Circuits (4th Grade)
Circuits (4th Grade)
Circuits (4th Grade)
Melissa Cole
Trinity University
Repository Citation
Sites, Carrie and Cole, Melissa, "Circuits [4th grade]" (2012). Understanding by Design: Complete Collection. 216.
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Students will understand that electricity flows through a circuit which must be closed for the
energy to travel, that different materials can allow energy to flow or prevent it from travelling
and that the energy source must be properly connected for energy to flow. At the end of this
unit students will be able to independently identify complete and incomplete circuits, offer
ways to fix incomplete circuits, identify parts of a circuit, and create a circuit that is a part of a
UbD - Circuits
Students will independently use their learning to…
Established Goals (e.g., identify complete and incomplete circuits, offer ways to fix incomplete
standards) circuits, identify parts of a circuit, and create a circuit that is a part of a
4.2 C (2) Scientific
Understandings Essential Questions
investigation and Students will understand that….
reasoning. The student
1. How does electricity
uses scientific inquiry Electricity flows through a circuit which work?
methods during laboratory must be closed for the energy to travel.
and outdoor
2. How would your life be
investigations. The student Different materials can allow energy to flow different if we did not have
is expected to: (C) or prevent it from travelling. insulators?
construct simple tables,
charts, bar graphs, and The energy source must be properly 3. Where does energy go
maps using tools and connected for energy to flow. when a circuit is broken?
current technology to
organize, examine, and Acquisition
evaluate data Knowledge Skills
Students will know… Students will be able to…
4.6 BC (6) Force, motion, Key Terms:
and energy. The student Insulator- Object that slows down the flow • Create complete
knows that energy exists in of energy and incomplete
many forms and can be circuits.
observed in cycles, Conductor- Object that easily allows the
patterns, and systems. The flow of energy • Identify and explain
student is expected to: (B) the purpose of
differentiate between Circuit- Pathway that starts and finishes at insulators and
conductors and insulators; conductors.
the same place
(C) demonstrate that
electricity travels in a
Energy Source- Where energy comes from • Explore
closed path, creating an
electrical circuit, and
Current- Movement (flow) of electricity in a
explore an
certain path.
electromagnetic field
Different forms of energy- specifically
Stage 2 – Evidence
CODE Evaluative
(M or Criteria
T) (for rubric)
Performance Task(s)
Time frame given. Students will demonstrate meaning-making and transfer by…
T Lighthouse structure.
Identification and Pretending to be an electrician of an older lighthouse in Texas, the
description of insulator, Lydia Ann. The lighthouse will have problems with the wiring and
conductor, switch, and will hire students to figure it out. They will decide which circuit to
energy source. use to complete the flow of electricity. Students will identify
M Plan of lighthouse. complete and incomplete circuits. Once identified, students will fix
M Creation of complete the incomplete circuits. Then they will choose one complete circuit
A circuit. to use to create their own lighthouse. They will plan and construct
Use of switch. a lighthouse with a complete circuit and a switch. Additionally,
Complete circuit they will identify in their plans the conductors, insulators, and
identification energy source of the light house. A rubric will be provided.
Other Evidence (e.g., formative)
CODE Pre-Assessment
(A, M, How will you check students’ prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions?
T) Please give pre-assessment a week before you begin unit to familiarize yourself with student
Students will then do the Vocabulary Magic activity with cards provided.
Directions on card page.
Afterwards give vocabulary of closed circuit for successful and open for
Pose question for them to ponder- how does a switch work in a circuit? Like a
light switch, what does it do? Students answer on a sticky note before they
leave the room or are finished with the subject.
After the video, have students test out a switch with one light bulb. If no
switch is there, ask kids how they could solve the problem- simply remove the
wire from the power source.
Put all materials in the middle of the table and pose the question, could you
have more than one light bulb and still have a working circuit? In groups of 3
give students same materials (review vocabulary), plus an extra light bulb.
Have them create as many different complete circuits using multiple light
bulbs. They will still be drawing the pictures in their science notebook.
Students will work for roughly 20 minutes.
After you pick up materials, discuss with students what they saw when they
added extra light bulbs. How did your circuit change? How did it stay the
same? If you would like, bring in vocabulary of a series, versus parallel circuits.
This can be an extension for some students to identify them.
After all students have tested and have their results, discuss as a class what all
their conductors have in common, go over answers. Be sure to go back to
website and talk about knife- has plastic and metal and the pencil- lead and
wood. Relate it back to their work with circuits. What were the insulators in
their work? Conductors? Talk about the purpose of them. Wire with rubber,
plastic and metal on the light bulb holders, etc.
The last paragraph is about people eating blubber, be sure to decide whether
you want to tackle that topic with students or not.
After reading, have students put their science journal on their desk. Go over
questions on the board that students will answer AFTER the activity. 1. Which
hand was colder? 2. Why was that hand colder? 3. How is the Crisco like
blubber on animals? Then have students join you in a circle for the blubber
experiment. Afterwards discuss as a class how blubber in an insulator and how
it helps the animals survive the cold climates.
After the blubber experiment have students take the insulator and conductor
Place students in groups of 4 or 5. Students will come to you in groups and you
will do the electromagnet with those students. All other students will read and
answer questions on their own. When they come to you, they need to bring
their science notebook to fill in their actual number of paper clips it attracts. If
students finish the sheet early, they read.
After all groups go, pick one group’s results and create a line graph of the data.
Students will need to do the same. They can do it with their data, if you’ve
done enough line graphs and you feel confident they can handle it. Or you can
have the whole class use that group’s data. Afterwards, ask the group what
trend they see. Or overall what happens to the paperclips as you coil the wire
Watch powerpoint about light houses. If you have acess to United Streaming,
have students watch the video “Tour a Lighthouse”, if not you can watch a
similar video. Discuss things they have in common and how they work.
Students draw in their notebooks what lighthouses have in common, discuss
what they’re used for, where they’re found (coasts). Then talk about how
circuits are incorporated into current lighthouses.
After students understand what a lighthouse is, where they’re found and why.
Pass out the rubric/directions for their assignment. Go through the directions
first and be sure students understand what they will be doing. Then take a look
at the rubric together. Answer any questions. Pair students up, if time have
them start the circuit sheet and identify whether the circuits are
complete/incomplete and offer ways to fix the circuits. If not wait till
tomorrow. Students cannot start planning their lighthouse creation until after
they do the first sheet.
Have paint, paint brushes, construction paper, paper towel rolls, toilet paper
rolls, etc. Any extra materials they include on their plans you can give
Pre/Post Assessment:
Name:_______________________________________ Date:___________
1. Fill in the missing pieces to make this a complete circuit.
3. What happens when a wire is wrapped around a nail? What happens when you continue to
wrap the wire around the nail additional times?
4. Your family just bought a new lamp for their house, but it doesn’t work. What could be wrong
with the lamp?
5. It is a chilly winter day outside and you want a cup of hot chocolate. Which cup would insulate
your drink the best?
a. Plastic
b. Metal
c. Styrofoam
d. Glass
Set of cards cut up in a ziplock bag for each group of students
1. Students take cards out of bag and put them into piles of pictures, word, and
2. Students put all the word cards out face up in front of them so everyone can
read the word.
3. Slowly teacher reads one word at a time, students must point to the word and
repeat the word out loud. If they repeat incorrectly, teacher says the same word again.
Go through all the words.
4. Then one at a time, students pick a picture from the picture pile and describe
what they see. They use the term “I think this might be this word because this reason.”
They place the picture with the vocabulary word they believe matches it. Students
cannot correct each other. If 2 students believe their picture goes with the same word,
then they can have 2 pictures next to one word. Students continue going through all of
the picture cards doing this.
5. At the end, students can choose to move pictures to different words, but
everyone must agree.
6. Then one student at a time takes a definition card and reads it aloud. Then says
“I think this might be this word because this reason.” They put the card next to the
picture and word. All students go through the cards, students cannot correct another
student, 2 definitions can go with 1 word.
7. At the end, students may all agree to switch definitions to another word.
8. After all groups are finished, teacher will show the powerpoint and students
can make corrections at this time to their pictures, words, and definitions.
9. After the video the teacher goes through with the class the picture with the
word and definition.
EXT- For students who finish early, have them use the word in a sentence, without
restating the definition. They can use a sentence strip to write and underline the word.
insulator Object that slows down the
flow of energy.
Name Date
Directions Predict whether you think each object is a conductor or insulator. After you
predicted all of the objects, go to the website
and click on section 2: Insulators and Conductors, which is at the bottom of the screen in the
purple row. Test out each object and label it in your chart.
1. What did you notice about all of the conductors? Do they have anything in common?
2. What did you notice about the insulators? Do they have anything in common?
Conductor/Insulator Quiz:
Name:______________________________ Date:___________
Categorize the objects that you would find in your kitchen drawer as either
insulators or conductors.
4) Pencil –_______________________________________________________
5) Coins - ________________________________________________________
6) Screwdriver - __________________________________________________
7) Eraser - ______________________________________________________
8) Nail - ________________________________________________________
11) How would your life be different if we did not have insulators?
Container of Crisco
Bucket of ice
Electromagnet Experiment
Teacher use
1. Teacher wears rubber gloves. Discuss with students why you should
wear rubber gloves with this- they’re an insulator against the conductor
or the wire
2. Hold one end of the wire to one end of the battery.
3. Wrap the wire around the nail one time (like in the middle).
4. Connect the other end of the wire to the other end of the battery.
5. Try to pick up paper clips. Students record results.
6. When you let go of one end of the wire to the battery, it loses its
magnetic field and paper clips would drop.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 coiling the wire 5 times, then 10 times, then 15 times.
*The wire will still feel hot under the gloves. Discuss with student why they are
not a great insulator for this (how thin they are). If you use a D battery, the longer
you hold the wire, the more energy you lose. So don’t hold it for too long,
otherwise you won’t have enough energy to do all coils.*
Name Date
Purpose: You’re the electrician of an older lighthouse in Texas, the Lydia Ann.
They’re having problems with the wiring and have hired you to figure it out. You
will need to decide which circuit to use to complete the flow of electricity. Once
you decide which circuit to use, you will need to create a working lighthouse using
that circuit.
1. Using this set of electrical plans, decide which
circuit to use. But first, you must say whether the
circuit would light the bulb AND why, or whether
it would not light the bulb AND why. If the bulb
will not light up, you need to offer a suggestion
for how to complete the circuit and solve the
electrical problem.
Due Date
Use of the switch Your switch did not turn Your switch flashed the
(10 points) on or off the light bulb. light to sailors at sea. They
found their way!
Presentation This was not your best The lighthouse looks Your lighthouse looks
(15 points) work. It is incomplete good. It is FANTASTIC! It is detailed,
and still a work in painted/colored to the painting/coloring is
progress. represent a lighthouse precise, and it looks good
and it is neat. enough for a museum!