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The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is an accepted skills programme

which forms part of the approved academic standards in the degree programme for Nigerian

Universities. In 1974, the Federal Government of Nigeria introduced the national policy on

industrial training, called the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES). This

programme is under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education through the industrial training

Fund (ITF), was designed to help students acquire the necessary practical education/experience

in their fields of study and other related professions.

This is an effort which was created to bridge the existing gap between the theory taught in the

classroom and practice of science, agriculture, medicine, engineering, technology and other

professional programs in Nigeria tertiary institutions. This programme is aimed at exposing the

students to the use of various and equipment’s, professional work method and ways of

safeguarding the work areas in industries as well as other organizations. The Programme was

established basically to impact elaborate practical understanding to students with respect to their

various disciplines. It is also intended that the student through a process of relation to academic

knowledge and practical industrial application would understand the underlying principles,

become better focused, and acquire the practical applications towards excellence in his or

discipline. The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) programme involves the

student, the Universities and the industries. This training is funded by the Federal Government of

Nigeria and jointly coordinated by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) and the National

Universities Commission (NUC).



The objectives of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) according to the

Industrial Training Fund (ITF) 2013 are to:

i. Provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial

skills and experience in their course of study;

ii. Prepare students for the industrial work situations they are to meet after graduation

iii. Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery

that may not be available in their institutions;

iv. Enlist and strengthen the employer involvement in the entire educational process and

prepare students for employment after graduation;

v. Make the transition from school to the world of work easier, and enhances students

contacts for later job placement

vi. Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real work situation

thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.



Comet Shipping Agencies Nigeria Limited was established in 1984 by General T Y

Danjuma, primarily to act as an agent for Nigeria American Line (NAL). Over 25 years later

Comet is now one of the leading independent agents operating in Nigeria with vast

experience in handling all types of vessels and cargo. In 2009 Comet handled over 200

vessels at the ports of Lagos, Port Harcourt, Calabar and Warri.

The NAL-COMET Group offers comprehensive services within shipping, oil servicing,

terminal operation, clearing and forwarding, underwater engineering, electrical and electronic

supply and installation, transformer manufacture, fishing, food product importation and



During my 6months period of internship training with Comet Shipping Agencies Limited, I

acquired various knowledge both on the field of work and off field, during interactive

sessions with staff members and contractors as I am opportune to be the first University

undergraduate Internship trainee in the Comet Shipping Agencies Bonny Island branch. I

first learnt about safety and Vessel standard operating procedures and other trainings

assigned to me due to my role in the company. I was able to learn and know the basic

functions of Comet shipping agencies in the shipping sector, and worked closely during my

training with my industry based supervisor in the electrical and electronics department and

partially with the mechanical department.

I went onboard several vessels and observed as well as took part in the installation of

Antennas, pre amplifiers, signal lights, VHF radios, I was able to learn the fundamentals of

using electronics equipments on a ship such as NAVTEX, RADAR, and various marine

compass e.t.c generally able to communicate with other vessels amongst others.

As an intern I worked with the electrical department, and learnt in details the power

generation and supply on board the vessels, and power distribution on some main

components such as the ships generator, main switch board, bus bars ,circuit breakers, fuses ,

transformers e.t.c.

I was able to work in the key parts of the vessels, such as Navigation, communication

systems in ships, the shipping control room, measurement and instrumentation and also

clearing and forwarding.





During the start of my SIWES program at Comet shipping , I carried out an on boarding

process where I was trained on company overview& expectations, vessel standard operating

procedures (SOP) for different equipment’s and necessary safety induction as the first procedure

to take before being placed in my department (Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Department).Safety is the state of being safe and protected from danger at any point in time. I

attended a few trainings on my skill matrix, Most of this training where on the Job while other

were requirements to have access to certain restricted areas in the vessel. At the end of the safety

induction and I got my Personal Protective Equipment to be able climb the vessels and access

some NLNG terminals, and other special areas to be able to carry out the job assigned to me

effectively and safely.


Personal protective equipment are materials used or worn by an individual that minimizes risk on

someone’s health or safety and include a wide range of clothing and safety equipment. This

equipment includes boots, hard hat, ear muffs, hand gloves, harness belt, coverall jacket. Even

where engineering controls and safe systems of work have been applied, some hazards might


The Personal Protective Equipment could prevent injuries like:

 The head and feet from falling materials or accidents when climbing vessels.

 The eyes from flying particles or splashes.

 The skin from contact with corrosive materials

 The body from extreme heat or cold or urea from touching one’s body

 The ear from unwanted/extreme noise












After the first weeks of the compulsory HR on boarding, Safety induction trainings and

other on the job-based trainings including, Vessel Expectations sign-off, Standard operating

procedure (SOP) trainings and qualifications, specific role-based trainings and Project based

trainings too, I was posted as a Utility support intern in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering

/Installation and Maintenance department of the agency where I spent most of my training.

The Electrical and Electronic Engineering/installation and maintenance Department deals with

all maintenance tasks and reliability jobs that take place on board vessels which includes

ensuring that equipment’s and equipment owners adhere to the use of the various machines and

ensures that the machines are functioning rightly. They are also tasked with providing power

needs, distribution of energy within the vessels and other resources required for the day to day

functioning of the technical needs of the vessels. Some of this activity localized are;

Maintenance of power distribution, Maintenance and inspection of functional parts of

equipment’s such as switch gears, cable seller, electrical motor, lighting all around the vessels,

maintenance of Transformers, water distribution lines etc. and certification of tools and

equipment electrically powered to be used around the entire vessel. The department again deals

mainly on installations of electronic and electrical equipment of the vessels like Antennas, signal

lights, navigational lights, and circuit breakers of both the HT and LT switch gears. I got me

exposed to some basic installation, maintenance, its importance and mechanism of the equipment

related to such operation.




AIM: Performing antenna installation on vessels and regular maintenance checks on the antenna

and other already installed antennas on other vessels.

THEORY: An Antenna is a transducer, which converts electrical power into electromagnetic

waves and vice versa. An Antenna can be used either as a transmitting antenna or a receiving

antenna. Transmitting antenna is one, which converts electrical signals into electromagnetic

waves and radiates them. A receiving antenna is one, which converts electromagnetic waves

from the received beam into electrical signals. In two-way communication, the same antenna

can be used for both transmission and reception. The antennas used on board shipping vessels

are both transmitting and receiving to enable communication to and from vessels i.e ship to

ship,or ship to shore/control mast. Antenna can also be termed as an Aerial. Plural of it

is, antennae or antennas. Now a days, antennas have undergone many changes, in accordance

with their size and shape. There are many types of antennas depending upon their wide variety

of applications[1] .

In the field of communication systems, whenever the need for wireless communication arises,

there occurs the necessity of an antenna. Antenna has the capability of sending or receiving the

electromagnetic waves for the sake of communication, where you cannot expect to lay down a

wiring system.

In order to contact a remote area, the wiring has to be laid down throughout the whole route

along the valleys, the mountains, the tedious paths, the tunnels etc., to reach the remote location.

The evolution of wireless technology has made this whole process very simple. Antenna is the

key element of this wireless technology.


Supplied Parts: 1 Antenna assembly 1 1”-14 thread adapter 1 Rubber O-ring 1 Coupling nut

Tools required: Screwdriver, drill, drill bits sized according to the cable you are using, wrench

Other tools or supplies that are appropriate for specific application may also be needed.

Required materials: 1 Length of coaxial cable 1 Male “N” connector appropriate to the size

coax you are using 1 Connector for connection to your VHF transceiver U-bolts, stainless steel

strapping and appropriate hardware, for mounting the antenna to a mast.

Mounting the antenna to a deck , using a marine mount .

This antenna can be mounted self supporting only if you are using the recommended

Shakespeare Style 4187-HD stainless steel ratchet mount (sold separately). Use the 1”-14 thread

adapter (supplied) to attach the antenna to the mount. The slot in the side of the thread adapter

will accommodate up to RG-213 size coax cable. Assemble the antenna to the mount as follows:

1. Bolt the mount to the deck or bulkhead according to the directions included with the mount

you choose. Be sure to heed any cautions, included with the antenna mount, regarding drilling

fiberglass surfaces.

2. Thread the 1”-14 thread adapter onto the mount and hand tighten.

3. Feed the coax through the slot in the side of the thread adapter or through the bottom and

through the hole in your antenna mount, if one is provided.

4. Install an “N” connector (sold separately) for the size coax that you have chosen, according to

the instructions packed with the connector.

5. Attach the “N” connector to the base of the antenna and tighten securely.

6. Place the rubber O-ring in the groove on the antenna ferrule.

7. Seat the antenna ferrule on top of the 1”-14 thread adapter and tighten the coupling ring

securely. The adapter has special facets to prevent the antenna from rotating once the coupling

ring has been tightened.

Completing the installation

1. Route the coaxial cable to your VHF transceiver, keeping it as far as possible from other

electrical equipment and cables.

2. Install a connector that is appropriate for your size coax and your radio’s antenna connection.

Mounting the antenna to a mast

1. Feed the coax through the slot in the side of the thread adapter or through its bottom.

2. Install an “N” connector (sold separately) for the size coax that you have chosen,

according to the instructions packed with the connector.


3. Attach the “N” connector to the base of the antenna and tighten securely.

4. Strap the thread adapter to the mast using stainless steel U-bolts, a mast mounting device, or

strapping and

appropriate hardware (not supplied).

5. Place the rubber O-ring in the groove on the antenna ferrule.

6. Seat the antenna ferrule on top of the thread adapter and tighten the coupling ring securely.

The adapter has

special facets to prevent the antenna from rotating once the coupling ring has been tightened.


 Isolated problems noted with receptionor transmission in the vessel. Direct

comparison between two radios can be

 Loose or missing connectors—Overtime, temperature variations, shock, vibration,

exposure to the elements, and handling can cause connections and connector flanges to

become loose or missing altogether. Rubber O-ring grommet seals may deteriorate,

allowing moisture to penetrate into connectors or the transmission line, altering their


 Cracked or broken whip antenna base loading coils—Cracks in the plastic housing of

vehicular antenna base loading coils can permit moisture and corrosive materials to

penetrate into the loading coil, altering the antenna’s electrical performance. Weathering

of rubber grommet O-ring seals (where the loading coil is affixed to the roof or trunk

deck of the vehicle) may similarly permit moisture and corrosive materials to penetrate

into the connector between the loading coil and its attachment to the coaxial cable

connector, altering the antenna’s electrical performance.

 The site technician will often have an array of RF test equipment at his or her disposal.

A VSWR meter gives an indication of how well RF energy is coupled from the VHF radio

system into the antenna.

A time-domain reflectometer can determine where faults or other discontinuities exist along the

length of a transmission line. Portable field strength meters can give an indication as to whether

the antenna radiates electromagnetic energy as expected.

 Physical inspection for salt residue from sea water and cleaning of antenna.




RADAR stands for RAdio Detecting And Ranging and as indicated by the name, it is based on

the use of radio waves .The marine radar works on the basic principle of electromagnetic waves.

The radar antenna sends the high-speed electromagnetic waves to establish the location, which is

the distance, the velocity and the direction the wave travelled along with the altitude of the

object, moving or stationary [2]. A radio wave is transmitted and received back by the scanner.

The time is calculated between transmission and receiving back this wave. The speed of the radio

wave is known and thus the receiver unit calculates the distance of the target. After processing, it

displays this information on the display screen. The rotating scanner also calculates the bearing

of the target and displays on the radar screen.

Components Of The Radar

Radars in their basic form have four main components:

 A transmitter, which creates the energy pulse.

 A transmit/receive switch that tells the antenna when to transmit and when to receive

the pulses.

 An antenna to send these pulses out into the atmosphere and receive the reflected pulse


 A receiver, which detects, amplifies and transforms the received signals into video



Radar Setup Operations

1. Visually make sure that the scanner is clear.

2. Set the four critical adjustment controls – Gain, Brilliance, Anti clutter & Anti rain clutter

(differentiator) to off or minimum.

3. Set the main function switch (Off/Standby/Transmit) to standby.The radar ste will then begin to

warm up.

4. Set range selector switch to desired range scale.

5. Set pulse length(PL) selector switch to desired position(Short pulse for normal use).

6. Ensure that EBL, ERBL,VRM and Range rings are all off by turning down their respective


7. Set the presentation mode switch to RM stabilize mode.

8. Ajust panel lights to the desired intensity.

9. When the set has warmed up,set the main function switch to transmit.

10. Increase the brilliance until the rotating trace becomes visible.

11. Ensure that the electronic centre coincides with the generic centre of display.

12. Check that the heading marker is properly aligned.

13. Gradually increase gain until the receiver noise is just visible as a specified background.

14. Test the efficiency of the set.

15. Adjust the controls as necessary.


Checking Radar performance

1. Press the performance monitor button.

2. Plume will appear.

3. Measure the plume and compare it with the maker's reading at the time of radar installation.

4. Note down the plume difference, EBL and visual bearing difference, radar status in radar log


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AIM . To learn in details BNWAS(Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm system) operation and also

perform operations.

THEORY. The BNWAS 150 system is designed for use on a vessel’s navigation bridge. The

remote alarm sounders cover key locations such as the officer cabins, mess area and ship’s

office. Reset devices can be used on the bridge wings. The display control and monitoring

equipment is to be installed in protected areas inside the bridge. Hardware consisting of Control

display panel, interface unit, physical and sensory reset devices, alarm sounders and beacons.

The BNWAS consists of key functions which includes[3];

Dormant Time ;This function is adjustable between 3-12 minutes in 1 minute increments only

whilst in SETUP mode; Remote Resets BNWAS has a reset mechanism which can be activated

by a combination of reset pushbuttons and PIR motion detection sensors.

Fail Alerts; BNWAS has alert messages for Tamper, Power and Battery. Tamper alert is also

audible by means of an on-board buzzer within the display control unit.

Emergency Call and Cabin Call; BNWAS has an Officer call configurable in up to 5 officer

cabins within the menu.

Power supply BNWAS; is powered by two separate 24 Volt supplies (main and backup) which

will automatically switch to the backup supply in the event of a main supply failure. This will

raise an alarm.

Inputs from Valid Reset Devices & System Alarms; BNWAS provides additional Digital

Inputs to accept signals from other devices and transfer alarms. An external equipment in alarm

will send a digital input to the BNWAS and the source will be shown on LCD display. These

might include RADAR or ECDIS.


1. The watch officer in the wheelhouse has to press the button on Timer Reset Panel or operate

interfaced equipment at certain intervals. ( Dormant period of 3-12 min.)

2. If the watch officer does not press the button on Timer Reset Panel or operate interfaced

equipment, the Main Alarm Panel, the Timer Reset Panel and the Flash Beacon (optional)

generate the visual alarm in 15 seconds. (Pre-warning)

3. If the visual alarm is not acknowledged in the pre-warning period, the Main Alarm Panel and

the Timer Reset Panel generate the audible alarms as well as visual alarm in 15 seconds. (1st


4. If the officer doesn't respond to the alarm in the 1st Stage, the BR-500 transmits the alarm to

the selected Cabin Panels in the selected back-up officer's and/or the captain's room as well as

the cabin panels in public rooms. (2nd Stage)

5. If the alarm is not acknowledged within the pre-set time, the system transmits the alarm to all

Cabin Panels. (3rd Stage)

6. The buzzer stops when the officer presses the [RESET] button. The Main Alarm Panel will

reset the timer and return to the dormant period, when the alarm is acknowledged by the watch




Simply put, electronic navigation is a form of piloting. Piloting is the branch of navigation in

which a ship’s position is determined by referring to land marks with known positions on the

earth. These reference points may be bearing and distance to a single object, cross bearings on

two or more objects, or two bearings on the same object with a time interval in between. Position

in electronic navigation is determined in practically the same way as piloting, though there is

one important difference landmarks from which the ship’s position is determined do not have to

be visible from the ship. Instead, their bearings and ranges are obtained by electronic means[4].

The advantages of electronic navigation are obvious. A ship’s position maybe fixed

electronically in fog or heavy weather that makes it impossible to take visual fixes. Also, an

electronic fix can be based on stations far beyond the range of any local bad weather. Some

examples are;

1. Long Range Aid to Navigation (LORAN)

LORAN is a long-distance radio navigation system used by ships at sea to obtain a position fix,

The system is based on the difference in the transit time required for pulsed radio signals to

arrive at the LORAN receiver from multiple, synchronized, Omni directional ashore transmitters

LORAN also takes advantage of the constant velocity of radio signals to use the time lapse

between the arrival of two signals to measure the differences in distance from the transmitting

stations to the point of reception. The receiving set provides a direct reading, in microseconds, of

the time difference in the arrival of the signals.

2. VLF Radio Navigation (OMEGA) OMEGA is a hyperbolic phase-difference measurement

system. Hyperbolic navigation involves comparing the phase angles of two or more radio signals

that are synchronized to a common time base. By moving the OMEGA receiver (by ship’s

movement) and keeping the transmitter stations on frequency with a constant difference in time

and phase, the system can measure the relative phase relationship between two stations to

determine a line of position (LOP) for the ship. The relative phase angle measured between

paired transmitting stations depends upon the distance of the receiver from each transmitter

3. Ship’s Inertial Navigation System (SINS)

The Ship’s Inertial Navigation System (SINS) is a navigation system that (after initial latitude,

longitude, heading, and orientation conditions are set into the system) continuously computes the

latitude and longitude of the ship by sensing acceleration. This is in contrast to OMEGA and

LORAN, which fix the ship’s position by measuring position relative to some known object.

SINS is a highly accurate and sophisticated dead reckoning device.

4. Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS)


Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated tracking system that displays other

vessels in the vicinity. It is a broadcast transponder system which operates in the VHF mobile

maritime band. Your own ship also shows on the screens of other vessels in the vicinity,

provided your vessel is fitted with AIS. AIS works via a combination of GPS , VHF radio, and

an AIS transponder. The transponder broadcasts a ship's information, such as speed and heading

(information gathered by GPS, of course), the ship's name, port of origin, size and draft, and

more, over VHF frequencies 161.975 megahertz and 162.025 MHz. AIS transmits, automatically

and at set intervals, dynamic information relating to the ship's course, speed and heading; static

information related to the ship's name, length, breadth; and voyage-related details such as cargo

information and navigational status (e.g. underway or at anchor)[5].

AIS is intended to assist the vessel's watch standing officers and allow maritime authorities to

track and monitor vessel movements. It works by integrating a standardized VHF transceiver

system with an electronic navigation system.AIS is used in navigation primarily for collision


AIS Classification:

There are 2 types of AIS classes used by ships, Class-A and Class-B.


This class is used by commercial ships and they operate on 12 watts while transmitting their

information typically every 2 to 12 seconds (depending on speed or if at anchor) with a range of

20 miles or more if the right antenna is fitted high enough.


This class is used mainly by leisure boaters and operates at a lower 2 watts, broadcasting less

frequently (roughly 30 seconds) and has a range of 5 to 6 miles.

* Transmit range only. Receiving range will vary.

AIS transponders typically transmit the following information:

• Vessel name, MMSI number and call sign

• Type of vessel (such as passenger, cargo, fishing)

• Vessel’s position (current latitude and longitude)

• Course over ground (COG)

• Speed over ground (SOG)

• Heading from your vessel

• Closest point of approach (CPA) (distance)

• Time to closest point of approach (TCPA)

• Vessels’ dimensions (length, beam and draught)





3.1 Relationship between Internship activities and University Courses

At the end of my 6 months internship, I was able to experience an intense working environment

and I was able to also relate the course works done in the past 4 years to the kind of activities and

tasks undertaken during my internship. It was easier to understand a lot of courses better and I

had a good hand on things around the practical side of these courses on an industrial use level. A

few of the core courses that was very relevant in my training were;

i. Electronic Fields and Waves II (ECE 332).

ii. Electronic Measurement (ECE 361).

iii. Data Communication & Networking Fundamentals (ECE 443).

iv. Electric power systems (EEE 331)

3.2 Industrial and Personal Challenges

I did not face much industrial training, though special arrangements had to be made for me to

work in the areas and department relevant to my course of study despite the vast nature of the

agency, I was sincerely grateful for the efforts of my industry based supervisor Engr. Ikenna

Osia in granting me access to relevant areas and materials. A minute challenge was that I was

denied access to board some vessels, sometimes due to Covid-19 restrictions, or my

qualification, and outstanding training required for some special vessels.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, I still had to go to work on board after a series of tests ,where I

worked with my industry-based supervisor, this was an unsafe exposure to me since I mostly

closed from work late and the challenge of getting a means to return home when I disembarked

from the vessel was indeed a big problem.





The SIWES program has proven beyond reasonable doubts to be a program that is worth its

purpose for every individual passing through the higher education, giving room for

undergraduates to gain adequate experience needed to cope with life after school. The SIWES

program has given me the opportunity to be exposed to the practical aspect of my field of study

which is the Electronics Engineering and Engineering in entirety.

The training has been very much intriguing and I can say that I have gotten some passive skills

set that can be used in the future to help me in the aspect of communication systems and control

systems and measurement and instrumentation. This program has stimulated more interest in my

choice course of study and has also made the lecture room situation more realistic as I have

been given the opportunity to work with professionals in this field and other fields too.

Finally, I acquired so much knowledge both in practice and theoretically which has broadened

and sharpened my knowledge acquired from the university.


I would recommend that students in the university should be given opportunity to embark on

various exposure schemes like excursion and training programs to relevant industries and

establishment that is related to their field of study and further more students should be given a

platform that enables them interrelate with other students in various institutions to aid

knowledge sharing. In turn, it will be an art of building the individuals in practical terms some

skills set that can make them function effectively in their various career.









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