Duef - en Maj
Duef - en Maj
Duef - en Maj
The CILEC is part of the Jean Monnet Jean Monnet University is a key player of its
University of Saint-Étienne, which welcomes territory and beyond, of the greater Auvergne-
and trains more than 20,000 students each Rhône-Alpes region, while resolutely opening up
year, including 3,000 foreign students. Thanks to national and international partnerships. CILEC
to its cutting-edge research and its growing students thus benefit from all the advantages
number of international labels, it is a university offered to students of the University and beyond,
that innovates and transforms itself. of the region.
Known nationally for the quality of its Saint- Saint-Étienne is a university town with 27,000
Étienne is the only French city designated as a students, including 20,000 at the Jean Monnet
creative city for design by Unesco. University. Initiatives have been developed to
ensure that student life is rich in entertainment.
Saint Etienne is also one of the most attractive At the beginning of each academic year, in
cities for rent in France. September, about fifteen events bring together
all the students of Saint-Étienne.
Weekly schedule*
• 15H of general french by level : from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12pm
• 3H speciality modules : 2 sessions of 1:30 in the afternoon
• 2H of personal work in the library, or in participation in cultural or sport
To train in immersion 20 HOURS BY
To improve French language learning and the
integration of our students in our territory, we
regularly propose cultural activities according
to local events.
• Meeting and exchanges between students Rich of more than 5000 books and videos, in a
• Creative workshops calm and welcoming environment, our Learning
• Visits of historic and cultural location Resources Center is open for our students.
• Sport activities
• Student parties, cinema, concerts... Our teacher-documentary specialist will guide
you throughout all your stay.
Placement test
In the case of exceptional online courses, you Student Visa Student card Diploma
must have a computer or tablet and an internet
Application steps
5 Application for a long-stay From 16th May 2024 From 10th October 2024
student visa*
*The application for your long-stay student visa must be made at the French embassy in your own country 90 days be-
fore the first day class
Registration modalities as well as the terms of refund can be found on the CILEC website or in the application file. The
centre offers different payment modalities.For people living abroad, payment will be made by online credit card or bank
transfer. For people living in France, payment can be made by bank transfer or directly in our offices by credit card (prefer-
Do you
? ?
Host family
Full board, with 3 meal by day included
Monthly rent : €690
Very good experience during my last stay in your institution If you come in France for the first time,
Saint-Etienne is the best place to start
I made a lot of progress in French
during my semester Best international experience I did
Listening and availability of the team The CILEC is very well located and easy to access