Syllabus Speaking Grade 2 Edit

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Grade 2

Unit Topic Key vocabulary Language functions

1 Hello again! Numbers: 1-10 Greetings: Hello, How are you?
I’m happy
Greetings, name, age I’m sad
Feelings; happy, sad, good, I’m tired
fine I’m good
I’m fine
What’s your name?
My name is Alika
How old are you?
I’m 8 years old.
What’s her/his name?
His name is Al
Her name is Aulia

2 Talking about School subjects; English, What’s your most favorite

favorite subjects Math, Science, Math, ICT, subject?
Religion, Civic, Art, Bahasa, My most favorite subject is ……
Arabic because it’s ……
Adjective: fun, easy, boring, What’s your least favorite subject?
My least favorite subject is …..
because ……

3 Talking about toys Toys: computer Describing toys:

games, kite, robot, doll, What toy(s) do you have?
rubic, cars, trains, planes, What color is it/are they?
figurines What is it/are they made of?
Color: black, grey, blue, It’s/They’re made of….
green, red, yellow, pink, Shopping dialogue:
white, orange Do you have any (toys)?
Materials: plastic, fabric, How much is the price?
rubber, metal, wood, paper I’ll take it

4 Describing my house Furniture: bath, bed, In my house, there is/are ……

lamp, mat, mirror, sofa, room
table, chair In …… room there is/are ……
Materials: plastic, fabric, The (furniture) is
rubber, metal, wood, in/on/at/behind/below/between
paper The (furniture) is made of …..
Rooms: living room, I like to spend my time in …… room
bedroom, kitchen, to read book/listen to music/watch
bathroom TV/draw a picture, etc.
Activities: watch TV, sleep,
cook, eat, take a bath,
brush teeth

5 Let’s go for a picnic Vocabulary: Planning for a picnic

Equipment: park, sunny Where will go for a picnic?
day, mat, picnic basket, What do we need to prepare for
napkins, bowl, plates, cup, our picnic?
knife, fork, spoon, Who will join the picnic?
sunglasses, umbrella, sun
Food: sandwich, cake,
biscuits, fruit, salad,
crackers, chips

6 Dinner time: eating Food: bread, chicken, Dialogue:

out at a restaurant French fries, steak, mashed Good evening, can I help you?
potatoes, soup, pasta Can I book a table for two please?
juice, milk, iced tea, Can I have some (steak and French
water fries)? Here you are.
Is there anything else?
cutlery: fork, knife, spoon,
No, thank you.
napkin, chopstick

7 Animal show Animals: tiger, panda, I love (horses). So do I./I don't.

snake dolphin, circus,
ticket, queue

8 Walking around my Places: café, flat, hospital, Where's the hospital? It's in front
town park, shop, street of the shop. It's between the
school car and the bank.
Prepositions: behind,
between, in front of, next Giving direction: turn left, turn
right, go straight
9 Clothes & weather Clothes: dress, glasses, He/She's wearing (a blue T-shirt)
handbag, hat, jeans, shirt, and (white shoes).
sunglasses They're wearing (sunglasses) and
Weather: sunny, windy, (big red hats).
rainy, cloudy, hot, cold How’s the weather today?
It’s ….

10 Joining a Activities: paint, ploy I like painting.

sport/school club badminton / baseball i love playing hockey.
basketball / hockey / table Don't like playing the guitar. Do
tennis you like reading?
Yes, I do. No, I don't.

11 Groceries shopping Groceries: fruits, Do have any ….. ?

vegetables, meat, poultry, How much/many do you want?
eggs, bread, milk, How much is the price?

12 On holiday Places: beach, mountain, Where do you want to go on

sand, sea, shell, sun holiday?
Transportation: car, bus, I want to go to the beach. I don't
train, airplanes, ferry, want to go to a big city.
helicopter, lorry, boat How do you go there?
Who comes with you on your
Adjectives: interesting, fun,
beautiful Why do you want to go there?
Because it’s interesting/fun/the
view is beautiful

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