Dungeon Age
An adventure for Levels 1 to 7
by Joseph R. Lewis
The ancient world of Harth withers This adventure is designed for a The names and settings used in this
beneath its dying sun…but it’s not party of characters ranging from adventure are drawn from the
dead yet. level 1 to 7. The content divides its world of Dungeon Age.
focus evenly between urban
Welcome to the strange and Obviously, you can and should
exploration, social encounters, and
dangerous city of Carcassay, change whatever you want to fit
huddled below the skeleton of a in your campaign setting.
titan rat, sprawling above the Estimated run time is… well, it is Obviously, you can and should
ruins of countless dead very long. Many sessions. A adjust the stats and numbers of
civilizations. This is where folk medium-length campaign, most creatures to meet the skills of your
come to find wealth, power, likely. All items and creatures in players or your style of play.
revenge, secrets, oblivion… and this adventure are entirely new
everything in between. and original. But you already knew that, right?
This is a sandbox city adventure. The GM’s read-aloud text looks I want to thank everyone who
There are scores of well-defined like this. It’s brief! helped develop this adventure,
locations, NPCs, factions, including the lead playtesters:
creatures, quests, and rewards. Descriptions of locations focus on Brennon, Chris, Jeremy, Kramer,
key adventure items. You may Kyle, Lain, Matt, Max, Michael,
The tone leans more toward low assume that any “missing” details Miguel, Nadine, Patrick, Tiffany,
fantasy or sword-and-sorcery. are given, like a pot in a kitchen. and Trey. We had some wild
Most shops look like real shops.
Items that are further explained in adventures in, around, and under
Most people look like real people.
their own bullet or section are Carcassay.
bolded and underlined.
MONSTERS are red all-caps.
The adventure itself is system- Location references for the GM The paintings featured herein
neutral. There are separate are blue like this: (#45). include works by David Roberts,
appendices containing monster Francois Antoine Bossuet, Hermann
stat blocks for Fifth Edition, Old David Salomon Corrodi, Hubert
School Essentials, and Into the Robert, Ludwig Deutsch, Rudolf
Odd gaming systems. Ernst, and Vasily Vereshchagin.
¤ INSIDE. Filthy furniture. Gaping ¤ BARKEEP. Mister Yeong Hark ¤ GATE. Mister Boris Davich (40),
holes in floor and walls. (45). Heavy, sweaty, bald. guard. Huge, muscular. Loves
Leaking roof. Rats galore. Suspicious, short tempered, pastries and idle gossip.
yells, swears. Not chatty, not
¤ HOME. CULT OF THE RAT (not a ¤ INSIDE. Huge echoing rooms,
interested, not helpful.
real cult). Wollem, Veer, Tuur, shoddy construction, gaudy
Reneer, Noor (20), urchins. ¤ PATRONS. COPPER SCAR chandeliers, gilt framed
Small, thin, raggedy. Timid, mercenaries. Sang, Nari, Jae, paintings, uncomfortable
playful. Petty thieves. Love Hyun, Duri, Bora (25), golden chairs, peeling
their rats. Want to feed and organized thugs. Red tunics, wallpaper, timid servants, 3d6
protect rats. Fear predators. leather armor, copper knives, COPPER SCARS (mercenaries).
ritual arm scars. Gruff,
fatalistic, practical, fraternal.
SERPENT in the sewer. REWARD: worm breeders. Doryl, Enop,
Want work (guarding, killing).
A loyal pet rat named Ben. Secern, Tylen (20-60), trust
Basic skill, reliability. Effective fund heirs. Tall, heavy,
against commoners. 2-in-6 expensive suits and dresses,
chance of success versus skilled excessive jewelry. Loud, dim,
opponents. 1-in-6 chance of entitled, cruel. Want power and
success versus monsters and respect. Fear being ignored or
magicians. Cost: 10 GP per mocked. Control the only
fighter per day. Total of 21 source of meat in the city
Copper Scars available. (worms). Offer free food,
¤ QUEST. Break their leader Jisu invitations to parties, chance
Brass out of jail at the Silver for future work (none will be
Court (#42). REWARD: Copper honored). Demand favors and
Scars improve to 4-in-6 chance loyalty.
of success versus skilled ¤ QUEST 1. Destroy House Syfon
opponents, 2-in-6 chance of (flea breeders). REWARD:
success versus monsters and 10,000 GP (will not actually
magicians, and cost 20 GP per be paid).
fighter per day. One free job
for the PCs. ¤ QUEST 2. Destroy the outlying
farms (alternate sources of
food). REWARD: 10,000 GP
(will not actually be paid).
¤ APPRENTICES. Larcus, Gemily, ¤ STATUE. Cheap stone, inferior ¤ STOCK WORM. 15ft long, 3ft
Katthew, Hawl, Nyan (20), workmanship. Inscription: thick. Pale, slimy, mindless. Eat
metalworkers. Aprons, gloves, “Donated by the Nemato anything. Descendants of the
sweaty, muscular. Focused, family. You’re welcome.” giant parasites carried by the
professional, humble. Want to Titan Rat. Currently the main
¤ TRASH. Stained butcher paper,
do good work, be helpful. source of meat in Carcassay.
scraps of clothing, animal
¤ MAN. Mister Tiband Rake (55), bones, black slime (rotten fruit). ¤ HALLS. Slaughterhouses. Dozens
master blacksmith. Lean, of workers in each one, hacking
¤ GRAFFITI. Various messages:
burned, squinty. Stutters, worms into steaks to load onto
“Enjoy the Silken Pillow”
distrustful, perfectionist. Wants wagons. Blood-drenched floors.
“You can trust the Torturer”
to prove his shop is better than Cleavers and saws. Hot, humid,
“Never go to the theater”
the FOUNDRY. Fears the loss of nauseating.
“Fight the Law!”
his sight and hands. “Where is Bazzur?” ¤ INSIDE. Each hall has a small
¤ SELLS. Basic iron items (nails, “Who rules Djemburu?” office (desk, bloody papers).
hand tools, cookware) for 3d6 Supervisors are members of the
¤ FOLK. Cold, hungry, tired.
GP. Basic weapons and armor Bloody Guild.
for 3d6 x 10 GP. Custom ¤ MAN. Master Balthazar the
¤ GUILD. Ashki, Bizil, Nanaba,
machine parts and metal Uromancer (55), piss prophet.
Nizoni, Nota, Shandin (20-40),
artwork for 3d6 x 100 GP. Gaunt, stained green suit,
butchers. Muscular, scarred,
hands tremble. Close talker,
¤ QUEST. Fetch the Sublime bloodstained, leather aprons.
manic, eyes darting. Can learn
Smithing Scroll. Enhances all Grim, protective of workers.
a person’s deepest secret by
Forge products to masterwork Want better working conditions.
gazing into their urine. Wants
status (+2 bonus, and 10x the Fear injuries. Dislike salads.
to learn all the secrets of the
cost). REWARD: Rake’s universe. Uninterested in ¤ DANGER. 2-in-6 chance of a
Hammer (light hammer,
mundane realities. STOCK WORM breaking free.
smashes holes through mundane
wood, stone, and iron structures ¤ PUDDLE. Dog urine: “This poor ¤ QUEST. Find a new source of
with one blow). soul constantly desires to be meat so the Bloody Guild is not
scratched on the ear, and dependent on the Nemato
rubbed on the belly. What family (worm breeders).
strange mortal agony!” REWARD: Free meat for life,
and one favor from a band of
¤ QUEST. Fetch the urine of one
strong folks with big cleavers.
of the six Corpse Lords.
REWARD: Location of the
seventh Corpse Lord (Holy
Tomb, #69).
MATERIAL (1d10) ITEM (1d10) of POWER WORD (1d10) POWER FORM (1d10)
¤ PUMPKINS. Failed hybrids. ¤ TREES. Pine, each bent in three ¤ KILN. Obscenely hot, cooking
Each one is filled with silky blue unlikely angles to form the rune limestone down into lime
flower petals that reek of bile for Dream. powder for cement. Next to
and vomit. heaps of firewood and chunks
¤ STATUE. Encircled by the ruins
of limestone. Able to atomize
¤ MICE. Follow the PCs, always of a small shrine. Image of
almost anything.
10ft away. Any dropped food Saint Nekai, protector of those
is instantly devoured. who suffer nightmares. Eyes ¤ MAN. Mister Filo Hett (35), lime
closed, head angled (as though burner. Short, plump, curly red
¤ HOUND. Guard dog “Gorm”.
asleep), smiling curiously. One hair. Quiet, friendly. Often
Droopy, sad-eyed. Undead
hand held out for offerings. sleepy from lime fumes, often
creature, exposed bones and
passes out.
muscles, one missing eye. ¤ OPTION. Lay your head in the
Gentle, friendly, tired. hand and close your eyes to ¤ QUEST. None. But if you don’t
become immune to nightmares. find a way to keep him healthy
¤ CABIN. No windows. Door
from the fumes, then in a week
locked. A voice hums softly.
he’ll pass out and not wake up,
Inside, a workshop for tending
and his kiln will explode,
beautiful flower hybrids.
resulting in a massive forest fire
Elaborate pots, fertilizers.
that will destroy countless crops
¤ VOICE. Mister Rolf Nottic (40), and homes.
gardener. Kadav (undead).
Rotting flesh, jutting bones,
leather apron. Reclusive,
cringing. Wants to cultivate
beautiful new flowers. Can
create any known flower in 1
week. Was murdered by his
twin brother Alphar for the
family’s savings.
¤ QUEST. Find and kill his brother
Alphar Nottic (#23), and bring
back their mother’s silver La Promenade Solitaire (1777),
Hubert Robert
locket. REWARD: 4d6 black
orchids (valuable narcotic).
¤ RAIN. Constant, unnatural. ¤ TIMBERS. 20ft tall, 5ft thick. ¤ MUSHROOMS. 50ft tall, 15ft
Arranged in a triangle. thick. Hard as wood.
¤ TRAVELERS. Poor farmers,
foolish pilgrims, miserable ¤ FRILLS. Dazzling colors, thick ¤ CAPS. 100ft across. Smooth
beggars, lost merchants. leathery flesh, crawling with and leathery on top. Ragged
beetles (biting), oozing dark wet gills underneath.
¤ SHACKS. Long abandoned.
sap (sticky, flammable).
Filthy, cold, fragile shelters. ¤ CREATURES. VULGRANES.
¤ BELLS. Keg-sized. No clapper. Large black pterosaurs, cruel.
¤ DANGER. Mister Tycho Black
SEARCH: Engraved with Vrahoi Like to snatch up prey and
(45), highwayman. Albino,
runes for summoning. drop them on sharp rocks.
lean, wide hat, long coat.
Cautious, cold, apathetic, ¤ BOARS. Mule-sized, tusks. ¤ TOPS. Nests full of vulgrane
calculating. Can be reasoned Hunting for truffles. Territorial. eggs (head-sized, three in each
with. Throws daggers, runs and clutch, worth 1d6 x 100 GP
¤ OPTION. Ring the bells
hides. A ragged white scar on each). Littered with bones
individually. Many tiny rips
his chest reveals where his (human and animal), shredded
appear in the air, and then
heart was torn out (retired clothing, and 1d6 x 100 GP in
close. The 3 BOARS attack.
DUNGEONEER EXPERT). coins and cheap jewelry.
¤ OPTION. Ring the bells
¤ QUEST. Fetch his heart (The ¤ GROUND. Peppered with items
simultaneously. The boars flee
Blackest Heart). Lore: Torn out and remains of prey. SEARCH:
(for now). One large rip
by a master torturer (#15) for 1d6 x 100 GP in coins and
appears in the air and
a sadistic aristocrat (#22), later cheap jewelry.
something falls through (1d6):
sold to a pawn shop (#2). ¤ OPTION. 2-in-6 chance of
REWARD: Re-heartened, Tycho 1. A screaming DUNGEONEER
finding a dead DUNGEONEER
is fueled by wrathful passions, NOVICE covered in biting
NOVICE down in the mud.
disappears into the city to SHRIKELINGS.
carry out a bloody killing spree 2. A dead DUNGEONEER EXPERT ¤ OPTION. 1-in-6 chance of
against random strangers. impaled on an Arascene finding a terrified
scimitar. DUNGEONEER NOVICE on top.
3. A sleepy DROWNED TROLL in ¤ OPTION. 1-in-6 chance of
a deluge of slimy water. finding a Fine Treasure (p8) on
4. A cascade of ancient silver top, stuck in the mushroom flesh.
coins worth 1d6 x 1,000 GP.
5. A hungry VULGRANE, flapping
and thrashing wildly.
6. A tiny kitten, helpless and
¤ GRANARIES. Full of dried ¤ CHAMBER. Ruined iron furnace. ¤ FIGURES. Angry ghosts of
rotten sludge. Insects skitter Ashes, bone fragments. imprisoned extinct animals.
over the filth in search of Working hatch can be locked Aggressive toward armed
edible crumbs. or jammed shut. people, cause paralyzing and
disorienting pain. Repelled by
¤ SHADOWS. UNICORN SCARABS. ¤ STAINS. Dozens of oil puddles
fire. Examples: snake-wolf,
Cat-sized black beetles with (flammable, slippery).
octogator, troll-deer, sky-turtle,
violet and green chitin, armed ¤ HUTS. OILSLICKS gang. Lovky, tree-crab, glass-fox.
with a single horn on their Smavat, Skolky, Maslo (20),
armored heads. Led by the ¤ CAMPSITE. RUSTFOOTS gang.
rebels. Ragged clothing, messy
Empress Scarab (horse-sized). Zhavy, Grazny, Pilny, Krazny
hair, smeared with grease,
Sad, alien, proud, defensive. (25), refugees. Filthy rags,
reeking of oil. Manic, giggling.
Want to be friends with other gaunt bodies. Starving, timid.
Want to perform wild stunts
swarms (people). Fear violence. Want to eat unicorn scarabs,
and prove they are better than
and feel safe. Have forgotten
¤ QUEST. Negotiate an alliance others. Want the Vrahoi drill so
about the surface world.
with the gangs to create a they can dig for oil.
single harmonious hive together ¤ QUEST. Fetch them unicorn
¤ QUEST. Kill the Vrahoi delvers
(unlikely). REWARD: 1 Quest scarabs (#93) to eat, and get
at the Dry Watermill (#97).
Item (p8). rid of the other gangs.
REWARD: A barrel of crude oil
REWARD: An animal-ghost
(flammable), a flask of artificer
becomes your guide, will lead
oil (frictionless), and a lump of
you toward whatever you ask
grease (cool hair styles).
to see while underground.
¤ TREES. Bloodwoods,
carnivorous. Stab nearby
creatures, drain blood (2d6).
¤ PYRAMID. Covered in tiny
hieroglyphics of children
playing with toys and pets.
Lore: Yeledron the Vessel is the
patron saint of children,
innocents, and apprentices.
¤ VASES. Stoneware. Contain
100 Depicula seeds, extinct
vicious flesh-eating flowers (50
GP each).
¤ WOMEN. Irugbin, Iya, Akoko,
Atijo (700), ARBAJ DRYADS.
Thin, bark-skin, vine hair,
amber eyes. Love plants. Hate
people and animals. Want to
resurrect the Depicula seeds in
the vases to create a new
species of sentient plants that
will rise up and rule the world.
¤ QUEST. Bring dead bodies to
fertilize the seeds. REWARD:
Mark of the Arbaj (thorn
piercing, speak with plants at
will, enemy plants will not
attack first). Danger: In 1d6
hours, the dryads create a
pack of 6d6 DEPICULA
REAVERS that go running for
the city above.
A feathered dinosaur from a lost Age. Hisses and clicks. A tusked mammal covered in bristly hair. Aggressive,
Hunts in packs. Clever. hungry, territorial. Clever.
IMMUNITY. Poison. TUSK. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing and 7 (2d6) poison damage.
REACTION: TAIL SWIPE. When a creature first comes
within 5 feet of the raptor, it swings its tail at the creature’s
legs. The target must make a DC 15 DEX save or be
knocked prone.
8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
IMMUNITY. Cold. Necrotic.
IMMUNITY. Poison. Radiant.
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage. ATTACKS. Two.
DEVASTATOR. The blitzer can claw through any barrier in PUNCH. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
one round. target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: BURROW. When hit, the blitzer buries itself in TOXIC MUSK. When a creature starts a turn within 5 ft. of
the ground and moves 10 ft unseen. It erupts from the the nun, take 3 (1d6) poison damage.
ground on its next turn.
EYES IN THE BACK OF HER HEAD. The nun cannot be
surprised or attacked with advantage.
12 (+1) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 6 (-2) 2 (-4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
CLAW. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage. IMMUNITY. Disease.
REACTION: CHAOS CHANGE. When hit, the zombie DAGGER. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
grows a random feature (feathers, scales, horns, antlers, target. Hit: 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
extra arms, talons). There is a 3-in-6 chance that this
PIPER. The cultist blows a whistle and rats swarm over one
doubles the damage of their Claw attack.
target. Roll 1d6. On 1-3, target takes 3 (1d6) piercing
damage. On 4-6, target loses half their money.
hit, the cultist allows a handful of rats to spill out of their
A rugged fighter with leather armor and bronze weapons. sleeve to take only half damage.
Sensible. Honest. Survivor.
RAVINGALE: CROAKER. AC 13, 10 HP, FLY 50. After an Large giant AC HP MOVE
enemy turn, a large black bird croaks in a 30-foot cone. Chaotic neutral 15 75 30 ft
All creatures in range must make a DC 13 CON save or
take 7 (2d6) thunder damage. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)
RAVINGALE: LADY. AC 13, 10 HP, FLY 50. After an
enemy turn, a large white bird whistles at a point within 30 IMMUNITY. Cold. Visual effects (blind).
feet. All creatures in a 10-foot radius of the point must
make a DC 13 INT save or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage AMPHIBIOUS. The troll can breathe underwater. While in
and be stunned until the end of their next turn. water, it regains 3 (1d6) per round. A dead troll must be
left on dry ground or it will revive.
REACTION: BLAST. When the piper is hit, they blow a low
note. All creatures within 10 ft must make a DC 15 STR ATTACKS. Two.
save or be pushed 10 ft and knocked prone. BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
SMACK. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and make a DC
13 STR save or fall prone.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1)
8 (-1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
BITE. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage. ATTACKS. Two.
SCIMITAR. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
JAVELIN. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft.,
A hairy gray cat-sized spider. Lurks underwater. one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) piercing damage.
REACTION: DISARM. When hit with a melee attack, the
Small beast AC HP CLIMB
mercenary strikes the attacker’s weapon. Make a DC13
Neutral 13 7 40 ft STR save or drop the attacking weapon.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
FEATURES. Amphibious. Attracted to noise and water.
Fears heat. Walks on webs, walls, and ceilings. Immune to A fool in armor who is always stubbornly wrong and pig-
poison. Whispers random words it hears (always eerie). headedly confused.
POISON BITE. Melee Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 5ft, Medium humanoid AC HP MOVE
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) poison damage, and then half as
Neutral 16 15 30 ft
much on the next turn.
WEB SHOT. Ranged Weapon Attack. +3 to hit, range 20ft,
one target. Hit (choose one): (1) FACE: target cannot see 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
or breathe until they remove the webbing, (2) LEGS: target
LONGSWORD. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
falls prone and cannot move until they remove the
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) slashing damage.
REACTION: OVERREACT. When hit, the knight
immediately makes a random Longsword attack.
A short fellow with stony skin and metallic hair who loves
digging for buried treasure. Defensive. Kind.
BURROW. Can burrow under the ground and move 10’ AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × bite (1d6), THAC0 18
unseen. It erupts from the ground on its next turn. [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18, ML 7, AL
Neutral, XP 10
TROOPERS. A group always attacks one target.
HOWL. When hit, the baboon howls to make the attacker
A red crab warrior with spiny armor and crushing claws. back away 10’ (save vs spells).
Brutal. Coldhearted.
AC 2 [17], Hit Dice 4 (18hp), Att 2 × claw (1d8) or
mustard spray, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12
W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Neutral, XP 100 A shambling corpse that mutates when harmed. Mindless.
IMMUNITY. Cold. AC 9 [10], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × claw (1d8), THAC0 18
ROTTING MUSK. When a creature starts their turn next to [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 12, AL
the brute, take 1d6 (save vs poison). Chaotic, XP 25
MUSTARD SPRAY. 15’ cone. 1d6 (save vs poison). CHAOS CHANGE. When harmed, the zombie grows a
random feature (feathers, scales, horns, antlers, extra
SAND FLEAS. When hit, the brute shakes off a few hungry
arms, talons). There is a 3-in-6 chance that this doubles the
fleas that cause 1 damage.
damage of their Claw attack.
UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.
MASOCHIST. When harmed, the knight gains temporary AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 2 × weapon (1d8), THAC0
strength. Their next attack deals +2 damage. 17 [+2], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 9,
AL Neutral, XP 200
WEAPON. Longsword (slash). Shield (bash).
RALLY THE TROOPS (1/DAY). At the end of the round,
A squinting old judge in heavy plate armor with a massive one KNIGHT REVENANT unearths and joins the fight.
maul. Close-minded. Surprisingly spry. UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.
AC 0 [19], Hit Dice 5 (22hp), Att 2 × weapon (2d6) or
contempt, THAC0 14 [+5], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 400
WEAPON. Doom gavel (maul). Iron-bound law book (throw A holy warrior in heavy armor with a blessed sword. Hunts
the book at them!). and destroys creatures of Chaos.
CONTEMPT. The knight describes a target’s worst
AC 1 [18], Hit Dice 4 (18hp), Att 2 × longsword (2d6),
qualities, causing 2d6 psychic damage (save vs spells).
THAC0 15 [+4], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15
S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 300
IMMUNITY. Fear. Charm.
KNEEL, HERETIC! The knight raises their sword and all
creatures within 10’ fall prone (save vs paralysis). Chaotic
creatures automatically fail.
BURN, HERETIC! The knight summons a circle of holy fire.
All creatures within 10’ take 1d6 (save vs spells). Chaotic
creatures automatically fail.
A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in scrap metal armor with AC 7 [12], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × swarm (3) or guano
a knife and spear. Clever. spray, THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’) flying, SV D12 W13
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 35
AC 3 [16], Hit Dice 1 (4hp), Att 1 × knife or spear (1d6)
or snatch, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 IMMUNITY. Non-magical weapons.
P14 B15 S16, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 50 WEAKNESS. Repelled by loud noise and bright light.
SNATCH (1/DAY). The gangster steals an item from the SWARM. Targets inside the swarm automatically take 3
target’s belt. damage (ignore armor).
GUANO SPRAY (1/DAY). Targets inside the swarm are
struck by burning waste for 1d6, as well as 1d4 on the
following round.
A jaundiced, hunched priest in dirty hides holding a green
glowing skull. Mystic.
AC 5 [14], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × knife (1d6) or curse or
leech, THAC0 19 [+0], MV 90’ (30’), SV D11 W12 P14 A psychic worshipper in blue rags. Telepathic and
B15 S16, ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 100 telekinetic. Analytical. Over-thinker. Amoral.
TACTICS. Fight at range. AC 4 [15], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × mindkiller (1d8) or
mind over matter or memory corruption, THAC0 18 [+1],
CURSE. Range 60 ft. Two targets make all rolls with -4
MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16, ML 10, AL
penalty (save vs spells).
Chaotic, XP 200
LEECH. Range 30 ft. Two targets take 1d6 damage and
IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep.
the cultist heals half as much (save vs death).
MINDKILLER. Range 30’, one target. Psychic attack.
MIND OVER MATTER. All targets within 10’ are pushed
10’ away in a straight line (save vs spells).
MEMORY CORRUPTION. Touch. Target cannot move or
act for 2 rounds (save vs paralysis).
SHARE MY PAIN (2/DAY). When harmed by a melee
attack, the cultist gives half the damage to the attacker.
A short fellow with stony skin and metallic hair who loves
digging for buried treasure. Defensive. Kind.
AC 6 [13], Hit Dice 2 (9hp), Att 1 × hammer or crossbow
(1d8) or piton, THAC0 16 [+3], MV 60’ (20’), SV D8 W9
P10 B13 S12, ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 100
IMMUNITY. Cold. Fire.
PITON. Range 20’. The miner hurls a steel spike at one
target’s leg. The target takes 1d6 and their movement is
halved until they regain HP.
6 HP, 1 Armor, 14 STR, 12 DEX, 10 WIL, claws (d10) 4 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 6 WIL, bite (d6)
A bestial worshipper in leathers and furs. Brutal and A mass of cat-sized fleas. Stupid. Eat everything.
wild. Mimics the creatures of the skins they wear. Neutral.
IMMUNITY. Charm. Poison.
DOOM GOAT CHARGE. Straight line. All targets take
6 HP, 8 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d8, poison)
d10 and are knocked prone (DEX save).
RAZORBACK BURST (1/DAY). When harmed, the A hairy gray cat-sized spider. Lurks
cultist hurls sharp quills in all directions (d6, blast) underwater. Neutral.
FEATURES. Amphibious. Attracted to noise and water.
Fears heat. Walks on webs, walls, and ceilings. Immune
to poison. Whispers random words it hears.
8 HP, 1 Armor, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 14 WIL, iron fist (d8) POISON. Causes death in 3 turns (STR save).
A mechanical monk with a metallic voice and dimly WEB SHOT. Choose one:
glowing eyes. Calm. Logical. Lawful. (1) FACE: target cannot see or breathe,
IMMUNITY. Charm. (2) LEGS: target falls prone and cannot move.
DISASSEMBLE. The monk deftly removes all of one
target’s armor (DEX save).
ANALYZE. When an attacker hits the monk, the monk’s
6 HP, 1 Armor, 16 STR, 14 DEX, 14 WIL, scimitar (d8), bow
iron fist against that attacker increases to d12.
A professional fighter with steel armor and violet
cloak. Proud, confident, aloof. Always finishes the job.
8 HP, 6 STR, 10 DEX, 15 WIL, dead hand (d6) Lawful.
An incorporeal spirit of a slain creature. Driven by DISARM (2/DAY). When hit by a melee weapon, the
rage, fear, hate, envy, or pride. Chaotic. mercenary knocks the weapon out of the attacker’s
INCORPOREAL. Immune to non-magical attacks. Can hand.
move through any object or creature.
SPECIAL. Repelled by salt. Cannot cross a line of salt.
DEAD SCREAM. The ghost’s face twists into a horrible
silent scream. All targets are frozen with fear and
cannot attack the ghost (WIL save).
UNDEAD. Immune to poison, charm, hold, sleep.
2 HP, 6 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, fist (d6) 4 HP, 10 STR, 10 DEX, 16 WIL, mindkiller (d8)
A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in rags. Hungry. Timid. A psychic worshipper in blue rags. Telepathic and
Desperate. Good at hiding. Neutral. telekinetic. Analytical. Over-thinker. Amoral. Chaotic.
TACTICS. Ambush the weakest-looking enemy. IMMUNITY. Charm. Hold. Sleep.
FLEE. When harmed, the gangster runs away.
MINDKILLER. Ranged psychic attack. Painful.
MIND OVER MATTER. All targets nearby are pushed
away in a straight line (STR save).
4 HP, 1 Armor, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 11 WIL, spear (d6)
MEMORY CORRUPTION (1/DAY). Touch. Target cannot
A jaundiced, hunched scavenger in scrap metal armor move or act for 2 rounds.
with a knife and spear. Clever. Neutral. SHARE MY PAIN (2/DAY). When harmed by a melee
SNATCH (1/DAY). The gangster steals an item from attack, the cultist gives half the damage to the attacker.
the target’s belt.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Carcassay: Titan Rat City version 1.1 © 2023 Joseph R. Lewis. All rights reserved.