Teaching Science in Elem Grades(Bio & Chem)
Teaching Science in Elem Grades(Bio & Chem)
Teaching Science in Elem Grades(Bio & Chem)
VISION San Ildefonso College envision itself as faith, community to be globally competitive, academically excellent, certified and accredited.
MISSION San Ildefonso College is a Diocesan Catholic Institution that commits to the 21 st Century Education as evangelizing crusaders of the church. Inspired by the
charism of San Ildefonso, Ildefonsian are involved in the service to the community and devotion to Mary for a century.
GOALS 1. To produce highly competitive graduates equipped with professional and technical expertise as well as leadership skills.
2. To develop spiritual, moral, social formation programs for students and faculty members.
3. To enable students to set workable and well-charted career paths.
4. To pursue systematized professional development program in line with the Institution’s vision and mission
OBJECTIVES 1. Provide the student a solid foundation based on Gospel values for a truly Catholic way of life characterized by a life and a genuine concern for his
fellowmen especially the marginalized and oppressed.
2. Develop in the students’ integrity and nobility of character in the exercise of the respective professions.
3. Encourage students to be creative and responsible leaders in the respective communities as well as for the country.
4. Equip the students with the appropriate and relevant attitudes, skills and knowledge to enable each of them to become useful, and gainfully employed
member of society.
5. Advance the frontiers of knowledge through research and apply technology gained for improving the quality of human life and responding effectively
to changing needs and conditions.
Name LUCITA F. DILIDILI Contact Number 09673190975
Email Address Lucitadilidili59@gmail .com Consultation Hours
Course Code Sci 201 Course Teaching Science in Elementary Grades Type Credit Units 3 units
Title (Biology and Chemistry)
Course Description This course includes understanding of spiraling /spiraling basic science concepts aand application of science inquiry in Chemistry and Biology,
strategies in teaching elementary science, development of instructional materials and assessment. Content topics in Chemistry include Properties
and structures of matter and the changes that matter undergo. In Biology, content topics include Parts and functions of Animals and Plants’ body,
Heredity: Inheritance and variation, Biodiversity and Evolution and Ecosystems. Ultimately,the pre-service teachers will be equipped with the
pedagogicalcontent knowledge in Science as well as skills in instructional materials development and knowledge of the design,
selection,organization and use of appropriate assessment strategies for the primary elementary grades.
Course Prerequisites/(Co-requisites NONE Course Schedule Friday: 10:00 – 1:00
Course At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers will be able to:
A. Demonstrate content knowledge of Science for elementary grades including it’s nature, contents, conceptual framework,dommains of leaning, pedagogical
approaches, and research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning the subject.
B. Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge that promotes scientific, Technological and environmental literacies,
C. Select, develop and use varied teaching and learning resources, including ICT in teaching Science and,
D. Design, select, organize and use varied teaching, learning processes and assessment strategies consistent with the curriculum requirements,
Inquiry: Learning how to do Discuss and apply, guided-inquiry methodology of Writing Lesson Plan that
Science rather than learning teaching Science. applies the process-oriented, Modelling the process oriented,
Week 6
about science. guided –inquiry methodology guided-inquiry methodology of
of Science teaching. science teaching.
Week 7 - 8 Basic Concepts and
Principles for the Elementary
Science Education Program:
Chemistry Includes a.Synthesize information about Scientific Micro-teaching on a
Properties and Structures of principles. given topic in chemistry. Student –led discussion:
Matter and Changes that b.Examine the scope and sequence of Science in Micro-teaching is a Individually or in groups,
matter undergo. the Primary grades. scaled down, simulated students will be assigned a
c.Develop sound lesson plans to guide children in teaching encounter specific topic to discuss
their investigations with corresponding designed for the with corresponding
instructional materials and assessment tools. training of both pre- instructional materials to
service or in-service be used.
teachers. Its purpose is
to provide teachers with
the opportunity for the
safe practice of an
enlarged cluster of
teaching skills while
learning how to develop
simple, single concept
lessons in any teaching
PRINCIPLES FOR THE a.Synthesize information about Scientific
ELEMENTARY SCIENCE Principles. Micro teaching on a given topic Lecture, class discussion
EDUCATION PROGRAM: b.Develop sound lesson plans to guide children in in Bioloogy.
Biology includes Parts and their investigations with corresponding
Functions of animal’s body instructional materials and assessment tools
and plants,
Heredity: Inheritance and
Authentic Assessment
b. journals
c. prtfolios
Concept Mapping in Explain what concept maps are, how the
Elementary Science for technique can be taught and how they can be Constructing concept map on
Week 15
Lesson Planning, Instruction used to enhance science learnings. any particular Science topic Class discussion and board work.
and Assessment. and grade level.
Synthesis and application of Teach a topic using the principles and concepts
key concepts and principles. learned in the course through demonstration Demonstration teaching with Final (Individual) demonstration
Week 16 - 18 teaching. critiquing/mentoring. teaching, peer critiquing of
instructional plans, materials and
assessment tools.
4th Week Topic 6: The information age Link learned concepts to the Complete a short Lecture discussion
(Gutenberg to social Media development of the quizz Video presentation
information age and its Reporting
impact on society Debate
Illustrate how the social
media and the information
age have impacted our lives
Third Month Topic Intended Learning outcomes (ILO) Outcome Based Teaching and learning Activities
Assessment (OBA) (TLA)
Second Week Topic 7 : Biodiversity and the Determine the inter Complete a short Lecture discussion
healthy society relatedness of society, quizz Video Presentation
environment and health Group Sharing
Third week Topic 8 genetically modified Discuss the ethics and Complete a short Lecture-discussion
organisms: Science Health and implications of GMOs and quizz Video pResentation
Politics potential future impacts. Reflection paper reporting
Fourth Week Topic 9 The Nano World Discuss the major impacts of Complete a short Lecture discussion
Nano technology on society quizz Video presentation
Analyze the issues through Group sharing Reporting
the conceptual STS lenses
Critique the issue on its cost
and benefits to society
Fourth Month
First week Topic 10 Gene Therapy (Stem Describe gene therapy and Complete a short Quiz Lecture-Discussion
Cells) its various forms. Reflection paper Video Presentation
Assess the issue’s potential Group Sharing Reporting
benefits aand detriments to
global health.
Second Week Topic 11: Climate Change and the Identify the causes of climate Complete a short Quiz Lecture-discussion
energy crisis. change Reflection Paper Video presentation
Assess the various impacts of Group Sharing Reporting
climate change including
economic, geopolitical,
biological, meteorological,
Third week Topic 12: Environmental Apply STS concepts to the Complete a short quiz Lecture - Discussion
Awareness issue of climate change and Reflection Paper Video Presentation
other issues concerning Group sharing Reporting
Total hours:
Rubrics on assessing
Role Playing:
A. Theme & Topic
30 pts
B. Props 20 pts
C. Presentation 25 pts
D. Relevance 25 pts.