pISSN 2508-1888
eISSN 2466-2461
Journal of
Radiation Protection
and Research Paper
Received July 17, 2015 / 1st Revised April 24, 2016 / Accepted June 13, 2016
Background: Industrial X-ray CT system is normally applied to non-destructive testing
(NDT) for industrial product made from metal. Furthermore there are some special CT
systems, which have an ability to inspect nuclear fuel assemblies or rocket motors, using
high power and high energy (more than 6 MeV) pulsed X-ray source. In these case,
pulsed X-ray are produced by the electron linear accelerator, and a huge number of pho-
tons with a wide energy spectrum are produced within a very short period. Consequently,
it is difficult to measure the X-ray energy spectrum for such accelerator-based X-ray sour-
ces using simple spectrometry. Due to this difficulty, unexpected images and artifacts
which lead to incorrect density information and dimensions of specimens cannot be avoid-
ed in CT images. For getting highly precise CT images, it is important to know the pre-
cise energy spectrum of emitted X-rays.
Materials and Methods: In order to realize it we investigated a new approach utilizing the
Bayesian estimation method combined with an attenuation curve measurement using step
shaped attenuation material. This method was validated by precise measurement of energy
spectrum from a 1 MeV electron accelerator. In this study, to extend the applicable X-ray
energy range we tried to measure energy spectra of X-ray sources from 6 and 9 MeV lin-
ear accelerators by using the recently developed method.
Results and Discussion: In this study, an attenuation curves are measured by using a
step-shaped attenuation materials of aluminum and steel individually, and the each X-ray
spectrum is reconstructed from the measured attenuation curve by the spectrum type
Correspondence to Hiroyuki Takagi Bayesian estimation method. Conclusion: The obtained result shows good agreement with simulated spectra, and the
presently developed technique is adaptable for high energy X-ray source more than 6
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( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and re-
production in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
I 0 :Primary Intensity
Appearance of
Focal Spot Fan shaped Beam (20°) Attenuate Material
tN(290 or 580㎜@θ=0º )
t1 (Un-attenuated)
ti or Steel
t2(10㎜ @θ=0º )
t3(20㎜ @θ=0º )
t4(30㎜@θ=0º )
Path Length
(Attenuation Material)
in Material
I:Attenuated Intensity
Vertical movement
+15° -15°
・・・ ・・・
Solid State
・・・ ・・・ Detector
Multi Channel Multi Channel
Preamp Board Preamp Board
Fig. 1. Experimental setup of array detectors and X-ray source used for the present attenuation curve measurement (The actual path length
of the attenuation material is changing according to the angle θ of incident X-rays).
maximum thickness and in addition at 0 mm (with no ation curve measurement using step shaped attenu-
attenuation material) is obtained. As a result, 59 or 30 ation material. This method was validated by precise
X-ray outputs for each detector are recorded sepa- measurement of energy spectrum from a 1 MeV elec-
rately after penetrating the 59 or 30 steps of the at- tron accelerator. The specific features of the spectrum
tenuation material by 30 or 59 X-ray irradiations type Bayesian estimation method are summarized as
(more than 10,000 pulse per irradiation), that is to follows.
say, attenuation curves yθ(ti) [θ=0 to ±15°, i=1 to 59 (1) Its very simple principle makes for easier appli-
or 30], are obtained for all the detectors at the same cation compared to other unfolding methods.
time. (2) It never gives unfolded results having a neg-
The path length of X-rays in the attenuation materi- ative value.
al changes depending on the incident angle θ of the (3) It does not require any constraint like an initial
X-rays as shown in Fig. 1. The actual path length is guess [10].
used for ti in the calculation of energy spectra.
There should be a quantitative relation between
2.2 Spectrum type Bayesian estimation X-ray energy spectrum φ(Ej) and measured attenuation
We use the spectrum type Bayesian estimation result y(ti) for the attenuation curve. It can be de-
method [6] to obtain X-ray energy spectrum φ(Ej). scribed with a response function. The response func-
This method is based on the Bayesian theorem and it tion H consists of hij , which includes information on
has been applied to radiation measurements. For in- the attenuation coefficient at photon energy E, pene-
stance, in energy spectrum measurements of charged tration thickness ti, and other detector characteristics
particles correction of the energy loss in the sample is such as its detection efficiency. This relationship is
carried out using the spectrum type Bayesian estima- described as Equation 1.
tion method as an unfolding technique [7-9].
Furthermore, in X-ray energy spectrum measurement, y=H•φ (1)
we recently investigated an approach utilizing the In the spectrum type Bayesian estimation method,
Bayesian estimation method combined with an attenu- original X-ray spectrum is estimated iteratively carried
out based on Bayes' theorem. The spectrum type function R•F in Equation 3 in this section, focusing
Bayesian estimation method deduce the l+1 th estima- on a 6 MeV X-ray source and attenuation material of
tion estj(l+1)(i) as, aluminum as an example. The maximum energy of
the response function is therefore set to 6 MeV to
N ⎛ est (jl ) × hij ⎞ cover X-rays emitted from the 6 MeV X-ray source.
⎜ ⎟
est (jl +1) = ∑ ⎜ y (t i ) × M ⎟⎟ The column of the response function R is then div-
i =1 ⎜
⎝ ∑ j =1 est (jl ) × hij ⎠ (2) ided into 60 bins, namely they cover the X-ray spec-
trum from 0.0 to 6.0 MeV with an equal bin width of
The above formula is repeatedly used for the meas- 0.1 MeV. This means j=1–M (M=60) in Eq. 3. On
ured attenuation curve y(ti), i.e., a revised estj(l) is the other hand, the row component for the attenuation
used as the prior information in the next iteration material thickness in Eq. 3 is divided into 59, that is,
calculation. i=1–N (N=59) as mentioned later in detail. The de-
tection efficiency matrix F is evaluated by calculating
2.3 Response function evaluation the reaction rate of incident monochromatic photons
In order to estimate the source X-ray energy spec- for each energy bin in the actually used detector. The
trum, the response function H in eq. 1 is rewritten as obtained reaction rate is converted into the deposited
R•F to connect the primary X-ray energy spectrum energy in the detector, i.e., electric charge. We use
and the measured pulse height spectrum from preamp the Monte Carlo numerical simulation code EGS5 for
board as shown in Fig. 1. Matrix R of N rows and M this evaluation.
columns consists of attenuation coefficients varying The linear attenuation coefficient used in the calcu-
due to X-ray energy for the column direction and the lation of the response function R is cited from the da-
penetration thickness for the row direction. MatrixF ta base of the NIST .
of M rows and M columns contains photon-to-charge Finally, in regard to the scalar value of k, because
conversion factor for the specific X-ray energy in- of the dependence on the individual X-ray measure-
duced the detector. ment system, we decide the value experimentally for
When linear attenuation coefficients μj for energies the system we use.
E1,E2,E3,…,EM as representative energies for energy
bins are given, the X-ray energy spectrum φ□(Ej) af-
ter penetrating through the attenuation material of 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
thickness ti is taken from the incident X-ray energy
spectrum φ(Ej) and exp(-μj·ti). The pulsed X-rays, Figure 2 shows attenuation curves in aluminum for
which penetrated through the attenuation material, are 6 and 9 MeV X-ray sources obtained at emission an-
detected and converted into a large electric charge. gles of 0° and 15°. The attenuation curves in steel are
Generally, the conversion coefficient, that is, the de- also shown in Figure 3. The attenuation curves were
tection efficiency for the X-rays has energy normalized at zero path length. Both figures show
dependence. Now, we define the detection efficiency that each curve of emission angle 0° attenuates slower
εj for X-ray energy of Ej. The output signal yi after than that of 15° similarly for both X-ray energies. In
passing through the attenuation material of thickness ti other words, the energy spectra of 0° contains higher
is proportional to the value of summarized εj ·φ□(Ej) energy photons than 15°. Figures 4 and 5 show X-ray
with energy bin j from 1 to M . energy spectra, φ(Ej), estimated from the attenuation
Applying the energy independent correction factor k curve measurements for 6 MeV and 9 MeV X-ray
to the matrix equation, which depends on the in- sources at emission angle of 0°. The spectrum estima-
dividual measurement system, we express the matrix tion was done with the spectrum type Bayesian esti-
equation to derive the attenuation curve of X-rays, mation method described in chapter 2.2 from the in-
y(ti), as in the next equations. dependent measured attenuation curve in Fig. 2 and 3
as y in Eq. 3. As an initial guess a white spectrum
⎡ y (t1 ) ⎤ ⎡ exp(− μ1 ⋅ t1 ) exp(− μ 2 ⋅ t1 ) L exp(− μ M ⋅ t1 ) ⎤ ⎡ε 1 0 L 0 ⎤ ⎡ φ (E1 ) ⎤ was used. The X-ray energy spectrum simulated by
⎢ y (t ) ⎥ ⎢ L exp(− μ M ⋅ t 2 ) ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 0 ε 2 0 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ φ (E 2 ) ⎥⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥ = k ⋅ ⎢ exp(− μ1 ⋅ t 2 ) exp(− μ 2 ⋅ t 2 ) L
⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M M O M
⎥ ⎢M M
O M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ the EGS5 code is also shown. In the present simu-
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ y (t N )⎦ ⎣exp(− μ1 ⋅ t N ) exp(− μ 2 ⋅ t N ) L exp(− μ M ⋅ t N )⎦ ⎣ 0 0 L ε M ⎦ ⎣φ (E M )⎦ lation, we assumed the tungsten target thickness was
y = k•R•F•φ (3)
We describe the evaluation process of the response 1) X-ray mass attenuation coefficients at NIST.
100 10-1
Estimated Spectrum from Aluminum Attenuation
Estimated Spectrum from Steel Attenuation
Measured Attenuation Curve at 0°with 6MeV Simulated Spectrum by EGS5
Measured Attenuation Curve at 15°with 6MeV Initial Guess Spectrum
Measured Attenuation Curve at 0°with 9MeV 10-4
Measured Attenuation Curve at 15°with 9MeV 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10-3 Photon Energy (MeV)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
10-1 7.5×1012
Number of Photons Estimated from Aluminum Attenuation
Number of Photons Estimated from Steel Attenuation
Dose Rate Profile (Normalized to the Peak Value of the Estimated Photon Number(Steel))
10-2 5.0×10 12
10-3 2.5×10 12
Estimated Spectrum from Aluminum Attenuation
Estimated Spectrum from Steel Attenuation
Simulated Spectrum by EGS5
Initial Guess Spectrum
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Emission Angle ( °)
Photon Energy (MeV) Fig. 10. Total photon number of 9MeV X-ray source for each
Fig. 6. Measured X-ray energy spectra for 6 MeV X-ray source emission angle.
at emission angles of 0° (normalized to unity).
with each other. Besides, a forwarder-peaked dis-
Measured Average Energy of 6MeV X-ray source from Aluminum Attenuation Curve
tribution of 9 MeV source is observed compared to 6
Measured Average Energy of 6MeV X-ray source from Steel attenuation curve
Calculated Average Energy of 6 MeV X-ray source(EGS5) MeV source similar to the angular distribution of
average energy.
Measured Average Energy of 9MeV X-ray source from Aluminum Attenuation Curve
Measured Average Energy of 9MeV X-ray source from Steel Attenuation Curve
Calculated Average Enegy of 9MeV X-ray source(EGS5)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
A discontinuity in the measured angular distribution
Emission Angle (º) is surely recognized between emission angles of 6°
Fig. 8. Average energy of X-rays for 6 and 9 MeV X-ray and 7° in Fig. 9 and 10. This is thought to be due to
source for each emission angle.
insufficient structure of the multi-hole collimator
2.5×1012 which is placed in front of the detector array, because
Number of Photons Estimated from Aluminum Attenuation
Number of Photons Estimated from Steel Attenuation it has a segment structure around there and also all
Number of Photons (photons/pulse/sr)
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