Lord Ganpathi the elephant headed deity is known as the “Lord of beginnings”
and “Remover of obstacles” therefore before moving any further I would like to
invite the students of our school to dedicate a song in the name Vignaharta.
It is with great pleasure that Team Politeia presents before you, Youth Parliament
Inspired by these simple lines that signify the essence of a democracy, the motto
of our club states - Liberum Expressio - Latin for Free Expression. We began the
journey with the simple goal; to create a place for all people to express
themselves and grow together. Today, we extend that opportunity to the ISC
Section of our school and hope that they are as excited as we are!
The previous years Youth Parliament had done a splendid job in creating a
interest in the minds of the students for the Indian Politics. They provide the
students a platform to voice their opinions, engage in discussions and actively
participate in a simulation of a modern political world. Their dedication,
enthusiasm and innovative ideas showed us that the future of our country has a
bright future.
Youth Parliament 2023 aims to touch relevant topics across various sectors, from
historically important issues like the instability in the Seven Sisters to the
economic upheavals in the nation to the unpredictable yet inevitable future of
mankind: Artificial Intelligence. Indisputable, sometimes harsh truths presented
with utmost conviction and unshakable confidence seasoned with some fiery
passion and a dramatic flair, this event promises to be one etched into memory.
Today signifies a culmination of all that has happened in the past few months, the
crescendo to a beautiful symphony. Each and every person present here today,
plays an irreplaceable role, like pieces in a puzzle and I extend a sincere thanks
to all of you for your presence. With that said, LET THE SESSION BEGIN!!!