Sustainability 16 01346
Sustainability 16 01346
Sustainability 16 01346
The Analysis and AI Simulation of Passenger Flows in an
Airport Terminal: A Decision-Making Tool
Afroditi Anagnostopoulou * , Dimitrios Tolikas, Evangelos Spyrou, Attila Akac and Vassilios Kappatos
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Thermi, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece; (D.T.); (E.S.); (A.A.); (V.K.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +30-2121069828
Abstract: In this paper, a decision-making tool is proposed that can utilize different strategies to deal
with passenger flows in airport terminals. A simulation model has been developed to investigate
these strategies, which can be updated and modified based on the current requirements of an airport
terminal. The proposed tool could help airport managers and relevant decision makers proactively
mitigate potential risks and evaluate crowd management strategies. The aim is to eliminate risk
factors due to overcrowding and minimize passenger waiting times within the terminal to provide a
seamless, safe and satisfying travel experience. Overcrowding in certain areas of the terminal makes
it difficult for passengers to move freely and increases the risk of accidents (especially in the event of
an emergency), security problems and service interruptions. In addition, long queues can lead to
frustration among passengers and increase potential conflicts or stress-related incidents. Based on
the derived results, the optimized routing of passengers using modern technological solutions is the
most promising crowd management strategy for a sample airport that can handle 800 passengers
per hour.
to real-time decision making. This tool will also identify and analyze potential risks, due to
queues and crowded stores, that could lead to negative consequences. Once the risks are
assessed and categorized, implementation strategies will be imposed to mitigate or control
these risks at an operational level. This will result in reduced queues and operational
vulnerabilities and prevent crowd disruption.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides an overview
of previous research studies in the field of risk assessment in airport terminals and includes
a review of the existing literature to date. Section 3 provides a detailed analysis and
presentation of the proposed decision-making tool. Section 4 then presents the results
obtained from the practical implementation of the proposed tool. Finally, Section 5 draws
conclusions based on the results and provides key findings as valuable guidance for future
research in the dynamic field of airport terminal risk assessment and management.
2. Research Background
2.1. The Level of Service in Airport Terminals
Airport terminals are important hubs of the global transportation network, managing
internal and external flights as well as connecting flights and their corresponding passenger
flows. The continuous growth and development of the aviation industry, as well as
geopolitical crises and extreme weather conditions, make airport terminals necessary in
order to provide passengers with a safe, efficient and successful travel experience. To
cope with the complex environment of airport terminals, various crowd management
strategies have been developed to streamline processes and provide passenger-friendly
design [9]. More recent studies focus on advanced technologies, information systems and
smart applications developed to improve scheduling, optimize airport operations and
increase the quality of service for passengers [10,11].
In this context, research reports conducted both before and after the COVID-19 pan-
demic summarize the future of airport terminals and aviation in general, focusing on how
modern technology could improve security processes and increase the level of service to
passengers [12,13]. In terms of operational efficiency, Thampan et al. [14] have presented
and analyzed how analytical methods can be used to evaluate service quality, considering
the spatial, operational and technological changes in airport terminals. More recently,
Dong et al. [15] have used machine learning techniques to predict incidents leading to
flight delays. This predictive capability could improve flight scheduling for more effective
passenger service and mitigate security and economic risks in the airport environment.
In addition, several crowd management strategies have been proposed to improve
airport terminal environments that use simulation approaches, covering areas such as
optimization, passenger behavior, security, and building design. Kim and Wu [16] used an
agent-based simulation approach to optimize passenger service levels in a cost-effective
manner by considering the degree of crowding and passenger waiting times. Similarly,
Mekić et al. [17] used an agent-based model for airport terminal operations to investigate
how passenger behavior affects waiting time, expenses, missed flights and operational
costs. In terms of security, Jassen et al. [18] proposed agent-based models and Monte Carlo
simulations to comprehensively assess and manage security risks.
On the other hand, the research community has also investigated how new airport in-
frastructures and terminal expansions might affect the level of service for passengers [19,20].
Passenger characteristics have also been studied in conjunction with terminal layout, and
airport retail revenue has been investigated using an agent-based simulation approach [21].
In addition, passenger preferences for shopping and catering activities within the terminal
have been investigated [22], as well as how their arrival times should be considered when
managing the commercial area of an airport at a strategic level [23]. Recent studies also
investigated methods and strategies to improve social distancing due to COVID-19 and
minimize the crowded areas within terminals [24,25].
The high level of complexity exhibited by airport terminals can be captured using
agent-based models [26] that represent different groups of stakeholders and depict their
Sustainability 2024, 16, 1346 3 of 13
Figure 1. Concept of
1. Concept of the
the proposed
proposed decision-making
decision-making tool.
Moreover, the decision-making tool can also consider passengers’ specific preferences
Moreover, the decision-making tool can also consider passengers’ specific prefer-
for visiting different stores within the airport terminal area. It also accounts for the number
ences for visiting different stores within the airport terminal area. It also accounts for the
of passengers waiting to visit each store and takes the maximum capacity of the stores and
number of passengers waiting to visit each store and takes the maximum capacity of the
other relevant parameters into account. The proposed tool can also facilitate continuous
stores and other relevant parameters into account. The proposed tool can also facilitate
improvements by updating and refining the model with current real-data and passengers’
continuous improvements by updating and refining the model with current real-data and
feedback in an attempt to avoid inefficiencies and prevent congestion-related issues. An
passengers’ feedback in an attempt to avoid inefficiencies and prevent congestion-related
iterative implementation process is proposed to ensure that the model remains adaptable,
issues. An iterative implementation process is proposed to ensure that the model remains
helping to proactively address inefficiencies and mitigate any potential challenges, fostering
aadaptable, helpingand
more responsive to proactively
inefficiencies and mitigate any potential chal-
lenges, fostering a more responsive and passenger-centric airport environment.
3.1. The Simulation Model
3.1. The Simulation Model
Due to overcrowding in the security control area and at the entry points of different
stores,Due to overcrowding
health in the security
hazards (especially during control
pandemics),area and at the entry
accidents pointsthreats
and safety of different
appeared in airport terminals. Therefore, efficient crowd management is needed to have
stores, health hazards (especially during pandemics), accidents and safety threats plan
flows duringin airport terminals.
operating times and Therefore, efficient crowd
guide passengers, management
reducing waitingistimes
needed to plan
in queues
and during operating
the leveltimes and guide
of service forpassengers,
passengers.reducing waiting times
More specifically, theininput
queues of and
improving simulation
developed the level of model
serviceisfor passengers.
the More specifically,
list of passengers (800 in total) thethat
input of the
have developed
arrived at the
airport modeland
terminal is the
are list of passengers
waiting (800 in total)
for their departing thatEach
flight. havepassenger
arrived athas the specific
terminal and are
characteristics waiting
that for their departing
are considered flight. Eachmodel
in the simulation passenger
(i.e., has specific
flight character-
number, ticket
istics thatcheck-in
category, are considered in the simulation
status, preferences for visitingmodel (i.e.,
stores in flight number,
the airport ticket category,
check-in status,
Figure preferences
2 depicts for visiting
the sequence storesand
of actions in the airport
flows withinterminal).
the studied sample airport
terminal, as 2well
depicts the
as the sequence
decision of actions
points and flowsprocesses
in the different within the studied
that sample airport
the simulation model
terminal, asThe
considers. wellfirst
as the
stepdecision points inifthe
is to examine thedifferent
passengerprocesses that the
has checked insimulation
online or ifmodel
needs Thethe
to visit first step is desks.
check-in to examine if the passenger
The simulation modelhas checked
checks whetherin online or if s/he
the check-in is
open to visitmeans
the check-in
that thedesks.
flight The
departssimulation model
in less than 2.5checks
h) and whether the check-in
the passenger proceeds is
open (which means that the flight departs in less than 2.5 h) and the passenger proceeds
to the desks. Otherwise, s/he needs to wait until the check-in opens. Then, the passenger
to the desks.
should Otherwise,
go to the security s/he
wait until
their the check-in
waiting opens. Then,
time depends on thethe passenger
queue length
and the go to the security
efficiency control personnel.
of the security area and their waiting
It should be time depends
mentioned onimproved
that the queueservices
and the
(with efficiency
reduced of thetime)
waiting security arepersonnel.
offered to It theshould
gold be mentioned
class membersthat andimproved
(with reduced
business tickets,waiting
compared time) to are
thoseoffered to the gold
in economy, in theclass members
check-in and passengers
and security with
control areas.
business tickets, compared to those in economy, in the check-in and security control areas.
boarding. Passengers visit stores in the shopping area in a predefined order, based on
preferences, or avoid this step. In the latter case, they proceed to the catering service
extra waiting time is needed for them to be served. Last, they proceed to the gate
wait for boarding to start, or embark in case where the boarding of their flight has al
Sustainability 2024, 16, 1346
started. Note that when boarding starts, the passengers should proceed 5 ofto
13 the gate
this reason, the simulation model continuously checks if boarding has started.
Figure 2.of
Figure 2. Flow diagram Flow diagrammovements
passengers’ of passengers’ movements
in the simulatedinsample
the simulated sample airport terminal.
airport terminal.
• Fi,w is the number of passengers waiting to enter store i;
• Fi,r is the number of passengers going to store i;
• Fi,in is the number of passengers inside store i;
• Fi,max is the maximum capacity in passengers of store i;
• Ti is the service time of a passenger in store i;
• c is a negative constant to capture the crowd avoidance preference.
When a passenger passes the security check, the algorithm is used to calculate store
i with the minimum crowdedness level Fi , which indicates the place with the maximum
current capacity limit. After a passenger exits this store, the algorithm re-calculates the
minimum crowdedness level Fi for the remaining stores and directs the passenger to the
next one. This process continues until the passenger has visited all the stores they like.
The same procedure is also followed for visiting the airport restaurants, coffee shops and
Strategy Scenario
Base Case Scenario 0: Stochastic
Technology Integration Scenario 1: Optimized Guidance
Trained Security Personnel Scenario 2: Minimizing Service Time
Multiple Entry Points Scenario 3: Minimizing Waiting Time
Figure 3.
3. Waiting
Waiting times
times within
within the
the airport terminal for
airport terminal for each
each scenario.
Regarding the thelevel
crowdedness, Figure
Figure 4 summarizes
4 summarizes the the results
results obtained
obtained for
for each
each part
part of theofshopping,
the shopping, catering
catering and and revitalization
revitalization areas.
areas. We We cancan observe
observe thatthat
thethe level
level of
of crowdedness
crowdedness is minimized
is minimized by implementing
by implementing Scenario
Scenario 1 in 1allincases
all cases
except except
for theformaximum
the max-
number number of passengers
of passengers waitingwaiting
for WC2, for which
WC2, which is 14 passengers
is 14 passengers in total.inThe total. The mini-
minimum is
13 is 13 passengers
passengers (same as(same the baseas the base
case) and case)
this and thisachieved
is also is also achieved
by Scenarios by Scenarios
2 and 3. 2Moreand
3. More specifically,
specifically, Scenario Scenario
1 achieves1 aachieves
reduction a reduction
of up to 25% of up to 25%
in the totalinmaximum
the total number
maximum of
passengers of passengers
in different in different
stores storestocompared
compared the base case to the base case
(Scenario 0).(Scenario
It is worth 0).mentioning
It is worth
mentioning here that
here that Scenario Scenario
2 results in an2 results
increased in an increased
level level of crowdedness
of crowdedness for the shopping, for the shop-
ping, catering andareas
and revitalization revitalization
of 9%. This areas of 9%. ThisasisScenario
is reasonable, reasonable, as Scenario
2 improves 2 improves
the efficiency of
the efficiency of the check-in and security control areas, which belong to the first part of
the check-in and security control areas, which belong to the first part of processes in an
processes in an airport
airport terminal. Hence,terminal.
passengers Hence,
gain passengers
some time to gain
spendsome timeshopping,
in the to spend catering
in the shop-and
ping, catering and revitalization areas before their embarkment.
revitalization areas before their embarkment.
In more detail, Figure
more detail, Figure 5 5 presents
presents how how each each scenario
scenario affects
affects the the crowdedness
crowdedness level level
within the
within theterminal.
terminal.The Thehighest
reductions were
were achieved
achieved usingusing Scenario
Scenario 1. The
1. The maxi-
number number of passengers
of passengers is minimized
is minimized in Restaurant
in Restaurant 3 (a 57%3 reduction)
(a 57% reduction)compared compared
to the baseto
the base case scenario. It is worth mentioning that Scenario 2 increases the crowdedness
case scenario. It is worth mentioning that Scenario 2 increases the crowdedness level within
level within the
the terminal, andterminal,
the highestandincrease
the highestin theincrease
maximum in thenumber
maximum number ofappeared
of passengers passengers in
appeared in Duty-Free Shop 2. Reductions are also achieved using Scenario 3, and its
Duty-Free Shop 2. Reductions are also achieved using Scenario 3, and its highest decrease
in the crowdedness
highest decrease in the level (13%) is achieved
crowdedness in Coffee
level (13%) Shop 3. in Coffee Shop 3.
is achieved
Overall, itit isisapparent
Overall, apparentthat thatthe
strategyisis toto enable
enable technology
technology integration
integration in
in the processes, which will guide passengers more efficiently.
the processes, which will guide passengers more efficiently. This strategy keeps This strategy keeps thethe
crowdedness level
crowdedness level low,
low, with
with aa maximum
maximum number number of of 14
14 passengers
passengers waiting waiting for for service
service at at
WC1 and WC2. Moreover, the crowdedness level is remarkably
WC1 and WC2. Moreover, the crowdedness level is remarkably reduced (about 25% less) reduced (about 25% less)
for all
for all processes
processes in in the
the shopping, catering and
shopping, catering and revitalization
revitalization areas areas (i.e.,
(i.e., 144
144 passengers
passengers in in
total for all processes). Additionally, the cumulative total waiting time for all the processes
total for all processes). Additionally, the cumulative total waiting time for all the processes in
in the airport terminal is 48 min on average per passenger, only 1 min more than the
the airport terminal is 48 min on average per passenger, only 1 min more than the optimum
optimum waiting time achieved by Scenario 3. On the other hand, Scenario 3 results in
waiting time achieved by Scenario 3. On the other hand, Scenario 3 results in a higher crowd-
a higher crowdedness level of up to 34% compared to Scenario 1 (i.e., 193 passengers in
edness level of up to 34% compared to Scenario 1 (i.e., 193 passengers in total for all processes
total for all processes in the shopping, catering and revitalization areas). This underscores
in the shopping, catering and revitalization areas). This underscores that the efficacy of tech-
that the efficacy of technology integration is not only minimizing waiting times but also
nology integration is not only minimizing waiting times but also optimizing overall passenger
optimizing overall passenger flow and, as such, enhancing passenger satisfaction within
flow and, as such, enhancing passenger satisfaction within the airport terminal.
the airport terminal.
Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 13
Figure 4.
4. Crowdedness
Crowdedness level
level within
within the
the airport
airport terminal
terminal for
for each
each scenario.
Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13
Sustainability 2024, 16, 1346 10 of 13
Figure 5. Percentage of reduction/increase in the crowdedness level within the airport terminal for each scenario compared to the base case (Scenario 0).
Figure 5. Percentage of reduction/increase in the crowdedness level within the airport terminal for each scenario compared to the base case (Scenario 0).
Sustainability 2024, 16, 1346 11 of 13
The experiments illustrate the relevance of the simulation model for the representation
of passengers’ flows in applying different management strategies and underlining the
role of the proposed decision-making tool. Based on computational experience, Scenario
3 excels in total waiting time (i.e., 4 min less compared to the base case) and Scenario 1
excels in the crowdedness level (i.e., 49 passengers less compared to the base case). To
that end, we observed that, in this case, the best overall improvement is achieved by
Scenario 1 as it also reduces the waiting time by 4% compared to the base case. On the
other hand, Scenario 3 manages to reduce the crowdedness level by only 3%. Clearly, a
more efficient guidance of passengers using a mobile app could offer improved service
quality to passengers and reduce risks due to a high level of crowdedness in the airport
terminal. Therefore, Scenario 3 could offer enhanced service quality and mitigate the risks
associated with high levels of crowdedness within an airport terminal.
To sum up, Scenario 1, the “Technology Integration” strategy, provides a more efficient
and pleasant experience to passengers and reflects a commitment to adopting eco-friendly
and innovative solutions aligned with modern sustainability practices. Satisfied passengers
are more likely to be engaged in sustainable behaviors and foster support for subsequent
initiatives within the airport terminal environment. The maintenance of a low crowdedness
level allows for the more efficient identification and mitigation of potential risks, contribut-
ing to improved operational resilience. This is crucial for managing unexpected events,
reducing disruptions, and maintaining a sustainable and consistent level of service for
5. Conclusions
This paper presents a simulation model developed for a decision-making tool in order
to analyze different crowd management strategies in the context of the risks posed by pas-
senger flows in airport terminals. Different usage scenarios were developed to investigate
the different management strategies, to optimize passenger routing and minimize service
and waiting times. The scenarios of the simulation model can be updated according to
current requirements, which enriches the academic discourse on dynamic modeling in
airport operations. This flexibility of the simulation model is also important for manage-
ment, as it can be adapted to the specific needs of an airport terminal. Managers can tailor
crowd management strategies to the unique characteristics and current challenges of their
terminals, ensuring a customized and effective approach to managing passenger flows that
promotes long-term sustainability.
One research direction worth pursuing is the integration of real-time data into the
simulation model to improve its accuracy and responsiveness. Research into human-
centered terminal design should investigate how physical layouts and design elements
influence crowd dynamics and passenger satisfaction. As research moves towards more
realistic and richer problems, the development of real-world models that capture the use
of strategies that improve sustainability and resilience is of great interest, as they could
mitigate the potential risks in airport terminals more efficiently.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or
in the decision to publish the results.
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