Chemical Bonding - Activty

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STUDENT NAME: _____________


Bonding: knowledge check

1.1 Use the words to complete the sentences:

covalent bonding ionic bonding metallic bonding

(a) The type of bonding in figure A is _______-


(b) The type of bonding in figure B is _______-


(c) The type of bonding in figure C is _______-


STUDENT NAME: _____________

1.2 Use the words to complete the sentences.

electrostatic forces ionic negatively

non-metal transferred

_____________________________________ bonding – this bond is formed when

electrons are _____________________________________ from a metal atom to a

_____________________________________ atom, forming positively charged ions

and _____________________________________ charged ions. Strong

_____________________________________ attract the oppositely charged ions to

each other.

1.3 Use the words to complete the sentences. You can use words more than


covalent electron electrons

outer non-metal

_____________________________________ bonding – this bonding occurs between

_____________________________________ atoms. In a single covalent bond, a

pair of _____________________________________ is shared between two atoms.

These shared electrons are found in the

_____________________________________ shells of the atoms. Each atom

contributes one _____________________________________ to the shared pair of


STUDENT NAME: _____________

1.4 Use the words to complete the sentences. You can use words more than


electrons electrostatic forces ions metallic

_____________________________________ bonding – the electrons leave the

outer shells of metal atoms, forming positive metal ions and a ‘sea’ of

delocalised _____________________________________ that are free to move. This

bond is the result of the strong _____________________________________ of

attraction between the positive metal _____________________________________

and the negative delocalised _____________________________________.

STUDENT NAME: _____________

Bonding: test myself

Use the words to complete the sentences. You can use the words more than

2.1 What types of elements are involved in the following bonds?

metals and non-metals metals only non-metals only

(a) ionic bonding _________________________________________________________.

(b) covalent bonding _____________________________________________________.

(c) metallic bonding ______________________________________________________.

2.2 In which type of bonding are electrons shared?

covalent ionic metallic

Electrons are shared in ___________________________ bonding.

2.3 What does the curved arrow represent in this diagram?

atom electron ion shared transferred

The arrow represents an ___________________________ being

___________________________ from one atom to another.

2.4 What type of forces hold the particles together in an ionic bond?

covalent forces electrostatic forces ionic forces

_____________________________________ of attraction hold the particles

together in an ionic bond.

STUDENT NAME: _____________

STUDENT NAME: _____________

2.5 What does ‘delocalised’ mean?

allowed easy free produced

Delocalised means that the electrons are ___________________________ to

move around.

2.6 What are the charged particles called in an ionic compound?

electrons ions atoms protons

The charged particles in an ionic compound are called


2.7 What type of bonds do you find in a compound?

covalent electronic ionic metallic

The bonds in a compound can be either ___________________________ or


2.8 Why are metals good conductors of electricity?

delocalised electrons ions metallic


Metals are good conductors of electricity because they contain

___________________________ ___________________________ that are free to

___________________________ and carry the charge.

STUDENT NAME: _____________

2.9 How do ionic compounds conduct electricity when solid, liquid and in
Explain your answer.
gas ions liquid move

solid solution

Ionic compounds cannot conduct electricity when they are in the

___________________________ state because the ions are not free to move.

They can conduct electricity when they are in a ___________________________

or when they are ___________________________ because the

___________________________ can ___________________________ and carry the


2.10 Why are most covalent substances non-conductors of electricity?

atoms charge charged

electrons ions

Most covalent compounds do not conduct electricity because they do not

have _____________________________ particles (___________________________

or ___________________________) that can move and carry the


STUDENT NAME: _____________

Bonding: feeling confident?

For questions 3.1 and 3.2, complete the bonding diagrams.

3.1 The reaction between sodium and fluorine.

3.2 The reaction between hydrogen and chlorine.

3.3 Add electrons to the diagram to show the metallic bonding in zinc.

STUDENT NAME: _____________

Bonding: what do I understand?

Think about your answers and confidence level for each mini-topic. Decide
whether you understand it well, are unsure or need more help. Tick the
appropriate column.

I think I
I understand I need more
Mini-topic understand
this well help
I can identify ionic, covalent
and metallic bonds from
I know that there are ions in
ionic bonds.
I know about electrostatic
forces in ionic bonds.
I know that electrons are
shared in covalent bonds.
I know that there are
positive metal ions and
negative delocalised
electrons in metallic bonds.
I know the types of
elements involved in:
 ionic bonds
 covalent bonds
 metallic bonds.
I can explain why metals
conduct electricity.
I can explain the conditions
required for ionic
compounds to conduct
I can explain why covalent
substances do not conduct
I think I
I understand I need more
Feeling confident? topics understand
this well help
I can draw diagrams to
represent ionic and covalent

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