Structural Dynamics
Structural Dynamics
Structural Dynamics
18. Write the mathematical equation for springs in parallel and springs in series Springs in
19. Define logarithmic decrement method.
20. Write short notes on Half-power B ndwidth method
21. Define Magnification factor.
22. What is the difference between s a ic and dynamic force?
23. Define critical damping.
24. List out the types of amping.
25. What is meant by damping ratio?
1) Show that the og – decrement is also given by the equation = 1/n log (U0/ Un)
represents the amplitude after n cycles have elapsed.
2) A machine foundation weighs 60 KN. The spring constant is 11000KN/m and dash pot
constant ( C ) = 200KN/s/m. Determine
a. Whether the system is over damped, under tamped or critically damped.
b. Logarithmic decrement
c. Ratio of two successive amplitudes
. If the initial displacement is 10mm and initial velocity is zero displacement at t =
3) A mass ‘m’ is suspended from a beam shown in figure. The beam is of negligible mass
and has a uniform flexural rigidity ‘EI’. Find the natural frequency of the system.
4) A mass of 10kg is supported by a steel wire 1m in dia and 3m long. The sys em is made
to move upwards with a uniform velocity of 10 cm/sec when the upper end is suddenly
stopped. Determine the frequency and the amplitude of the resulting vibrations of the
mass and the maximum stress on the wire.
5) A vibrating system consists of a mass of 5kg, spring of tiffne 120 N/m and a damper
with a damping co-efficient of 5 N/s/m. determine
a. Damping factor
b. Natural frequency of the system
c. Logarithmic decrement
d. The ratio of two successive amplitude
10) ConsiderCivilldatasthesystemshowninfigure.If k1 = 2000 N/m, k2 = 1500 N/m, k3 = 3000 N/m,
e. The number of cycles after which the initial amplitude reduces to 25%
6) A single degree of freedom system having a mass of 2.5m is set into motion with a
viscous damping and allowed to oscill te freely. The frequency of oscillation is found to
be 20 Hz, and measure of he mplitude of vibration shows two successive amplitude to
be 6mm and 5.5mm. determine he viscous damping co-efficient.
7) A damper offers resist nce 0.08 N a constant velocity 0.06m/s. the damper is used with
a spring of stiffness equ to 12 N/m. Determine the damping ratio and frequency of the
system when the mass of the system is 0.3 kg.
8) A harmonic motion has a maximum velocity of 6 m/s and it has a frequency of 12 cps.
Determine its period, amplitude and maximum acceleration.
9) A cantilever beam 3m long supports a mass of 500 kg at its upper end. Find the natural
6 2 4
period and the frequency. E = 2.1 x 10 kg/cm and I = 1300 cm
k4 = k5 = 500 N/m, find the mass if the natural frequency of the system is 10 Hz.
1) Determine the natural frequency and mode shapes of a MDF system. The mass and the
stiffness matrix of a MDF system is given by
2) A three spring mass system is shown on figure. All the masses are subjected to dynamic
forces. Derive the equation of motion in terms of displacements x1, x2, x3 of the masses
along the axis of the springs.
6) Determine the natural frequency and mode shape for the MDOF system. EI = 4.5 x
6 2
10 N-m for all co umns.
7) Find the natural frequency and mode of the system.
8) Find the natural frequency and mode of vibration for the system shown.
10) Determine the natural frequency and mode of vibration of the system
1. What is the formula to find the lo d factors for plastic design of steel structures?
2. What are the methods of improving element level Ductility?
3. Write the IS 13920 provisions for flexural members.
4. Write a short note on Mechanism of Base isolation.
5. What is the formu a for finding out the Base shear using seismic co efficient method
6. Write a short notes on Review of Indian Code IS 1893 (1984)
7. What are the structural protective systems?
8. Write down the steps to improve Global level Ductility?
9. Define lateral load analysis of building system.
10. Write down the formula to find out the Magnitude as per the IS code.
11. Write short note on Indian seismic codes.
13. What is the design philosophy adopted for earthquake resistant structure?
14. What do you understand by response spectrum?
15. Why is base isolation effective?
16. Explain two cases of design horizontal earthquake load.
17. Write the formula for modal mass (Mk).
18. Explain design eccentricity.
19. Name types of damper’s.
20. What is additive shear?
1. What are the effects of base isolation? Explain with suitable examples.
2. Explain the important points in mitigating the effects of earthquake on structures.
3. What are the applications of base isolation?
4. Give the main criteria for earthquake resistant measures.
5. Briefly explain the salient feature of earthquakeblogspotresistantprovisionsasper IS 4326-1926.
6. What are the methods used to analyses earthquake resistant structures? Explain the
procedure of each method as per IS-1893:2002.
7. Why base isolation is effective in earthquake resistant design? Explain the effectiveness in
multistory buildings.
8. In what manner is the behavior of soft storey construction likely to be different from a
regular construction in the event of an earthquake?
9. Explain about Earthquake design philosophy.
10. Write the design procedure for seismic analysis of RC buildin .