. Many in the world ignore or even mock God’s
law, but the Lord invites us to be His disciples and live a standard
higher than the world’s.



Treat your body—and others’ bodies—

with respect. As you make decisions
about your clothing, hairstyle, and
appearance, ask yourself, “Am I
honoring my body as a sacred gift from
God?” Heavenly Father wants us to see
each other for who we really are: not just
physical bodies but His beloved children
with a divine destiny. Avoid styles that emphasize
or draw inappropriate attention to your physical body instead of
who you are as a child of God with an eternal future. Let moral
cleanliness and love for God guide your choices. Seek counsel
from your parents.


Do things that will strengthen
your body—nothing that will hurt
or damage it. Enjoy with gratitude
the many good things God has
provided. But remember that
alcohol, tobacco, coffee, tea,
and other harmful drugs and
substances are not for your
body or your spirit. Even helpful
substances, like prescription drugs, can
be destructive if not used correctly.
Keep sex and sexual feelings sacred. They should not be the
subject of jokes or entertainment. Outside of marriage between
a man and a woman, it is wrong to touch the private, sacred
parts of another person’s body even if clothed. In your choices
about what you do, look at, read, listen to, think about, post, or
text, avoid anything that purposely arouses lustful emotions in
others or yourself. This includes pornography in any form. If you
find that situations or activities make temptations stronger, avoid
them. You know what those situations and activities are. And if
you aren’t sure, the Spirit, your parents, and your leaders can
help you know. Show your Father in Heaven that you honor and
respect the sacred power to create life.


Your respect for yourself and others will increase as you honor
your body through your behavior, appearance, and dress.


The Lord has promised great treasures of knowledge to those
who keep the Word of Wisdom. A healthy body, free from addiction,
also increases your ability to receive personal revelation, think
clearly, and serve the Lord.
Living the law of chastity brings God’s approval and personal
spiritual power. When you are married, this law will bring greater
love, trust, and unity to your marriage. Obeying this law will make it
possible for you to progress eternally and become more like your
Heavenly Father. Your confidence will grow as you live as a disciple
of Jesus Christ.


What is the Lord’s standard on dress, grooming,
tattoos, and piercings? The Lord’s standard is for
you to honor the sacredness of your body, even
when that means being different from the world. Let
this truth and the Spirit be your guide as you make decisions—
especially decisions that have lasting effects on your body. Be wise
and faithful, and seek counsel from your parents and leaders.

How can I overcome temptations and bad habits? Heavenly

Father and Jesus Christ have the power to help you. Fill your
life with things that invite that power into your life, such as
prayers, scripture study, and service to others. Turn to Jesus
Christ and His gospel and you will find that
weaknesses can become strengths.
Seek help from parents, leaders,
and professional counselors as
needed. For those who suffer from
addiction, the Church offers an
addiction recovery program. These
are blessings the Savior’s Church
provides to help you regain control
of your life. It will take time, so be
patient, and never give up.

I am attracted to people of my same sex. How do these

standards apply to me? Feeling same-sex attraction is not a sin.
If you have these feelings and do not pursue or act on them,
you are living Heavenly Father’s sacred law of chastity. You are


a beloved child of God and a disciple of Jesus Christ. Remember
that the Savior understands everything you experience. Through
your covenant connection with Him, you will find strength to obey
God’s commandments and receive the blessings He promises.
Trust Him and His gospel.

I was abused, and I feel ashamed. Am I guilty of sin?

Being a victim of any abuse or assault does not make you guilty
of sin. Please do not feel guilt or shame. The Savior loves you.
He wants to help you, heal you, and give you peace. Professional
counselors, your family members, and your leaders can also help.

See Genesis 1:27 (we are created in God’s image); John 14:18 (the
Savior promises comfort); Philippians 4:7 (the peace of God passes
understanding); Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 (the spirit and
the body are the soul); 89 (the Word of Wisdom); 121:45 (virtuous
thoughts lead to increased confidence).


The Lord has said that all things are to be
“done in cleanliness” before Him (Doctrine
and Covenants 42:41). Do you strive for moral
cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior?
Do you obey the law of chastity?
Do you understand and obey the Word of Wisdom?


Caring for your body includes caring for your
mental and emotional health
It’s normal to feel sad or anxious from time to
time. When you are unable to cope with those
feelings and recover from them, that may be
a sign of mental or emotional challenges that
require help from a parent, leader, doctor, or
professional counselor.
Such help can be a blessing
from your loving Father in Heaven. If
you ever have thoughts of harming
yourself or ending your own life,
seek help right away. Remember,
you are loved, valued, and
needed. Whatever your emotional
or mental struggles may be, seek
peace in Jesus Christ and His gospel.


Truth will make
you free
John 8:32

Your Heavenly Father is a God of truth. He is
all-knowing. All truth comes from Him and
leads to Him. You show that you value truth
as you seek learning, live with integrity, and
bravely stand for what you know is right—
even if you have to stand alone.


Heavenly Father wants His daughters and sons to always be

learning. You have both temporal and spiritual reasons to seek
and love learning. Education is not just about earning money. It is
part of your eternal goal to become more like Heavenly Father.
Living with integrity means that you love truth with all your
heart—more than you love personal comfort, popularity, or
convenience. It means doing what is right simply because it is right.
You have something precious to share. The gospel of Jesus Christ
holds the answers to life’s questions. It is the way to peace and
happiness. You may not know everything, but you know enough to
help others understand and value true, eternal principles.


Always be learning. Look for opportunities to expand your mind

and your skills. These opportunities can include formal education
at school or vocational training, as well as informal learning
from sources you trust. Involve the Lord in your efforts, and He
will guide you. As you learn about the world around you, learn
also about the Savior, who created the world. Study His life and
teachings. Make seminary, institute, and personal gospel study
part of your lifelong learning.

Love the truth so much that you would never want to steal, lie,
cheat, or deceive in any way—at school, at work, online, everywhere.
Be the same faithful follower of Jesus Christ in public and in private.
Be a light for others. Let your words and your actions reflect
your faith in Jesus Christ. Prepare now for future opportunities to
share His glorious gospel, as a missionary and throughout your
life. And be ready to tell anyone who asks you about the hope and
happiness you feel.


Education increases your ability to serve the Lord. It empowers

you to bless others, especially your family. The more you learn,
the more you can help build God’s kingdom and influence the
world for good.
Honesty brings peace and self-respect. When your words and
actions align with truth, you show that you can be trusted—by
other people and by the Lord.
When you stand up for the teachings of Jesus Christ, He stands
with you. Others may not agree with you, but your courage
and sincerity will be noticed. Whether or not others follow your
example, your testimony, confidence, and faith in Christ will grow.


Is it wrong to have questions about the Church?
How can I find answers? Having questions is not
a sign of weakness or lack of faith. In fact, asking
questions can help build faith. The Restoration of the
gospel started when 14-year-old Joseph Smith asked questions


with faith. Seek answers in the scriptures,
in the words of God’s prophets, from your
leaders and faithful parents, and from
God Himself. If answers don’t come right
away, trust that you will learn line upon line.
Keep living by what you already know, and
keep seeking for truth.

How can I stand up for what is right without offending those

who have different beliefs? Start by making sure your words
and actions are inspired by love for God and His children. Sharing
the gospel should not be done in a spirit of contention but rather
with clarity, meekness, and kindness. You can be loving toward
others even if you don’t agree with their views.

See Matthew 5:14–16 (let your light shine); John 14:6 (Jesus is the
truth); 1 Peter 3:15 (be ready always to share your hope in Christ);
Doctrine and Covenants 88:77–80 (things the Lord wants us to
learn); 93:36 (the glory of God is intelligence); 124:15 (integrity means
loving what is right); 130:18 (our intelligence will rise with us when we
are resurrected).


Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?


Find joy in Christ
Choices matter. Choices based on gospel teachings are steps that
lead you closer to your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Jesus
said, “These things have I spoken unto you, … that your joy might
be full” (John 15:11). With each step toward Him, you will feel
closer to the Spirit and your covenant relationship with God will
become stronger.
But that doesn’t mean the path will be problem-free. And since no
one walks a perfectly straight line, constantly check your direction
and honor God’s commandments. Keep your covenants with God
and prepare to make more. Covenants connect you to Heavenly
Father and the Savior. They increase God’s power in your life and
prepare you to receive eternal life.
Of all possible choices, the one that matters most is the choice to
follow Jesus Christ. He is the strength of youth. His gospel is the
joyful way back to your Heavenly Father.


One way to assess your progress on the covenant path is to
ponder the questions below. They are the questions you are
asked when you are interviewed to receive a temple recommend,
but don’t wait for an interview. Do your own spiritual checkup. The
Young Women Theme, the Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme,
and the Ten Commandments can also be helpful tools in your


Do you have faith in and a testimony of God,
the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the
Holy Ghost?
Do you have a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and
of His role as your Savior and Redeemer?
Do you have a testimony of the Restoration of the gospel of
Jesus Christ?
Do you sustain the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints as the prophet, seer, and revelator and as the
only person on the earth authorized to exercise all priesthood
keys? Do you sustain the members of the First Presidency and
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as prophets, seers, and
revelators? Do you sustain the other General Authorities and
local leaders of the Church?
The Lord has said that all things are to be “done in cleanliness”
before Him (Doctrine and Covenants 42:41). Do you strive for


moral cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior? Do you obey
the law of chastity?
Do you follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ in
your private and public behavior with members of your family
and others?
Do you support or promote any teachings, practices, or
doctrine contrary to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints?
Do you strive to keep the Sabbath day holy, both at home and at
church; attend your meetings; prepare for and worthily partake
of the sacrament; and live your life in harmony with the laws and
commandments of the gospel?
Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?
Are you a full-tithe payer?
Do you understand and obey the Word of Wisdom?
Are there serious sins in your life that need to be resolved with
priesthood authorities as part of your repentance?
Do you consider yourself worthy to enter the Lord’s house and
participate in temple ordinances?


Young Women Theme
I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, with a divine nature
and eternal destiny.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I strive to become like Him. I seek
and act upon personal revelation and minister to others in His
holy name.
I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in
all places.
As I strive to qualify for exaltation, I cherish the gift of repentance
and seek to improve each day. With faith, I will strengthen my
home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, and receive
the ordinances and blessings of the holy temple.

Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Theme

I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep
my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning
in my own home.
As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day,
I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of
the gospel.
I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and
loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
I will help prepare the world for the Savior’s return by inviting all
to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement.


The Ten Commandments
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honour thy father and thy mother.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet.

See Exodus 20:3–17.



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