10. 畢架‧金鋒 - 裝修工程申請表 Decoration Works Application Form

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Decoration Works Application Form


The Property 物業 Tower 座 Floor 樓 Unit 單位 House 洋房

Name of *Owner/ Tenant *
Contact Number (Office Hour) (For Emergency)
聯絡電話 (日間) (緊急情況)
* Please delete where inappropriate 請刪去不適用者

Name of Contractor
Correspondence Address
Telephone Number Fax Number
公司電話 傳真號碼
Site Representative Contact Number
負責人姓名 聯絡電話

Duration of From (dd/mm/yy)

To (dd/mm/yy)
Fitting-out Work 由 (日-月-
至 (日-月-年)
工程進行日期 年)
Works of Details

Please specify in details of all works to be conducted in the premises and attach with drawings/plans (if
applicable) to the Management Officer for approval and record.


1. 業主/租戶須於裝修工程展開前最少七個工作天填妥本申請表,連同裝修承辦商有效的商業登記証副本、裝修按金之劃線支票(如適用),交回管理處。
2. 裝修按金為港幣二萬五千元正;倘若裝修工程屬小型工程,及工程進行日期不多於七個工作天,業主/租戶則可豁免繳交裝修按金。
3. 若加建/改建工程涉及公眾位置,業主/租戶必須預先得到管理處批准及須提交由認可人士(即根據《建築物條例》註冊的建築師、工程師及測量師)之書
4. 如改動及加建工程超越小型工程指定項目,例如拆除間隔牆,以打通兩個或以上的單位等工程,應先諮詢建築專業人士,並向建築事務監督遞交正式申請以
5. 業主/租戶或其所僱用之裝修承辦商於進行室內裝修工程時,如發生意外事故引發第三者身體或財物造成傷害,業主/租戶需承擔法律責任。因此,業主/
6. 如租客辦理裝修申請手續,必須提交業主填寫之授權書,以證明業主知悉並同意進行有關裝修工程。


1. 業主/租戶必須負責及賠償其僱用之承辦商因違反「裝修守則」及由裝修工程而引起之一切損失。業主/租戶亦必須負責清拆所有未經管理處批核之加建/
2. 業主/租戶不應作出影響大廈外觀、顏色、樓宇結構或增加樓宇面積之加建/改建。
3. 所有單位裝修工程,只可於星期一至星期五上午九時至下午五時內進行;星期日及公眾假期任何時間都不能進行裝修工程。
4. 所有裝修工程負責人或裝修工人於大廈範圍內進行工程期間,必須佩帶由管理處發出之「裝修工作証」以供查閱及確認身份。
5. 裝修期間,單位大門必須經常保持關閉,以免灰塵影響公眾地方。
6. 為避免損壞公眾設施,裝修承辦商於進行裝修工程前,由運貨專用升降機到裝修單位門口之走廊及牆身進行保護工作。走廊及牆身之保護物料必須於星期六
7. 裝修承辦商必須自行負責清理所有工程廢料及泥頭。倘若裝修承辦商/裝修工人胡亂棄置工程廢料,業主/租戶須負責有關之清理費用。
8. 於裝修工程進行期間,管理處可在無須預先知會之情況下,進入裝修單位視察裝修工程及裝修工人之証件。
9. 本申請表格條款是由業戶守則中選取,如有爭議,管理處保留最終詮釋權和決定權。
Decoration Guidelines

Application Procedure

1. Owner/Tenant must complete and return the form, a valid BR copy of the Contractor, and cross cheque(s)
for fitting-out deposit (if applicable) to the Management Office at least 7 working days before
commencement of fitting-out works.
2. The amount of fitting-out deposit is HK$25,000. Owner/Resident shall exempt from providing the fitting-
out deposit if the fitting-out work is minor and the duration of work is within 7 working days.
3. If the additions / alterations shall be involved in the common areas, Owner / Resident shall submit the
Approval & Consent from Authorized Persons (i.e., architects, engineers and surveyors registered under
the Buildings Ordinance) prior to commencing works. Such work must be approved by the Management
4. If the alteration and addition works exceed the designated minor works items, such as combining two or
more units into one by removing the partition walls. That is advised to consult Building Professionals for
advice and make formal application for approval and consent from the Building Authority.
5. Owner / Resident shall become legally liable in respect of accidental bodily injury to any person or
accidental loss of or damage to property caused by the fitting-out works carried out by owner /resident or
the fitting-out contractor. Owner / Resident shall ensure the fitting-out works are covered under a valid
public liability insurance with enough coverage provided by the fitting-out contractor to avoid severe
6. Tenants are required to present an authorization letter from the flat owner prior to commencement of
fitting-out work.

Fitting-Out Rules

1. Owner/Resident shall be responsible for any damages or loss resulting from the violation of fitting-out
guidelines of the fitting-out contractor. Any unauthorized additions /alterations shall be reinstated to the
satisfaction of the Management Office at Owner/Resident’s own expenses.
2. Owner / Resident shall not do any act which may or will alter the external appearance, color, building
structure of the building or carry out any additions / alterations which may or will increase the building
3. All fitting-out works shall be carried out between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Monday to Saturday. No
fitting-out work is allowed on Sunday and Public Holiday.
4. The main door shall be closed during the course of fitting-out work so that dust will not be spread
throughout the common areas.
5. To avoid any damage to the common areas, the fitting-out contractor shall arrange the protection works for
the corridor floor and wall from the designated lift to the main door of fitting-out unit before the
commencement of fitting-out work. All protection materials shall be removed before 6:00 p.m. on
Saturday or Public Holiday.
6. All fitting-out representatives and workers shall wear the work permit issued by the Management Office
for inspection and identification during the course of fitting-out work.
7. The fitting-out contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all debris /waste. Owner/Resident shall
be responsible for the cost of removal of the debris / waste left behind by the fitting-out contractor /
8. Management Office shall conduct random check to the fitting-out units in order to inspect the fitting-out
progress and workers' identification without prior notice.
9. The terms of this application form are selected from the House Rules. In case of disputes, the management
office reserves the right of final interpretation and decision.
Proof of Renovation Deposit Collection Record
This is to certify that the receipt of the cheque for HK$25,000 is correct.
茲 證明收取支票港幣二萬五元正。
Cheque Bank Handled by
支票銀行 經手人
Cheque Number Position of Handler
支票號碼 經手人職銜
Dare of Cheque Handler Signature
支票日期 經手人簽署
Owner's/Resident’s , Contractor(s) Undertaking terms and conditions
I/We and the Contractor(s) accept and are willing to abide by all regulations or provisions as stated in
the House Rules, Deed of the Mutual Covenant, Fitting-out Rules and this application form of the
Building during any period of the works.

Name of *Owner/Tenant
Signature of *Owner/Resident
with company chop for the 簽署
property owned by a limited Signature
company. *業主/租戶簽署以及公司蓋印 蓋印 (如適用)
(如以有限公司名義 持有業權者)。 Seal if applicable 日期 Date

Signature Seal 日期 Date
* Please delete where inappropriate 請刪去不適用者
A security deposit is required upon completion of the project
Date project completed Deduction Amount HKD
工程完成日期 扣除金額為(港幣)
Deduction from deposit
Date of refund of deposit
required for
Name of *Owner/Tenant
Signature of *Owner/Resident
with company chop for the 簽署
property owned by a limited Signature
company. *業主/租戶簽署以及公司蓋印 蓋印 (如適用)
(如以有限公司名義 持有業權者)。 Seal if applicable 日期 Date

Signature Seal 日期 Date
* Please delete where inappropriate 請刪去不適用者

Handled by Verified by
經手人 核對人
Position of Handler Position of Verifier
經手人職銜 核對人職銜
Date 日期 Date 日期

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