Vernizzi 2011
Vernizzi 2011
Vernizzi 2011
Ud = 2π ( i qi bi )2 /3V [11]. The cell volume is V = a1 ·
(a2 × a3 ), D = |bi − bj − |, and α is a parameter that in
practical applications
can be fixed by requiring ∂U/∂α = 0
[12] (if the Q and are not truncated, then U is always
independent from α). A derivation of Eq. (2) is presented in
the Appendix. A crucial requirement for the validity of Eq. (2)
is that the system must be globally
electroneutral. In the rest
of this paper we too assume i qi = 0.
In order to tame the unwanted artifacts in simulations of
ionic fluids due to the existence of preferential crystalline
directions and planes of symmetry, a number of authors
suggested performing a spherical average of U over all
possible orientations of the lattice, or considered analogous FIG. 1. (Color online) The positions of the periodic images of the
isotropic radial potentials [13–15]. Such a strategy leads to main cell (square with thick borders) depend on the orientation of the
new effective potentials between charges, and it has been lattice. The arrangement of charges in the rotated periodic lattice (b)
differs from the one in the original lattice (a). Only the charges in the
generalized to other types of interactions such as dipolar,
main cell are not affected by the rotation of the lattice.
multipolar, power law, Lennard-Jones, and exponential po-
tentials [15]. Numerical studies that explored the validity of
The average is over all orthogonal 3 × 3 matrices representing
such computational schemes seem to endorse the effectiveness
proper rotations (det O = 1), that is, the group SO(3). The
of such an approximation (see, e.g., [16,17]; the list is not
volume of the group SO(3) is 8π 2 . We remind that since
exhaustive). Despite the optimistic outlook, the recipe of taking
each rotation matrix can be parametrized by three parameters,
a spherical average of a periodic structure might seem certainly
the integral in Eq. (4) is a three-dimensional integral. By
a circuitous approach at first, since a heterogeneous system
substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (4), and under the assumption
cannot be both infinitely periodic and spherically symmetric
that the integral and the summation commute, we obtain
at the same time. This relates to the common assumption of
previous approaches, that the simulation box is itself somewhat 1
homogeneous. U = qi dω2(1 − cos ω)
2 ,i,j 0
The main focus of this paper is to (re)analyze such a
problem from a slightly more fundamental standpoint based qj 1
× d 2 , (5)
on the application of Gauss’s law. We obtain a new formula for 8π |bi − bj − O(ω,)|
the spherically averaged periodic potential as we show below.
We begin by assuming that since a liquid is characterized by where we introduced the convenient axis-angle representation
a finite correlation length among its constituents, all long- of a generic SO(3) matrix, i.e., the angle ω around the rotation
range ordering is inconspicuous. Therefore if one imposes axis n̂ ∈ , being the unit sphere. The factor 2(1 − cos ω)
a periodicity on the primitive cell (which is larger than the is the density of rotation matrices in the axis-angle parameter
fluid correlation length), the actual position of the periodic space. The key remark now is that each integral in the
images should be of little relevance in the computation of summation can be interpreted as the potential at bi generated
physical quantities, and consequently they should have little or by a spherical charge distribution centered at bj , with radius
no influence on the structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics |O| = || and with charge density qj /(4π ||2 ) [18]. Such
of the charges within the simulation box. Ergo the orientation a simple observation allows us to evaluate all integrals exactly.
of the lattice must be irrelevant for a liquid system with a In fact, according to Gauss’s law the electrostatic potential
typical correlation length smaller than the simulation box size, V generated by a density of charges distributed uniformly
and different, rotated lattices should lead to the same physics over a sphere of radius R, with charge density σ (hence with
(see Fig. 1). For the sake of preciseness, we define a rotated total charge Q = 4π R 2 σ ), and vanishing at infinity is V (r) =
lattice by Q/R for r R and V (r) = Q/r for r > R, where r is the
distance from the center of the sphere. We use the compact
notation V (r) = Q + ( Qr − Q )θ (r − R) where θ (x) is the unit
3 R R
(O) = O = ni ai (O) , ai (O) = Oai , (3) step function: θ (x) = 0 for x 0 and θ (x) = 1 for x > 0.
In the degenerate case with R = 0 the potential is simply
V (r) = Q/r. We thus obtain
where O is a 3 × 3 rotation matrix. The new positions are
1 qi qj 1 1
ri (O) = bi + (O), meaning that all charges in the main cell U = + qi qj
2 i,j |bi − bj | 2 =0,i,j ||
are unaffected by the rotation and only the periodic images
are actually rotated (see Fig. 1). Let U (O) from Eq. (1) be 1 1
the electrostatic energy of the rotated lattice. We then define + − θ (|bi − bj | − ||) , (6)
|bi − bj | ||
the spherical average over all possible orientations of the
lattice as where we isolated the contribution from = 0. The first
term in the second summation symbol is identically
1 because of the electroneutrality condition q = 0.
U = dO U (O) . (4) i i
8π 2 SO(3) Moreover, the distance |bi − bj | cannot be larger than
3 C
0.2 0.2 0.4
FIG. 2. (Color online) (a) Three different kinds of nearest
neighbors of a cubic cell. (b) Regions of the main cell where the 4
corrections to the Coulomb potential are relevant.
FIG. 3. (Color online) The red dots are numerical rotational
averages of Ewald Eq. (2). The thick blue line is obtained by Eq. (7).
the size of the main cell, which in the conventional√case The dashed curve is the energy of a pure Coulomb interaction (without
of a cubic simulation box of size L is |bi − bj | 3L. any corrective term).
In this case we also have || = L n21 + n22 + n23 =
√ √ √ √ √ √
0,L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 8L, . . . . However, only III. NUMERICAL TESTS
two terms survive the limits √ imposed by the θ function, that We promptly test our result with a simple example. Let
is, when || = L and || = 2L. us consider a cell of size L = 1 with N = 2 charges q1 = 1
They correspond to two shells of periodic cells surrounding and q2 = −1, at positions b1 = {−1/2, − 1/2, − 1/2} and
the simulation box (see Fig. 2), and they are precisely the 6 first b2 = {δ,δ,δ}, respectively. The parameter δ ∈ [−1/2,1/2]
nearest neighbors with a face in common with the main cell can be used to test different regions inside the main cell.
(type I), and the 12 nearest neighbors with an edge in common In particular, it enters the region where the first correction
(type II). We note explicitly that the 8 nearest neighbors with [yellow sphere in Fig. 2(b), i.e., r = |b1 − b2 | = 1]
activates √
a corner in common with the main cell (type III) do not at δ = (2 3 − 3)/6 ≈ 0.08 and the region where the second
contribute to the average energy. The final form of Eq. (6), corrections
which is also our main result, therefore reads √ activates too√ [blue spherical domain in Fig. 2(b),
i.e., r = 2] at δ = (2 6 − 3)/6 ≈ 0.32.
In Fig. 3 the numerical rotational averages of the Ewald
1 qi qj sum Eq. (2) at different values of δ are represented by red
U = + qi qj
2 i,j |bi − bj | disks. They compare well with the plot of Eq. (7) (continuous
thick curve). The plot is characterized by three regions: the first
1 1 region where the two particles and the effective interaction is
× 6 − θ (|bi − bj | − L) + 12
|bi − bj | L a pure Coulomb potential (up to point A), the second region
1 1 √ where the two particles are at a distance such that the effective
× −√ θ (|bi − bj | − 2L) . (7) potential contains a contribution from the first θ function (from
|bi − bj | 2L A to B), and the third region where both θ function corrections
contributes to the total energy (from B to C). For comparison,
The first term in the sum is the standard Coulomb energy we also plot the curve corresponding to a pure Coulomb
of the main cell, while the subsequent corrective terms are interaction for all values of δ (dashed curve). From the plot
due to averaging over all lattice orientations. From Eq. (7) it it is evident that our method is different from the so-called
is straightforward to extract the effective force between two minimum image convention [19]. In particular, the growth
charges at distance r, and we find that √ it has innoffensive of the potential at large δ is quite a natural phenomenon in
finite discontinuities at r = L and r = 2L. The θ functions ionic systems where the dipolar term in the Ewald summation
activates only when one of the charges is sufficiently close method is not neglected [20]. The deviations between our result
to the box boundaries. Figure 2(b) illustrates the regions that and the numerical integration of the Ewald formula are simply
are relevant for the corrections to the Coulomb potential. A due to numerical errors. While such errors can be reduced by
necessary condition for the first corrective term [proportional increasing the numerical accuracy of the integration, they are,
to θ (r − L)] to be nonzero is that a charge lies in the however, never completely avoidable since the infinite sums in
region outside a sphere of radius L/2 (the yellow sphere in the Ewald formula must be truncated somewhere necessarily,
Fig. 2 indicated with a thick arrow). Analogously a necessary while our result Eq. (7) is finite and exact, and does not require
√ for the second corrective factor [proportional to any truncation.
θ (r − 2L)] to be nonzero is that a charge lies in the region In order to further illustrate the applicability of Eq. (7) in
near√ the corners of the main cell, at a distance larger than molecular simulations, we present here the result of a series of
L/ 2 from the center of the main cell (outside the blue regions Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. We consider the N V T ensem-
indicated with a dashed arrow). ble of a 1:1 restricted primitive model electrolyte for several
TABLE I. Average electrostatic energy per particle and heat capacity for a 1:1 electrolyte, at
different molar concentrations.
molar concentrations, (i) in the bulk, and (ii) around a charged approach are of the same order of the standard Ewald
macroparticle. All simulations were performed by using a summation method, which is a limit case in absence of angular
standard Metropolis scheme [19,21], in a cubic simulation rotations. Morover, the RDFs in our approximation are similar
box of length L with periodic boundary conditions. Due to the to the ones obtained by the standard Ewald sum method, as
spherical average, our system is not translational invariant and one can see in Fig. 4 for a 2-M monovalent salt.
therefore in the calculation of the radial distribution functions We consider also the case of an electrical double
(RDFs) we consider only particles that are inside a spherical layer around a charged macroparticle. We use a macropar-
shell S of radius L/2, centered in the cubic simulation box. ticle’s diameter D = 20 Å at different valences zM =
Since any periodic charged particle which is located outside 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32, for two electrolyte’s concentrations:
the spherical shell S is smeared on a homogeneous shell, it 0.01 and 2 M. An important quantity characteristic of this kind
cannot be used in the calculation of the RDFs. Thus for the of Coulombic system is the mean electrostatic potential, which
sake of simplicity we place one ion (or one macroparticle) at is defined by [22,23]
the center of the simulation box and use a cutoff L/2 to obtain
the corresponding RDFs. The parameters for the 1:1 electrolyte e ∞
simulations are the diameter of equal-sized ions a = 4.25 Å, ψ(r) = zi ρi gi (t) t − dt. (10)
0 r r
the dielectric constant = 78.5, the temperature T = 298 K, i=1
the valency z+ = |z− | = 1, and the total number of monovalent For both electrolyte concentrations, we calculated the mean
ions N ≈ 512. The length L is fixed by the bulk electrolyte electrostatic potential at the macroparticle’s surface, ψ0 ,
concentration. A Monte Carlo cycle consists of N attempts to and at the Helmholtz plane, ψH P (which is defined as the
move an arbitrary ion. The thermalization process takes about closest approach distance between ions and the macroparticle).
5 × 104 MC cycles; all canonical averages are computed over
a 2 × 105 MC sweep at full thermal equilibrium.
The electrostatic energy per particle, U ∗ /NkB T , and the
heat capacity Cv are defined via
U∗ = , (8) 1.5
4π 0
U ∗2 − U ∗ 1
Cv = , (9)
kB T 2
where U ∗ corresponds to the total energy per cell in our 0.5
approach, (. . .) is the canonical ensemble average, and kB is
the Boltzmann constant. Such quantities are shown in Table I
for several electrolyte concentrations. For comparison, we list 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
our results next to values obtained by the standard Ewald r/a
summation technique with conducting boundary conditions,
and without taking spherical averages over all orientations of FIG. 4. (Color online) Radial distribution functions correspond-
the infinite periodic lattice. From Table I, it is evident that ing to a 1:1, 2-M bulk electrolyte in the restricted primitive model.
the thermodynamic quantities calculated using our proposed Circles correspond to our approach and squares to Ewald sums.
zM (±2) (±2) (±2) (±2) 5
100 (b)
dimensions, but only for a logarithmic potential. In general, where erfc(x) is the complementary error function:
our arguments can be repeated for long-range potentials in 2
dt e−t ,
d dimensions of the type 1/r d−2 . We also emphasize that erfc(x) = √ (A4)
π x
the dipolar term Ud in the Ewald summation formula Eq. (2)
we obtain
must be included and cannot be dropped in order to obtain a qi qj α α 2
dt e−D t − √
2 2
perfect match with Eq. (7). This is interesting because several U = √ q
works [19,21] discuss how the dipolar term can be dropped ,i,j
π 0 π i i
according to what kind of dielectric boundary conditions
qi qj
one imposes, while our formula has been derived without + erfc(αD). (A5)
making any particular choice about the boundary conditions. ,i,j
Furthermore, we notice that in contrast with previous similar
methods [14], ours does not rely on the homogeneity of In Eq. (A5) we added and subtracted the term with D = 0
the system within the main cell, which makes it suitable to in the first sum. That allows the application of the Poisson
study anisotropic systems frequently occurring in molecular summation formula:
1 ix·Q ˆ
biology and fluid state physics. As a final remark, Fig. 2(b) f (x + ) = e f (Q), (A6)
suggests that the effective energy in Eq. (7) is amenable
to local computational algorithms, meaning that only the
where the reciprocal lattice is defined by Q · = 2π m, m ∈
particles within the simulation box are sufficient for computing
Z, V is the volume of the primitive cell, and fˆ(k) is the Fourier
the total electrostatic energy of the rotational average of an
transform of f (x):
infinite periodic lattice, despite the long-range nature of the
interactions. Computational-intensive resources for evaluat- fˆ(k) ≡ d 3 x e−ik·x f (x). (A7)
ing special functions, or reciprocal lattices, are no longer R3
necessary. Although our O(N 2 ) method is outperformed We have
by, for instance, a O(N log N ) optimized Ewald summation qi qj α
dt e−D t
2 2
scheme, its simplicity should be particularly appealing for √
π 0
implementations with parallel computing at an intermediate
number of charges [17]. 1 i(bi −bj )·Q −iQ·x
dt e−x t
2 2
= √ qi qj e 3
d xe
V π Q,i,j R3 0
π α
qi qj ei(bi −bj )·Q dt 3 e−Q /4t
2 2
G.V. and M.O.C. acknowledge the support of NSF Grant =
V Q,i,j 0 t
No. DMR-0907781, and G.I.G.-G. acknowledges the support
of NSF Grant No. DMR-05020513. 2π e−Q /4α
2 2
= q̂(Q)q̂(−Q) , (A8)
V Q Q2
The energy per cell of a infinite periodic ionic lattice is q̂(Q) ≡ qj e−ibj ·Q . (A9)
defined as
1 qi qj In the first line of Eq. (A8) we used the Poisson summation
U= , D ≡ |bi − bj − |. (A1) formula, then in the second line we evaluated the Gaussian
2 ,i,j D
integral over dx3 , and finally we used the definition Eq. (A9).
It is convenient to introduce the following integral representa- The final expression for U is
2π e−Q /4α α 2
2 2
tion of the Coulomb potential:
U = q̂(Q)q̂(−Q) −√ q
∞ V Q Q 2 π i i
1 2
dt e−D t .
2 2
=√ (A2) qi qj
D π 0 + erfc(Dα). (A10)
The large-D behavior of Eq. (A2) is controlled by the integra- ,i,j
tion over small-t values, and the small-D behavior is controlled The term Q = 0 in the first sum requires special care. In fact,
by the integration over large-t values. Such an observation is the asymptotic expansion at small Q of the argument in the
relevant for the application of the Ewald method [2], which sum is
basically consists of decomposing the small-distance behavior 2
e−Q /4α
2 2
i qi
of the integration domain from the large-distance behavior, q̂(Q)q̂(−Q) 2
and afterwards by tuning the movable boundary separating Q Q2
m,n qm qn i(bm − bn ) · Q
the two domains to achieve equal convergence rates for the
i qi
two sums. Namely, by decomposing the integration region + −
∞ α ∞ Q 4α 2
0 = 0 + α , and by using the integral
∞ 1 Q 2
dt e −D 2 t 2
erfc(αD), (A3) + qm qn (bm − bn ) · + O(Q). (A11)
2D 2 m,n Q
2 Eq. (A10) as
The divergence of order O(1/Q ) is removed by the elec-
troneutrality condition i qi = 0, which also expunges the
2π e−Q /4α α 2
2 2
divergence of order O(1/Q) and the first term of the O(1) U = q̂(Q)q̂(−Q) − √ q
constant term. The remaining term is anisotropic. We therefore V Q=0 Q2 π i i
take its spherical average (for a more rigorous mathematical 2
derivation of the same result, see [11]) qi qj 2π
+ erfc(Dα) + qm bm , (A13)
π 2π
1 1 ,i,j
2D 3V m
d cos θ dφ qm qn (bm − bn )2 cos2 θ
4π 0 0 2 m,n which is the final expression for the Ewald sum we used in this
1 1 paper. Equation (A13) is independent from α. However, for
= qm qn (bm − bn )2 = − qm qn bm · bn numerical estimates the infinite sums must be truncated, and
6 m,n
3 m,n such a truncation yields a function U (α), which is α dependent.
2 However, there is an interval of values for α where U is roughly
1 constant. In our numerical utilizations of the Ewald method, we
=− qm bm , (A12)
3 m implemented the feature for α to be automatically selected in
the region where ∂U (α)/∂α = 0 [12]. Once α has been fixed,
which shows that the total dipole moment of the cell the Ewald method provides an efficient way to estimate the
contributes to the Ewald sum. We can then write total electrostatic energy per cell of the periodic ionic lattice.
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