Grass Linings
Grass Linings
Grass Linings
Key Principles
1. The principal hydraulic design parameter either the allowable flow velocity or allowable
shear stress.
2. The key operational issue is the control of surface flow (with respect to location and
velocity), including preventing the diversion of water flow along the up-slope edge of the
Design information
Minimum longitudinal grade of 0.2% or 1 in 500.
Typical Manning’s (n) roughness values for grass 50–150mm blade length are presented in
Table 1. It should be noted that significant variations could occur in the channel roughness
depending on the type, health and density of grass.
Maximum allowable flow velocities are presented in Table 2 for various soil types, channel
gradients and percentage grass cover.
Recommended maximum channel bank slopes of 3:1(H:V) for non-mowable banks, and
4:1(H:V) for mowable banks. Channel bank slopes of 6:1(H:V) or flatter are recommended
adjacent to roadways for reasons of safety.
In circumstances where concentrated flows are likely to occur immediately after establishment
of the drain, then the general design option are:
• specify an appropriate Erosion Control Mat with grass seeding;
• install velocity control Check Dams to limit flow velocities to those acceptable for the
unprotected soil;
• specify turf (sod) anchored with wooden pegs;
• specify pre-grown reinforced grass (Turf Reinforcement Mats, TRMs).
Table 2 – Maximum allowable velocities for bare earth and grassed channels [1]
Photo 5 – Lateral turf strips can reduce Photo 6 – Turf should be anchored with
the risk of flow diversion along up-slope wooden pegs, not metal staples
edge of turf
Photo 7 – Placement of turf in a ‘stretcher Photo 8 – Check dams and sediment traps
bond’ form to reduce the risk of rill erosion placed on turfed drains can cause flow
occurring between individual strips of turf bypassing and erosion (rilling) along the
(flow is from top to bottom of photo) edge of the turf
Witheridge (2007) n = (units: R [m], S [m/m])
. + 20.77 log(R1.4 . S0.4 )
Figure 1 – Use of lateral strips of turf to control rilling along the up-slope edge of a
roadside grass filter strip
Permanent grass-lined drains must be formed in a manner and profile that allows all necessary
ongoing maintenance, including if necessary, mowing.
If the drain is going to be used as a permanent stormwater treatment swale, then the channel
should have a flat base with a bed width of 0.6 to 2.5 metres. Maximum desirable flow velocity
of 0.5m/s during the nominated design (treatment) storm. Always seek specific design
information from the relevant regulating authority.
Disadvantages Installation
Minor erosion and soil saturation problems 1. Refer to approved plans for location,
can occur if subjected to a constant trickle extent and construction details. If there
flow. are questions or problems with the
location, extent, or method of
In permanent drainage channels, a
installation contact the engineer or
concrete invert or underground low-flow
responsible on-site officer for
pipe may be required to alleviate mosquito
and soil saturation problems.
2. Ensure all necessary soil testing (e.g.
Common Problems soil pH, nutrient levels) and analysis
has been completed, and required soil
Rill erosion can occur along the upper edge
adjustments performed prior to planting.
of the turf if it is not properly laid.
3. Remove all trees, brush, stumps, and
Early failure of a channel can result if the
other objectionable material from the
grass or turf is established directly on a
channel footprint and dispose of
dispersive soil.
Invert erosion can be result from high
4. Excavate the channel and shape it to
velocity flows occurring during the grass
neat lines and dimensions shown on
establishment period (grass seeding).
the approved plan. Ensure an adequate
Turf strips can be displacement by high allowance in the excavated dimensions,
velocity flows if such flows occur within the typically 75mm, for the placement
first few weeks after placement. topsoil and turfing.
5. Remove and properly dispose of all
Special Requirements
excess soil so that surface water may
A uniform and complete grass cover is enter the channel freely.
usually required to control soil erosion.
6. The procedures used to establish grass
May require diversion of flows while grass within the channel will depend upon the
is being established (grass seeding). expected weather conditions, the type
of grass, and the likely flow conditions
Requires placement of a suitable topsoil within the channel during and
layer prior to seeding or laying turf. immediately after planting. Ensure the
Turf is normally placed transversely on adopted planting procedures are
ripped subsoils that have been covered with consistent with the approved plans or
a 75mm layer of topsoil. the recommendations of the landscape
Turf usually cannot be placed directly over
a dispersive soil. A minimum 75mm layer of