3 Physiology 5English_sem_4-rtf
3 Physiology 5English_sem_4-rtf
3 Physiology 5English_sem_4-rtf
B. 1,8
C. * 0,8
D. 3.3
E. 4.5
15. The greatest amount of air a person can exhale after maximum inhalation depth is called:
A. * Life capacity of lungs
B. General capacity of lungs
C. Functional remaining capacity
D. Reserve volume of exhalation
E. Oxygen capacity of lungs.
16. The man made the most deep breath. What is the volume of air in the lungs present?
A. * Residual volume.
B. Inspiratory capacity
C. Functional remaining capacity of lungs.
D. Reserve volume of exhalation
E. Alveolar volume.
17. After operation on abdominal cavity a patient has to rest in horizontal position. In this condition
inspiration of lungs on 80 % is realized with a help of:
A. * Diaphragm.
B. Internal intercostal muscles
C. External intercostal muscles
D. Big and small pectoral muscles
E. Muscles of the abdomen
18. The man had a calm exhalation. What is the volume of air that remains in the lungs:
A. * Functional residual capacity of lungs.
B. Remaining volume.
C. Reserve volume of exhalation
D. Respiratory volume
E. Life capacity of lungs.
19. During the experiment on a dog, doctors defined ventilation-perfusion coefficient at rest (alveolar
ventilation/pulmonary blood flow). What value of it is normal?
A. * 0,8.
B. 0,1
C. 0,3
D. 1,0
E. 1,5
20. A patient has a high body temperature. How will the curve of dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin
A. * To the right, downwards
B. To the left
C. Downwards, to the left
D. Upwards.
E. Will not change
21. pH level of patient’s blood equals to 7,5. Partial pressure of CO2 equals 35 mm of mercury column.
What conditions such changes may lead to:
A. Acidosis.
B. Hypoxia.
C. Hypocapnia.
D. * Alcalosis.
E. Hypoxemia
22. Increasing of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate is observed in patients blood. How will the curve of
oxyhaemoglobin dissociation change?
A. * To the right downwards.
B. To the left.
C. Upwards.
D. Downwards to the left.
E. will not change.
23. An examination of 72-year-old patient with lung disease found that pressure of CO2 in arterial blood
is 48 mm. mercury column, but pH 7.3. What conditions can lead to such changes?
A. * Acidosis.
B. Hypocapnia.
C. Alcalosis.
D. Hypoxia
E. Hypoxemia.
24. How will the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve change if the level of 2,3 - dyphosphoglycerate
A. Downwards.
B. Upwards.
C. * To the right.
D. To the left.
E. Will not change.
25. Blood that returnes from lungs contains a bit less O2, than in ideal condition. The reason of this can
A. * Presence of arterio-venal shunts in lung tissue.
B. Absence of arterio-venal shunts in lung tissue.
C. Increased velocity of blood flow.
D. Decreased velocity of blood flow.
E. Increased partial pressure of CO2 in blood.
26. During deep-water work the damage has occurred and appeared a need of the urgent rescue of the
diver. He was quickly raised on ship surface. Soon, the condition of his health began to grow worse.
What became the reason of this deterioration?
A. * Embolism of vessels with nitrogen bubles.
B. Embolism with carbonic acid.
C. Embolism with oxygen.
D. Hypoxemia.
E. Hypercapnia.
27. In the experiment, the irritation of pneumotaxic center in pons causes:
A. * Limits duration of inhalation.
B. Prolonged inhalation
C. Prolonged exhalation.
D. Limits exhalation.
E. Don’t cause changes.
28. During a work injury a worker experienced the intensive clench of thorax. The irritation of what
receptors caused the inclusion of inhalation?
A. Irritative receptors.
B. Juxtamedular receptors.
C. * Receptors of respiratory muscles.
D. Receptors of superior respiratory tracts.
E. Receptors of pleura.
29. Workers, that produce a powder, have a cough reflex increased. It is conditioned by excitation of:
A. * Irritative receptors
B. Yuxtacapillar receptors.
C. Chemoreceptors of lungs
D. Thermoreceptors of lungs
E. Pain receptors of pleura.
30. In the experiment on a dog the influence of different humoral factors on stimulation of respiratory
center was observed. What indexes of blood are these receptors most sensitive to?
A. * Pressure of CO2
B. Concentration of N+.
C. Tension of O2
D. Concentration of N2.
E. Concentration of CO
31. A level of O2, CO2, pH of blood changes during the physical activity. The most effective irritant of
chemoreceptors of carotid sinus which increases ventilation of lungs, is:
A. * Low level of O2 in blood.
B. Low level of CO2 in blood
C. Increased tension of O2 in blood
D. Accumulation of lactate in blood
E. Increase of pH level of blood
32. Usually people which went out from the warm apartment on cold air get a cough. The irritation by
cold air of what receptors starts cough reflex?
A. * Irritative.
B. Central chemoreceptors.
C. Chemoreceptors of arcus of aorta.
D. J-Receptors of alveoli.
E. Mechanoreceptors of lungs.
33. In the experiment the sensitiveness of central chemoreceptors that are situated in a medulla oblongata
was studied. A leading factor of the irritation of these receptors is:
A. * Increase of concentration of H+
B. Decrease of concentration of H+.
C. Decrease of O2 tension.
D. Rise of CO2 tension.
E. Increase of O2 tension.
34. In the experiment on a dog the dissection of cerebral column was conducted, with next separation of
pons from a medulla oblongata. How will breathing of an animal change?
A. frequency of respiratory motions increased
B. Inspiration was more protracted, exhalation was shorter
C. Inspiration was shorter, exhalation was more protracted
D. * Frequency of respiratory motions went down
E. Inspiration and exhalation was same
35. In the experiment with the purpose of bronchial tubes smooth muscle relaxation, researchers applied
different methods. Which from below will be the most effective?
A. Breathing clean oxygen.
B. Influence of evaporated bases
C. Stimulation of sympathic nervous system.
D. Influence of acetylcholine.
E. * Influence of blood catecholamines.
36. While smocking a tobacco people usually get a cough. The irritation of what receptors starts this
A. * Irritative receptors.
B. Central chemoreceptors.
C. Chemoreceptors of arcus of aorta.
D. Receptors of alveoli.
E. Mehanoreceptors of lungs
37. At a patient after the trauma of cerebrum an apneisic violation of breathing appeared. Where is
possible localization of damage sittuated?
A. * In the area of pons.
B. In a middle brain.
C. In hypothalamus.
D. In the limbic system.
E. In a motive cortex
38. In the experiment, scientists entered solutions of biologically active matters in the pulmonary circle
of blood circulation of a dog. Irritation of what receptors it leads to?
A. Receptors of elongation.
B. Irritative receptors.
C. Receptors of arcus of aorta.
D. Receptors of carotid areas.
E. * Juxtamedular receptors.
39. During the experiment on the dog, central chemoreceptors were stimulated. How did the breathing
A. Increased inhalation, exhalation decreased.
B. Decreased inhalation, exhalation increased.
C. * Increased inhalation and exhalation.
D. Inhalation and exhalation decreased
E. Changes in breathing were not observed
40. At research of excitability of neurons of respiratory center activity of I-neurons was registered.
What phase of respiratory cycle is excitability of these neurons maximal in?
A. * inhalation.
B. exhalation.
C. delay of breathing on inhalation.
D. delay of breathing on exhalation.
E. In a respiratory pause.
41. After the protracted delay of breathing at a patient, the tension of O2 in arterial blood went down to
60 mm. f mercury column (8,0 klPa). How will the respiratory system react on such change?
A. * hyperventilation.
B. hypoventilation.
C. hyperoxygenation of tissues.
D. hyperoxygenation.
E. hypercapnia.
42. The inspected breathed a gas mixture which contained 6,5 % of CO2 and 93,5 % of O2. How did
breathing change?
A. * ventilation increased.
B. ventilation decreased.
C. breathing stopped.
D. Violation of breathing occurred.
E. Breathing did not change
43. While breathing a gas mixture,that contains lower O2 concentration at normal level of CO2 scientists
determined the reaction on hypoxia in a norm:
A. * Sensitiveness to the decline of P O2 is lower, than to the increase of P CO2
B. Sensitiveness to the decline of P O2 is higher, than to the increase of P CO2
C. Sensitiveness to the rise of P O2 is higher, than to the decline of P CO2.
D. sensitiveness to the rise of P O2 is lower, than to the decline of P CO2.
E. Sensitiveness to the rise of P O2 and P CO2 are same
44. While getting ready for a start a runner must increase concentration of O2 in muscles. How is it
possible to do?
A. * Breathe in the mode of hyperventilation
B. breathe in the mode of hypoventilation
C. Do rapid inhalation and slow exhalation.
D. To breath clean oxygen.
E. Drink 50 ml 20 % glucose
45. As a result of the physical work the oxygen capacity of blood at a man was multiplied from 180 to
200 ml/l. The principal reason of this is that at the physical work increases:
A. * Content of haemoglobin in blood
B. Diffusive ability of lungs
C. Content of oxygen in alveoli.
D. Cognation of haemoglobin to oxygen
E. Minute volume of breathing.
46. During the rapid rise of diver the gas embolism develops. What lies in the basis of such effect?
A. * Presence of plenty of nitrogen in tissues and blood.
B. Presence of a plenty of oxygen in tissues and blood
C. Presence of plenty of carbon dioxide in tissues and blood.
D. By a presence of a plenty of products of metabolism in tissues and blood.
E. Presence of a small of oxygen in tissues and blood
47. Two examined defined time delay. One of them had hyperventilation of lungs, and second - didn’t,
Time to first breath was longer. Why:
A. Increasing pressure O2 reduced excitability of the respiratory center
B. Increase pressure CO2 reduced excitability of the respiratory center
C. * A voltage reduction of CO2 reduced the excitability of the respiratory center
D. A voltage reduction of CO2 increases the excitability of the respiratory center
E. A voltage reduction O2 increases the excitability of the respiratory center
48. At an alpinist on height of 6000 meters during rest a change in breathing motions occurred: deep
breathing changed to delayed inhalations, and reverse. The reason of this was:
A. Decrease of partial pressure of CO2 in air.
B. Increase of partial pressure of CO2 in air.
C. * Decrease of partial pressure of O2 in air
62. A patient complains about a general weakness and bleeding of gums. Insufficiency of what vitamin
can be the reason of such state?
A. * Vitamin C.
B. Vitamin A.
C. Vitamin E.
D. Vitamin B1.
E. Vitamin D.
63. In the organism of patient the decrease of synthesis of collagen and processes of bone tissue
calcification are exposed. Content of gialuronic acid is increased, and level of chondroitinsulfates is
lowered. The deficit of what vitamin causes these changes?
A. Vitamin A.
B. Vitamin D.
C. * Vitamin P.
D. Vitamin C.
E. Vitamin B1.
64. A patient appealed to the doctor with complaints about a general weakness, rapid fatigue ability,
unpleasant feeling in the oral cavity. At examination of oral cavity: tongue is smooth, raspberry color,
mucus pale. In the blood test: E - 2,3 · 1012/l, Hb - 80g/l, CI - 1,2. Megaloblasts, megalocites. What
avitaminosis such violation of erythropoesis takes place at?
A. * B1.
B. B12.
C. A.
D. B6.
E. C.
65. During animal acclimatization to the low temperatures of environment the increase of heat formation
in an organism is marked. What processes are linked with such increase of heat formation?
A. * Contractive and uncontractive thermogenesis.
B. Protein and carbohydrate thermogenesis.
C. Hepatic anaerobic thermogenesis.
D. Changes of smooth muscles activity.
E. Fat and protein thermogenesis.
66. A foreigner from a south country arrived to study to the country of north Europe. During the first
months of stay in a new climatic environment he felt cold even at a sunny weather which local
habitants considered warm. What physiology features of organism stipulated such reaction?
A. Movement in other climatic belt caused the adaptation changes.
B. Vegetative tonus differs at the habitants of warm countries.
C. * The borders of reactivity of thermoreceptors differ at the habitants of warm countries.
D. Such changes are caused by an emotional reaction on a movement.
E. The biorhythms of physical activity differ at the habitants of warm countries.
67. At the examination of a patient, disproportionate growth of the skeleton is marked, also enlargement
of suprapalpebral arcs, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, feet. Indicate the most credible reason of
development of these violations.
A. * Increased level of somatotropic hormone.
B. Decreased concentration of insulin.
C. Increase of concentrations of glucagone.
D. Increase of catecholamines level.
E. Increased level of tyroxin.
68. The state of thermal comfort depends on a temperature and humidity of surrounding air. What
combination the violation of heat emission and overheat of organism is caused at?
A. High temperature and low humidity
B. Low temperature and low humidity
C. * High temperature and high humidity.
D. Low temperature and low humidity.
E. All variants are correct.
69. How does the temperature of nucleus and shell change during the physical work?
A. * Nucleus - rises, shell - goes down.
B. Nucleus - goes down, shells - rises.
C. Nucleus - rises, shell - rises.
D. Nucleus - rises, shell - does not change.
E. Nucleus - does not change, shell - rises.
70. A child at the age of 6 months experienced the fast supercooling. What processes above all things
will provide constancy of temperature of organism of child?
A. Dillatation of skin vessels.
B. Contraction of skeletal muscles
C. Tremor thermogenesis.
D. * Oxidization of brown fat.
E. Increase of metabolism in liver.
71. At the change of temperature on 10°C intensity of exchange of matters:
A. Changes in 10 times.
B. * Changes in 2-4 times.
C. Changes in 3 times
D. Changes in 5 times.
E. Doesn’t change.
72. At a patient the violation of thermoregulation occurred after a stroke (high temperature, chill). What
structures of cerebrum were damaged?
A. Pons
B. Cerebellum.
C. Nucleus rubrum
D. thalamus.
E. * Hypothalamus.
73. At children one of methods of defence from supercooling is thermogenesis. What nerves stimulate it?
A. Parasympathic.
B. Somatic efferent.
C. * Sympathic adrenergic.
D. Sympathic cholinergic.
E. Somatic afferent
74. In the experiment on a dog the excitability of thermoregulatory centers was researched. How will
their activity change after action of cold on the organism of dog?
A. * Will increase in the center of heatproduction.
B. Will increase in the center of heat emission.
C. Will decrease in the center of contractive thermogenesis.
D. Will increase in the centers of retractive thermogenesis.
E. Will decrease in the centers of uncontractive thermogenesis.
75. At intensive perspiration, NaCl is lost greatly. Which from the named hormones is instrumental in
saving of these important ions in an organism?
A. * Aldosteron.
B. Vasopressin.
C. Parathyroidine.
D. Cortisone.
E. Adrenalin.
76. At the laboratory inspection of 54 year old man it was set, that his clearens is 120 ml/min. Clearens
testifies to:
A. Speed of canal reabsorbtion.
B. * Speed of glomerular filtration
C. Speed of canal secretion.
D. Speed of canal filtration.
E. Speed glomerular reabsorbtion.
77. In the experiment the processes of energy formation in the epithelium of kidney canals were blocked,
as a result diuresis was multiplied in 4 times. The most probable reason of poliuria is decrease of:
A. Speed of glomerular filtration.
B. Secretion of potassium ions.
C. * Reabsorbtion of sodium ions.
D. Reabsorbtion of glucose.
E. Secretion of urea.
78. The decrease of synthesis of vasopressin is discovered at a patient. It results in poliuria and, as a
result, to dehydratation of organism. Which from written is the most probable mechanism of poliuria?
D. 1000 ml
E. 500 ml
82. During respiration, what is the additional amount of air that can be exhaled from the lungs during an
extra deep exhalation called? This volume is usually around 1,400 ml.
A. * expiratory reserve volume
B. inspiratory reserve volume
C. residual volume
D. vital capacity
E. tidal volume
83. Students for a long time remained in a bad conditioned room. Change of what blood index effects the
peripheral chemoreceptors of carotid sinus?
A. * Decrease of oxygen tension in blood.
B. Increase of oxygen tension in blood.
C. Decrease of CO2 tension in blood.
D. Increase of the diffusive ability of lungs.
E. Decrease of concentration of hydrogen ions in blood.
84. The functional state of human organism is supported due to the exchange of matters and energy with
an environment. What nutritives must be consumed by a man for addition of the power consumption?
A. * M -cholinoreceptors
B. N -cholinoreceptors
C. alfa -adrenoreceptors
D. beta -adrenoreceptors
E. alfa - and beta - adrenoreceptors
96. A 35 year old man got an injury that caused complete disruption of spinal cord at the level of the first
cervical segment. What respiration changes will be observed?
A. * It will come to a standstill
B. No changes will be observed
C. Diaphragmal respiration will be maintained, thoracic respiration will disappear
D. Thoracic respiration will be maintained, diaphragmal respiration will disappear
E. It will become infrequent and deep
97. While determining power inputs of a patient’s organism it was established that the respiratory
coefficient equaled 1,0. This means that in the cells of the patient the following substances are mainly
A. * Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Fats
D. Proteins and carbohydrates
E. Carbohydrates and fats
98. When measuring power inputs of a man by the method of indirect calori-metry the following results
were obtained: 1000 ml oxygen consumption and 800 ml carbon dioxide liberation per minute. The
man under examination has the following respiratory coefficient:
A. * 0,8
B. 1,25
C. 0,9
D. 0,84
E. 1,0
99. When measuring power inputs of a man by the method of indirect calori-metry the following results
were obtained: 1000 ml oxygen consumption and 800 ml carbon dioxide liberation per minute. The
man under examination has the following respiratory coefficient:
A. * 0,8
B. 1,25
C. 0,9
D. 0,84
E. 1,0
100. While determining power inputs of a patient’s organism it was established that the respiratory
coefficient equaled 1,0. This means that in the cells of the patient the following substances are mainly
A. * Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Fats
D. Proteins and carbohydrates
E. Carbohydrates and fats
101. When measuring power inputs of a man by the method of indirect calori-metry the following results
were obtained: 1000 ml oxygen consumption and 800 ml carbon dioxide liberation per minute. The
man under examination has the following respiratory coefficient:
A. * 0,8
B. 1,25
C. 0,9
D. 0,84
E. 1,0
102. There is an inhibited coagulation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to the low
level of absorbti-on of a vitamin. What vitamin is in defici-ency?
A. * К
B. А
C. D
D. Е
E. Carotene
103. A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which resultsed in hemorrhagic syndrome. What
is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child?
A. * Vitamin K deficiency
B. Activation of tissue thromboplastin
C. PP hypovitaminosis
D. Fibrinogen deficiency
E. Hypocalcemia
104. Removal of gallbladder of a patient has disturbed processes of Ca absorption through the intestinal
wall. What vitamin will stimulate this process?
A. * D3
C. C
D. B12
E. K
105. As a result of posttranslative modifications some proteins taking part in blood coagulation,
particularly prothrombin, become capable of calcium binding. The following vitamin takes part in
this process:
A. * K
B. C
C. A
D. B1
E. B2
106. Examination of a patient with frequent haemorrhages from the internal organs and mucous
membranes revealed proline and lysine within the collagen fibers. Di-sorder of their hydroxylation is
caused by lack of the following vitamin:
A. * Vitamin C
B. Vitamin K
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin B1
E. Vitamin E
107. In patients with the biliary tract obstruction the blood coagulation is inhibited; the patients have
frequent haemorrhages caused by the subnormal assimilation of the following vitamin:
A. * K
B. A
C. D
D. E
E. C
108. A lightly dressed man is standing in a room, air temperature is +140C, windows and doors are closed.
In what way does he emit heat the most actively?
A. * Heat radiation
B. Heat conduction
C. Convection
D. Evaporation
E. Perspiration
109. Inhabitants of territories with cold climate have high content of an adaptive thermoregulatory
hormone. What hormone is meant?
A. * Thyroxin
B. Insulin
C. Glucagon
D. Somatotropin
E. Cortisol
110. A human body cools in water much faster that in the air. What way of heat emission in water is much
more efficient?
A. * Heat conduction
B. Convection
C. Heat radiation
D. Sweat evaporation
E. Shivering
111. Workers of a hothouse farm work under conditions of unfavourable microclimate: air temperature is
+37oC, relative humidity is 90%, air speed is 0,2 m/s. The way of heat emission under these
conditions will be:
A. * Evaporation
B. Heat conduction
C. Convection
D. Radiation
E. Convection
112. Vagi of an experimental animal were cut on both sides. What respiration changes will be observed?
A. * It will become deep and infrequent
B. It will become shallow and frequent
C. It will become deep and frequent
D. It will become shallow and infrequent
E. No changes will be observed
113. A patient has a transversal laceration in the spinal cord. What respiratory changes will result from
A. * Respiration will present no significant changes
B. Respiration will stop
C. Respiration will become less frequent
D. Respiration will become deeper
E. Respiration will become more frequent
114. A patient was admitted to the hospital with an asphyxia attack provoked by a spasm of smooth
muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in the following parts
of the airways:
A. * Small bronchi
B. Median bronchi
C. Large bronchi
D. Terminal bronchioles
E. Respiratory part
115. Cooling of the human body in water is much more faster than in the air. What way of heat emission
in water is much more effective?
A. * Heat conduction
B. Convection
C. Heat radiation
D. Sweat evaporation
E. Shivering
116. Which way of heat emission by the bodies of greenhouse workers is the most effective at the
temperature of 36oC degrees and relative humidity of 70%?
A. * Liquid evaporation
B. Thermal conduction
C. Heat radiation
D. Convection
E. Shivering
117. Thermometry revealed that the temperature of the exposed skin is by 1-1,5o lower than the
temperature of the adjacent areas covered with clothing from natural fabrics. The reason for this is
that the clothes reduce the heat loss through:
A. * Convection
B. Radiation
C. Conduction
D. Evaporation
E. Shivering
118. A 35-year-old man has a vital capacity (Vc) of 5 L, a tidal volume (Vt) of 0.5 L, an inspiratory
capacity of 3.5 L, and a functional residual capacity (FRC) of 2.5 L. What is his expiratory reserve
volume (ERV)?
A. 3.6 L
B. 3.0 L
C. 2.5 L
D. 2.0 L
E. * 1.5 L
119. When a person is standing, blood flow in the lungs is:
A. equal at the apex and the base
B. highest at the apex owing to the effects of gravity on arterial pressure
C. * highest at the base because that is where the difference between arterial and venous pressure is
D. lowest at the base because that is where alveolar pressure is greater than arterial pressure
E. lowest at the base because that is where alveolar pressure is lowest than arterial pressure
120. A 49-year-old man has a pulmonary embolism that completely blocks blood flow to his left lung. As
a result, which of the following will occur?
A. Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio in the left lung will be zero
B. Systemic arterial Po2 will be elevated
C. V/Q ratio in the left lung will be lower than in the right lung
D. * Alveolar Po2 in the left lung will be approximately equal to the Po2 in inspired air
E. Alveolar Po2 in the right lung will be approximately equal to the Po2 in venous blood
121. In the hemoglobin–O2 dissociation curves shown above, the shift curve to right could be caused by
A. increased pH
128. A person with a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) defect has hypoxemia and is treated with supplemental
O2. The supplemental O2 will be most helpful if the person’s predominant V/Q defect is
A. dead space
B. shunt
C. high V/Q
D. * low V/Q
E. V/Q = 0
129. Period of acclimatization to a hot environment includes the following change in sweat?
A. * More dilute
B. More oily
C. Delayed onset
D. More volatile
E. More salty
130. The gain or loss of heat as infrared energy between two objects that are not in physical contact with
each other is called what?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. * Radiation
D. Evaporation
E. Perspiration
131. Which one of the following is the reaction of the skin of a human when the body becomes very cold?
A. * The arterioles constrict, the hair stands on end and sweat production ceases.
B. The arterioles constrict, the hair lies flat on the skin and sweating occurs.
C. The arterioles dilate, the hair stands on end and sweat production almost ceases.
D. The arterioles dilate, the hair lies flat on the skin and sweating occurs.
E. The arterioles dilate
132. Which action helps to restore correct body temperature following an increase in the temperature of
blood passing through the brain?
A. Contraction of the hair erector muscles.
B. Increased metabolic rate.
C. Reduced blood supply to the skin.
D. * Sweating.
E. Reduction of skeletal muscles
133. What happens to the sweat glands, blood vessels and temperature of an athlete’s skin after a 100
meters race?
A. Sweat glands - inactive; Blood vessels - dilated; Skin temperature - high.
B. Sweat glands - inactive; Blood vessels - constricted; Skin temperature - low.
C. Sweat glands - inactive; Blood vessels - constricted; Skin temperature - high.
D. * Sweat glands - active; Blood vessels - dilated; Skin temperature - high.
E. Sweat glands - inactive; Skin temperature – low.
134. The pulmonary veins carry oxygen- rich blood from the ___ to the ___.
A. * Lungs …left atrium
B. Left atrium …lungs
C. Lungs …right atrium
D. Lungs …left ventricle
E. Right ventricle lungs
135. The space ____ is referred to as a "potential space."
142. If a person's PCO2 remains chronically high, as in emphysema, the peripheral chemoreceptors
become insensitive to hypercapnia and pulmonary ventilation becomes stimulated by ____ rather
than by increases in blood PCO2
A. * Hypocapnia
B. Acidosis
C. hypoxic drive
D. the Hering-Breuer reflex
E. Alealosin