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Devices in which a controlled flow of electrons can be obtained are the
basic building blocks of all the electronic circuits. Before the discovery of
transistor in 1948, such devices were mostly vacuum tubes (also called
valves) like the vacuum diode which has two electrodes, viz., anode (often
called plate) and cathode; triode which has three electrodes – cathode,
plate and grid; tetrode and pentode (respectively with 4 and 5 electrodes).
In a vacuum tube, the electrons are supplied by a heated cathode and
the controlled flow of these electrons in vacuum is obtained by varying
the voltage between its different electrodes. Vacuum is required in the
inter-electrode space; otherwise the moving electrons may lose their
energy on collision with the air molecules in their path. In these devices
the electrons can flow only from the cathode to the anode (i.e., only in one
direction). Therefore, such devices are generally referred to as valves.
These vacuum tube devices are bulky, consume high power, operate
generally at high voltages (~100 V) and have limited life and low reliability.
The seed of the development of modern solid-state semiconductor
electronics goes back to 1930’s when it was realised that some solid-
state semiconductors and their junctions offer the possibility of controlling
the number and the direction of flow of charge carriers through them.
Simple excitations like light, heat or small applied voltage can change
the number of mobile charges in a semiconductor. Note that the supply
and flow of charge carriers in the semiconductor devices are within the
solid itself, while in the earlier vacuum tubes/valves, the mobile electrons
were obtained from a heated cathode and they were made to flow in an
evacuated space or vacuum. No external heating or large evacuated space
is required by the semiconductor devices. They are small in size, consume
low power, operate at low voltages and have long life and high reliability.
Even the Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) used in television and computer
monitors which work on the principle of vacuum tubes are being replaced
by Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors with supporting solid state
electronics. Much before the full implications of the semiconductor devices
was formally understood, a naturally occurring crystal of galena (Lead
sulphide, PbS) with a metal point contact attached to it was used as
detector of radio waves.
In the following sections, we will introduce the basic concepts of
semiconductor physics and discuss some semiconductor devices like
junction diodes (a 2-electrode device) and bipolar junction transistor (a
3-electrode device). A few circuits illustrating their applications will also
be described.
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
organic semiconductors and semiconducting polymers have been
developed signalling the birth of a futuristic technology of polymer-
electronics and molecular-electronics. In this chapter, we will restrict
ourselves to the study of inorganic semiconductors, particularly
elemental semiconductors Si and Ge. The general concepts introduced
here for discussing the elemental semiconductors, by-and-large, apply
to most of the compound semiconductors as well.
On the basis of energy bands
According to the Bohr atomic model, in an isolated atom the energy of
any of its electrons is decided by the orbit in which it revolves. But when
the atoms come together to form a solid they are close to each other. So
the outer orbits of electrons from neighbouring atoms would come very
close or could even overlap. This would make the nature of electron motion
in a solid very different from that in an isolated atom.
Inside the crystal each electron has a unique position and no two
electrons see exactly the same pattern of surrounding charges. Because
of this, each electron will have a different energy level. These different
energy levels with continuous energy variation form what are called
energy bands. The energy band which includes the energy levels of the
valence electrons is called the valence band. The energy band above the
valence band is called the conduction band. With no external energy, all
the valence electrons will reside in the valence band. If the lowest level in
the conduction band happens to be lower than the highest level of the
valence band, the electrons from the valence band can easily move into
the conduction band. Normally the conduction band is empty. But when
it overlaps on the valence band electrons can move freely into it. This is
the case with metallic conductors.
If there is some gap between the conduction band and the valence
band, electrons in the valence band all remain bound and no free electrons
are available in the conduction band. This makes the material an
insulator. But some of the electrons from the valence band may gain
external energy to cross the gap between the conduction band and the
valence band. Then these electrons will move into the conduction band.
At the same time they will create vacant energy levels in the valence band
where other valence electrons can move. Thus the process creates the
possibility of conduction due to electrons in conduction band as well as
due to vacancies in the valence band.
Let us consider what happens in the case of Si or Ge crystal containing
N atoms. For Si, the outermost orbit is the third orbit (n = 3), while for Ge
it is the fourth orbit (n = 4). The number of electrons in the outermost
orbit is 4 (2s and 2p electrons). Hence, the total number of outer electrons
in the crystal is 4N. The maximum possible number of electrons in the
outer orbit is 8 (2s + 6p electrons). So, for the 4N valence electrons there
are 8N available energy states. These 8N discrete energy levels can either
form a continuous band or they may be grouped in different bands
depending upon the distance between the atoms in the crystal (see box
on Band Theory of Solids).
At the distance between the atoms in the crystal lattices of Si and Ge,
the energy band of these 8N states is split apart into two which are
separated by an energy gap Eg (Fig. 14.1). The lower band which is
completely occupied by the 4N valence electrons at temperature of absolute 325
zero is the valence band. The other band consisting of 4N energy states,
called the conduction band, is completely empty at absolute zero.
The lowest energy level in the
conduction band is shown as EC and
highest energy level in the valence band
is shown as EV . Above EC and below EV
there are a large number of closely spaced
energy levels, as shown in Fig. 14.1.
The gap between the top of the valence
band and bottom of the conduction band
is called the energy band gap (Energy gap
Eg ). It may be large, small, or zero,
depending upon the material. These
different situations, are depicted in Fig.
14.2 and discussed below:
Case I: This refers to a situation, as
shown in Fig. 14.2(a). One can have a
metal either when the conduction band
FIGURE 14.1 The energy band positions in a is partially filled and the balanced band
semiconductor at 0 K. The upper band, called the is partially empty or when the conduction
conduction band, consists of infinitely large number and valance bands overlap. When there
of closely spaced energy states. The lower band,
is overlap electrons from valence band can
called the valence band, consists of closely spaced
easily move into the conduction band.
completely filled energy states.
This situation makes a large number of
electrons available for electrical conduction. When the valence band is
partially empty, electrons from its lower level can move to higher level
making conduction possible. Therefore, the resistance of such materials
is low or the conductivity is high.
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
Case II: In this case, as shown in Fig. 14.2(b), a large band gap Eg exists
(Eg > 3 eV). There are no electrons in the conduction band, and therefore
no electrical conduction is possible. Note that the energy gap is so large
that electrons cannot be excited from the valence band to the conduction
band by thermal excitation. This is the case of insulators.
Case III: This situation is shown in Fig. 14.2(c). Here a finite but small
band gap (Eg < 3 eV) exists. Because of the small band gap, at room
temperature some electrons from valence band can acquire enough
energy to cross the energy gap and enter the conduction band. These
electrons (though small in numbers) can move in the conduction band.
Hence, the resistance of semiconductors is not as high as that of the
In this section we have made a broad classification of metals,
conductors and semiconductors. In the section which follows you will
learn the conduction process in semiconductors.
in Fig. 14.5(a). The movement of holes can be
visualised as shown in Fig. 14.5(b). An electron
from the covalent bond at site 2 may jump to
the vacant site 1 (hole). Thus, after such a jump,
the hole is at site 2 and the site 1 has now an
electron. Therefore, apparently, the hole has
moved from site 1 to site 2. Note that the electron
originally set free [Fig. 14.5(a)] is not involved
in this process of hole motion. The free electron
moves completely independently as conduction
electron and gives rise to an electron current, Ie
under an applied electric field. Remember that
the motion of hole is only a convenient way of
FIGURE 14.4 Schematic two-dimensional describing the actual motion of bound electrons,
representation of Si or Ge structure showing
whenever there is an empty bond anywhere in
covalent bonds at low temperature
(all bonds intact). +4 symbol
the crystal. Under the action of an electric field,
indicates inner cores of Si or Ge. these holes move towards negative potential
giving the hole current, Ih. The total current, I is
thus the sum of the electron current Ie and the
hole current Ih:
I = Ie + Ih (14.2)
It may be noted that apart from the process of generation of conduction
electrons and holes, a simultaneous process of recombination occurs in
which the electrons recombine with the holes. At equilibrium, the rate of
generation is equal to the rate of recombination of charge carriers. The
recombination occurs due to an electron colliding with a hole.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 14.5 (a) Schematic model of generation of hole at site 1 and conduction electron
due to thermal energy at moderate temperatures. (b) Simplified representation of
possible thermal motion of a hole. The electron from the lower left hand covalent bond
(site 2) goes to the earlier hole site1, leaving a hole at its site indicating an
328 apparent movement of the hole from site 1 to site 2.
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
An intrinsic semiconductor
will behave like an insulator at
T = 0 K as shown in Fig. 14.6(a).
It is the thermal energy at
higher temperatures (T > 0K),
which excites some electrons
from the valence band to the
conduction band. These
thermally excited electrons at
T > 0 K, partially occupy the
conduction band. Therefore,
the energy-band diagram of an
intrinsic semiconductor will be
as shown in Fig. 14.6(b). Here, FIGURE 14.6 (a) An intrinsic semiconductor at T = 0 K
some electrons are shown in behaves like insulator. (b) At T > 0 K, four thermally generated
the conduction band. These electron-hole pairs. The filled circles ( ) represent electrons
have come from the valence and empty circles ( ) represent holes.
band leaving equal number of
holes there.
the second, third and fourth orbit. Hence, energy required to take
out an electron from these atoms (i.e., ionisation energy Eg ) will be
least for Ge, followed by Si and highest for C. Hence, number of free
electrons for conduction in Ge and Si are significant but negligibly
small for C.
(ii) Trivalent (valency 3); like Indium (In),
Boron (B), Aluminium (Al), etc.
We shall now discuss how the doping
changes the number of charge carriers (and
hence the conductivity) of semiconductors.
Si or Ge belongs to the fourth group in the
Periodic table and, therefore, we choose the
dopant element from nearby fifth or third
group, expecting and taking care that the
size of the dopant atom is nearly the same as
that of Si or Ge. Interestingly, the pentavalent
and trivalent dopants in Si or Ge give two
entirely different types of semiconductors as
discussed below.
(i) n-type semiconductor
Suppose we dope Si or Ge with a pentavalent
element as shown in Fig. 14.7. When an atom
of +5 valency element occupies the position
of an atom in the crystal lattice of Si, four of
its electrons bond with the four silicon
neighbours while the fifth remains very
weakly bound to its parent atom. This is
because the four electrons participating in
FIGURE 14.7 (a) Pentavalent donor atom (As, Sb, bonding are seen as part of the effective core
P, etc.) doped for tetravalent Si or Ge giving n- of the atom by the fifth electron. As a result
type semiconductor, and (b) Commonly used the ionisation energy required to set this
schematic representation of n-type material
electron free is very small and even at room
which shows only the fixed cores of the
substituent donors with one additional effective
temperature it will be free to move in the
positive charge and its associated extra electron. lattice of the semiconductor. For example, the
energy required is ~ 0.01 eV for germanium,
and 0.05 eV for silicon, to separate this
electron from its atom. This is in contrast to the energy required to jump
the forbidden band (about 0.72 eV for germanium and about 1.1 eV for
silicon) at room temperature in the intrinsic semiconductor. Thus, the
pentavalent dopant is donating one extra electron for conduction and
hence is known as donor impurity. The number of electrons made
available for conduction by dopant atoms depends strongly upon the
doping level and is independent of any increase in ambient temperature.
On the other hand, the number of free electrons (with an equal number
of holes) generated by Si atoms, increases weakly with temperature.
In a doped semiconductor the total number of conduction electrons
ne is due to the electrons contributed by donors and those generated
intrinsically, while the total number of holes nh is only due to the holes
from the intrinsic source. But the rate of recombination of holes would
increase due to the increase in the number of electrons. As a result, the
number of holes would get reduced further.
Thus, with proper level of doping the number of conduction electrons
330 can be made much larger than the number of holes. Hence in an extrinsic
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
semiconductor doped with pentavalent impurity, electrons
become the majority carriers and holes the minority carriers.
These semiconductors are, therefore, known as n-type
semiconductors. For n-type semiconductors, we have,
ne >> nh (14.3)
(ii) p-type semiconductor
This is obtained when Si or Ge is doped with a trivalent impurity
like Al, B, In, etc. The dopant has one valence electron less than
Si or Ge and, therefore, this atom can form covalent bonds with
neighbouring three Si atoms but does not have any electron to
offer to the fourth Si atom. So the bond between the fourth
neighbour and the trivalent atom has a vacancy or hole as
shown in Fig. 14.8. Since the neighbouring Si atom in the lattice
wants an electron in place of a hole, an electron in the outer
orbit of an atom in the neighbourhood may jump to fill this
vacancy, leaving a vacancy or hole at its own site. Thus the hole
is available for conduction. Note that the trivalent foreign atom
becomes effectively negatively charged when it shares fourth
electron with neighbouring Si atom. Therefore, the dopant atom
of p-type material can be treated as core of one negative charge
along with its associated hole as shown in Fig. 14.8(b). It is
obvious that one acceptor atom gives one hole. These holes are
in addition to the intrinsically generated holes while the source
of conduction electrons is only intrinsic generation. Thus, for
such a material, the holes are the majority carriers and electrons
are minority carriers. Therefore, extrinsic semiconductors doped FIGURE 14.8 (a) Trivalent
with trivalent impurity are called p-type semiconductors. For acceptor atom (In, Al, B etc.)
doped in tetravalent Si or Ge
p-type semiconductors, the recombination process will reduce
lattice giving p-type semicon-
the number (ni )of intrinsically generated electrons to ne.
ductor. (b) Commonly used
We have, for p-type semiconductors schematic representation of
nh >> ne (14.4) p-type material which shows
Note that the crystal maintains an overall charge neutrality only the fixed core of the
substituent acceptor with
as the charge of additional charge carriers is just equal and
one effective additional
opposite to that of the ionised cores in the lattice. negative charge and its
In extrinsic semiconductors, because of the abundance of associated hole.
majority current carriers, the minority carriers produced
thermally have more chance of meeting majority carriers and
thus getting destroyed. Hence, the dopant, by adding a large number of
current carriers of one type, which become the majority carriers, indirectly
helps to reduce the intrinsic concentration of minority carriers.
The semiconductor’s energy band structure is affected by doping. In
the case of extrinsic semiconductors, additional energy states due to donor
impurities (ED ) and acceptor impurities (EA ) also exist. In the energy band
diagram of n-type Si semiconductor, the donor energy level ED is slightly
below the bottom EC of the conduction band and electrons from this level
move into the conduction band with very small supply of energy. At room
temperature, most of the donor atoms get ionised but very few (~1012)
atoms of Si get ionised. So the conduction band will have most electrons
coming from the donor impurities, as shown in Fig. 14.9(a). Similarly, 331
for p-type semiconductor, the acceptor energy level EA is slightly above
the top EV of the valence band as shown in Fig. 14.9(b). With very small
supply of energy an electron from the valence band can jump to the level
EA and ionise the acceptor negatively. (Alternately, we can also say that
with very small supply of energy the hole from level EA sinks down into
the valence band. Electrons rise up and holes fall down when they gain
external energy.) At room temperature, most of the acceptor atoms get
ionised leaving holes in the valence band. Thus at room temperature the
density of holes in the valence band is predominantly due to impurity in
the extrinsic semiconductor. The electron and hole concentration in a
semiconductor in thermal equilibrium is given by
nenh = ni2 (14.5)
Though the above description is grossly approximate and
hypothetical, it helps in understanding the difference between metals,
insulators and semiconductors (extrinsic and intrinsic) in a simple
manner. The difference in the resistivity of C, Si and Ge depends upon
the energy gap between their conduction and valence bands. For C
(diamond), Si and Ge, the energy gaps are 5.4 eV, 1.1 eV and 0.7 eV,
respectively. Sn also is a group IV element but it is a metal because the
energy gap in its case is 0 eV.
FIGURE 14.9 Energy bands of (a) n-type semiconductor at T > 0K, (b) p-type
semiconductor at T > 0K.
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
Formation and working of p-n junction diode
14.5.1 p-n junction formation
Consider a thin p-type silicon (p-Si) semiconductor wafer. By adding
precisely a small quantity of pentavelent impurity, part of the p-Si wafer
can be converted into n-Si. There are several processes by which a
semiconductor can be formed. The wafer now contains p-region and
n-region and a metallurgical junction between p-, and n- region.
Two important processes occur during the formation of a p-n junction:
diffusion and drift. We know that in an n-type semiconductor, the
concentration of electrons (number of electrons per unit volume) is more
compared to the concentration of holes. Similarly, in a p-type
semiconductor, the concentration of holes is more than the concentration
of electrons. During the formation of p-n junction, and due to the
concentration gradient across p-, and n- sides, holes diffuse from p-side
to n-side (p ® n) and electrons diffuse from n-side to p-side (n ® p). This
motion of charge carries gives rise to diffusion current across the junction.
When an electron diffuses from n ® p, it leaves behind an ionised
donor on n-side. This ionised donor (positive charge) is immobile as it is
bonded to the surrounding atoms. As the electrons continue to diffuse
from n ® p, a layer of positive charge (or positive space-charge region) on
n-side of the junction is developed.
Similarly, when a hole diffuses from p ® n due to the concentration
gradient, it leaves behind an ionised acceptor (negative charge) which is
immobile. As the holes continue to diffuse, a layer of negative charge (or
negative space-charge region) on the p-side of the junction is developed.
This space-charge region on either side of the junction together is known
as depletion region as the electrons and holes taking
part in the initial movement across the junction depleted
the region of its free charges (Fig. 14.10). The thickness
of depletion region is of the order of one-tenth of a
micrometre. Due to the positive space-charge region on
n-side of the junction and negative space charge region
on p-side of the junction, an electric field directed from
positive charge towards negative charge develops. Due
to this field, an electron on p-side of the junction moves
to n-side and a hole on n-side of the junction moves to p- FIGURE 14.10 p-n junction
side. The motion of charge carriers due to the electric field formation process.
is called drift. Thus a drift current, which is opposite in
direction to the diffusion current (Fig. 14.10) starts. 333
Initially, diffusion current is large and drift current is small.
As the diffusion process continues, the space-charge regions
on either side of the junction extend, thus increasing the electric
field strength and hence drift current. This process continues
until the diffusion current equals the drift current. Thus a p-n
junction is formed. In a p-n junction under equilibrium there
is no net current.
The loss of electrons from the n-region and the gain of
electron by the p-region causes a difference of potential across
the junction of the two regions. The polarity of this potential is
such as to oppose further flow of carriers so that a condition of
equilibrium exists. Figure 14.11 shows the p-n junction at
equilibrium and the potential across the junction. The
n-material has lost electrons, and p material has acquired
electrons. The n material is thus positive relative to the p
FIGURE 14.11 (a) Diode under material. Since this potential tends to prevent the movement of
equilibrium (V = 0), (b) Barrier electron from the n region into the p region, it is often called a
potential under no bias. barrier potential.
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
built-in potential V0. As a result, the depletion layer width
decreases and the barrier height is reduced [Fig. 14.13(b)]. The
effective barrier height under forward bias is (V0 – V ).
If the applied voltage is small, the barrier potential will be
reduced only slightly below the equilibrium value, and only a
small number of carriers in the material—those that happen to
be in the uppermost energy levels—will possess enough energy
to cross the junction. So the current will be small. If we increase
the applied voltage significantly, the barrier height will be reduced
and more number of carriers will have the required energy. Thus
the current increases.
Due to the applied voltage, electrons from n-side cross the
depletion region and reach p-side (where they are minority
carries). Similarly, holes from p-side cross the junction and reach
the n-side (where they are minority carries). This process under
forward bias is known as minority carrier injection. At the
junction boundary, on each side, the minority carrier FIGURE 14.13 (a) p-n
junction diode under forward
concentration increases significantly compared to the locations
bias, (b) Barrier potential
far from the junction.
(1) without battery, (2) Low
Due to this concentration gradient, the injected electrons on
battery voltage, and (3) High
p-side diffuse from the junction edge of p-side to the other end voltage battery.
of p-side. Likewise, the injected holes on n-side diffuse from the
junction edge of n-side to the other end of n-side
(Fig. 14.14). This motion of charged carriers on either side
gives rise to current. The total diode forward current is sum
of hole diffusion current and conventional current due to
electron diffusion. The magnitude of this current is usually
in mA.
is not limited by the magnitude of the applied voltage but is
limited due to the concentration of the minority carrier on either
side of the junction.
The current under reverse bias is essentially voltage
independent upto a critical reverse bias voltage, known as
breakdown voltage (Vbr ). When V = Vbr, the diode reverse current
increases sharply. Even a slight increase in the bias voltage causes
large change in the current. If the reverse current is not limited by
an external circuit below the rated value (specified by the
manufacturer) the p-n junction will get destroyed. Once it exceeds
the rated value, the diode gets destroyed due to overheating. This
can happen even for the diode under forward bias, if the forward
current exceeds the rated value.
The circuit arrangement for studying the V-I characteristics
of a diode, (i.e., the variation of current as a function of applied
FIGURE 14.15 (a) Diode
voltage) are shown in Fig. 14.16(a) and (b). The battery is connected
under reverse bias,
(b) Barrier potential under to the diode through a potentiometer (or reheostat) so that the
reverse bias. applied voltage to the diode can be changed. For different values
of voltages, the value of the current is noted. A graph between V
and I is obtained as in Fig. 14.16(c). Note that in forward bias
measurement, we use a milliammeter since the expected current is large
(as explained in the earlier section) while a micrometer is used in reverse
bias to measure the current. You can see in Fig. 14.16(c) that in forward
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
bias, the current first increases very slowly, almost negligibly, till the
voltage across the diode crosses a certain value. After the characteristic
voltage, the diode current increases significantly (exponentially), even for
a very small increase in the diode bias voltage. This voltage is called the
threshold voltage or cut-in voltage (~0.2V for germanium diode and
~0.7 V for silicon diode).
For the diode in reverse bias, the current is very small (~mA) and almost
remains constant with change in bias. It is called reverse saturation
current. However, for special cases, at very high reverse bias (break down
voltage), the current suddenly increases. This special action of the diode
is discussed later in Section 14.8. The general purpose diode are not
used beyond the reverse saturation current region.
The above discussion shows that the p-n junction diode primerly
allows the flow of current only in one direction (forward bias). The forward
bias resistance is low as compared to the reverse bias resistance. This
property is used for rectification of ac voltages as discussed in the next
section. For diodes, we define a quantity called dynamic resistance as
the ratio of small change in voltage DV to a small change in current DI:
rd = (14.6)
FIGURE 14.17
From the V-I characteristic of a junction diode we see that it allows current
to pass only when it is forward biased. So if an alternating voltage is
applied across a diode the current flows only in that part of the cycle
when the diode is forward biased. This property
is used to rectify alternating voltages and the
circuit used for this purpose is called a rectifier.
If an alternating voltage is applied across a
diode in series with a load, a pulsating voltage will
appear across the load only during the half cycles
of the ac input during which the diode is forward
biased. Such rectifier circuit, as shown in
Fig. 14.18, is called a half-wave rectifier. The
secondary of a transformer supplies the desired
ac voltage across terminals A and B. When the
voltage at A is positive, the diode is forward biased
and it conducts. When A is negative, the diode is
reverse-biased and it does not conduct. The reverse
saturation current of a diode is negligible and can
be considered equal to zero for practical purposes.
(The reverse breakdown voltage of the diode must
be sufficiently higher than the peak ac voltage at
the secondary of the transformer to protect the
diode from reverse breakdown.)
Therefore, in the positive half-cycle of ac there
FIGURE 14.18 (a) Half-wave rectifier is a current through the load resistor RL and we
circuit, (b) Input ac voltage and output
get an output voltage, as shown in Fig. 14.18(b),
voltage waveforms from the rectifier circuit.
whereas there is no current in the negative half-
cycle. In the next positive half-cycle, again we get
the output voltage. Thus, the output voltage, though still varying, is
restricted to only one direction and is said to be rectified. Since the
rectified output of this circuit is only for half of the input ac wave it is
called as half-wave rectifier.
The circuit using two diodes, shown in Fig. 14.19(a), gives output
rectified voltage corresponding to both the positive as well as negative
half of the ac cycle. Hence, it is known as full-wave rectifier. Here the
p-side of the two diodes are connected to the ends of the secondary of the
transformer. The n-side of the diodes are connected together and the
output is taken between this common point of diodes and the midpoint
of the secondary of the transformer. So for a full-wave rectifier the
secondary of the transformer is provided with a centre tapping and so it
is called centre-tap transformer. As can be seen from Fig.14.19(c) the
voltage rectified by each diode is only half the total secondary voltage.
Each diode rectifies only for half the cycle, but the two do so for alternate
cycles. Thus, the output between their common terminals and the centre-
tap of the transformer becomes a full-wave rectifier output. (Note that
there is another circuit of full wave rectifier which does not need a centre-
338 tap transformer but needs four diodes.) Suppose the input voltage to A
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
with respect to the centre tap at any instant
is positive. It is clear that, at that instant,
voltage at B being out of phase will be
negative as shown in Fig.14.19(b). So, diode
D1 gets forward biased and conducts (while
D2 being reverse biased is not conducting).
Hence, during this positive half cycle we get
an output current (and a output voltage
across the load resistor RL) as shown in
Fig.14.19(c). In the course of the ac cycle
when the voltage at A becomes negative with
respect to centre tap, the voltage at B would
be positive. In this part of the cycle diode
D1 would not conduct but diode D2 would,
giving an output current and output
voltage (across RL ) during the negative half
cycle of the input ac. Thus, we get output
voltage during both the positive as well as
the negative half of the cycle. Obviously,
this is a more efficient circuit for getting
rectified voltage or current than the half-
wave rectifier.
The rectified voltage is in the form of
pulses of the shape of half sinusoids.
Though it is unidirectional it does not have
a steady value. To get steady dc output
from the pulsating voltage normally a
capacitor is connected across the output
terminals (parallel to the load RL). One can
also use an inductor in series with RL for
the same purpose. Since these additional FIGURE 14.19 (a) A Full-wave rectifier
circuits appear to filter out the ac ripple circuit; (b) Input wave forms given to the
diode D1 at A and to the diode D2 at B;
and give a pure dc voltage, so they are
(c) Output waveform across the
called filters. load RL connected in the full-wave
Now we shall discuss the role of rectifier circuit.
capacitor in filtering. When the voltage
across the capacitor is rising, it gets
charged. If there is no external load, it remains charged to the peak voltage
of the rectified output. When there is a load, it gets discharged through
the load and the voltage across it begins to fall. In the next half-cycle of
rectified output it again gets charged to the peak value (Fig. 14.20). The
rate of fall of the voltage across the capacitor depends inversely upon the
product of capacitance C and the effective resistance RL used in the circuit
and is called the time constant. To make the time constant large value of
C should be large. So capacitor input filters use large capacitors. The
output voltage obtained by using capacitor input filter is nearer to the
peak voltage of the rectified voltage. This type of filter is most widely
used in power supplies. 339
FIGURE 14.20 (a) A full-wave rectifier with capacitor filter, (b) Input and output
voltage of rectifier in (a).
1. Semiconductors are the basic materials used in the present solid state
electronic devices like diode, transistor, ICs, etc.
2. Lattice structure and the atomic structure of constituent elements
decide whether a particular material will be insulator, metal or
3. Metals have low resistivity (10–2 to 10–8 W m), insulators have very high
resistivity (>108 W m–1), while semiconductors have intermediate values
of resistivity.
4. Semiconductors are elemental (Si, Ge) as well as compound (GaAs,
CdS, etc.).
5. Pure semiconductors are called ‘intrinsic semiconductors’. The presence
of charge carriers (electrons and holes) is an ‘intrinsic’ property of the
material and these are obtained as a result of thermal excitation. The
number of electrons (ne ) is equal to the number of holes (nh ) in intrinsic
conductors. Holes are essentially electron vacancies with an effective
positive charge.
6. The number of charge carriers can be changed by ‘doping’ of a suitable
impurity in pure semiconductors. Such semiconductors are known as
extrinsic semiconductors. These are of two types (n-type and p-type).
7. In n-type semiconductors, ne >> nh while in p-type semiconductors nh >> ne.
8. n-type semiconducting Si or Ge is obtained by doping with pentavalent
atoms (donors) like As, Sb, P, etc., while p-type Si or Ge can be obtained
by doping with trivalent atom (acceptors) like B, Al, In etc.
9. nenh = ni2 in all cases. Further, the material possesses an overall charge
10. There are two distinct band of energies (called valence band and
conduction band) in which the electrons in a material lie. Valence
band energies are low as compared to conduction band energies. All
energy levels in the valence band are filled while energy levels in the
conduction band may be fully empty or partially filled. The electrons in
the conduction band are free to move in a solid and are responsible for
the conductivity. The extent of conductivity depends upon the energy
gap (Eg ) between the top of valence band (EV ) and the bottom of the
conduction band EC. The electrons from valence band can be excited by
Semiconductor Electronics:
Materials, Devices and
Simple Circuits
heat, light or electrical energy to the conduction band and thus, produce
a change in the current flowing in a semiconductor.
11. For insulators Eg > 3 eV, for semiconductors Eg is 0.2 eV to 3 eV, while
for metals Eg » 0.
12. p-n junction is the ‘key’ to all semiconductor devices. When such a
junction is made, a ‘depletion layer’ is formed consisting of immobile
ion-cores devoid of their electrons or holes. This is responsible for a
junction potential barrier.
13. By changing the external applied voltage, junction barriers can be
changed. In forward bias (n-side is connected to negative terminal of the
battery and p-side is connected to the positive), the barrier is decreased
while the barrier increases in reverse bias. Hence, forward bias current
is more (mA) while it is very small (mA) in a p-n junction diode.
14. Diodes can be used for rectifying an ac voltage (restricting the ac voltage
to one direction). With the help of a capacitor or a suitable filter, a dc
voltage can be obtained.
1. The energy bands (EC or EV ) in the semiconductors are space delocalised
which means that these are not located in any specific place inside the
solid. The energies are the overall averages. When you see a picture in
which EC or EV are drawn as straight lines, then they should be
respectively taken simply as the bottom of conduction band energy levels
and top of valence band energy levels.
2. In elemental semiconductors (Si or Ge), the n-type or p-type
semiconductors are obtained by introducing ‘dopants’ as defects. In
compound semiconductors, the change in relative stoichiometric ratio
can also change the type of semiconductor. For example, in ideal GaAs
the ratio of Ga:As is 1:1 but in Ga-rich or As-rich GaAs it could
respectively be Ga1.1 As0.9 or Ga0.9 As1.1. In general, the presence of
defects control the properties of semiconductors in many ways.
14.1 In an n-type silicon, which of the following statement is true:
(a) Electrons are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the
(b) Electrons are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the
(c) Holes are minority carriers and pentavalent atoms are the
(d) Holes are majority carriers and trivalent atoms are the dopants.
14.2 Which of the statements given in Exercise 14.1 is true for p-type
14.3 Carbon, silicon and germanium have four valence electrons each.
These are characterised by valence and conduction bands separated
by energy band gap respectively equal to (Eg)C, (Eg)Si and (Eg)Ge. Which
of the following statements is true?
(a) (Eg)Si < (Eg)Ge < (Eg)C
(b) (Eg)C < (Eg)Ge > (Eg)Si
(c) (Eg)C > (Eg)Si > (Eg)Ge
(d) (Eg)C = (Eg)Si = (Eg)Ge
14.4 In an unbiased p-n junction, holes diffuse from the p-region to
n-region because
(a) free electrons in the n-region attract them.
(b) they move across the junction by the potential difference.
(c) hole concentration in p-region is more as compared to n-region.
(d) All the above.
14.5 When a forward bias is applied to a p-n junction, it
(a) raises the potential barrier.
(b) reduces the majority carrier current to zero.
(c) lowers the potential barrier.
(d) None of the above.
14.6 In half-wave rectification, what is the output frequency if the input
frequency is 50 Hz. What is the output frequency of a full-wave rectifier
for the same input frequency.