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Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that this project work is the product of my own original research work

carried out and compiled comprehensively by me. That no part of it has been presented

for the award of another diploma in this university or elsewhere.

Candidate’s Name: ABIIRO BENJAMIN

Signature:……………………… Date:………………………………

Supervisor’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this project work was supervised

in accordance with the guidelines principles on supervision of project work laid down by

the Institute of Education, University of Cape Coast.

Supervisor’s Name: Mr. Alhassan Abdul Latif

Signature:……………………… Date:………………………………


Spelling is an important aspect of good writing. Good spelling knowledge is considered

the engine for proficient reading and writing. Acquiring competency in English spelling is
tough for learners as there is no one to one mapping between phoneme and letter. Some

researchers prove that English spelling is complex other intellectuals argue that it has

regularities. This research work was carried out on the topic “Using look, cover, write

and check method to improve the spelling problems of Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS One

Pupils. This study aims to dig into holistically meaning of spelling, the causes of spelling

problems, the possible effects of spelling problems on the pupils lives and the possible

solutions to the problem. Through the review of related literature.


I wish to express my profound gratitude to the Kings the lord of lords, the creator of the

Universe. For his sole and absolute protection and guidance to me from the beginning of

this project work to the end.

Special thanks and gratitude also goes to my magnificent and indefatigable supervisor

Mr. Alhassan Abdul Latif, for his care, love, patience and support given to me from the

tart to the end of this project work, without him this project work could have been

fruitless. I say thank you to him and may God reward him abundantly.

I wish to again extend my gratitude to all my mentors and co – mentees of Choggud

Nuri-Islam JHS for their unconditional support.

Last but not least, I say a very big thanks to my parents Mr. Abiiro Amoah and his loyal

and hardworking wife Mrs. Amina Asogna for their moral, and financial support

throughout my life. May the good lord continue to bless and guide them all.



I specially dedicate this project work to my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abiiro. I appreciate and

sincerely thank the creator for making you the inventors of my soul. May you live long to

see me at the peak of every blessed success in mylife. Ameen.

Table of Contents
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Objectives of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Organization of the Study
Review of Related Literature
What Is Spelling?
What are the Causes of Spelling Problems among Learners?
Possible Effects of Spelling Problems
When spelling goes wrong
How does it work?
Research Instruments

Data Analysis Plan
Data Presentation Analysis and Discussion
Intervention Stage
Post intervention stage
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


Table 1: Pre-test one

Table 2: Pre-test Two

Table 3: Shows the Performance of Pupils at the Intervention Stage

Table 4 Represents the Average Performance of the Pupils after Intervention


Figure 1: (Pre-test One)

Figure 2: (Pre-test Two)

Figure 3: Performance of Pupils

Figure 4: Average Performance of Pupils after Post Test



1.0 Background to the Study

Spelling is an important aspect of writing. Good spelling knowledge is the engine for

efficient reading and writing (Fouzul Kareema, 2015). One of the very important matters

to consider with writing competency is good spelling knowledge. One single misspelled

word can change the entire meaning of a sentence (Fouzul K., 2015).

In recent years, the standard of English has been criticized as been low (Lawrence

Bosiwah, 2015). The Chief Examiner’s report on the 2001 – 2010 BECE point out poor

spelling as a major cause of the poor performance by candidates during examination.

Lawrence Bosiwah (2015) stated. In a multilingual country such as Ghana, English

language is considered as an essential tool for achieving effective communication. For

instance, the present education language policy states that with the exception of lower

primary (class one to three) English Language usage should be a medium of instruction at

all levels. It is used to teach subjects like, mathematics, agriculture science and science

among others. Owusu – Ansah (2005), analysis of the chief examiner of WAEC’s report

concerning the junior high school certificate examination between 1993 and 2003, he

cited spelling errors as a major problem in written grammar of students. He said students’

inability to spell words correctly leads to the deduction of marks resulting in poor

performance. Harrasi (2012) elaborate that those who do not have proper spelling

accuracy tend to make their writing simple and very short only because they are

unfamiliar or unsure of how some words are spelled and this prevent them from

expressing their thoughts and ideas more accurately and academically.

The definition of spelling has been looked at in different way, it has been defined by so

many books and authors. According to the Cambridge Advance Learners Dictionary,

spelling is forming of words with the correct letters in the correct order. If you find out

in the American Heritage Dictionary, spelling is defined as forming of words with letters

in an accepted order. Fayol M. (2008) defined “spelling as a code that uses letter

sequence to represent specific words that have an associated pronunciation and meaning

within the mental dictionary. He stated that spelling instruction is still important in the

computer age, even with spell checks for self – monitoring and revising spelling. Marlin

Vos Savant (2000) cited, “when your spelling is perfect it is invisible the reader has no

reason to notice it unless it’s wrong. But when it goes wrong, it spurs strong association

in the mind of the reader to form a negative view about the writer’s inherent abilities and

they certainly cast an unflattering light on the written piece as a whole. This stems the

fact that spelling is vital. The reports of the chief examiner on the performance of

students in BECE from 2001 – 2010 revealed spelling errors as the type of errors most

student commit in their final examination Lawrence Bosiwah (2015). These reports

buttress the previous reports that highlighted spelling errors as being common in written

grammar of students. The examiners report on the 2008 Basic Education Certificate

Examination (BECE) described the level of spelling during BECE English papers

especially, that of the year 2008 as “terrible”.

This can be considered to be true in a sense that any subject offered in Ghana is

expressed in the English language for understanding, be it Mathematics, Physics,

Chemistry and so on. And any time students are expected to exhibit what we called

reading and writing, it is accompanied with a good spelling skills. One single word

misspelled can change the entire meaning of the sentences that is put on paper, hence for

anyone to write with competency, a good spelling skills is required especially the English

language paper.

Cook (1997: 474) elaborated that “correct spelling is a sign of education: a spelling

mistake is a solecism that betrays carelessness or plebeian”. This implies that, good

spelling knowledge is extremely important for easy word recognition which can greatly

improve one’s reading ability. Spelling is not the inverse of reading (Read, 1981) and

teaching spelling may transfer to reading (Trainman, 1998). It means that, teaching of

spelling is very key since pupils have to coordinate phonological, orthographic and

morphological skills to be able to articulate sound in both spelling and reading. In all the

teaching of spelling cannot be overlooked.

Mastering of the writing system of any language involves the ability to spell properly.

Mistakes or errors in spelling may sometimes bring about obscurity and these makes it

virtually impossible for comprehension.

Also, spelling is important for anyone to be able to communicate his/her ideas

accurately. Bad spelling skill is a barrier for the reader to get the meaning of the written

language. From the above stated importance of spelling, it is obvious that good spelling

habit is very necessary in all fields of study and any mistake in spelling can affect the

written piece and may lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, correct spelling of

vocabulary is essential to convey the intended meaning (Corder, 1991:76).

Spelling plays an important role in the development of the individuals learning ability.

The ability of the individual to spell words correctly enable the person to construct

sentences without making mistakes. The reverse is that, spelling problems post a lot of

danger to the learner.

The researcher detected the problem of spelling during an observation of an English

language lesson at Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS where he was posted to do his out programme

as part of the three year teacher training for the award of DBE certificate. The pupils

could not spell words correctly and also when copying notes into their books, commits

some spelling errors. This prompted the researcher to investigate into the matter with the

appropriate Methods and techniques to improve this problem.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

During my teaching practice at Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS, even though there are competent

and very good English language teachers in the school, ninety percent of the pupils could

not spell simple words like mat, mud, nail, snail etc. correctly. The spelling problems

among the pupils were detected by the researcher during his first week of observation of

an English language lesson. It was also observed that most of the pupils make mistakes

when constructing sentences in their books. This affects pupil’s academic performance. It

is in line with this negative effects that the researcher decided to use look, cover, write

and check method to improve the spelling problem of the pupils.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

 The aim of the study is to investigate into the problem in order to have an in depth

knowledge about it. Also, to find out the causes of spelling problems, its

implication on the individual’s learning and used appropriate method to address

the problem.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objective of the research is to:

 Find out the meaning of spelling.

 Examined the causes of spelling problems among learners.

 Find out the effects of spelling problems on the child’s education.

 Explore how look, cover, write and check method can be used to improve the

spelling problems among learners.

1.4 Research Questions

In the study, the following research questions are outlined to guide the researcher’s work.

 What is spelling?

 What are the causes of spelling problems among learners?

 What are the possible effects of spelling problems?

 To what extent can look, cover, write and check method be used to improve

spelling problems?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research seeks to outline the fundamental factors responsible for causing spelling

problems. And also to help pupils overcome their problem of spelling words wrongly. It

will create the awareness of educational planners, the causes of spelling difficulties

among pupils in order for them to design suitable teaching methods and techniques and

also to design appropriate teaching learning materials suitable for the teaching of


1.6 Delimitation

The study was carried out on only form one pupils of Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS. The study

could have been extended to the whole school and other schools around the community

but due to the peculiarity of the problem the study was limited to only form one class.

The generalizations and conclusions of the study is therefore not applicable to all the

pupils in the school but form ones specifically. It is also not applicable to other topics but

the topic under study.

1.7 Organization of the Study

The study is made up of five chapters. Chapter one of the study constitute e the

introduction to the study which deals with the background to the study, statement of the

problem, purpose of the study, objective of the study, research questions, significance of

the study, delimitation and organization of the study.

Chapter two deals with the review of related literature. It takes care of how various

authors defied spelling, causes of spelling problems and its effects on the child’s

conclusions and recommendations on the findings of the study.

education. Chapter three of the study also looks at the research methodology. It include

the research design the population sample, sampling method, instruments for data

collection and data analysis plan. Chapter four of the study constitutes the research

finding, and discussions. Chapter five which is the last chapter deals with the summary



Review of Related Literature

Many views have been expressed about the poor and inability of pupils to spell words

correctly. In order to master literacy, one must not only be able to read and write, but to

spell as well (Mc. Cardle,Chabraand Kapinus, 2008). This chapter deals with the review

of related literature under the following topics. The chapter will look at the meaning of

spelling, the causes of spelling problem. The effects of spelling problems on the child’s

education and the method to be used to address the problem.

2.0 What Is Spelling?

According to Miriam- Webster dictionary, spelling is the forming of words from letters

according to accepted usage: orthography. In another definition, Webster state that,

spelling is a sequence of letters composing a word or the way in which a word is spelled.

Moats(2005/2006) cited, proficiency in spelling actually supports reading. Fayol M.

(2008) also defines spelling as a code that uses letter sequence to represent specific words

that have an associated pronunciation and meaning within the mental dictionary. Kid

sense child development © 2017 also cited that spelling is the ability to arrange letters in

the correct order to make words that are communally understood. It is crystal clear that

spelling is considered one aspect of literacy (reading, writing and spelling). Spelling

support reading because the two processes are reciprocally related and they both follow a

similar course of acquisition (EHRI, 2000). With this Camach (2003) elaborated, it is a

priority that the student be competent from the communicative point of view, that is to

say, that the student must develop what is understood as the capacity to produce and

process written or oral texts in a coherent way: communicative competence.

The development of integrated skill in the different areas of such competence: i.e.

linguistic, discursive, sociolinguistic, socio cultural and strategic is the final objective of

a foreign language teaching- learning process that follows a communicative approach

(Van ek, 1986). The American heritage dictionary also define spelling as forming of

words with letters in an accepted order. Wikipedia also defines spelling as a linguistic

process of phonemic orthography (correct writing) with the necessary letters and

diacritics present in a comprehensible order, usually with some degree of standardization:

it is “the conventions which determine how the graphemes of a writing system are used to

write a language. In another words it is interpretation of speech sound (phoneme) into

writing (grapheme) spelling is one of the elements of orthography and highly

standardized spelling is a prescriptive element. Collins Cobold Advance Learners’

Dictionary(2003) defines spelling as the correct order of letters in a word. English

encyclopedia Britannic’s views spelling as the way we use or combine letters to write

words. If one consider the above definitions of spelling, one would realize that in our

writing systems, the way letters are arranged to form words are in sequential order to

form a meaningful word before it can be pronounce and spell: ie. Letters transpose or

wrongly arrange can render the whole word useless. Cope and Kalantzis (2009), said

while writing can also shape one’s identity, it empowers intellectual curiosity and ignites

inquiry (Cutler and Graham, 2008). This indicates that spelling forms parts of the total

development of the child or individual.

Fuozul K. (2015), spelling is an important aspect of writing. Good spelling knowledge is

the engine for efficient reading and writing. Those who do not have proper spelling

accuracy tend to make their writing simple and very short only because they are

unfamiliar or unsure of how words are spelled and this prevents them from expressing

their thoughts and ideas more accurately and academically. (Harrasi, 2012).

2.1 What are the Causes of Spelling Problems among Learners?

The causes of spelling problems among pupils are attributed to so many factors. Dannis

Peterson highlighted that pronunciation and hearing problems could affect the spelling

ability of some students. He explained further that “some students’ spelling difficulties

might stem from the fact that they pronounce words incorrectly and that problem might

result in turn, because they do not hear the correct pronunciation of those words; that

wrong hearing’ might be because they do not know how to pronounce what they ‘hear’

and they spell the same way – incorrectly. For example, the child hears ‘regular’ and

spells it that way because he does not hear the second syllable ‘reg-u-lar’. Vos Sevant

(2000), Margaret Snowling concludes that ‘deficit in phonological (sound – to – spelling)

processing ……. Have a mere devastating effect upon spelling development than other

sorts of cognitive difficulty; including low intelligence’.

Peterson again mentioned vision problem “as another cause of spelling problem. Some

students poor spelling ability might be the result of impaired vision. If they cannot focus

properly on the words in textbooks, their reading and spelling skills will be affected. If

they cannot see what is written on the overhead transparencies, the chalkboard or the

marker board, they are likely to misspell many of the words.

Boateng (2004), in his book, English Language for basic education, explained that the

causes of poor spelling are as the result of wrong pronunciation of words both by teachers

and pupils careless writing on the chalkboard and inadequate teaching, relating to the

problem and with regard to silent sounds and doubling of consonants.

According to Eran Williams (2008), in his write ups, the challenge of spelling in English,

he asked a critical question, “Why is spelling so hard”? He said “Blame the alphabet”.

Sometimes one cannot tell the sound a letter is going to make. At times a letter does not

just make any sound at all and is silent – and then you will find a letter (like the “X” as in

box) that makes more than one sound in one appearance. For example in the word “box”,

the letter ‘x’ made ‘k’ sound and ‘s’ sound. This pose danger to speller especially the


A thesis publish by Proquest hhc (2013) on why Arab learners of English as a second

language make so many reading and spelling mistakes, it is stated clearly that “spelling

problems are not restricted to pupils either; and article in the Chester Chronicle of 24

November, 2000 (Baker, 2000) states that trainee teachers are also guilty of poor spelling

performance and that “government inspectors found their work littered with errors”.

In a study by D. Schaffer (2007), the identification of spelling difficulties of learners the

foundation phase with Tswana as medium of instruction. She said, “spelling difficulties

can be regarded as even a more sensitive indicator of language difficulties because

spelling is the last of four in the hierarchic development of language.

Lerner (2002) points out that learners may use contextual, structural or configuration

clues in a text when reading whereas spelling offers no opportunity to draw on such clues

in reproducing a word since there is no text to provide clues. Spelling is therefore

dependent on the learners already existing knowledge of language.

D. Schaffler (2007)categorize spelling problem into intrinsic and extrinsic causes. Any of

the following causes outside the learner can contribute to the spelling difficulties

experience by various learners. i.e. extrinsic causes;

 Ineffective teaching methods

 Not enough time spent on teaching spelling

 The assumption of some educators that spelling rules should have been mastered

in the preceding grades already and therefore need not be attended to in the

current grade

 Not enough time in class for spelling control

 Ineffective language education in mother tongue in the home by primary


 Ecosystem factors. e g poverty, travel, distance to school, family disruption etc.

Any of the following causes within the learner can contribute to the spelling difficulties

experiences by learners ie. intrinsic causes

 No interest in writing in general and as a result of no motivation to spell correctly

 Fear of failure and stress

 Poor knowledge of language structure (morphology, phonology, syntax

phoneme/grapheme relation) in mother tongue as well as FAD

 Limited vocabulary

 Poor cognitive control (metacognition) of own writing and spelling processes and


 Physical barriers. Eg. Learners with cerebral palsy etc.

Rainbow Readers.com also highlighted that one common but mistaken belief is that

spelling problem stem from a poor visual memory for the sequences of letters in words.

Spelling problem like reading problems, originate with language learning weaknesses.

2.2 Possible Effects of Spelling Problems

Spelling problems are coupled with a lot of disadvantages for both pupils and adults.

Trainman (2018) cited that poor spelling an impact careers. Parents (Department of

Education, science and training DEST, 2007) and employers (Michael, 2012: Australian

Industry Group, 2013) report concerns regarding spelling and grammar. In the DEST

survey, only 37.5% of the surveyed parents believed that students were learning school

with adequate skills literacy success was compromised by employees’ low level literacy

skills and they found in – house basic skills training was necessary.

 75% employers are put off a job candidate by poor spelling or grammar.

 Poor English expression alienated 77% of the 515 companies surveyed (BBC

news, 2006).

 “your grammar is a reflection of your image. Good or bad, you have made an

impression. And like all impressions, you are in total control”. Jeffery

Gitomer.Kid Sense Child Development enumerated the following problems that

can occur when a child has spelling difficulties.

 Articulation: this has to do with the clarity of speech sound and spoken language.

This may impact in spelling as a child might be writing the word as they say it

because these are the sounds that they hear (eg. If a child says a “w” instead of an

“r” they might write “ring” as “wing” which creates a totally different word and

affects the meaning of what the child is trying to write)

 Phonological awareness (sound awareness). In order to be able to spell words, a

child first needs to be able to hear how sounds go together to make words (eg. Cat

= cat), the individual sound in the word (i.e. initial, final and middle sounds) and

to be able to break words into the individual sounds (eg. Cat = c-a-t) being able to

hear the syllable (eg. He-li-cop-ter). Rhyming helps a child to recognize words,

families (eg. Cat, hat, bat, all have at sound in them) which will spelling easier.

 Reading difficulties. Because the child may not understand how to sound out

words or spelling rules.

 Executive functioning: higher order reasoning and thinking skills.

 Planning and sequencing: The sequential multi-steps task or activity performance

to achieve a well – defined result.

 Receptive (understanding) language: Comprehension language.

 Phonetic awareness: accurate knowledge of sounds (eg. The sounds that letters


 Attention and concentration: sustained effort, doing activities without distraction

and being able to hold that effort long enough to get the task done.

Dennis Peterson said, the problem of spelling is serious. Misspellings are at east,

distracting. More importantly, they can head to misunderstandings, harm one’s

credibility, imply that one does not care enough to ensure accuracy, and lead some people

to conclude that perhaps one does not care about the quality of even more important


In the field of commence, spelling errors actually cut down companies profit. An article

posted by Adam Cassar (2014) in digital marketing magazine said, poor spelling, much

like poor use of grammar, can cause confusion. It’s also reported frequently that spelling

mistake can cost a business millions of pounds, so we wanted to explore how a business

and their customer spelling mistake can result in a loss of revenues.

2.3 When spelling goes wrong

Online entrepreneur Charles Dun comber conducted an analysis of several e-commerce

websites and found that in one case, sites revenue doubled when a prominent spelling

error had been corrected. If a site is full of spelling error-or even just one obvious one-

people instantly distrust the site, and future sales can reflect this. Bad spelling does not

just cost online businesses, in 2011 Top shop had a mishap when they printed a T-shirt

with a shake spear quote on it. However,, they incorrectly spell shake spear, shake spere,

resulting in the firm having to crop their online product image (Adam cassar, 2014).

On the flip side, even simple spelling and grammar error can be instant warning signs to

everyone from your manager and employers to clients and customer. At worst, small

errors can turns into expensive mistakes. Even at best, poor spelling and grammar can

cause you to appear sloppy or unrecognized, leading customers to lose trust in your brand

and employers to second-guess your potential success in their company (Brittney May


He went on to highlight three (3) bad spelling and grammar can impact negatively when

there are mistake.

 Spelling errors can stand between you and your job. In addition to making you

look bad on the job, spelling and grammar errors can prevent you from even

getting a job in the first place. One study found that 50% of hiring manager

consider spelling and grammar mistake to be the biggest red flag on a resume or

CV- mare then unexplained gaps or even job hoping.

 Poor communication skills can put the brakes on your promotion. Of course, those

who already have their dreams jobs are not past the post of spelling and grammar

expectations. No matter what your occupation, chances are it involves at least

some communication with your bosses at co-workers-communication that may

have more of an impact on your bottom line than you realize.

 Bad grammar can give a poor brand impression. Furthermore, Spelling and

grammar mistake won’t just prevent you from excelling in someone else’s

business- They can cost you –they can cost your own business a good leaf of

money, as well. Whether your company websites marketing materials or store

signage incorrect grammar leaves customer.

In a study of spelling errors: Cause, influence on student’s performance in English

language Essay writing and strategies for correcting there by data Esther M (2015).

Anamersted some perceived influence of spelling errors on secondary school student’s

performance in English language Essay writing

 Spelling error make student’s to score low mark in essay writing.

 Spelling error make student’s more time while writing essay.

 Fear of spelling affect student’s interest in essay writing

 Spelling error contribute to the poor performance of student’s in English language

essay writings.

Without a double, spelling actually forms parts of the totality of the individual

considering the above stated affects. To what extend can look cover write and check

method be used to improve spelling?

Boateng (2004) explained that the cause of poor spelling are the result of wrong

pronunciation of words both by teachers and pupils careless writing on the chalkboard

and inadequate teaching relating to the problem and with regards to silent sounds and

doubling of consonants. Peter et al (1985) are among the many educationists who believe

that the early detection of difficulties is the major key to the prevention of spelling

difficulties in the basic school. Hence it is of almost importance that a structured and

comprehensive method be adopted to help pupils develop and improve their spelling


2.4 How does it work?

Kelly and Sylvia P.(2016) outlined the following procedure or activities and steps.

 First the teacher writes the correct spelling of the words on a card or paper.

 Then ask them (pupil) to look at it carefully allow for about 5 to 10 seconds-and

then cover or turn the card over.

 Ask the learner to spell it out loud using letter names. (if they make any mistakes

then show the card again)

 The learner then write the words down, naming the letters and check their

spelling against the model.

 If there are many mistakes encourage the learner to look of the card again for a

slightly longer period of time and then repeat step 3 and 4 above.



This chapter will look at the methodology employed in this study to collect data. It

consists of the research design, the population sample, sampling procedure, instruments

and technique used for data collection, interventionary procedures and data analysis



Gay (1992) cited that a research design indicates the basic structure of a study, the nature

of the hypothesis and variables involved in the study. A research design is the specific

strategy employed in collection, analyzing and reporting research findings. The research

design used for the study is the action research design. It is a kind of study in which, the

researcher in this case the student teacher works collaboratively with other people that is

the pupils to improve a perceived problem it is an approach which aims at improving a

problem –related situation through change. The main aim for the use of the action

research is to help the researcher to have an understanding of what actually pertain and

happen during teaching and learning. It also enables the researcher to come to forms with

the various methods and approaches that would had the pupils. Invariably it will enable

the researcher to develop adequate and appropriate interventional strategies aimed at

finding solutions to the problem. Action research has a lot of merits. The finding of this

action research would provide the teacher the opportunity to acquire a better

understanding of all aspects of his own practice be it in relation to the subject, contents,

curriculum or the methods involved at the various level of the pupil’s development.

Population and sample selection

The population is the target group which the researcher is interested in acquiring
information from and drawing conclusion about. The targeted population for the study
include all the 87 pupils in J.H.S one at Choggu Nuri- Islamic J.H.S. The sample size for
the study is 70 pupils and the technique used in selecting the sample size is simple
random sampling taking in to consideration the total number of pupils in all the forms
one classes thus for 1A, 1B.

The simple random sampling was used to select the sample size because, it gives each

and every member of target population an equal opportunity of being selected and also it

is the most basic probability design.

3.1 Research Instruments

The research instruments employed by the research for data collection were observation

and testing. To collect information on the poor spelling abilities among the pupils, the

researcher had to observe the respondents critically to really make sure that such a

problem is common among the learner and then administer test to get an independent

and first-hand information about the problem.

Observation employs vision as the main fool for information and data collection. The

researcher collects data by watching, listening and recording what he or she sees and

observes. The reasons for choosing observation as a research instrument for the study

include the relatively in expensive nature of the instrument. Another factor that made the

researcher to choose observation as an instrument is that the researcher collected data

without relying on report from others. The data collected dependent solely on the

researcher which allowed the researcher to avoid unnecessary information. But

observation has it’s demerits as a researcher instrument it is very subjective in terms of

interpretation of information. It also cannot provide data or information about the past or

future. For this reason the researcher employs tests instruments.

In action research test are to diagnose problems and also to determine how serious the

problem is and to initiate the intervention strategies. In this case, tests was used diagnose

the problem in order to determine the level of seriousness the researcher has to attach to

the work. Test was choose as a research instrument by the researcher because if gives a

fair reflection of the situation at hand and directs how the study should be carried out.

The test helped the researcher to develop got intervention processes and strategies. It is

also less expensive and need not use a lot of materials.

3.2 Pre-Intervention

The researcher identified the problem of poor spelling skill during an English language

lesson on the aspect of listening and speaking. The topic way on a poem and pupils were

ask to learn and recite the poem. The pupils were not able to pronounce simple words

written on the chalkboard correctly. The pupils were asked to copy the poem from the

chalkboard into their exercise books. Most of the pupils copy the words of the poem

wrongly. That was the first observation by the researcher which shows the red light that

the pupils had a problem with spelling skills.

During a reading aloud lesson as an aspect in English language teaching ,pronunciation of

words was very difficult for the pupils. The textbook for the class was used but the pupils

could not identify simple words like cry, carry, long etc. which raised the alarm of

spelling problem.

To get more information about the problem the researcher selected a number of words for

the pupils to take home as an assignment and expected them to learn the words. The

words were taken from their textbook of they are familiars with in class. A pre-test was

given and administered using dictation and missing letters methods. The words which the

pupils were to spell had some of their letters omitted. And still they could not spell those

words. The researcher observed that any word the pupils do not know or could not

identify and pronounce, spelling the word becomes very difficulties for them. The

parameters with which the researcher used in getting marks for the observation was as


Pronunciation 3 marks, identification of words 3 marks and spelling of word 4 marks,

total 10 marks.

3.3 Intervention

After identifying the major problem, the researcher initiated specific intervention

strategies to help improve the problem in form ones at Choggu Nuri- Islam J.H.S. As part

of the researcher intervention strategies to improve the situation, he designed appropriate

teaching and learning material as one of the way. It includes appropriate flash cards and

word cards. Words and flash cards were chosen because the pupils will develop both

auditory and visual discrimination skills, this is achievable because by using the drill

method, the pupils learn how to pronounce the words correctly and see how the letters are

arranged and combined to formed words; the visual image impression are made and


First Intervention

In this intervention the researcher used flash cards to drill the pronunciation of the

following words:







After the above words have been drill using words cards, the researcher then taught

meaning of the words to further improve and enable the pupils to get the pronunciation of

the word and also understand the meaning of them. In teaching the meaning, the

researcher used the demonstration method.

Secondly, the research used a method called look, cover, write, check method. It is a very

common method for learning irregular words. Normally verbalization is not included but

it is believe that this is an important missing element and so have indicated where if

should come in the routine in using this method it has some basic procedures which the

research followed to help assist the pupils.

3.4 Procedure

 The researchers write the correct spelling of the word on a cards or paper.

 Then ask them to look at it carefully. The research allow them to look at words

for about 5 to 10 seconds and cover the words or turn the cards over

 The researchers ask the learner to spell the word out loud using the letter names.

If they make mistake the researcher would show the cards again.

 The learner then writes the word down naming the letters, and checks their

spelling against the model.

 If there are any mistake the researcher encourages the learner to look at the card

again for a slightly longer period of time and then repeat steps 3 and 4 above.

3.5 Post-Intervention

After going through all the above intervention strategies to help Choggu Nuri-Islam

J.H.S. One pupil to spell words correctly, a post-text was conducted by the researcher. It

was done to find out and examined whether there had been some improvement in the

spelling skills of the pupils.

In the post-test the researcher used the same words which were used in the pre-interment

and the intervention stages to ascertain whether the pupils will be able to spell them

correctly. The post-test would determine if the pupils have understood the methods,

activities and techniques used at the pre-intervention and intervention stage and can apply

them in their own learning. The average pass mark for the post-test was five (5) so all

those who scored five and above passed the test.

3.6 Data Analysis Plan

The data that has been collected was presented in a tabular and histogram graphs.The

researcher considered the following reason for choosing this type of data analysis plan.

1. Data arrange in tables give a clear comparison between the components that have

been tabulated. That is it makes it easy for the researcher to compare on

component with that other by considering the percentages.

2. The use of graphs makes data easy to hand and analyze as compared to other


3. The use of graphs gives a good visual impression about components that have

been analysed.


Data Presentation Analysis and Discussion

This chapter of the study discusses the data presentation, analysis and discusses the

finding to determine whether there has been a significant improvement in the

performance of the students after the intervention. The data collected was analyzed using

tables and graphs. The analyses involve comparing the performance of the pupils in the

pre-test and post-test to find out if there is improvement. Table 1 and 2 shows the

performance of pupils in the pre-test intervention using dictation and missing letter


4.0 Table 1: Pre-test one

Spelling whole word

Categories No of Pupils Percentages (%)

Excellent 5 7.14

Above Average 7 10

Average 15 21.43

Below Average 21 30

Fail 22 31.4

Total 70 100

4.1 Table 2: Pre-test Two

Missing letter method

Categories No of Pupils Percentages (%)

Excellent 8 11.43

Above Average 13 18.6

Average 21 30

Below Average 15 21.43

Fail 13 18.6

Total 70 100

Figure 1 and 2 are graphs representing the performance of pupils at the pre-intervention

stage. The results obtain from using dictation for pupils to spell whole word and that of

missing letter method would be compared and analyze.

4.2 Figure 1 whole method.


Ex = Excellent

AA= Above Average

A = Average

BA= Below Average

F= Fail.

4.3 Figure 1: (Pre-test One)

Result from whole method








4.4 Figure 2: (Pre-test Two)

Results of missing method








From Table 1 and 2 and figure 1 and 2 in the pre-intervention test employing spelling of

words using whole word spelling and missing letter method, it point out that in the first

method used which is whole word method, one can see clearly that out of the 70 pupils

representing 100% of the population, 22 pupils representing 31.4% performed poorly

and therefore failed the test. Also 21 pupils representing 30% performed below average.

15 pupil representing 21.43% also performed averagely. You would realize again that 7

pupil constituting 10% performed above average and 5pupil constituting 7.14% of the

sampled population only performed excellently. Also in the data collected using missing

letter method in spelling of words at the pre-intervention test stage, there seems to be a

slight improvement in their performance. 13pupils representing 18.6% failed. It means

the initial figure which is 31.4% dropped by 12.8%. Also 15 of the pupil representing

21.43% scored below average. It also implies that the initial figure 30% has also dropped

by 8.57%. Those who performed averagely were 21pupils making up 30% out of the

100%. This means the 21.43% pupils who performed averagely has increase to 30%.

Again 13 pupils constituting 18.6% performed above average also showing an increase

in performance of 8.6% and the number of pupils who performed excellently increase to

8 pupils representing 11.43%. Up on these data collected by the researcher, there was the

realization that when proper interventional measures are put in place, there would be

some significant improvement.

4.5 Intervention Stage

At this stage the researcher intervene using the look, cover, write and check method.

There, the researcher selected some words and writes them on word card. He encourage

the pupils to look at the word for about 5 to 10 seconds, then turn the word card over and

try spelling it. If they miss the spelling, the researcher encourages them to repeat the

whole process again until all the words are spelt correctly. Below is the outcome of the

intervention by the researcher. Below is the layout of the whole process.

Beginning Acquire Injure

Polite Worst Accuse

Success Dough Blame

Feature Perform Harm

4.6 Table 3: Shows the Performance of Pupils at the Intervention Stage

Categories No. of Pupils Percentage (%)

Excellent 20 28.5

Above average 25 35.7

Average 15 21.4

Below average 6 8.6

Fail 4 5.7

Total 70 100

Figure 3 represent is a graph representing the performance of pupils.



AA=above average

A= average

BA=below average

F= fail

4.7 Figure 3: Performance of Pupils









From the table and the figure above, one can see that there has been a significant

improvement in the spelling performance of the pupils. That is observing the result obtain

from the pre-intervention test stage and that of the intervention stage shows positive

outcomes. At the intervention stage only 4 pupils constituting 5.7% fails. Also 6 pupils

representing 8.6% Scored below the averagely and 15 pupils representing 21.4%. Now

those who scored above average and excellent increase, form above average performance

it increase from 13 to 25 pupils representing 35.7% and excellent performance from 8

pupils to 20 pupils constituting 28.5%. These figures show great improvement at this

stage. This indeed has demonstrated that the performance put up by the pupils have

greatly benefited them take into account remedial strategies employed by the researcher.

4.8 Post intervention stage

After the pre-intervention and the intervention stage, the researcher deemed it fit to test

the pupils again to really make sure that the problem of spelling has improved. So he

carried out another test on the pupil. He used the same words that he used at the

intervention stage and the method as well. Below

i) The results obtain after the post intervention test.

4.9 Table 4 Represents the Average Performance of the Pupils after


Categories No. of Pupils Percentage (%)

Excellent 22 31.43

Above Average 24 34.38

Average 16 22.85

Below Average 5 7.14

Fail 3 4.2

Total 70 100

Figure 4 is a graph representing the average performance of pupils after the post test

4.10 Figure 4: Average Performance of Pupils after Post Test








After the post intervention test 3 pupils representing 4.2% fail. When this result is

compared with that of the pre-test those who failed were 22 pupils representing 31.4% in

the first pre-test and 13 pupils constituting 18.6% failed in the second pre-test. 5 pupils

performance below average representing 7.14% in the post-test. When that is also

matched with the pre-test 21 pupils constituting 30% were below average in the first

pre-test and 15 pupils also representing 21.43% in the second pre-test. Now when you

consider those who scored excellently and above average in the post-test, you would

realize that there has been a significant increase in performance of pupils spelling

ability. In the post-test 22 pupils representing 31.43 performed excellently as compared

to 5pupils constituting 7.14% in the first pre-test and 8 pupils representing 11.43% in

the second pre-test. For above average performance, 24 pupils representing 34.38%

performance above average. In the pre-test only 7 pupils, representing 10% scored above

average in the first pre-test and in the second pre – test only 13 pupils constituting 18.6%.

Now of all the above, it shows clearly that the method adopted and used to improve the

spelling difficulties have been helpful to the pupils in equipping them with the techniques

of words.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter is the last part of the research work. It comprises of the conclusion,

summary and recommendation based on the findings of the study.

5.0 Summary

The research work was carried out after identifying the inability of pupils at Choggu

Nuri-Islam JHS to spell words correctly, to investigate into the meaning of spelling,

causes of spelling problems, the effects of spelling problems on pupils lives and how to

improved the above problem, the researcher reviewed related literature into those arrears

and those who have written on the same topic. The Advance learners Dictionary defined

spelling as the correct order of letters in a word. The review also dealt with the causes of

spelling, where Vos servant (2000), Margaret Snowling elaborated that deficit in

phonological (sound – to – spelling) processing have a more devastating effect up on

spelling development that other sort of cognitive difficulty including low intelligence. It

also reviewed into the effects of spelling problem and the solution.

The researcher employed observation as one of the sources of information. That is

observing the pupils carefully during lessons. Another instrument which was used was

test instruments. Test give a clear and vivid outlook of the whole situation and

achievement levels of pupils be tackled and define how the problem should be handled.

Upon getting information on the problem the researcher employed different methods such

as spelling using whole word method, missing letters method and look, cover, write and

check method to help pupils to improve the problem.

5.1 Findings

The main findings of the study are as follow;

 Irrespective of the causes of spelling problems on the child it can be improve

when appropriate methods and techniques are employed.

 The understanding of the letter sequence by pupils at Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS one

has increased greatly when they engaged in practical activities.

 That the increment in the knowledge of letter sequence by pupils has brought

about and increase in performance of pupil in spelling test.

5.2 Conclusion

The purpose of the study was to investigate into the problem of spelling to find out the

causes of the problem and ways of improving it. The causes of poor spelling during the

course of the investigation include, the poor fundamentals given to pupils at the pre –

school level of their education, the ability of pupils to identify letter sequence in word

and the poor methods employed in teaching spelling. These problems can be improved by

adopting the appropriate methods and techniques in the teaching of spelling.

Although few pupils of Choggu Nuri-Islam JHS still faces some difficulties in spelling, it

is hoped that constant implementation of appropriate interventional methodologies and

strategies would help them develop the interest in learning how to spell so far as literacy

is concerned.

5.3 Recommendations

With regards to the findings of this study, the following recommendations are mate to

help improve the situation in our basic schools.

 Suitable methods of teaching and learning spelling should be developed and

implemented by the Curriculum Research and Development Division of Ghana

Education Service Unit.

 Teaching and learning materials should be provided and made available to all

schools by authorities especially the government.

 Teachers should be creative enough to use different methods in teaching spelling

so as to make the learning easier, attractive and interesting to pupils. This will go

a long way to arouse and sustain their interest in learning spelling.

 Teaching methods used in the teaching of spelling should be flexible enough to

accommodate diversity among the pupils.

5.4 Suggestion

This research work was carried out to mainly investigate into the causes of spelling

difficulties and how to improve the problem. However, the researcher suggests that

further research work can be carried out to unravel the problem in order to develop more

practical improvement to the problem. The study may be applicable in other schools

using larger samples than is used in this study.


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