Module 2 Presentation
Module 2 Presentation
Module 2 Presentation
Moral Personhood
and Accountability
Lesson 1: Moral Persons and Rights
Lesson 2: Moral Agents and Patients
Lesson 3: Criteria for Moral Personhood
Lesson 4: Features of Moral Accountability
Lesson 5: Conditions for Moral Accountability
Lesson 1: Moral Persons and Rights
• Moral persons are either the sources or receivers of moral concern or (morally
evaluable) actions. Accordingly, moral persons are either moral agents or
moral patients.
• Moral Agents: moral persons acting as the sources of morally evaluable
actions; they necessarily possess both moral rights and duties; they can be
morally accountable for their actions (i.e., they can deserve moral blame or
praise for their actions).
• Moral Patients: moral persons acting as the receivers or recipients of
morally evaluable actions; they necessarily posses moral rights only; they
cannot be morally accountable for their actions.
• All moral agents are moral patients; but not all moral patients are moral
agents. Accordingly, we can distinguish between agentive and and non-
agentive moral persons.
• Agentive Moral Persons: moral persons who can be both moral
patients and agents. E.g., normal human adults
• Non-agentive Moral Persons: moral persons who can only be moral
patients. E.g., animals, mentally challenged humans, infants
Lesson 3: Criteria for Moral Personhood
(Theories of Personhood)
• Both theories are criticized for justifying inhumane treatment of one group of persons by
another group. The social theory may justify, for instance, the practice of slavery. The gradient
theory may justify, for instance, the practice of ethnic cleansing—where the perpetrators think
of themselves as belonging to a superior race or as having moral ascendancy over those they
Lesson 4: Features of Moral Accountability
Accountability in General
• The natural product of a person’s intelligence and freedom: a person’s
Intelligence enables him/her to know what is right and wrong; while a
person’s freedom enables him/her to choose whether to do what is right
or what is wrong.
• The deservingness of blame or punishment for doing what is wrong or not
doing what is right, and praise or reward for doing what is right or not
doing what is wrong.