HCIS Compliance

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Interior
High Commission for Industrial Security
Secretariat General
SEC-05 Security Systems at Industrial Facilities

5.7.7 Video Recording

All images from VASS cameras shall be recorded and retained for the
intervals specified below, from the date the image was recorded, before the
data can be overwritten. Recording shall be triggered by any motion in the
camera field of view.

Fixed Surveillance: 90 days

Assessment: 30 days
Alarm Events: 90 days

The video from all cameras shall be stored and available for viewing, locally
and across the network.

5.8 Camera Specifications

All cameras shall comply with the following requirements:

5.8.1 Image Quality All optical cameras shall operate at full High-Definition (HD) Comply
resolution of 1920x1080 pixels with progressive scan (1080p) at 30
frames/per second or higher. Thermal cameras shall operate at 320x240 pixels, or higher, NA
resolution in Long Wave Infra-Red (LWIR) at 30 frames/per second. Cameras shall use automatic exposure control and be capable of
outputting video at full frame rate or sub-multiples of the full frame
rate. Optical cameras may operate at fractional HD resolution and frame
rate under normal conditions but must switch to full HD resolution
and frame rate under alarm conditions.

The minimum resolution that can be used is 720p resolution at 7.5 Comply
frames per second.

5.8.2 Focal Length & Zoom Capability

All cameras shall have adequate focal length so that the operator can
consistently distinguish between a human in any position or profile from an
animal and debris anywhere in the covered zone. Comply,
with the
range of
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Interior
High Commission for Industrial Security
Secretariat General
SEC-05 Security Systems at Industrial Facilities
within the
Assessment cameras shall have adequate zoom capability so that an submitted
operator can distinguish facial features of an intruder anywhere within the recognition
covered zone. range of
5.8.3 Field of View cameras The cameras field of view shall be adequate to cover the entire area
under surveillance and be able to distinguish between a person and Comply, with
a nuisance alarm. the detection
range of each The smallest profile size of a human (i.e. standing, crouching, belly
crawling, etc.) shall be discernible in all areas of the detection zone. Clear zone width and length, cameras resolution and sensitivity,
cameras location and smallest human profile shall all be considered
when determining lens focal length. All camera views shall overlap the views from adjacent camera in
the detection zone so that there are no blind spots along the Comply, to
detection zone. be ensured
by designer
5.8.4 Interface
All cameras shall be able to connect directly to a LAN for transmission of
imagery without any need for an external interface. LAN requirements are Comply
specified in SEC-08.

5.8.5 Alarm Generation

The system the camera is connected to shall annunciate an alarm when the Comply
video signal from a camera is lost.

5.8.6 Camera Housing

All camera shall have housings sealed to IP-66 or higher and shall meet the Comply. All
environmental constraints specified in SEC-01. outdoor
5.9 Plant Control Room are IP66 as
Plant Control Rooms present a special case for security compliance. The PCR may per SEC01
shall be safeguarded against intruders and unauthorized visitors by the deployment
of an ACS at the control room entrance door.

The ACS used at this facility shall be a scaled down version of the full ACS specified
in this directive. It shall include at least two card readers on the entry side and a
camera to permit plant control room personnel to observe personnel requesting

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