Analyse 1- Série 2

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University of Algiers 1 First Year

Faculty of Sciences Course : Analysis 1

Department of Mathematics Academic year 2024/2025

Series of exercises N◦ 2: SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS

Exercice 1. Which of the following assertions are true? Justify correct ones and give a counter example
for each incorrect assertion.

1. If a sequence converges, then it is monotone and bounded.

2. If (un ) is bounded, then it is convergent.

3. If (un ) is convergent and (vn ) is divergent, then (un + vn ) is divergent.
4. If (un ) is convergent and (vn ) is divergent, then (un × vn ) is divergent.
5. If (un ) and (vn ) are both divergent then so is (un + vn ).
6. If (un ) and (vn ) are both divergent, then so is(un × vn ) .
7. If (un ) converge to l, then (un2 ) converge to l.
8. If a subsequences (u2n ) and (u2n+1 ) are both convergent, then so is (un ) .
Exercice 2. By using (ε, N0 ) definition of the limit, show that:

ln (1 + en ) 1
lim = , , lim 32n−1 = +∞
n→+∞ 2n 2 n→+∞

Exercice 3. Determine the limits of the following sequences

√ n
an = n4 + 3n − 1 − n2 , bn = (1 + n1 )n , cn = ln(n+e
2n+(−1) n √
dn = 5n+(−1) n+1 , en = ln(n!)
, n+1
vn = n ln( √n−1 ),
Pn E (n+ 12 )
gn = (n+1)!+(n+2)!
, h n = n
2 k=1 E(kx), vn =  1 2  .
E (n− 2 )

Exercice 4. Discuss the convergence or divergence of:

X n bnxc
1. un = , 2. un = avec x, α ∈ R,
n2 +k nα

Exercice 5. Let a, b be two real numbers such that 0 < a < b. We consider the sequences (un ) and (vn )
that satisfy the following conditions
u0 = a v0 = b
√ et
un+1 = un vn vn+1 = un +v

1. Show that, for every n ∈ N, un ≤ vn .

2. Show that, the sequence (un ) is increasing and that the sequence (vn ) is decreasing. Deduce that both
sequences are convergent.

3. Show that, the sequences (un ) and (vn ) have the same limit.
Exercice 6. I) Let (un ) be an increasing sequence with a limit l ∈ R. For all n ≥ 1, we define
u1 + u2 + u3 + · · · + un
vn =
1. Prove that (vn ) is increasing. Hint: Check that (nun+1 − nk=1 uk ) ≥ 0.
2. Show that (vn ) is bounded, and conclude that (vn ) is convergent.

Exercice 7. Let us Consider the sequence (un ) defined by:

n + 1 X 2k 2 22 2n
∗ n+1
∀n ∈ N un = n+1 = n+1 + + ... +
2 k=1
k 2 1 2 n

1. Prove that for every n ∈ N∗ , one has

un+1 = (un + 1)
2(n + 1)

2. Prove by induction that:

∀n ≥ 4, un >
3. Study the monotonicity of the sequence (un )n≥4 .
4. Dduce that, the sequence (un )n≥1 is convergent and determine its limit.

Exercice 8. We consider the recursive sequence (un ) defined by:

0 < u0 < 1
un+1 = un +u

1. Show that for all n ∈ N, 0 < un < 1.

2. If the sequence (un ) is convergent, what values can the limit take?
3. Show that the sequence (un ) is convergent.
4. Which one the possible limits is the limit of (un )?
Exercice 9. 1) Show that the sequence (un ) given below is a Cauchy sequence
1 1 1 1
un = 2
+ 2 + 2 + ··· + 2
2 3 4 n
Hint: Use n12 6 n−1
− n1 .
Let us Consider the sequences (wn ) and (xn ) defined as:
n n
X 1 1 1 1 X 1 1 1 1
wn = = + + ··· + , xn = = + + ··· +
k 1 2 n k=2
ln k ln 2 ln 3 ln n

2. Show that the sequences (wn ) and (xn ) are not Cauchy sequences.
3.Show that (wn ) and (xn ) tend to +∞.

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