Newsletter April 2024 1.1

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April 2024 Celebrating Black Heritage Month

Inside This Issue:

Principal’s Message

Calendar Items

Earth Month

April 8th PD Day

Appreciation Day

#Well in Peel

Day of Pink


Autism Awareness,
Acceptance & Advocacy
In March, we continued our activities from Black History Month
Arab Heritage Month with an amazing showcase of learning at our March 27th assem-
Sikh Heritage Month blies! This year’s theme is Afrofuturism: Examine the Past,
Question the Present, and Imagine the Future. Many thanks to
Mrs. Lorefice, Mrs. Li & Mrs. Noel for organizing the showcase,
as well as the many staff & students who contributed. A special
235 Kingswood Drive thank you to the many parents who attended the assemblies.
Brampton, Ontario
L6V 3B3
Need Info?
Phone: (905) 457-9971 PDSB Website:
Fax: (905) 457-6598
To see if your child’s bus is late:
Safe Arrival For lunch orders:
Building Bridges to the Future!
Principal: N. Berardi
Vice-Principal: S. Robbs We stand for...
Dear Kingswood Families,
It has been said that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, but it
seems that April has also started with a roar! As the weather continues to be unsettled, please ensure that students are dressed ac-
cordingly as conditions change quickly. In addition, it is a good practice to label jackets, boots and other belongings to help them be
returned to the rightful owner and avoid adding to our ever expanding lost and found.
Please note that our school is transitioning over to a new telephone system that is being installed. As staff learn to navigate the new
systems, please be patient as some functions and extensions have changed so we are still getting the hang of things. If for any reason
your call is disconnected, please call back as we have had some issues with calls not going through or being dropped. We apologize in
advance for any inconvenience during this transition phase.
A reminder to parents that there is no parking on the street opposite the school. We have had significant congestion issues, especial-
ly at dismissal time as this results in the street being completely blocked and our busses not being able to get in or out of the parking
lot. This can result in our busses running late which impacts other schools later on the route as well. As the weather gets warmer,
you may want to also consider parking a little farther away and having a short walk to help avoid the more heavily congested area.

Reminder—there will be no school on Monday April 8th as there is a PD Day. Finally, our next School Council meeting is scheduled
for Thursday April 18th at 6:30pm—All parents/guardians are welcome. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please
contact us in the office.
Mr. N. Berardi Mrs. S. Robbs
Principal Vice Principal

Upcoming Calendar Items:

• Pizza & Mr. Sub Days (See School Cash Online to order)
April 5, 12, 19, 26 (Pizza), April 10, 17, 24 (Mr.Sub)

• Professional Development Day —No School

April 8

• Terra Cotta Cookie Sales—stay tuned for more information on how to order
April 5—25

• Day of Pink
April 10 (observed in PDSB April 11)

• School Council Meeting—Library

April 18th —6:30pm

• International Earth Day

April 22

• Administrative Professionals’ Appreciation Day

April 24

April 2024 Page 2

Ways to get involved this Earth Month 2024

April is Earth Month and we can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by working together towards
a sustainable future for everyone!

Earth Month encompasses the international celebration of Earth Day on April 22, the most celebrated
environmental event worldwide. Initiated in 1970, this event has been considered the birth of the en-
vironmental movement. Each year, more than six million Canadians join 500 million people all over the
world to address local environmental issues.

This year’s Earth Day theme is Planet vs Plastics, and Peel District School Board (PDSB) will be cele-
brating it across the system. Here are a few ways students and their families can participate in this en-
vironmental movement:

Call for an end to the scourge of plastics by signing the Global Plastics Treaty.

Participate in a local public clean-up event: Cooksville Park | City of Brampton Parks

Reject fast fashion and learn online about sustainable fashion and how to mend and repair: Fashion
Impacts 101 Video Series | Repair What You Wear .

Learn how to pack a waste-free lunch every day and create a weekly plan for packed lunches.

Spring into spring and encourage walking and rolling to school using resources from TRCA or Region
of Peel.

Learn about where drinking water comes from in Peel Region and go on a virtual water treatment
plan tour.

Participate in some of the family-friendly programs and activities offered in the region and engage in
environmental learning about Earth Day.

National GOOS Paper Day is April 4! GOOS stands for Good On One Side and is an important initiative
to make sure both sides of paper are used before recycling it. Click here to learn more about how you
can participate. Whether the focus is on avoiding plastics in school lunches, learning about one of the
17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or focusing on the connection between climate change
and Indigenous knowledge, PDSB is excited to create learning opportunities and activities that stu-
dents can share with their families to build a plastic free future and make a real difference.

April 2024 Page 3

Professional Activity Day for Peel District School Board rescheduled to Monday, April 8, 2024

This is a reminder that an important change has been made to our current (2023-2024) school
year calendar regarding an upcoming Professional Activity (PA) Day.

The PA Day originally scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2024, has been rescheduled to Monday,
April 8, 2024.

This change has been made due to a total solar eclipse occurring on Monday, April 8. The
eclipse is expected to begin at approximately 2:00 p.m. and end around 4:30 p.m., coinciding
with student dismissal times.

As noted on the Government of Canada’s website, there are risks associated with viewing a so-
lar eclipse. Looking directly at the sun, without appropriate protection can lead to severe eye
damage or loss of eyesight, even during an eclipse.

PDSB’s decision to change the date of the PA Day was made to ensure that students will not be
outdoors during the total solar eclipse.

We understand that this change may cause inconvenience for some families, however, the
health and safety of our students is our top priority and this decision was made with these fac-
tors in mind.

As always, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school.

Celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day on Wednesday, April 24

Peel schools will pay tribute to administrative professionals on Administrative Professionals’ Day
on April 24. The day will be celebrated with special activities that give teachers, students and
parents a chance to thank administrative staff who help support student success every day.

The Peel board appreciates the important job administrative staff do each school day and April
24 provides an opportunity to give these individuals the recognition they deserve.

April 2024 Page 4


From the PDSB Mental Health Resource Team

During the month of April, individuals around the world celebrate Earth Day, an opportunity to recog-
nize the earth’s resources and benefits. For Indigenous peoples worldwide, every day is the opportuni-
ty to celebrate one’s relationship with the land, air, water, plants, and animals.

Honouring the land in which we reside can also increase our sense of mental wellbeing. In fact, spend-
ing time in nature and/or bringing nature into your everyday life can be beneficial for both your mental
and physical health. Engaging with nature and spending time outdoors can have many positive effects
including improving one’s mood, reducing feelings of stress or anger, increased relaxation, improving
physical health, improving one’s confidence and self-esteem, help to connect with one’s local commu-
nity, and reduce feelings of loneliness.

As the spring weather becomes more prominent, April is a great time to start integrating outdoor time
into your family's daily routine. This might include walking in nature, sharing gratitude for the natural
spaces in your neighbourhood, and/or joining a volunteer group that helps clean litter in your commu-
nity. Each of us will have a different reaction to time spent in nature, however, spending time in nature
can be a powerful tool to support the mental wellbeing of all family members.

Similarly, it is a good time to begin healthy routines that support mental wellbeing, as the month of
May is Mental Health Month. At PDSB, Parents/caregivers and students will have the opportunity to
learn and grow together in support of wellbeing for all. Make sure to watch for information on Mental
Health Month events in May, which will be posted on our caregiver webpage (
mental-health-parents) and our student webpage (

If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health visit

for further information about school and community resources. A compiled resource guide including
identity and ability-specific mental health resources can be found here:
For updates and to follow along with the work of the PDSB Mental Health Resource Team, find them
on Twitter @MHRTPeel.


Indigenous teaching reminds us that mental wellness is a balance of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotion-
al parts of ourselves and is enriched when individuals experience purpose, hope, belonging and meaning in their
lives (First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework).

April 2024 Page 5

Kingswood Drive Public School goes pink on April 10
Peel District School Board (PDSB) acknowledges that April 10 is the International Day of
Pink. International Day of Pink was founded by Jer’s Vision (now the Canadian Centre
for Gender and Sexual Diversity). Similar to Pink Shirt Day in February, which seeks to
end all forms of bullying, the International Day of Pink centres the conversation around
speaking up against Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ bullying, discrimination, and all forms of
homophobia and transphobia. The International Day of Pink presents an authentic op-
portunity for all to discuss and show allyship by speaking up against Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ hate and
discussing ideas to create a more inclusive learning environment for all.

This year, PDSB will recognize the International Day of Pink on Thursday, April 11 to honour those who
might be observing a day of significance. This year’s theme for Day of Pink is Visibility, which means to be
affirmed, seen, heard and respected in all spaces just as you are. Together we will celebrate the power of
unity and solidarity to affect change. Members of the school community are encouraged to wear pink to
show solidarity with the Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ community and support their continued fight for equali-
ty and acceptance.

Kindergarten is fun! Register your child for September 2024

It’s time to play, wonder, and learn in kindergarten. Children born in 2020 are eligible to begin kindergar-
ten in September 2024.

Families can register online and learn more about the kindergarten program by vis-

If your child will be riding the school bus for the first time, on Saturday, August 24,
2024, STOPR will be holding their annual first time rider safety program for all kinder-
garten children.

Community Consultations: French Language Instruction Policy

PDSB is seeking input from the community on the draft French Language Instruction Policy. This new poli-
cy affirms PDSB’s commitment to offering a range of French language programs, including Core French,
Extended French, and French Immersion options at both elementary and secondary levels. The objective
is to provide students with equitable access to French as a Second Language (FSL) opportunities, fostering
an inclusive and welcoming learning environment where all students can experience a sense of belonging
and reach their full potential.

All members of the PDSB community are invited to share their feedback on the French Language Instruc-
tion policy by participating in an anonymous online survey. You can access the online survey until April 26,
2024, using the following link:

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

April 2024 Page 6

April 2024 Page 7
In April we affirm Arab identities
Canada declared April to be Arab Heritage Month in 2022 via the Arab Heritage Month Act. The first people of Arab
descent arrived in Canada in 1882. Many early Arab Canadians chose to settle in Indigenous communities and
formed significant relationships within these communities. Arab Canadians are a racially, culturally, and religiously
diverse group. The League of Arab States gathers 22 member nations located across the Middle East and North Afri-
ca. While Arabs speak the same language, there is tremendous diversity among the different spoken dialects, most
of which can be found in Canada. Today, the population of Arab Canadians has grown to over one million, with more
than one in four choosing to make Ontario home.

Arab Heritage Month was adopted officially by Peel District School Board in 2024. This declaration offers the oppor-
tunity for Peel District School Board students, their families, and staff to increase their awareness of Arab culture and
heritage within and beyond Canada. Arab Heritage Month is an opportunity to remember, celebrate and educate
future generations about Arab Canadians and the important role that they have played and continue to play in com-
munities across Ontario to help build this province into a wonderful place to live, work and raise families. We
acknowledge and celebrate the community’s definition of Arab flourishing, and the many contributions of Arab Cana-
dians to foster growth, prosperity, and innovation.

In April we affirm Sikh identities

The Ontario Legislative Assembly, through Bill 52, has proclaimed April as Sikh Heritage Month. This signifies the im-
portance of the ever-growing population of Sikh Canadians and the significant contributions they have made in Cana-
da. For well over a century, Sikh Canadians have been here, and it is a special time to celebrate and share their faith
with their friends, neighbours, and community.

Sikh Heritage Month was adopted officially by Peel District School Board in April 2019. This declaration offers the op-
portunity for Peel District School Board students, their families, and staff to celebrate and affirm Sikh culture, religion,
and heritage within and beyond Canada. Sikh Heritage Month is an opportunity to remember and educate future gen-
erations about Sikh Canadians and the important role that they have played and continue to play in communities
across Ontario to help build this province into a wonderful place to live, work and raise families. We acknowledge and
celebrate the community’s definition of Sikh flourishing, and the many contributions of Sikh Canadians to foster
growth, prosperity, and innovation.

In April we observe Genocide Awareness,

Education, Condemnation and Prevention Month

At Peel District School Board, we honour and celebrate intersectional identities by affirming the historical truths and
current lived experiences of the students, families, and community we serve. One way we do this is by observing Gen-
ocide Awareness, Education, Condemnation and Prevention Month, which is recognized nationally in April.

During this time, we remember the millions of victims who suffered and lost their lives to genocide and continue to
experience this. We honour the resilience and courage of all survivors and their descendants, as we strive to create a
world where genocide is not only remembered but prevented. Let us reaffirm our commitment to protect the funda-
mental human rights, dignity and worth of everyone in the Peel community.

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