MME 211 Slide
MME 211 Slide
MME 211 Slide
Atomic Packing Factor
Atomic Packing Factor
1st Nearest Neighbor: 6, Distance: a
2nd Nearest Neighbor: 12, Distance: a√
3rd Nearest Neighbor: 8, Distance: a√
1st Nearest Neighbor: 8, Distance: a√ /2
2nd Nearest Neighbor: 6, Distance: a
1st Nearest Neighbor: 8, Distance: a√ /2
2nd Nearest Neighbor: 6, Distance: a
1st Nearest Neighbor: 12, Distance: a√ /2
2nd Nearest Neighbor: 6, Distance: a
1st Nearest Neighbor: 12, Distance: a√ /2
2nd Nearest Neighbor: 6, Distance: a
NN = 8 & NNN = 6
NN = 12 & NNN = 6
Planar Density : SC (100) Plane
Planar Density : SC (110) Plane
Planar Density : SC (111) Plane
Planar Density : BCC (100) Plane
Planar Density : BCC (110) Plane
Planar Density : BCC (111) Plane
Planar Density : FCC (100) Plane
Planar Density : FCC (110) Plane
Planar Density : FCC (111) Plane
Points, Directions and Planes
• Miller indices are used to specify directions and planes.
• These directions and planes could be in lattices or in crystals.
• Indices of crystallographic points, directions, and planes are given in
terms of the lattice constants of the unit cell.
• For points and directions, consider the indices to be coefficients of the
lattice constants.
• Only need to invert the indices for planes.
• It is essential to label axes, lattice constants, and identifying information
for directions (vector arrowhead) and planes (axes intercepts) in order
to receive full credit.
• Labeling points in a unit cell follows the same procedure for listing points
in any Cartesian coordinate system.
• The indices used to refer to points are q, r, and s.
• They are listed without commas, parentheses, or brackets.
• Consider point P, in Figure.
• If you were standing at the origin of the unit cell, you could travel q · a in
the x-direction, r · y in the y-direction, and s · c in the z-direction to get to
point P.
• Thus, we point P corresponds to the q r s point coordinates.
To find q, r, and s when you are shown a drawing with a point:
• Start with your pencil at the origin.
• Count the number lattice constants you must move in the x-, y-, and z-
directions to reach the point.
• Write the point as q, r, s without parentheses, or brackets.
• Do not convert the coordinates to reduced integers. The point in the
BCC structure is not the same as the 1 1 1 point.
To draw a direction given the [u v w] indices:
• Choose a point for the origin of your vector.
• Simple directions are easy to draw using the 0 0 0 crystallographic point
as the origin.
• For more complicated directions, it is more convenient to translate
(add or subtract) or scale (multiply or divide) the indices of the direction.
• If you translate your origin to the point 0 0 1 for example, the tail of
your direction vector will be at this point.
• Start with your pencil on your chosen origin.
• Move your pencil u · a in the x-direction, v · b in the y-direction, and w ·
c in the z-direction.
• If u, v, or w, are negative, move in the negative direction on that axis.
• Draw and label a point.
• Draw a line from your chosen origin to the point you just drew.
• Add an arrowhead at the point.
HCP UNIT CELL: c/a Ratio
• A sketch of one third of an hcp unit cell (true unit cell) is
shown here. Consider the tetrahedron labeled as ,
which is reconstructed here.
• The atom at point is midway between the top and bottom
faces of the unit cell that is = . And, since atoms at
points , and touch one another, so,
• Now, the unit cell volume is the product of the base area
times the cell height, c. The base area can be calculated as
follows. The following figure shows an hcp unit cell and the
basal plane. The base area is equal to six times the area of the
equilateral triangle .
There are unfortunately several challenges with using this idea to predict crystal structures:
• Atoms in crystals are not really ions - there is a varying degree of covalency depending
electronegativity differences.
• Bond distances (and therefore ionic radii) depend on bond strength and coordination
• Ionic radii depend on oxidation state (higher charge => smaller cation size, larger anion size).
¼ ¼ ¼ and equivalent
• 4 atoms/unit cell
• 8 tetrahedral sites/unit cell
• 2 tetrahedral sites/atom
¼ ¼ ¼ and equivalent
• 4 atoms/unit cell
• 8 tetrahedral sites/unit cell
• 2 tetrahedral sites/atom
½ ¼ 0 and equivalent
• 2 atoms/unit cell
• 12 tetrahedral sites/unit cell
• 6 tetrahedral sites/atom
½ ¼ 0 and equivalent
• 2 atoms/unit cell
• 12 tetrahedral sites/unit cell
• 6 tetrahedral sites/atom
Stereographic Projection
Stereographic Projection
• Angular relationship among crystal faces, crystal edges, zones and
crystallographic symmetry elements cannot be accurately displayed by
perspective drawings.
• If they are stated precisely in mathematical terms, they are often difficult to
comprehend and to manipulate.
• But frequently we are more interested in these angular relationships than in
any other aspect of the crystal.
• Therefore, we need a kind of drawing on which the angles between planes
can be accurately measured.
• Which will permit graphical solution of problems involving such angles.
• The stereographic projection permits the mapping of crystallographic planes
and directions in two dimensions in a convenient and straightforward
• The real value of the method is attained when it is possible to visualise
crystallographic features directly in terms of their stereographic projections.
Reference Sphere
• The nature of stereographic projection of a crystal is easily understood if the
crystal is assumed to be very small and to be located exactly at the center of
a sphere.
• Crystal planes within the crystal can be represented by:
(i) A set of plane normal radiating from some one point within the crystal.
• This is because the orientation of any plane in a crystal can also be
represented by the inclination of the normal to that plane relative to some
reference plane.
• If a reference sphere is now described about this point, the plane normal will
intersect the surface of the sphere in a set of points called poles.
• Array of poles on the sphere, forming a pole figure, represents the
orientation of the crystal planes without, of course, indicating the size and
shape of the crystal planes.
Pole Figure
Pole Figure: {110} & {111}
Reference Sphere
(ii) By the trace, the extended plane makes in the surface of the sphere.
• The trace ABCDA represents the plane whose pole is P1.
• Crystal is assumed to be so small that all planes pass through center of the
• Trace ABCDA is a great circle (a circle of maximum diameter) on the sphere.
• A plane not passing through the center will intersect the sphere in a small
• The angle α between two planes is evidently equal to the angle between
their great circles or to the angle between their normal.
• This angle, in degrees, can also be measured on the surface of the sphere
along the great circle KLMNK connecting poles P1 and P2 of the two planes,
if this circle is divided into 360 equal parts.
• The measurement of an angle has thus been transferred from the planes
themselves to the surface of the reference sphere.
Angle Between Planes
Stereographic Projection
• In practice it is usually more convenient to measure angles on a flat sheet of
paper rather than on the surface of a sphere.
• The stereographic projection is one of the methods by which the sphere may
be mapped without distorting the angular relations between the planes or
the poles.
• The stereographic projection is made by placing a plane of projection normal
to the end of any chosen diameter of the sphere and using the other end of
that diameter as the point of projection.
• Here the projection plane is normal to the diameter AB, and the projection is
made from the point B.
• If the sphere is transparent, the markings on the surface of the sphere will be
projected as shadows on the plane of projection.
• The pattern made by the shadows is a stereographic projection.
Stereographic Projection
Stereographic Projection
• Point P′ is the stereographic projection of pole P.
• This is obtained by drawing line BP producing it until it meets projection plane.
• Alternately stated, the stereographic projection of the pole P is the shadow
cast by P on the projection plane when a light source is placed at B.
• The observer views the projection from the side opposite the light source.
• Distance of projection plane from the sphere is immaterial; a change in
distance merely changes magnification and does not alter geometrical relation.
• The plane NESW is normal to AB and passes through the center C.
• It cuts the sphere in half and its trace in the sphere is a great circle.
• This great circle projects to form basic circle N′E′S′W′ on projection, all poles
on left-hand hemisphere will project within the basic circle shown in figure.
Stereographic Projection
• Poles on the right-hand hemisphere will project outside this basic circle, and
those near B will have projections lying at very large distances from the center.
• If we wish to plot such poles, we move the point of projection to A and the
projection plane to B and distinguish the new set of points so formed by minus
signs, the previous set (projected from B) being marked with plus signs.
• It is possible to represent the whole sphere within the basic circle if the two
projections are superimposed.
• The one for the left-hand hemisphere constructed with the light source at B
and the other for the right-hand hemisphere with the light source at A and the
screen on the right (at B).
• The movement of the projection plane along AB or its extension merely alters
the magnification; we usually make it tangent to the sphere.
• But we can also make it pass through the center of the sphere, for example, in
which case the basic circle becomes identical with the great circle NESW.
Stereographic Projection
Stereographic Projection
• A lattice plane in a crystal is several steps removed from its stereographic
• It may be worth-while at this stage to summaries these steps:
(i) The plane C is represented by its normal CP.
(ii) The normal CP is represented by its pole P (its intersection with the reference
(iii) The pole P is represented by its stereographic projection P′.
• A student should have enough familiarity with the stereographic projection, to
be able mentally to omit these intermediate steps and refer to the projected
point P′ as the pole of the plane C or, even more directly, as the plane C itself.
Stereographic Projection
Projection of Great and Small Circles
• A great circle projects within the basic circle as an arc of a circle.
• Great circles that pass through the points A and B will project as straight
lines through the center of the projection.
• Great circle AWBE will project to form a straight-line W′E′.
• Great circle and its projection are in fact lines of intersection of a plane
with the sphere and projection plane, respectively.
• If the great circle is graduated in degrees, its projection will be a scale of
stereographically projected degree points.
• Will be useful for reading angular distances on the projection.
Projection of Great and Small Circles
• A small circle inscribed about a point such as P that lies on the great
circle AWBE will cut the great circle at two points, each of which is φo
from P.
• The point P will project to P′.
• Point P′ will not be in the center of the area of this projected circle but
will lie on the line W′E′ at a point located at an equal number of
projected degrees (φo in this case) from all points of the projected circle.
• The center of the projected circle is at C.
• If the radius of the small circle is increased, it finally becomes a great
Projection of Great and Small Circles
Properties of Stereographic Projection
• Angular truth is conserved, i. e., angle between lines on the surface of a
sphere is equal to the angle between the projections of these two lines.
• Circles on the surface of the sphere projects as circles on the plane of
projection (circles project as circles).
• This is true for both great circles and small circles.
• Centers of the small circles on the sphere do not project to the center of
the area of the projected circles but will be displaced radially.
• Great circles on the sphere appear on the projections as circles cutting
the basic circle at two diametrically opposite points.
• Great circle lying in a plane perpendicular to the projection plane
becomes a diameter on the projection.
Projection for a Cubic Lattice
• Stereographic projection is a two-dimensional drawing of three-
dimensional data.
• Geometry of all crystallographic planes and directions is accordingly
reduced by one dimension.
• Planes are plotted as great circle lines; directions are plotted as points.
• Normal to plane completely describes the orientation of a plane.
• Stereographic projection of each plane can be represented either by a
great circle or by a point showing the directions in space that is normal to
the plane.
Projection for a Cubic Lattice
Directions that Lie in a Plane
Planes of a Zone
Planes of a Zone
Wolf Net
• The device most useful in solving problems
involving the stereographic projection is the Wulff
• It is the projection of a sphere ruled with parallels
of latitude and longitude lines on a plane parallel to
the north-south axis of the sphere.
• On a Wulff net all meridians (the longitude lines)
are great circles connecting the north and south
poles of the net.
• The equator is also a great circle.
• All other latitude lines on a Wulff net are small
circles extending from side to side.
Wolf Net
• These nets are available in various sizes, one of 18-cm diameter giving
an accuracy of about one degree, which is satisfactory for most
problems; to obtain greater precision, either a larger net or
mathematical calculation must be used.
• In solving problems with the Wulff net, it is customary to cover it with
a piece of tracing paper.
• A common pin is then driven through the paper and into the exact
center of the net so that it is free to rotate with respect to the net.
• The paper thus mounted serves as the work sheet on which
crystallographic data are plotted with the basic circle of the same
diameter as that of the Wulff net.
Wolf Net
Measurement of Angle
• Poles Lie on a Great Circle: The angle
between two crystal planes can be measured
on the surface of the sphere along the great
circle connecting the poles of the two planes.
• This measurement can also be carried out on
the stereographic projection if, and only if,
the projected poles lie on a great circle.
• For example, the angle between the planes A
and B or C and D can be measured directly,
simply by counting the number of degrees
separating them along the great circle on
which they lie.
• The angle C-D equals the angle E-F.
Measurement of Angle
• Poles Not on a Great Circle: If the two poles
do not lie on a great circle, then the
projection is rotated relative to the Wulff net
until they do lie on a great circle, where the
desired angle measurement can then be
Measurement of Angle
• Intersection of Great Circles: A plane may also be represented by its
trace in the reference sphere.
• This trace becomes a great circle in the stereographic projection.
• Every point on this great circle is 90o from the pole of the plane.
• Therefore, the great circle may be found by rotating the projection
until the pole falls on the equator of the underlying Wulff net and
tracing that meridian which cuts the equator 90o from the pole.
• If this is done for two poles, the angle between the corresponding
planes may be found from the angle of intersection of the two great
circles corresponding to these poles.
• This method of angle measurement is not, however, very accurate.
Measurement of Angle
Standard Projection of Crystals
Representation of Symmetry on the
Stereographic Projection
Determination of Crystal Structure
• The most common method of structure determination uses the
technique of x-ray diffraction.
• Before the discovery of x-rays, crystallographers and mineralogists
had accumulated a vast knowledge about crystals by measurement
of interfacial angles, chemical compositions and physical properties.
• The phenomenon of diffraction was well understood, and it was
known that diffraction occurred whenever wave motion encountered
a set of regularly spaced scattering objects, provided that the
wavelengths of the waves were of the same order of magnitudes as
the repeat distance between the scattering centers.
• When a beam of x-rays encounters an electron, the electric field of
the beam sets it into a vibrating or oscillatory motion.
• Thus, the electron becomes a source of a new set of electromagnetic
• Since the frequency of oscillation of the electron will be the same as
that of the incident beam, the emitted radiations also have the same
frequency as the incident beam.
• The process is thus referred to as ‘Coherent Scattering’.
• The electron therefore receives a part of the incident energy and
radiates it in all directions.
• When an x-ray beam encounters an atom, the interaction is limited
to the extra nuclear electrons and the nucleus does not take part in
this interaction.
• Each electron in the atom now becomes a source of x-rays.
• Although the electrons in the atom are in constant motion around
the nucleus of the atom, to a fair degree of approximation it may be
assumed tat all the electrons scatter from the center of the atom.
• Thus, the atom becomes a point source of x-rays radiating x-rays of
the same frequency in all directions.
• Since there exists Z number of electrons in an atom of atomic
number Z, the intensity scattered by the atom is larger than that
scattered by a single electron.
• When atoms spaced at regular intervals are irradiated by a beam of
x-rays, each atom in the array starts scattering the beam, and all the
scattered beams have the same wavelength.
• Depending on the phase difference or the path difference, the wave
originating from different atoms take part in constructive or
destructive interference, leading respectively to addition or
annihilation of intensities of the individual waves.
• In an actual crystal the beam would be reflected from a large number
of parallel planes in the crystal and constructive interference can
occur only under highly restricted conditions.
• Let’s determine the criteria for maximum reinforcement of x-rays
reflected from atoms on a number of equally spaced parallel planes
such as exist in crystals.
• This reinforcement occurs when all the diffracted waves are in phase
with one another.
• For this purpose, let us consider each plane of atoms in a crystal as a
semi-transparent mirror; that is each plane reflects a part of the x-ray
beam and also permits part of it to pass through.
• When x-rays strike a crystal, the beam is reflected not only from the
atoms at the surface layers but also from atoms underneath the
surface to a considerable depth.
• In the actual case, the beam would be reflected not from two lattice
planes but from a large number of parallel planes.
Order of Reflection
• The value of ‘n’ in this equation is called the order of reflection,
which may be any positive integer (n = 1, 2, 3).
• It means that for a given value of wavelength and plane spacing ‘d’
there may be several angles θ1, θ2, etc., at which diffraction may
occur, consistent with the fact that sin θ should not exceed unity.
• In a first order reflection, the scattered beam for adjacent planes
such as planes I and II, would differ in path by one wavelength
• Those from alternate planes such as planes I and III, would differ by
two wavelengths etc.
Order of Reflection
Order of Reflection
• Only a very slight shift in the angle θ away from any of these eleven
values causes destructive interference and cancellation of the
reflected beams.
• If one chooses two crystals with widely different atom spacing, even
then planes with the same ‘d’ spacing in the two crystals will diffract
in the same directions.
• Although the x-rays are reflected by atoms, it would appear as
though x-rays are being reflected by the planes.
• In fact, it is conventional to use the term ‘reflecting planes’ and
‘reflected beams’ even if it actually means ‘diffracting planes’ and
‘diffracted beams’.
Order of Reflection
• Angle between diffracted beam and transmitted beam is 2θ and is
called the ‘diffraction angle’, which is the one measured in the
• Since sin θ can not exceed unity, diffraction takes place for ‘d’ values
which satisfy the relation (nλ/2d) less than unity. i.e., nλ must be less
than 2d for diffraction to occur.
• In other words, the wavelength used must be less than twice the
largest value of the interplanar spacing within the crystal.
• Ultraviolet rays with wavelength 500Å could not possibly be
diffracted by a crystal.
• If the wavelength is too small, the values will be too small to be
conveniently measured.
• The Bragg law is a very powerful tool and is all that is needed for an
understanding of a great many applications of x-ray diffraction.
• However, it is useful under certain conditions to transform a Bravais lattice to
what is known as a reciprocal lattice.
• For example, the Bragg law is totally unable to explain the diffraction effects
involving diffuse scattering at non-Bragg angles, and these effects demand a
more general theory of diffraction for their explanation.
• The reciprocal-lattice theory of diffraction, being general, is applicable to all
diffraction phenomena from the simplest to the most intricate.
• The reciprocal lattice is best formulated in terms of vectors.
• The scalar product of two vectors may be
a.b = ab cos α regarded as the product of the length of one
vector and the projection of the other upon
the first.
• If one of the vectors, say a, is a unit vector (a
vector of unit length), then a.b gives
immediately the length of the projection of b
on a.
• The scalar product of sums or differences of
vectors is formed simply by term-by-term
• multiplication:
• The vector product (or cross product) of two
vectors a and b, written a × b, is a vector c at
right angles to the plane of a and b, and equal
in magnitude to the product of the absolute
values of the two vectors and the sine of the
angle α between them, or
• (2) The length of the vector Hhkl is equal to the reciprocal of the
spacing d of the (hkl) planes, or:
• The reciprocal lattice is drawn from any convenient origin, not necessarily
that of the crystal lattice, and to any convenient scale of reciprocal
• The Equations take on a very simple form for any crystal whose unit cell is
based on mutually perpendicular vectors, i.e., cubic, tetragonal, or
• For such crystals, b1, b2 and b3 are parallel, respectively, to a1, a2 and a3, while
b1, b2 and b3 are simply the reciprocals of a1, a2 and a3.
• Example 7.1: Show that reciprocal lattice vector Hhkl is normal to the
plane (hkl).
• Let ABC be part of the plane nearest the origin in the set (hkl).
• Then, from the definition of Miller indices, the vectors from the origin
to the points A, B and C are a1/h, a2/k and a3/l, respectively.
• Consider the vector AB, that is, a vector drawn from A to B, lying in
the plane (hkl).
Edge Dislocations
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Edge Dislocations
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Edge Dislocations
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Screw Dislocations
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Screw Dislocations
Dislocations - Linear Defects
Screw Dislocations
Interfacial Defects: External Surfaces
Grain Boundaries
Interfacial Defects: External Surfaces
Grain Boundaries
Interfacial Defects: External Surfaces
Grain Boundaries