Reproduction of Organism Pyp
Reproduction of Organism Pyp
Reproduction of Organism Pyp
Reproduction in
23 Organisms
1. Which one of the following statements is not Mode of reproduction Example
correct? (a) Binary fission Sargassum
(a) Offspring produced by the asexual (b) Conidia Penicillium
reproduction are called clone. (c) Offset Water hyacinth
(b) Microscopic, motile, asexual reproductive (d) Rhizome Banana
structures are called zoospores. (2015)
(c) In potato, banana and ginger, the plantlets 5. In ginger, vegetative propagation occurs through
arise from the internodes present in the (a) bulbils (b) runners
modified stem. (c) rhizome (d) offsets.
(d) Water hyacinth, growing in the standing (2015 Cancelled)
water, drains oxygen from water that leads 6. In oogamy, fertilization involves
to the death of fishes. (NEETII 2016) (a) a small nonmotile female gamete and a large
2. Which one of the following generates new motile male gamete
(b) a large nonmotile female gamete and a small
genetic combinations leading to variation?
motile male gamete
(a) Vegetative reproduction
(c) a large nonmotile female gamete and a small
(b) Parthenogenesis
nonmotile male gamete
(c) Sexual reproduction (d) large motile female gamete and a small non
(d) Nucellar polyembryony (NEETII 2016) motile male gemete. (2004)
3. Match column I with column II and select the 7. During regeneration, modification of an organ to
correct option using the codes given below. other organ is known as
Column I Column II (a) morphogenesis (b) epimorphosis
A. Pistils fused (i) Gametogenesis (c) morphallaxis
together (d) accretionary growth. (2001)
B. Formation of (ii) Pistillate 8. The process of series of changes from larva to
gametes adult after embryonic development is called
C. Hyphae of higher (iii) Syncarpous (a) regeneration (b) growth
Ascomycetes (c) metamorphosis (d) ageing. (1999)
D. Unisexual female (iv) Dikaryotic
flower 9. ‘Nothing lives forever, but life continues’.
What does it mean?
(a) A(iv), B(iii), C(i), D(ii)
(a) Older die but new are produced due to
(b) A(ii), B(i), C(iv), D(iii)
(c) A(i), B(ii), C(iv), D(iii)
(b) Nothing can produce without death.
(d) A(iii), B(i), C(iv), D(ii) (c) Death has nothing to do with the
(NEETII 2016) continuation of life.
4. Which of the following pairs is not correctly (d) Parthenogenesis is must for sexual
matched? reproduction. (1995)
Answer Key
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a)
1. (c) : Potato, banana and ginger propagate contain nourishment for the development of the
vegetatively by their modified stems. Potato embryo, which is often retained and protected by
propagates by tuber which has buds over its eyes the parent organism.
or nodes. These buds produce new plantlets. 7. (b) : There are two mechanisms of regeneration:
Banana and ginger propagate with the help of morphallaxis and epimorphosis.
rhizomes which also have buds on nodes for the (i) Morphallaxis It involves the reconstruction
formation of new plantlets. of the whole body from a small fragment by
2. (c) : Sexual reproduction involves formation reorganizing the existing cells. The regenerated
and fusion of male and female gametes. Gamete organism is smaller than the original one, e.g.,
formation is accomplished through meiotic cell Amoeba. However, after the completion of the
division which involves crossing over between process it grows and attains normal size after some
nonsister chromatids of homologous time.
chromosomes leading to new genetic (ii) Epimorphosis It replaces a lost organ of the
recombination in gametes. Random fusion of these body by proliferating new cells from the surface of
male and female gametes lead to the genetic the wound or injured part. Regeneration of an
variability in the offspring which although resemble appendage in an arthropod, arm in a starfish, and
their parents but also exhibit new traits of their own. tail in a lizard occurs by the process of
3. (d) epimorphosis.
4. (a) : Sargassum is a brown alga. In brown 8. (c) : Metamorphosis is a process of series of
algae, asexual reproduction occurs by means of changes of form from larva to adult after embryonic
spores and sexual reproduction varies from isogamy,
anisogamy to oogamy.
Regeneration is defined as replacement, repair or
5. (c) : The rhizome is a thickened, underground, restoration of the lost or damaged structures or
dorsiventral stem that grows horizontally at a reconstitution of the whole body from a small
particular depth within the soil. It is brown in colour fragment of it during the postembryonic life of an
and shows cymose branching. It can be organism. Growth is the result of greater anabolic
distinguished from the modified root by the (synthetic) processes over the catabolic
presence of nodes, internodes, terminal buds, (destructive) processes in the organism. Ageing
axillary buds and scale leaves. The rhizome are may be defined as the progressive deterioration in
perennial and propagate vegetatively. They store the structure and functions of the cells, tissues
food materials and appear tuberous. E.g., Zingiber and organs of an organism with the advancing age.
officinale (ginger), Curcuma longa (turmeric),
Canna indica. 9. (a) : Death is a natural process by which the
6. (b) : Oogamy is the sexual reproduction individuals die either naturally or due to illness,
involving the formation and subsequent fusion of accident etc. But, before dying generally,
a large, usually stationary, female gamete and a individuals leave new individuals of their own kind
small motile male gamete. The female gamete may through reproduction and thus the life continues.