Model Answers-Grade 4-Home Work - Week 4 To Week 9
Model Answers-Grade 4-Home Work - Week 4 To Week 9
Model Answers-Grade 4-Home Work - Week 4 To Week 9
Choose the correct answer
1- helps visual impaired (poor vision) to interact with computer screen and
enlarge (zoom) it
A- Hearing aids B- Screen enlargement (zoom) software
C- Sport tools D- Communication tools
2- helps people with trouble hearing
A- Hearing aids B- Keyboard
C- Printer D- Screen enlargement (zoom) software
Primary Four –home work – Fifth week (5)Axis one
Lesson (6) – (Common ICT problems and solutions)
Choose the correct answer
1- You can solve the screen stops displaying information problem by pressing .........
A- Alt + Ctrl + Del B- Alt + Shift
C- Alt + F8 D- F10 + Del
2-is from the suggested solutions for can’t write using a keyboard problem
A- Make sure of printer is connected to B- Connecting headphone
C- Change the mouse D- Make sure of keyboard cable is
connected to motherboard
Primary Five–home work – Sixth week (6)Axis one
Lesson (7) – (Collecting, analyzing, and graphing data)
Choose the correct answer
1- Which of the following programs you prefer to create a graph .........
A- PowerPoint B- Paint
C- Word D- Excel
2-is from the trusted sources you can collect information from
A- Surveys, interviews, and experiments B- Social media websites
C- Entertainment videos D- News interviews
Primary Four – home work – Seventh week (7)Axis two
Lesson (2) – (Online dangers and how to be safe)
Choose the correct answer
1- The sign .......... is used while searching on the internet before words that you want to
avoid (exclude) in search results
A- ( - ) B- ( + )
C- ( # ) D- ( / )
2- When unknown person sent you a warning message via internet, you must .........
A- Ask for parent help B- Open the message
C- Send a friend request to the sender D- Publish that message on the internet