Electric Vs Hydraulic Actuators
Electric Vs Hydraulic Actuators
Electric Vs Hydraulic Actuators
cylinders: A comparison of the pros and
cons of each technology
Hydraulic cylinders, known for their high force at an affordable cost, have
been widely used in factory automation equipment and other special
automation equipment for decades. Hydraulics are rugged, relatively simple
to deploy and provide a low cost per unit of force. In recent years, electric
rod actuator (cylinders) have become more flexible, precise and reliable
with increasingly larger force capacities. These advancements in electric
rod actuators have created an ongoing debate over which technology—
hydraulic cylinder or electric actuator—offers the best overall solution for
the same application. This paper will consider a variety of factors affecting
the performance and cost of each technology, including: motion control
capabilities; system components and footprint; force capabilities; speed
capabilities; temperature; life and maintenance of devices; data collection;
efficiency/utility costs; leaks and environmental concerns; as well as a few
additional factors.
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-4412_03 Page 1
through the pressure valve. Again, this typically requires an operator to dial
in the desired force. Finally, the repeatability of position, speed and force
of a hydraulic cylinder are subject to worn seals, leaks, pressure drops and
Standard hydraulic systems spikes from the pump and other maintenance factors. It is difficult to get
require constant operator repeatable performance from day-to-day, month-to-month or year-to-year
intervention in order in a production environment when oil quality and viscosity change due to
to achieve the desired temperature variations. Obtaining the desired performance level will require
performance level. constant operator intervention.
Figure 1: Control over all aspects of motion can be extremely important in critical
applications where precise position, speed and force come into play. This chart
shows the control capabilities of the three technologies.
When combined with a servo control system, electric actuators offer more
than infinite control and superior accuracy and repeatability. Multiple-axis
servo controllers are readily available off-the-shelf on most modern control
systems today. Controllers and electric actuators can be easily and cost
effectively coordinated together in complex configurations. Velocity of one
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
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or multiple electric actuators is precisely and accurately controlled at all
times and can easily blend from one speed to another without stopping
or overrunning position. Acceleration and deceleration control means that
Electric servo systems electric actuators will not “bang” into hard-stops or jolt into action. This
provide infinite control, eliminates stress on frame elements and the need to over-engineer structures
superior accuracy and to withstand shock loads. All movements will be smooth—allowing electric
actuators to be used in mission-critical processes where machine vibrations
repeatability and, once
are not acceptable or process speed is affected. Force is controlled through
programmed, require
current to the servo motor. Since servo controllers have precise control over
little intervention or current, almost all electric actuators provide accurate and repeatable control
maintenance. of force output at the work point.
An important feature
of electric actuators is DECEL 3
their ability to provide DECEL 1
programmable control of Figure 2: This chart shows different motion profile positions at different velocities
with different accel/decel rates, all under full and precise control.
all profile variables.
Finally, an important feature of electric actuators is their ability to provide
programmable control of all the motion profile variables. As a result, the only
operator interaction required is the up-front design time to build desired
performance variables into a PLC or another controller’s programming
environment. Once set, the operation repeats from day-to-day, month- to-
month and year-to-year. Furthermore, with the use of HMI (Human Machine
Interface) screens, the variables of position, velocity, acceleration/deceleration
and force can be easily changed at any time, providing maximum flexibility.
In an OEM environment, system performance will be easier to control due to
the increased consistency of an electric vs. a fluid system.
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
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Manual and footprint
Control Override
The number of The number of
components and overall components and overall
space required for a space required for a
hydraulic system is much Unit hydraulic system is much
greater than an electric Flow greater than an electric
Control Valve system. Hydraulic systems
Suction require: a cylinder; a
Filters power unit to provide
Shut Off
Valve oil pressure; control and
accessory valves; filters;
Gauge hoses; fittings; and
additional components.
Oil Tank
Heater Hydraulic cylinders offer a
compact footprint at the
work point (where the
Figure 3: Hydraulic system components power density is required),
but the hydraulic power
unit (HPU) which regulates flow and pressure to these actuators and other
components, can require a large footprint in floor space. HPUs are not small
and typically are placed near the actual cylinder itself, further increasing
the system footprint. In very large systems with remote mounted HPUs,
long lengths of hose can decrease the overall rigidity and efficiency of the
hydraulic system.
Control Cabinet
Motor (Optional Gearbox)
Motor Cables
Figure 4: Electric system components
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
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Although the electric actuator—due to its design of integrating a power
screw and bearing system—does require additional length over a hydraulic
cylinder, when considering the overall system footprint, this additional
Size requirements for a length is more than compensated for by the much smaller footprint of the
servo drive are normally
servo drive—the functional equivalent of the HPU. Typically, automation
equipment utilizes a control cabinet and can be designed for an additional
a fraction of the size
drive. Size requirements for a servo drive are normally a fraction of the size
requirements of a HPU.
requirements of a HPU.
In new system designs, if the additional space at the work point can be made
to accommodate the electric actuator’s working stroke and overall length,
the overall footprint of the machine can be greatly decreased by eliminating
the need for large power units.
Force capabilities
Due to their high operating pressures, hydraulic cylinder systems are great at
producing extremely high forces. Typical pressures range from 1800 to 3000
psi (124.1 to 206.8 bar). In some high-pressure hydraulic systems, pressure
ratings up to 5000 psi (344.7 bar) are used to further emphasize power
density. Since hydraulic cylinders operate on the Force = Pressure x Area fluid
power principle, the high pressures allow smaller cylinders to reach very large
forces. For example, 3-inch and 5-inch bore cylinders at 2200 psi could achieve
approximately 15,000 lbf (66,723.3 kN) and 43,000 lbf (191,273.5 kN),
respectively. However, hydraulic cylinders are not usually used to their full
output force capability; they are typically oversized to improve control.
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-4412_03 Page 5
technology, but typically, the electric actuator deployed will have a larger
body diameter and the electric actuator system will have a velocity maximum
that can’t be exceeded. The complexity in sizing a system can easily be
overcome as actuator and servo component manufacturers provide easy-to-
use motion control sizing software packages that factor in all these variables.
Velocity capabilities
Achieving high velocities at high forces presents challenges for both hydraulic
An electric actuator system and electric technologies. Hydraulics require pressure for force and flow for
has complete control over speed. To achieve higher speeds at higher forces, there must be enough
the motion profile and can pressurized oil in the system to basically push the required volume of oil into
a cylinder in the required amount of time (defined as flow). This typically
settle quicker for reduced
requires an accumulation system to hold the pressurized volume. The
cycle time and increased
problem can multiply with long stroke cylinders; uncharged accumulators
efficiency. may starve the system of oil. In the end, deploying additional capacity in
hydraulic accumulator systems allows them to achieve high speeds at high
forces. The downside of this practice is that without servo-hydraulic control
on the hydraulic system, excess energy (force x velocity) is essentially being
utilized in an open loop control scheme.
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Cold temperatures present other problems for hydraulic systems. Cold oil
Cold oil in hydraulic causes sluggish and inconsistent operation until the oil is warm—which in
systems causes sluggish turn causes large swings in force and speed. Hot to cold temperature swings
and inconsistent can also affect the integrity of the rod seal—a critical component that helps
to prevent leaks and contamination. Oil tank heaters can manage start-up
operation which can
temperatures, but they are an extra component and expense.
affect force and speed.
Electric actuators, on the other hand, can be deployed with extreme
temperature grease which allows for quick, effective starts in cold
temperatures. There is usually a small performance difference in force
repeatability from a cold to a warm temperature. This difference is
acceptable in most applications.
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Figure 6: Electric systems are not susceptible to fluid thickening in cold tempera-
tures and perform consistently despite fluctuations in temperature swings.
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are the power screw and other thrust-bearing elements. These elements
have a Dynamic Load Rating (DLR) specification that can be utilized to
estimate the amount of work (force over distance) an electric actuator can
achieve. Utilizing an industry standard L10 life estimation (see our guide
on estimating actuator life), electric actuators can be estimated with 90%
reliability to last in an application. These power elements are typically greased
for life, but easy, in-field greasing methods can be applied if necessary. The
other wear element on an electric rod-style actuator is the rod seal, designed
to hold out water, dust and other environment contamination from the
actuator’s internal components. Unlike hydraulic cylinder seals, there is no
pressure to hold in the actuator for proper operation. Even if the seal fails,
the actuator will continue to operate. Rod seals on most electric actuators
are easily and inexpensively replaced if damage occurs. Misuse is the primary
reason that electric actuators fail. Exceeding the actuator’s performance
specifications for extended periods of time or gross neglect are the most
common misuse factors.
Data collection
Hydraulic cylinders require
expensive, complex servo-
In the never-ending quest to improve manufacturing processes, data
collection in critical areas is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s
hydraulic systems with
manufacturing environment. Again, hydraulic cylinders require expensive,
additional sensors to track complex servo-hydraulic systems with additional sensors to track and monitor
and monitor position, position, velocity, force and other factors happening at the work point. These
velocity, force and other factors are all built into an electric actuator’s servo system. Monitoring
factors happening at the the motor current makes it easy to track force and repeatability. The
work point. feedback device on the motor registers accurate position and velocity.
Figure 8: Electric systems provide the most data collection capabilities over servo
hydraulic and conventional hydraulic systems.
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www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-4412_03 Page 9
equation is that electric actuators only demand current to the motor when
Electric actuator systems it is required. When electric actuators are at rest, they require no current or
typically operate in very low amounts of current to hold their positions. Hydraulics require that
the 75-80% efficiency the power unit keep the hydraulic system pressurized at all times when the
range for the work they system is turned on—resulting in inefficient use of power.
complete; hydraulic
actuator systems typically OPERATION EFFICIENCY
operate in the 40-55% High
efficiency range.
Below are three application examples that show the power usage of electric
and hydraulic actuator systems.
$2,500 $12,000
$2,000 $10,000 $20,000
Cost Savings: T RIC $8,000
Cost Savings: IC
Cost Savings: TR
$572 EL $2858 EC $5717 EL
$1,000 $6,000 EL $10,000
$0 $0 $0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
• POWER OUT: 2 kw • POWER OUT: 10 kW • POWER OUT: 20 kw
• SPEED: 1.8 in/sec (45 mm/sec) • SPEED: 2.9 in/sec (75 mm/sec) • SPEED: 3.5 in.sec (90 mm/sec)
• FORCE: 10,000 lbf (44.5 kN) • FORCE: 30,000 lbf (133.5 kN) • FORCE: 50,000 lbf (222.5 kN)
ASSUMPTIONS: Annual Power Consumption; Electric Efficiency 80%; Hydraulic Efficiency 45%; 2000 PSI; Cost kW/hr $0.07
Figure 10: The above charts show the difference in electric utility costs for a hy-
draulic and an electric cylinder. The blue arrow depicts cylinder operation at 50%
duty cycle and the resulting estimated utility costs.
Copyright © 2020 Tolomatic, Inc. Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A comparison of the pros and cons of each technology
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By dividing the efficiencies of the two technologies into one another, an
approximate factor can be determined on electric utility cost based on when
the actuators/cylinders are actually moving.
By dividing the efficiencies
of the two technologies For example: 80% (electric) / 40% (hydraulic) = 2. This results in electric
into one another, an being twice as efficient or hydraulic taking twice as much power to do the
approximate factor can same work. This is an approximation, but it is not far from reality. In fact,
be determined on electric unless a hydraulic system is properly maintained, the overall efficiencies of
utility cost based on when the system can go to levels of 20% making electric technology up to 4 times
the actuators/cylinders are as efficient (or hydraulic utility costs up to 4 times higher).
actually moving.
Although electric actuator systems are twice as efficient as hydraulic systems,
an electric servo solution can be more expensive to implement initially. But
the cost over the life of the system can be substantially less when considering
the increased performance, system flexibility and decrease in utility costs.
A contamination event
can be costly both in
terms of clean-up and
scrapped product—and
even more costly if the
contaminated product
reaches consumers and is
then recalled.
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Electric actuator technology is one of the cleanest linear motion technologies
that can be actively and easily deployed. Grease on the lead screw is the only
potential contaminant; special greases (food grade, clean room, etc.) can
be applied if required. The high-quality seals used on the rod of the electric
actuator keep grease inside the actuator, virtually eliminating contamination
Other factors
Noise: A noisy power unit running a hydraulic cylinder can be a noise
polluter for any operator near the machine.
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www.tolomatic.com 763-478-8000 9900-4412_03 Page 12
Hydraulic actuators have an industry reputation for delivering high force.
Hydraulic systems are usually less expensive from a purchased cost
standpoint to implement than an electric servo system. Their drawbacks
include a larger space footprint, regular maintenance and manual system
adjustments for optimal system performance. Hydraulic systems are
Electric systems offer susceptible to fluctuations in temperature, prone to leaks and operate in
smaller space requirements an open loop environment, posing challenges for data collection. Although
servo-hydraulics can be implemented to alleviate some of these issues, they
and provide precise
result in a larger space footprint and are very costly to employ. Hydraulics
position, velocity and
do offer a long service life, but they are not as efficient operators as electric
speed control with more systems.
efficient operation.
Electric systems offer smaller overall space requirements than hydraulic
systems. They also provide precise position, velocity and speed control with
more efficient operation. They operate in a closed loop environment for easy
data collection, and they are virtually maintenance free. Preferred for their
higher level of accurate performance, electric servo systems can be more
costly than hydraulic to initially implement. However, the increased efficiency
of operation with little or no maintenance over the life of the system makes
their total cost of ownership lower over the life of the equipment and an
attractive alternative to hydraulics.
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