TalkFile - 15 40 .PDF
TalkFile - 15 40 .PDF
TalkFile - 15 40 .PDF
15-A 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? (A)As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners and signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
as such their behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants' insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. (B)One of
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most effective in the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you
infants' own behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, know how to read people’s body language, you have a great source
parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. These imitations of inside information constantly available to you. (C)If a child is not
are not exact but rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and able to display the desired discipline or displays behavior which is
tempo. Infants' early perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these inappropriate as per family norms, it is important to communicate
imitative behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants and discuss the issue threadbare with the child, describing clearly
are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants family boundaries or whatever. (D)The body is a much better
may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when the indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because most
actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists people don’t try to mask their body’s revealing signals - they don't
propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external even realize those signals are happening. (E)This allows you to more
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in a way that
facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience. makes people feel really good, so they want to please you in return
- which is another way of saying, you’ll have some serious charisma.
①Parents' behaviors have the least influence on their children's self-
efficacy growth. ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
② The most successful reactions for fostering infants' early self-
knowledge are those that mirror the infants' behavior.
③ The imitative activities are recognized by infants' early 3. 밑줄 친 부분이 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
perceptual capacities as mimicking their own.
④ Infants are aware of the similarity between their own and others' My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many
conduct. people used to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going
⑤ Infants can easily perceive the external influence of their activity to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a good
when others mimic them. reputation. He always carried a little box in his pocket containing
a few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him seeking
his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1 each,’ which
was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he only
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns sold one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all of these
rapidly and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who people recovered very quickly. I asked my father why he was lying
ultimately ① remakes a domain. They ②apply their extraordinary to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the best and
abilities in ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without questioning most expensive medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
defaults and without making waves. In every domain they enter,
they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. ① People would always see my father as a perfect person.
They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to ② My father receives a lot of prejudice and criticisms.
fix the broken systems ③that prevent many patients from affording ③ Egyptians don’t like and believe my father.
health care in the first place. They become lawyers who defend ④ My father is infamous in the things he does.
clients ④from violating outdated laws without trying to transform ⑤ People have good impression about my father.
the laws themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging
algebra lessons without questioning whether algebra is what their
students need to learn. Although we ⑤rely on them to keep the
world running smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
2 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners and
as such their behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants' 2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most effective in
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
infants' own behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. These imitations signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
are not exact but rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of
tempo. Infants' early perceptual capacities _______________________-these the best ways ①to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
imitative behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you
are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants know how to read people’s body language, you have a great source
may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when the of inside information ②constantly available to you. The body is a
actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because
propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external most people don’t try ③to mask their body’s revealing signals -
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents they don't even realize those signals are happening. This allows you
facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience. to more easily ④understand people’s true feelings and respond in
a way that makes people ⑤feeling really good, so they want to
① allow them to understand please you in return - which is another way of saying, you’ll have
② inhibit them to understand some serious charisma.
③ hinder them to understand
④ impede them to understand ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
⑤ obstruct them to understand
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns (A)My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many
rapidly and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who people used to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going
ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their extraordinary to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a good
abilities in ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without questioning reputation. (B)He always carried a little box in his pocket containing
defaults and without making waves. In every domain they enter, a few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him seeking
they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little
They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1 each,’ which
fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he only
health care in the first place. They become lawyers who defend sold one or two at a time. (C)The fascinating thing was that all of
clients for violating outdated laws without trying to transform the these people recovered very quickly. (D)I asked my father why he
laws themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging algebra was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the
lessons without questioning whether algebra is what their students best and most expensive medicine, they will recover all by
need to learn. Although we rely on them to keep the world running themselves.’ (E)As parents, we can help them best when we
smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill. encourage them to see their individual gifts and unique talents.
① Prodigies become the best in their fields but they don’t question ① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E
② Lawyers don’t try to transform the laws themselves even if they
defend clients who violated the said laws.
③ Teachers prepare lessons without questioning what do really
students need to learn.
④ People become professionals and venture different fields by
3 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
15-A 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
곳을 고르시오. ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
Infants may more easily recognize the external effect of their insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of
behavior when the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
produce. possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you
know how to read people’s body language, you have a great source
( 1 ) Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent of inside information constantly available to you. The body is a
social partners and as such their behaviors are those that most much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because
profoundly affect infants' emerging sense of self-efficacy. The most people don’t try to mask their body’s revealing signals - they
responses that are most effective in facilitating infants' early self- don't even realize those signals are happening. This allows you to
knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the infants' own more easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in a way
behavior. ( 2 ) In naturally occurring interactions with young that makes people feel really good, so they want to please you in
infants, parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' return - which is another way of saying, you’ll have some serious
actions. These imitations are not exact but rather match the infants' charisma.
actions in intensity, affect, and tempo. ( 3 ) Infants' early
perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these imitative ① Great source of inside information is available to you if you are
behaviors as mirroring their own. ( 4 ) From the beginning of life, good at reading body language.
infants are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that ② People don’t try to mask body signals that’s why our body is
of others. ( 5 ) Some theorists propose that in mirroring infant great indicator of true emotions and feelings.
behavior, which exposes infants to external perceptual ③ You have to learn what situation you are entering so that you
manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents can shut off your anxiety.
facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience. ④ We feel nervous and insecure because we lack confidence in our
natural gestures.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑤ Reading people’s body language makes you understand more
people’s true feelings.
1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns 3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
rapidly and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who
ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their ________________ in My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many
ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without questioning defaults people used to ①go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like
and without making waves. In every domain they enter, they play going to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a
it safe by following the conventional paths to success. They become good reputation. He always carried ②a little box in his pocket
doctors who heal their patients without fighting to fix the broken containing a few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him
systems that prevent many patients from affording health care in seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out
the first place. They become lawyers who defend clients for the little box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1
violating outdated laws without trying to transform the laws each,’ ③which was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s
themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging algebra money, but he only sold one or two at a time. The fascinating thing
lessons without questioning whether algebra is what their students was ④that all of these people recovered very quickly. I asked my
need to learn. Although we rely on them to keep the world running father why he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think
smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill. that this is the best and most expensive medicine, they will recover
all by ⑤them.’
① common interests
② knowledge and skills ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
③ discovered talents
④ creativity and imagination
⑤ extraordinary abilities
4 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
15-A 주어진 글의 다음 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural ability starts
with learning how to accurately read other people’s signals. Confidence and
natural gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and nervousness can
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners
lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is
and as such their behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants'
to learn as much as possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter.
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most effective in
When you know how to read people’s body language, you have a great
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect
the infants' own behavior. source of inside information constantly available to you. The body is a much
better indicator of _________________ simply because most people don’t try to
mask their body’s revealing signals - they don't even realize those signals are
Infants may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when happening. This allows you to more easily understand people’s true feelings
the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists and respond in a way that makes people feel really good, so they want to
please you in return - which is another way of saying, you’ll have some
propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external
serious charisma.
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents
facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience.
① underlying plan and motive
② true emotions and feelings
Infants' early perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these imitative ③ anxiety and nervousness
④ character and discipline
behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants are aware
of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others. ⑤ how we respond to things
3. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, parental responses are
primarily imitations of infants' actions. These imitations are not exact but
rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and tempo. My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many people used
to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going to the doctor. My
father was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He always carried
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
a little box in his pocket containing a few vitamin tablets and when people
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) came to see him seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket,
take out the little box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1
each,’ which was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he
1. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 only sold one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all of these
people recovered very quickly. I asked my father why he was lying to people
and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the best and most expensive
They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording health care
① Box with few vitamin tablets was carried by a pharmacist in his pocket.
in the first place.
② The vitamin cost ₤30 before, which is ₤1 now, but he only limited selling
1 or 2 only.
(A)Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns rapidly
③ The father had a good reputation just like that of a medicine man.
and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who ultimately remakes
④ Many people in Egypt went to see a pharmacist for every illness just like
a domain. (B)They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary ways,
they went to see a doctor.
mastering their jobs without questioning defaults and without making waves.
⑤ The father said people would recover by themselves if they thought the
In every domain they enter, they play it safe by following the conventional
medicine is the best and most expensive.
paths to success. (C)They become lawyers who defend clients for violating
outdated laws without trying to transform the laws themselves. They become
teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons without questioning whether
algebra is what their students need to learn. (D)Although we rely on them to
keeps the world running smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill. (E)
①A ②B ③C ④D ⑤E
5 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
6 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
15-A 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
(B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners and
as such their behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants' (A)When you know how to read people’s body language, you have
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most effective in a great source of inside information constantly available to you. The
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the body is a much better indicator of true emotions and feelings,
infants' own behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, simply because most people don’t try to mask their body’s
parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. These imitations revealing signals - they don't even realize those signals are
are not exact but rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and happening.
tempo. Infants' early perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these
imitative behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants (B)This allows you to more easily understand people’s true feelings
are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants and respond in a way that makes people feel really good, so they
may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when the want to please you in return - which is another way of saying, you’ll
actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists have some serious charisma.
propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents (C) Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience. insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of
the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
Parents primarily imitate infants by matching the __A__ of their possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter.
actions to an infant's behavior. Theorists propose that this facilitates
an early __B__ of the infant's own experience. ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C)
A B ③ (B)-(C)-(A) ④ (C)-(A)-(B)
1 quality understanding ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)
2 quality intensity
3 tempo contingency
4 response interaction 3. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한
5 response effect 곳을 고르시오.
1. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않는 I asked my father why he was lying to people and he
것은? replied, ‘If people think that this is the best and most expensive
medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
Most prodigies don’t make a (1)transition from a child who learns
rapidly and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who (A)My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many
ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their (2)extraordinary people used to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going
abilities in ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without questioning to the doctor. (B)My father was like a medicine man; he had a good
defaults and without making waves. In every domain they enter, reputation. (C)He always carried a little box in his pocket containing
they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. a few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him seeking
They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little
fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1 each,’ which
health care in the first place. They become lawyers who defend was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he only
clients for (3)obeying outdated laws without trying to transform the sold one or two at a time. (D)The fascinating thing was that all of
laws themselves. They become teachers who plan (4)engaging these people recovered very quickly. (E)
algebra lessons without questioning whether algebra is what their
students need to learn. Although we rely on them to keeps the ①A ②B ③C ④D ⑤E
world running (5)smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤
7 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
15-A 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? As with all aspects of body language, [ 1 ] your gestural ability starts
with learning how to accurately read other people’s signals. Confidence and
[ 2 ] gestures go hand in hand because insecurity and nervousness can
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners and as such their
lead to jerky movements. One of the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is
behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants' emerging sense of self-efficacy.
to learn as much as possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter.
The responses that are most effective in facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially
When you know how to read people’s body language, you have a great
contingent and reflect the infants' own behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with
young infants, parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. These source of inside information [ 3 ] available to you. The body is a much
better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because most people
imitations are not exact but rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and tempo.
don’t try to mask their body’s [ 4 ] signals - they don't even realize
Infants' early perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these imitative behaviors as
mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants are aware of the matching quality those signals are happening. This allows you to more easily understand
of their behavior and that of others. Infants may more easily recognize the external effect people’s true feelings and respond in a way that makes people feel really
good, so they want to please you in return - which is another way of saying,
of their behavior when the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some
you’ll have some serious [ 5 ].
theorists propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants'
revealing/ charisma/ developing/ natural/ constantly
early understanding of their own experience.
④ infants have similar intensity, affect, and tempo to adults (4) _______________
1. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A) (B)에 들어갈 3. 주어진 글의 다음 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
말로 가장 적절한 것은?
My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many people
used to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going to the
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns rapidly and
effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a doctor.
outdated laws without trying to transform the laws themselves. They become
(B)My father was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. The
teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons without questioning whether
algebra is what their students need to learn. Although we rely on them to fascinating thing was that all of these people recovered very quickly.
of their behavior and that of others. Infants may more easily recognize the external effect signals are happening. This allows you to more easily understand people’s
true feelings and respond in a way that makes people feel really good, so
of their behavior when the actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some
they want to please you in return - which is another way of saying, you’ll
theorists propose that in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external
have some serious charisma.
perceptual manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents facilitate infants'
early understanding of their own experience.
Body language is the range of nonverbal signals that people use to ____A____
① Parents provide early experiences to infants for them to learn as young their feelings and intentions. It can help you ____B____ negative feelings or
as possible.
unspoken issues in others once you mastered it.
② Parents reflect the infant's actions because it is a way for them to show
their affection to their child. A B
③ Parents do not accurately imitate but they rather match the quality of the 1 understand communicate
2 communicate understand
infant's behavior.
3 cover show
④ Parents recognize that infants have different behaviors to them because
they are young and immature. 4 comprehend suppress
5 suppress comprehend
⑤ Parents exactly imitate the intensity, affect, and tempo of the child's
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns rapidly and to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going to the doctor. My
father was like a medicine man; he had a good reputation. He always carried
effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who ultimately remakes a
a little box in his pocket containing a few vitamin tablets and when people
domain. They apply their extraordinary abilities in ordinary ways, mastering
their jobs without questioning defaults and without making waves. In every came to see him seeking his help, he used to put his hand into his pocket,
take out the little box and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1
domain they enter, they play it safe by following the conventional paths to
each,’ which was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he
success. They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to fix
the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording health care in only sold one or two at a time. The (A)fascinating/uninteresting thing was
that all of these people (B)died/recovered very quickly. I asked my father why
the first place. They become lawyers who defend clients for violating
he was lying to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the best
outdated laws without trying to transform the laws themselves. They become
and most (C)expensive/low-priced medicine, they will recover all by
teachers who plan engaging algebra lessons without questioning whether
algebra is what their students need to learn. Although we rely on them to
keep the world running smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill.
(A) (B) (C)
① uninteresting died expensive
① doctors don’t fix broken systems
② fascinating recovered expensive
② we keep running on a treadmill
③ The way Most prodigies grow up ③ uninteresting died low-priced
15-A 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
(A) Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
and as such their behaviors are those that most profoundly affect infants' insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of
emerging sense of self-efficacy. (B) The responses that are most effective in the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you
infants' own behavior. In naturally occurring interactions with young infants, know how to read people’s body language, you have a great source
parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. (C) Infants can of inside information constantly available to you. The body is a
develop a sense of confidence in the world when they get continuous much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply because
attention from nurturing adults. These imitations are not exact but rather most people don’t try to mask their body’s revealing signals - they
match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and tempo. Infants' early don't even realize those signals are happening. This allows you to
perceptual capacities allow them to recognize these imitative behaviors as more easily understand people’s true feelings and respond in a way
mirroring their own. (D) From the beginning of life, infants are aware of the that makes people feel really good, so they want to please you in
matching quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants may more easily return - which is another way of saying, you’ll have some serious
recognize the external effect of their behavior when the actions of others charisma.
mirror the behavior the infants produce. (E) Some theorists propose that in
mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to external perceptual ① how to fight off nervousness and insecurity
manifestations of what they are internally experiencing, parents facilitate ② body language mirrors our true feelings
infants' early understanding of their own experience. ③ being aware of the situations ahead of us
④ how to show off charisma to other people
①A ②B ③C ④D ⑤E ⑤ understanding our feelings and emotions
Most prodigies don’t make a transition from a child who learns My father was a pharmacist and, in Egypt in those days, many
rapidly and effortlessly in an established domain to an adult who people used to go to the pharmacist for every illness, just like going
ultimately remakes a domain. They apply their extraordinary to the doctor. My father was like a medicine man; he had a good
abilities in ordinary ways, mastering their jobs without questioning reputation. He always carried a little box in his pocket containing a
defaults and without making waves. In every domain they enter, few vitamin tablets and when people came to see him seeking his
they play it safe by following the conventional paths to success. help, he used to put his hand into his pocket, take out the little box
They become doctors who heal their patients without fighting to and say, ‘These are very special tablets and cost ₤1 each,’ which
fix the broken systems that prevent many patients from affording was equivalent to ₤30 or more each in today’s money, but he only
health care in the first place. They become lawyers who defend sold one or two at a time. The fascinating thing was that all of these
clients for violating outdated laws without trying to transform the people recovered very quickly. I asked my father why he was lying
laws themselves. They become teachers who plan engaging algebra to people and he replied, ‘If people think that this is the best and
lessons without questioning whether algebra is what their students most expensive medicine, they will recover all by themselves.’
need to learn. Although we rely on them to keep the world running
smoothly, they keep us running on a treadmill. The people believed his father because they thought that buying
the best and most expensive medicine will cure their illness quickly.
① Prodigies like to become unknown. They were ____A____ that their ____B____ thinking has helped them
② Prodigies are playing it safe. too on their speedy recovery.
③ Prodigies don’t like to leave an impression. A B
④ Prodigies have least expectations. 1 unaware positive
⑤ Prodigies like to bring comfort. 2 positive unaware
3 alert rapid
4 aware negative
5 negative aware
10 올림포스 독해의 기본2 15강 변형문제
15-A 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? As with all aspects of body language, developing your gestural
ability starts with learning how to accurately read other people’s
Parents are generally infants' most frequent and consistent social partners and signals. Confidence and natural gestures go hand in hand because
as such their behaviors are those that most ①profoundly affect infants' insecurity and nervousness can lead to jerky movements. One of
emerging sense of self-efficacy. The responses that are most effective in the best ways to quiet your own anxiety is to learn as much as
facilitating infants' early self-knowledge are socially contingent and reflect the possible about whatever situation you’re about to enter. When you
infants' own behavior. In naturally ②occurring interactions with young infants, know how to read people’s body language, you have a great
parental responses are primarily imitations of infants' actions. These imitations source of inside information constantly available to you. The body
are not exact but rather match the infants' actions in intensity, affect, and is a much better indicator of true emotions and feelings, simply
tempo. Infants' early perceptual capacities allow them ③to recognize these because most people don’t try to mask their body’s revealing
imitative behaviors as mirroring their own. From the beginning of life, infants signals - they don't even realize those signals are happening. This
are aware of the matching quality of their behavior and that of others. Infants allows you to more easily understand people’s true feelings and
may more easily recognize the external effect of their behavior when the respond in a way that makes people feel really good, so they want
actions of others mirror the behavior the infants produce. Some theorists to please you in return - which is another way of saying, you’ll have
propose ④what in mirroring infant behavior, which exposes infants to some serious charisma.
external perceptual manifestations of ⑤what they are internally experiencing,
parents facilitate infants' early understanding of their own experience. ① Being able to judge someone because of their behavior.
② Being able to know what makes a person so praiseworthy.
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ③ Being able to understand one’s feelings through gestures.
④ Being able to jump into conclusion about someone.
⑤ Being able to tell the worth of someone through their
1. 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은? personality.