EV Flyer

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Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electric Vehicles – 20EEE661

Open Elective for VI Semester Students

 Understand Vehicle Fundamentals
 Describe the architecture and technology
of electric, hybrid electric and plug in
hybrid electric vehicle
 Analyze different power electronics
converters and electrical machines in
hybrid electric vehicles
 Understand the use of different energy
storage systems used for electric vehicles
 Understand the control and configurations
of EV charging stations

 Vehicle Fundamentals
 Basics of EV Technology
 Power Electronics in Electric Vehicles
 Energy Storage in EVs
 EV Charging Technologies

Importance of Electric Vehicles:

 Lower running costs
 Low maintenance cost
 Zero Tailpipe Emissions
 Tax and financial benefits
 Petrol and diesel use is destroying our planet
 Electric Vehicles are easy to drive and noiseless
 Convenience of charging at home
 No noise pollution

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The following is link for insight
of EVs:

No. of registrations restricted

to 60

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