Enga7 Speaking Test3
Enga7 Speaking Test3
Enga7 Speaking Test3
Part 1
Tell me about your house.
•Do you live in a house or in a flat?
•Is your house / flat big or small?
•What is your favourite room? Why? ©
•What type of house do you prefer? What does it look like?
Part 2
In the next part, you are going to talk to each other. I am going to describe a situation to you.
Imagine you are looking for a new house. Talk together about the situation and:
•Student A: Ask about where you want to live and what the place is like. (Use the pictures to help
•Student B: Answer.
•Student A: Ask what you can do there. (Use the pictures to help you.)
•Student B: Answer.
Part 3
Now, I would like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a
picture of a house.
Student A, here’s your picture. Please show it to Student B and talk about it. Student B, please
just listen. I’ll give you your picture in a moment.
So, Student A, please describe your picture to us.
•(Student A describes the picture.)
Ok, thank you. Now Student B, here is your picture. You can also see a house. Please show it to
Student A and then describe your picture to us.
Part 4
Your pictures were about houses. Now I’d like you to talk together about your dream house. Explain
what type of house it is, how many rooms there are and why you like it.
Unit 3 Student’s picturesSpeaking test
Part 2
Part 3
Student A Student B
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Speaking test specificationsUnit 3
Marking criteria
Aprendizagens Essenciais
Áreas temáticas: Interação oral: Produção oral:
– Atividades de lazer – Entender e trocar ideias em situações – Falar sobre os temas explorados: atividades
quotidianas previsíveis escolares e de lazer, situações quotidianas, ©
– Situações quotidianas
– Iniciar, manter ou terminar uma conversa breve serviços, planos de futuro, hábitos e rotinas
– Hábitos e rotinas
– Descrever imagens, locais, atividades e
– Tipos de habitação acontecimentos
Speaking 100%
Spoken Interaction
– MC SI 9 Participar num diálogo simples em contextos diferenciados.
– MC SI 9.1 Entender e trocar ideias em situações quotidianas previsíveis.
– MC SI 9.2 Pedir e dar informações.
– MC SI 9.3 Pedir e dar sugestões.
– MC SI 9.5 Iniciar, manter ou terminar uma conversa breve.
Spoken Production
– MC SP 8 Expressar-se numa linguagem simples e descritiva em situações previamente preparadas.
– MC SP 8.1 Descrever imagens.
– MC SP 8.3 Falar sobre atividades de lazer do seu meio cultural.