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French immersion courses

Academic year 2024-2025

©Ville de Saint-Etienne/Charlotte Pierot

Our International Center for Language and Civilisation

Created in 1977, the International Center for

Language and Civilisation (CILEC) is the school
dedicated to French as a foreign language teaching
at Jean Monnet University.

The CILEC welcomes every year 500 students

coming from more than 30 different countries.

At the CILEC, a team will be at your disposal to

facilitate your integration, accompany you during
your learning of French language and civilisation
as well as for your admistratives

The CILEC is part of the Jean Monnet Jean Monnet University is a key player of its
University of Saint-Étienne, which welcomes territory and beyond, of the greater Auvergne-
and trains more than 20,000 students each Rhône-Alpes region, while resolutely opening up
year, including 3,000 foreign students. Thanks to national and international partnerships. CILEC
to its cutting-edge research and its growing students thus benefit from all the advantages
number of international labels, it is a university offered to students of the University and beyond,
that innovates and transforms itself. of the region.

Our offices are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Saint-Etienne, the choice of a city on a human scale

Known nationally for the quality of its Saint- Saint-Étienne is a university town with 27,000
Étienne is the only French city designated as a students, including 20,000 at the Jean Monnet
creative city for design by Unesco. University. Initiatives have been developed to
ensure that student life is rich in entertainment.

Saint Etienne is also one of the most attractive At the beginning of each academic year, in
cities for rent in France. September, about fifteen events bring together
all the students of Saint-Étienne.

Culture, history, architecture, design, hiking, nature,

bathing, food, so much to discover in Saint-Etienne
and its surroundings.

Being close to Lyon (45 mintues by train), Saint-

Etienne is perfectly located to travel to the Alpes, the
French Riviera and Paris.
©Tous droits réservés
French Studies
of French

This university diploma (A2, B1, B2 and C1 levels) is especially dedicated

for foreign students willing to improve their knowledge of French
language and culture. It trains the student in the following
BEGINNER NOT linguistic skills : writing, reading, listening and speaking. Our courses are
ACCEPTED structured around the recommendations of the CEFRL (Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages), a global standard
used for describing language ability.

Weekly schedule*
• 15H of general french by level : from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12pm
• 3H speciality modules : 2 sessions of 1:30 in the afternoon
• 2H of personal work in the library, or in participation in cultural or sport
To train in immersion 20 HOURS BY
To improve French language learning and the
integration of our students in our territory, we
regularly propose cultural activities according
to local events.

• Meeting and exchanges between students Rich of more than 5000 books and videos, in a
• Creative workshops calm and welcoming environment, our Learning
• Visits of historic and cultural location Resources Center is open for our students.
• Sport activities
• Student parties, cinema, concerts... Our teacher-documentary specialist will guide
you throughout all your stay.

*Due to the health crisis linked to the COVID-19

epidemic, on-site teaching modalities could
change to online courses to ensure the safety of
the teachers and students. The CILEC keeps also

the possibility to close a level group if there are not

enough participants.
Organisation of the DUEF

Placement test


Elementary Intermediate Upper-Intermediate Advanced

• Interact in a simple • Handle a concrete and • Discuss concrete, • Interact effectively

way in everyday simple situation in the abstract or complex and fluently with the
situations. family domain, topics in writing and social and professional
friends, work, leisure... orally. environment.
• Exchanging
information. • Argue in writing and • Communicate with a • Articulate oral and
orally in a brief but native speaker by written discourse,
• Performs tasks on coherent way, give or mastering the tense argue, present complex
familiar topics such as receive an explanation system. subjects, give a report,
understanding everyday explanation, explain synthesise documents.
announcements, projects or ideas. • Argue, take notes,
discussing familiar follow or comment on Only for the spring
matters, finding key current events. semester
information in written
texts, writing a simple

Our DUEF B2 or C1 will allow you to study in 17

French Universities, including our multidisiplinary
Jean Monnet University of Saint-Etienne.
Find our online catalogue.
Applications and registrations

Requirements for registration Administrative status

A high school diploma is mandatory. This diploma allows you to have the student
Minimum A1 level, with DELF or status.
TCF CERTIFICATE. Beginner not accepted.

In the case of exceptional online courses, you Student Visa Student card Diploma
must have a computer or tablet and an internet

Training periods and prices

Periods (out of school holidays) Prices

Fall semester
12 weeks From 2nd September to 6th December 2024 €1 590*
240h of french courses
Spring semester
12 weeks From 20th January to 9th May 2025 €1 590*
240h of french courses
Fall and spring semesters
24 weeks From 2nd September 2024 to 9th May 2025 €3 030*
480h of french courses (€1 590+€1 440)
Spring and fall semesters
24 weeks From 20th January to 9th December 2025 €3 180**
480h of french courses (€1 590+€1 590)
*University fees included for one academic year 2024-2025.
**University fees included for two academic years.

Application steps

Steps Fall semester Spring semester

or fall and spring or spring and fall
semesters semesters
1 Application period From 04th March to From 01st July to
File to be downloaded or requested 4th may 2023 29th September 2023
from cilec@univ-st-etienne.fr
2 Selection and admission response From 6th to 7th May 2024 From 30th September to
1st October 2024
3 Payment period From 08th to 19th May 2024
From 2nd October to 9th
(if you are accepted) October 2024
4 Sending of the registration authorization From 16 to 17 May 2024 From 10th October to 11th
th th
certificate and accommodation certificate October 2024
(if necessary)

5 Application for a long-stay From 16th May 2024 From 10th October 2024
student visa*
*The application for your long-stay student visa must be made at the French embassy in your own country 90 days be-
fore the first day class

Registration modalities as well as the terms of refund can be found on the CILEC website or in the application file. The
centre offers different payment modalities.For people living abroad, payment will be made by online credit card or bank
transfer. For people living in France, payment can be made by bank transfer or directly in our offices by credit card (prefer-
Do you
? ?

The CILEC offers you a free accommodation

reservation service for students who wish to do

Private student residences

18m² to 24m² furnished studio flats
Monthly rent : from €350 to €480

Host family
Full board, with 3 meal by day included
Monthly rent : €690

©All rights reserved

Private student residences pictures

Our student’s feedback based on our satisfaction surveys

Very good experience during my last stay in your institution If you come in France for the first time,
Saint-Etienne is the best place to start
I made a lot of progress in French
during my semester Best international experience I did
Listening and availability of the team The CILEC is very well located and easy to access

This training is rewarding.

We learn a lot of information about France, Affordable city
french people, french society

I have learned a lot of things Very satisfying.

Many cultural activities The teachers are excellent and creative

Meeting with the foreign students for discovering differents cultures

Contact us for more information


Université Jean Monnet - Direction de l’International
Published by CILEC - February 2022 | Icons : ©Flaticon

21 rue Denis Papin, 42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2

Tél.: 04 77 43 79 73



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