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A. Moral Dilemma
a. What is Moral Dilemma
- A moral dilemma is also called an ethical dilemma and refers to a situation where an
individual needs to make a choice but faces a conflicting situation between one or more
alternatives. Ideally, the choice they make presents a dilemma because every available
option may be wrong or incorrect.
b. 3 Different Levels of Moral Dilemma
i. Personal Dilemma

- It pertains to choices affecting the individual himself or herself.

ii. Organizational Dilemma

- This type of dilemma would refer to business, medical, and public

sector/company situations. The organizational dilemma is a broader scope and
would tend to affect every member of the organization.

• Personal interest vs. Organizational welfare

• Group interest vs. Organizational welfare
iii. Structural Dilemma

- This dilemma would include an entire network of an institution and operative

theoretical paradigm.

B. Moral Assumption
a. What is Moral Assumption
- Assumptions are fundamental beliefs or statements that are accepted to be true without
the burden of proving or of proof.
b. The Assumptions of ethics or morality
▪ Reason

- Reason is the first element of a human act. We assume that any person is a
thinking being. By that, the person is aware of the purpose of their action. This
assumption is also true about the consequences of such action. Meaning, the
person is also aware of the effects of the act. In other words, the person can make
judgement whether an action is right or wrong. Through reason, one can assess
the rightness and wrongness of an act.
▪ Freedom

- Is the second element or assumption. It is considered an important element in

making moral valuation and without which, no amount of reasoning can justify
the ethical value of an act. Moral action can only emanate from individuals who
act according to their choice or free will to do good. Moral valuation and moral
responsibility cannot, therefore, be ascribed to actions devoid of the freedom to
act and as such they are not qualified as moral action.

c. The difference between moral or ethical, immoral or unethical, and amoral situations
▪ Moral

- Adhering to ethical standards.

▪ Immoral

- Violating ethical standards.

▪ Amoral
- Lacking a moral sense or consideration.
C. The Minimum Requirement (Elements) or Morality: Reason and Impartiality
• Reason
- Moral decisions should be based on reasons that other rational people can accept.
• Impartiality
- All concerned parties should be given equal or adequate consideration. This means that
everyone is generally equally important, and no one should get special
treatment. Impartiality is also known as fair-mindedness or evenhandedness.

Prepared by:
Batang, Babylyn
Buguina, Louise Giselle C.
Quilang, Berlyn Joy P.
Sinco, Jei-Anne C.

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