KNX Project Design ETS5:
KNX Association
Table of contents
1 General information about ETS.................................................................................. 4
1.1 General aspects ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2 The ETS concept ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3 System requirements ................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Installation of ETS ........................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Licences ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.6 Project Design with ETS – The principles ....................................................................... 7
1.7 Starting ETS .................................................................................................................. 8
1.8 Dashboard Tabs ........................................................................................................... 9
1.8.1 Overview tab ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.8.2 Bus tab ........................................................................................................................................... 11
1.8.3 Catalogs tab .................................................................................................................................. 11
1.8.4 Settings tab ................................................................................................................................... 12
The project design of a building, in which KNX should be used, initially does not differ from
conventional electrical planning. The following aspects must be clarified by the planner in
the preliminary stages:
the type and use of the building,
the building system components that are to be implemented and their functions,
type and frequency of changes of use,
special requirements of the clients,
The planning of the electrical installation is carried out as for a conventional installation ac-
cording to the generally recognised rules of technology, the connection conditions of the
utility as well as the usual planning guidelines, regulations for the implementation and di-
mensioning guidelines.
1.5 Licences
Button for
Figure 1: Licensing
ETS5 does - on the contrary to ETS4 - not support any host-ID-licenses (license allocated to a
PC, to be used without a dongle), but exclusively dongle-based licenses. This means, that in
order to work with ETS5 a dongle, on which the licenses have been stored, has to be present
(exception: ETS Demo). An additional memory space of 4 GB is available on the dongle. The
license including the dongle can be obtained from the MyKNX portal.
To begin with ETS has to be installed completely. In which mode ETS will run thereafter de-
pends on the available license. After installation, the program first runs as a demo version.
The procedure to install the licenses stored on the dongle can be accessed immediately af-
ter having started ETS5 by clicking on the button licenses of the ETS5 window.
Since the introduction of ETS 4.1 it is possible to extend the functionality of ETS via pro-
grams called “Apps”. These Apps are also available in the KNX Online Portal and they are
licensed in the same way as described before. Some Apps are developed by KNX Associa-
tion, others by KNX manufacturers. Examples of such Apps are: Online product catalog,
Graphical configuration of ETS projects, Project compare, Replace product…. For some of
these apps a fee needs to be paid.
It is possible to deviate from this sequence in individual cases. Some steps can be omitted
for smaller projects. Additional steps are necessary in large projects (team projects).
on the desktop or via the newly created program group called KNX.
When you open up ETS, a window appears which is referred to as the dashboard.
Figure 2: "Dashboard"
You can access the dashboard again at any time by clicking on the small green ETS field in
the top left-hand corner of the ETS window.
By double clicking on a project in the window area, you can select the project that is to be
edited or you can create a new project. In area up-to-date news on KNX Association is
displayed provided that ETS is connected to the internet.
Switching between the project types is made by means of the symbol next to the text
your projects resp. project archive. Projects of the project archive are centrally administrat-
ed and can be used at a given time only by one user. The memory locations of the projects
are defined under the tab Settings. A local project can be moved from the area your projects
into the project archive by means of the context-sensitive menu. In the context-sensitive
menu also functions for checking in and checking out centrally stored projects are available.
Figure 4 shows how you can access the properties of a project by clicking on a project.
How you create a new project or select a project to be edited and how you set the proper-
ties of such a project is explained more deeply further down in chapter 2: Opening a project
with ETS.
You can also import and export projects by means of this window. Further details to the
export and import are described further down in a separate chapter.
Below the tab Bus you find on the one hand the functions to select and to set the interface
between ETS and the KNX-System and on the other hand the functions for diagnostics and
troubleshooting of the KNX-System.
The settings for the interface are described in the part Commissioning of the training docu-
Details of the functions for analysis and error diagnostics: Monitor, Diagnostics and Individ-
ual Addresses can be found in the chapter ETS5 Diagnostics of this training document.
You can get the product data of the manufacturers free of charge via the internet. The win-
dow being visible after the selection of the tab Catalogs is also used later on during the pro-
ject design when selecting devices. Further down in this chapter you will find a more de-
tailed description of this window (see: Catalogs).
The settings are subdivided in eight different sections, which you can select by clicking on
the terms in the left part of the window:
Presentation. In this section you can influence the behaviour and the appearance of ETS.
The functions are described in the online help of ETS.
Language. In this section you can select the language of ETS
Online Catalog. In this section the settings for the ETS App Online KNX Product Catalog
are made. For details please refer to the online help of ETS.
Data Storage. In this section you set the paths for the storage of the product data, of the
local projects and of the project archive.
Troubleshooting. The settings for the ETS troubleshooting are made here. You can set
amongst others how detailed your work with ETS will be documented in the log files
which can be helpful later on for the error diagnostics by KNX Association.
Import/Export. Settings for the extent of exported files.
Shortcuts. Here you can see all shortcuts and you can adapt them to your habits.
Shortcuts allow to the experienced user an even faster work with ETS.
Label Printer. Settings for the ETS App Label Printer.
Select the file and click on Open in order to have a list of all the products which are con-
tained in the file.
If you do not wish to import all products of this file, you can select „Import only selected
products“. When selecting the products a search function is available. Mark any products
that are to be imported simply by clicking on them. With the help of the Shift key, you can
mark a whole range of products. With the Ctrl button, you can select several products.
While importing product data you can still select, if you want to import all language versions
of the products’ text elements (parameters, dialogs etc.) into your database or only those
languages selected by yourself. If you do not import all languages, you can speed up the
import procedure.
From the dashboard you can open existing projects. Under the tab Overview double-click on
a project under Your Projects.
A project from the project archive can only be opened, after having been checked out from
the project archive previously.
1: Menu bar
2: Toolbar
3: Panels
4: Navigation bar (side bar)
5: Status bar
To a large extent, the project design of a KNX installation is done in the panels. They can be
used simultaneously. Panels can be arranged according to the editing process. The following
panels are available:
Group addresses, Devices,
Topology, Catalogs
Project root, Reports
Side bar
A combination of panels and their exact appearance can be saved as a Workspace. You se-
lect the workspaces via the Workspaces container in the side bar. Further information about
the creation and storage of workspaces is described in the section on complex project de-
The Buildings view is the central view of ETS. The Buildings view is used to structure the KNX
projects according to the actual building structure and to insert the KNX devices.
The following elements are available to structure the building
Building parts,
Rooms and
The buildings, building parts and floors are only used for structuring and cannot directly
contain devices.
Devices can be inserted in rooms, corridors, stairways or cabinets.
A hierarchical view is very useful for maintaining an overview in the case of large projects.
The Group Addresses window is used to generate and define group addresses. This view is
required together with the Building view to link the group addresses to the corresponding
group objects. The group addresses in the Group Addresses window are represented in a
two-level, three-level or free style, depending on the pre-set option.
The representation of the group addresses in different levels has no functional effect. It only
enhances lucidity. The 3-level structure is used in this documentation. If you select a sub-
group, the group objects that have been assigned to the group address are displayed in the
right-hand list view.
The tree view (left-hand side) displays the available group addresses (in this case group ad-
dresses on three levels).
The Topology window is used to define the actual bus structure and the assignment of indi-
vidual addresses to the devices. This view can be used simultaneously with other views and
displays the KNX project as regards bus structure. The view shows the devices as they are
assigned to the different lines. Twisted Pair-, Powerline-, RF- and IP-lines and -areas are rep-
resented with different symbols.
The tree view (left-hand side) shows the existing bus topology of the KNX project while the
right-hand side displays a list view of the elements marked in the left-hand window.
The structure of the topology is normally generated automatically when individual address-
es are assigned elsewhere. All higher-order elements such as areas and main lines are in-
serted according to the assigned addresses.
All devices of your project are displayed in the Devices window, including those that have
not yet been assigned to a room, function or line. As a result, you can often gain a good
overview of your project, for example whether there are devices without an assigned indi-
vidual address.
With the devices displayed in this window, you can carry out all the tasks that can also be
performed in the Buildings window or Topology window: editing devices, editing objects etc.
For practical reasons you should select the Building and Group addresses panel. This can be
done in the title bar of the windows under the item Topology, Devices, Project root or Re-
ports and by selecting Buildings resp. Group addresses. You thus have two relatively large
Buildings and Group Addresses panels to work in.
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In the Buildings window, devices can only be inserted in rooms, corridors, stairways or cabi-
nets. Hence, a minimum building structure must be created first. When creating a project a
building with the name of the project (here: Seminar building) has already been created.
If you want to create further buildings, please proceed as follows:
1. Select Buildings in the Buildings window in the left half (tree structure).
2. Click on the symbol in the toolbar. A window opens in which you can enter
the name of the new building. If you do not enter a name, the building is designated
as New building by ETS. This building should be given an appropriate name, in order
to maintain the overview of one’s project.
3. You can rename this building at any time. To do so, double click on the correspond-
ing building in the tree structure. In the property-container of the side bar you can
enter in the field Name a new identifier for the building.
You can now introduce building parts and floors into the building as system structures.
However, to keep this example as simple as possible, we will only insert one room.
This can be done e.g. via the right mouse button function Add/Rooms. This opens the dialog
Add Rooms, where you can immediately give the room a useful name.
Further rooms as well as corridors, stairways or cabinets can now be added to the building.
You can now also insert devices.
3.3 Catalogs
To insert devices, use the Catalogs window. Via the Catalogs window you can insert the de-
vice in the currently marked object. It may therefore be useful to select e.g. a room in the
building window before opening the Product Finder. You can call up the Catalogs window
via the symbol in the toolbar of the Buildings window. A further Catalogs window is
The individual addresses are automatically assigned by ETS in ascending order in the respec-
tive current line. The topic ‘current line’ is rather complex. If required, consult the help fea-
ture of ETS for further information.
You can change the individual addresses at any time under the properties of the devices.
The inserted device is displayed in the list view if the associated room has been marked. It
will also be shown in the tree structure of the Building view underneath the room. If a de-
vice is selected in the workspace, the properties-container (if opened) shows further infor-
mation to the device. The container offers up to three index cards which can be selected by
means of tabs. Some index cards only have informative character, i.e. you cannot make en-
tries in these cards. Most important is the card Settings.
It is possible here to change the individual address of the device. A change in the “Individual
address” field automatically assigns the device to another line and/or another area in the
bus topology
It is also possible to add comments about the device in the Name field. A description along
the lines “what is the device, where is it installed and what is it used for” is good practice.
Collating information here pays off later during commissioning and fault diagnostics.
Further in the field Description comments to the device can be entered.
Here you can find information about the application of the device. It is also possible to
change the application of a device in this container. There is also an index card with catalog
information about the respective product.
You access the device parameters via the Parameters tab at the bottom of the list view in
the Buildings window. To do so, a device must of course be marked in the tree view in the
left-hand side of the window. The device parameters can be set here. The parameters de-
fine the concrete function of the application program. E.g. in the above example timers for
short and for long pressing can be set.
The “Parameters” window is product-dependent. More detailed information about the indi-
vidual parameters, application descriptions are available from the manufacturers.
The parameters are divided into groups which are listed in the left-hand column of the pa-
rameter window. By selecting the individual groups in this list, you access the associated
parameters in the right-hand side of the window.
The parameters can be reset to the original values as set by the manufacturers via the De-
fault parameters button in the toolbar. The Show Parameter Changes button marks all pa-
rameters modified by the user with a red exclamation mark.
The group objects of devices (further down referred to as ‘objects’) are displayed in the tree
view (left half of the window) below the devices and in the list view (right half of the win-
dow) if you have marked a device in the tree view.
If you have marked an object in the tree view, you see under the “Associations” tab in the
list view all group addresses that are assigned to this object. You can also make modifica-
tions e.g. you can delete the assignment to this object.
In the property container of the side bar the properties of the objects can be set. To do so
the corresponding object has to be selected in the opened property container. By means of
the context menu the property container can also be opened directly.
It is possible to change the default priority of the transmitted telegrams for group objects,
as originally set by the manufacturer. The following priorities are possible:
Low Low priority for non-critical time functions
High Normal priority for manual functions
Alarm High priority for critical time functions
Below you will find the 4 most important basic settings, depending on the object type:
For certain masks (System B), it is also possible to set the “Read at Init” flag: if set, the group
object will automatically send a Read Value telegram after voltage recovery to initialise the
value of the group object.
Each group object has flags which are used to set the following properties:
TRANSMIT A telegram is transmitted when the object value (at the sensor) has
been modified.
The group object will generate a response only when receiving a read
READ ON INIT The device independently sends Read value commands for the initiali-
sation of the group object after return of current (only available on cer-
tain masks)
After return of current the device does not initialise the value of the as-
signed group object via Read Value commands
Please note: The default flags should only be changed in exceptional circumstances.
In the case of KNX, devices that should perform a specific function together are “logically
wired” via group addresses.
Group addresses can be divided into two or three levels or one can create one’s own struc-
turing of group addresses.
In the two-level style, the group address consists of a main group (0 to 31) and a subgroup
(0 to 2047).
In the three-level style, it consists of a main group (0 to 31), a middle group (0 to 7) and a
subgroup (0 to 255).
The group address is specified by separating the levels by a “/” (slash) (e.g. 1/0/2).
The levels of the group addresses can be set on the dashboard in the Projects tab under
Details / Group Address Style.
It is advisable to use the structure of the group addresses as an organisational feature.
The group addresses are generated in the Group Addresses window.
The group address structure displayed in the screenshot (left window half of the Group Ad-
dresses window) is generated via the corresponding buttons of the toolbar in the same way
as the building structure of the Buildings window.
In order to ensure that sensors and actuators know which of their group objects should
communicate with each other to realize a specific function, the group addresses must be
assigned to the group objects. The group objects are linked logically with each other via the
corresponding group addresses (“wired”).
In order to assign the group addresses to the objects, it is useful to have two panels open at
the same time: the Group Addresses window and e.g. the Buildings window. There are sev-
eral ways to assign group addresses.
The fastest method is via drag and drop:
You drag the required group address from the Group Addresses window onto the corre-
sponding object in the Buildings window (or the object onto the corresponding group ad-
dress) with the mouse – keeping the left mouse button held down – and then release it. In
this way, group addresses are assigned to objects.
A group object may have multiple connections by assigning several group addresses. If the
group object has the function of a sensor, then the first assigned group address is used as a
target address in the telegram (sending group address). If you wish to modify which group
address should be the sending group address, this can be done in the Buildings window via
the right mouse button, i.e. in the list view (right window half) of the group objects.
Note: There are also sensors, permitting only one address per group object. The number of
group addresses that can be assigned to a group object and the number of maximum asso-
ciations (number of assignments per product) are product-dependent.
It is only possible to create connections with group addresses between group objects of the
same type (1 bit, 4 bit, etc.). The group address receives the type of the group objects with
the first assignment.
In the case of Powerline devices, the group speaker flag must be set for one object per
group address. To do so, you select an object in the Group Address view and click in the list
view on the field in the ACK column (PL). A pull-down menu then opens, in which you click
on Yes, in order to set the group speaker flag for this object.
KNX Association
Table of contents
1 General ..................................................................................................................... 3
2 Commissioning .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Commissioning requirements ....................................................................................... 3
2.2 Local or imported projects ............................................................................................ 4
3 Starting the commissioning ....................................................................................... 5
3.1 Bus access .................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Configuring the interface .............................................................................................. 7
3.3 Configuring the local device ........................................................................................ 10
3.4 Opening a project ....................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Selecting a view ......................................................................................................... 11
3.6 Downloading .............................................................................................................. 13
3.7 Assigning individual addresses .................................................................................... 14
3.8 Loading the application (application software) ............................................................ 15
4 Reconfiguration....................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Implementing project design changes ......................................................................... 16
4.2 Reprogramming filter tables ....................................................................................... 17
4.3 Commissioning devices............................................................................................... 17
5 Unloading devices ................................................................................................... 18
6 Resetting devices..................................................................................................... 19
7 KNX-Powerline Commissioning ................................................................................ 20
7.1 Checking the local domain address (System ID) ........................................................... 20
7.2 Checking the local domain address (System ID) ........................................................... 20
7.3 Loading the basic configuration (setting the repeater status) ....................................... 21
1 General
All PL 110 information in this chapter is only for informative purposes. The PL 110 content is
not part of the exam at the end of the basic course.
2 Commissioning
2.1 Commissioning requirements
The commissioning of a KNX installation does not necessarily require the complete set-up of
the bus installation with all the bus devices. In larger projects (several building sections), it
does make sense to pre-program e.g. bus coupling units in one’s office or in the workshop.
Since it is not an absolute requirement during the commissioning stage for the complete
data set to have been loaded into the bus coupling unit, it may be useful to already load only
the individual addresses into the bus coupling units and the remaining relevant data when
the bus coupling units have been installed in the installation. Regardless of whether the
commissioning is carried out in the office, workshop or on the building site, the application
modules of the flush-mounted devices should not yet be mounted, so that programming
button and programming LED remain accessible. Special care has to be taken in case of
“monoblock” devices where e.g. the mounting of the rocker cover plates which will cover
the programming button should be done after successful commissioning. In distribution
boards the cover plates have to be removed in such a way, that the programming buttons
and LEDs of the KNX-devices are accessible. In case of built-in devices in lamps or in
detached ceilings it makes sense, to download into these devices already in the workshop at
least the individual address, because in most cases it will be difficult to access these devices
later on.
All functions in ETS can either be called from the menu bar or via the context menus (right
mouse button). A large number of functions can also be started directly via icons in the
toolbar. ETS thus behaves like the majority of programs running under the WindowsTM
operating system. All subsequent screenshots only show examples. The functions do not
necessarily have to be called in exactly the same way as described here. During the first
steps with ETS, it is worthwhile to always choose the same course of action. For instance you
could use the right mouse button as frequently as possible as it in many cases leads directly
to the desired dialog. Also here the context menu in the top level of the user interface offers
an alternative.
There is the option is to import the exported project with ETS onto the commissioning PC.
The necessary steps are described in the “Project design” chapter. It is however necessary to
ensure that all additional installed programs e.g. for touch panels, logic modules are also
installed on the commissioning PC.
Menu bar
Menu icons
„Download“ Opens a context menu in which you can select if e.g. the
individual addresses, the individual addresses and the
application program or only the application program shall be
downloaded for instance
„Device info“ Reads out the information contents of a device
When using a USB interface, a RF-interface or an IP-interface the required KNX USB driver is
installed directly the first time a connection is made to the PC and the interface will be
shown under „Discovered interfaces“.
Note: This occurs for each USB port i.e. if the USB cable is inserted in another USB port of
the PC, the driver is installed again. Possibly, the connection pop-up menu must be opened
once more, to ensure that communication functions again.
The communication type IP (EIBlib/IP) is the predecessor of KNXnet/IP and requires a device
with a built-in iETS client. This is software, which is integrated in some IP-Gateways. In case
of this type of communication it is essential to know the IP-Address of the IP-Gateway. This
type of communication now is only available by an „APP“.
Figure 5: IP (EIBlib/IP)
Via KNXnet/IP, IP-couplers (IP-router) or KNXnet/IP interfaces can be addressed. In this case
the so-called “tunneling” method is used. KNX telegrams are wrapped into TCP/IP and sent
by ETS to the required IP coupler, which again removes the TCP/IP envelope and routes the
KNX telegram to a subordinate lower TP area or TP line.
Figure 6: KNXnet/IP
With the communication type “KNXnet/IP Routing”, pure KNX IP devices can be addressed.
These are devices that only have an IP connection. The communication type can also be used
to carry out a diagnosis of the IP network connection (e.g. group monitor).
If a flush-mounted interface is used for programming, which is removed from the installation
after commissioning and replaced e.g. by a switch sensor, one shall immediately set the
individual address of the device that will be present later on in the “normal” operation of the
If the local device is a Powerline BCU, a domain address shall also be loaded. A
corresponding value can be defined in the “Domain Address” field (see also chapter
Note: Also when using an IP coupler as an IP interface, which will function as a line or
backbone coupler during later operation, the local interface must be set. In this case, the IP
coupler must adopt an individual address during commissioning, which matches its
installation location in terms of the area and line (e.g. 1.1.255) and an individual address
during normal operation which suits its function as a coupler (e.g. 1.1.0).
If one sets the interface options, it is of course not needed to close any opened projects. It is
however advisable to only keep one project open during commissioning, as it can otherwise
quickly lead to confusion.
With the exception of the Group Addresses View, one has access in every view to the
“Modified devices” via the “Dynamic Folders”. Here only those KNX devices are shown, the
properties of which have been modified by the user since their last programming
3.6 Downloading
You can access the embedded commissioning dialog via the “Download” button, whereby
the following functions are available (alternative access: menu bar Commissioning
„Download all“ Download of the individual address and the application
program (press the programming button)
In order to download the individual addresses into the devices, it is necessary to click on
“Download Individual address”. After starting the download process, the “Pending
Operations” view opens in the side bar. You are now requested by ETS to press the
corresponding programming buttons of the devices. The progress of the download process is
then displayed in this view.
Note: If a coupler is present, it should always be at the top of the list and thus also be
programmed as the first device with the individual address.
Then click on “Download Application” and the program, group addresses and the
parameters (and if applicable also the filter table) are loaded into the devices.
Alternatively, the downloading of the individual address and application program can be
processed in one step via the option “Download All”.
A partial download can be selected via the “Download Partial” menu. This download option
can be applied if only modified data such as group addresses or parameters should be
It is possible to continue working in ETS during the entire download process. Only those
devices currently being downloaded are blocked for editing.
Note: If a flush-mounted interface is used for commissioning which is mounted onto a bus
coupling unit that will later serve e.g. as a switch sensor, it must first be downloaded locally.
The ETS program automatically detects that it is this type of device and queries in a dialog
whether the programming of the local device should be carried out.
Alternatively, it is possible to first disconnect all couplers and individually program the lines.
The couplers are then re-connected and programmed one after the other. After selecting the
“Download individual address” option, ETS checks whether the device already exists on the
bus and then asks you to press the programming button.
As the application program also contains the filter table in the case of a line coupler, it is
essential in case of couplers to load also the application program.
To load the application, the corresponding KNX devices must be marked in the Buildings,
Topology, Group Addresses or Devices View. Thereafter the download of the program can be
started by clicking on the menu icon “Download” or via the right mouse button and clicking
on “Download”. The current progress of the download can be tracked using the text and
status bar.
If after loading, one establishes that changes to the application are still necessary, in many
cases it may be sufficient to load the modified applications only partially (“Download Partial”
Once the application has been loaded, ETS indicates the download status with the
corresponding entries in the column “Adr Prg Par Grp Cfg”:
„Cfg“ Media type specific settings have been loaded (set when downloading the
individual address)
4 Reconfiguration
If you need to modify a KNX installation, processes are similar to those during project design.
When working on a PC, it may however turn out that certain products that are necessary for
carrying out the modifications are not contained in the database. This is particularly the case
when two different PCs are used for the project design and commissioning e.g. when a
desktop PC is used in the office during the project design and a laptop is used on the building
site during commissioning. In this case, the missing devices must be imported at a later date.
Note: ETS automatically updates the project filter tables in the background.
5 Unloading devices
If a device has been loaded by mistake, it is possible to unload it completely in the
commissioning menu via the “Unload” submenu, whereby there are two possibilities for this
function. The first option is to select “Unload application”: this will leave the individual
address untouched in the device. This process will not delete the entire program but simply
set all possible error flags. The other option includes the additional unloading of the
individual address. To do so, select “Unload address and application” from the menu. For
security purposes, ETS will prompt you before each unload process, whether the device
should really be unloaded. In addition, the programming button must also be pressed.
If a device has been fully unloaded, the individual address is reset to the original state. An
unloaded device has the individual address 15.15.255.
The progress of the unloading process can be monitored in the side bar under “Pending
Note: It is not possible to unload couplers (the individual address is set to 15.15.0).
6 Resetting devices
The command “Reset device” can be called as context-sensitive (right mouse click on the
corresponding device), via the embedded commissioning dialog or via the commissioning
menu. This process is also shown in the side bar under “Pending Operations”.
The reset of a device will restart the bus coupling unit (operating system and application
7 KNX-Powerline Commissioning
7.1 Checking the local domain address (System ID)
Before a Powerline installation can be commissioned, the local interface should always be
checked for its domain address (System ID). The local interface must always have the same
domain address as assigned in the topology during the project design phase. The domain
address of the interface can be found under “Current interface” and “Discovered interfaces”.
KNX Association
Table of Contents
1 Diagnostics and fault location ................................................................................... 3
2 Diagnostics: Individual Addresses .............................................................................. 4
2.1 Devices in Programming Mode ..................................................................................... 5
2.2 Individual Address Check .............................................................................................. 6
2.3 Line Scan ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Diagnostics: Device Info, reading out devices .............................................................. 10
3 Diagnostics: Bus Monitoring and Group Monitoring................................................. 14
3.1 General: Starting and stopping a telegram recording ................................................... 15
3.2 Bus Monitoring .......................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Group Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 17
3.4 Properties of individual telegrams .............................................................................. 19
3.5 Options for telegram recording ................................................................................... 21
3.5.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.5.2 Recording ...................................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.3 Colouring ....................................................................................................................................... 26
3.5.4 Conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3.5.5 Decoding ....................................................................................................................................... 28
3.6 Saving telegrams ........................................................................................................ 29
3.7 Opening telegrams from file ....................................................................................... 30
3.8 Clearing the telegram list ............................................................................................ 30
3.9 Replaying telegrams ................................................................................................... 31
4 Group addresses: Read value ................................................................................... 32
5 Group addresses: Write value .................................................................................. 33
6 Diagnostics: Project Check ....................................................................................... 34
6.1 Device Check .............................................................................................................. 35
6.2 Group Address Check ................................................................................................. 36
6.3 Topology Check .......................................................................................................... 37
6.4 Product Information Check ......................................................................................... 38
6.5 Result ........................................................................................................................ 38
7 Diagnostics: Online Error Diagnostics....................................................................... 39
8 Diagnostics: Online Installation Diagnostics Wizard ................................................. 43
9 Troubleshooting: Tool Diagnostics ........................................................................... 45
9.1 Logging Level.............................................................................................................. 50
9.2 Clean-Up .................................................................................................................... 51
9.2.1 Clear Update Cache ....................................................................................................................... 51
9.2.2 Reset User Settings ....................................................................................................................... 51
9.2.3 Delete Plug-In Cache ..................................................................................................................... 51
9.2.4 Clear Product Store ....................................................................................................................... 51
If a KNX installation does not function properly, errors shall be localized and rectified as
quickly as possible. When doing so, it is important to describe problems that arise as
precisely as possible. Detailed and up to date documentation of the installation is vital to be
able to detect such types of errors.
As the diagnostics function of ETS requires direct bus access, the PC or notebook must be
connected to the KNX installation via an interface (USB or IP1).
After establishing that a certain function cannot be executed, one should proceed step by
step to locate the error, starting with the sending bus device (sensor) and finishing with the
receiving device (actuator), in order to be able to correct the error.
Possible causes for bus devices not responding within a line can include:
If the programming LED of one or several devices has been switched on after you have
selected the button “Start”, the corresponding individual address(es) appear(s) in the
selection window under “Device(s) in Programming mode”.
The ETS program continually checks which devices are in programming mode.
Do not forget to afterwards switch off the programming LED of the corresponding devices in
order to avoid that more devices on the bus are in programming mode2.
2 Only applicable for KNX RF S-Mode devices: If the programming LED of such an RF device is not switched off
manually, the RF device will automatically do so after 4 minutes.
In order to check whether an individual address exists, enter the individual address in the
field “Individual Address” and select the “Check Existence” button.
The ETS program indicates the following result after a short period.
Another possibility to locate a device in the installation is to have the device LED set to
“Flash”, “On” or “Off” via the buttons under “Device LED”.
If one wishes to establish, which individual addresses have already been assigned in a line or
a line segment, this can be checked via the “Line Scan” button. First of all select the “Line
Address” that you want to scan. Select afterwards the “Scan Mode”. Depending on the
medium you have chosen when creating your line you will be offered either the scan mode
RadioFrequency (fast) scans in the domain address given
RadioFrequency (deep) scans across all domain addresses.
The individual addresses that have been physically found in that particular line will be
displayed as well as the mask version of the corresponding device.
After you have scanned all existing individual address in a specific line, it is now possible to
compare the individual addresses in the actual line with those of the ETS project (button
“Compare to Project”). The following results are possible:
Device found in the actual line and configured in the ETS project
Device found in the actual line but not configured in the ETS project
Device not found in the actual line but configured in the ETS project
Via the button “Update Prog Flags”, it is possible to set the identifier “Adr” (individual
address programmed) for all devices found in the actual line and configured in the ETS
project (those marked with the green symbols).
Scan Scans all devices in the actual line. Devices are shown with their mask version
Compare to Device found in the actual line and configured in the ETS project
Project Device found in the actual line but not configured in the ETS project
Device not found in the actual line but configured in the ETS project
Update Prog. Individual addresses found in the actual line are set as programmed in the ETS
flag project
The three scan functions (Programming Mode, Individual Address Check and Line Scan)
cannot be run simultaneously. When one of them is started, the two others are temporarily
disabled, until the active one is stopped or has finished.
When selecting the option “Device info (with group communication part)”, the group
addresses assigned to the group objects are also read out. The reading process is started
automatically upon selecting Device info or Device info (with group communication). The
results of the device reading are shown under “Pending Operations” in the Properties
The device information is shown in formatted and unformatted form, i.e. once as numerical
value and once as interpretation of the numerical value (e.g. name of manufacturer of the
read device and the manufacturer code).
If the device has been read out successfully, the following information is displayed in the
window “Device Info…”
Mask version Current mask version of the bus coupler
Individual address Individual address of the bus coupler that has been read out
Device manufacturer Name of the manufacturer of the bus device that has been read
Bus voltage Bus voltage in the bus coupler
Programming mode Status of the programming LED
Run error Error while executing the program in the bus coupler
(if no error ->OK)
Hardware PEI Type Adapter type of the hardware
Application program
Application program Name of application program
Run State status of the application program
Software PEI Type Designation of the configured adapter type (if PEI type = 01, then
invalid adapter type)
Application ID The ID of the application, consisting of the “Manufacturer ID” of
the device manufacturer, “Device Type” and the “Version”
If errors occur when executing “Device info”, which are not remedied by renewed
downloading of the KNX device, one should contact the hotline of the relevant
Two tools are available in ETS for the recording, displaying, analysing and sending of
telegram traffic in an installation as well as for reading or sending of group address values
from a PC or notebook.
Bus Monitoring Recording and analysis of all run-time telegrams on the bus
Group Monitoring Recording and analysis of group telegrams.
Reading and sending of group address values
The “Bus Monitoring” and “Group Monitoring” diagnostic functions are available via the
menu item “Diagnostics” or via the tools bar.
First of all select the correct communication interface in the status bar of the Bus Monitoring
view. If “ETS Default” is selected this means that the connection as chosen under the menu
time “Bus” – submenu “Interfaces” will be used. Setting the connection is only possible in
offline mode (no recording started).
By clicking the “Start” button, the ETS program will activate the connection to the bus,
making it possible to record and play telegrams.
During telegram recording, the “Start” button is greyed out. By clicking with the mouse on
the “Stop” button, the KNX connection is again closed and recording is stopped.
By selecting your project (in this case “Diagnostics ETS 5) in the field “Current Project” the
Source Name (individual address) as well as the Destination Name (group address) are
displayed in the recording, provided that the corresponding project (in this case Diagnostics
ETS 5) has been opened in ETS. When project data is not available, one should select one of
the following options:
[No project – two level, TwoLevel]
[No project – three level, ThreeLevel]
[No project – free, Free]
The ETS program shows the information about the recorded telegrams in the form of a table.
The width and the arrangement of the columns can be modified. It is moreover possible to
filter for specific information. Only information complying with the filter criteria entered in
the right upper field will be displayed in the bus monitor window.
The following information is displayed:
# Telegram Counter
Time Date and time of the telegram (computer time)
Service Bus service type:
- Received from or sent to the bus
- Start / Stop of the trace
Flags Control information (e.g. E means Standard Frame format, H
= LTE-HEE Frame format,….)
Prio KNX Telegram Priority
Source Address Individual address of sender
Source Name Name of the source (if the monitor is assigned to a project)
Destination Address Can be an individual address or group address
Destination Name Destination name (if the monitor is assigned to a project)
Destination Description Description of the destination (if the monitor is assigned to a
Rout Value of the telegram routing counter
Type KNX telegram APCI service decoding (Write, Read…)
DPT Datapoint type of the sending group object
Info Additional information about KNX telegram data (memory
data read and other data).
-Information about the start and the end of recording.
-Decoded value according to the set DPT
Medium Info Media-specific information; used for PL/RF
Iack Acknowledgement
By marking a specific telegram in the list it is possible to display the telegram information in
extended format in the “Properties” window. The different properties can be sorted
alphabetically when clicking on the Property header.
Depending on whether the Bus Monitoring or Group Monitoring is used, the following
information is displayed:
RawData The raw data of the KNX bus telegram (cEMI format,
consisting of service code, service data, does not
correspond to the telegram on the bus in every detail)
RawDpValue raw value of the data point
RepeatedFlag True/False
RoutingCounter value of the routing counter
Service From/to bus
Source individual address of sender
SourceName Name of the source (if the monitor is assigned to a project)
SystemBroadcastFlag True/False
TPCI Transport Layer Control Information
An overview of the recorded telegrams can be displayed when selecting the “Information”
button in the Properties window.
Telegram repetitions or faulty telegrams are displayed in ETS with a background colour. Via
the “Options” button it is possible to modify the text and background colour of the various
telegrams. In order to be able to open the “Options” window, it is imperative that recording
of telegrams has been stopped.
3.5.1 General
Timestamp format:
Under the “General” tab, it is possible to select the desired format of the time stamp (date
and time or time only) for the display of telegram information.
Caution: The time stamp is the time information of the diagnostics PC!
Telegrams are filtered according to the set criteria (see below). When selecting the “None”
option, all telegrams whether invalid, acknowledged, not acknowledged... will be shown.
3.5.2 Recording
Recorded telegrams can be logged to a file on your computer or on a network drive for later
analysis. This is ensured by setting the field “Enable live logging of monitored frames to a
In the field “Start a new live logfile”, it is possible to determine when ETS decides to start a
new logfile, i.e. based on number of the telegrams, every hour, every day, every week, every
month or every year. When selecting the “Based on number of telegrams” option, it is
possible to enter a value in the field underneath, i.e. “Maximum number of telegrams per
The name of the log files can be made unique by appending either:
Date and time
Date and consecutive number
Date only or
Consecutive number.
By setting the option “Automatically delete old logfiles” one can determine whether or not
old log-files should be deleted. If the option “Based on number of files” is selected the field
“Maximum number of logfiles” is enabled.
Example: Enter “3” in the field “Maximum number of logfiles” and start a telegram recording
session 4 times. The ETS will first create the following files:
1) Telegrams 2014-11-10_115902.xml (whereby 11 = hour, 59 = minutes, 02 = seconds)
2) Telegrams 2014-11-10_115909.xml
3) Telegrams 2014-11-10_115915.xml
Upon starting the 4th recording session, the 1st and oldest telegram recording (i.e. Telegrams
20140-11-10_115902.xml) will be deleted and a new log file will be created, i.e. Telegrams
3.5.3 Colouring
The text and background colour of invalid, not acknowledged, acknowledged telegrams can
be set here.
3.5.4 Conditions
It is possible to add more conditions to the default set of recording conditions by pressing
the button in the “Conditions” window.
The conditions can be ANDed or ORed. When e.g. selecting “source address” it is possible to
filter telegrams on a specific individual address.
This filter however has no influence on the recording of telegrams, but only on which
telegrams are displayed. With this option, the commissioning engineer can determine the
number of telegrams that are displayed, a useful function especially in larger installations
with higher bus traffic. Per default ETS displays all telegrams.
3.5.5 Decoding
It is possible to save recorded telegrams via the button “Save” in the toolbar of the Bus
Monitor or Group Monitor window. The (recorded) telegrams can only be saved once you
have stopped recording. ETS will prompt to save either “all telegrams” or “only the selected
telegrams”. You can export the telegram as a xml file allowing you to edit the stored
telegrams by means of an xml editor or you can save the telegrams in csv format, which can
then later by viewed and edited by programs such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc,….
Saved telegram recordings can be opened via the menu “Open” in the toolbar of
the Monitor window. ETS can display files with the extensions “*.xml,*.trx (ETS3) or *.hlg
(ETS 2).
The list of previously recorded telegrams can be deleted via menu “Clear” in the
toolbar of the monitor window, e.g. to start a new recording.
In order to verify more complex processes, ETS also allows replaying telegrams previously
recorded and saved to file. This is only possible using the “Group Monitoring” function.
In order to replay the recorded telegrams, make sure that the PC is connected to the bus and
hit the “Replay Telegrams” button. The “Play Telegrams Options” window
is opened: select the file via the “Search” button.
The time regime can also be specified. It is possible to “Play as recorded” or “Play without
delay”. The option “Play without delay” is the best option, when the time interval in-
between recorded telegrams is quite long in the selected file.
The diagnostics function “Group Monitoring” also offers the possibility to read the current
status of a group object.
Select the menu Diagnostics / Group Monitoring and hit the “Start” button. Make sure that
the Group Functionality is visible by pressing the button. A group address
can be entered in the field “Group Address” or selected via the symbol from the list
of existing group addresses in the current project.
A read request is sent on the bus via the “Read” button: the resulting telegram shows the
type “Read’ in the column ‘Type’ and does not show any value in the “Info” column. The
indicated source address is the individual address of the interface to the bus. The value of
the response telegram (Column “Type” indicates “Response”) is displayed in the “Info”
Values with a preceding $ sign are hexadecimal values.
It is only possible to read out group objects for which the read flag has been set. If group
addresses are queried, which are not specified as sending group addresses in the group
objects, the reply will be sent with a different group address (i.e. the allocated sending one)
than the one used in the read request.
The diagnostics function “Group Monitoring” also offers the possibility to overwrite the
current status of a group object.
Select the menu Diagnostics / Group Monitoring and hit the “Start” button. Click on the field
‘Group Functions”. A group address can be entered in the field “Group Address” or by
selecting the symbol from the list of existing group addresses in the current project.
The window also allows setting the data point type as well as the value of the useful data.
Moreover, a delay can be set so that the telegram is only sent after the indicated delay.
Checking the field “Send cyclically” will automatically enable the “Cyclic time[sec]” option. In
the latter case, a telegram will be written e.g. every two seconds.
Once the telegram has been sent, ETS shows the sent telegram and possible response
telegrams in the list field.
The “Project Check” submenu item is part of the menu “Diagnostics”. The project check
wizard will guide you through the process of checking your project against common KNX
planning and design rules.
Note: This is an offline test. ETS will not connect to the bus.
Is there minimum 1 power supply, maximum two power supplies available in all line
Does the number of chokes correspond to the number of power supplies?
Are attributed individual addresses of the line/backbone couplers correct?
Is there a possible mismatch between actual power consumption and the current
supplied by the power supply?
Are there enough repeaters for the projected devices?
Is the backbone line not IP?
Are the requirements for topologies with KNX/IP routers met?
The product information check generates a list of application programs used by the products
contained in the project. Moreover it generates a list of application programs requiring an
update of the product entries.
6.5 Result
The result is shown in the same window and can be saved, copied to the clipboard and
printed out.
The “Online Error Diagnostics” wizard can be started via the submenu item ”Online Error
Diagnostics” in the menu “Diagnostics”. Please note that there should be an online
connection to the bus in order to perform the error diagnostics.
In order to invoke the “Online Error Diagnostics Wizard”, first select a specific group address
(or a device or group object connected to a group address).
In order to verify that the listed devices are all programmed correctly, press the “Check All
Devices” button. It is possible to abort the check by pressing the “Abort Check” button. If
devices are programmed correctly, a green circle is set in the “Status” column behind each
product. If not programmed correctly, the device in question will have a red circle in the
“Status” column.
To locate the device in the installation, just select the device and press the “Flash LED”
Group addresses that are blocked by line couplers (as not contained in the relevant filter
table, e.g. because one is not connected to the correct line), can be added to those filter
tables by clicking the button “Temporarily modify filter tables”.
The last step of the “Online Error Diagnostics Wizard” is the “Bus Traffic Analysis”. This
function analyses the number of telegrams sent on the bus. Bus load figures are given as
relative values (%) and confirmation problems are listed.
“Current” constitutes the current bus load percentage, “Average” informs you about the
average bus load since the start of the recording, “Max” indicates the maximum load during
the recording.
The window part ‘confirmation problems’ informs on
which group address is not acknowledged by at least one receiver (and hence repeated);
is negatively acknowledged by at least one receiver;
whether a group address message is answered by a Busy acknowledge by at least one
The bottom of the window informs which devices contribute to the bus traffic.
Caution: A bus load exceeding 50% may lead to an increase in communication problems
(sporadic malfunctions) in the KNX installation.
Another new feature of ETS is the “Online Installation Diagnostics” Wizard. This wizard
verifies that all necessary commissioning steps have been successfully completed. It is
possible to perform this check for all devices in the project, for a specific device or for all
devices linked to a specific group address. All depends on what you have selected before
starting this wizard.
If the device in question can be reached and if the application program has been
downloaded correctly, the following result will appear on the screen.
If the device in question cannot be reached or if e.g. no application program is loaded into
the device, the following will be displayed.
Errors are marked with a red bullet in front of the problem description.
Warnings are marked with an orange bullet in front of the problem description
If no problems are detected a green bullet will be displayed behind the field “Result”.
Figure 51: Online Installation Diagnostics Wizard - Basic Checks - Occurred errors
The next step of the wizard allows you to perform “Extended [Diagnostics] Checks”. These
verify whether the configured group addresses in the devices are the same as those in the
If you want to submit a support case to KNX Association, it is advisable to first clear up all
diagnostic information before reproducing a problem. This will help the support team to
analyse your problem more efficiently. To collect diagnostic information, select “Collect
diagnostic information”. Check the field “Print diagnostic output” if you want to print out the
diagnostic information or check “Export diagnostic output as ZIP” to export the diagnostic
output in a compressed ZIP file.
To analyse the problem KNX needs the system configuration settings of the PC or notebook,
on which you are running the ETS. Please note that no private data is collected. If you do not
want to send this information just unmark the “Include system information” checkbox.
ETS and your operating system write information about possible problems that occur at
runtime into log files. When checking these fields, you will provide the KNX Association’s
support team with more information to analyse your problem(s).
In order to analyse the problem it is also very important to include information on your
active license(s). The information about the installed licenses helps KNX Association to
identify installation issues and licensing problems.
Important: By exporting license information, you will not deactivate active license keys. The
export function will simply export information on licenses currently valid on your machine.
To make a thorough analysis of the problem at KNX, the Tool Diagnostics Wizard further
collects information on the build version of the installed ETS, version of installed product
specific software and other installed software components on your PC.
Tick the checkbox to include version information on software components used by ETS.
As soon as the “Finish” button is pressed, the diagnostic information will be stored as a ZIP
file in an output folder of your choice, which you can then provide to KNX via the ‘My
Support’ menu item in your MyKNX account.
The ETS software keeps track of internal events by storing them in a log file to help KNX
Association should possible errors occur. The extent of the contents of these log files can be
managed in this setting. By default the logging level is set to Standard.
With the setting “Extended” almost all activities are logged. Consequently, you should only
use the Extended logging level under special circumstances, e.g. when requested to do so by
KNX support.
9.2 Clean-Up
Selecting this option resets all user settings in the event of an error (resets paths or column
positions/ widths and window positions, e.g. outside of the main monitor).
Selecting this option deletes all local data created by Plug-ins in the project (not the plug-in
itself), when problems with display of product-specific parameters occur (e.g. incompatible
plug-in versions installed on the computer).
Selecting this option deletes all local KNX product entries in the Product Store (Catalogs