Matrix of RRL
Matrix of RRL
Matrix of RRL
Socioscientific Integrating Develop a new Conducted a Data collected from The new framework Implement the new
Issues in socioscientific framework for literature review and various educational emphasizes the framework in science curricula
Science issues (SSIs) engaging students analysis of existing studies and theoretical importance of to improve student
Curricula: A into science with SSIs. frameworks. analyses. socioscientific engagement.
New curricula to Investigate the Developed a new Reviewed existing reasoning and Provide professional
Framework for enhance impact of SSIs on pedagogical model literature on SSIs and perspective-taking. development for teachers to
Engagement student student learning and based on the findings. their application in SSIs can effectively integrate SSIs.
engagement engagement. science education. significantly enhance Encourage the use of
and promote student engagement interdisciplinary approaches
critical and promote critical and real-world contexts in
thinking. thinking. science education.
The framework
encourages the use of
real-world contexts and
The Use of The article Integrating Conducted a Data collected SSIs are mainly used Promote teacher training for
Socioscientific addresses the socioscientif database from selected in high school and effective integration of SSIs.
Issues in challenge of ic issues search of Web articles, undergraduate Encourage the use of
Science integrating (SSIs) into of Science and including curricula. inquiry-based learning models.
Lessons: A socioscientific science Scopus. qualitative and Focus on Utilize digital tools to
Scoping issues (SSIs) education to Focused on quantitative environmental, genetic, enhance student engagement
Review into science enhance articles studies. and health-related with SSIs.
education to critical published Analysis issues. Address resistance to
promote thinking and between 2013 aimed at Inquiry-based innovative teaching methods
critical interdiscipli and 2023. understanding learning is a preferred through professional
thinking, nary Applied the model, engaging development and support.
interdisciplina learning. inclusion and educational students with real-
ry learning, Preparing exclusion dynamics of world challenges.
and prepare students to criteria to integrating Resources include
students to address select 106 SSIs. conventional texts and
tackle complex articles. digital tools.
complex societal Followed Obstacles include
societal challenges guidelines by resistance to
challenges through Arksey and pedagogical innovation,
through scientific O’Malley and complexity of topics,
scientific inqu Levac et al. and need for
inquiry. specialized teacher
Science Integrating Develop a Conducted a Data collected from The curriculum Implement the curriculum
Literacy and socioscientific curriculum model literature review and existing literature on model emphasizes the model in science education to
Socioscientific issues (SSIs) that incorporates theoretical analysis. SSIs and science importance of SSIs in enhance science literacy.
Issues: A into science SSIs to improve Developed a education. promoting science Provide professional
Curriculum education to science literacy. curriculum model Analysis of literacy. development for teachers to
Model enhance Investigate how based on the findings. theoretical SSIs help students effectively integrate SSIs.
science SSIs can be frameworks and develop critical Encourage the use of
literacy and effectively used in educational practices. thinking and problem- interdisciplinary approaches
prepare science education. solving skills. and real-world contexts in
students to The model science education.
address real- encourages the use of
world issues. real-world contexts to
make science education
more relevant and
The Understanding Examine the Conducted a Collected data Students find climate Use clear and relatable
Complexity of how the relationship between qualitative study through interviews, change a complex and teaching methods to simplify
Climate complexity of the complexity of involving interviews surveys, and sometimes the complexity of climate
Change and Its climate climate change and surveys with classroom overwhelming topic, change.
Effect on change affects concepts and student students. observations. which can affect their Incorporate interactive and
Student student motivation. Analyzed student Focused on student motivation. hands-on activities to boost
Motivation motivation to Identify strategies perceptions and attitudes, motivation Effective teaching student engagement.
learn about to enhance student motivations related to levels, and strategies and relevant, Provide professional
and engage engagement with learning about climate understanding of engaging content can development for educators to
with the topic. climate change change climate change. improve student effectively teach climate
topics. motivation. change topics.
Integrating real-
world examples and
approaches can make
the topic more
accessible and
interesting to students.