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Trigonometry Formulas Sign of Trigonometric Functions in Different

" cos (-0) = cos Quadrants’
sin A +
" tan (-0) =-tan 0
cos A
cosec (-0) =-cosec tan A +

+ +
sec (-0) = sec 0 cot A
sec A +

" cot (-0) =-cot cOsec A

Product to Sum Formulas

Basic Trigonometric Formulas for Class 11
" sin x sin y = [cos (x -y) -cos (x t)] cos(A + B) = cos AcosB- sin Asin B
cos (A - B) =cos A cos B + sin Asin B
cOS X Cos y =
[cos (x -y) + cos (x+ y)] " sin (A+ B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B
" sin (A - B) = sin Acos B- cos A sin B
" Sin xCoS y =
2 [sin (xty) +,sin(x- y)]
Based on the above addition formulas for sin
cos x siny= [sin (x +y)-sin (x - y)] and cos, we get the following formulas:

Sum to Product Formulas Sin = cos A

2- A

sinx + sin y= 2 sin cos

() COS
2- A
= sin A

" sin (T-A) = sin A

" sin x- sin y=2 cos sin
2 cos (T-A) =-cos A
" sin ( t A) =-sin 4
cos x + cos y=2 cos
cos (T tA) =-cos A
coS X- cos y=-2 sin sin sin (2 -A) =-sin A
cos (2T- A) =cos A
" sin A = cosA=1 If none of the angles A, B and
(4± B) is an odd
" 1+ tan A= secA multiple of ) then
" ltcotA = cosecA
" tan (A + B) = tan A tan B
1- tanAtan B
ImportantFormulae vii

tan A- tan B A+ B A-B

"sin A+ sin B= 2sin COS
" tan(4- B)= 1+ tan Atan B 2 2

Formulas for twice of the angles:

If i of the angles 4, Band (4 + B) is a
2 tan A
multip.e ofn, then s sin 24 =2sin Acos A=
1+ tanA
cot A cot B-1
B) = cot B + cot A Wcos 24 = cos A- sin A=|-2sin 4- 2cos
" cot (A
1- tanA
cot A cot B + 1 A-1=
B) = 1+ tan A
" cot (A- cot B - cot A
2tan A
for sum and prod tan 24 =
Some addiuonaB formulas 1- tan A
uct ofangles: Formulas for thrice of the angles:
(4 + B) co 4- B) =cos A- sin B=
" cos sin 3A = 3sin A 4sin A
cos B- sin'4
B) = sin A - sin B = " cos 3A = 4cos A - 3cos A
sin (4 + B) sin (4
cos'B - cos4 3tan A-tan A
" tan 34 =

Properties ofLimits
gr), exists, then,
If limits lim, f) and lim,a
Law of addition lim{f(x) +g(x)] = lim f(r) + lim g(x)

Law of Subtraction lim[f(x) - g(r)] = lim f(x)- limg(r)

Law of Multiplication lim[f(x).g(r)] = limf(r). lim g(x)

Law of division lim f(x)

where, lim g(x) 0
Ha g(r) lim g(x)

Law of Constant limc= C

Law of Root
lim, (r) = /lim, fu)
Law of Power lim f(r" = (lim f(r))"
viii Mathematics-i
Domain and range of trigonometric functions
Function Domain Range
() sine R

(i) cosine R

(iv) cosecant R- x : L , nE Z) R--1, 1]

(v) secant R--1, 1]

(vi) cotan- R-x:x=nI, nE Z} R


Limits of Trigonometric Functions Formulas

Function Limit of the Function

lim, Slnx= sin o

Here is the list of allcommon differentiation
COS X IiM, COS X F COS a formula list, every student must learn it:
tan x Iim,a tan x = tan a Basic Derivative Formula Rules:
Iimg COSec x = coseC a
sec x Iim, sec x = sec a
" Constant Rule:c)=0
cotx lim, cot x= cot a d
" Constant Multiple
Special Rules: Rule:c()=f(*)
lim -= nan-). for all real values of " Power Rule: dr
n. Sum Rule:
du'f)+ g(x) =f'(r) +g'(x)
" lim,-0 -=1 " Difference Rule:
tan 0
-=1 dx f(x)-g(x)= f'(r)- g'(r)
1- cos Product Rule:
=0 d

" liman Cos = |

dx f()g)=f(x)g'(x) +g(x)f'()
lim,oe-1 Quotient Rule:
e-1 d fx) g(x)f(r)- f()g'(x)
dx g(x)
" Chain Rule: d
dr g)]= f'lg(r))g ()
ImportantFormulae ix

Derivative Formulas of Elementary Functions d

.cot x=-cos ecx, x* nT,n eI
d (2n+1) ,n el
d: .sec x = Secx tan x, x #
dx 2
a=a.log,.a, where a> 0,a *1 -.COsecX=-c0SeC x Cot x, x# nT EI
dr dr
.logx=,x>0 Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric
dx Functions

log, e=- log, e d .sinx= E,-l<x<l1

d dx
d .cosx= ,-<x<l
dr 2yx
ofTrigonometric Func dx
Derivative Formulas
d .tan r . 1
tions dx 1+x
d .Sinx=coSx d .cotr 1
d 1+r?
d .COsX=- Sin x 1
d .cosec'x= F.|x|>1
dx |x|vr-1
(2n +l) , n el
.tanx = 2
Partial Fractions Formula
Form of the
Form of the Rational Fraction
S. No. Function
px+9 ,a#b
1. (x-a)(r-b)
px+9 X-a (x-a)
2 (x-a)
B C.
px + qx +r
3. (x-a) (*-b) (x-c)


A .(x-a) X-b
4. (x-a) (x-b)

A Bx +C
px*+gx +r +
x+br tc
5. (r-a) (x- br+ c)
br+ccannot be factorised further
The list of factorial values from 1to 10 are:
Factorial of a Expansion
No. Number

1 2
2. 2! 6
3x 2x1
3 3! 24

4 x 3 x2 x1
4. 120
5x4 x 3 x 2 x 1
5. 720
6x5x 4x 3 x 2 x |
6. 5,040
7x6x 5x4x 3 x 2 x 1
7. 7! 40,320
4 x3 x2 x 1
8 x 7 x 6 x5 x
8. 362,880
x 3x2 x 1
9! 9x 8 x 7x6x 5 x 4
9 3,628,800
5 x4 x 3 x 2 x 1
10! 10 x 9 x8 x 7 x6 x

covered under bino

The important formulas
Key Formulae of Permutations mial theorem formula are
as follows:
n!=n x (n- 1)! a"-'b+"C, a' 62
" n!= l x 2x3 x ... X nor " (atby ="Cha" t "C, b"
" n!=n(n -1) (n -2)! (provided t... +"C,-1 "C,
" 0! = l!=1 " (a+ b)y" =k= 0k
" "C= n!k! (n-k)!
"P, (n-r)!,0srsn
n! n! Middle Term in the Expansion of (a + b)"
= n!
np. (n-n)!'0! " ifnis even, then in the expansion of
n! n!
(a+by', the middle term is +1
"P (n-0)! n!

Key Formulae of Combinations Ifn is odd, then in the expansion of

"Co ="C, =1 n+1
(a+ by, the middle terms are 2

"C,= "P.
term and term.

"C, ="C,-y ="t'C, Power of iota ()

" r"C,-1 =(0-r+1y'C,-| The value of i' =-1 is the fundamental aspect of
complex number.

" z- Z,if zis purely real

" z+ 0 zis purely imaginary

(Yy- (|y" =|
,4n (i'"= (-|"=
,Z, 0

" z.7 {Re (z)} +{Im (z)}

" z Z; Z z, 2 Re (Z z) = 2Re (z, Z, )
Algebraof " Ifz =f(z), then ~ =f(7)
+(c+ id)
" Addition: (a =(atc)+ i(b+ d) (Z)" = (z")
+ ib) - (c+ id)
Subtraction: (a=(a-c) Modulus of a Complex Number
+ i(b-d)
number. Then, the
Let z = xt iy be a complex
Multiplication: (a+ib)\c +id)
i(ad + bc) positive square root of the sum of
square of real
= (ac - bd) + modulus
number: part and square of imaginary part is called
complex denoted by 2 i.e.
Division by a non-zero (absolute values) of z and it is
bc - ad
ac+ bd + id) * 0
c+d22+d2 (c+ |zl=y'+y
Complex Numbers Properties of Modulusof a Complex Number
numbers z and z,, the fol |z|20
For any two complex can be given: z=0i.e. Re (z) = 0= Im (z)
lowing algebraic identities " If| z|=0, then
(z) s|z|
-zs Re (z)s |z|and-|z|< Im
" 1:=|7| -|-z|=|-7|
-(4)-(z tz,)21 -2) z.7=|z|'
" Gjtzy'=(,+3(:)'z, +3(%2)'2, +

Conjugate of Complex Number

said to 2Re(4~,)
Let,z=xtiy, if 'iis replaced by (-), thenand it is |z t z,'=|z+|z, +
De conjugate of the complex
number z "
|z-z,=|z +|22-2Re(37,)
denoted by 7,ie. Z =I- iy "
Properties of Conjugate
" |2-z >|z||-1z2l
" (7) =z +
bz, azz=(a'+b)(lz, 12
" 2+7 = 2 Re (z), z -7 = 2i lm (z) " laz - bz,|
+|z) Argument of z is not unique, general value of the
In particular, argument of zis 2nn + 0, but arg(0) is not
" |-z+|z +z,= 2(|z/' +|zz) The unique value of0, such that-n<0 SIis deficalnedlcd
the principal value of the amplitude or principal
" |z z = |zP+|zP 1 is purely Principal Value of Argument
inaginary. " ifx> 0 and y> 0, then arg (z) =0
" ifx <0 and y>0, then arg (z) = T-9
Argument of a complx Number " ifx <0 and y<0, then arg (z) =T-0)
The angle made by line joining point z to the " ifx> 0 and y<0, then arg (z) =-0
with the positive direction of X-axis in an anti
clockwise sense is called
alled argument
argument or
or amplitude
amplitude Polar Form of a Complex Number
of complex number. It is denoted by the symbol The polar
arg(z) or amp(2). form of acomplex number zxtiy with
coordinates (x, v) is given as z =r cos + ir sin 9
arg (z) == tan =r (cos +i sin ), where r==
+y') and 6
Imaginary * tan-!
Bz(x + iv)


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