Senior Executive Diploma - Brochure

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Expand your Business Acumen


*Blended delivery combines both live-online sessions and on-campus sessions.

Senior Executive Diploma

Program Overview

In today’s VUCA economy, change and innovation are the main constants. The growing potential for
value creation in a challenging environment demands effective management, broader competencies,
and a panoramic view on how business works. Today’s managers are required to achieve growth in the
midst of uncertainty, create new markets, energize and lead people towards a common goal, all while
navigating through radical change.

The Senior Executive Diploma is designed to provide middle and senior managers with a
comprehensive understanding of best-practice management in a broad range of areas. The program
will explore both components of management skills; Hard skills in finance, economics, and strategy, and
soft skills that allow managers to self-reflect and evaluate their approach towards managing people and

Participants will gain a comprehensive view of business functions and connect the dots, holistically
analyzing the business environment, and making sound business decisions. They will develop an
understanding of digital innovation, where they will learn how to evaluate and lead digital transformation

This program will allow managers to elevate their profile and acquire the practical skills needed to deliver
genuine, bottom-line value for their organizations.

Expand your Business Acumen

Senior Executive Diploma

Key Benefits
Create Apply Examine Learn Formulate
a guiding vision while integrating key financial and reflect on issues central to the to use data to make winning business
and managing various principles in world we live in; namely how the informed business strategies based on a
organizational functions, levels, real-world contexts. economy functions, and how decisions. robust analysis of the
processes and teams (people) to resources are coordinated to business
create value. achieve business objectives. environment.

Demonstrate Develop Explain Analyze Develop

customer-centricity in powerful and effective the domains of digital digitalizing companies, 21st-century skills: critical
setting commercial business plans, and transformation in the markets and industries in thinking, communication,
direction, and in manage strong broader context of cases, to enable informed collaboration and
managing operations. execution programs. digitalization. decisions. creativity.

Program Highlights

7 + 3
Business Acumen
• Real-world case studies and applications and simulations
• Dynamic group and peer-to-peer discussions
Core Courses
Courses • Business-oriented assignments and projects

3 CLICK HERE for a detailed schedule.

28 In exceptional circumstances, participants who are unable to attend on campus sessions
Weeks will be accommodated.

per week

Expand your Business Acumen

Senior Executive Diploma

Program Outline
Core Courses

Organizational Management Economics for Business Financial Management Strategic Management

(24hrs) (9hrs) (24hrs) (24hrs)
Explore multiple facets of Economics for Business is the Explore how to Examine a wide array of
management; organizational science and art of utilizing read/analyze/manage financial strategic tools and frameworks
behavior, process management, macro and microeconomic statements, classify different and explore their application in
corporate governance, change analyses in formulating and types of costs, and how to make a broad range of competitive
management, and project executing corporate strategy. financial decisions and compare situations.
Participants will learn how the different investment
Use relevant methodologies, opportunities, as well as how to Understand the process of
macroeconomic machine
tools and processes to improve optimize capital structure in view strategy development and
functions and how it
management skills and enable of availability/cost/tenure of execution from environmental
influences key variables, such
effective assessment and each source of finance. and competitor analysis,
as the policy interest rate and
adjustment of operational through crafting a competitive
the exchange rate.
processes and strategic goals. position, to strategic agility,
Furthermore, participants will innovation and implementation.
learn how to deploy natural
and synthetic hedging
strategies to manage
macro/micro-level risks

Expand your Business Acumen

Senior Executive Diploma

Program Outline

Marketing Management
Digital Innovation Managing People
(24hrs) (24hrs) (24hrs)
Understand the components of Understand digital Address people management
an effective strategic marketing transformation and acquire from three different
plan, covering key concepts and the required knowledge to perspectives; intrapersonal,
processes, from analyzing the manage digital transformation interpersonal and organizational,
business environment through initiatives. exploring relevant models,
formulating winning marketing strategies and tools for
strategies, to the effective Participants will be exposed to developing professionals who
execution of marketing different Digital Business can contribute more and
programs. Models and Strategies, stimulate change in a humanistic
applying relevant tools like the way, tapping into people’s full
Competitive Value Train, potential.
Platform Model Map, and
Digital Audits.

Effectively operating within a business setting and making a positive impact requires
Business Acumen a certain set of skills and competencies. Explore critical 21st-century skills needed for
Online Self-Study today’s business world, enabling passion and speed in dealing with different business
(3 Courses) situations.

For the most updated list of Business Acumen courses, CLICK HERE

Expand your Business Acumen

Senior Executive Diploma

Who Should Attend?

Admission Criteria
• Middle functional managers looking to develop the essential set of
cross-functional skills and capabilities needed to move up in the
organization’s managerial positions. • Bachelor’s degree.
• Proficiency in written and spoken English.
• Experienced managers moving or aiming to move into business • A minimum of six years of relevant work experience
leadership positions, and looking to boost their leadership capabilities. is preferred.

• Business Development Managers with specific needs to understand

multiple business disciplines.

• Family leads who are assigned influential roles in their family business. Certificate
• Management consultants looking to establish relevant Participants who successfully fulfil the
cross-functional skills. program graduation requirements will be
granted a 'Certificate of Completion' from
• Managers of other functions looking for a career shift. the AUC School of Business.
Attendance Requirements: A minimum
attendance of 75% is required in each
Program Fees course to qualify for graduation.

courses Hours for Egyptians for Non-Egyptians

Certificate of Completion
Core program courses fees (24 Hours) EGP 15,600 USD 580

Economics for Business course fees (9 Hours) EGP 5,850 USD 220

Business Acumen online course fees EGP 3,500 USD 130


Total Program Investment EGP 109,950 USD 4,090

CLICK HERE for payment options

Expand your Business Acumen

Senior Executive Diploma

Scholarship Opportunities
Exclusive AUC Alumni Benefits
At AUC School of Business Executive Education, we believe in the power of continuous learning and its role in driving professional growth.
We're proud of our alumni and committed to supporting their ongoing journey of development. To demonstrate this, we provide
exclusive benefits for both AUC and School of Business Executive Education alumni.

AUC Alumni Advantage Program School of Business Executive Education Alumni Discount
Our AUC Alumni Advantage Program is designed to reignite We extend our support further to our AUC School of Business
our alumni's passion for learning. Valued AUC alumni are Executive Education alumni. We appreciate your continued
invited to benefit from a 10% discount on our diverse trust in us and are pleased to offer a 10% discount on any of our
Executive Education short programs. whether in-person, diverse Executive Education programs.
blended, or online. We are committed to delivering quality This exclusive benefit highlights our commitment to fostering
educational experiences that meet your needs. your ongoing professional growth.

Supporting your lifelong learning journey is our utmost priority. We offer these unique scholarship and alumni advantage opportunities
to empower your professional development through accessible, high-quality education. This distinctive offer adheres to our standard
admission requirements and underscores our commitment to supporting your ongoing professional development.

Flexible Payment with Valu

To further support your professional journey, we offer flexible payment options

through valU.
You can spread your Executive Education costs over 6-60 months at a 1%
monthly interest rate.
Quick approval and no down payment are required.
For more details, please contact us at 16671.
This service is exclusive to Egyptian nationals.
Senior Executive Diploma

Our Commitment AUC School of Business Executive Education

No matter where you are in your professional journey, at

the AUC School of Business Executive Education, we The AUC School of Business Executive Education was established in 1977
design programs that support you every step of the way. as a center of excellence to provide Egypt and the wider region with
There's always something to learn at every stage of your specialized executive education programs by offering open enrollment
career lifecycle. From the moment you start your journey, programs and business solutions to individuals and corporates.
and throughout your career trajectory, we design our Constant evolution and reinvention is the hallmark of our mission as we
programs to enrich your knowledge and extend the drive ourselves forward to increase our impact, maintain our relevance,
horizons of your vision. At the AUC School of Business and reflect the ever-changing business environment.
Executive Education, our mission is to help you reach your The School of Business has been ranked by the Financial Times (FT) as
growth goals of self-fulfillment and actualization. one of the best business schools worldwide that offer open enrollment
Our programs provide a world-class experiential learning executive education programs since 2013, ranking at 62 in 2023.
track in a collaborative environment of like-minded The AUC School of Business Executive Education is equipped with a
individuals. You will learn from acclaimed faculty full-fledged business solutions unit, with off-the-shelf and customized
members who deliver uniquely designed programs that training programs, as well as coaching and assessment services.
offer practical solutions to business challenges. Ultimately, The team works to facilitate, enable, and partner with businesses striving
you will emerge with a new perspective that disrupts the to achieve organizational excellence.
status quo and generates creative solutions.

AUC School of Business

Acting as a knowledge bridge between Egypt and the rest of the world, the AUC School of Business boasts an unrivaled reputation as the
top private business school in Egypt and one of the best in Africa and the Arab world. Belonging to the 1% of business schools worldwide
endowed with a “triple-crown” accreditation (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS), the School is dedicated to shaping the business leaders,
entrepreneurs, and change agents of tomorrow by harnessing leadership, integrity, ambition, and excellence.

Expand your Business Acumen

The American University in Cairo
School of Business, Executive Education

AUC Avenue, P.O. Box 74

New Cairo 11835, Egypt

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