Hospital Management
Hospital Management
Hospital Management
### Features:
- The system allows adding patient records, including name, age, gender, blood group, address,
and contact information.
2. *Display Patients:*
- Shows patient details including name, age, gender, blood group, address, and contact
3. *Delete Patient:*
- Enables the removal of a patient's data from the system by entering the patient's name.
4. *Menu-Based System:*
- *Data Storage:*
- Patient information is stored in parallel arrays (string and int) for different attributes such as
name, age, gender, blood group, address, and contact.
- Arrays are used to manage a maximum number of patients (MAX_PATIENTS) defined in the
- *Functions:*
- addPatient(): Prompts the user to enter patient information using cin and stores it in the arrays.
1. Upon running the program, the user is presented with a menu displaying available options.
4. To display all patient records, the system presents the stored patient information.
5. To delete a patient, the user enters the name of the patient they wish to remove from the system.
This summary covers the key aspects, functionalities, and implementation details of the Hospital
Management System in C++.