ENG - SPARQ - 11 - Prin MSG

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First Edition: December, 2023


Incorporating Cognitive Domains of CD 2020
DSPGS Faculty & Team CAD

Subject: …………………………….
Grade: ……………………………...
Dear Students,

SPARQ 2023
A Note to Students

Dear Students,
Your journey of learning is an exciting and enriching phenomenon. Hope you are enjoying it! Learning and
assessment are not just the two sides of a coin, but are the integral component of achieving desired performance.
With an aim to prepare you well for examination, we are introducing Student Practice and Revision Questions

What is SPARQ?

Student Practice and Revision Questions, or SPARQ — is a useful resource tailored-made for you for gaining
mastery of concepts through topical practice and comprehensive revision. In the ever-evolving landscape of
education, we recognize the pivotal role of structured and effective learning tools. SPARQ emerges as your
dedicated companion, providing a robust & meticulously designed question bank aimed to propel your academic

We understand that success is an experiential journey comprising consistent practice and insightful revision. It is
not just a question bank; it is a dynamic repository of thoughtfully curated questions spanning a myriad of
subjects. Each question is carefully crafted to challenge, inspire critical thinking, and reinforce core concepts
ensuring that your learning experience is not only effective but also engaging.

How SPARQ will benefit you?

SPARQ offers clarity and precision in assessment criteria and rubrics conforming to our CD 2020 (and in
alignment with CBSE Assessment Framework, NEP 2020 & NCF 2023). It will empower you with a transparent
understanding of your learning performance. Every question you encounter on SPARQ comes with well-defined
assessment criteria, guiding you through the expectations and enabling you to gauge your progress with accuracy.

How to use SPARQ?

SPARQ is a comprehensive of practice questions and revision materials, strategically curated to cover a wide
spectrum of subjects and topics. Whether you are gearing up for exams, reinforcing classroom learning, or simply
seeking to enhance your understanding, you may use SPARQ anytime. anywhere and in every step of your
learning journey.

Wish you happy practising!

~ Principal

SPARQ 2023
Blueprint of Questions Types

GRADES: 6 - 9 & 11
Cognitive Domains Type of Questions No. of Questions on each Topic
Knowledge & Concepts MCQs upto 5 questions
(refers to theories & infor-
mation which the students
Very Short/Short Answer
learn in the class mainly upto 5 questions
through reading, listening,
writing & experiencing)

Skills & Competencies MCQs upto 5 - 6 questions

(refers to potential that Short Answer Questions (SAQ) upto 5 - 6 questions
enables students to use/
apply knowledge effective- Long Answer Questions (LAQ) upto 5 - 6 questions
ly in doing a task)

Problem Solving
(refers to potential that
enables students to use/
apply knowledge & skill in Long Answer Questions (LAQ) upto 5 - 10 questions
identifying and analyzing
a problem and solving it

Cognitive Domains (CD 2020) Weightages (CD 2020)

Knowledge and Concepts 45%
Skills and Competencies 35%
Problem Solving Skills 20%

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Assessment Objective:
 Read with comprehension the given text/materials employing strategies like skimming, scanning,
predicting, previewing, reviewing, inferring, preparing notes and summarising.
 Understand the writer’s purpose, perspectives, and tone.
 Comprehend the difference between the literal and the figurative.
 Differentiate between claims and realities, facts, and opinions.
 Analyze the data accurately and draw inferences based on the visual stimulus.

Read the following questions and choose your answer from the correct options.

1. “Who doesn't know how to cook rice? Cooking rice hardly takes time.” said my father.
So, I challenged myself. I switched from news to YouTube and typed, “How to cook rice?” I took one and a half
cups of rice. Since I didn't have access to a rice cooker, I put the rice in a big pot. Firstly, the rice has to be washed
to get rid of dust and starch. I thought I won't be able to drain the rice and that it will fall out of the pot. I observed
the chef as I swirled the rice around and used my dexterous hands to drain it, not once, not twice, but three times. I
looked down at the sink and saw less than 50 grains that made their way out of the pot. Suffice to say, I was up to
the mark.
2. The video stated that the key to perfect rice is equal amounts of rice and water. I have heard that professionals
don't need to measure everything; they just know what the right amount is. But as this was my first time in the
kitchen, I decided to experiment by not measuring the water needed for boiling the rice. I wanted the rice to be
firm when bitten, just like pasta. I don’t enjoy the texture of mushy rice. It has to have that chutzpah; it has to
resist my biting power just for a bit before disintegrating.
3. After what seemed like 10 minutes, all the water disappeared. I went in to give it a good stir. To my surprise,
some of the rice got stuck to the pot. I tried to scrape it off but to no avail. At the same time, there was a burning
smell coming from it. I quickly turned the stove off. “What have you done to the kitchen?” shouted Mother, while
coming towards the kitchen. I managed to ward her off.

4. Finally, when the time came to taste my creation, I was surprised! It wasn’t bad at all. The rice had the desired
consistency. Sure, a little more salt would've been better, but I just added that while eating. The experience was
fairly rewarding and memorable. It taught me a new sense of respect for those who cook food on a regular basis at
home or engage in gourmet creations professionally.

1.1. Based on your understanding of the passage attempt the following questions:
i. What was Father’s intent in asking the narrator about knowing how to cook rice?
ii. “I switched from news to YouTube …” Pick the option in which the meaning of
‘switch(ed)’ is NOT the same as it is in the passage.
a. He switched on the radio to listen to the news while having dinner.
b. “Forget these diet supplements and switch to yoga, if you want a true sense of
c. Mom switched to reading fiction recently because she was bored with cook-books.
d. The company will switch the trucks to other routes to bring down city pollution.
iii. Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the correct sequence of the process.

1. Use water to wash the rice.

2. Repeat the process three times.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
3. Drain the water off.
4. Put rice in a utensil.
5. Swirl the water in and around the rice.

a. 4,2,1,3,5
b. 1,3,2,5,4
c. 4,1,5,3,2
d. 5,1,2,4,3
iv. The narrator says that he has dexterous hands. He would have had a problem had it been the opposite. NOT
BEING dexterous means, being
a. uncomfortable.
b. clumsy.
c. unclear.
d. clueless.
v Which option represents the correct ratio of water to rice for cooking ‘perfect rice’?
a. 50% water: 50% rice
b. 70% water: 30%rice
c. 25% water: 75% rice
d. 45% water: 55% rice
vi. How did the mother react to the burning smell?
vii. Complete the sentence using one word only:
The fact that the narrator didn’t measure water needed to cook rice as shown in the video, shows that he liked-

viii. Pick the option showing the CORRECT use of the word ‘chutzpah’.
a. It is the court’s duty to dispense chutzpah to everyone irrespective of caste or creed.
b. The speaker may not have much of a stage presence, but you've got to admit she's got chutzpah.
c. I could crack the code easily which proved me to be a chutzpah and I was the only one who could do so.
d. After his father’s demise, the daughter took over the family’s chutzpah to save it from disaster.

ix. Pick the option that correctly states what DID NOT happen after the writer checked on the rice.

a. Turning the stove off.

b. Being taken aback at the condition of rice.
c. Forgetting to scrape the stuck rice.
d. Smelling the delicious aroma of cooked rice.

x. Pick out words from the passage that highlight narrator’s satisfaction with reference to the cooking experience.


i. He wanted to make the process sound simple for the narrator. 1

ii. a) “He switched on the radio to listen to the news while having dinner. 1
iii. c) 4,1,5,3,2 1
iv. b) clumsy 1
v (a) 50% water:50% rice 1
vi. The mother asked the narrator what he had done 1
vii. challenges/ experimenting 1
viii. b) The speaker may not have much of stage presence, but you've got to admit she's got
chutzpah. 1

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
ix. d) Smelling the delicious aroma of cooked rice . 1
x. The experience was fairly rewarding and memorable. 1


1.Changing food preferences have brought about rapid changes in the structure of the Indian diet. The rapid
proliferation of multinational fast- food companies and the influence of Western culture have replaced traditional
home-cooked meals with ready-to-eat, processed foods thus increasing the risk of chronic diseases in urban
Indians. Therefore, nurturing healthy eating habits among Indians from an early age would help to reduce health

2. To date, little is known about the quality and quantity of foods and beverages consumed by urban Indian adolescents. This
lack of evidence is a significant barrier to the development of effective nutrition promotion and disease prevention measure.
Therefore, a self-administered, semi-quantitative, 59-item meal-based food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was developed
to assess the dietary intake of adolescents. A total of 1026 students (aged 14–16 years) attending private, English-speaking
schools in Kolkata completed the survey.

3. The survey results report poor food consumption patterns and highlights the need to
design healthy eating initiatives. Interestingly, while there were no gender differences
in the consumption of legumes and fried snacks, the survey found more females consumed
cereals, vegetables and fruits than their male counterparts.

4. In conclusion, the report suggested that schools ought to incorporate food literacy concepts into their
curriculum as they have the potential of increasing the fruit and vegetable intake in teenagers. Additionally,
healthy school canteen policies with improved availability, accessibility, variety and affordability of healthy food
choices would support the consumption of nutritious food in students.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Answer the following questions, based on given passage.
i. As per the researcher, ‘changing food preferences’ of urban population means..
a. shift in quality and quantity of foods and beverages.
b. transition from healthy home-cooked meals to ready-to-eat-processed
c. rapid proliferation of multinational fast- food companies.
d. changing trends of unhealthy eating initiatives.

ii. Why was this survey on the food consumption undertaken?

a. to understand the food pattern of urban adults and make recommendations based on the data.
b. to understand the food pattern of urban adolescents and make recommendations based on the data.
c. To understand the food pattern of rural adults and make recommendations based on the data.
d. To understand the food pattern of rural adolescents and make recommendations based on the data.

iii. With reference to the figure, write one conclusion about students' consumption of
energy-dense drinks.
a. Close to 47% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages
b. Close to 51% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages
c. Close to 43% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages
d. Close to 49% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages

iv. The term food frequency, as stated in para 2 refers to the ........................... over.
a specified period of time.
a. rate of intake of food and beverages consumed
b. portion size
c. variety of food available
d. None of the above
v. Comment on the significance of incorporating food literacy concepts into student

vi. There were gender differences observed in the consumption of healthy foods, according to the survey.

vii. ‘Affordability’ is recommended as a significant feature of a school canteen

policy as..
a. Its consumers are school students.
b. It targets the poor students studying in the school.
c. It aims to provide nutritious diet to undernourished students.
d. It supplies food in nearby slums.

viii. Identify a word from para 2 indicating that the questionnaire was specifically designed to be completed by a
respondent without the intervention of the researcher collecting the data.

ix.. Identify the diet conscious adolescent from the following :

(a) Reshma- I get bored of eating only cereals and legumes. A mid-day snack is
perfect for me.
(b) Nawaz-I’m happy gorging on energy drinks and snacks. I simply can’t live without them.
(c) Deepak-I’m not worried about my health, I’m far too busy for all that stuff.
(d) Rahul: I love attending parties as I can eat food of my choice.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving

x. State TRUE or FALSE.

The title, " Shift in Dietary Habits of Young Urban Adolescents in India", is appropriate for this passage.

i) b. transition from healthy home-cooked meals to ready-to-eat-processed 1
ii) understand the food consumption pattern of urban adolescents 1
make recommendations based on the data.
iii) Close to 47% drink three or more servings of energy dense beverages. 1
iv) (a) rate of intake of food and beverages consumed 1
v) It is important because reading about the advantages of a healthy diet would assist an
increased intake of fruits and vegetables in teenagers
vi. Females had more nutritious dietary intake as they consumed more cereals, vegetables and fruits compared to
their male counterparts 1
vii) a. Its consumers are school students. 1
viii. Self-administered 1
ix. (a) Reshma 1
x. TRUE 1

PASSAGE 3: Note Making and Summarization

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. Colour Therapy is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient
cultures of Egypt, China and India. If we define it in simple terms, Colour is a light of varying wavelengths, thus each colour
has its own particular wavelength and energy.

2. Colours contribute to energy. This energy may be motivational and encouraging. Each of the seven colours of the
spectrum are associated with energy. The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colours of red, orange, yellow, green,
blue, indigo and violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras/energy centres of the body. Colour
therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate colour to the body.

3. Red relates to the base chakra, orange the sacral chakra, yellow the solar plexus chakra, green the heart chakra, blue the
throat chakra, indigo the brow chakra (sometimes referred to as the third eye) and violet relates to the crown chakra.

4. Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull, our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura and the energy of colour affects us on all
levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy – thus colour energy has
widespread effects on the whole body. There are many different ways of giving colour, including; Solarised Water, Light
boxes/lamps with colour filters, colour silks and hands on healing using colour.

5. Colour therapy can be shown to help on a physical level, which is perhaps easier to quantify, however there are deeper
issues around the colours on the psychological and spiritual levels. Our wellbeing is not, of course, purely a physical issue.
Fortunately, many more practitioners, both orthodox and complementary, are now treating patients in a holistic manner.

6. Colour Therapy is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, colour should be a part of our everyday life, not
just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Colour is all around us everywhere. This wonderful planet
does not contain all the beautiful colours of the rainbow for no reason. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance;
everything in nature is here for a purpose. Colour is no exception. All we need to do is to heighten our awareness of the
energy of colour, absorb it and see how it can transform our lives.

1. Based on your reading of the above passage, make-notes using heading and sub-heading. Also use recognized
abbreviations wherever necessary. (minimum 4) Supply a suitable title. (1+1+3=05 Marks)

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
2. Write the summary of the passage in about 50 words. (03 Marks)

Colour Therapy
1. Age old therapy
1.1 found in
1.1.1 Egypt
1.1.2 China
1.1.3 India
1.2 light of vryng wvlngth & energy
2. Colour relate to energy of chakras
2.1 red –base
2.2 orange – sacral
2.3 yellow – solar plexus
2.4 green – heart
2.5 blue – throat
2.6 indigo – brow
2.7 violet – crown
3. Holistic benefits
3.1 phy’l
3.2 sprt’l
3.3 emtn’l

Key to Abbreviations
Abbreviations Words
vryng varying
wvlngth Wavelength
& And
phy’l Physical
sprt’l Spiritual
emtn’l emotional

Colour therapy is an age-old therapy found in the cultures of Egypt, China and India. Each colour has light of
varying wavelength and energy. Colours relate to the energy of chakras. Red is for base chakra, orange to sacral,
yellow to solar plexus, green to heart, blue to throat, indigo to brow and violet to crown. Colour impacts us on all
levels, including the physical, spiritual and emotional well being. Colour therapy has holistic benefits.


Assessment Objective: SWAT
1. write letters to friends, relatives, etc. to write business and official letters.
2. draft notices, advertisements and design posters effectively and appropriately write on various
issues to institutions seeking relevant information.
3. express opinions, facts, arguments in the form of speech or debates, using a variety of accurate
sentence structures.
4. prepare notes from the given passage and summarize.
5. use syntax accurately.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving

(i) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
When I (a) ………(enter) into the room, I (b)……(find) my cousin reclining on the sofa bed. I (c)…….
(ask) him the matter. He (d)…………(tell) me that he was having severe headache

(a) 1. was entering 2. entered 3. enters 4.had entered

(b) 1. finds 2. was finding 3. had found 4. found
(c) 1. asks 2. ask 3. had asked 4. asked
(d) 1. tells 2. was telling 3. told 4. had told
(ii) Rearrange the following words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. Sohan said to her, “If you fail, what will you do?” (Indirect Speech)
2. The students said, “How difficult the question paper is!” (Indirect Speech)
3. Scientists have discovered traces of ice on the surface of Mars. (Passive Voice)
Answer Key-
(i) Ans- (a) entered, (b) found, (c) asked (d) told

(ii) Ans- 1. Sohan asked her what she would do if she failed.
2. The students exclaimed despairingly that the question paper was very difficult.
4. Traces of ice have been discovered on the surface of Mars (by scientists)

Answer the following questions based on writing skills as per instructions given below.
(i). You want to give the first floor of your house for rent. Draft an advertisement for the same.

(ii) You are Krishna/ Tisha, Secretary, Greenland Enterprises Ltd, Delhi-110006. Your Chairman has asked you to
draft an advertisement for a local daily under the classified columns for the vacant posts of one accountant and two
office assistants. Draft an advertisement.

(iii). You are making an effort to spread the message of communal harmony. Prepare a poster with catchy slogans
to be displayed in the school premises. (Word limit: 50 words)

(iv) As the President of Leo Club of Temple Town, prepare a poster on behalf of Lions Club and Leo Club for
‘Diwali Mela’ to be held at Nehru Stadium, mentioning some of the attractions.

(v). You are Anshu/Anita. You have secured 95 per cent marks in English. Your English teacher has persuaded
you to share the secret of your success with your schoolmates. You decide to deliver a speech ‘English is an
extremely scoring subject’ in the morning assembly. Write the speech in about 120-150 words.

(vi) The increasing amount of time spent playing indoor games has been a major cause of decreasing the outdoor
appearance of children. With this concern, write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly in 120-150
words. You are Parag/Pragati.

(vii). “Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career.” Write a debate either for or against
the motion. (120 – 150 words)
(viii) ‘It is fair that a foreign language should be mandatory at the school level’. Write a debate either for or against

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
the motion. (120 – 150 words)

Suggested value points:

(i) Value points: Prime Location, Spacious Interior, Modern Amenities, Private Entrance, Contact
(ii) Value points: Cultural Exchange Programs, Educational Workshops, Unity Day Celebrations, Anti-
Discrimination Campaigns, Student-led Initiatives
(iii) Value points: Enhances Communication Skills, Practical Application, Enhances Critical Thinking,
Resources for Improvement, Boosts Confidence, Teacher Guidance
(iv) Value points: Holistic Development, Adaptability and Innovation, Practical Application of Knowledge,
Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurship and Initiative
(v) -Versatility
-Practical Application
-Express Yourself
-Reading Habit
-Global Relevance
(vi) -Health and Fitness
-Social Skills
-Creativity and Imagination
-Sunlight and Vitamin D
-Reduction in Screen Time
(vii) Against the Motion:

-Practical Skills
-Experience Matters
-Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence
-Changing Career Landscape
-Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

For the Motion:

-Knowledge Base
-Professional Credentials.
-Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
-Research and Innovation
-Global Competitiveness
-Foundation for Lifelong Learning:

(viii) Educational Enrichment, Career Opportunities, Cognitive Benefits, Communication Skills,

Cultural Awareness


Assessment Objective: SWBAT

1.Respond to literary texts.
2.Appreciate and analyse special features of languages that differentiate literary texts from non-literary
ones, explore and evaluate features of character, plot, setting, etc.
3.Understand and appreciate the oral, mobile, and visual elements of drama. Identify the elements of style
such as humour, pathos, satire, and irony, etc.
4.Make notes from various resources for the purpose of developing the extracted ideas into sustained

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
pieces of writing.
5.Critical evaluation of the plot, storyline, and characters
6.Commentary on the characters.
7.Extrapolating about the story read or life of characters after the story ends defending characters actions
in the story.
A. One Poetry extract from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis,
inference, and appreciation.
A Photograph

Read the lines carefully and choose the best option to answer the following:
“Some twenty-thirty – years later
She’d laugh at the snapshot. “See Betty
And Dolly,” she’d say, “and look how they
Dressed us for the beach.” The sea holiday
Was her past, mine is her laughter. Both wry
With the laboured ease of loss.”

a. Why did ‘she’ laugh?

1. Because of the funny dresses that they were wearing at the sea holiday
2. Because one of them cracked a joke
3. Because of the funny dresses they were wearing at the party
4. Because of the funny man they saw at the sea holiday

b. The two past mentioned in the above stanza are……..

c. How many phases were depicted in the poem by the poet?
d. What is the meaning of the word 'wry'?
1. ironic
2. cry
3. sad
4. blissful
Answer key:
1. Because of the funny dresses that they were wearing at the sea holiday
2. Mother’s childhood and poet recalling the memory of her mother
3. three
4. ironic

Read the lines carefully and choose the best option to answer the following:

When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,
Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography.
And therefore, could not be,
Was that the day!
a). What mood is created in the stanza that begins with "When did my childhood go?"
i) Melancholic
ii) Playful

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
iii) Excited
iv) Optimistic
b) Which poetic device do you find in ‘hell and heaven’?
i) Simile
ii) Transferred epithet
iii) Metaphor
iv) Alliteration
c) Why couldn’t poet find ‘hell and heaven’ in the book of Geography?
d) What did the poet realise about ‘hell & heaven’?
Answer key:
i) Melancholic
ii) Alliteration
iii) because they are fictitious places
iv) That they couldn’t be found in the book of geography- hypothetical places.

B. One Prose extract from the book Hornbill, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis,
evaluation, and appreciation.

The Portrait of a Lady

When I went up to University, I was given a room of my own. The common link of friendship was snapped. My
grandmother accepted her seclusion with resignation. She rarely left her spinning-wheel to talk to anyone. From
sunrise to sunset she sat by her wheel spinning and reciting prayers. Only in the afternoon she relaxed for a while
to feed the sparrows. While she sat in the verandah breaking the bread into little bits, hundreds of little birds
collected round her creating a veritable bedlam of chirrupings.
a) What brought isolation for grandmother?
1. Spinning wheel and reciting prayers
2. Changed attitude of Khushwant’s parents
3. Khushwant’s changed attitude
4. Khushwant being given a separate room

b) How did grandmother react on breaking of common link with her grandchild?
1. She opposed it vehemently
2. She offered silent prayers to almighty
3. She acknowledged it silently
4. She demanded an explanation from Khushwant’s parents

c) Where did grandmother find refuge from secluded state?

d) Why was the narrator given a separate room?
Answer key: Suggested value points:
a) Khushwant being given a separate room.
b) She acknowledged it silently
c) Feeding the sparrows, spinning wheel, reciting prayers
d) Because he got admission in a university and for his studies…

We’re not afraid……

1. In July 1976, my wife Mary, son Jonathan, 6, daughter Suzzane, 7, and I set sail from Plymouth, England,
to duplicate the round the-world voyage made 200 years earlier by Captain James Cook. For the longest time,

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Mary and I, a 37-year old businessman had dreamt of sailing in the wake of the famous explorer, and for the past
16 years we had spent all our leisure time honing our seafaring skills in British waters.
a) What information do you gather about the narrator from the given extract?
b) Which literary device has been used in ‘seafaring skills’?
1) Metaphor
2) Simile
3) Transferred Epithet
4) Alliteration
c) Find out the synonym of ‘honing’ from the following-
1) Perfect, sharpen
2) Sharpen, taper
3) Taper, perfect
4) Perfect, sharpen, taper
d) What do you mean by ‘seafaring skills’?

2. Our boat Wavewalker, a 23 meter, 30 ton wooden-hulled beauty, had been professionally built, and we had
spent months fitting it out and testing it in the roughest weather we could find. The first leg of our planned three-
year, 105,000 kilometer journey passed pleasantly as we sailed down the west coast of Africa to Cape Town.
There, before heading east, we took on two crewmwn-American Larry Vigil and Swiss Herb Seigler to help us
tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean.

1. How much does the boat Wavewalker weigh?

2. Where did the crew take on two additional members before heading east?

a) Cape Town

b) West Coast of Africa

c) Southern Indian Ocean

d) Roughest weather region

3. How long is the planned journey of the crew on Wavewalker?

a) 50,000 kilometers

b) 75,000 kilometers

c) 105,000 kilometers

d) 120,000 kilometers
4. Why did the captain join two more crew members?
Answer key: Suggested value points:
1. a) Ans- He was a businessman but wanted to explore the world
b) Ans- alliteration
c) Ans- 4) Perfect, sharpen, taper
d) enhancing the art of travelling by sea.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving

2. a) Answer: c) 30 tons
b) Answer: a) Cape Town
c) Answer: c) 105,000 kilometers
4. because they were experienced and could help tackle the roughest weather conditions.

C. One prose extract from the book Snapshots, to assess comprehension, interpretation, analysis,
inference, and appreciation.
He knew, too, that the case here would demand all his attention. A queer lethargy of spirit came upon him. He
decided to remain until everything was over. An hour later he went upstairs again, noted the progress made, came
down once more, sat by the kitchen fire. It was still, except for the rustle of a cinder in the grate and the slow tick-
tock of the wall clock. No, there was another sound—the beat of Morgan’s footsteps as he paced in the street
i) Who is ‘he’ in the given extract?
ii) Which of the following sound was not audible to Andrew?
a) Tick-tock of the wall clock
b) Rustle of cinder
c) Footsteps of Morgan
d) Heartbeat of woman
iii) Where was Andrew served tea?
iv) Based on the extract, please classify following in facts and opinion-
a) Andrew was sitting inside the house.
b) I believe Andrew stayed there for less than an hour

Answer key: Suggested value points:

1. Dr Andrew Manson
2. D) heartbeat of woman
3. In the kitchen
4. A) fact
a) Opinion

Summer of the beautiful white horse

Every branch of the Garoghlanian1 family was living in the most amazing and comical poverty in the world.
Nobody could understand where we ever got money enough to keep us with food in our bellies, not even the old
men of the family. Most important of all, though, we were famous for our honesty. We had been famous for our
honesty for something like eleven centuries, even when we had been the wealthiest family in what we liked to
think was the world. We were proud first, honest next, and after that we believed in right and wrong. None of us
would take advantage of anybody in the world, let alone steal.

1. What is the main characteristic of the Garoghlanian family mentioned in the passage?
2. How long has the Garoghlanian family been famous for its honesty?
a) 50 years
b) 100 years
c) 500 years
d) 11 centuries

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving

3. What was the family's financial situation despite their reputation for honesty?
a) Wealthy
b) Middle-class
c) Comically poor
d) Struggling

4. What is the family's belief system in terms of right and wrong?

a) Right and wrong don't matter
b) Wealth matters more than right and wrong
c) Honesty comes first, followed by a belief in right and wrong
d) The family doesn't believe in right and wrong
Answer key: Suggested value points:
b) Honesty
d) 11 centuries
c) Comically poor
c) Honesty comes first, followed by a belief in right and wrong

D. Short answer type questions (one from Prose and one from Poetry, from the book Hornbill), to be
answered in 40-50 words. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking.
A Photograph
The Portrait of a Lady
Discovering Tut
Voice of the rain
Laburnum Top
1. Describe the three girls as they pose for the photograph?
2. “In the evening a change came over her.” What change came over the grandmother?
3. Carter had to take a drastic decision regarding the mummy. What was it? How did he justify it?
4. What advancements have taken place in archaeology since 1922?
5. What does the phrase “strange to tell’’ mean?
6. What Does the Phrase “Her Barred Face Identity Mask” Mean?

Answer key: Suggested value points:

1. The three girls went to the sea beach to be photographed by their uncle.
The younger cousins were holding hands of the elder cousin.
They smiled through their hair as they stood still for a photograph.
2. Grandmother was overjoyed when Khushwant Singh returned.
In the evening she did not sing her prayers instead she gathered the neighbourhood women and started to
sing songs of the homecoming of warriors along with playing a dilapidated drum.
3. The hard decision that carter had to take was to chisel away the hardened resins from under Tut’s body.
This could damage the skeleton.
The workers had to remove Tut’s head and sever nearly all the joints.
Carter’s justification was that if he hadn’t cut the mummy free, thieves would have ripped it apart to get
the gold.
4. Since 1922, the focus of architecture has changed from focusing less on the treasure to more on the
fascinating details of life and the mysteries of death.
These advances also use more sophisticated tools, including medical technology.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
5. The poet of the poem “The Voice of the Rain” put certain questions to the rain.
He asked the rain whose art it was.
The voice of the rain replied in a language which could not understand by a human being as it was not in
any understandable human dialect.
So, the poet terms the voice of the rain a thing which is strange to tell.
6. The phrase “her barred face identity mask” has referred to the appearance of the goldfinch bird.
The bird’s body is yellow while its face has stripes.
Though the bird can hide its body in the yellow flowers of the laburnum tree, its striped face can only
identify its presence on the tree.

We are not afraid….

1. What did the narrator think of on landing at Ile Amsterdam? Why?
2. “Optimism and courage help to tide over difficulties”. How did the narrator succeed in searching the small

3. The poem highlights the theme of self-discovery and personal independence. Comment on the same as
presented in the poem ‘Childhood’.
4. Bring out the hypocrisy that the adults exhibit regarding love.

Answer key: Suggested value points:

1.On landing at Ile Amsterdam, the narrator’s thoughts were full of Larry and Herbie, cheerful and optimistic - his
wife stayed at the wheel for all those crucial hours- his daughter, who had been so brave all through the ordeal .
2. Despite the lost compass and a faulty compass,not lose hope- estimate the influence of the westerly currents -
Larry to steer a course of 185 degrees
-Unique mind
3. -own opinions and decisions
-sense of individuality
-free from the prejudiced opinions of others
-own experiences shaped his thoughts
-lost his childhood innocence completely
4. poet grew up- could make out the double standards followed by adults, -their behaviour was totally different
and full of manipulation, hypocrites.
E. Short answer type question, from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 40- 50 words. Questions
should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking.
The Address
1. What did the elderly midwife think of the young doctor?
2. What was the reaction of Mrs Dorling when the narrator said she is the daughter of Mrs S?
Answer key: Suggested value points:
1. doubtful about the young doctor’s success
skeptic about modern medicine on one side and quite worried about the glowing demand for modern
doctors in front of her eyes, quite experienced and not ready to accept a change.
Her act of placing the stillborn under the cot cements this suspicion about her character.
She was indirectly establishing the failure of modern medicine by doing so.
2. Upon hearing that she is Mrs S’s daughter, Mrs Dorling gave an odd reaction.
She pressed her hand on the door to prevent it from opening further.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
She couldn't recognise the storyteller and stared at her without saying anything.
Mother’s Day
Summer of the beautiful white horse
1. How does Mrs Fitzgerald plan to deal with the family of Mrs Pearson?
2. Briefly describe the problems that Ms Pearson faced and how far is she responsible for them.
3. 1. “I could swear it is the horse that was stolen from me many months ago ..................
...................................................I would swear it is my horse if I did not know your parents.” What did
John Byro imply when he said that?
4. “I knew my cousin Mourad enjoyed being alive more than anybody else who had ever fallen into the
world by mistake .....” Elaborate.
Answer key: Suggested value points:

1. Mrs Pearson devotes all her time and energy to serve her husband, son and daughter-thoughtless and
selfish persons -no better than a servant in her own home-Mrs Pearson herself responsible for the ill-
treatment, neglect and lack of concern.
2. She tells Mrs Pearson that she will deal with her family - change places or really bodies. Mrs Pearson
would then look like Mrs Fitzgerald and the latter would look like the former.
3. Ans- John Byro accidentally encountered Mourad, Aram and his horse-could not believe his eyes -
Xerox of his horse-checked the teeth- could not trust his heart -more trust in the parents-Garoghlanian
Tribe, famous for honesty.
4. Ans- Unique character of Mourad-by chance fallen into world- enjoys his life to the utmost in his own
way and does not have any affinity with other normal people.

A. Long answer type question, from Prose/Poetry of Hornbill, to be answered in 120-150 words.
Questions can be based on incident / theme / passage / extract / event, as reference points to assess
extrapolation beyond and across the text. The question will elicit analytical and evaluative response from
the student.
A Photograph
The Portrait of a Lady
Father to son
1. Describe how the relationship of Khushwant Singh and his grandmother evolved over a duration of time.
2. The three stanzas depict three different phases? What are they?
3. What sort of father-son relationship has been depicted in the poem ‘Father to Son?

Answer key: Suggested value points:

1. *author and his grandmother shared a relationship which was very strong* author had a lot of respect
and admiration for his grandmother and her love for the author was limitless. *Earlier, they shared
everything including room- strengthened their bond. * shift to the city along with his grandmother to
stay with his parents, their relationship underwent a change* interaction became less as the author grew
older*moved to a foreign university for five years*even though now the physical proximity was less,
conversation lesser, but the basic foundation of their relationship was extremely strong*she never
expressed her resentment or her loneliness explicitly* kept a tenacious hold on to her life till her
grandson returned from abroad. Only after seeing him, she breathed her last.
2. The first stanza of the poem talks about the childhood of the poet' mother when she went on a beach
holiday with her cousins.
It was a happy memory which the mother held close to her heart.
The second stanza talks about the mother being old and gradually entering old age.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
The poet is now a young girl and was narrated this happy memory by her mother on being presented
with the photograph.
In the third stanza, the poet has progressed deeper into life and aged.
Her mother is now dead and she fondly remembers her smile and memory when she once again comes
across the picture.
3. father-son relationship symbolic, shared home together for years, no understanding, no affectionate
connection, strangers, son looks physically similar but has own vision, dreams, and aspirations father
willing to forgive, returns home, completely helpless, furious, and distraught, unable to communicate,
attempts to mend relationship fall short, no response from the other side.
The Adventure
Silk Road
1. That is, assuming that in this world there existed someone called Rajendra Deshpande!’ Why does
Professor Gaitonde feel so?
2. Describe the author’s experiences at Darchen.
3. Justify the title ‘Silk Road’
Answer key: Suggested value points:
1. Professor Gaitonde had gone through a strange and harrowing experience.
He had been literally transported into an alternative universe.
In the alternative world the reality was very different.
History had altered its course.
Now back in the real world, Professor Gaitonde, as a historian felt he would go to a big library and browse
through history books and would return to Pune and have a long talk with Rajendra Deshpande, to help
him understand what had happened.
After the queer happening, he was unsure about the reality and wondered if Rajendra Deshpande existed.

2. author and Tsetan reached Darchen late night, found a guesthouse to stay, had serious sleep problems, high
altitude problems, blocked nose, went to Darchen College for treatment. doctor -common problem gave
medicine. Tsetan left, go on foot. At Darchen, found people very relaxed and unhurried, no pilgrims
reached there very early, met Norbu a Tibetan working in Beijing, came for kora, decided to climb
Kailash together, had no desire to prostrate themselves all-round the mountain.
3. a network of overland routes linking Europe with Asia, trade possible between those with a passion for
silk, horses and exotic fauna and flora, thread that links East and West, a network of veins that pumped
new lifeblood into mighty empires, fabled route trodden by innumerable adventurers through the ages, the
most extraordinary tracts of land, vast region separating China from Mediterranean, difficulty of crossing
such unforgiving territory, kept East and West apart for so long, allowing them to develop in their own
distinct ways, author challenges and hardships, refreshing to traverse such vast tracts of the natural world
that remain largely unchanged from earlier days.

B. Long answer type question, based on the chapters from the book Snapshots, to be answered in 120-
150 words, to assess global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the text. Questions to provide
analytical and evaluative responses, using incidents, events, themes, as reference points. Any one out of two
questions to be done.
Tale of the Melon City
The Address
1. There lies a great difference between text book medicine and the world of practising physician. Discuss.
2. What impression would you form of a state where king was just and placid?
3. Why did the narrator of the story want to forget the address?

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
Answer key: Suggested value points:
1. Text book medicine is purely a Science whereas treating a patient is an art.
The world of practising physician requires a different set of skills and knowledge.
In the story Birth the way Andrew brings back life in the still born child is a testimony to this fact.
But Andrews takes a chance and the miracle happens.
He in the beginning applies his text book knowledge but the child does not recover.
He applies his own method and the miracle then happened.
Treatment is Science and beyond.
The story Birth is a realistic fiction. In other words, the elements of the story has been taken from real life
experiences and woven in the fabric of fiction.
2. Stability and Harmony, Fair Governance, Social Cohesion, Economic Prosperity, Public Trust and
Contentment, Effective Conflict Resolution, Respect for the Rule of Law.
It seems that the state which is ruled by the king is the abode of fools.
The king is flaky and capricious.
His desire of an arch is promptly fulfilled by the subject. But he seems to be whimsical when he chased
them to punish.
As if he is the law and his wish is command, he dictates the death sentence. His ministers are like claques
who flatter the king and keep their self interest in sound state.
The common masses are illiterate and crazy.
3. The narrator was disappointed and disillusioned when she was allowed to enter Mrs. Dorling’s house
during her second visit.
The woman pretended not to recognize, her. Nor did she show any intention of returning the things which
she had taken from the narrator's mother.
The narrator was shocked to see the 'nice belongings' of her mother being used in Mrs Dorling's house.
She felt nostalgic and decided that she would not try to take them back, as they reminded her about the
horrors of the war.
Better to forget the address of the uncharitable Mrs Dorling, which symbolised a tragic past.
She realised the futility of feeling attached to her mother’s belongings that were kept so distastefully.

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

1. Did the boys return the horse because they were conscience-stricken or because they were afraid?
2. Mourad was the natural descendant of the crazy streak of uncle Khosrove. Explain the statement giving
instances from the story, ‘The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse’?

Answer key: Suggested value points:

1. The boys returned the horse because they were conscience-stricken not because they were afraid.
Mourad and Aram belonged to the Garoghlanian family which was famous for its integrity and
honesty. Due to their passion for riding and fun once, they stole a beautiful white horse.
The most beautiful essence of this story is the fact that the boys were very innocent and meant no harm
to anyone.
They were just dreamy and wished to ride a horse.
It pricked their conscience when they saw the clean heart of the farmer, John Byro, who didn’t suspect
them even once for stealing the horse.
They were not afraid but were guilt-stricken when they met a pure-hearted soul like John, who couldn’t
even think of people of their clan stealing, even after he said it was confirmed that the horse resembled
his, just like twins.
The children might have also been afraid of ruining the prestige and honor of their families.

SPARQ 2023
Cognitive Domain: Problem Solving
2. Uncle Khosrove was considered in the Garoghlanian tribe as one of the craziest persons.
It was also believed that the tribe that Mourad was the natural descendant of the crazy streak in their
tribe. Uncle Khosrove’s craziness was out of the world.
He had the largest moustache in the surrounding area.
His talk was not less than roaring, which was but natural for him. Once when his son came running to
tell him about his house on fire, he simply said, ‘It is no harm; pay no attention to it’.
The barber who reminded him that it was his own house also got rebukes.
Khosrove also asked John Byro not to worry about the horse or the loss of money or even for his
paining legs and answered in the same way.
Mourad was considered the natural descendant of this man though not a biological descendant mainly
because of the crazy acts he was involved in.
The act of stealing a horse because he was crazy about it is an example to prove the same.
Like the punch line of uncle khosrove i.e. ‘It is no harm; pay no attention to it’ Mourad used to say that
he had a way with the things, animals and even people.
Thus, Mourad said that he had a way with the horse, with the dogs and with the farmers too.

SPARQ 2023

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