Argentum Cyanatum: Arg For For of

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thicken and form hard knots . Arg . for the cartilages and Phyt .

for the
tendons where they attach to the bone . Lingering complaints , chest weak .
Laryngeal phthisis of withered young people . Epithelioma of the cervix , pains
burn and sting , copious , putrid yellowish green bloody discharge . Ovarian
tumor , especially left , large , hard , indurated , prolapsus . Adapted to : busi-
ness men , students and readers . Hectic fever daily at 11 to 12 or 1 p . m .
Cough : from laughing or talking , with the characteristic discharge . Rheu-
matic pains in limbs and back worse sitting , better lying down .


Has a very red face and tongue , a throat that burns , constricts and
scrapes , suffocating attacks , short and difficult breathing, a constant dry
spasmodic cough, can articulate but one word at a time , violent pain in the
suprasternal fossa and under the manubrium sterni every time one turns to
one side , is weak and has painful cramps in the feet .


Clinical : Ailments when the symptoms of the two elements are
prominent in the group .


Has a pressing pain in the forehead worse when stooping and better
coughing, drawing pain in the skin of the left temple as of contraction . Tear-
ing in the right upper jaw and in the right eyelid with stitches , a violent
urging to pass urine which must be attended to immediately , a drawing in the
skin on the outer side of the left thigh and inner condyle of the right elbow ,
a boring in the outside of the right ankle and side of the right foot , and a
tearing in the left thumb and hand .


Is tremulous , weak , nervous , restless , sighs , has palpitation , craves sugar
which makes one sick and acts like a physic and brings on diarrhoea , is
anxious , imperative , hurried , fidgety , fears both death and failure , is anxious
for the time to come when he has to meet an engagement , is especially nervous
around 11 a . m . , has vertigo on looking at tall buildings , has difficulty in
eructating but finally the air rushes out with great violence and often causes
strangulation , the paroxysms preceded by yawning and followed by deep sleep ,
dreads crowds and certain places , in all ailments the head is affected , the dis-
charges from the eyes are thick , yellowish , profuse and bland , all the gastric
ailments are accompanied by the characteristic eructations , the stools are
mostly green ; she is worse at the menstrual period and free at all other times ;
chilliness and nausea are the most troublesome of the febrile symptoms , the
face is bluish , the sleep is prevented by nervousness , there is aggravation from :
mental excitement , going to the opera , warm room , heat of the fire or bed , in
the Summer , and in women during the menses , better : riding in the wind ,
cool open air , walking , stimulents , cold bathing , cold applications and warm
drinks .

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